[Q] Have any circuitous ways been found to feed data to Google Now cards? - General Questions and Answers

I'm new to Android development, mainly because I've been trying to find a small enough project that was reasonable to bite off as a first foray but interesting enough to keep me engaged. I finally found something I think would be a reasonably sized project for starting out and would also actually be useful to me. Unfortunately, in researching it, I ran in to the fact that there is no API for Google Now.
To back track a bit, the app/functionality I want to implement is a modification to cards, or to one of the data feeds Google pulls from to populate Now cards. I commute in and out of NYC via Metro North, but walk to and from the station on both ends, so what I really need is the information for the next 5 trains scheduled inbound in the morning and outbound in the evening between Grand Central and my home stop, along with the track number the train is slated to leave from. This data is available from a datafeed provided by the MTA (and already utilized by an Android app I already use). The transit and commute Now cards don't provide me the information I need.
Since there's no Google Now API, the direct root is not available to me, so I started to try to look in to alternative methods. I came across the Places API and was thinking of trying to use it as a back door to populating the data I'm interested in in to Now (by having a service that pulls the train info I'm interested in from the MTA feed and pushes it to Now as Events at the stations I'm interested in), but since custom Places data is tied to an app ID and only made available to requests from that app, it seems to me that that angle is a non-starter, since I'm not going to have the Now app ID.
I've been trying to poke around for any other viable approaches to the problem, but my search has thus far come up dry, so I have come here. Has anyone come up with any ways to feed info in to Now cards? Are there even any promising areas of investigation, short of hacking Now itself?
Edit: I also considered trying to push the train schedule data to my calendar so it would bubble up in to Now, but that is just a bit too clunky and spammy, imo.

Does anyone know of anything interesting being done in this area? I'm thinking some sort of integration with calendar is the only way to go...


[TOOL]Dialfaster - Skip Automated Phone Systems [FREE]

Hey guys,
Wanted to show you a application i have been developing for the last few months.
Do you ever sit in a endless phone tree wondering if you'll ever get to talk to a human?
Dialfaster gives you the information you need to bypass phone trees.
Two applications exist on the marketplace UK and US Versions.
In the UK we have 700 phone numbers plus dialing shortcuts.
In the US we have 500 phone numbers plus dialing shortcuts.
Features Include:
Save phone numbers you use regularly as a favourite.
Call-Log logs all your calls made to companies, so you can keep a record of contacting them.
Quickly search through all companies to find the one you need.
Updates regularly, so you always have the most recent dialfaster database.
View more info at dialfaster.com/app/
Sorry but i am still unable to post links
Just search for "dialfaster" in the marketplace
I am guessing since the list comes from a thirdparty, it would be futile to ask for a Belgian version?
I could really use this for work =P
Thanks for your reply, this info doesn't come from a 3rd party, I have been working on the database for about a year now.
We have a website as-well @ dialfaster.com which does the same thing but is desktop.
The information for the UK has taken me along time to build up, calling companies throughout the day, and trying to work out the quickest way to reach a human.
Sorry but at present, we don't offer a Belgian version, currently working on iPhone, and moving over to other countries, so we might be doing European countries some time in the near future, but thanks for your interest.
Shuze said:
Thanks for your reply, this info doesn't come from a 3rd party, I have been working on the database for about a year now.
We have a website as-well @ dialfaster.com which does the same thing but is desktop.
The information for the UK has taken me along time to build up, calling companies throughout the day, and trying to work out the quickest way to reach a human.
Sorry but at present, we don't offer a Belgian version, currently working on iPhone, and moving over to other countries, so we might be doing European countries some time in the near future, but thanks for your interest.
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Alright, Thanks for your reply.
I will point people I know online to that app.
In IT and most other Office work its a big hassle to go through the IVR menus all the time.
VoIP Phone System is one of the most widely used Avaya phone by most businesses to be able to contact people and businesses from different sides of the world in the most economical way. And since this phone system runs through the Internet, you don’t need any phone cable lines to get this working.

