Some help with my battery saver configuration - Android General

I have a Zuk Z2 which has a big battery and was frankly amazing when I first had it setup on LineageOS. Recently my battery has been draining really quickly with the only obvious wakelocks being 'Google Services' and 'PowerManagerService.wakelock' usually.
I'm wondering if someone could validate my setup. I have Greenify running to greenify all my appswith the exception of a few that I want notifications to come through for as sometimes I find greenified apps don't always notify. I followed a setup guide in here for this.
I'm then using Tasked to switch Location from Battery Saving to High Accuracy if I open up maps, lyft, uber etc. I also have it to enable and disable WiFi when at home and away from home.
I then also disabled a few Google Services using MyAndroid Tools and a guide I found on here.
I'm a bit out of touch with development so is the above a good setup or are there better methods to this available now? I'd love some feedback and confirmation as it may also just be that my battery has degraded, the phone is a couple of years old.


[Battery Life Help] Troubleshoot battery issues here! (Noob friendly)

Welcome to the new Battery Life Help thread.
Please post the recommended screen shots from post 4 when posting here.... Or you will only get guesses as replies... If you get any.
Read the first 4 posts here before posting. You may not even need to post after you have!
If you are on a device other than a Nexus 5, that's fine, but please state that up front.... Or things may get confusing for all of us. ?
I'm not the "technician" of this thread, as there are many knowledgeable members on battery life savings and troubleshooting. Sometimes opinions vary... And that's always how things are...especially on the interwebz. Usually that's a good thing.
All are encouraged to participate!!!!
Most battery issues are non device specific.... Most. And troubleshooting is almost universal. Occasionally there's device specific issues and bugs, but mostly its about basic setup and usage patterns. No matter the device.
So, some guidelines to make finding issues efficient. (A lot of this won't be possible if you are not do your best)
1. Please please please.....use Gsam (my favorite) or Better Battery Stats (BBS) or Wakelock Detector when posting screenshots. No one can stop you from posting shots from the stock battery usage screens in settings....but 9 times out of 10 you'll be asked to use one of the above apps....cause the stock screens say to little to be useful finding an issue. Just install one of the apps. Use it until your issue is solved...then get rid of it if you wish. Tho really, they are great tools to have, and NO, they don't consume heavy amounts of battery life. At all.
2. No screenshots will probably get you no useful help. As any attempt to assist you would just be guesses and generic tips.
3. As of Kit Kat, you either need an xposed module found Here or if you use Gsam, also install Gsam Root Companion. Both found on Play Store. Without any of those, you can't see wakelocks in Kit Kat.
4. Here are the standard screenshots that will get you the quickest help. In Gsam anyway....or the equivalent screens in the other apps.
For Gsam, you should post....
- The main screen.
- App sucker screen.
(In app sucker, click the drop down for the rest...)
- Times waking device.
- Time held Awake.
- Kernel wakelocks.
Yes, that is 5 screenshots. A lot I know. But together those will give almost all the info needed to help you. Usually.
5. Obviously, above your screenshots, post your issue in as much detail as possible. Like your setup (location on or off... Gnow on or off...screen settings...signal strength on Data especially... And anything else you feel may matter) and your usage. Gaming? Navigation? Etc.
All of the above will lead to much quicker help, without the need for people trying to help having to ask you a bunch of questions.
Be patient!! Some battery issues are very hard to lock down.....but 95.6 percent of them can eventually be solved. And remember....usage plays a big part! You may be stuck with 3 hours screen on time because of your usage. Sorry. Games for example. And a really poor signal strength while on data is a battery death march.
Tips for better Battery Life
These tips are going to be a collection of all I know, as well as contributions from you guys over time...that I will add in. Unless of course I completely disagree. Lol. (I.E. Task killers, Juice Defender type apps....etc)
First thing is first, since it seems to cause the most problems......and so many can't live without it. Lol. Location Services.
Location Services
Location Services is so very poorly implemented in Android, its almost absurd. The service itself isn't so much to blame for battery issues, but its weakness to getting exploited by other apps. Social apps being the worst offenders. Its also very hard to pin down the offending apps. Yes, many have no issue with location services. They're the lucky ones. Sooooo many do lose a tonne of battery life to it tho, usually by excessive wakes caused by apps accessing it.
So, my first piece of advice. TURN IT OFF! Use your toggles. On when needed, off when done. It doesn't take long, its a couple clicks. Guaranteed you see FAR greater battery life because of it.
If you must use it....just must.....know that Batter Saver is NOT the most battery friendly setting. Device only is. (GPS only). Don't know why, talk to Google for an explanation. Signal strength for data I bet. And of course, high accuracy will drop your battery the quickest.
Location history reporting. Battery killer.
Android Device Manager. Found in Google settings app. "Remotely locate this device", battery killer. Neat feature....but will cost you battery time. And the other option, "remote lock and erase"....surely takes its share of the battery pie also.
So, device only is your best bet, but not so great indoors. Probably won't find the satellites. But it will be far better on your Juice. One way to use location on and help stop apps from abusing it, is Grrenifying the apps that use it, or using app ops or its equivalent to change app permissions and disallow them location permission.
K, I bashed on location enough. But it is the number one item in most issues I see.
Signal Strength
A weak signal is about the quickest drain a phone can have. If your signal is very weak and spending time out of service and scanning for a signal.....your battery can literally drop like a rock. The worst part, Gsam and similar apps don't really indicate the signal, radio or anything else is draining your battery. I'm not sure why these apps can't report the loss from signal, but I guess its just not possible.
Very hard to "fix" this issue.
- Your first option, get on WiFi. Its not really the text and phone part of the radio draining you, its data. If your signal is poor or non existent and apps are trying to sync over data.....the phone is working overtime trying to transfer the data. Getting on WiFi will fix this. Even with poor signal strength on the radio.
- Next option, toggle off data in poor coverage. No, your social apps and what not won't work. But you'll still get texts and calls. When you have a signal. This will dramatically slow the battery drain.
- Last option. Airplane mode. Yes, you will be completely cut off from the world. But your battery will barely drop.....assuming you have no issues and your standby drain is good.
Of course, combine poor signal with location services on high accuracy or battery savings....with data on....and you will be charging by lunch time or have a dead phone.
Roms and Kernels
I won't say much about this. There's those who will agree with me and those that always ask "what's the best ROM/kernel for battery life?". MOST experienced users will agree....ROM/kernel combos will make minor differences occasionally. Its all about setup and usage.....and signal strength.
I always say.....I could run any ROM or kernel (and I almost have) and will still get 24 hours plus with 6 hours SoT consistently, with my lean setup and low CPU demand usage. Guaranteed. Now, if you want me to prove it.....I wanna be paid for my time. And I'm not cheap.
Kernel tweaking, such as under volting/clocking, may gain you small battery life returns at best. And also possible lag and instability. Lots will disagree with me here. But thoroughly test it out yourself and see. ��
But to each their own I always say. Personally, I can't remember the last time I changed any kernel settings from whatever one I'm running. I just don't see the point. Fun and experimentation perhaps.....but big battery savings.....not gonna happen.
Last kernel thing......double tap to wake, even with the timeouts it has now.....lots of battery drain.
I use it. Some don't. I use it on anything I know is going to run when it feels like and possibly steal my battery juice or cause any issues. One app I've always greenified is Maps. If it comes with the ROM, I convert it to a user app with titanium backup and then Greenify it. Games, any I ever have, greenified. I don't need or want to know my farm is ready to harvest. Lol. I'll find out when I open the game.
Use at your discretion. I wouldn't Greenify anything I use often, like dolphin or'll just use more juice constantly loading them into memory. Social also won't sync if greenified. And be very careful greenifying system apps. That can cause you issues for sure.
Greenify tip from @Lethargy:
The paid version of Greenify let's you choose an option for Greenified apps called GSM push, when used with Xposed and the Greenify module activated. It allows you to still receive push notifications from hibernated apps. So you can Greenify those social apps that like to spam location services and burn data when your not even using them....and they will be awoken when you get a push notification. Will help with the drain from these apps better than doing nothing with them for sure! . A happy middle between always running and totally hibernated.
Screen Brightness
I think we all know a bright screen will cost you lots of juice. Out in the sun, there's not much we can do about it. I go back and forth sometimes. If I'm outside all day, I just usually put on auto brightness. But, nothing will help you save juice more than setting it manually. Someone not long ago mentioned an app called "Display Brightness ". Its free, and puts a very customizable slider anywhere around the edge of your screen that you want it. It gives you a quick access slider on your screen and its always there no matter what app you're in. You can change its size, location, color, transparency... Etc. Great little app.
Anyway.....if you keep the screen as dim as is comfortable for you, you'll get big gains in battery time.
I'm not convinced about LUX and its equivalents.... But many swear by them. Definitely something to look at too.
I know little of tasker, I've never really got into it much. I did pay for it....and can't say when I last used it. Lol
You can do amazing things with automate much of the things I've mentioned. A great tool for sure!!!
I've just never minded using toggles myself.
A few Quick Ones
- The more vibrating your phone does, the more juice it will drink.
