[Tutorial] How to get 14hours of Screen On Time! - Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Guides, News, & Discussion

I'm in HAVOC 2.0 OFFICIAL (Pie), but it will work with ANY custom rom. If you don't have the 1st option Smart Pixels in "Havoc Settings" ('cause you're using another Custom Rom) you can use the app: "Pixoff: Battery Saver" or similar...
1 - Havoc Settings > Screen > Turn on Smart Pixels (62% of pixels disabled), and increase the brightness just a little to compensate.
2 - Use Greenify along with Greenify4Magisk module to freeze all GCM apps.. But you can just disable GCM and other stuff in "MyAndroidTools Pro" by yourself decreasing the need of freezing unnecessary apps... but you have to understand how android works or you will break your system (USE WITH CAUTION). (A 1 million dollar tip here: Disable things like "analytics", "gms", "GCM" (if you're not finding those words tick this icon "<-->" to expand the service names..
P.S.: Only play with Third Party apps... Don't mess with system apps!
3 - Use Naptime to make Doze mode work properly...
4 - Use AfWall+ to block all apps that don't use internet to leak data and hog your battery unnecessarily.
Extra Magisk modules I'm using:
- AdGuardDNS Adblocker (unofficial)
- Sysconfig Patcher (sp) helps to doze Google Play Services and system apps that hogs battery...
- Swap Torpedo -> to SPEED memory.. my old devices 1gb ram runs blazing fast with this and it works so f**cking good in Note 5 aswell..
* You can turn all animations off systemwide and your experience will be better IMHO
You can tell me if it worked or not.. But I'm getting 14hours of SCREEN ON TIME. :victory::laugh:
In the screenshot below I was in 7h39mins of Screen On Time with 50%... I'm just sharing all these stuff 'cause I finally manage to have a GREAT battery life. I used to mess with Amplify app once and didn't have so good experiences (Phone app missing calls and whatsapp doesn't showing notifications), but maybe someone else manage to get a better SOT than mine, using it properly..

Nice share
But usually the SOT is not the similar that you would get from 100 to 50 % battery and from 50 to 0 % battery. So it's not fair to say the SOT would double by sharing a screenshot of 100 to 50 % of usage.

Kirankj1724 said:
Nice share
But usually the SOT is not the similar that you would get from 100 to 50 % battery and from 50 to 0 % battery. So it's not fair to say the SOT would double by sharing a screenshot of 100 to 50 % of usage.
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If my usage will keep the same (4G always on: Whatsapp + Opera (facebook site mainly) + Instagram + editing photos on Snapseed + gallery), my estimated SOT is 12-14 hours.. I will post a new 100% test screenshot to prove you.
I mean, if the mAh consumption will keep the same over the same kind of usage, it's easy to trace a statistic number over it. Ok ok.. You want proof, just test it and tell me.. I had to plug the phone in PC to install some last apks.. But tonight was my final installs and tomorrow I will test it from 100% to almost 0%

Getting 11 hours of SOT on Revolution OS & Insigniux kernel and no tweaks at all. My usage consists of a lot of YouTube, reading books on the Kindle app, playing some games, and the usual social media (whatsapp, twitter, instagram). I also listen to a lot of music via bluetooth headset (about 5 hours per day). The phone lasts almost 2 days with such a usage. So yeah, I think this is more than enough for the average user such as myself, no need for all the hassle you posted above. It's really unnecessary.At this point, this is just turning to a "who has the best SOT" battle. Even 7/8 hours of SOT is something great for this device, while 800/1000$ flagships are struggling to push over 5 hours of SOT.

Thanks a lot for the time spent writing this. Would you have more information about the firmware and kernel you're using ?

First, to everyone that read OP, realize there are some inaccuracies. Sorry man.
Smart pixel settings and apps like PixOff only save battery for OLED displays. HAVOK OS is available for multiple devices and this feature is beneficial for devices with OLED displays, but does not make a difference to LCDs.
Our phone has an LCD display which cannot actually "turn off" a pixel . It consumes the same amount of battery no matter what color it displays. Display brightness makes the biggest difference in display battery consumption.
So by turning on "smart pixel" and increasing the brightness you are actually HURTING your battery life overall.
Secondly, you only tested from 100-50%. You will ALWAYS get vastly more battery life from the top 50% than the bottom, because batteries voltage does not drop linearly, it is chemical reaction that is actually quite hard to measure accurately.
There have been many times where I was "getting 14-15 hours SOT" in the top half, but then watch as your battery drops from 40-20 from only 1 hour of light use. I can almost promise you this guy won't actually get more than 11 hours by the time he hits 0.
Use it from 100-0 at least 10 times , showing 13-14 hours of SOT and I will actually believe you are on to something.

