Old Samsung Smartphone (Pre Android) - General Questions and Answers

Hello, im looking or the exact Name for the following Samsung Device,
i thought its an Omnia but it isnt.

LulzN1 said:
Hello, im looking or the exact Name for the following Samsung Device, i thought its an Omnia but it isnt.
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There's no real way of knowing this by the image you provided...
Pull the back panel and remove the battery. There should be a white label with the information that will reflect which device that is.
Good Luck!
I DO NOT provide support via PM unless asked/requested by myself. PLEASE keep it in the threads where everyone can share.

oh Really sherlock?!?, ts not by me, it was given to my grandmother .....

LulzN1 said:
oh Really sherlock?!?, ts not by me, it was given to my grandmother .....
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Yes Watson. Then tell your grand mother what needs to be done before coming and asking for help without any proper info. This is not a support forum

true i tell her how to open a smartphone with 89 years or i leave my job and drive to her about 400 miles.....
A much better deal,:
i ask in a Smartphone Forum, ok it isnt a good deal theres no help, theres only a guy that think he is Sherlock
And the problem is sloved, i registered me in a PC Forum and got the exact name,
weird in Smartphone Forum only 1 Sherlock, in PC Forum Help for Smartphone....

LulzN1 said:
true i tell her how to open a smartphone with 89 years or i leave my job and drive to her about 400 miles.....
A much better deal,:
i ask in a Smartphone Forum, ok it isnt a good deal theres no help, theres only a guy that think he is Sherlock
And the problem is sloved, i registered me in a PC Forum and got the exact name,
weird in Smartphone Forum only 1 Sherlock, in PC Forum Help for Smartphone....
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See that is where you are mistaken. This isn't a phone forum. It's a developers forum. Made for and by developers. We cover lots here. Not just phones.
Also there are a few ways to find it. All of which you could have walked her through.
From your sentence structure I will assume you have no business even trying to help your poor grandmother. Not to mention that the front design of that device was used on a dozen different models of phones.