- Games. We all know they kill the battery fast. Nuff said. . (Keep the screen dim)
- Social apps and other things that sync....the more you have, the more your battery time decreases. Especially picture heavy ones, like Facebook. It takes data transfer and CPU time to load all those images. Also, some wake your device a crazy amount of times to keep you up to date with your friends. (See Post Number 3 for help on controlling these and much more!!!!)
- Task killers. Guaranteed they waste more battery than they claim they'll save. Opening apps over and over is far worse on the battery than them sitting in memory idle. (In most cases. Greenify the exceptions). Android RAM is meant to be used. Too much free RAM is not helping, its wasted RAM.
- Juice Defender and other battery saver apps. Most will agree, some may not....but again, waste more juice than they save. For a moderate to heavy user, setup juice defender and look at your times held awake later. It can easily get over 2000 wakes per day.
Now...for a very light user.....very you barely touch your phone all day....then Juice Defender may actually help you. But only the very light user.
Not all of these things are for everyone....but with each piece of advice you take, you'll save a little more juice.
Is my phone no longer a smartphone? Many have said that. Lol. Well guess a few clicks, my phones intelligence can skyrocket. I just don't need things running 24/7 when I don't need them....or never use them.
So, here is a quick checklist of what I personally do after I install any ROM. And again, my battery life is as good as most I've seen. I'm just sharing this, not suggesting everyone do it. And also, all of our needs, usage and apps we use there's no way to all have the exact same setup. Or the same battery times!!
After every install:
- I go into accounts/Google. Unchecked the things I don't want to sync. Usually I only have gmail, calendar and contacts checked.
- I turn location to device only, location history reporting is usually off for me by default, so I don't need to remember when I actually use it, then I turn it off completely.
- I go into Google settings app. In android device manager, they are both unchecked. Google Now is off. In ads, I check opt out of customizable ads. Location is already off.
- Sound settings. I uncheck all the options at bottom. No click sound, no vibrate on touch...etc. ( my keyboard makes no sound or vibration either). My phone only vibrates if I set it to vibrate. Otherwise it never vibrates on calls or notifications.
- I change a few cosmetics. (No battery impact here)
- I download titanium backup and restore my apps. Only user apps, and only data on the ones I don't want to setup again.
- change my wallpaper black. Not sure on an N5 if it helps battery life whatsoever.....its just my visual preference.
- Go into titanium backup and freeze, NOT uninstall...everything I never use.
- reboot.
- I Greenify all the apps I usually Greenify.
- Nova gets data restored, so not much to usually setup there. Its just how I had it.
- Restore the only widget I use. An agenda widget.
- Start LMT, Gsam, Display Brightness app and light flow...on some ROMs. The ones that have customizable notification LEDs by default, i don't use light flow. All of these get restored with data, so no setting up preferences required. Kii keyboard as well. And I disable the Nav keys.
Well, that's my setup routine. Again, to each their own. Just sharing my way. ��
That's all I have for now. Formatting (and spell and grammer check) will be tweaked to be easier to read in days to come. So no need to comment on my many mistakes. Lol. Plus additions I think are helpful from the community will be added. Along with credit, unless you don't want it.
Just whipped this up quick to help those that want it. I'll make it prettier soon. Promise!!
Good luck! ��
Managing syncs and services with "Disable Service"
Google Services drain? Syncs magically re-enabling themselves? Useless social app syncs?
Google apps and various social media apps use syncs. They'll put themselves under the "Accounts" section in Settings if they have any. At first the concept sounds fine, but the thing is, most of them are useless, abusively used and just waste your battery. Sync services cause wakelocks as they can't run while in deep sleep. Multiple syncs active causes dispersed wakeups, draining even more battery. Syncs also (for some unknown reason) sometimes re-enable themselves when you've unchecked them previously! Greenifying Google Play Services isn't a good idea since it'll constantly kill and automatically restart the services, which probably does more harm than good. It can also cause issues and break things, so what can you do about it?
There is a solution, use the app "Disable Service", found here:
True to it's name, it allows you to selectively disable services for apps, completely preventing them from being used, as if they didn't exist:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
As you can see above, I only have a Sync for Gmail, it's the only one I have a use for and the others are completely disabled, not just unticked (they sometimes re-tick themselves..).
[Note: "* Google Play Services" is a hidden sync that's for Google Account settings, I can see it because I'm using the Greenify Donation Package along with Xposed, the feature called "Reveal Hidden Sync". Its integrated into the core of Google Play Services so you can't disable it completely without causing issues (unticking is fine). It doesn't cause any wakes anyways since it's only active for a moment when you manually change account settings in Google Settings (i.e. device is awake anyways and it's not like you're always changing the settings).]
Now Google Play Services, various Google apps and social media apps have a lot of services. How do we tell which ones to disable?
They have "Sync" in the name and begin with what they're syncing.
For example:
Under Google Play Services, PeopleSyncService is the sync for "People" under your Google account.
Under Google+, AutoBackupSyncService is the Auto Backup sync for Photos.
Simply uncheck the boxes to disable a service:
If you're unsure which sync is which, the best way to tell is going to the sync page (In Settings > Account, see the first screenshot of this post), then opening Disable Service, disable a service and see which sync disappears. Re-enable it if it turns out to be a sync you rely on. If you're not 100% sure what a service is for, feel free to mention me in this thread, I'll provide an answer if I know what is is.
Social media apps also use syncs for purposes such as "find your friends", "contacts sync" and "photo album sync". Useful for some, but not everyone. They also use syncs to "refresh" automatically while you're not looking at them. There isn't really any need for that.. I mean, it'll refresh posts when you open up the app again and your notifications are pushed to your device anyways, right?
Waste of battery. You can disable all these too with no issues. Extremely helpful if you have a bunch of social media apps which nag you for syncs.
Also keep in mind that Google apps put all their syncs under the Google account and you'll have to go their respective apps to disable them (usually with "Adapter" in its name, but not always). For example, the Google+ and Google Chrome syncs get merged under your Google account.
If you also have the Greenify Donation Package and Xposed Framework, you can enable "Wakeup Timer Coalescing". This feature causes your syncs to all sync at the same time, rather than leaving them to sync whenever they want. It'll save a bit of battery because it'll only need to wake once rather than multiple times. Useful if you still rely on a few actually useful syncs such as Gmail.
The Disable Service app is also useful for disabling useless services which other apps tend to activate even if they're not being used. One example is YouTube. It wakes up screen cast services even if they're not being used, which subsequently wakes up Google Play Services. If you never use screen casting, you can disable it so it won't wake Play Services pointlessly whenever you open YouTube. Examples of some other services you can disable if you don't use them are Wearable Services, Play Games, Analytics. Don't disable any services with "Gcm", "gtalk" or "push" in them or you risk missing notifications from apps which use GCM cloud to push notifications to your device.
If you never use location you can also disable everything with "geo" or "location" in it, so it'll be completely disabled. No more location wakelocks. Ever.
Do keep in mind that disabling some could render an app useless if it legitimately needs to use it.
Titanium Backup won't work on Disable Service as it doesn't actually store any data itself and disables it in the system ("pm disable"). The "cut off wakeup path" feature of Greenify Donation Package + Xposed does the same thing, but (as far as I know) temporarily as it stores it in Greenify's data, and you can only disable them once they come up, not selectively.
Luckily, Disable Service has a hidden backup/restore function which you'll probably miss. Its in Overflow Menu > About. Helpful when flashing new ROMs/clean flashing. Puts DS_backup.txt on your Internal Storage.
For a general idea of what most of us have disabled without issues, I've dumped screenshots of what I personally have disabled. Please note that not everyone's would be the same, and some people may still need specific services to be enabled. Here:
Blocking the wakelock permission on Play Services isn't a bad idea either, see my post here:
If you're a user of location but you don't want the services to always be active when you don't need them (e.g. you only need them for driving/maps), you can use Tasker to enable and disable them. Create a new task, add action: Script > Run Shell. The command is "pm disable".
e.g. for disabling AnalyticsService:
pm disable
Make sure to check "Use Root". To enable a service you use pm enable instead of pm disable, of course. Try not to toggle them too much (e.g. enable/disable if Google Maps is open or not), as it'll probably cause a lot of lag. Manual toggles are probably best.
Enjoy your device without the annoyance of Play Services wakelocks/syncs:
(13% left, might've made it to 2 days with 7 hours SOT but I was tired so put it on the charger)
For those who want to disable OTA services (and it's possible wakelocks) PROPERLY:
Elluel said:
adb shell su -c pm disable
adb shell su -c pm disable$ActiveReceiver
adb shell su -c pm disable$Receiver
adb shell su -c pm disable$SecretCodeReceiver
adb shell su -c pm disable
adb shell su -c pm disable
adb shell su -c pm disable
adb shell su -c pm disable$Receiver
adb shell su -c pm disable$SecretCodeReceiver
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(you can also just "su" then "pm disable com.whatever" via a Terminal app)
How to analyze and improve your idle battery drain
If you need help to analyze your battery life, please use BetterBatteryStats to report logs.
1. Charge your phone to 100% then unplug it.
2. Leave your phone idle for at least 7 hours (do not touch the screen)
3. Open BBS and make sure that the start reference is "Unplugged" and the stop reference is "Current" or "Screen on"
4. Hit the Share button, select "Text Dumpfile" and save. The file is stored in the root of your sdcard.
5. Attach it in this thread
Note: Make sure that "Enable while charging" is NOT checked in BBS > Settings > Advanced
Any other information and screenshots about your usage pattern might help.