Confessions of a Google junkie (or, Privacy? What privacy?)

the original link.....http://www.zdnet.com/blog/google/confessions-of-a-google-junkie-or-privacy-what-privacy/3553
Summary: A lot has been made of Google’s new privacy policy and terms of use. I say bring it on.
There are very few aspects of my life that don’t somehow involve Google. My phone runs on Android, my favorite tablet just got an OTA update to Ice Cream Sandwich (!!!), I use Chrome across all of my computers, I develop AdWords campaigns, I use Analytics to develop metrics for the day job and dive into SEO, I handle many of the CBS Interactive Google webcasts, I use Google Docs almost exclusively for productivity, and my wife doesn’t know where I am half the time until she checks my Google Calendar (which, in fact, aggregate two other Google Calendars).
I’m increasingly turning to Google+ as my source of relevant information and opinions, a function previously reserved for Twitter, and I’ve even dispensed with bookmarks, instead using Google Sites to organize important pages and resources.
I live, eat, breathe, work, and play Google and there aren’t many people more aware of Google’s business model and the amount of data it collects than I. So is it just sheer stupidity and naiveté that has me utterly embracing the Google ecosystem and relatively unconcerned about newly announced privacy policies that have caused so much consternation this week? Before you jump down to the talkbacks to tell me how stupid I really am, read on for another couple paragraphs.
As Larry Dignan pointed out in his post about the new policies last night,
Google noted that it already has all that data, but it’s now integrating that information across products. It’s a change in how Google will use the data not what it collects. In other words, Google already knows more about you than your wife.
From my perspective, though, I can live with Google knowing a lot about me. It knows, for example, that I’ve recently developed an obsession with the electric guitar and have been researching inexpensive models that I might just be able to justify as a birthday present to myself. It doesn’t judge, it just shows me the best deals in display ads on the three models of guitar and 2 models of amps I’ve been reading about the most. My wife isn’t aware of this obsession and her take on it would be judgmental (God love her!): “When will you have time to play guitar? And we’re supposed to be saving money! And what’s wrong with your acoustic guitar?”
Taking this a step further, as Google’s new privacy policies and terms of use do, I should expect to start seeing guitar-related apps in my suggestions in the Google Market and the Chrome Marketplace. Guitarists on Google+ should start appearing in suggested people to add to my circles and Google Reader should offer to download Guitar Player Magazine feeds for me. And, more likely than not, I’ll start seeing more guitar-related ads as well.
Google’s goal, of course, is to sell advertising. That’s about 97% of their revenue. By pulling people like me into their increasingly unified ecosystem, they can demonstrate very high click-through rates to potential advertisers and charge a premium to reach highly targeted and yet incredibly vast audiences.
They need to give me something in return
For me to buy into this, they need to give me something in return. Something to make all things Google really sticky. Like a wide array of free tools from Google Docs to Google Music to Google Voice. And cheap tools that I buy for my business like Google Apps and AdWords. Their new policies are designed to be more transparent, but also to pave the way for these tools to talk to each other better, making them even stickier through a unified experience and more relevant services.
Back to the wife comparison that Larry brought up. My wife knows that every Friday night is pizza night in our house. So does Google, since every Friday around 4:30 I pull out my Android and use Google Voice Search to find the number of whatever pizza joint we decide to patronize that week. Fine. Google, however, can actually do something more useful with that information than my wife can (”Where should I order pizza, sweetheart?” “Wherever, just not that place down the road. Or that other place. And make sure they’re having a deal!”).
Come Friday morning, the ads I see on Gmail or Google search should start being pretty pizza-heavy: Dominos, Papa Johns, and a place or two that has an active Google Offer. As I’m driving home that evening, the GPS on my phone should set off an alert when I drive past a well-reviewed pizza place (assuming I’ve set location-based preferences to alert me to destinations with at least four-star average reviews). And the minute I type a P in my mobile browser, Google Instant should leap into action and display nearby pizza places and a news story about a new place to get pizza in the next town.
We’re not quite there yet, but this is the sort of integration and experience that Google is covering in its new policies and terms of use. I know that my privacy red flags should probably be going off. Google has gigabytes of information about me and is using that information to help its advertisers sell products. That’s bad, right?
Guess what, folks? This is the semantic web
And yet, I don’t think it is. Many of the same techies who cry foul over these new policies have also been pushing for the development of the semantic web to make it easier to find what we actually need in the trillions of web pages floating around the Internet. Guess what, folks? This is the semantic web. When our search engines know what we actually mean, when data on the web automagically becomes information we can use easily and quickly, we’ve arrived.
And the semantic web can’t exist without “the web” (whatever that is) knowing a lot about us. It takes data for a computer to understand our needs and process natural language efficiently. Some of those data will necessarily be fairly personal.