[Q] Sync MS MyPhone Calendar & Contacts on HTC HD2

Have searched but had no luck finding an answer. Can anyone help please ?
I have a HTC HD2 & I use MyPhone regularly to backup/sync events, messages and contacts.
I prefer to enter new calendar events on MyPhone, as it's easier to type the details in, and I can enter them quite quickly.
But there is NOWHERE near the functionality on the MyPhone website, as there is in the calendar-function of the phone itself..... eg: I cannot set an event to be recurring, or a "remind-before" alarm, etc, etc, using the MyPhone service.
The same can be said for entering new contacts using MyPhone. There simply aren't as many fields for entering details on the website UI, as there is in the phone itself.
So it seems pointless to use it at all. I fully understand that MyPhone is a generic system for backing-up details, over a wide range of phones that use WinMo, and each specific phone may have different fields to populate inside their specific contact or calendar functions.
Previous (Non-WinMo) phones that I've had (Like Nokias or SE's) have had their own specific utilities available for entering information on the PC, then sync'ing to the phone - and these incorporated all available entry fields, so that nothing was missed.... but MyPhone seems VERY basic in comparison.
So is there any other FREE programs I can use instead, to FULLY enter details in Calendar & Contacts, to then sync with the HD2 ?
Or do I have to go thru the process of adding ALL my contact/calendar events via the phone itself, if I want to populate ALL the relevant fields available????
Please Note: I DO NOT use address books or email programs, such as Outlook, that I can set up to sync. I have Win7 on my home PC which does not have Outlook or O-Express. I DO use Thunderbird for email, but don't have an Address Book saved, as I rarely email people - usually text only !!!
Seriously... 84 views and 2 days and not a single response !!!
spinifex74 said:
Seriously... 84 views and 2 days and not a single response !!!
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Maybe if you posted this is the HD2 Q&A forum, you would get an answer.
Reading the FAQ on the MS website for MyPhone would help you out, reading the help in MyPhone would help you out. There are so many options. Even posting the question in the WM Q&A forum would provide you with more people willing to help you. Double posting and getting mad because people are not helping you isn't exactly going to make people jump on here breaking their necks to help you out.
jagpoag said:
Maybe if you posted this is the HD2 Q&A forum, you would get an answer.
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Thanks mate - that's very helpful. I do not visit xda often and haven't physically got the time to trawl through 100's of pages, looking for a specific "Help me with my HD2 - MyPhone question" forum.
And what makes you think I haven't asked this question in that forum ? Did you spend time searching to see if I asked there also, just so you could chastise me, instead of offering me some assistance ?
Reading the FAQ on the MS website for MyPhone would help you out, reading the help in MyPhone would help you out.
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I've done this..... no help there.... why do you think I posted the question here in the first place?
There are so many options. Even posting the question in the WM Q&A forum would provide you with more people willing to help you.
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What is this forum you speak of ??? Could you provide me a link please, as I cannot find it after searching.
Double posting....
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WRONG.... I didn't double post.... I simply bumped it up to the top
...and getting mad because people are not helping you isn't exactly going to make people jump on here breaking their necks to help you out.
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I'm not getting mad...... I'm not expecting to be spoon-fed.... but I DO expect SOMEONE, after 80+ views, and 2 days, surely SOMEONE would have some helpful suggestions for me ???
Thankyou for your input though.....
I think YOU should read the forum RULES, before jumping on your keyboard-warrior bandwagon, as they clearly state: " YOU WILL GET THE HELP YOU NEED HERE: ...............There will be more users reading your question here and willing to help, than in any other section of the XDA Forums...... It is NOT likely that your question will NOT get answered the first time it is posted here, but in the event that it doesn't, DO NOT GIVE UP! Some questions are harder to answer than others, even for the most experienced users, but you will have someone who is trying to give you the help you need! "
I don't think I was unreasonable waiting 2 days and then bumping to the top.
How about you spend less time criticising other users for their lack of skills and knowledge, and more time helping them and offering useful suggestions.
I would still appreciate any helpful suggestions from other members, if they care to share ???
jagpoag said:
OMFG dude you are slow or dunk.
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Neither... and while we're on the topic of criticising other members for their posts, learn to spell, or learn to speak the language correctly. "dunk" ??? !!!
FIRST:...YOU DOUBLE POSTED, PERIOD. CAll it bumping your thread all you want.
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My sincere apologies. I bow down to your superior intellect, in that I should misunderstand the terminology used.
On every other forum I have ever used, a Double Post is what happens when you (usually) accidentally post the same message twice, as 2 separate threads.... OR..... accidentally post a message twice in the same thread.
Bumping my post up to the top again is a common and expected thing to do in a forum.
Waiting 2 days for a response, before bumping/double-posting is not what anyone could call unreasonable.
The rules themselves say to NOT GIVE UP if you don't get a response. How else am I going to get a reponse, if I don't bump it to the top. YOU obviously didn't see/read my post the first time...as you didn't offer me your fountains of wisdom at any point in the last 2 days.
Again - I don't think it was unreasonable to bump my post - with a bit of a query - as to why so many people viewed it, but offered no assistance.
I do not have to justify myself to you, or anyone else, as to how much searching I have already done, trying to answer this question. But because you appear to only be 8 years old, i'll be explicit.
I have searched in several forums - both here and elsewhere. Just because I have not posted the same question in another section of THIS website, does not mean I have not already searched.
I have searched, and not found the answer. Therefore, I ask the question in a forum EXPLICITLY set up for that exact purpose.
You can try all you want to win that argument but you will FAIL.
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What are we? 8 years old? For Fuk sake, grow up !!!
I didn't start MY post with the intention of it becoming an argument..... YOU turned it into an argument, with your immature attempts at be-littling me, for being less-able to find the answers I needed.
SECOND: AGAIN, you show how slow you really are if you really expect people to believe that finding the HD2 forum here at XDA is a hard thing to do
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YOU may have no life, but I have other better things to do with my time, than to sit at my PC 24/7 reading/posting/trawling through countless threads and posts on the massively-accurate interwebz.
Did my OP say that I had not read the HD2 specific forums here? Or elsewhere? No, it didn't. Don't try to judge my level of searching-skills, as you have no idea how much time i've spent researching for answers.
I posted a "please help me" question in a "please help me" forum. Nothing wrong with doing that. It's the ENTIRE reason this forum is here.
..... I said "even posting" it there............would suggest that you had yet another option
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I did not ask "please tell me where to post this question so I don't offend anyone?"