Here are a few screenshots from last night
Gsam has a lot of easy to follow info available, if you have root companion as well, and know where to look. Many battery issues will show their faces in these screens somewhere. Many, not all.
Please go from 100% to 10 or 15 percent battery left before taking screen shots.....for an accurate idea what's going on.
Here are samples of the important Screenshots from Gsam. Include these in your post and other members will quickly get an idea of what's happening. Hopefully. (not all issues are easy to find)
These are from Gsam with Gsam Root Companion also installed. Without Root Companion, or if you are not won't have all these available. So do what you can.
Main Screen
App Sucker Screen
Number of Times Waking Device (in App Sucker drop down)
Time Held Awake (in App Sucker drop down)
Kernel Wakelocks (in App Sucker drop down)
Also, if you have a weak signal a lot...maybe include Phone Radio screen
If your using Auto Brightness especially, the Screen screen can say a lot
And from the systems settings menu, under battery. Click on the graph for a more detailed graph....(tho really not necessary if you posted the first 5 above....and Radio screen if you think your signal is weak)
That's about it, from Gsam anyway.
I know we have a battery thread with 3000 posts....but its cluttered now, as all threads get eventually. Its in General, not Q&A, where troubleshooting is usually found. And its title is Nexus 5 battery results....designed to share times, more so than fix issues. It just became the go to issue place.
Time for a more new member friendly thread that stands out.
Reserved. For moi'
Good idea for the thread. It might also be helpful if you detailed your usage. Of course, people's usage should be what works for them and even if someone emulated your usage they will most likely get slightly different results. However, having said that I think a lot of people will ask for it anyway. I am curious myself as well of course =]
PsychDrummer said:
Good idea for the thread. It might also be helpful if you detailed your usage. Of course, people's usage should be what works for them and even if someone emulated your usage they will most likely get slightly different results. However, having said that I think a lot of people will ask for it anyway. I am curious myself as well of course =]
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I'll be putting my setup, and general tips in post 2 when I get some time.
My setup is simple really, turn all the frills off. Toggle them when needed. Screen dimmer, and manually adjusted. Greenify anything that can hurt battery life. I don't usually game... I have an N7 for that. I mostly use the browser, Tapatalk...and text. Yes, boring, I know. Lol
And try not to be running data in poor signal coverage areas. That's number one! Use WiFi, or turn off data and use it only when needed. Texts and calls still work with data off.
My setup definitely isn't for everyone....but decent battery life should still be obtainable with a more robust setup. Its all priority. Give up some things, gain more time. Keep some things, lose some time. And definitely squash any abnormal issues. I've ran just about every ROM out there, and always got similar battery life...setup the same on all of them of course.
And I hope others will see what I put and add to it anything I missed.
As I said, this isn't MY thread to oversee.....its just hopefully going to be a more efficient place for help. Assuming the appropriate screenshots accompany the posts. ?
It will be simplistic, nothing fancy. I'm not much into kernel tweaks and what not, not for the small amount of battery life they can add.
The purpose of the thread is for people to post issues, and for people to help solve them.
My tips won't be new to most, just gathered in an easy to find location....especially to help newer folks.
Oh....and the answer to the majority of battery issues......Location Services. Lol
Not location services alone perhaps....but it and the apps using it combined.
Thank Google. They just can't seem to get location services right.
Want significantly better better battery life immediately? Turn it off. Yes, off. Toggle it when needed (2 screen touches usually....a swipe and a click). And toggle it off when done.
Best tip there is. Yes, a sacrifice to some....but usually, great results.
KJ said:
Oh....and the answer to the majority of battery issues......Location Services. Lol
Not location services alone perhaps....but it and the apps using it combined.
Thank Google. They just can't seem to get location services right.
Want significantly better better battery life immediately? Turn it off. Yes, off. Toggle it when needed (2 screen touches usually....a swipe and a click). And toggle it off when done.
Best tip there is. Yes, a sacrifice to some....but usually, great results.
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So freaking true. I've set up my rom's tile to toggle between High Accuracy and Off. When I need maps or location, I hit the toggle and once I'm done, hit it again :cyclops:
Looking good
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Just going to put this out there - if you put your brightness on the lowest settings and your device isn't awake too much while the screen is off (i.e. wake locks managed, Greenify/ROM's wake lock blocker), average screen on time should be 4-6 hours EASILY. Everything else is has minimal impact (apart from listening to music with the screen off, which would be keeping your device awake, nothing you can do about that.).
There is NO magic setup that will give you phenomenal battery life - short of a battery case but that doesn't count.
This is 4 and a half hours of continuous use, almost always SoT (4 hours 15 mins SoT). Just browsing forums on Tapatalk while listening to music. Still have a quarter left of my battery:
Sent from my Nexus 5
Lethargy said:
Just going to put this out there - if you put your brightness on the lowest settings and your device isn't awake too much while the screen is off (i.e. wake locks managed, Greenify/ROM's wake lock blocker), average screen on time should be 4-6 hours EASILY. Everything else is has minimal impact (apart from listening to music with the screen off, which would be keeping your device awake, nothing you can do about that.).
There is NO magic setup that will give you phenomenal battery life - short of a battery case but that doesn't count.
This is 4 and a half hours of continuous use, almost always SoT (4 hours 15 mins SoT). Just browsing forums on Tapatalk while listening to music. Still have a quarter left of my battery:
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Agreed. ?
No, there's no "magic" setup, but 3 hours average to 6 hours average screen time is a huge difference. And setup, usage and signal strength all play a role. The more features off....the longer you'll go. Yes, screen is huge....but things like location services (along with a bunch of social apps) gnow, android device manager...and certain apps can also make a huge difference.
KJ said:
Agreed. ?
No, there's no "magic" setup, but 3 hours average to 6 hours average screen time is a huge difference. And setup, usage and signal strength all play a role. The more features off....the longer you'll go. Yes, screen is huge....but things like location services (along with a bunch of social apps) gnow, android device manager...and certain apps can also make a huge difference.
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Agree 100%, but by "setup" I meant ROM, kernel, etc. I hate it when people claim that a certain kernel or ROM would give you better battery life - we know otherwise. To some extent maybe, but its only a minor impact compared to other factors that may influence your battery life.
But yes, setup in the form of apps and whatnot could impact battery life but really that's just down to your own usage and management. I have a bunch of social apps on my device but I have them managed properly with Greenify and whatnot. My battery life is fine.
In the end the only real excuse is signal strength. But I guess that's what this thread is for - to help people with the other factors.
And yeah, always nuke location. Its useless and just wants your battery.
Sent from my Nexus 5
The guys saying "my battery sucks", yet have every single feature on, auto brightness, 6 different social apps...etc...etc....are the ones who don't know these things. And they have 3 hours SoT. Well....that's about right. Lol.
So hopefully with tips on what to cut out....they can pick and choose what the can live without. And times will increase with each cut or change.
KJ said:
The guys saying "my battery sucks", yet have every single feature on, auto brightness, 6 different social apps...etc...etc....are the ones who don't know these things. And they have 3 hours SoT. Well....that's about right. Lol.
So hopefully with tips on what to cut out....they can pick and choose what the can live without. And times will increase with each cut or change.
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You should add it to the OP along with mentioning that a ROM or kernel will hardly make your battery life any better.
And I just hit 5 hours SoT with 15% battery left. I'm doing this just to see how much SoT I would get since I don't drain my battery down very often - and my device is asleep 99.99% of the time the screen is off (with the exception of music lol) - its just good management.
Also, I do have autobrightness enabled - but since I'm on a custom ROM I've changed the brightness levels really, really low, stock values are horrible i.e. battery drainer.
Sent from my Nexus 5
Lethargy said:
You should add it to the OP along with mentioning that a ROM or kernel will hardly make your battery life any better.
And I just hit 5 hours SoT with 15% battery left. I'm doing this just to see how much SoT I would get since I don't drain my battery down very often - and my device is asleep 99.99% of the time the screen is off (with the exception of music lol) - its just good management.
Also, I do have autobrightness enabled - but since I'm on a custom ROM I've changed the brightness levels really, really low, stock values are horrible i.e. battery drainer.
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Post 2 will have all the tips I can think of, no matter how harsh...Lol. As well as tips others contribute. Like yours!
Probably won't get to it til the weekend.
This is not a good battery cycle.
unsivil_audio said:
This is not a good battery cycle.
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Seems pretty good to me??
Its on the borderline of acceptable to me. Location set to device, no GN. I can't tell if FB is a killer or not. I mean my wakelocks are under control (40 mins of that is listening to music). My battery life really seems to vary by the day with virtually no setup changes. I'm going back to location off today. We'll see if it helps.
v----This on the other hand was awesome...

Having bad battery life on Nougat? Check this.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------​What I have right now out of Doze are "Bluetooth MIDI Service", "Bluetooth Share", the "Clock" app and two other Clock apps.
