bypass hotspot/tethering on oreo - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S8+ Questions & Answers

I have just updated my s8 plus on att yo oreo and I was wondering if there was a way to get the wifi sharing/hotspot up and running. I've tried a few things but they wont let me connect to the internet through the device

leandrae400 said:
I have just updated my s8 plus on att yo oreo and I was wondering if there was a way to get the wifi sharing/hotspot up and running. I've tried a few things but they wont let me connect to the internet through the device
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Try adding "DUN" to APN type
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

FatalONEM8 said:
Try adding "DUN" to APN type
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
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That won't work. I just get a message saying that apn type is not available on this device.

FatalONEM8 said:
Try adding "DUN" to APN type
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My buddy has the s8+ on att I know how to change it on my sprint phone with shortcutmaster but I can't get his to do how I did mine how can I change his

You can replace AT&T firmware with the unlocked firmware and native hotspot will work. However you will lose VoLTE and Visual Voicemail. FoxFi wifi direct works pretty well if you only need it for web browsing and to connect a couple of devices. However if you want things like Xbox it won't work because Xbox doesn't have a place to use a proxy server.
Instructions for replacing carrier firmware with unlocked:

ZuluAlpha said:
You can replace AT&T firmware with the unlocked firmware and native hotspot will work. However you will lose VoLTE and Visual Voicemail. FoxFi wifi direct works pretty well if you only need it for web browsing and to connect a couple of devices. However if you want things like Xbox it won't work because Xbox doesn't have a place to use a proxy server.
Instructions for replacing carrier firmware with unlocked:
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Replacing the firmware is an option but it also requires starting all over again and you likely won't get OTA's. As much as I don't care for ATT's bloat and blocking wifi tethering, everything else works really well and they keep the phone up to date. So here is what I've found as a nice workaround, PDANet and FoxFi. So PDANet does have a restriction will you will have to pay to get around but its a one time fee so not that big of a deal. PDANet has both wired and wireless hotspot capabilities (thanks to wifi direct) so you can use it however you prefer. It even has an option to hide your tethering from your carrier. What I've been doing is tethering my phone to my laptop, then (thanks to Windows 10) I go to the mobile hotspot option in my windows 10 settings and enable that. Now my laptop becomes the mobile hotspot and I can connect my PS4 Pro to that. So the phone shares the connection, the laptop picks it up, then the laptop shares to other devices. Yeah its a bit messy but its super simple to setup and works great. Hope this helps someone else.

That's a great idea with the laptop.
Your best bet when going unlocked is to start fresh so that would be a bummer. I can confirm that you still get OTAs.


