Do you know if we can get red accent color on the OP6 like one the 5T with the Star Wars edition / mods ?
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Hello all,
I was wondering if there was any way to change the accent color to a different color than the tiles? For example, if I set my accent color to black, the black tiles work well. However, searching with Bing highlights the keywords with the accent color..making them unreadable with black. So is there any way to change the text color in this case and keep the text a different color? I have a fully unlocked rom so any changes can be made. Thanks.
Read through the "custom theme" threads on the dev & hacking sub-forum, and possibly download some of the files in question and take a look at the settings they use. The accent color is actually only one of many parts of a theme, so (depending on what options are actually controllable - I haven't checked) you could possibly create a theme that used dark accent colors but a not-so-dark "text accent color" or similar?
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Blue Shades Light
Blue Shades Medium
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Thanks:fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed: I like HD Samsung Wallpaper
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How fast can you Mix colors to get the perfect color needed.
Color Mixing teach you how to get the perfect color by mixing the basic colors, test how fast can you mix colors to get the perfect color needed.
You can get any color by mixing the red, blue and green color, Click on the blue button and try to get the given color by mixing the Red Green and Blue color, Mix as much color as you can in 2 Minutes.
Have fun in making the best colors ever and don't forget the clock!!
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What's with the pastel colors, and only 8 choices? They have nice bright pixel 4a wallpapers, seems the accent color choices should match. Hopefully they'll add some on a11.
I used Accent Colour Creator with Magisk to use my own accent color. I also noticed there weren't very many accent colors to choose from.
Time to root!
This module works well on A10. Thanks for sharing. So much better than the default choices.
Does anyone know how to change the accent colors? Seems odd that there are a myriad of themes with all possible color combinations but no option to change the accent color manually. Thoughts?
The only way I've heard of is picking a theme with a accent color you like and then disabling/changing the rest of the theme. However I have not tried this myself only read about it. So I'm not completely sure if even that is possible.
Why they don't have accent color as an option by default is beyond me.