I am not sure how effective is the method listed below after the last update. Stay tuned.​​
Also I think the current version of Facebook Messenger is draining too much battery.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------​Hello everyone,
when I bought my Zenfone 3 ZE520KL, I was amazed by it's battery life. I could easily get around 8 hours of SOT in a single charge with moderate usage. My device was running Android Marshmallow 6.0 out of the box, but performance wasn't as good. On Nougat, performance is much better and faster, also I used to get some lags and frozen screen, the capacitive keys also sometimes froze when I was charging my phone, but now I don't get issues like that as often as before. Interface is so much more appealing and I love it.
But what about battery life? I started getting around 5 hours of SOT.. which is still good, but not really close to 8 hours. I thought a lot about these 3 hours that were missing so I decided to start investigating. I wanted to share my findings with you so maybe you would know something that could help.
It's been two weeks since I have been testing out different things. The apps I used to do my research are:
Carat. What I love about this app is the process list. It shows exactly which apps and system processes are running in the background, so I can control them very easily.
Greenify. Thanks to the Carat app, I can see which apps continue running in the background, so I can use Greenify to hibernate them after I'm done using them. (Examples: Youtube, Snapchat etc.). Also I bought the Donation Package, and unlocked the other modes using adb commands (my device is not rooted).
BetterBatteryStats. This app is usually used to detect wakelocks. I limited the Google Calendar App from syncing so it doesn't use too much battery in the background. This app is paid in Google Play but you can get it for free from here.
What I did to get better battery life:
I excluded the services, that were always running in the process list from the Carat App from Doze. Apparently, the new Doze in Nougat gives us permission to optimize more system processes and services than before, which can backfire - Doze starts trying to kill processes that can't be killed, and this results in consuming more battery juice than saving it.
How to enter Doze settings and make the following changes:
Go to "Settings" > Select "Battery" > Tap on the three dots at the upper-right corner > Select "Battery Optimization" > Select "All Apps" > Find and tap on the Apps/Services/Processes I have listed below > Select "Do not optimize". The other apps and services should stay optimized.
The apps, processes and services that I removed from Doze are:
Android Services Library
Android System
ASUS Calling Screen
Bluetooth MIDI Service
Bluetooth Share
ICESound Service
Mobile Manager
System UI
Telecom Service
Telephony Service
ZenUI Keyboard
ZenUI Launcher
Some other apps that I'm using: Do It Later, Greenify, Messages, Nova Launcher, Timely, Weather.
Please do a full charge to 100% afterwards and check if the battery still drains as quickly as before. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
I am already starting to see improvement in my battery life. I was losing around 2% on Stand By and battery was draining fast when I was using the phone, but now I lost 0% on Stand By overnight and 10% for 1 hour of SOT (before this I was losing 10% for 30 min. of SOT). I am still trying to figure out which services exactly are causing the drain, when they are being optimized. Maybe the services, included in the Android System? (Check them from Settings > Battery > Android System > Included Packages). I deleted Facebook and Twitter apps and started using them from Chrome (almost the same thing, I quickly got used to that). Please check the updates below for more info and share your opinion or advice in the comments so we can all reach a better experience with this amazing smartphone.
Thank you for reading!
Update1: 6h30min SOT with 30% left (917mAh, 35%), but I will have to charge now. I have been messing with Doze a lot, maybe I'll get more clean results later. Progress has been made though, at least with my device.
Update2: Something interesting - my J-Score with the Carat app before and after starting this experiment:
Update3: There is a battery drain when making voice calls - 226mAh (7%) were lost because of 43 minutes long talk time.
Results were worse after testing with the second list removed, although there wasn't much draining with the screen on: SOT - 5h20min for 70% of battery (752mAh, 20%).
Update4: appears as a wakelock at BBS (Wakeups:8). Also 2h30 SOT for 30% used battery (100-70%~408 mAh). I'm updating the list and trying again.
Please note that my phone is updated to the latest firmware WW_Phone-14.2020.1703.28-20170410.
Update5: is still an active wakelock (Wakeups:14), but SOT is 2h34min for 30% used battery (100-70%~343mAh). At 30% battery left, SOT is almost 6hrs(28%~787mAh), Device Idle is at 10% (291mAh). The MobileManagerService is causing way too many wakelocks and is probably the reason for the high Device Idle battery usage.
Update6: MobileManagerService is no longer showing as a frequent wakelock. (Telephony Service - Wakeups:9) and are the most persistent wakelocks, other than that battery life is amazing at the moment. SOT is 2h45min for 30% used battery (100-70%~366mAh). I also had 27 min of talk time (4%~145mAh). At 30% left, I have 6h33min of SOT (32%~912mAh). Device Idle is again at 10% (292mAh). We are ready for the final test.
Update7: The results are quite interesting. After removing com.qti.qualcomm.telephonyservice from Doze, stopped appearing as a frequent wakelock at first, but now, at 70% it has 16 wakeups. SOT is 2h22min (100-70%~318mAh), so it's not better. I'm going to try a few more changes.
Update 8: I posted it as a reply here.
Update 9: I shouldn't have put Task Manager out of Doze, I get so much better battery life now. The update is ready, check it here.
Good post, thank you for investigating this, please let us know if you find more stuff or what exactly is responsible for it and an easy way of fixing.
1noob said:
Good post, thank you for investigating this, please let us know if you find more stuff or what exactly is responsible for it and an easy way of fixing.
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Hello! Thank you for your reply. I'm so happy I could help others and myself with this thread, but I also need to know if you are also seeing any difference. Please check here regularly!
Also, I'm guessing that when you put your system processes and services in Doze, you also decrease their performance, which causes battery draining, as they try to run normally and do their work. Doze is trying to prevent them from doing that. This is my conclusion, but only results will show if I'm correct. If you own yourself a Zenfone 3, please feel free to report if you experience any changes using my method.
Thank you and have a nice day!
Hi, thank you for the post. I have a zenfone 3 here and will try your method.
I'm trying it on ze520kl with marschmallow, it seems working fine. :highfive:
Do you remove the first and second list from doze ? or ate testing with only the second list now?
Nice findings btw
pedromms86 said:
Do you remove the first and second list from doze ? or ate testing with only the second list now?
Nice findings btw
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I have removed everything from both of the lists. It's still early to say but no major battery drain is noticed for now. Thanks!
bibbomio said:
I'm trying it on ze520kl with marschmallow, it seems working fine. :highfive:
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Awesome! :good:
Thank you so much for this article. Well written as well. I have applied the changes and so far no issues (it has been 6 h is). Will report once I have more history
I remove the apps from doze, and can say it really improve battery (test for one day)
thanks !
@Blackrose110 any news improvements after update3 ?
New update is released via OTA (~500MB).
pedromms86 said:
@Blackrose110 any news improvements after update3 ?
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Too early to say, also I got a weird wakelock, and lost 2% overnight. I lost the results (100-90%) after a restart. Now I'm going to update my phone and start again.
I had 8% used up on 43 minutes of SOT, and 2% lost on voice calls (100 and something mAh). I went to bed with 92%, I guess the other 2% were lost on that wakelock and the clock wakelock. These 2% were lost on equal intervals.
It's going to take a while, I'm just using my device normally. I don't have time to be on my phone all the time, also the battery is harder to drain now. At this point, I'm just trying to get better results.
pedromms86 said:
@Blackrose110 any news improvements after update3 ?
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Check again tomorrow!
RobinRo said:
New update is released via OTA (~500MB).
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I don't think it is a good ideea to change Doze settings for system services like com.qualcomm.* or telephony*.
In theory, these services should be compatible with operating system and they should work as designed. I would focus on third-party apps who doesn't work well on Nougat.
Anyway, is just an opinion and i'm looking forward for updates
ci6i said:
I don't think it is a good ideea to change Doze settings for system services like com.qualcomm.* or telephony*.
In theory, these services should be compatible with operating system and they should work as designed. I would focus on third-party apps who doesn't work well on Nougat.
Anyway, is just an opinion and i'm looking forward for updates
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Hello ci6i, I also agree with you, and that's why I excluded all of them from Doze when I first tried this out. At the moment, I removed only those system services, that run in the background all the time. My goal is to find the least amount of system services and processes, that are causing battery drain when the phone is in use.
I am not saying that you should do exactly what I did. It's best if you try out yourself on your own device what works and what doesn't.
I also have only excluded from Doze apps that I use daily. But everyone is using different apps and it depends only on the developers to update them.
You can download Carat for free from Google Play and check the process list, it's very useful. The app itself doesn't use any battery.
Good luck!
Blackrose110 said:
I am not saying that you should do exactly what I did. It's best if you try out yourself on your own device what works and what doesn't.
I also have only excluded from Doze apps that I use daily. But everyone is using different apps and it depends only on the developers to update them.
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I agree with you and i really appreciate your work Yesterday I've installed Carat after i read your first post and today i did new OTA update and cleared cache partition. Let's see how it works in the next few days.
What should I do next, guys? Remove other com.qualcomm/ services or remove just MobileManagerService from Doze? I'm thinking about the second one, I'm curious to see if ti makes any difference. I think the results from the first test were the best, and the MobileManagerService was out of Doze as far as I remember. Might as well try and see what happens.
It's a bit hard to drain the battery these days, so updates might not be fast. Patience is key!
Yeahh final test!! Looking forward to the result

[GUIDE] Improve Battery life and performance (no root)

MFirst of all i want to apologyze for my bad English.
