exfat sd card 64 gb not detected.......................help plz - General Questions and Answers

i have a note 3 sm n900L..i bought an sd card Sandisk 64 gb micro SDHC...the phone doesn't detect it..i tried many roms...phronesisones v7.....original kitkat firmware...original loliloop................but ..it doesnt detct it...i tried the sdcard on other phones..its working perfectly...also on computer it is working perfectly.............plz helpppp

I don't think your chipset supports xdhc cards.Only the snapdragon hlte variant does due to data read write speeds varying.
Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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Any luck running a 64GB MicroSD after ICS [leak or OTA]..?

Title self explanatory..
32gb is enough for that normal phone
Yeah man, not sure about a 64 but my 32 class 4 runs smooth on the A2...and I've had it in about 2 other devices...
Sent From My Motorola Atrix 2/MB865 Running SwiftyTrix v1.3. (OTA ICS 4.0.4)
Just out of curiousity..anyone got one in their ATRIX 2s??
may b wrong section !!
shouldn't this be in "accessories" section ??
I can't even get my Sandisk 32gb class 4 to work with my Atrix 2. I couldn't imagine a 64gb working with it.
Maribou said:
I can't even get my Sandisk 32gb class 4 to work with my Atrix 2. I couldn't imagine a 64gb working with it.
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Rally?? ATM I am using my 32 GB c10 uhs1 card. Its running fine. Nol issues!
NHS2008 said:
Rally?? ATM I am using my 32 GB c10 uhs1 card. Its running fine. Nol issues!
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Yeah, I have had nothing but problems with it. If I go into mass storage mode it get corrupted within a few minutes of me transferring files over. So i decided to use a sd adapter and just transfer that way. It worked, but after about an hour it says I have inserted a blank SD card and it wants me to format it. Then when I format it, it never mounts. I have to reboot to get it to mount again. Maybe a faulty card. I dunno.
NHS2008 said:
Rally?? ATM I am using my 32 GB c10 uhs1 card. Its running fine. Nol issues!
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Yeah, I too am running 32 GB Class 10 Samsung MMC. No problems till now!
I've been running smoothly with a SanDisk 64GB SDXC for years.

MicroSD issue with stock Sprint ROM

I have a issue with microSD card with the stock rom (jb4.1.2, sprint).
When I insert my 32gb samsung class 10, the phones tell me that is corrupted.
I have formatted with PC (windows 8.1), with the phone (in android, not in recovery) but same issue.
I also run chkdsk from windows to fix the problem, but nothing..
The only way to get my SD working is mount and remount from android settings until it makes a strange "mount loop" and to the end phone accept the card.
Every reboot or every time I get out the card I have the same issue.
I also have issue with spotify: aftero 400 / 500 MB of downloaded cache it tell me the memory is finished.. but I got 10gb left in sd and 2 in internal.. I think issues are connected.
Have you tried a different SD card? Perhaps that card is in fact corrupt.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
arrrghhh said:
Have you tried a different SD card? Perhaps that card is in fact corrupt.
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
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With CyanogenMod (10.2 and 11) works perfectly on my phone, with my old desire Z works.. The problem is only with original sprint rom..
Test: 64mb microSD works ok.. (don't ask me why I have 64mb microSD )
New test: my brother's 64gb kingstone class 10 works perfectly, my samsung 32gb class 10 on my brother's huawei p1 with CM10 works perfectly..

[Q] SD Card 64GB for Moto G 4G (XT1039)?