wifi tether

Hi guys,
I am loving the Nexus 5. I've ordered it, and should be here in 2 days. Only issue is, I need the program android-wifi-tether to be working on this phone.
You see, I have a data plan from my carrier which DOES NOT ALLOW you to tether = (. However, the program wifi tether works great to get around this. Previously I used to use an App called Fox-Fi which did something similar.
Currently I'm running a TW based Samsung S3, because WiFi Tether will only work on TW-based roms, not AOSP-based roms.
Do you think there is any chance to get WiFi Tether, (or similar) App that will work on the Google Nexus 5?
It looks like the biggest requirement is Netfilter, which is essentially IP tables. Try installing IP tables, and see if the program will run. Otherwise, you can always use another tethering app like easytether, or another program (I know that there are loads out there). If you are rooted, it should not be much of a hassle to install.
Es Filexplorer will do it for you once rooted and a great file management app also
Thanks guys. I'll give it a shot once device is in my hands. Thanks.
Another method for this I use that sometimes works is to tether using the default app and just use a User Agent switch in google chrome for HTML traffic. My video games as well as spotify ETC work like normal I only need the UA switcher for traffic within the browser.
Wait, am I missing something here? OP, tethering is a standard feature in Nexus phones, esp now that Verizon is out of the equation.
Why can't you just use the built-in tethering? If it's an issue of your provider being able to track that, then I don't think any of the 3rd party tools are going to help. Typically, just a user-agent switcher can take care of the problem on the device that you're tethered to.
I'm dealing with this issue right now. I had a note 2 running macks rom on my sprint note 2 that let you hotspot free. The N5 tether/hotspot does not work. We need a work around..
Engineer4life said:
I'm dealing with this issue right now. I had a note 2 running macks rom on my sprint note 2 that let you hotspot free. The N5 tether/hotspot does not work. We need a work around..
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My carrier has 2 data plans. 6gb for $30 gives you LTE and tether/hotspot. Or Unlimited LTE for $45 -but tether/hotspot is disabled/not allowed.
I'm on the $45 plan and built-in tether does not work. But the app "wifi-tether" gets around this and works Great!
The issue isn't user-agent. With built-in tether I can't even get a data signal. It will create the a dud Wi-Fi hotspot.
Let's hope IPTables works! I'm sure Bluetooth tether and USB tether may still work, but is much more annoying.
prettyha8 said:
My carrier has 2 data plans. 6gb for $30 gives you LTE and tether/hotspot. Or Unlimited LTE for $45 -but tether/hotspot is disabled/not allowed.
I'm on the $45 plan and built-in tether does not work. But the app "wifi-tether" gets around this and works Great!
The issue isn't user-agent. With built-in tether I can't even get a data signal. It will create the a dud Wi-Fi hotspot.
Let's hope IPTables works! I'm sure Bluetooth tether and USB tether may still work, but is much more annoying.
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which version of the wifi tether app did you use that works? It seems some versions are picky about some phones I just want to get everything I need for when my Nexus 5 arrives
orthonovum said:
which version of the wifi tether app did you use that works? It seems some versions are picky about some phones I just want to get everything I need for when my Nexus 5 arrives
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For my TW-based Samsung Galaxy S3, I used the file "wifi_tether_v3_4-experimental1.apk", then I changed the SSID and changed the WPA2-PSK phasephrase.
*** I think the trick was, if you did NOT change the default SSID or added a WPA2 password the App did not work. After you set a WPA2 password, you can then turn off encryption or change the SSID back to default.
But I don't think know if this will work for the Nexus 5. **Fingers-crossed!
There is another thread with more discussion on this matter here:
prettyha8 said:
The issue isn't user-agent. With built-in tether I can't even get a data signal. It will create the a dud Wi-Fi hotspot.
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Is that the case on a Nexus device or something else? In theory my plan doesn't allow tethering, but I've never had an issue with the built-in hotspot. I'm just trying to figure out how your carrier would even know you were using a hotspot versus having data requests come from the phone itself. The traffic should look the same, for the most part.
bobalias said:
Is that the case on a Nexus device or something else? In theory my plan doesn't allow tethering, but I've never had an issue with the built-in hotspot. I'm just trying to figure out how your carrier would even know you were using a hotspot versus having data requests come from the phone itself. The traffic should look the same, for the most part.
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I believe when you tether, your phone creates a secondary data connection pipe for tethering data. Apps like WiFi-Tether spoof this, and can even create an internal proxy server, such that all tethered data will look like on-device mobile browsing data.
My carrier let's me only create one data connection, thus tether is not allowed. However if I insert my SIM into a "MiFi device", then I can "share" the data connection, as only 1 data connection is being established.
I MIGHT BE WRONG, but this is what it looks like is happening in my findings. Hence the use of IPTABLES to re-route.
I'm not sure why AOSP-based custom Roms could never get WiFi tether working, but TouchWiz (TW) based roms could. I assume something in the kernel. However, I need this working badly.
Interesting, I'd never really given the process a detailed consideration but that sounds like a plausible explanation for both how they detect it, how they block it, and how software modifications let you get around it.
I am currently using wifi tether on evo lte on sprint, fine. Thinking of getting nexus 5. Will this app work on it? that link to the other thread was about tmobile and data plans and stock hotspot app. I am interested in wifi tether app with root. What are the settings to make this work on N5?
Dungeon47 said:
There is another thread with more discussion on this matter here:
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Dig through this thread. Somewhere there's a post explaining what to do to stop your carrier from checking if you are tethering. It requires editing a database and changing the proxy to ipv4 instead of ipv6.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