After the nougat update i start getting a really bad battery life and have to charge the phone 3 times a day. I start digging in the problem and do test in search for a better battery. I managed to improve my 3hous SoT to get between 4.30 to 6 hours SoT.
The tweaks in this guide are not magical, there are just tips that help me improve a lot my battery life. There is no need to unlock bootloader or to root the phone. The idea is to make a good balance between functionality and battery life. Everyone can choose what thinks they want to sacrifice for battery life and what they want to keep. All the steps that are listed here are reversible and can't harm your device in any way. It is pointed to people that do not know a lot of this subject.
My advice is to full apply all the steps and after getting a good battery life start to enabling the features that you want to have on the phone one by one and test battery.
At the end of this guide there is a section with improvements wich aim is to make the moto x style look like more like the news motorola Phones.
Simple Tips for Battery life:
-After a major OS upgrade it is important to do a full factory reset, full wipe. When logging with your google acount start the device as a new device. Do not restore apps!
-Try to not use the Turbocharger. Based on my own experience, a good 1-2 Amp charger get a lot more juyce that the turbo charger. It may sound weird to you but i tested this a lot of times and really see and important difference. I only use the turbocharge when i am in a hurry.
-Do a full calibration of your battery. Let the battery get to 0%. Turn the phone off and let it charge to 100% and left it plugged a little bit more. After that unplugg the phone, restart it and see if the % is still 100%. If not plugg the phone again after a 100% charge and repeat the process until you get a full 100% charge or near that number.
-A good advice if to left the phone charging in the nigth, or when you think it is a good moment. After get to 100% of the charge, unplugg the phone, restart it and plug it again. For my the battery is not getting a good reading after Nougat update. After a restart i always "lost" like 8% of charge. I do this every time i charge the phone.
-The NOUGAT room is draining battery very very fast when there is bad celular signal. So if you are not having a good celular signal it is a good advice to put the phone in airplane mode until you change your location. Also, there is drain with bad wi-fi signal so try to avoid that too. It is not strong like the celular drain but can influence in your final results.
-Turn off location when you are not using it. If you have to use it try to use the "battery saver mode" and put high accuaricy when you are going to use the GPS for a precise fix or navigation. Google Play Services have and excess use of wackelocks due to location, they are listed ass NLPcollectorwackelock and NLPwackelock.
-If you are on Wifi turn off data and if you are in data turn off Wifi. If you can use both try to use Wifi with a good wifi signal. It uses a little bit less battery that 4G for me.
-Unninstall apps that you are not using or going to use in a short-mid time. They may be running in the background and eating
-Turn off automatic brigthness. Put your brigth to the minimun you are happy with. I used mine almost in the minimun and i see the screen perfect. Also remember that the power scale is non linear. Putting the wheel in the half of the brigthness bar is not getting you "half the brigthness of the screen".
Download autobrigth switch .This make you turn autobrigthness on with a click. This is very usefull if you are outside, let you see the screen with 100% and then let turn it off when you are inside. It is a easy way to manage brigthness.
IMPORTANT:When you are not using your device it must go to sleep mode. It is a mode where the CPU is almost turned off and it doens't drain much battery. Later in this guide i will explain how to properly install a Battery monitor program. It is very important to watch if the device is sleeping ok and there aren't apps with bad behaviours keeping the device awake and draining your battery. This can be seem in GSAM Battery monitor watching the held awake tab. If an app is keeping your device awake you have to uninstall or contact the developer and tell him about your problem with his app.
Tunning the system to Optimize the Battery and Performance:
For this part you will need to have installed ADB drivers, you can download and install from here:
You have to activated debug mode on the phone:
Go to settings, about phone, tap 7 times the Compilation Number until you see a message saying that you are a developper. Now go to settingss, developer and activated USB DEBUG mode. To see what apps are running in the background on your phone go to settings, developer, in execution.
Also you will need to install 4 more free apps, later they can be uninstalled if you want:
App inspector to know the name of certain package:
App Ops to manage special permissions of apps:
Shizuku Manager is needed to give the permissions necesary to App Ops:
Gsam battery Monitor for monitoring apps usage:
The aim of this part of the guide is to disable all the features and apps that may be drainning your battery.
All of this can be reverted one by one after getting a good battery and testing the results and the impact on battery life:
-Turn off location, bluetooth, NFC.
-Go to moto app and turn off Moto Voice, Moto screen, Wave to wake. I keep the flaslight and the cam gesture on but you can dissable them if you want.
-Go to settingss, Motorola privacy and turn off enhancet device support and help us with bla bla.
-Go to settings, security, back up and turn off data back up.
-Go to settings, location, turn of Google location History and share location of google. In the Rigth upper corner tap on the 3 dots and turn of bluetooth scanning and wifi scanning.
-Go to settings, google, search, and turn off all the features like feed, nearby, voice detection, notifications, doodles, google fit, firebase App Indexing.
-Go to settings, google, security, dissable google play protect,etc. (If you consider this ass important do not disable it)
-Go to settings, apps, tap the 3 dots in the upper rigth corner and tap on show system apps. Disable Motorola device manager and Motorola notifications. Also delete the apps data.
-Go to accounts and turn off syncronizations of all the things you really don't need. For instance in google account i left on contacts, Chrome and Contacts info only.
-If you are using chrome go to settingss, site configuration. Turn off location, notifications, sync in the background. In the sync settings just let the chrome sync only what you need.
-Disable all google and motorola apps that you are not using. For instance Google Duo, hangouts, play music, play books, play games, carrier services, Motorola connect, talkback, devices help, etc.
-Search for apps that ask for permission you think they don't need it. Speacially location.
-Turn off special permission that you think apps don't need. The special permission can be managed going to settings, apps, tap the wheel, advance-special acces:Look to "change system settings" and "get over other aplications". Also turn off acces to data usage for Google Play and Google Play services.
-Go to settingss, security, trusted agents, disable smartlock.
-If you have apps like greenify installed, uninstall them.
-If you have home widgets be sure that they are not using your location and also if it posible put the refresh time to the minimum.
-I don't use GBOARD, it was not working ok for me and also draining battery. So i search in the internet and donwload the latest google keyboard version before GBOARD, it works perfect. I do not recommend GBOARD as it is not working ok and it is not propperly optimized.
Using ADB for Background process:
The next step consist of disabling System process and apps that you no not need to run in the background, for example MotoCare:
Motocare is a system process that runs in the background and collects info of your device use even if you turn off motorola privacy features. That not makes much sense but it is there and can't be disable in a easy way.
After installing ADB, drivers and turning on USB DEBUG MODE, plug the phone, go to the search bar in windows and search for CMD. Open it.
abd devices
Is everything is ok you will see a device in the list that is your Moto x Style. If not figure out what is the problem, make sure DEBUG MODE is on and that you give the propper permission in the phone.
Then write:
adb -d shell pm grant com.gsamlabs.bbm android.permission.BATTERY_STATS
This will let you see full wakelock list in GSAM Battery Monitor app. This is very important to know if there is an app keeping your device awake.
abd shell
cmd appops set "com.motorola.motocare" RUN_IN_BACKGROUND ignore
cmd appops set "com.motorola.motocare.internal" RUN_IN_BACKGROUND ignore
This last two lines will stop motocare. After this go to apps, with "show system apps" on search motocare and motocareint and delete all the data. After that check that motocare is not running in the background.
cmd appops set "com.motorola.ccc.ota" RUN_IN_BACKGROUND ignore
cmd appops set "com.motorola.ccc.checkin" RUN_IN_BACKGROUND ignore
This will turn off OTA services. If you want to take an OTA after this, (if motorola ever send another OTA for our device) you can just go to settingss, about phone and check for update manually. (After enabling Motorola device Manager and Motorola Notification). Anyway is there is a new OTA you probably are going to know it from XDA forums.
You can use the same command to disable apps that you don't need to run in the background but you want to use.
To use this commands just open app inspector, search the app you want. Copy the package name and use the command with that package. Anyway in the next step i will show you a easy way to do the same with other apps that are not from the system.
If you want to re enable and app to run in the background just reinstall it or write the same sentence changing "ignore" for "allow":
For example with Facebook. If you search it in app ops the package name is com.facebook.katana . The name of the package is "katana" because it is like smashing your battery with a Katana lol.
adb shell
cmd appops set "com.facebook.katana" RUN_IN_BACKGROUND ignore
to enable it:
cmd appops set "com.facebook.katana" RUN_IN_BACKGROUND allow
My advice is to not use this command with google services or with system apps you don't know what they do in your phone. It may get you in a problem.
Now we are going to see another way to stop apps for running in the background. This is usefull with apps that you want to keep and don't want to run in the background.
For example in my case, i use facebook app but don't want it to run in the background. Also i disable all navitagion apps to run in the background, Here we go and google maps in my case. They both work perfect when I open they, don't need them running in the background. I let apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Tinder, Facebook Messenger to run in the background because i want to know when someone send a message and don't want to wait until i open the app. If you don't need the notifications my advice is to don't let run in the background. That will get you a considerable amount of battery. Whatsapp have a lot of battery drain. For some reasons it has the acelerometer turn on a ridiculous amount of time and it triggers google play services wackelock PackageMeasuremntservice.
