Backing up Substratum configurations -

Hi , Is there anyway to backup substratum configs such as an app or util ? I use clear themes over various wallpapers and use a few themes assembled together for various apps . I would just like to be able to save various customizations or configs to restore at a later date . Sorry if I have overlooked an obvious solution somewhere . If I remember way back the Layers project included a backup function to save configs . Maybe something similar like backing up a nova launcher setup . I've googled and looked through the app but not finding anything related . It would be great to be able to restore pre-built setups when flashing a new rom or just for a change in scenery . Substratum is fantastic ,Thanks to all the great people who make it possible for the masses to enjoy .

Found it .


Modified launcher - source and apk attached (Number of homescreens now customizable)

Modified Launcher:
Current features:
* Customizable number of home screen and default screen. (default 3 screens, can be set from 2 to 10 screens)
* Sensor-based rotation can now be enabled/disabled from the extended settings menu.
* Applications from the application drawer can be hidden by throwing them in the recycle bin.
The ones that are thrown away will not be deleted but in the background a database is kept in which the applications info is stored and i modified the application loading so that it checks against that database and the ones in it will not be shown. This way you can finally organize the menu...
* Ive added an extra menu option to manage the added features. ( Extended )
Source added ( attached as zip for now )
Somehow the forums zip upload isnt working at the moment ( or it doesnt like the zip file ) , so ive uploaded it to rapid share.
Number of homescreens and the default screen can now be set manually in the Extended settings screen.
Added apk ( ) to the first post.
Sensor-based rotation can now be enabled/disabled from the extended settings menu
Added apk and new dump of complete source.
Side note:
The source has been build/tested against 1.5r2.
There is one little bug I know of:
The applications arent removed on first boot... if you reboot everything works fine... I will look into this issue.
Same goes for the settings... you will need to reboot before stuff will be saved correctly.
Latest dump of the source can be found at
Be aware that the code is only a test case. Ill start cleaning up / organize stuff as soon as all the features are done...
And the latest .apk is attached below ( zipped )
Would it be possible to have per home screen menuing, so a different menu can be used for each home screen?
Wow. That sounds awesome rogro! I can't wait to see it. I'll be one of the first guinea pigs
dot folder
Did I hear right? You will now be able to hide apps? Amazing just waht I have been waiting for! Maybe you could password protect the app that "Hides the apps! This is worth donating for!
Since your sharing the apk, you should share the code at github. This way there's no debate if it'll work on this build or that. sharing is what this community's all about.
Will do... as soon as i have everything tested and finished ill upload the source...
Wow ,great job. Been looking for something like this to run on a cupcake ROM. I'm curious though ,the app launcher is it the bigger ones (i.e. 5x4, 6x3) or the original ones.
what happens if you throw that extra menu option, that manages the hidden apps, into the recycle bin???
Universe exploads?
Sounds too good to be true!
I can't wait to try it!
(subscribed to thread)
add a function of picking up and dropping the icon allows a context menu to come up that includes app info page and market info page. (like dxtop)
This sounds awesome.. If you put up a Git repository I'll pull it for sure into my build.
wow can't wait for this sounds great!!
think you can have some sneak peak screenshots of this launcher in action =D
build up the HYPE lol.
this does sound awesome.
can't wait to see release and details!
cyan, i hope you put this on your rom!
i love all your roms!!
i think i'm excited.
yup. i am.
Any way you could use your superior knowledge to make one that has 3 screens and no auto rotate? I love the idea of being able to hide apps, but am not too fond of 5 screens and auto rotate. I've been replacing Launcher.apk in cyanogen's builds because of this. Does hiding apps make things run a little faster when returning to the home screen with the app drawer open?
Ill first finish this version tonight and then ill look into making the number and default of the home screens customizable, so that everyone can choose for themselves
dude you are to nice with trying to compromise with everyones needs. thats a good artist if i could say. i can be a test subject if you will and willing to try with ne rom or whatever. do it up!!
Added screenshots to first post showing the removal of applications
we've been hurting for home replacements, free ones anyway. Since you're at it, could you look if there's something that can be done to the app-drawer tab to have three clickable regions instead of one? I'm thinking something along the terms of the Rosie tab. You could add options so that the user could customize what each region does (ie, region 1 brings up the app drawer, region 2 brings up the dialer, and region 3 brings up the widget dialog, like rosie). I'd do it myself, I've already worked some pseudocode for it, but alas, my Java syntax is about 6 years too old and I haven't learned much of android's implementation yet.