On MiUI I already can achieve close to 14 hours SOT, but that is within 1 day 10 hours usage. Usually I get 11-13 hours only within 1+ day usage. On AOSP, specificly RR 6.2.0, I easily reach 4-5 hours SOT by 70% (which I usually charge it already), 15 hours if interpolated to 2 days usage. 10 hours SOT is almost guaranteed. Last test is 13 hours SOT within 2 days 2 hours. If you want to see what is the configuration and usage, just check the link. I prefer to state my configuration and usage during the test, to show any possible different variable.
1. SmartPixel AFAIK is useless in IPS LCD. I would prefer the full maximum resolution as not to downgrade my user experience
2. I don't use any greenify, simply use the battery optimization from android. I whitelist several apps : Automagic, GMD gesture, Whatsapp, MiXplorer. I never clean my recent/RAM. I remove the "nuke button" from the configuration.
4. I don't know starting from which version, but since Nougat 7.0+, we have the setting to restrict data usage for each app in the app info. I simply create a flow to automagically open the app info everytime I install new app and decide whether to restrict the internet usage or not.
For ads, I just use hosts based - adaway. I don't limit play services, just let it run normally. I don't tweak much on the RAM side, but I adjust the minfree on every reboot (using automagic) to the lower value than default by RR. This is to let more apps stay on RAM as long as possible.
I don't want to limit the phone's perfomance to ridiculous level. Smartphone are meant to be used. The battery used is the proof we enjoy technology. Of course if the drain is unusual and wasted, we have to troubleshoot and find the culprit, as I have done in the wifi deep sleep drain bug. But other than those exception, I want the full user experience I can get from my phone.
SOT Variation
SOT is kinda non standard way to measure the usage. It varies depends on the user habit and usage behaviour. I am using dual SIM with good signal in most of the time, no microsd. Common usage :
- idle with no internet : 0,3-0,4%/hour
- idle with wifi : 0,5%/hour
- idle with LTE : 0,6-0,7%/hour
- Screen on dim (brightness < 10%) : 5%/hour (outside of idle drain)
- screen on bright (brighntess > 80%) : 10%/hour (outside of idle drain)
- Play game : Depends on game, it can consume 8-20%/hour
Using basic math, If 25% are used for the idle with wifi, I can get 25% / 0,5%/hour = 50 hours usage. 75% for screen dimmed, I can get 75% / 5%/hour = 15 hours. So 15 hours SOT is possible within 2 days usage. This interpolate nicely with my 70% 4-5 hours SOT.
But If I use the phone outdoor and the brightness increase, I can only get half of that, 7,5 hours SOT only within the same 2 days. Or maybe 9 hours SOT within 20 hours usage. If I have bad signal, it will reduce even further, 5-6 hours SOT only. Playing heavy game (PUBG) usually reduce the SOT by half too. So playing PUBG in dimmed brightness will consume 10%/hour and in brighter, 20%/hour. Increasing/decreasing the graphic also modify the drain per hour. Usually playing heavy game result in max 5-7 hours SOT only. But sometimes I can still get projected SOT around 10 hours, depends on what game I play and how many hours I played it.
Taking it to the extreme, we can spare 10% for the wifi idle, giving 20 hours usage and 90% for screen, giving 18 hours SOT. Which mean we can achieve 18 hours SOT within 20 hours usage. I am quite addicted to the phone. I use it for browsing, learning language, reading ebook, watching video, designing flow in automagic, usually without any gaming. But even then, it is very difficult to use the phone straight for 18 hours within those 20 hours (without gaming).
It is very difficult for me in usual daily activity to test the battery life till 1%. I usually have to plugged the phone for screen mirroring or transfer data. It will skew the battery usage then. I also usually just charge the phone at around 60-70, sometimes higher, sometimes lower.
At this kind of battery life and perfomance (SD636), I am very happy with current usage without the need to tweak so much again. Just use your phone as usual and only troubleshoot the battery life if something drain too much without doing anything useful. Enjoy your smartphone.


The Big Battery Statistics Thread

I have been curious about the battery life across roms, people's typical usage, total battery life times, applications which use the
most power, etc, so I thought it would be informative and semi fun if people posted their stats in this thread.
To try to make this as baseline as possible some standards have to be established.
1. Make sure your battery is properly calibrated.
2. Charge the phone overnight.
3. Start using your phone in the morning and do not charge throughout the day
4. When your battery hits ~5% record your statistics in the template below.
If there are any other useful stats you think I am forgetting, let me know. But for now copy and paste the template below.
Unplugged For:9hrs 57 mins
Display Time On: 1h 50mins
Top 3 Applications %:
Voice Calls 19%
Cell Standby 15%
Phone Idle 8%
Rom Build: Cognition 2.1.5
Kernel Version: 2.6.29 [email protected] Voodoo lagfix 3.0 v1.9
Baseband Version: JH7
Lagfix: Yes
Background: black still wallpaper
GPS (mild/medium/heavy): none
Wifi: none
Internet: medium
Email: heavy
Text: heavy
Voice: mild
This has been tried many times before. There is no way to get battery stats when everyone's use pattern is so different:
* What widgets are running?
* Email push or pull? Sync?
* Sync off during off peak hours? What times? What days?
* Signal strength throughout the day? (HUGE HUGE HUGE battery influence) NOT BARS but dbM
* Complete list of programs installed
* Running programs (must be recorded a few times during the day)
* Screen Brightness
* BT (paired, in use, A2DP, etc)
* What is "Heavy, medium, light" for text, email, voice, web, movies, music?
Smartphones have gotten so smart that there are to many variables to achieve any useful trending this way. Voice minutes are quatifiable, but that is greatly influenced by signal strength.
suppose you are right. it should be the following:
Battery Life:
I can't get consistent results at all.
What is the longest time you've ran your phone without charging?
This is mine. Stock JH7 (minimal web, used for email/text/phone over time period only) Battery was at 10%
3 email accounts. All push
I adjust brightness. It was set all the way down.
NoLED for notifications. 5 minute display window. Only activated when on silent/vibrate. Phone was on silent/vibrate 8 hours for 3 different days.
Less than 10 minutes of GPS testing
Too many programs installed to count (50+)
I was really shooting for 72 hours, but I had an important call in the morning so I had to charge it.
Mine got a lot better after JH7. I can use it all day and have 30-45% when I plug it in before bed. I used to have to be careful and/or plug it in at the office. Beyond that, well, it varies a lot day-to-day.
im about to flash froyo ....hop that makes my bat life better
I get a quarter of a day before I switch batteries.
OTOH on days with no WiFi available, the battery lasts a half day (12 hours).
Battery life is better than the Moto and Nokia I had previously.
Unplugged For:24hrs 58 mins
Display Time On: 1h 26mins
Top 3 Applications %:
display 58%
wifi 22%
cell standby 13%
at 58% battery. froyo + root / oclf
Shouoldn't we use an app for that?