Connect the phone via usb and launch terminal as we did before, search bar and search button, type CMD and open it. Open Shizuku Manager
Wrote in the terminal:
adb shell sh /sdcard/Android/data/moe.shizuku.privileged.api/files/
if you do it rigth you will see that the server starts running. Now unplugg your phone, close shizuku manager and open App Ops. If you turn off your phone you will have to repeat the process in order to get app ops running again.
Search for apps that you don't want to run in the background. In the permission settings there is "run in the background", you can turn it off or on from there. It has exact the same effect that doing it in the ADB terminal ass we did it in the previous step. But motocare can't be disabled from the app.
Also you can manage all the permission from the apps one by one in a lot better detailed way than from the stock app settings..
There is also a trick with google play services and location. I am getting a big wake up with NLPcollector and variants. If you turn off the network location permission in google play services it will stop the wakelock even if you have your location ON. That make google play services almost drainless. The problem is that some apps may not get a correct location in "battery saving mode" because they use google play services. This is fixed turning on high presition mode or device only mode and letting the GPS do the location work only when you need it.
Finally you can tweak all your apps permissions and see the battery results. The two most important permission related to battery life are the location and the background one. Try to disable location for everything you don't need to be tracking you.
Tunning your Moto X Style:
To get the new Camera app from motorola:
Go to apps, search for stock camera app and disable it. Delete all the app data. Go to settings, security and turn on "Unkown Sources".After that donwload the moded camera app from this tread:
Restart your phonr and Install it! Now you have the new camera app . It work almost perfect, the only things that are not working for me are: Twist to change to selfie mode, shutter time in pro mode and white balance in pro mode. Don't forget to thanks the developer for this great app. Also turn off Unkonw Sources after the installation.
To get the Moto Z command Widget:
Donwload and install this app:
Don't forget to turn location of the widget off, you can put your location manually and save battery.
Launcher 3:
It is the new Motorola Stock Launcher. You can try the Moto G5 Launcher too, it is in XDA.
Unlock Method:
The phone doesn't have fingerprint scanner but a good alternative is to use face unlock. LG and Samsung do a lot of marketing of something that is build in on android stock and work almost perfect. Go to security, turn smartlock on.Then go to smartlock and turn on face detection. It works like a charm, is almost instantaneous. My advice is to do this after getting a good battery life as smartlock features can affect battery. Make sure you don't have on trusted places on Smartlock as it drains your battery. Also if you have location ON it may drain your battery even if you don't have trusted place on, so take care. The trusted face feature on its own drains a negligible % of battery.
As i stated in the beggining:
If you want the best battery life you always have to do a compromise between it and features of the phone. For example i love moto display and the wave to wake feature but it takes so much juice of my phone.
My advice is to do all the steps, make sure you are getting a good battery life and after that start reenabling one by one the features you need and watching the impact of them in your battery life. Also i know that some of the stuff i mention may have a negligible impact in battery for themselves but when you put all together they do make a difference. My phone is draining almost 0% on stand by mode with doze. I let it with a %, go to sleep and when i wake up i have the same %.
At this moment i am testing battery on my phone and seeying wich features do make a big diference in battery life.
For instance i am using smartlock, face unlock with location off and in security settings i have android device manager enabled. They seems to not affect the battery performance so much. I will continue testing features to see wich ones are the main offenders.
Any suggestion or any question is welcome! Also if this helps you please let me know and post your battery life before and after.
Great guide, although might a bit extreme for some people to do all of these things.
I can tell you the biggest increase in battery life i have seen is to disable the Moto Display and Moto Gesture to wave over the display... My idle usage has stopped in half and maintains around 2% with it all off.
acejavelin said:
Great guide, although might a bit extreme for some people to do all of these things.
I can tell you the biggest increase in battery life i have seen is to disable the Moto Display and Moto Gesture to wave over the display... My idle usage has stopped in half and maintains around 2% with it all off.
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Yes, i know that for some people it may be too much, but the guide is divided in parts so anyone can take what they seem comfortable with.
I agree with you, wave to wake and moto display are the main offenders and i feel that with nougat the battery drain of this features get agravated a lot more. It is a shame because i really like that features but they drain your battery even with the screen on..
Great guide, thanks
With the Nougat update my sot is way better up to 4 h, while on mm it was around 3.5h.
I just wonder why buy a phone with features like wave hand, etc. and not using them?
That's a pity that Moto doesn't have d2w like lg phones, it's very handy.
I don't like to look for button to press it every time.
I know that's everybody's choice. Just my 2 cents.
Does turning off all location stuff that you mentioned affects any usability, notifications, etc?
Sent from my XT1572 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
2be3_80 said:
Great guide, thanks
With the Nougat update my sot is way better up to 4 h, while on mm it was around 3.5h.
I just wonder why buy a phone with features like wave hand, etc. and not using them?
That's a pity that Moto doesn't have d2w like lg phones, it's very handy.
I don't like to look for button to press it every time.
I know that's everybody's choice. Just my 2 cents.
Does turning off all location stuff that you mentioned affects any usability, notifications, etc?
Sent from my XT1572 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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If your SOT increased on Nougat, it is because the OS is more efficient elsewhere... hardware power draw cannot be changed with software.
Why not use the gestures? Like anything else, they are unnecessary for normal operation and consume extra battery, waiting for detect you waving your hand over the display takes some power, not a lot, but over 10-12 hours it is noticeable... Why buy a phone with gestures if your just going to turn them off? Because the pluses outweigh the negative and there is no perfect device.
Moto probably doesn't implement DT2W because the screen technology they use would require the screen (digitizer actually) to be powered all the time, increasing idle battery draw from 2-5% per hour. It is implemented in some 3rd party kernels and ROMs, but few people use it because over 12 hours of sleeping time, it consumes 25%-50% of your battery capacity. :/
I'm not going to get into the other stuff, things like disabling Google Play services and location services and stuff like that, just take away too much functionality for my taste for what you gain. In general when not traveling, I need 3 hours of SOT in a day and this device generally makes that. When traveling (which I did on very regular basis for years until this week) I was under 50% before 9am and near dead by noon if I didn't charge or connect to battery pack. So in general these optimization are not enough to do what I need, so I just skip them.
2be3_80 said:
Great guide, thanks
With the Nougat update my sot is way better up to 4 h, while on mm it was around 3.5h.
I just wonder why buy a phone with features like wave hand, etc. and not using them?
That's a pity that Moto doesn't have d2w like lg phones, it's very handy.
I don't like to look for button to press it every time.
I know that's everybody's choice. Just my 2 cents.
Does turning off all location stuff that you mentioned affects any usability, notifications, etc?
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For my after nougat update the battery life go to Hell. I was getting 3hs lf SoT wich is unaceptable for me.
I understand your point and i really like wave to wake. It is nice. For my is nicer to have 5hs or more of SoT. In nougat my wave to wake eats battery like crazy and i really don't need it much. Answering your question, disabling motocare only disable motorola remote support. All the other moto stuff doesn't affect the phone, only disable the OTAs. There is nothing in the guide that compromise basic functionality of the phone, maybe only disabling location permission on google play services with app ops can affect location on some apps. As i stated in the end, everyone have to chose between functionalitis and battery life.
After i managed to get 6hs SoT i start to enabling things and test how was my battery life. I will stop in the 5 hours SoT limit.
At this moment i reenable: moto voice, location in saving mode, smart lock with face unlock, android administrator to lock the device remotely and i am getting between 5hs to 5:20hs SoT. Next step is to try with moto display.
NahuelMS said:
For my after nougat update the battery life go to Hell. I was getting 3hs lf SoT wich is unaceptable for me.
I understand your point and i really like wave to wake. It is nice. For my is nicer to have 5hs or more of SoT. In nougat my wave to wake eats battery like crazy and i really don't need it much. Answering your question, disabling motocare only disable motorola remote support. All the other moto stuff doesn't affect the phone, only disable the OTAs. There is nothing in the guide that compromise basic functionality of the phone, maybe only disabling location permission on google play services with app ops can affect location on some apps. As i stated in the end, everyone have to chose between functionalitis and battery life.
After i managed to get 6hs SoT i start to enabling things and test how was my battery life. I will stop in the 5 hours SoT limit.
At this moment i reenable: moto voice, location in saving mode, smart lock with face unlock, android administrator to lock the device remotely and i am getting between 5hs to 5:20hs SoT. Next step is to try with moto display.
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I have run ADB commands and after each and everyone I had no confirmation dialogue nor anything.
I have rebooted device and how can I check if I had done everything right?
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2be3_80 said:
I have run ADB commands and after each and everyone I had no confirmation dialogue nor anything.
I have rebooted device and how can I check if I had done everything right?
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If you have done everything rigth you wont see the apps running unless you open they. To see process in execution you have to go to seetings, about device, tap 7 times build number until you get the message that you are a developer.
Go to seeting again, you will see developer option. In there you search for in execution. If you do everything rigth you wont see motocare or moto things runnings. Same with the apps like facebook, etc. They only appear in execution when you open they or have they in recent apps.
Let me know if your battery get improved.
This if from last test:
Enabled moto display, moto voice, face unlock, location in battery saving mode. Disabling background things really help with battety life.