[Release] SuperOS Rom Customized Updated to V2

[UPDATED] V2 - Read new Changes Further Down :
Before I start I don't take ANY credit for making this rom, this rom is made by the SuperOS team, ALL credits go to them. I have changed nothing on the rom itself, other than made some nice customization on the UI and added in some nice useful apps.
Default Apps that come with rom :
Car Home
DSP Manager
FM Radio
Google Search
Sound Recorder
Spare Parts
Terminal Emulator
Theme Chooser
Voice Dialer
Voice Search
Wireless Tether
Apps Added by me :
Adobe Reader
Advanced Task Killer
ADW Launcher
App2SD Pro
Autosync - Onoff
Beautiful Widgets
Beautiful Widget Animations
Documents 2 go pro
DX Battery Booster
ES F Explorer
Go SmS Pro
Opera Mini
Mx Video Player+Codecs
Super User
Free Space 81.1MB Internal Memory.
Changes made to the rom :
Changed UI to ADW Launcher ( the default launcher was crap, and also only allowed you to use only 3 rows of the deskspace for icons )
Removed Dockbar, screen is small enough and dockbar space is wasted.
Limited the screens to 2, can add more via the ADW Launcher settings.
Added some usefull apps ( see list above )
Added the Evil Eye Wallpaper ( there is additional wallpapers available )
Added the Beautiful Clock/weather Widget on homescreen
Launcher Icon is on bottom right of homescreen to enter menu.
DX battery manager is installed to manage power consumption
Advanced Taskkiller is loaded to kill any open apps when needed.
All Installed apps have been moved to SD with App2SD pro
V2.0 Changes :
Added Rom Toolbox. Now user has full control over his rom.
Changed to better looking Boot Animation
Changed Read Cache for SDcard from 128kb to 1024kb
Set CPU speed to On Demand with min/max CPU to 245mhz/800mhz.
Set Default install path for new apps to SDCard
Increased free space to 82.62mb
free space now 82.62mb
UI in general is now customized to provide maximum Desktop space and removed that damn stupid dockbar. You can still make use of all needed features, status bar is still on top in its default location, you can access menu from the Launcher icon in bottom right of homescreen. Phonebook/dialer can still be accessed by pressing the Phone button as normal.
Screenshots are attached below.
Filesize = +/- 180MB
Install ( Must have bootloader unlocked/Root/recovery installed !!! Click Here for Guide if you need to unlock/root ) Works with both S-on/S-off:
Install is Simple :
Extract the folder "2012-05-" to your SD Card->Clockworkmod->backup (keep the folder name and structure as is, dont change anything !)
Pull out your battery and reinsert it.
Boot phone into bootloader ( hold volume down and press power button ).
Choose "recovery"
Clear ALL cache ( Cache partition, Dalvik Cache and Battery stats )
Select backup/restore, then select restore
Choose "2012-05-"
once restore is done, reboot phone
Once Booted up into Os, link your Google, Facebook and whatsapp accounts ( settings->accounts & Sync.)
Change weather location. ( just click on the sun/moon on desktop to edit weather location )
Change Time/Date to current. ( just click on the clock on desktop to edit time/date )
You are done
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I made this for anyone who uses most of the same apps and stuff and dont care for the stupid side/dockbar and who don't know or dont want to hassle going thru all the crap to get the rom customized to the point where its actualy user friendly. You can now make FULL use of all your desktop space, you can add extra desktops and with all the most popular apps already installed you still have some memory free to install more.
Enjoy ....
One question, isn't SuperUser Elite a payed app?
no idea really. i just loaded from my backup apps folder, i hope not...
ext4 partition support?
How can i use my ext4 partition on your rom which has formatted a partition program by windows based.
PS. i have never used this EXT4 partition..
i have tried CM and SuperOSR but,
internal seeing always 150mb in total.