Obsessed with getting maximum battery usage for sensation

I would like to create a a definitive guide (best Practices) to get the maximum amount of battery out of the Sensation. Coming from a LG G2x I'm finding this battery is actually equal or worse and since rooting and removing bloatware currenty seems impossible, then customizing this phone has to be within the realm of stock apps and settings..
My Experience
Using Battery monitor widget, I'm typically getting -200 ~ -300 mAh usage whenever the phone is being used, it will drop down to -30 mAh at its lowest in idle, but no where like the G2x of 5-10 mAh or -2mAh for Vibrant (in idle)..
My goal is to have this phone last 24-36 hours regularly (if possible) ... Right now I'm getting 12-18 hours, with moderate use.. 20 ~30 minutes calls..
Here are the steps I've tried to improve life, in order or decreasing effect.
General Tips/Steps to imporve
Turn off All Syncing (use power widget to toggle as needed)
Check Settings >> Accounts & Sync >> [disable auto sync]
Set Screen timeout to 15sec
Set brightness to < 15%
Check Settings >> Power >> Turn on most or all the power saving features in this menu.
Remove (or reduce) number of widgets that need to poll data (includes clock/weather, stocks, social feeds, etc)
Turn off Bluetooth, GPS (when not needed, again use Power widget to toggle)
Enable Wifi calling (yes wifi calling saves battery especially in low 3/4G signal areas)
Use camera sparingly (by far biggest battery hog)
Useful apps or widgets
General apps / widgets and tips to have
Add Power widget to home page (for quick toggling)
Install Battery monitor widget for charting battery usage.
Juicedefender or Green Power from appstore and let them help manage power
Things to share
Please add your suggestions, and tell us your
max. battery time, between re-charges.
What are your battery usage stats , what is the biggest battery drain my in screen 60%
your best practices
Lets all share our best practices..
The best things I've found to improve battery life.. Use Juice Defender pro, and set schedules, let it turn off all the battery hogs...
Dam I wish I could remove the bloatware especially that Navigation package.
wow you are severely gimping your phone to get the most battery life. I'm happy with 12-14 hours with heavy usage
tbrandao said:
I would like to create a a definitive guide (best Practices) to get the maximum amount of battery out of the Sensation. Coming from a LG G2x I'm finding this battery is actually equal or worse and since rooting and removing bloatware currenty seems impossible, then customizing this phone has to be within the realm of stock apps and settings..
My Experience
Using Battery monitor widget, I'm typically getting -200 ~ -300 mAh usage whenever the phone is being used, it will drop down to -30 mAh at its lowest in idle, but no where like the G2x of 5-10 mAh or -2mAh for Vibrant (in idle)..
My goal is to have this phone last 24-36 hours regularly (if possible) ... Right now I'm getting 12-18 hours, with moderate use.. 20 ~30 minutes calls..
Here are the steps I've tried to improve life, in order or decreasing effect.
General Tips/Steps to imporve
Turn off All Syncing (use power widget to toggle as needed)
Check Settings >> Accounts & Sync >> [disable auto sync]
Set Screen timeout to 15sec
Set brightness to < 15%
Check Settings >> Power >> Turn on most or all the power saving features in this menu.
Remove (or reduce) number of widgets that need to poll data (includes clock/weather, stocks, social feeds, etc)
Turn off Bluetooth, GPS (when not needed, again use Power widget to toggle)
Enable Wifi calling (yes wifi calling saves battery especially in low 3/4G signal areas)
Use camera sparingly (by far biggest battery hog)
Useful apps or widgets
General apps / widgets and tips to have
Add Power widget to home page (for quick toggling)
Install Battery monitor widget for charting battery usage.
Juicedefender or Green Power from appstore and let them help manage power
Things to share
Please add your suggestions, and tell us your
max. battery time, between re-charges.
What are your battery usage stats , what is the biggest battery drain my in screen 60%
your best practices
Lets all share our best practices..
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Umm... Why exactly do you have a smartphone if you are disabling every single thing that makes it a smartphone? If you want great battery life return the Sensation and buy a phone that does nothing but call and text.
Without disabling anything I am able to get through a 13 hour shift at work with texting all through and internet, youtube, etc during my breaks (~1-1.5 hours) with around 60-70% battery left. Then last week I used GPS with Navigation and screen brightness at 100 for the hour and a half drive home and I still had around 30% battery when I got home. (I was trying to kill the battery on the drive btw). I think all that is pretty damn good for a phone as powerful and with a screen as big as the Sensation.
tbrandao said:
I would like to create a a definitive guide (best Practices) to get the maximum amount of battery out of the Sensation. Coming from a LG G2x I'm finding this battery is actually equal or worse and since rooting and removing bloatware currenty seems impossible, then customizing this phone has to be within the realm of stock apps and settings..
My Experience
Using Battery monitor widget, I'm typically getting -200 ~ -300 mAh usage whenever the phone is being used, it will drop down to -30 mAh at its lowest in idle, but no where like the G2x of 5-10 mAh or -2mAh for Vibrant (in idle)..
My goal is to have this phone last 24-36 hours regularly (if possible) ... Right now I'm getting 12-18 hours, with moderate use.. 20 ~30 minutes calls..
Here are the steps I've tried to improve life, in order or decreasing effect.
General Tips/Steps to imporve
Turn off All Syncing (use power widget to toggle as needed)
Check Settings >> Accounts & Sync >> [disable auto sync]
Set Screen timeout to 15sec
Set brightness to < 15%
Check Settings >> Power >> Turn on most or all the power saving features in this menu.
Remove (or reduce) number of widgets that need to poll data (includes clock/weather, stocks, social feeds, etc)
Turn off Bluetooth, GPS (when not needed, again use Power widget to toggle)
Enable Wifi calling (yes wifi calling saves battery especially in low 3/4G signal areas)
Use camera sparingly (by far biggest battery hog)
Useful apps or widgets
General apps / widgets and tips to have
Add Power widget to home page (for quick toggling)
Install Battery monitor widget for charting battery usage.
Juicedefender or Green Power from appstore and let them help manage power
Things to share
Please add your suggestions, and tell us your