How to use unlimited tethering on T-MOBILE USA with lg g2

This is for everyone who has been pulling their hair out trying to figure out how to wifi- tether on T-Mobile LG-G2, without getting blocked by T-Mobile. I have tried multiple methods and this is the only one that seems to work perfectly every time. this method uses the native hot-spot and NOT wifi-tether. I was only able to get Wi-Fi tether to wok on ASOP rom. (cm10.2) This method works great on the stock rom. Keep in mind I do have the unlimited data plan.
I actually just called T-Mobile yesterday and had them upgrade my plan to the 2.5 GB of free hotspot data (was 500MB previously) that is included in the unlimited $70 plan.
need to be rooted (not sure if custom recovery is needed by I do have one)
have HOTSPOT SHIELD VPN installed on your phone
Turn on hotspot shield vpn and let it connect and secure your connection. once you see the key in the top left corner you are good.
Then you turn on the native hotspot on the phone, configure your SSID and password if you like. the native hotspot should now be detected by other devices, simply connect and you should be good to go without using your hotspot data or receiving the blocked site page from T-Mobile, just as long as the vpn is still connected.
trust when I say I have spent hours and hours and days and days trying to find a method that worked, and this one does seem to do the trick (at least for the past few days lol) I have used it to connect to my kindle fire, other android phones, and my ps3.
Test it out and see how it works for you. let me know if you have success or not.
**Now I do believe you must have some amount of hotspot data remaining in order to use this method or it wont connect. otherwise you will have to wait until your hotspot data allotment refreshes at the beginning of your new billing cycle**
The way I do mine is by changing the user agent on chrome to something else and it works. Now i have a d802 rom so im not sure about stock rom,
Before there was tether in the plan it used to tell you right away to add it when you turn on tethering on the samsung devices but by doing some mods with framework-res.apk to change the tethering apns it would let you use it without that pop up. But always have a user agent
gypsy214 said:
The way I do mine is by changing the user agent on chrome to something else and it works. Now i have a d802 rom so im not sure about stock rom,
Before there was tether in the plan it used to tell you right away to add it when you turn on tethering on the samsung devices but by doing some mods with framework-res.apk to change the tethering apns it would let you use it without that pop up. But always have a user agent
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You know i have tried using a user agent but i didnt work for me for some reason. Im running Buckeye V2.1 rom which is a stock rom but its super fast over the stock out of the box rom. I seem to like the lg g2 rom over asop which judt seems a bit boring now. I will have to try the user agent method again and see whats happens. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of support or love for the d801 right now so i was banging my head against the wall trying to get it to work but this seemed to work for me. I always check my hotspot data via the t mobile app just to make sure no hot spot data is being used and so far so good using vpn. Just wanted to share in case it works for others.
JKLIMES1 said:
You know i have tried using a user agent but i didnt work for me for some reason. Im running Buckeye V2.1 rom which is a stock rom but its super fast over the stock out of the box rom. I seem to like the lg g2 rom over asop which judt seems a bit boring now. I will have to try the user agent method again and see whats happens. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of support or love for the d801 right now so i was banging my head against the wall trying to get it to work but this seemed to work for me. I always check my hotspot data via the t mobile app just to make sure no hot spot data is being used and so far so good using vpn. Just wanted to share in case it works for others.
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I use Chrome and I change my user agent to safari on mac. It seems to work. I reached the 2.5GB of hotspot for tmobile but changing the user agent i dont get that tmobile screen. Also tried it on stock out of box rom and it works
i tried this with the Hotspot shield but it was a no go for meit still counted towards my hotspot data. is there a more detailed way?
Doesn't work for me either.
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk

Anyone have Hotspot working??

Just bought a H950 and plan on rooting on 5.1.1 ... Only issue is, I must have WiFi hotspot for me to be able to keep this phone. I'm currently on cricket, and they will not unlock the carrier block on wifi hotspots. Has anyone had any luck getting this to work? Thanks.
really.... is the support/community for this phone this weak??
Sampson0420 said:
really.... is the support/community for this phone this weak??
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Locked bootloader and no method to recover from a brick depending on what firmware you are running.
You could try to add DUN to your APN settings and see if native hotspots working. Use an app like shortcut master to find the hidden menu where you can change this.
Check if this method works on the Flex, I know it was present on the G2's (ATT) LP build, and G3 too I think.
Sent from my XT1528
Wifi Tether Router ( worked for me without popping up the carrier dialogue box. Does take a minute or two to enable, but it worked.
thanks to everyone for the replies, phone comes in monday. I will test all mentioned methods and report back success and failures.
lyphe said:
Wifi Tether Router ( worked for me without popping up the carrier dialogue box. Does take a minute or two to enable, but it worked.
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WiFi Tether Router confirmed as working with root, thanks!!
SQLite Editor will not allow me to edit Locked System.db
Was unable to get native hotspot working using shortcut master, changed the apn settings for vzw_only and added dun, even tried removing fota hipri supi and made it only defualt,mms,dun still no worky.
Sampson0420 said:
WiFi Tether Router confirmed as working with root, thanks!!
SQLite Editor will not allow me to edit Locked System.db
Was unable to get native hotspot working using shortcut master, changed the apn settings for vzw_only and added dun, even tried removing fota hipri supi and made it only defualt,mms,dun still no worky.
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It sounds like Wifi tether router worked for you? If so, what provider are you on? I have an H950 on T-Mobile and am wondering if this will help me wifi tether.
What settings are you using for Wifi Tether Router? I've tried several and nothing is working for me (H950, Cricket). The SSID doesn't appear to be active on any other devices in the room.
Try WIFI Tether Router on my H950 11x rooted and it crashed on me. Can't even start the app.