If someone describe me using ext4 partitions step by step, i will be greateful
Sounds like you have partition issues, You are asking in the wrong section. This is a rom release, not a partition repair thread.
its good bro but not impressed, u just add few more apps to Rom n release it with very less internal memory..if u really would like to do with this ROM then configure front camera n release it or do some necessary changes for better experience..these application r easily available in market..everybody can add more application & release it with SuperOSR version 3 or 4...please don't copy someone's effort...
ROM is Already gud in itself...
O please, firstly i have taken no credit, neither did i say i changed anything on the rom. Secondly all roms are based on other roms, so everyone is taking stuff from everyone else. PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU POST.
Thirdly, this release is a UI customisation change, not a new rom release. the current superos has a UI that I don't like, all the icons are badly sitting awkwardly on the right hand side, the left column of the screen cant even be used. the dockbar is wasting valueble space and with such a small screen, very few people can click the dock buttons properly. the problem is that they didnt design the rom specificly for just the chacha but for more than one device and as such never took the time to sit with a single device and fix the little things, and If they dont want to fix the UI then why shouldnt i ?
Fourthly, you are right, i didn't have to add the apps, but these are apps most people will use and load anyway so why not just add them into the rom ?
raymerjacque said:
Secondly all roms are based on other roms, so everyone is taking stuff from everyone else.
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That's why it's called open source.
Btw, munishjoshi, most ROMs are based on AOSP, which is Android Open Source Project, that has about 2000 people around the world working/have worked/will work on it and you don't see any credits to any of them.
Alex C. said:
That's why it's called open source.
Btw, munishjoshi, most ROMs are based on AOSP, which is Android Open Source Project, that has about 2000 people around the world working/have worked/will work on it and you don't see any credits to any of them.
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my intention was not to steal thunder from anyone. Its just so bloody annoying that everytime i flash superos i must keep fixing the UI and reload all these apps and there must be others out there that feel the same way, this is reason i posted this. if no one has any use for it ill remove it and let everyone be happy...
I am already working on a release of a stripped down Stock Sense rom. and on that rom i am actualy editing the rom itself, not just the UI. Altho it will be a while before its done.
hey don't take it otherwise bro...i just would like to say that do something new...waiting for your further updates...
Apart from the UI there is nothing else to do on this rom. the rom is perfect as it is. just the UI needed adjustment.
Wait for my new rom if you want to see major changes ...
munishjoshi said:
its good bro but not impressed, u just add few more apps to Rom n release it with very less internal memory..if u really would like to do with this ROM then configure front camera n release it or do some necessary changes for better experience..these application r easily available in market..everybody can add more application & release it with SuperOSR version 3 or 4...please don't copy someone's effort...
ROM is Already gud in itself...
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Please adhere to the old addage "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it". Customization is why we all come to xda, either enjoy what is freely given to you, or do it yourself.
raymerjacque said:
O please, firstly i have taken no credit, neither did i say i changed anything on the rom. Secondly all roms are based on other roms, so everyone is taking stuff from everyone else. PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU POST SH!T.
Thirdly, this release is a UI customisation change, not a new rom release. the current superos has a really ****ty UI, all the icons are badly sitting awkwardly on the right hand side, the left column of the screen cant even be used. the dockbar is wasting valueble space and with such a small screen, very few people can click the dock buttons properly. the problem is that they didnt design the rom specificly for just the chacha but for more than one device and as such never took the time to sit with a single device and fix the little things, and If they dont want to fix the UI then why shouldnt i ?
Fourthly, you are right, i didn't have to add the apps, but these are apps most people will use and load anyway so why not just add them into the rom ?
Fifthly, go Frakk off and go troll somewhere else
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Your language and tone are unneeded, but your message is fine. I edit your posts so you can see how to get your point accross without cursing. Please look.
Can we all try to get along?
Let's have this battle end here and now, and move on.
Thank you all.
Ok boss...thanks
Keep on the good work.. nice to see more people are devolping and customizing for the chacha..
does this rom fix wifi issues and front camera?
nope. i did not make any fixes to the rom itself, i just customized the UI to be more user friendly and edited some cache settings and stuff.
raymerjacque said:
the problem is that they didnt design the rom specificly for just the chacha but for more than one device and as such never took the time to sit with a single device and fix the little things, and If they dont want to fix the UI then why shouldnt i ?
Fourthly, you are right, i didn't have to add the apps, but these are apps most people will use and load anyway so why not just add them into the rom ?