max. battery time, between re-charges.
What are your battery usage stats , what is the biggest battery drain my in screen 60%
your best practices
Lets all share our best practices..
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Sorry but in all due respect this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Go buy a feature phone and it'll last as long as you need and do the same thing as your crippled Sensation.
I couldn't agree more. Why buy a smartphone if you are going to shut every single "smart" feature off. It isn't just the OP though. The manufacturers themselves recommend these kind of optimizations in their support pages.
Time to go shopping for a higher capacity battery...
Want the best battery life? Do all that you do... then turn it off for an hour, then on for an hour, then off for an hour, then on for an hour... just keep doing this and you'll DOUBLE your battery life
graffixnyc said:
Want the best battery life? Do all that you do... then turn it off for an hour, then on for an hour, then off for an hour, then on for an hour... just keep doing this and you'll DOUBLE your battery life
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GENIUS!!!! Or even 2 hours off and 1 hour on! Or 3 off! INFINITE POWER!!!
edit: wow those faces look funny with no spaces between them. I think I'll fix that
I'm just going to enjoy my device features and let the battery drain...
xnifex said:
wow you are severely gimping your phone to get the most battery life. I'm happy with 12-14 hours with heavy usage
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Why have this phone if your gonna cut off its balls. Plug it in when you go to bed....enjoy your Sensation the way it was meant to be enjoyed.....
I get 12-16 hours with fairly heavy use... Fantastic for a device like this.
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BOOM, just increased your battery life to 200%.
Keep one in your wallet, backpack, or wherever convenient.
Seriously, why not just actually use your phone and get a spare battery?
Turning brightness to the lowest setting works wonders. That's about all I've done, and I get 14 hours on average ...sometimes north of 17 hours. In general, if I get more than 12 hours out of my smartphone without disabling anything, I'm satisfied with that. 14, and I'm quite happy.
I tried Green Power free and while it seemed to help a bit, the difference for me was just too negligible to bother.
Just enjoy your for for now til you get sick of messing with it. After your sick of it, then start messing with the battery life. That will give something to do.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
He's just wants to know all the tricks jeez is like a list as well
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
When I bought Sensation I was simply conciliated with that I will charge battery every single day. That´s it. Don´t buy a smartphone if you want it to last more than 1,5 day. Let´s stop with this battery obsession and start enjoying this great phone.
I tend to use the smartphone on the go, you know like a cell phone, so I'm not always near a charger, and a cell phone (after all that's one of the things a smartphone should do) typically should last a day or two, and I think its possible... but like anything else this battery hungry device can be guided to being a little more miserly in its power consumption... ..
Just looking for advice.. but I'll take the snarky comments...
tbrandao said:
I tend to use the smartphone on the go, you know like a cell phone, so I'm not always near a charger, and a cell phone (after all that's one of the things a smartphone should do) typically should last a day or two, and I think its possible... but like anything else this battery hungry device can be guided to being a little more miserly in its power consumption... ..
Just looking for advice.. but I'll take the snarky comments...
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Honestly if you want a smartphone and good battery life get a BB. That's the only thing I miss about my BB is the 2 day battery life. Honestly these phones are getting more and more powerful by the day and battery technology needs to catch up. IMO I think they should stop cranking out new phones every month and focus on researching better battery technology then crank them out every month It just seems like phone hardware keeps getting more and more power hungry and batteries are staying the same. I carry a little tiny blade folding charger with me or an extra battery. I tried to find the smallest folding charger I could so I could just throw it in my jeans pocket and not even notice it.
to the OP
to the OP, I like you, have not had the initial good fortune of our Sensation-al brethren. 14-17 hours is a pipe dream cuz my phone, after 4 days, BARELY got me 5 hours of light use. Since you actually asked a question, and were trying to be helpful to others who were/are in your same boat, I will give you what I did. I went from 5 - 9 hours without cutting the mythical "balls" off the phone. lol. Use if you like. (taken from another post).
"unless i am misreading, there are a lot of people with great battery life, but there does not appear to be any serious use of the phone. checking fb twice, a few texts, in standby for several hours and two calls will not put any real stress on it IMO and from my experience. So I really don't know if I can use a lot of examples that I am readings as a true gauge.
I waited to get this phone to use it in its entirety. I got frustrated the other day with my first post in this thread because I got hammered on battery life this weekend and I did NOT do anything and I barely got five hours. So I made a few adjustments (detailed below) and i can say that I am on 9 hours/ 20 mins on one charge. I have 18% battery left. My stats:
display 80% (3 hours / 12 minutes time on)
cell standby 9%
calls 4%
phone idle 3%
maps 2%
I text, sent picture mail, used maps (with gps on), had pulse, fb, twitter, gmail and friendcaster sync'd in the background, took several pics and uploaded them, used tap-a-talk to read xda posts, and facebooked. From 5 hours to 9 - I'll take it. I am still not where i want to be, but this is the first day that i felt good about having this phone as my primary device. I hope to get to upwards of 14 hours like i see here in this thread. to get here today i had to do several things to improve my odds.
1. i did not want the signal jumping around so WCDMA only
2. installed advance task killer and set it to "when screen off" and "crazy."
3. installed ultimate juice defender.
4. dropped screen brightness to 80%
I will continue to drain the battery to almost nothing and let it fully charge. I will report back any positive or negative results."