Can you tell me if it is possible to male fully functioning 64GB SD card on a Moto G 4G (XT1039)?
Normally it is 32 GB but I read messages on the web saying that 64 MB would be possible on this mobile...
If so, what are the types or brands to avoid or better to buy ?
FYI, I am under Android 4.4.4 originally installed on that mobile.
Thanks in advance for your help.
i had a 64gb card in mine for awhile until it corrupted (cost £4) so was all due to it being cheap and unbranded
however it did function properly but you have to used a program called RMPrepUSB to format it to FAT32 so it can be seen by the phone
all you cant transfer many apps over to any SD card due to the framework( i think) developers use , it prevents you from moving it off the phone storage
also avoid buying UHS SD Cards as the moto g cannot operate at UHS speeds , so a class 10-4 should do
I have 64gb samsung memory card and it's working great. Best way how to avoid problems with your card is for fist time format it by your phone.
Caco321 said:
I have 64gb samsung memory card and it's working great. Best way how to avoid problems with your card is for fist time format it by your phone.
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Thanks a lot for your answer ! Could you send me the references of your 64 Go Samsung SD card, please ?
No risk that it will not be recognized correctly under Android 5.x ?
Furthermore, I can't find a 64 Gb Samsung micro SD card with Class 10 without UHS ? There is Class 6 without UHS and Class 10 with UHS... Any idea about the model which fits well the Moto 4G 1st generation (XT 1039) with Android 4.4.4 and Android 5.x ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
What do you think about the answers in the Motorola forum : https://forums.motorola.com/posts/cfe58e3647?commentId=943250#943250 ?
People don't recommand 64 Gb microSD cards there...
gperrot said:
What do you think about the answers in the Motorola forum : https://forums.motorola.com/posts/cfe58e3647?commentId=943250#943250 ?
People don't recommand 64 Gb microSD cards there...
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That's a load of rubbish. If a 32gb card works than there is no reason a 64gb won't.
Sent from my MotoE2(4G-LTE) using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 PM ----------
Also whether the card is UHS or not shouldn't matter. UHS cards are faster but not in the moto g but it shouldn't affect compatibility.
Sent from my MotoE2(4G-LTE) using Tapatalk
I bought Samsung card, because in that time was problem with other cards. But that was sorted with update about year ago. This is my card http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00J29FF4G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1434319415&sr=8-1&keywords=samsung+64gb+micro+sd
Anyway since apps are in internal memory any card from class 6 up should be OK .

Report if your MicroSD card works

Just reporting in that the Redmi Note 3 Pro supports the 64GB Samsung Evo+ after it is formatted to FAT32.
Also 128GB Evo as fat32
I formatted my Transcend 64GB as FAT32 but it was not recognized by the phone - it said SD was damaged and offered to format it. So i let it format, it works perfectly.
My Kingston 64 GB card is also working with FAT32 format !
A little off topic, anybody can test if redmi note 2 tool for ext4 mounting works? I guess these feature is connected only to miui and not to hardware. I can't for now because of lack of root on dev Chinese
SanDisk 64GB MicroSD (48MB/s)
Frty&dr said:
A little off topic, anybody can test if redmi note 2 tool for ext4 mounting works? I guess these feature is connected only to miui and not to hardware. I can't for now because of lack of root on dev Chinese
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It's connected to the platform, so no, it won't work with the Pro (Although it should work with the MTK variant).
However my Pro is on the way, and I plan to use my SD Card with ext4 there, so I will probably make a "Redmi Note 3 Pro Tool", or something.
Lexar 64 gb work fine
Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 3 utilizzando Tapatalk
Hey mister Xmister, just asking, are you working on rn tool3? it would be really useful
I'm thinking about it, but the fact that one needs unlocking for root implies that there won't be many users willing to do it for ext4.
Quite many had unlocked already or will. Fat is slow and unpractical and xiaomi didn't learn a thing. App with only ext format and mount would be very helpful. Maybe some support for Xmister xda users?
Check video on youtube, it can easily support 200 GB
Sandisk 200gb
manudroide said:
Lexar 64 gb work fine
Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 3 utilizzando Tapatalk
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My problem at the Redmi Note 3 is that I can not put the SIM and SD collectively in the slot. I do not know whether for my phone there and a different slot.
The phone is Redmi Note 3 3GH, 32GB MTK ..
Does anyone know anything about that?
goro60 said:
My problem at the Redmi Note 3 is that I can not put the SIM and SD collectively in the slot. I do not know whether for my phone there and a different slot.
The phone is Redmi Note 3 3GH, 32GB MTK ..
Does anyone know anything about that?
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No slot card is present for mtk version. Card slot is only available for Snapdragon version
Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 3 utilizzando Tapatalk
64gb sd card works flawlessly..confirmed
Integral 128GB UltimaPro MicroSDXC seems to work ok, very fast access, good card for the price:
Only it's displaying size at 116.99 GB, I used the phone to format it, so that could be the issue, I'm waiting on a delivery of a new Transcend Card Reader, so I can't use windows to format it yet, hopefully that will fix it.
Toshiba microSDXC UHS-I 128 Gb 90 MB/s was formatted in NTFS, recognized without problems. NextApp SDFix solve all problems with write/read.
i've done a backup with alka recovery and the recovery corrupted the file system of my sd card
strontium nitro 64gb working, formatted as fat32
doesnt work when formatted as ntfs or exfat

galaxy note 3....exfat sd card 64 gb not detected.......................help plz

i have a note 3 sm n900L..i bought an sd card Sandisk 64 gb micro SDHC...the phone doesn't detect it..i tried many roms...phronesisones v7.....original kitkat firmware...original loliloop................but ..it doesnt detct it...i tried the sdcard on other phones..its working perfectly...also on computer it is working perfectly............i have an other sd card 2gb its working fine in the phone.........................................................plz helpppp
See your identical posts .
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