Your response is irrelevant...... the links or "other suggestions" you have provided ARE of use to me, and I thank you for them. I am now researching answers there too, during the limited spare-time I have... but trying to chastise me for not thinking of those options myself in the first place, merely shows your own ignorance and immaturity.
So now that I've crushed your little attempt at making a point. How about you take the time to educate yourself in the forums provided. You might even learn something about fixing your problem...
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WOW... with a whole 74 posts to your name, you MUST be the most educated, knowledgeable, useful, helpful person on these forums. Again, I bow down to your superior intellect !!!
Who the fuk are you to "educate" me on how to use these forums? Are you a Moderator? Are you an Admin? NO. You're just some stuck-up little smart-arse who spends all your time "educating" other forum users as to how stupid they are.
Belt up, get a life, and fuk off.
And by the way, I did check to see if you took the time to ask the question anywhere else AFTER I posted this.....
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What a useful and appropriate use of your own time. Ha ha.... what are you, a school-teacher checking my bibliography, to ensure I haven't plagiarised my assignment !!!!!
I never said I asked the question in another forum here.... I merely asked if YOU wasted your time checking up on me to see if I did.
jagpoag said:
... And OF COURSE, you did.... You are exactly what I said you are and doing exactly what I said you are doing....
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My point made exactly.
It would be different if iI was on here just calling you stupid because you asked a question. Of course that is not what I'm doing...
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REALLY? So what IS it exactly that you are doing ????? Coz calling me stupid, drunk and slow seems to be EXACTLY what you are doing here !!!
I'm pointing out facts about your lack of research skills.....
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Well THANKYOU mister school-teacher. If I had perfect research skills, I would have found the answer myself, and would not have needed to ask for help.
What I will never understand is why people like you post something or say something and then get mad when someone tells you that you are wrong ......
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As mentioned before... who the fuk are YOU to decide what IS and ISN'T a relevant, appropriate question for someone to ask ????? You are NOTHING on here. 74 posts. Obviously NOT very helpful to other users. Who are YOU to "correct" other users on the appropriateness of their posts. Who are YOU to "educate" others that they SHOULD have searched elsewhere. Who are YOU to "tell someone they are wrong" ???
Mate - get off your pedestal, and get a life. Go breathe some fresh air or jump in front of a bus or take a walk or something else more useful. Coz you're only showing everyone on here that you're an intolerant wanker with nothing to offer in terms of helping others.
Honestly, it amazes ME the number of people who feel the need to reply to forum questions, with criticism, rather than with assistance.
If people KNEW or FOUND the answers themselves, there would be NO NEED for forums like these.
Honestly, if you can't answer someone's question, don't waste your time, their time, or other-users' time, posting pointless diatribes.
jagpoag said:
Look you inane little waste of space. First of all you stupid comments about not having the time to find the forums is ABSURD. If you don't have 2 seconds to SCROLL down on the page to see the forum clearly marked WITH PICTURES to boot, you ARE an idiot.
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I never said I didn't have the time to scroll down. I never said that I DIDN'T scroll down. I don't need you to treat me like a child and put pretty pictures all over your reply. Big fukn deal.
The FACT of the matter is this: I searched in the specific forum you mentioned, plus others, both here and elsewhere, I could not find the answers I needed, so I asked a question in a forum here DESIGNED FOR THAT PURPOSE.
And all YOU could do was tell me how stupid I was.
If the Admins or Mods (people that actually matter) found it to be a problem, they would have contacted me by now.
I couldn't give a rats left testicle if you think i'm stupid, lazy, and blocked me. I'm so hurt by this fact, I might jump off a bridge !
I attacked your post count as I'm trying to be as childish as you have displayed to me.
You want to try and attack me because of ONE typo on the word DRUNK?
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Yeah - childish and annoying, isn't it. If you spent more time checking what you were saying to me, instead of trying to belittle me and embarass me in the big bad world of the interwebz, you wouldn't have made this OBVIOUS ERROR. You see... even YOU are not perfect.
You ... have exposed your self as a lazy, ignorant person who lacks not only reading skills but common sense.
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Really? I'VE done that. Not You? Pot calling Kettle ???
All anyone with common sense has to do is read the FIRST POST and they will know that you are slow.
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OK... I am slow. Doesn't that mean I deserve other more intelligent beings helping me out, because i'm too stupid to work it out for myself?
Going by your own reasoning: what you are saying is that you ONLY help out other intelligent people with questions that YOU determine are worth asking..... but hang on.... if they were so intelligent, they wouldn't need help and wouldn't ask questions.... so.... what you're actually saying is that you DON'T HELP ANYONE AT ALL, because EVERYONE that asks for help is stupid, slow and an idiot. Now THAT is something you've made plainly obvious.
Get mad, call me namses......
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Isn't that EXACTLY what you did in your FIRST post in response to me? (PS: Spelling again, idiot. Geez... it takes all of 2 seconds to proof-read your comments, before posting them..... urrrggghhhhh.... you lazy lazy little insignificant person, with no time to afford to do some simple speel-cheeking)
Speaking of that, you talk about me wasting time to see if you posted your question anywhere else
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Why would you bother doing that, if you didn't have a high-and-mighty opinion of yourself. I have stated that I did not ask that same specific question recently in any of the other "specific" forums... yet you insisted on "checking-up" on my posts. Like you are some school-teacher checking my homework. The more you try to justify your reasons for attacking me, the more you show yourself to the world to be an imbecile, ignorant, childish and irrelevant.
If you don't like me or what I've had to say, you can click that little icon and report me to the staff
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DONE This is exactly what Admins and Mods are for. You will probably be receiving comment from them soon.
Because I HATE stupid people. People like you are the reason why forums are cluttered up with igorant questions all of the time
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Then don't read the damn forums then, if you get so angry at the rest of humanity being so ignorant and stupid. You obviously don't have the tolerance or intelligence to be able to assist anyone with their questions, so why bother reading them?
The ENTIRE purpose of online forums, is for stupid people to ask stupid questions about stupid topics that make no sense to them. And for non-stupid people to give non-stupid answers to try to help. If people weren't so stupid and ignorant, there would be no reason for forums to even exist. Statements of fact about problems belong on a dedicated wiki, or a website. Forums are for asking questions and giving suggestions or answers.
I'm adding you to my blocked user list because quite frankly.... you are truly wasted space on this planet
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Likewise... and such a responsible and mature comment to make.
PS: Come to Australia. I would like to meet you in person to discuss our differences of opinion.