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True, SuperOSR wasn't designed especifically for the Chacha. We focused our effort on making it work. What is a great thing of OpenSource is that people can help and join to the effort. In that case, if you fixed the UI as you say you did, do not hesitate to send your modification so they can benefit everyone.
Now, if by fixing the UI you mean you replaced Launcher with ADW, then IMHO you didn't "fix" it.
Changes made to the rom :
Changed UI to ADW Launcher ( the default launcher was crap, and also only allowed you to use only 3 rows of the deskspace for icons )
Removed Dockbar, screen is small enough and dockbar space is wasted.
Limited the screens to 2, can add more via the ADW Launcher settings.
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adlx.xda said:
True, SuperOSR wasn't designed especifically for the Chacha. We focused our effort on making it work. What is a great thing of OpenSource is that people can help and join to the effort. In that case, if you fixed the UI as you say you did, do not hesitate to send your modification so they can benefit everyone.
Now, if by fixing the UI you mean you replaced Launcher with ADW, then IMHO you didn't "fix" it.
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lol, sorry wrong choice of words, i didn't mean fix as in it was broke. i just meant it wasnt very user friendly and customised it to be more so.
hey guys can you help me
i tryed to install the oem rom ruu to my status
but when it gets to the image it says lost of connection
igot the rom file with the instructions from one of the guys here
thank you by the way
change the name to
got recognize by the device all good
after the blue line is done and the yellow one too
nothing happens
i cant reinstall the oem rom to my status
i dont know what to do now
i need to get it back to oem
thanks for any help
have you looked at this thread :
try that, it will help you restore stock rom, specialy when your rom is faulty.

URWsoft Barebone Cleaner [v.7.0] for [TW 5.0.x ROMs] Profile based Extreme Debloat

[FONT=&quot]URWsoft BareBone Cleaner
Features & Benefits
Free Rom choice: Choose any Samsung Touchwiz Lollipop Rom and cleans it down to a core level. This way you can choose a Rom which fits your personal liking and requirements and clean it down to your comfort level.
Reduced to the Max: Reduce Rom A full blown Samsung Rom comes with about 300 apps which can be brought down to about 75 core apps
Faster Rom: After a full clean you will have about 1.1 GB free RAM available which is about 300-400 MB more compared to a full blown Samsung Rom. This increase the performance.
Individual Cleaning Definitions: The BareBone Cleaner provides you with plenty of options to customize the cleaning process and make sure you prevent apps you want to keep from cleaning.
Compatible: Several user feedbacks confirm that the BareBone Cleaner works with odexed and deodexed as well as Samsung based Lollipop and KitKat roms on all kind of S5 variants.
Saved Profiles:
Ones you have defined your individual profile it will be saved as an editable text file on your SDcard (URWsoft folder) and next time you flash a Rom you can run this profile with the exact same settings with no additional effort.
You will have predefined profiles for one click cleaning available. One save Default Profile and an Extrem BareBone Cleaning Profile.
You can reset your profile to default setting anytime and start to define a new profile.
You have a Bypass option available which will keep you defined profile and just present you with a complete unselected profile. This will help you to just select one or more apps for addition cleaning or select one of the Install options
Multi Window Operation: On the first customization window you can select which further menus you want to enable. Only these windows will be presented.
Alternative Apps and Tweaks: You might want to get rid of the S5 stock keyboard, or the TouchWiz Launcher. As an alternative you can select the S6 keyboard or Nova Launcher etc. from the Install Apps menu and be able to remove the stock apps without being left with an unusable rom.
Rom Specifics Menu: Most of the rom chefs implement different kind of apps to their roms which are additional to the Samsung standard Rom content. In order to give you the opportunity to get rid of specific unwanted apps which I started this new section. This will grow on the go and you tell me what you would like to see here as additional cleaning options.
Users Selection Menu: Some users requested me to clean even more content which I either didn’t test sufficiently yet or might remove rom functionality which is required for a seamless rom operation. These requests can be found in the Users Menu. If you tested these selections please let us know your experience is with it. If everything works fine for daily use these cleanings could be easily shifted into the standard cleaning options.
Additional Features: The BareBone Cleaner will further grow on the go and you tell me what you would like to see here as additional cleaning options. The profiles will help already to combine a feature rich utility with ease of use and fast track profile executions.