Now, if I start getting spam from pizza places or calls on my Google Voice number from Dominos because Google has sold my contact information and preferences to advertisers, we have a problem and I’ll be waving my privacy flag as high as anyone else. However, when I opt in by opening a Google account and staying logged in as I surf the web, I’m not only consenting to the collection and aggregation of data about me, I’m asking that it be done so that the web and related tools can be more useful to me. This sort of data mining lets me work faster, play easier, and find the best pizza in a 20-mile radius.
For its part, Google needs to remain the trusted broker of these data. No, I don’t like the idea that our government could brand me a terrorist and seize these gigabytes of data under the Patriot Act. The alternative, though, is an ever-growing morass of web sites and tools that I get to dig through manually.
And, by the way, even if I’m not logged in to my Google account as I’m doing it, my ISP knows the sites I’ve visited, too, and could just as easily (if not more so) be compelled to turn over this information to the real Big Brother in all of this.
Far more trust in Google than the Feds
Honestly, I have far more trust in Google than I do in the Feds. Google is motivated by money: they need my trust to keep collecting those data to keep making it easier for me to buy things from Google’s paying advertisers. If that trust is broken by inappropriate sharing of data, then my eyeballs go elsewhere and so do the advertisers who target me via AdWords and AdSense. Our government has no such financial motivation. Money talks.
The fact that the speech recognition on my phone kicks ass because I use Google Voice all the time and it’s learned how I talk might be a little creepy, but it’s far more important that I can do a Google search or send a text while I’m driving without taking my eyes off the road.
Welcome to 2012, folks. The semantic web has arrived. Use it well and let’s keep Google’s new policies in perspective. And Google? Don’t be evil. I have a lot of colleagues who will be pointing, laughing, and saying I told you so if you ever are.
Nice article.
I think the key for Google's continued success is to keep the advertising passive, suggestions when you're searching etc. aren't in your face but they work.
You see a lot of people complaining that they've been searching for something online and then all of the adverts on the websites they visit contain something pertaining to that, and they grumble that it's annoying. Personally, I'd much rather see an advert to something that's relevant to me rather than a cluttered webpage of irrelevant information.
By targeting adverts and increasing their relevance to the individual, they are far more likely to be successful. This means that the revenue per advert is going to improve and websites aren't going to need to cover their website in adverts (at the cost of the user experience) to make it profitable.
Plus given the huge amount of free stuff that google gives you, it's a bit rich for somebody to complain that they're trying to get something back off you.
I too would much rather see things directly targeted towards me then just random ads. And everyone is up in arms about google recording what you do. Well i think of it this way, i'm fine with them getting to know me and my behavior and what i do, as long as they keep providing FREE products for me.
Ahh the good old "If they are going to screw me without consent, I would much rather they knew my name, stroked my hair and whispered sweet nothings into my ear while they did it."
I prefer to treat my online habbits like the strange neighbour a few doors down. Say "hi" in passing, and realise that while they probrobly know more than I would want them to from when I've invited them over for coffee and from peeking in my windows as they walk past, know that I don't actually have to put up with their $#!+ if they become too creepy.
Thats why its important there are alternitives and competition, and that we as consumers don't put our eggs all in one basket and be prepared to protest or move on if they stretch the friendship too far.
I know privacy is impossible in this day and age but that doent mean you have to lie back and take it. "because you know it means well and it does give you nice gifts once in a while"
My suggestion is cut your reliance on any one brand and spread out the load.
hungry81 said:
My suggestion is cut your reliance on any one brand and spread out the load.
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I like the author am reliant on Google these days. I'd be happy to look at alternatives. Granted they work on the platforms I needs them to, Android 2.X and 3.2, Linux+chrome, windows XP + chrome, and windows 7 + firefox or chrome. The linux requirement cuts out a lot of things, iTunes/iCloud for example.
Have any suggestions who/where i could go for:
Needs a slick webUI, and the searching ability of gmail
I need delegation and the ability for my wife to add me to events and share calendars.
works on all my devices, and syncs between them
I would very much like my phone to know when I leave work. Now i could do this with some sort of timer, but I end up working somewhat flexible hours, and have a leaving time of anywhere within an hour and a half. I would like it to know that since I now have "buy bread, milk, and eggs" on my to-do list (thanks hun!), that it needs to remind me of that on the way home. Even better if it can just direct me to a store with a deal on one or all of those things.
I like that the first hit in Google I get for cookies is the wikipedia page for http cookies and the second is to pythons cookielib module. Where as I bet my grandmother gets, chocolate chip cookies. The ability for Google search to know that I have a particular artist in my collection, and show me the bind's page near the top of the results without me having to add "band" to my search terms.
Anyways, if and when Google starts selling my data to 3rd parties, I'll export my data and move. Google makes it fairly painless to do that.