NahuelMS said:
This if from last test:
Enabled moto display, moto voice, face unlock, location in battery saving mode. Disabling background things really help with battety life.
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That's really good achievement.
I can't get close to your results.
I have disabled moto apps running in background, location off, Moto display on, wave hand on.
I only use WiFi/network when needed.
Hmm what could be the culprit?
On this charge I think I will get about 4h sot.
Sent from my XT1572 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
2be3_80 said:
That's really good achievement.
I can't get close to your results.
I have disabled moto apps running in background, location off, Moto display on, wave hand on.
I only use WiFi/network when needed.
Hmm what could be the culprit?
On this charge I think I will get about 4h sot.
Sent from my XT1572 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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Yes, i think the average for those conditions is 5 hs (mine conditions)
Are you using turbocharger? How old is your phone? Maybe the battery is getting bad? Did you disable apps like facebook running in the background? Installed Gsam Battery monitor amd check there isn't an app eating your juice or keeping your device awake? Do you have good signal? My best advice is to do all the steps of the guide and see how much of battery life are you getting in that condition. Them start reenabling things like moto voice, moto display and finaly wave to wake. Did your battery got improved dissabling moto stuff?
Wave to wake for my on Nougat was a battery hog. Maybe try to disable it and see how much your battery improves!
My phone is from February 2017, never used turbocharger (I believe it's killing battery over time). Not using Facebook.
When updated to Nougat I did factory reset and disabled various Google apps that I don't use, like Duo, Google+, etc.
My sot was around 4 h with Moto display and wave hand gesture. After disabling Moto stuff from your guide though ADB I haven't noticed any improvements. I will observe few more days. I don't have any Moto update processes running in background.
I use Gboard and like it very much, so it's a keeper for me.
Sent from my XT1572 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
2be3_80 said:
My phone is from February 2017, never used turbocharger (I believe it's killing battery over time). Not using Facebook.
When updated to Nougat I did factory reset and disabled various Google apps that I don't use, like Duo, Google+, etc.
My sot was around 4 h with Moto display and wave hand gesture. After disabling Moto stuff from your guide though ADB I haven't noticed any improvements. I will observe few more days. I don't have any Moto update processes running in background.
I use Gboard and like it very much, so it's a keeper for me.
Sent from my XT1572 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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Try one or two days without wave to wake and see how much battery you can get. I don't think Gboard should be a deal breaker in battery life in comparison with google keyboard, i don't think it is the problem. Maybe there is an app keepping your device awake? Your phone is almost new so i doubt from battery problems. Can you post a screenshot of battery usage and signal, awake time, etc, from your android battery usage?
This is from today with mid usage and time with low signal:
Today I did factory reset and will observe how it goes without tweaks but with most apps shipped with phone disabled that I don't use
2be3_80 said:
Today I did factory reset and will observe how it goes without tweaks but with most apps shipped with phone disabled that I don't use
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If you allready did a factory reset i don't think it will give much battery in same conditions and take into account that android take some cycles to calibrate the system and the apps, so battery duration should getting extended during the first week until it reach a plateau.
Just an FYI... Up until a week or so ago, I was averaging 2h 45m to 3h screen on time in an average day and since I started using my phone for work (BYOD program, always had a separate work device before) the battery life started really mattering so I made the following changes...
- Dropped Facebook and Messenger (MASSIVE battery hog apps, always at the top of the list) and moved to Facebook Lite (yes, you can get it in the US, just have to use APKMirror, and it includes Messenger services in the same app)
- Dropped Accuweather (was keeping device awake and accessing location dozens to hundreds of times per hour) and switched to 1Weather
- Dropped Microsoft Outlook (keeping device awake and using background data, and a Device Administrator I didn't want) and switched to Nine
- Dropped OpenSignal (was using background data and waking device very frequently)
- Disabled Moto Display entirely
- Disabled Moto Action Wave to Wake
These 6 things are all I have done... I keep all services active, high accuracy location, all accounts and services syncing, no background data restrictions, no disabled apps, backup and other services like Motorola services all running, no adjustments in permissions, using Gboard as my default keyboard, and I have ~120 apps installed, 80% of which are occasional use only. I use a Quick Charger about 50% of the time for boost charging at work or when traveling, but overnights it is on a standard (5v/1.8A) charger and not QC. I have seen my Doze and Deep Sleep times increase significantly, with Deep Sleep time approaching to 75%... And Screen On Time over a normal day increasing by nearly an hour on average... In fact, yesterday I had my best SoT in over a year with 4h 28m over a 16 hour day in mixed use, including a 6 hour YuGiOh tournament where I used the phone to keep score of my matches (with marginal LTE service and no WiFi), going out to eat 20 minutes away, and then back home for some video game time with friends and still have 20% battery remaining when it went back on the charger, probably could have gotten 5.5 hours if I pushed it near zero. Making it sufficient for daily use for me again.
Am I saying this is the answer for everyone? No, but install a good battery monitoring tool like GSAM Battery Monitor and see what is using your battery (make sure to enable advanced reporting, requires ADB connection)... and don't just look at the default screens, dig into the app after some use. The "View % Power Used" screen only tells part of the story... Make sure to look at View Number Times Waking Device, View GPS Time Used, and View Time Held Awake because some things are not always so obvious. Accuweather for one was "hiding" some of it's usage in Android System and Google services in the View % Power Screen, but when you looked in View Time Held Awake and View GPS Time Used, it became evident it was doing something.
Some other apps which can be culprits are shopping apps, they often track where you are frequently... such as Walmart, Sam's Club, Best Buy, CVS, and most other dedicated apps for shopping. Alternative messaging apps like Messenger, Whatsapp, Kik, Skype, Viber, SnapChat (currently the #1 battery killer out there according to several sources), etc. often keep the device awake and use background data. Airline and other travel apps often check your location every minute or even more frequently even when not open. "Optimizer" apps like LionMobi Power Battery, CleanMaster, and similar tools are worthless and usually consume more resources than they help with. News apps like BBC News often use background data and keep the device awake... Some of these apps might be worth it's battery consumption for your usage, maybe not, the point is to know the problem and decide if it's needs to be fixed or not.
All I am saying here is that before you blame the device or hardware, make sure it isn't your software or usage that is the real culprit, but sometimes it does take some digging.
The last update to the clock app is buggy for me. It is using massive CPU and kepping my device awake for hours. It is important to check if it is working ok.
NahuelMS said:
The last update to the clock app is buggy for me. It is using massive CPU and kepping my device awake for hours. It is important to check if it is working ok.
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I would try clearing the clock cache / data
On Gsam the clock doesn't even show up on my CPU usage.
Hemidrosis said:
I would try clearing the clock cache / data
On Gsam the clock doesn't even show up on my CPU usage.
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Allready did that but it didn't fix it. The problem was sporadiclly. Finally uninnstaled the update, cleared all the data and updated again, no sign of the problem for now! Thanks!
Facebook lite and messenger lite if you use those services help a ton all by themselves. Shopping apps I disallow them using background data and location. It's doesn't take that long to grab location once open. Saves a great deal of data and battery.. Amazon apps turn off background data takes care of most battery drain issues related to them.

How To Make Your Battery Life Better, And Why Does Your Battery Life Suck?

Hey guys! Posted this on Reddit, and many people loved my guide and explanations, SO Posting this here and hope this helps everyone with issues about the battery etc.
After a few days of testing these are my tips to you guys, AND my experience how I got atleast better battery life to some extinct.
Now to the basic charging tip as some, and some not know. Charging between 30% to 80/90% is smart. Wears the battery much less than 0 to 100% for instance. Read this up further if you need, not gonna talk about this forever.
To the Nokia battery part. So first of all MANY users have reported Adaptive battery and auto-brightness are bugged and drains more than they should. Well this is true. DO NOT use adaptive battery if you experience bad battery life, and especially not auto-brightness. Why am I saying do not use it? Simple. It does the opposite, so is reported many others. I tested this carefully when sleeping to test the idle drain just by having the Android system installed and a few apps. I got a drain of around 10 to 13% through only 9 hours of sleeping. This is bad. However when adaptive battery turned off, no apps restricted I tested for many days and ended up with only a drain of 2 to 4% through those 9 hours. Will it help you? I dunno, but worked for many.
EVENWELL APPS. Usually bloatware. Only few apps from evenwell is needed for the OS to work. The powersaving g3 package from evenwell, which is a third party that Nokia has done some kind of deal with. The powersaving was suppose to help, but instead made things worse. Making alarms useless etc etc that has been mentioned on the forum. It kills apps even wehn whitelisted or when the phone was locked for a while.
Hook up the nokia on your pc and use adb. Uninstall this package, and almost all evenwell packages installed. Atleast powersaving g3 package, as it's known to drain. Most are bloatware, however you need to be careful not to delete the wrong packages, as they can only be restored by factory reset. Which packages to uninstall depends on your needs. Please remember to check on xda to find a guide on this, if not I will find it for you. This can help a lot just by using some of your time to remove stuff you might not need.
Turn off the aggressive 4g switch in developer settings. It will set 4g to always active, and you are better off just having it off. Should be called something like "Mobile data always active".