[FONT=&quot]URWsoft BareBone Cleaner Project
I’m not a developer but I’m flashing ROMs since quite some years and today I’m experienced enough for this project.
The BareBone Cleaner is an Aroma Installer based tool which will debloat your TouchWiz Lollipop rom up to a core minimum in order to increase available ram and get rid of performance wasting apps and services which are not mandatory.
So get rid of all the Samsung crap, bloatware, the annoying “check cover” warning or other apps which you could easily add again to your personal liking from the Google Playstore.
I’m sure many of you was looking for this kind of solution in order to choose any rom fitting your personal liking.
Background of this Project
The original kick-off for this project was a longer temporary absence of Edgarf28 who provides us with his awesome XtreStoLite rom. I used his rom since the very first day on my S5 and even I tried tons of other roms, for some reasons I always returned to XtreStoLite.
Therefore I started to develop the BareBone Cleaner to be able to choose any TouchWiz Lollipop rom and clean it down to the same level as Edgar is doing with his rom. Short after I decided to share my BareBone Cleaner in this thread Edgar returned and provided an updated rom version.
As I enjoy this project and got several motivating feedbacks from users who would like to clean the rom of their choice, I decided to continue the development of my BareBone Cleaner and bring it to the next level by porting the cleaner logic to a user friendly Aroma Installer. Now users can individually choose what they would like to clean and I will step by step add more options now.
The most important factors for me, beside the combination of performance and battery life is the fact the I’m able to run the original TouchWiz rom but maximum debloated to a core minimum in order to increase available ram and get rid of performance wasting apps and services which are not mandatory.
So what happens if you use my script?
The script deletes all kind of apps from your installed rom based on your selections down to a core level what is required for a stable operation. From that level you can add any desired app from the Google Playstore to satisfy your personal requirements and style.
Important notes
The BareBone Cleaner is designed to clean TouchWiz Lollipop 5.0.x roms running on the S5 G900F which are either odexed or deodexed.
Currently I’m not planning to support other rom types. I’m happy to get your feedback if you tried it successfully on other roms as well so other users can benefit from that information as well.
Best use is running the BareBone Cleaner from recovery right after flashing a new rom but you can also make use of it if you want to clean your existing installation. In this case you might experience that apps like Google maps, Youtube etc. will be gone. In this case just load them again from Google Playstore.
! Flash this Script at your own Risk !
!! - I don't take any responsibility for any Damage - !!
Create a Nandroid-Backup before flashing the script!
Here you will find my "xXx No Limits ROM" and all respective Bootloaders and Modems for G900F
In Post #166 you will find my Best Practise Guide for "Flash addicted users"
In Post #167 you will find my "Step by Step Guide for some common flash Use Case Scenarios"
In Post #234 you will find my "Guide for my Audio Boost & Quality enhancement Mod"
Download folder
This is a fixed folder link and will provide you with a list of all available versions. Just choose your prefered version.
Change Log
v7[FONT=&quot].0[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Removed my init.d script to update the profile in the URWsoft folder and implemented new reliable profile update method.
Added new item “ANT HAL Service” under category “Miscellaneous”
Added new item “Android Setup Wizard” under category “Miscellaneous”
Added new item “S5 - Remove Check Cover Popups” under category “Miscellaneous”
Added new item “AllShare, WiFi-Direct, Screen-Mirroring, S-Beam” under category “Samsung Apps”
Added new item “Samsung Photo-Video Editing” under category “Samsung Apps”
Change the reboot option on the last page to not reboot to be compatible with FlashFire.
Fixed some cleaning options[/FONT][/FONT]
v6[FONT=&quot].0[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Added a new category “S7 Rom Specials”
Updated and added several cleaning options in order to better support Android 6.x roms and specifically the new S7[/FONT][/FONT]
v5[FONT=&quot].[FONT=&quot]9.[FONT=&quot]8[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Bugfix – Fixed issue where Polaris viewer crashed.
New Option – added “Samsung Text-to-Speech” which was cleaned with Barebone cleaning before.[/FONT][/FONT]
Bugfix – Fixed issues with the backup app which was removed even if not selected.
New Option – added “S Finder & Quick Connect Button” removal under Miscellaneous section.
New Option – added “Android M – Bootanimation” on the “Install Apps & Tweaks” menu screen.
