App to manage a boat rental service - General Questions and Answers

is there an app out there where I could enter how many boats and boattypes I have?
Then if they are rented they are marked as "in use" and a countdowns starts showing when its supposed to be back.
Maybe even manage some preordered events so it could tell me how much I can rent out to still have enough for the group that is coming in a few hours, If all are back in time.
So I have an overview of whats in used and when its supposed to be back.

If you also need a portal for your potential users to view boat available and to place renting orders, in fact, you need not just an app for you to manage rental service, you should have someone help you to develop a server side application, too.

Nope doesn't need to be that big, just for the single employee to make timemanagement of a small fleet of maybe 25 more easy during his/her shift. Nothing connected, just a local simple thing. No cost calculations, no automated bookings. Just tapping what goes out for how long and seeing when its supposed to be back.


stopping text scammers

as a victim of lost or stolen phone being used to sign up to premium rate text service, which can not be blocked according to phone companies I was wondering two things.
1. the ****tard signed up online using my name and number - that is all, and then confirmed the sign up by just returning a text from my phone. Is there anyway to trace the computer and thus the user who stole my phone and signed up. Any techies here who fancy the challenge - and give hackers a good name for a change? I'm thinking trace to a internet cafe computer and then ask cafe for CCTV...... like that case where the barrister was caught.
2. I think that a sign up to any such services should require security at least at the level that one has to use when speaking to your phone company.... ie providing a password of the account, etc. Returning a text is no confirmation at all - as it can all too easily be in the hands of a crook. It is in fact an open wallet, one that can hold hundreds or thousands to lose over a matter of hours. The regulator, phone companies and police are all, "it's not fair" but apply for a refund........(which is proving hard to even get through to the company of course)
I was relatively lucky, as at £260 at least it's the low end of fraud, but it makes me very angry that genuine innovative technology is poorly implemented and leaves open such obvious flaws for sharks to so easily take advantage.
Any suggestions.
anyone got a view on this?
so is no one interested in letting me know or suggesting a good protocol / technical mechanism that the industry could use to make it necessary for a handset to start using a texting service it must go through a security check with the phone provider....... such as PIN with phone provider, to prevent thieves from setting up via the web and then getting handset going stealing 1000's out of one's account.
The phone company operators are saying they can't do that?
Anyone give me some ammunition to say 'yes you could'?
Please anyone.

[Q] Have any circuitous ways been found to feed data to Google Now cards?

I'm new to Android development, mainly because I've been trying to find a small enough project that was reasonable to bite off as a first foray but interesting enough to keep me engaged. I finally found something I think would be a reasonably sized project for starting out and would also actually be useful to me. Unfortunately, in researching it, I ran in to the fact that there is no API for Google Now.
To back track a bit, the app/functionality I want to implement is a modification to cards, or to one of the data feeds Google pulls from to populate Now cards. I commute in and out of NYC via Metro North, but walk to and from the station on both ends, so what I really need is the information for the next 5 trains scheduled inbound in the morning and outbound in the evening between Grand Central and my home stop, along with the track number the train is slated to leave from. This data is available from a datafeed provided by the MTA (and already utilized by an Android app I already use). The transit and commute Now cards don't provide me the information I need.
Since there's no Google Now API, the direct root is not available to me, so I started to try to look in to alternative methods. I came across the Places API and was thinking of trying to use it as a back door to populating the data I'm interested in in to Now (by having a service that pulls the train info I'm interested in from the MTA feed and pushes it to Now as Events at the stations I'm interested in), but since custom Places data is tied to an app ID and only made available to requests from that app, it seems to me that that angle is a non-starter, since I'm not going to have the Now app ID.
I've been trying to poke around for any other viable approaches to the problem, but my search has thus far come up dry, so I have come here. Has anyone come up with any ways to feed info in to Now cards? Are there even any promising areas of investigation, short of hacking Now itself?
Edit: I also considered trying to push the train schedule data to my calendar so it would bubble up in to Now, but that is just a bit too clunky and spammy, imo.
Does anyone know of anything interesting being done in this area? I'm thinking some sort of integration with calendar is the only way to go...

[Q] Looking for an app that...

Good afternoon everyone,
I've been tasked with finding an app for our engineers to use at work to allow them to sign in on site each day. A little background; we're an IT professional services company and at the moment every morning I call each of our internal engineers to find out whether or not they're on site, delayed, etc. Naturally not all of them will be on site every day, and sometimes the start times will be different (7am, 9am, etc). Also, another slight (probably rather major) caveat is that some of the guys use Android, whereas others are in the iPhone crowd, so whatever we settle on would have to be able to accommodate both.
In an ideal world, we would be able to put up a schedule on a friday afternoon for the next week, and each engineer would be able to log the time that they get on site each morning, with comments if they were late, for instance. Also because of the nondisclosure agreements we share with some of our customers, it would definitely have to not be public, or rather have the option of a closed group.
I realise this is a long shot, but is there anything out there that could serve this purpose, or something close that doesn't quite tick all the boxes but that we could live with for the time being?
Thank you in advance for your help!

EDITED [Q] Why is /u0026 in the names of my apps? How am I being hacked & tracked?!? Total N00b needs help!