You got facebook? Well many has reported that facebook drains a lot, as it uses many services to communicate with the phone. I usually just use dolphin browser and have facebook logged in
Now for me I have these settings mentioned above, and I use my phone a lot, I get around 2 to 2,5 days of use of the phone just by doing these things. Uninstalling many evenwell packages helped a lot too. If none of these tips help you, then deleting caches can help. If not backup and factory reset the phone. If that does not work too, then it could just be the Pie updates being drainy for you. Hope this helps anyone ! Ask me if any questions!
Question: When turning off adaptive battery it keeps turning on after a while. Answer: have atleast 1 app restricted and adaptive battery on. From there turn it off and let the 1 app stay restricted (it really isn't). Now it should hopefully stay off.
Thanks for tips.
I have a request for you. Could you make a list of evenwell apps which are 100% safe to uninstall from N7+?
zax880 said:
Thanks for tips.
I have a request for you. Could you make a list of evenwell apps which are 100% safe to uninstall from N7+?
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No problem I actually have a guide i followed both explaining what you can and what you must NOT.
it is for nokia 2 it says but its so to say the same for nokia 7 plus. Have a look, and let me know if issues!
I could't find 4G aggressive switch in developer settings
Emad tober said:
I could't find 4G aggressive switch in developer settings
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top on screenshot
nexus723 said:
Hey guys! Posted this on Reddit, and many people loved my guide and explanations, SO Posting this here and hope this helps everyone with issues about the battery etc.
After a few days of testing these are my tips to you guys, AND my experience how I got atleast better battery life to some extinct.
Now to the basic charging tip as some, and some not know. Charging between 30% to 80/90% is smart. Wears the battery much less than 0 to 100% for instance. Read this up further if you need, not gonna talk about this forever.
To the Nokia battery part. So first of all MANY users have reported Adaptive battery and auto-brightness are bugged and drains more than they should. Well this is true. DO NOT use adaptive battery if you experience bad battery life, and especially not auto-brightness. Why am I saying do not use it? Simple. It does the opposite, so is reported many others. I tested this carefully when sleeping to test the idle drain just by having the Android system installed and a few apps. I got a drain of around 10 to 13% through only 9 hours of sleeping. This is bad. However when adaptive battery turned off, no apps restricted I tested for many days and ended up with only a drain of 2 to 4% through those 9 hours. Will it help you? I dunno, but worked for many.
EVENWELL APPS. Usually bloatware. Only few apps from evenwell is needed for the OS to work. The powersaving g3 package from evenwell, which is a third party that Nokia has done some kind of deal with. The powersaving was suppose to help, but instead made things worse. Making alarms useless etc etc that has been mentioned on the forum. It kills apps even wehn whitelisted or when the phone was locked for a while.
Hook up the nokia on your pc and use adb. Uninstall this package, and almost all evenwell packages installed. Atleast powersaving g3 package, as it's known to drain. Most are bloatware, however you need to be careful not to delete the wrong packages, as they can only be restored by factory reset. Which packages to uninstall depends on your needs. Please remember to check on xda to find a guide on this, if not I will find it for you. This can help a lot just by using some of your time to remove stuff you might not need.
Turn off the aggressive 4g switch in developer settings. It will set 4g to always active, and you are better off just having it off. Should be called something like "Mobile data always active".
You got facebook? Well many has reported that facebook drains a lot, as it uses many services to communicate with the phone. I usually just use dolphin browser and have facebook logged in
Now for me I have these settings mentioned above, and I use my phone a lot, I get around 2 to 2,5 days of use of the phone just by doing these things. Uninstalling many evenwell packages helped a lot too. If none of these tips help you, then deleting caches can help. If not backup and factory reset the phone. If that does not work too, then it could just be the Pie updates being drainy for you. Hope this helps anyone ! Ask me if any questions!
Question: When turning off adaptive battery it keeps turning on after a while. Answer: have atleast 1 app restricted and adaptive battery on. From there turn it off and let the 1 app stay restricted (it really isn't). Now it should hopefully stay off.
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Thanks for your effort to put this together.
I am not sure about Evenwell apps and I'll explain why:
- I did not uninstalled or blocked Evenwell app. What I did was to turn off battery saver (maybe it's the same thing?) And that improved battery life a lot.
- I am getting 2.5 - 3 days battery use for a full charge (100% charge - did this with every phone I had, never had an issue with battery).
- I do not have issues with alarms, fitness tracking, notifications, etc.
- I agree with disabling 4g always on - that helps a lot
- definitely agree with Facebook.
- adaptive battery is still on.
I am on Pie, December patch.
trveller72 said:
Thanks for your effort to put this together.
I am not sure about Evenwell apps and I'll explain why:
- I did not uninstalled or blocked Evenwell app. What I did was to turn off battery saver (maybe it's the same thing?) And that improved battery life a lot.
- I am getting 2.5 - 3 days battery use for a full charge (100% charge - did this with every phone I had, never had an issue with battery).
- I do not have issues with alarms, fitness tracking, notifications, etc.
- I agree with disabling 4g always on - that helps a lot
- definitely agree with Facebook.
- adaptive battery is still on.
I am on Pie, December patch.
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And a screenshot for battery saver
Thanks i actually thought that the Android One meant a debloated system. So i never even cared about checking the system apps. Well now my phone is debloated! Almost as many ****ty apps that Samsung has.
It runs much smoother in the UI too.
Skickat från min SM-N960F via Tapatalk
Whats that unaccounted apps are, telewell apps?
And it tooks more than screen on does...
nexus723 said:
You got facebook? Well many has reported that facebook drains a lot, as it uses many services to communicate with the phone. I usually just use dolphin browser and have facebook logged in.
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I'm using Maki
Guide to help you
After update to 9.0 my battery life became very bad... SoT was barely 2.5h.
However, i found out a way to fix it!
Deleting facebook app, and disabling battery aid improved it alot, disabling sync can also give you a little boost .. Deleting facebook app helped the most. I get between 5-6h SoT. Cheers!
SoT after my tricks?
Strmy said:
After update to 9.0 my battery life became very bad... SoT was barely 2.5h.
However, i found out a way to fix it!
Deleting facebook app, and disabling battery aid improved it alot, disabling sync can also give you a little boost .. Deleting facebook app helped the most. I get between 5-6h SoT. Cheers!
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what do you mean by Battery aid?
Strmy said:
Deleting facebook app
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You should always remove facebook and messenger app and use facebook lite and messenger lite instead
what's the best solution for now to increase sot?
I have a Nokia 7 Plus (Europe) with Android Pie and I have no application problem killed. I do not see any difference in disabling the battery management as well as "evenwell".
What empties my battery is "Google Play Service". Almost 2% per hour is way too much for a device on standby at night.
christ59520 said:
I have a Nokia 7 Plus (Europe) with Android Pie and I have no application problem killed. I do not see any difference in disabling the battery management as well as "evenwell".
What empties
my battery is "Google Play Service". Almost 2% per hour is way too much for a device on standby at night.
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You need to clear cache from Google Play services or perhaps wait for a new update from Google. I had the same issue , however clearing the cache helped me restore battery to a respectable level.
Battery life is awesome for me. It lasts 9 hours in 81% (from 98% to 17%) screen on time, wi-fi always on, without gaming, location disabled (it takes a lot of battery)
After updating to March security patch (Android Pie), battery life returns to great! Adaptive battery can now be permanently turned off and I'm getting average 3 days of normal use on a single charge.

Question How to check Google Play Services battery usage?

I found this pretty cool looking module (universal-gms-doze), except I have no idea how much battery gms / play services actually uses.
It doesnt show up in battery statistics or better battery stats, well as does far down the list with like 0% battery used.
In my experience, google gms/play services are the top offenders when it comes to wasting battery, esp. during idle time. You've prolly had a quick read, at least, of the gms doze thread. At first glance it seems like there's all sorts of issues w/ gms doze module, esp. w/ A12/13. After a second glance it seems the vast majority of folks having issues are using phones with 'factory' A12/13 OSs that are heavily 'dressed' so to speak and those running 'custom' ROMs that stray a little (or way) too far from the AOSP model. From what I gather, gms/play can eat anywhere from 15-30% of the battery during 'idle' time
In the thread it seems the first thing to check is if you're bringing gms to heel by seeing if it's services are 'optimized'
by using a system terminal app (su gmsc) which means is can be 'dozed'. The trick is getting any/all of your notifications to show up on time, without delays ideally...obviously your results may vary depending on your phone, OS and all your various apps and settings. It's a matter of tweaking all ur various settings and apps until you find what combo works best for you. Me...I'm lazy and the type that when I find something that works well, I tend to stick with it until I'm forced to change/update. I'm also not a 'heavy' phone user as much as a tweak/ finding that perfect sweet spot (without shooting myself in the foot) half the fun!
edit: Oh...regarding your original Q:...I guess u can use an app like the recently updated BetterBatteryStats or Battery Guru and try and get it nailed down trying various settings while keeping/using a suitable test period that is 'average and typical' as well as repeatable...all without going insane.
thats the thing, i havnt noticed any weird idle drain, with ambient display it stays below 2%/h, havnt tested without but it feels like less than half that.
BG doesnt appear to show system apps battery drain and BBS shows but said it was only responsible for 1% of the battery drain.