Update – NovaLauncher and Google Messenger are on latest version now.
New Rom Support – Full support for the “PopWiz Telstra v5.1 Marshmallow”.
New Rom Support – Full support for “SIXPERIENCE 5.1”.
Update – Google Messenger updated to latest version.
New Rom Support – Full support for the “Epsilon Project”.
New Rom Support – Updated support for the “S6 Revolution v3”.
New Option – added “Active Application Widget”.under “Samsung Apps” section.
Update – NovaLauncher and Google Messenger are on latest version now.
Update - some Audio Mod settings[/FONT]
New Option – added “VPN System” Now you can select if you want to keep the VPN related services.
New Option – added “Polaris Viewer”.
New Feature – under “Install Apps & Tweaks” you will find the option “Audio Boost & Quality enhancements” which enhanced the compilation mod with Dolby ATMOS thanks to @worstenbrood.[/FONT]
Guide for the Audio Boost & Quality enhancement Mod
Bug Fix – Wifi issues like forgetting password and connecting are solved thanks to @nip_miniw
Bug Fix – S-Voice FC fixed.
Update – Support for SIXPERIENCE 2.0
New Option – added “Sensor Calibration / Sam Test Apps” under “Optional Cleaning”. Keep all stuff to be able to enter hidden menus using “Secret Codes”.[/FONT]
New Feature – under “Install Apps & Tweaks” you will find new option “Audio Boost & Quality enhancements”
This Audio Mod will replace Sound Alive Services with DSP+ EQ by @noskojv and eXtremeBeats by @Ben Feutrill for the best audio experiences and usability.
Update – Nova Launcher updated to latest version
Bug Fix - Samsung Account will not be cleaned with Barebonhe Cleaning anymore [/FONT][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]to ensure full Theme functionallity on S6 type roms. Cleaning this is now an option in the Samsung Apps submenu
Bug Fix: Removed "Google Webview cleaning option as this forced certain apps to fc.[/FONT][/FONT]
New Rom Support – Supports Sixperience S6 Rom now.[/FONT]
New Rom Support – Supports Darklord S6 Rom now.
Update for latest Google Messenger version.
New Options – If you use S6 type roms from ambasadii or scholz123 you have several new cleaning options in the “Optional Cleaning – Menu” under section “S6 Rom Specials”.
Bug Fix – Stock File Manager was always cleaned independent from selection.
Bug Fix – FC of Google Maps when “Sound Alive Service” was cleaned.[/FONT]
Bug Fix – In some cases the Google Play Store closed right after starting.
New Option – Now it’s possible to exclude the Stock File Manager from cleaning.[/FONT]
Bug Fix – Kids Mode was not working correctly even it was excluded from cleaning.
Bug Fix – Parts of Google TTS, Stock Video Player and SBrowser was always cleaned even it was excluded from cleaning.[/FONT]
[/FONT]New Feature - One Hand Mode added to Optional Cleaning Menu.
Bug Fix – Weather Widget didn't work after cleaning even when unchecked to not be cleaned.
Bug Fix - Saved Profile on sdcard was not properly updated after each cleaning session.
Bug Fix – not being able to edit saved profiles on sdcard in URWsoft soft folder is resolved after the next execution of the Barebone Cleaner.
Selection items for addition menus in main menu are highlighted in blue color now for a better overview.
Complete redevelopment
Implemented saved Profiles to save individual settings and provide fast track profile executions (see info’s above under features & benefits)
Additional and more detailed cleaning options
New Rom Specifics Menu to be able to remove specific and non-stock apps as well.
New menu structure with multi window operation for better selective cleaning operation.
Fixed bug: urwsoft folder on sdcard was not recognized as a folder.
@amarullz for the aroma installer framework
@edgarf28 for the S6 Keyboard and System Fonts
@daxgirl for his 6thGear Extended reboot menu
@noskojv for his DSP+ audio mod
@Ben Feutrill for his eXtremeBeats™ audio mod
@klenamenis for his build.prop updater script
@worstenbrood for his Dolby ATMOS audio mod
I hope everybody else enjoys this tool as I do.
If you like the BareBone Cleaner don’t forget to hit “Thanks”​
bravo, would this work with KK !?
and by the by look at your description for 'threat', threat bedeutet bedrohung.. mach ein 'D' dran XD haha. should be 'thread' mate .