[Q] Help me flesh out an idea for new functionality

tl;dr I'm new, I'm not a very knowledgeable developer, I have an idea that I want your opinion about.
Heyo Peoples,
I'm new and I like to think a lot about cool new stuff with mobile devices (web, software, hardware, etc). I've been thinking a lot recently about how people like to use mobile devices, and how we might use them in the near future--thinking past what's being done now, and into what comes next.
I've been wondering for a while why there isn't an existing piece of functionality on mobile devices that allows a user complete control of the device and every piece of information on it. Imagine a GUI except instead of graphics, it's like interacting with a person. (aside: first person to say Siri should be shunned like an Amish girl who went to a movie theater).
Is it outrageous to say that you should be able to pick up your phone and have it find anything, from anytime in the past that you have done with or on it? I know that would take mountains of data, but is it silly? In it's most basic form, this would just be a search feature. In it's most eloquent form it could be an operating system. Imagine being able to ask your phone what you did last Wednesday, or maybe where you were. What if it could recall emails or documents based on date, time, location where you were when you wrote it, keyword, or contact, based on verbal interaction? What if it tracked data usage by application, or allowed you to measure and optimize system performance with a verbal command (ex. "Shut down all apps except for Google Maps" or "How much data am I using per minute").
Is it too early to start wishing for an interface like that computer on Paycheck (horrible movie with Ben Afleck) or Cortana in Halo? Is this type of interface impractical or implausible?
If you were to make something like this, would it have to be a new operating system built from the ground up, or could you develop an app to do this, or could you hack Android to do it? I welcome all of your feedback.
Lots of questions, and I have very few answers.
Jujubes said:
tl;dr I'm new, I'm not a very knowledgeable developer, I have an idea that I want your opinion about.
Heyo Peoples,
I'm new and I like to think a lot about cool new stuff with mobile devices (web, software, hardware, etc). I've been thinking a lot recently about how people like to use mobile devices, and how we might use them in the near future--thinking past what's being done now, and into what comes next.
I've been wondering for a while why there isn't an existing piece of functionality on mobile devices that allows a user complete control of the device and every piece of information on it. Imagine a GUI except instead of graphics, it's like interacting with a person. (aside: first person to say Siri should be shunned like an Amish girl who went to a movie theater).
Is it outrageous to say that you should be able to pick up your phone and have it find anything, from anytime in the past that you have done with or on it? I know that would take mountains of data, but is it silly? In it's most basic form, this would just be a search feature. In it's most eloquent form it could be an operating system. Imagine being able to ask your phone what you did last Wednesday, or maybe where you were. What if it could recall emails or documents based on date, time, location where you were when you wrote it, keyword, or contact, based on verbal interaction? What if it tracked data usage by application, or allowed you to measure and optimize system performance with a verbal command (ex. "Shut down all apps except for Google Maps" or "How much data am I using per minute").
Is it too early to start wishing for an interface like that computer on Paycheck (horrible movie with Ben Afleck) or Cortana in Halo? Is this type of interface impractical or implausible?
If you were to make something like this, would it have to be a new operating system built from the ground up, or could you develop an app to do this, or could you hack Android to do it? I welcome all of your feedback.
Lots of questions, and I have very few answers.
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This is probably not as far off as it seems. The developers of "Utter" have come along way in the right direction. You should maybe approach them with your ideas. Not all of them of course . Save some for yourself.
One problem I see is semantics. "Shut down all apps except for Google Maps" sounds good - but do you really mean ALL apps ? The line that would be walked is one where the developer must train the program to not necessarily do what they ask, but do what they WANT. It gets trickier when you realise that some people who aren't your average users might want to test things and shut down an app (in this case) that an average user would never want shut, where they might mess up their phone beyond their ability to repair if they did.
I think speech is a great tool to interact, though I'm not going to be a person to use it. I don't think speech will ever become a default unless there are other technological advances that change how we interact with the world. It's annoying enough to hear someone gabbing loudly to another human on the phone, do we really want people gabbing AT their phones as a default interface ? I think privacy is a driving factor that will keep sound from being a major interface - perhaps it could work for in home applications, but out in public people may not want to announce to the world who they are calling, what they are looking for, or what site they're logging on to, et cetera. Until there's technology to make voice and sound less "public", I don't see this being the future of phones - it's more of a nice thing to have as an "extra" for when a person is comfortable using it.
But, hey, maybe we'll get used to wearing Google Glass and talking to ourselves all the time - or we'll get in-ear buds or implants where we can choose to hear the outside world or not. Just exploring the possibilities here.
I do think it's a big "outrageous" to have infinite backup. Just take a look at how much data companies like Amazon and Facebook acquire on a per-day basis. Think about how much data you use on a daily basis. I don't have the money or desire to be buying new HDDs every other week. Maybe in the future there will be a technological revolution that allows for mass amounts of data to be stored in even smaller spaces. But current technology in that regard is still very expensive and persnickety - read about high capacity SD cards and how fragile they can be and about data needing to be "refreshed" or they can become corrupt. There are lots of issues that make backing up everything you do impracticable.
And, again - privacy concerns. Do I really want my computer to know what I did last Wednesday and who I was with ? What if someone stole my computer or phone and had access to that information ? If we had the technology to do that, who's to say that current encryption would be "enough" - or that someone wouldn't go ahead and try to hack it anyway if they felt finding out basically everything about you was worth brute-forcing your phone or whatever they'd do in the future ? And have no password or a crappy one - even easier for them to know EVERYTHING about you, now.
Highly visual and talk-activated computers are absolutely great for games, movies, and TV. Why ? They function as narrative devices. They allow the actor to say or explain things they otherwise wouldn't have said out loud for personal, practical, or security reasons. They can become characters in their own right. People like those big screen computer displays where the characters are poking things all over and up and down - it looks cool. But not so cool is having your arms get tired from reaching up and around all the time. Not so cool is having to tell the computer out loud what kind of special images you want to search for when you have house-mates living in the next room over.
Just some thoughts. If you have other or counter ideas, go right on ahead.