New to the Forum. I Have A Couple of Questions

I am brand new to smart phones, Android and this particular forum. I have two questions. Fist question is why are all of the sub-forums listed in a seemingly random manner on the front page? I like a good read as much as the next guy, but holy cow! Isn't there some reasonably simple means to at least shuffle them into alphabetical order or group them by manufacturer or something?
Second question: My phone is a LG L34C (Fuel) and my carrier is TracFone. I have seen this same phone identified as a LG Optimus Zone 2 and yet I find neither of these smart phones referenced anywhere on this forum. Is there another smart phone manufactured by LG which is supported on this forum, or should I simply seek assistance elsewhere?
LordDarkStar said:
I am brand new to smart phones, Android and this particular forum. I have two questions. Fist question is why are all of the sub-forums listed in a seemingly random manner on the front page? I like a good read as much as the next guy, but holy cow! Isn't there some reasonably simple means to at least shuffle them into alphabetical order or group them by manufacturer or something?
Second question: My phone is a LG L34C (Fuel) and my carrier is TracFone. I have seen this same phone identified as a LG Optimus Zone 2 and yet I find neither of these smart phones referenced anywhere on this forum. Is there another smart phone manufactured by LG which is supported on this forum, or should I simply seek assistance elsewhere?
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Hi, and welcome to XDA! :victory:
Please have a look at this:
Hopefully, that will help you find what you're looking for.
After a quick search, I found this:
And this:
Also this:
The information is available, you just have to search.
Well, thank you for at least replying. I DID read the directions on how to use this precious search engine, so please do NOT insult my intelligence! I honestly found every one of the posts on all 10 pages of results returned about as useful as teats on a boar hog. The one thread that was of ANY interest was a fellow who last year requested that a sub-forum specific to the LG L34C be developed. Obviously no one here felt it was worth their time to even reply to this chap in any meaningful way.
Given the overall lackadaisical appearance of this forum and the fact that few, if any, of the seniors on this site want to do anything about it, one wonders how this forum continues to exist at all.
Evolution_Tech said:
Hi, and welcome to XDA! :victory:
Please have a look at this:
Hopefully, that will help you find what you're looking for.
After a quick search, I found this:
And this:
Also this:
The information is available, you just have to search.
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LordDarkStar said:
Given the overall lackadaisical appearance of this forum and the fact that few, if any, of the seniors on this site want to do anything about it, one wonders how this forum continues to exist at all.
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This is the best forum iv'e ever saw, don't get frustrated when i started (less than a year ago) it was also very confusing and i felt lost, with the time everything changed, now XDA is my second home!
I love this community will never give it up!!
And you gotta learn something, when someone tells you to use the search button, just carry on! Don't make any issues..
Enjoy it!
LordDarkStar said:
Well, thank you for at least replying. I DID read the directions on how to use this precious search engine, so please do NOT insult my intelligence! I honestly found every one of the posts on all 10 pages of results returned about as useful as teats on a boar hog. The one thread that was of ANY interest was a fellow who last year requested that a sub-forum specific to the LG L34C be developed. Obviously no one here felt it was worth their time to even reply to this chap in any meaningful way.
Given the overall lackadaisical appearance of this forum and the fact that few, if any, of the seniors on this site want to do anything about it, one wonders how this forum continues to exist at all.
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A member helps you with not one, but a few links, and you repay them with insults? Good luck finding anyone to help you with an attitude like that.
And this forum will keep going strong long after you've left the site. I suggest if you don't like it, you log off and find another one. :good:
Thread closed. And more treatment like this towards helpful members ....and we will log you out, so you don't need to.
Forum Moderator