No idea at all. You would be volunteer. Probably yes. If really tried it, let us know please.
HarryHirsch1971 said:
No idea at all. You would be volunteer. Probably yes. If really tried it, let us know please.
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will defintely test it out mate,
well done just what i needed but would it be possible to make one where you can add or remove stuff
Good question, I need to put that in my QA section.
You can do this easily yourself by editing the update script file in the zip package with notepad++. Here you find the list of everything to be deleted. You can take out or add any other desired content to be deleted.
HarryHirsch1971 said:
Good question, I need to put that in my QA section.
You can do this easily yourself by editing the update script file in the zip package with notepad++. Here you find the list of everything to be deleted. You can take out or add any other desired content to be deleted.
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thanks i want to have Samsung video app and Samsung file manager
Just search for it in the update script and simply remove the delete commands for all apps you want to keep
HarryHirsch1971 said:
Just search for it in the update script and simply remove the delete commands for all apps you want to keep
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by delete commands, you mean to delete the whole line of it yes !? i noticed some apps that arent in many Roms like the ktoon kernel or the alliance manager etc. even if you keep those in the script it is no big deal right !?
and when you delete a whole line that particular app/apk will not be deleted if it is present in the ROM that you would be using correct !?
leondestiny said:
by delete commands, you mean to delete the whole line of it yes !? i noticed some apps that arent in many Roms like the ktoon kernel or the alliance manager etc. even if you keep those in the script it is no big deal right !?
and when you delete a whole line that particular app/apk will not be deleted if it is present in the ROM that you would be using correct !?
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correct, just take out the whole line of the content you would like to keep in your ROM. If you find stuff which is not present in your ROM it just does nothing.
the idea is great but you delete to much
fingerprint sensor isnt working anymore
and you delete "/system/csc"
jumoog said:
the idea is great but you delete to much
fingerprint sensor isnt working anymore
and you delete "/system/csc"
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that's 1:1 taken over from the XtreStoLite structure. Edgar also removed this in his ROM. But as discussed before, you can easily addapt the script to your liking.
Thanks for this can't wait to try
HarryHirsch1971 said:
that's 1:1 taken over from the XtreStoLite structure. Edgar also removed this in his ROM. But as discussed before, you can easily addapt the script to your liking.
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Thanks for you wonderful script.I used your script without any alteration.But after successful flash I lost my samsung keyboard.can u help me to restore it.
this is a Rom Killer man
jumoog said:
the idea is great but you delete to much
fingerprint sensor isnt working anymore
and you delete "/system/csc"
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Not too much
Can U add fingerprint.apk deleting back ? I think most of people don't use it.
zhuchella said:
Not too much
Can U add fingerprint.apk deleting back ? I think most of people don't use it.
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the download link is pointing to a download folder. There you will still find the download for v1.0 which still remove fingerprint.apk
Just used it and it removes to much keyboard now gone no fingerprint scanner I think it needs to be made so you can easily add or remove what you want . I know you can use notepad to edit stuff but thats not easy for some people
pnr2020 said:
Just used it and it removes to much keyboard now gone no fingerprint scanner I think it needs to be made so you can easily add or remove what you want . I know you can use notepad to edit stuff but thats not easy for some people
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I already expected this feature request coming sooner or later. This was created for my own use but it looks like I need to make it more comfortable for the community. I will see what I can do. Probably I need to evaluate Aroma but this will take some time.
Most of the issues which was reported so far are the fingerprint scanner and the samsung keyboard to be kept. As a fast solution I will create another version which will keep these apks. This should resolve the immediate issues. As many rooted users are working with Titanium or similar tools they could feeze these apks later on when they are not wanted.
HarryHirsch1971 said:
I already expected this feature request coming sooner or later. This was created for my own use but it looks like I need to make it more comfortable for the community. I will see what I can do. Probably I need to evaluate Aroma but this will take some time.
Most of the issues which was reported so far are the fingerprint scanner and the samsung keyboard to be kept. As a fast solution I will create another version which will keep these apks. This should resolve the immediate issues. As many rooted users are working with Titanium or similar tools they could feeze these apks later on when they are not wanted.