[Q] GPS Tracking Farm Equipment with LG Androids - i <3 these things

I've been obsessed with the L38c from LG for a couple months now. I've torn them down and used the bare android board for all sorts of "Android inside" projects.
I just started working for a small farm in Florida. They are really interested in using the cheap (<$20) phones as GPS trackers for equipment and vehicles on their property. I have a bit of a background in Android programming and development and started working on a few applications that will eventually run on these LGs and pump out raw GPS/accelerometer data to an on-site server via wifi. The plan is to relay this info visually on the farm's "live map" software.
Unfortunately, I've only been able to spend time on this project very sporadically. I'd like to have some kind of demo that I can present to the shot-callers that own the farm, that sort of gets my concepts through to them in a quick and neat fashion. They are coming back into town next week.
Does anyone know of either an existing system that I can use to show several devices location overlaid on a Google map or similar? It doesn't have to be very elaborate. I just need to get the point across that it is possible to do and show them just how easy it can be to track almost anything they can think of.
I drew most of my initial inspiration from a very old (think late G1 era) application that no longer exists. It was some kind of awkward social app that was targeted at the golfing community for some reason. It was interesting because you could link up a bunch of people on your "team" and know where everyone was.
I tend to over-explain myself on these kinds of discussion boards, so thanks for your time if you kept up with me so far.