Scrolling through the apps installed on my phone, and it is hit or miss on which of the Android and/or Google apps have \u0026 in the middle of their names. Not all, but it seems the important ones do, that downloaded and installed in the middle of the night hours or days after the initial purchase and set up of the phone. Isn't Gmail, Chrome, Android Web View, Device Unlock, Calculator, Device Health Services, and most Google services already installed in Android phones? It's even in some of the apps I installed later on, but not all. I have looked it up, both here and using different search engines. Not too excited with the results, nor do I have the IT brains to understand all the jargon. Would someone here please explain it in layman's terms? BTW, I know I have been hacked/tracked by my ex for a while now. Would \u0026 happen to be a way to remote access and monitor my phone usage?
EDIT: Nothing was synced to old phones, devices, or accounts. This isn't the first new device he has gained access to. There have been several brands and models, phones and laptops. Your guess is as good as mine, and the police, as to how it is being done. Sometimes he leaves "<rooted>" on the screen or turns on 911 only it locks up the phone a few hours after bringing it into the house. He works in the tech industry. No, this isn't my device I've asked this on. This really hasn't been as fun as it sounds.
Thank you all in advance!
I will put my tin foil hat on while anxiously waiting your replies.
(I know, funny not funny. Either has been having to live with his BS.)
Checking back and bumping. There was just one reply on another thread. Please, someone has to know of this Google and Android system hacking apps combo floating around in Google Developer and Firebase. It's a real thing, and my nightmare now. I will not censure if you developed it or are using it on someone other than me. However, I beg you to reconsider if you are. There are days that I feel that worrying about the safety of my kids and if he does show up somewhere I'm at with a grudge to settle is too much to handle. Not everyone has the ability to get through that. I did not deserve his controlling abuse when we were together and there seems to be no way to get out from under his thumb currently. The local cyber cops have been of no help. They either do not believe this happening, these types of apps exist and what they do are possible (One said, "Those kind of things are just in James Bond movies"), or they think there is no imminent threat because there aren't bruises and the little I do have in the bank has not been touched after closing and opening numerous accounts to keep him out. I make just enough to support my kids and myself. Banking, online shopping, and social media are impossible, and the time is now spent trying to end this on my own. Please, help is needed. One of the members on here has to know what the hell this is.
Thank you again.
ripppani said:
\u0026 seems to be the escape sequence of the Unicode character &. \u0026 cannot do any damage by itself, but it can be and probably is a result of incorrect encoding or decoding of text strings, which in turn could be caused by hacking. If you don't know what Unicode is, here is the Wikipedia article.
I am not sure whether the "<rooted>" really represents that the device is rooted, but you generally don't want someone untrusted to root your device, as rooting it allows the one who rooted it to have unrestricted access to the device.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
He has had remote unrestricted access to my devices. The <rooted> is one of his reminders he is there, as well as <bootloadermode>, or the locking up or turning on 911 calls only. This hasn't been fun, either having it happen en use or waking up to it. I do not allow this. New devices, new Google accounts, never syncing, and never logging into old accounts. However, no one seems to be able to figure out how he gets into new devices once they enter the house. New routers, modems, entire internet accounts, he still weasels his way in. The hacking apps are Google Developer based, this I know. Try getting info on that out of Google without a warrant. Cyber cops have brushed this under the rug since there has been no physical or financial harm, as of yet.
He lived with me when we were dating. Is there a device that may be in my home that could hi-jack my wifi, allow him to sign into my device, and show it as my device while VPN-ing an address even after all the changes? (I seems to travel all over the place on occasion according to my IP addresses that show up) The location tracking and call/text monitoring is real, as he has shown up or had let things said in my private (ha!) conversations with others slip. Of course he has nothing to do with this. (ha! again)
Any help or input on this would be greatly appreciated. I have looked things up at the library until my eyes bled. I can only comprehend so much without an IT background. I do not have the money for a cyber forensic investigator, and I know the local police probably have me on the Crazy Crying Wolf list. Which is just as embarrassing as knowing that having a complete lack of privacy in my life is a total nightmare.
Thank you again.

I got fed up with annoying survey calls and shut them down

Hey folks,
I’ve been dealing with these survey calls from Dynata lately. I got called really often. And blocking caller numbers did nothing. So, I’ve spent a lot of time on searching how to end it, and wanted to share this with you guys.
Apparently it’s possible to opt out by calling Dynata up. Here are their contacts. First call did nothing, but after two more they listened. They won’t tell me where they got my number from. My guess is, from public records or bought it from data brokers. Actually, I found my entire profile on Whitepages. So, it’s available even for a ten year old. And there is nothing much to do to prevent it. Only requesting deletion on these sites one by one.
Getting big companies to do what I wanted was a hassle. No surprise there. They kept on writing back that “they will delete my info soon”. Apparently “soon” can be half a year.
So, here are some tools to save you some time, if you’ll decide to delete your info too:
Whitepages opt out form. Here you have to confirm your email and phone number. Which sounds sketchy as you are confirming and serving your info.
Use services that do official requests on behalf of you, like Incogni or PrivacyBee. It’s paid, but it has recurring scans, which is nice.
This one’s not necessary but I recommend it. Put your Google privacy settings on a higher level. Make it synchronize your data less with websites with Activity controls, clear your cookies and cache once in a while, disable your location when you’re not using navigation.
I’m just a noob in this. But I believe we can give those companies a taste of their own medicine. If you have more experience or tips, drop them in the comments.
How about suing them? I think pretty much every regulator in the world has laws for this.