[Q] About Battery Life

I have a question regarding battery life of the OPO. I'm still not sure whether I have a defective battery, or some apps drains my battery like crazy (or both?). I hope you can help me with this.
In the first 2 weeks since I got it, I use my OPO for mid to heavy activities (a lot of Whatsapp, Youtube, streaming music, etc). I always start the day with 100% battery and I thought it was normal to see the battery drops to at least 20% at the end of the day. To be honest, I didn't check the battery stats in Settings even once in this time frame, and due to my heavy usage, once again I thought this was normal.
Until one night I decided to plug the charger earlier than usual, unplug it around 11pm (w/ 100% battery), then I fell asleep. I was shocked the next morning (8am) when I saw the battery has decreased to 65% with no activities whatsoever. I check the battery usage in Settings and then saw Google Play Services (GPservice) at the top of the list with 45% usage, with "keep awake" time almost identical to total time on battery. I did some research and found some advice including 1) denying GPservice abilities to "keep awake" and "wake up" via privacy guard (from this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/general/guide-google-play-services-battery-t2832525), 2) turn off location, 3) turn off sync, but none of them seems the solution to my problem. Since then, I always check the battery usage and reset it, to see if GPservice still at the top. Sadly it still there. After I reset the stats, go to sleep directly and check it about 1 hour later, GPservice uses 40% - 60% of the battery usage, draining about 6% battery / hour.
With screen on a few minutes, it easily drops to 5th or 6th place with ~7% usage, with screen and main apps I use on the 1st and 2nd place. When I googled about this using Firefox, that's when I start worrying about something else, the battery itself. With wi-fi and low brightness (less than >20% if I convert it from the slide bar), browsing with Firefox decrease the battery 1% in 2-3 minutes, no or low usage drains 1% in about 5-6 minutes. In contrast, charging increase the battery 1% in 1 minute. Is that normal? IDK, usually bad battery increasing faster when charging and decrease significantly when in use.
Please help, especially about the excessive GPservice battery usage. And if it's possible, I prefer non-root solution for it. Thanks and sorry for my bad English.
OPO - stock rom (unrooted XNPH44S)
Google Play Services 6.7.76 (reverted back to 5.0.89 factory version but things pretty much the same)
cliffflip said:
I have a question regarding battery life of the OPO. I'm still not sure whether I have a defective battery, or some apps drains my battery like crazy (or both?). I hope you can help me with this.
In the first 2 weeks since I got it, I use my OPO for mid to heavy activities (a lot of Whatsapp, Youtube, streaming music, etc). I always start the day with 100% battery and I thought it was normal to see the battery drops to at least 20% at the end of the day. To be honest, I didn't check the battery stats in Settings even once in this time frame, and due to my heavy usage, once again I thought this was normal.
Until one night I decided to plug the charger earlier than usual, unplug it around 11pm (w/ 100% battery), then I fell asleep. I was shocked the next morning (8am) when I saw the battery has decreased to 65% with no activities whatsoever. I check the battery usage in Settings and then saw Google Play Services (GPservice) at the top of the list with 45% usage, with "keep awake" time almost identical to total time on battery. I did some research and found some advice including 1) denying GPservice abilities to "keep awake" and "wake up" via privacy guard (from this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/general/guide-google-play-services-battery-t2832525), 2) turn off location, 3) turn off sync, but none of them seems the solution to my problem. Since then, I always check the battery usage and reset it, to see if GPservice still at the top. Sadly it still there. After I reset the stats, go to sleep directly and check it about 1 hour later, GPservice uses 40% - 60% of the battery usage, draining about 6% battery / hour.
With screen on a few minutes, it easily drops to 5th or 6th place with ~7% usage, with screen and main apps I use on the 1st and 2nd place. When I googled about this using Firefox, that's when I start worrying about something else, the battery itself. With wi-fi and low brightness (less than >20% if I convert it from the slide bar), browsing with Firefox decrease the battery 1% in 2-3 minutes, no or low usage drains 1% in about 5-6 minutes. In contrast, charging increase the battery 1% in 1 minute. Is that normal? IDK, usually bad battery increasing faster when charging and decrease significantly when in use.
Please help, especially about the excessive GPservice battery usage. And if it's possible, I prefer non-root solution for it. Thanks and sorry for my bad English.
OPO - stock rom (unrooted XNPH44S)
Google Play Services 6.7.76 (reverted back to 5.0.89 factory version but things pretty much the same)
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Definitely sounds like somethings not right, what apps do you have that access or could potentially access your location? If you're still not having any luck, as a last resort you could try a fresh install of CM11S and install your apps one by one to see if you can determine if any are responsible for sucking battery.
Give the below app a try:
Install Gsam to see if you can gain any more insight into whats causing battery drain.
cliffflip said:
Until one night I decided to plug the charger earlier than usual, unplug it around 11pm (w/ 100% battery), then I fell asleep. I was shocked the next morning (8am) when I saw the battery has decreased to 65% with no activities whatsoever. I check the battery usage in Settings and then saw Google Play Services (GPservice) at the top of the list with 45% usage, with "keep awake" time almost identical to total time on battery.
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did you try to use this App: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1179809
there you can see which app prevents your phone from going to sleep (partial Wakelocks)
gsmyth said:
Definitely sounds like somethings not right, what apps do you have that access or could potentially access your location? If you're still not having any luck, as a last resort you could try a fresh install of CM11S and install your apps one by one to see if you can determine if any are responsible for sucking battery.
Give the below app a try:
Install Gsam to see if you can gain any more insight into whats causing battery drain.
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Maps, Google Fit, Google Now, among other things.
CMIIW but I read somewhere that GServicefix does the same like privacy guard, denying some service to keep awake, wake up, etc.
So I installed Gsam and run it about 1 hour. Interestingly in there, Kernel (Android OS) is on the top the % list with 60% usage (mostly phone in idle/sleep). When I switch sorting to Kernel Wakelocks, it shows event0-798 & event2-798 as the top 2 wakelocks with around 7000 wakelocks. I'll update in few hours, thanks.
drcyber said:
did you try to use this App: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1179809
there you can see which app prevents your phone from going to sleep (partial Wakelocks)
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From what I read on the Play Store description, Kitkat and above requires root?
cliffflip said:
Maps, Google Fit, Google Now, among other things.
So I installed Gsam and run it about 1 hour. Interestingly in there, Kernel (Android OS) is on the top the % list with 60% usage (mostly phone in idle/sleep). When I switch sorting to Kernel Wakelocks, it shows event0-798 & event2-798 as the top 2 wakelocks with around 7000 wakelocks. I'll update in few hours, thanks.
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Please post screenshot of gsam
Try clear cache+dalvic cache in recovery
Hi, sorry for the late reply.
It seems reboot the phone a few times solves the problem. Battery usage now seems normal when idle, even with location & sync turned on.