EDITED [Q] Why is /u0026 in the names of my apps? How am I being hacked & tracked?!? Total N00b needs help!

Scrolling through the apps installed on my phone, and it is hit or miss on which of the Android and/or Google apps have \u0026 in the middle of their names. Not all, but it seems the important ones do, that downloaded and installed in the middle of the night hours or days after the initial purchase and set up of the phone. Isn't Gmail, Chrome, Android Web View, Device Unlock, Calculator, Device Health Services, and most Google services already installed in Android phones? It's even in some of the apps I installed later on, but not all. I have looked it up, both here and using different search engines. Not too excited with the results, nor do I have the IT brains to understand all the jargon. Would someone here please explain it in layman's terms? BTW, I know I have been hacked/tracked by my ex for a while now. Would \u0026 happen to be a way to remote access and monitor my phone usage?
EDIT: Nothing was synced to old phones, devices, or accounts. This isn't the first new device he has gained access to. There have been several brands and models, phones and laptops. Your guess is as good as mine, and the police, as to how it is being done. Sometimes he leaves "<rooted>" on the screen or turns on 911 only it locks up the phone a few hours after bringing it into the house. He works in the tech industry. No, this isn't my device I've asked this on. This really hasn't been as fun as it sounds.
Thank you all in advance!
I will put my tin foil hat on while anxiously waiting your replies.
(I know, funny not funny. Either has been having to live with his BS.)
Checking back and bumping. There was just one reply on another thread. Please, someone has to know of this Google and Android system hacking apps combo floating around in Google Developer and Firebase. It's a real thing, and my nightmare now. I will not censure if you developed it or are using it on someone other than me. However, I beg you to reconsider if you are. There are days that I feel that worrying about the safety of my kids and if he does show up somewhere I'm at with a grudge to settle is too much to handle. Not everyone has the ability to get through that. I did not deserve his controlling abuse when we were together and there seems to be no way to get out from under his thumb currently. The local cyber cops have been of no help. They either do not believe this happening, these types of apps exist and what they do are possible (One said, "Those kind of things are just in James Bond movies"), or they think there is no imminent threat because there aren't bruises and the little I do have in the bank has not been touched after closing and opening numerous accounts to keep him out. I make just enough to support my kids and myself. Banking, online shopping, and social media are impossible, and the time is now spent trying to end this on my own. Please, help is needed. One of the members on here has to know what the hell this is.
Thank you again.
ripppani said:
\u0026 seems to be the escape sequence of the Unicode character &. \u0026 cannot do any damage by itself, but it can be and probably is a result of incorrect encoding or decoding of text strings, which in turn could be caused by hacking. If you don't know what Unicode is, here is the Wikipedia article.
I am not sure whether the "<rooted>" really represents that the device is rooted, but you generally don't want someone untrusted to root your device, as rooting it allows the one who rooted it to have unrestricted access to the device.
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He has had remote unrestricted access to my devices. The <rooted> is one of his reminders he is there, as well as <bootloadermode>, or the locking up or turning on 911 calls only. This hasn't been fun, either having it happen en use or waking up to it. I do not allow this. New devices, new Google accounts, never syncing, and never logging into old accounts. However, no one seems to be able to figure out how he gets into new devices once they enter the house. New routers, modems, entire internet accounts, he still weasels his way in. The hacking apps are Google Developer based, this I know. Try getting info on that out of Google without a warrant. Cyber cops have brushed this under the rug since there has been no physical or financial harm, as of yet.
He lived with me when we were dating. Is there a device that may be in my home that could hi-jack my wifi, allow him to sign into my device, and show it as my device while VPN-ing an address even after all the changes? (I seems to travel all over the place on occasion according to my IP addresses that show up) The location tracking and call/text monitoring is real, as he has shown up or had let things said in my private (ha!) conversations with others slip. Of course he has nothing to do with this. (ha! again)
Any help or input on this would be greatly appreciated. I have looked things up at the library until my eyes bled. I can only comprehend so much without an IT background. I do not have the money for a cyber forensic investigator, and I know the local police probably have me on the Crazy Crying Wolf list. Which is just as embarrassing as knowing that having a complete lack of privacy in my life is a total nightmare.
Thank you again.