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Your doing a great job it's just trial and error we all appreciate your hard work this remover is just what the community need thank you for making it

[App]PowerToggles is now open source!

Hello guys. I created Power Toggles a few years ago, and have been slowing adding features to it.
But I have not been getting time to keep update the app for some time. I have made the project available on github
Little description of the app:
An advanced power control widget. FREE and No ads
Contains 40+ toggles including
Mobile Data (3G/4G)
Bluetooth (toggle, discovery and tether),
Custom application shortcut
Custom system shortcuts
And many more...
Many customization options like changing color theme and icons for individual toggles.
For creating a Tasker toggle, refer
For concerns regarding SuperUser permission: ,
Backup and share widget settings from the widget configure screen (Menu > Import / Export) as well as various themes for multi-icon toggles and battery toggle.
Thanks. Appreciate it.
Thanks for all your hard work in past years. Hopefully development will continue.
use it for years,its the best in its section and runs perfect for me,big thx for this.i hope all devs makes it great too and not crapapps since its open.
Use it for years, too, guess tried ALL similar apps, available on the market - but this one is the best!!!
Too bad I'm not a developer to fix few small issues and make it even better
Developers! Don't pass by!! Stop and pay attention. It's a real gem!!!
Thanks for your work, Sunny, and sorry you give it up...
Awesome Tool!
Reboot to Recovery is not working on my Device, even though its rooted. ROM manager "reboot to recovery" works.
Would appreciate help with this problem.
Really hoping this keeps getting updated, have been using Power Toggles for years and it seems some functions aren't working properly in Android M and N:
(1) Screen lock toggle locks phone but prevents fingerprint unlock, must use PIN instead -
(2) Quick settings broadcast tiles no longer works in Android N -
Hi everybody,
it is really a petty that there is no amigious developer, who likes to continue the work on power toogles.
Is there anybody out there to make power toggle ready for android n? Please I really do not wanna life without this app.
Hope dies last. Best Regards Roland
Sorry not to be a developer to keep your work...
I use power toggles in my devices and all my family ones as well. And from kit kat to nougat!
Good luck to you, and hope someone fosters it!
Now having tasted what it's like to have various app supporting quick setting tiles, I really wish this app was still under development. It would be fascinating to be "officially" able to edit and add whatever toggles I want to the quick settings through Power Toggles. If only Power Toggles is still alive!
I wish I would have learned the programming to enable the further development of this software.
Power Toggles is still in my top 5 app list. Titanium Backup, USB Audio Player PRO, Sound About, and Magisk round it out.
Seriously, I'm dumbfounded that someone or a company hasn't picked this up.
Would love to have a night mode toggle if this ever gets updated again.
It's a pity nobody continues to develop this application. I use it since a few years and it's very convenient but I lost functionalities every time I upgrade Androïd.
This app has vanished from Playstore, why?
Might not be compatible with your version of Android. It didn't show up for me after I installed Oreo. I just downloaded it from APK Mirror.
No, I downloaded it before, with the same phone-same firmware-same account.. it just vanished.
But I got it anyway from ApkMirrror :good:
I tried spoofing with Fdroid's Yalp Store, it is definitely vanished. So sad.
I've red Google removes applications which have no updates since a few years.
it could have been removed due to policy enforced by Google ( using device admin access ) .
BTW, I've been thinking about supporting this with value adds ( I have an initial version called micro toggles with few added features ) - Of course, it will be open source.
May be based on interest I will consider releasing it.
I've been using Power Toggles for years and it's still better than Nougat and any other app I've tried, I'm sorry to see it go, but I do know Java and will be looking into contributing to the open source for bug fixes, cleanup, and possibly improved/new features. Don't get overly-ambitious! Keep it simple and effective, that's my motto.

Enabled hidden features J5 PRIME

Hello guys long time without make a post, this time is a great post by searching inside the files i found interesting features, but unfurtunely they are locked by csc so i decide to unlock them and thy are quite great, the samsung video player have great features and a new tipe of lockscreen called directional lock, being honest is the first time i see that type of security. also was added the option to reset network settings and setting without wipe the user data and apps.
the zip file is not flashable the files must be moved manually to their respective folder and set permissions. that al for now enjoy the new set of features
Can u port some grace ux roms plz bcoz the stock rom lags sometimes