Some battery test results

Today did some basic tests to see how the batter compared to a Sony Z Ultra.
Be advised this is not a fair test, the ZU is 2 years old. While the device has been properly maintained and not stressed a lot, its still with a two year old battery.
Screen on ( ZU: 45%, X2: 50% ( brighter then ZU to compensate the battery somewhat )), no activity.
ZU: Lost about 11% in 75 minutes.
X2: Lost about 4% in 75 minutes.
At that rate the devices will last:
ZU: 11h15 minutes
X2: 31h10 minutes
Now this matches up with a review i read where they state that the X2 will last 35 hours with screen on.
The double to triple battery life seems to match up with the reviews i read before. Its powering a bigger screen, higher resolution, has more memory ( 3GB vs 2GB ), and still triple the ( 2 year old ) ZU, despite given a extra handicap with a high screen usage.
Some benches:
ZU: 39.900
X2: 49.200
About 25% better benchmark performance. Memory had clearly more bandwidth, faster internal flash, CPU score was a bit of a head breaker. Faster on multithread and float ( probably because of the 64 bit ) but slower in the single core ( pure ) integer performance.
If both devices are put next to each other, the ZU its color looks more washed ( grayish ) out compared to the X2. The X2's color are more stronger.
So far its a great ZU replacement.
Things i do not like: The screen has a higher output for everything ( everything looks bigger on the screen ) compared to the ZU where they reduced the rendering size for the font/etc, giving more content on the screen.
This needs a fix somehow ( do not know if this can be changed with a setting or needs a custom rom ).
That is it. Not a lot of time right now.
change dpi in build.prop if you are rooted.
If you are not rooted. run following command inside any terminal app :
- wm density xxx
- reboot device
where xxx is 170 to 400. keep changing it until you find are happy with resolution.
What is the standard DPI on the X2?
Flavio said:
What is the standard DPI on the X2?
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bark1234 said:
change dpi in build.prop if you are rooted.
If you are not rooted. run following command inside any terminal app :
- wm density xxx
- reboot device
where xxx is 170 to 400. keep changing it until you find are happy with resolution.
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Good advice, thanks.
Will changing the DPI affect all parts of the UI? For example, will the web browser show more content because the viewport will have been lengthened due to the smaller dot pitch?
I ask because I have installed third party launchers on my device that "simulate" a lower DPI by shrinking the size of text and icons on the home screen, but the magnification of all other apps is left unchanged.
aniym said:
Good advice, thanks.
Will changing the DPI affect all parts of the UI? For example, will the web browser show more content because the viewport will have been widened due to the smaller dot pitch?
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bark1234 said:
change dpi in build.prop if you are rooted.
If you are not rooted. run following command inside any terminal app :
- wm density xxx
- reboot device
where xxx is 170 to 400. keep changing it until you find are happy with resolution.
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Thanks for the tip Bark...
It did involve a bit more work then what was written above... You need to do a bunch of steps to conclude things to a good end. I made a little mini-guide to help people along:
Hope it helps. Btw: 280 rocks for this device... makes a lot of websites run into desktop made, and Chrome shows tabs. Turns it into more of a mini-pc... and with the big screen its still very readable!
Can you tell us which standard apps are incompatible with the 280DPI setting?
Do the dialer and contacts work? And settings?
Flavio said:
Can you tell us which standard apps are incompatible with the 280DPI setting?
Do the dialer and contacts work? And settings?
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So far there seems to be a bug with the navigation bar and landscape. In the sense that the navigation bar shows up but none of the icons show up ( and nothing reacts on the bar ). Not sure if its related to the 280dpi or not.
Some more battery numbers:
3h36min playing Fallout Shelter ( big battery eating game )
4.20min total screen time.
Battery loss: 44%
Benjiro said:
So far there seems to be a bug with the navigation bar and landscape. In the sense that the navigation bar shows up but none of the icons show up ( and nothing reacts on the bar ). Not sure if its related to the 280dpi or not.
Some more battery numbers:
3h36min playing Fallout Shelter ( big battery eating game )
4.20min total screen time.
Battery loss: 44%
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Great info thanks. Would you be able to post some screenshots of the UI and web browser so we can see the difference 280 DPI makes in terms of screen real estate? Thanks!
Flavio said:
Can you tell us which standard apps are incompatible with the 280DPI setting?
Do the dialer and contacts work? And settings?
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I have no problems at all with anything running the density at 280
aniym said:
Great info thanks. Would you be able to post some screenshots of the UI and web browser so we can see the difference 280 DPI makes in terms of screen real estate? Thanks!
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Here are some apps running at 280 DPI.
bark1234 said:
If you are not rooted. run following command inside any terminal app :
- wm density xxx
- reboot device
where xxx is 170 to 400. keep changing it until you find are happy with resolution.
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Seems to ask for writting permission:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
So to be rooted, isn't it?
Try to run from adb shell.
Djiban said:
Seems to ask for writting permission:
So to be rooted, isn't it?
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Djiban said:
Seems to ask for writting permission:
So to be rooted, isn't it?
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Do this:
Works perfect. Took me a hour to figure out those steps ( especially the missing driver! ). *lol*
Today finally did a full charge ( up to 90% ), with still 13% left. So in total been using the X2 from last week Thursday ( full charge to 97% on Thursday night at 20.30, with a small 10% extra charge-up on Saturday when it was connected to my USB for configuring ).
Did some navigation tests:
GPS: Fast lock-on even without A-GPS. Inside 3 meters from the window it found 4 sat's but no lock-on. Closer to the window got 12 sats with 10 in usage.
Cold start outside was done within several seconds, where it took my old HTC HD2 at times 3 or 4 minutes ( Hamburg = big building everywhere blocking the signal too much for my old HD2 its cold start )...
28 min driving with Sygic navigation, with 4G/Phone/GPS on had a battery drop of about 4% ( from 18 to 14% ).
Inside at my work, had GPS + 4G + Phone active during "sleep", drains the battery about 1 a 2% per hour. Probably the GPS trying to get the location while inside, what was draining the battery faster.
Biggest battery eater: Fallout Shelter... this eats battery like candy. I estimate that playing the game for 8 hours will drain the battery from 95% to 5% ... So that is good survivability. If all you do is comic book readying, i estimate that you can easily get 20h+ out of it.
Here are some power usage number over the last 6 days and half.
25/08 21.30: 100%
- Installing some software
- Wifi + Cell on all night
26/08 9.50: 93%
- Call 15 min
- Daily WeChat checks & talks
- Wifi ( useless, no connection ) + 2G + Cell on all day
26/08 17.44: 88%
- Some playing around
- Wifi + Cell on all night
27/08 9.22: 83%
- Call 15 min
- Lots of WeChat chatting
- Wifi ( useless, no connection ) + 2G + Cell on all day
27/08 17.23: 74%
- Wifi or 2G + Cell on all day, forgot to write down. Based upon the drop, i probably had 2G and no Wifi on.
28/08 9.22: 71%
- Some WeChat chatting & checking but low activity day
- 2G + Cell on all day
28/08 17.50: 69% << no joke .. only 2% that day??
... big gap, weekend. Forgot to write down numbers.
- Some software installing, playing round, internet usage, ... a bunch of things
- Wifi + Cell on all the time.
31/08: 08:00 ( Forgot to write down but it was in the 40% somewhere )
- GPS navigation for about 30 minutes in the car
- Wifi + 2G + Cell
31/08: 11.47 36%
- Chatting, etc ... you know the routine by now *lol*
- 2G + Cell all day
31/08 18.19: 31%
- 2G + Cell all night
