Can't send text (SMS) while in Wifi calling mode - T-Mobile LG G2

Anyone know a fix for this issue?
If I turn on Wifi calling, I could not send text ( message kept saying sending....). However If I turn off wifi calling, all text send out OK , but now I have some miss call which go direct to voice mail without phone ring.
Wifi calling fix the miss call issue but could not send text
Please advise

Yes, I'm here struggling with the same issue


Can you send/receive text messages over wifi? help end this debate

A guy I work with keeps arguing with me that you can't send text messages over wifi so setting my phone on wifi when at home to receive text messages and e-mails is pointless since it doesn't work.
Can someone please tell me if this is true or not?
The reason I use wifi is because my cell phone connection is crappy when at my house.
Your friend is correct.
RufusThorne said:
Your friend is correct.
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Text messages go through your carrier's network, not your wifi network
+2, your device does NOT do this through the data connection, so even though you might have mobile data turned off, or in this case, connected to wifi. It's using the Short message service center to communicate the data, this is over the voice network effectively, NOT DATA.
Also, this is the wrong forum for this OP.
Some T-Mo phones, like the G2x, can connect to the voice network through wifi, still uses minutes though.
Google voice will let send an SMS over a data connection.
There is an App available called TextPlus that allows you to send text messages over wifi. It does not use your cell # - it sets you up with a generic address
I use it on my tablet and works very well
It is available on the marketplace
Get viber. Is easy and you can make phone calls and texts over wifi. Cheers!

Voicemail notification

Anyone having issues with not getting voicemail notifications on the One S? I was wondering why i was getting any phone calls today and yesterday, (Have to restart wifi every hour to be enable wifi calling), so i decided to call my voicemail box just to check, and what do you know, i have over 10 voice mails that i didnt receive any notification for!? I hope the replacement they send me will address this issue

Text Message and Wifi calling On

I have the T-Mobile Variant and was wondering if anyone else had this problem. I turn on the Wifi calling since my signal is low where I live at. But when I try to send out a Text message, I keep getting an error immediately that it fails to send. So I turned off wifi calling and then the text message goes thru. Weird but was wondering if there is a fix for this? I spoke to a T-Mobile rep and she couldn't figure out the problem either. I do like the Wifi calling feature but if I need to send a text message I have to turn off the wifi calling every time. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Based on my research, it comes with the territory. I wish there was a hands off workaround.
I've had the same issue with multiple Samsung phones (Sidekick 4g, s4 and s5), I think it's just one of those little pain in the *ahem* quirks. Super annoying
What's super annoying is it works as it should (text messages through WiFi on sprint) so it has to be something T-mobile did in their implementation.

Galaxy S7 unable to receive calls!!

Samsung Galaxy S7 on Tmobile SM-G930T android version 6.0.1
I can make outgoing calls but I cannot receive any calls, they go straight to voicemail
If I restart my phone I can receive calls for a while but then after being locked for a bit the calls next come through. I wake the phone up and even then the call still wont come through until i restart it again.
Anyone know why this happens, it sure hasnt always happened?
No one has any tips on this?
I turned wifi calling on and turned off location and it works every time now.
Not sure why. I hate wifi calling and id like to keep my location on but whatever, i need to receive calls.
I found problem using "Do Not Disturb", custom settings staying in effect even when turned off! Change to "Accept All Calls" and you will be able to receive callers not in your contact list. BUG??

AT&T LG V10 Wi-Fi Calling Issues

im having trouble connecting to the wifi calling service on my v10. what i mean is that i turn on wifi calling but nothing happens. the setting menu says it's on but i can't call or text or anything. It usually works since i have to use it every day at my apartment but often times it has problems working (whether it takes to long or it doesn't get set up at all) anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem? also does anyone else have a problem downloading pics via text message and/or receiving messages from certain people while on wifi calling?
any help is appreciated

