how to add custom words to TouchPal dictionary? - HTC U11+ Questions & Answers

Hi. Does anybody know how to add custom words to the currently active TouchPal dictionary? Thanks.



how 2 change keyboard layout, smartdialing, t9 dictionary, autocompletion?

Hi, I'd like to upgrade my Xda Neo to a more recent ROM edition, like
ftp://xda:[email protected]_Edition/AKU2.3.1_LvsW_Edition_2006-11-28.exe
I have an "old" italian rom, and my device is a G3.
I am not scared about having my neo in english after the update process,
but I'd like to have my T9 dictionary in italian, and, if possible, also the keyboard layout,
the autocompletion for entering text (is that still controlled by T9?), and the smartdial application.
Is there a way to do so?
Shall I take some cab somewhere?
Anybody could give me some hints?
Thanks very much.
As far as I know; The t9 language of the ophonepad is selectable to different languages including Italian. the t9 of the keyboard itself is the language of the ROM only
What is the name of Dictionary File in Prophet?
hi, Where i can Find Dictionary of my Prophet??
I want to Edit My Words, and Delete Some Words And Add to it

XT9 Dictionary

Whereabouts is the XT9 dictionary located? Can it be edited to remove added entries?
Many Thanks
Anyone? please.
I've also wondered about this...would be nice and easy if you could manually add words into the T9 dictionary...
It hasn't been able to modify the dictionary since the release of WM6. You could edit the WM5 dictionary. There has been no solution yet for WM6 and above unfortunatly.

Swype on Galaxy S without Rooting

Just bought Galaxy S yesterday.
I have swype allready, but i found some other swype keyboard with croatian dictionary.
Is it possible to install swype package without rooting.
Is there any way to add own language to swype.
Like i sad i own swype but i only want to add croatian language.
Or is there anywhere swype standalone install package to install it as separate app like better keyboard.

[Q] anyway to add languages to stock swype?

Anyone figured out how to add languages to stock SWYPE yet?
I have a galaxy s2x that comes with swype but I would like to add the Portuguese language to it.

[Q] search smart dialer with different language?

Hello there guys,I am having an annoying problem with my htc! Most of my contacts are in Greek letters, so I have to use the Phone in greek (system language) which is pretty annoying!
Allthough when my default language is greek the dialer includes english letters in the search!
anybody knows how to fix this?
thanks in advance!