01/08 9.50: 28%
In total my screen was on for about 5 hours according to the battery app but i have my doubts about the reporting. Sygic ( car navigation ) had run for a pure minimum of 30 minutes ( longer because i tested some things at home ), and this usage is not reported at all. And Sygic + GPS are medium/high power drainers.
My 4G/2G + Cell account for 24% of the power usage. Wifi accounts for 4%. My 5 hour screen time supposedly account for 4%...
Its not easy to get a perfect power profile because activities switch, or i forget to turn off the Wifi at work ( so its constantly wasting energy looking for a connection ), with then 4G/2G also active. Or forgetting to turn of the GPS after using the navigation.
In comparrison, my 2 year old Sony Z Ultra, this same type of activity ( minus any GPS usage because i tried to save the Sony Z Ultra from heavy work to extend its life ), resulted in about 2 days of work, before the battery started hitting close to 30 a 40% mark. At that moment i always charged up because it made me unconfortable.
On new battery, the Sony Z Ultra's life was closer to 2.5 days of activity. What is really not bad for a phone that big. Especially if we compare the battery life of most other smaller smartphone's from that time / era.
But the X2 so far is really trumping it massivly. If this was my ZU, showing 27% ( now ), i will have been like "o god, o god, need to charge it up" because its going to drain ( even doing nothing ). I do not have the same feeling with the X2.
And to be honest, i wasted a bunch of power because of the missing ability to automatically turn Wifi off, when your not near your home Wifi connection. So you end up with Wifi + xG active all the time outside. Love to install Trigger or any of the Xposed modules the moment it becomes available.
My estimate for tonight, when i officially hit day 7 ( 168 hours ), is that the phone will have 20% left. Hell, i can probably do another day and half with that. But i think that 20% is a good charge mark. Lower then that will damage the battery more easily ( if you keep low charging over time ).
Benjiro said:
Here are some power usage number over the last 6 days and half.
25/08 21.30: 100%
- Installing some software
- Wifi + Cell on all night
26/08 9.50: 93%
- Call 15 min
- Daily WeChat checks & talks
- Wifi ( useless, no connection ) + 2G + Cell on all day
26/08 17.44: 88%
- Some playing around
- Wifi + Cell on all night
27/08 9.22: 83%
- Call 15 min
- Lots of WeChat chatting
- Wifi ( useless, no connection ) + 2G + Cell on all day
27/08 17.23: 74%
- Wifi or 2G + Cell on all day, forgot to write down. Based upon the drop, i probably had 2G and no Wifi on.
28/08 9.22: 71%
- Some WeChat chatting & checking but low activity day
- 2G + Cell on all day
28/08 17.50: 69% << no joke .. only 2% that day??
... big gap, weekend. Forgot to write down numbers.
- Some software installing, playing round, internet usage, ... a bunch of things
- Wifi + Cell on all the time.
31/08: 08:00 ( Forgot to write down but it was in the 40% somewhere )
- GPS navigation for about 30 minutes in the car
- Wifi + 2G + Cell
31/08: 11.47 36%
- Chatting, etc ... you know the routine by now *lol*
- 2G + Cell all day
31/08 18.19: 31%
- 2G + Cell all night
01/08 9.50: 28%
In total my screen was on for about 5 hours according to the battery app but i have my doubts about the reporting. Sygic ( car navigation ) had run for a pure minimum of 30 minutes ( longer because i tested some things at home ), and this usage is not reported at all. And Sygic + GPS are medium/high power drainers.
My 4G/2G + Cell account for 24% of the power usage. Wifi accounts for 4%. My 5 hour screen time supposedly account for 4%...
Its not easy to get a perfect power profile because activities switch, or i forget to turn off the Wifi at work ( so its constantly wasting energy looking for a connection ), with then 4G/2G also active. Or forgetting to turn of the GPS after using the navigation.
In comparrison, my 2 year old Sony Z Ultra, this same type of activity ( minus any GPS usage because i tried to save the Sony Z Ultra from heavy work to extend its life ), resulted in about 2 days of work, before the battery started hitting close to 30 a 40% mark. At that moment i always charged up because it made me unconfortable.
On new battery, the Sony Z Ultra's life was closer to 2.5 days of activity. What is really not bad for a phone that big. Especially if we compare the battery life of most other smaller smartphone's from that time / era.
But the X2 so far is really trumping it massivly. If this was my ZU, showing 27% ( now ), i will have been like "o god, o god, need to charge it up" because its going to drain ( even doing nothing ). I do not have the same feeling with the X2.
And to be honest, i wasted a bunch of power because of the missing ability to automatically turn Wifi off, when your not near your home Wifi connection. So you end up with Wifi + xG active all the time outside. Love to install Trigger or any of the Xposed modules the moment it becomes available.
My estimate for tonight, when i officially hit day 7 ( 168 hours ), is that the phone will have 20% left. Hell, i can probably do another day and half with that. But i think that 20% is a good charge mark. Lower then that will damage the battery more easily ( if you keep low charging over time ).
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That's awesome! I'm the opposite of you. I leave the screen brightness all the way up all day, use an hour or more of Navi, do about an hour of phone calls and Facebook, an hour or Web browsing, a half hour of Teamviewer, a half hour of texting, and maybe sneak in a game of Spades. The battery still lasts almost two days. This is amazing in a phone this size. No other phone I've had went this long on one charge with everything turned up. So far I really love this phone and plan on buying another soon.
ajsmsg78 said:
That's awesome! I'm the opposite of you. I leave the screen brightness all the way up all day, use an hour or more of Navi, do about an hour of phone calls and Facebook, an hour or Web browsing, a half hour of Teamviewer, a half hour of texting, and maybe sneak in a game of Spades. The battery still lasts almost two days. This is amazing in a phone this size. No other phone I've had went this long on one charge with everything turned up. So far I really love this phone and plan on buying another soon.
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I know the feeling. Its one of those devices where you do not feel like your limited to x time on it, before you need to run to the charger.
Yesterday did about 30 min car ( 2 * 15 min ) navi with the car usb charger connected. The battery was at 62% before ( did some charging at work using the pc's usb port ) and it was 71% after i arrived home. The problem i have is, was it connected to the 2Amp port or the 1Amp ( its one of those Chinese dual usb ports mini chargers with no description: "what is what" *lol* ).
So still need to figure out if it was charging up on 1 Amps or 2 Amps ( to give me a idea of the power consumption while navigating ). The fact that it charged up while navigating is always a plus.
My old HTC HD2 had the habit of slowly draining while driving with the usb charger connected. Do not remember what my ZU did ( did not used it much for nav, mostly because of the limited battery life ).
So, my X2 is going to retire my ZU & HTC HD2 at the same time.
Benjiro said:
I know the feeling. Its one of those devices where you do not feel like your limited to x time on it, before you need to run to the charger.
Yesterday did about 30 min car ( 2 * 15 min ) navi with the car usb charger connected. The battery was at 62% before ( did some charging at work using the pc's usb port ) and it was 71% after i arrived home. The problem i have is, was it connected to the 2Amp port or the 1Amp ( its one of those Chinese dual usb ports mini chargers with no description: "what is what" *lol* ).
So still need to figure out if it was charging up on 1 Amps or 2 Amps ( to give me a idea of the power consumption while navigating ). The fact that it charged up while navigating is always a plus.
My old HTC HD2 had the habit of slowly draining while driving with the usb charger connected. Do not remember what my ZU did ( did not used it much for nav, mostly because of the limited battery life ).
So, my X2 is going to retire my ZU & HTC HD2 at the same time.
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My X2 retired every phone I had including the Note 4 and Nexus 6. A seller on ebay is selling our Gold 32gb X2 for $409.99. I may pick up another one to have an extra.