[Completed] Is there any support for the phone ALCATEL POP STAR!?

I do know that this is a low end device, but I just got it as a pass over phone for a few months and I would really like to get android 6 on it.
There are some shady sites on the internet that have info about the installing, but the links are all behind a survey?
So is there any support for it?
srdan.losic said:
I do know that this is a low end device, but I just got it as a pass over phone for a few months and I would really like to get android 6 on it.
There are some shady sites on the internet that have info about the installing, but the links are all behind a survey?
So is there any support for it?
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Hi srdan.losic
Thank you for using XDA Assist
We were able to determine that you have already posted your question here. It is indeed the right place to post it and I'm sure that soon you will get an answer.
Therefore, I'm considering that this thread has came to a good end.
Thankful for your understanding.
Nice regards and good luck.

New Device Suggestion

Hello, dear community. I am not quite sure I am posting in the correct subforum, but please forgive me if I m doing this wrong. So I love my smartphone. I used to have a One Plus One, which at some point stoped reading the sim card, so I was forced to find a replacement. While searching I stumbled uppon LG v10. I remember I really liked this phone when it came out and I was dreaming of purchasing it, so I did. I found it almost new for $200 which seemed to be too good to be true. I loved certain aspects of the phone, but I grew to hate some others. First of all, it was a nightmare to root and put custom stuff on it. Then for some reason, it was a very slow phone, full of lag most of the times. Anyways, a couple of months after the purchase, the phone just died. It entered a boot loop state and now I can't even enter TWRP on it, so I've decided to move on and search for another device. Could you suggest to me any device?
What I put more weight on my devices are:
1. Easy root, good XDA community with custom roms. I love having the latest version of Android even if it has some bugs.
2. Good camera. I guess everyone likes that. I am a photographer and I like to push the limits of my device when it comes to photography.
3. A good bonus would be to be water resistant ip67 would do the job.
4. Budget not more than $400 (used or new)
5. A big battery would be a +
6. 1080p screen resolution is just fine for me.
Thanks in advance,
TheoKondak said:
Hello, dear community. I am not quite sure I am posting in the correct subforum, but please forgive me if I m doing this wrong. So I love my smartphone. I used to have a One Plus One, which at some point stoped reading the sim card, so I was forced to find a replacement...
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Your best bet is to post this question within one of the following threads that is specific to your question.
Good Luck!

What am I missing?

So, lately I've been trying to find a use for this Verizon tablet. I currently just use it as a reader but I'd really like to just mess around with it a bit and learn how to Linux on tablet.
I can't seem to find any information on this particular device. I've tried a number of different ways and I always end up hitting a wall in the process. ...anyone got any info on how to root this Galaxy Tab E "sm-t378v".
Hint: Replace this thread's abolute meaningless title by "How to root SM-T378V" thus owners of such a tablet mainly get addressed.
...is that how helpful you need to be to become a senior member? If so I doubt I'll find what I need here.
Mr.Critz said:
...is that how helpful you need to be to become a senior member? If so I doubt I'll find what I need here.
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You wouldn't get anything if you're here just for "What am I missing". If you know how to make a thread, you should know what you should write the title too right? He wasn't wrong.
As per check, there is no availability rooting that model, yet.
Great, thanks for the info. ...and now for my final question? Where is the delete account button on this website? I no longer want to be a member with such elitist people, it's pretty gross.
Mr.Critz said:
Great, thanks for the info. ...and now for my final question? Where is the delete account button on this website? I no longer want to be a member with such elitist people, it's pretty gross.
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Well, you can find out yourself. Google is there to help you. Sadly, anyways. Good luck