Debloat tools and battery saving tips

To all those who claim to get over 7 hours screen on time, especially by using debloat scripts, using adb to uninstall/ disable pre-installed apps and services, other tweaks, etc.:
Please do us a favour when posting your battery stats:
1. Use your phone in manual brightness mode with brightness set at 50% (if you want, you can increase but not decrease).
2. Do NOT watch videos (local or streaming) for more than 30 minutes during the day.
3. Do not use any app (like browser) for more than 2 hours during the day.
4. If you're having dual SIM, leave both ON.
Now post your battery stats.
In cases where I see people claiming great battery life, I see that much of the battery savings happen because the user was mostly watching videos at very low brightness or just using one or two apps for more than 50% of the time.
These are NOT typical usage. We need to evaluate the effectiveness of changes done by using the phone normally.
For a smartphone, normal usage means leaving all the smart features ON, including but not limited to, WiFi, Mobile Data, Bluetooth, Location, Auto-Brightness, etc. Also keep display resolution at maximum and screen refresh rate at Adaptive (or auto managed by system).
Screen on time without using apps or streaming video? That doesn't make sense. You're basically saying don't use the phone and just leave the screen on. Sounds like a recipe for burn in.
No one is going to leave their screen on without using their phone. Whether it's gaming, social media, streaming media, or web browsing, "screen on time" infers that the user is actually using the phone. Battery age also plays a huge part - my Pixel 5 when new could easily manage 8+ hours of YouTube, but 3 years later it would probably only manage 5 or so....I'm not sure because I keep it plugged in.
"Normal usage" is subjective. My normal usage involves social media and streaming media. Others might do a lot of gaming, which is particularly power intensive. Others might simply use their device as a phone/PDA.
V0latyle said:
Screen on time without using apps or streaming video?
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That's not what I said (obviously). Please read the post again.
TheMystic said:
That's not what I said (obviously). Please read the post again.
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That's exactly what you said:
TheMystic said:
1. Use your phone in manual brightness mode with brightness set at 50% (if you want, you can increase but not decrease).
2. Do NOT watch videos (local or streaming) for more than 30 minutes during the day.
3. Do not use any app (like browser) for more than 2 hours during the day.
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You're saying to limit usage to 2 hours 30 minutes or less, but why would someone's screen be on if they aren't using their device?
V0latyle said:
That's exactly what you said:
You're saying to limit usage to 2 hours 30 minutes or less, but why would someone's screen be on if they aren't using their device?
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I was referring specifically to just video watching or using just one or two apps for an extended amount of time. Normal usage would involve a lot more like phone calls, video calls, chat, social media, etc.
In most battery stats that show a high SOT, I see that videos pretty much are the main usage (like 4 to 5 hours), browser for a couple of hours, and rarely or minimal use of other apps.
I too can get 7 hours or more of SOT on my S22U if I only watch YouTube at night (minimum brightness). But that isn't typical usage. On an average, I get only about 5 hours of SOT and a standby of about 12 hours (17 hours since last charge) when the battery is around 15%.
Just to prove my point, I'm attaching battery stats from two different devices that demonstrate phenomenal battery life.
In both cases, I used the phones primarily for video streaming over Bluetooth and browsing the internet. Although the Motorola phone has only the most essential apps, the iQOO phone is pretty much a full setup.
I did NOT use any debloat scripts or uninstall apps using ADB. I simply disabled unnecessary apps and services wherever the system settings allowed me to.
The battery life is largely a function of the quality of apps installed, network reception and screen brightness. Debloat scripts and other battery saving tips often only provide a placebo effect.