Unlimited Tethering LG V10 Tmobile H901

So i've been a user of xda for quite sometime, however i never really contributed before so i'd like to share my latest discoveries and hopefully i can help someone in the future.
(Please note this is for intermediate users i will not be going into full details. Feel free to google any keywords here for further information)
Please note this will erase your device!
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything you do to your device ie: damages. Proceed at your own risk
This is a tutorial on how to get unlimited tethering on an LG V10 Tmobile
First you will need to unlock bootloader and get TWRP so you can flash SuperSU and get root.
I used a combination of these two guides. DOTtech i just used to get LGUP. I do not believe the .kdz (refurbish) step is necessary.
make sure you use this .tot file from xda (most updated, July) link
once you have flashed the tot file. make sure you download supersu and save it on your phone. Link Here .You will need to boot into recovery mode. The best way i found to boot into recovery mode is to use "adb reboot recovery" command via adb command terminal. For help on setting up adb, usb debugging, and oem unlock. follow the youtube video below. Do not follow his recovery flash steps. (That is Outdated!). once you have adb set up, phone on, open a terminal, navigate to your adb folder and run the "adb reboot recovery" command. Phone will boot into TWRP. Find your SuperSU file. Flash it. You are now rooted!
once you have root....
you will need wifi tether router from fabio grasso. Buy it. best money ever spent.
next you will need to edit your build prop.
download es file explorer. build prop is just a text file. enable root explorer in es file explorer. navigate to your root folder/system.
under system you will find build.prop. open with es text editor. at the end of the text file insert
hit back. and it will ask you to save. save it!
This will allow our wifi tether router app to work properly.
reboot your phone.
open your wifi tether router app. The most important setting here is under method. Use Native! This will tell wifi tether router to port it's connection through your native hotspot app.
You should now be ready to go.
Now, how do we prevent Tmobile from noticing our traffic is being tethered?
We need to change a few settings on our computers. You will want to change your defaultTTL to 65 (decimal) on all your PCs.
For details on that follow this youtube video
for windows 10 its a little bit different. Use this command in a terminal.
netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=65
This should prevent Tmobile from noticing and counting your hotspot data.
If i missed anything, please feel free to message me along with any other questions.
What are your setup parameters for Wi-Fi Tether?
Sent from my LG-H901 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Encryption wpa2-psk
wifi channel 1
interface wlan0
method 4 -native tether
auto disconnect wifi when start tethering (check)
wifi scanning autodisabler (check)
i also root disabled all tmobile apps especially
Good Luck!
When was the last time you've checked your usage? I'm using a vpn (in addition to build.prop and settings.db "hacks") as well, so not sure how they see it now. I'll change my TTL on the pc as next precaution. Vpn used to be the bullet proof method, but they're getting sneakier.
RussianBear said:
When was the last time you've checked your usage? I'm using a vpn (in addition to build.prop and settings.db "hacks") as well, so not sure how they see it now. I'll change my TTL on the pc as next precaution. Vpn used to be the bullet proof method, but they're getting sneakier.
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My apologies to everyone, i guess my post was a little premature. I just got the text message today saying i've used 80% of my mobile hotspot. RussianBear, i am interested in your settings.db hack. What is the purpose of that hack, and also what vpn do you use?
The TTL was a game changer for me with my S5. The problem i am running into with the LG V10 is that in the wifi tether router app, the hostapd method would not work anymore. I "enable wifi router" and i can't see my hotspot.
Russianbear, how far along have you gotten with this. Maybe we can help each other. Can you see your hotspot via wifi tether router? What are your wifi tether router settings? The only way i was able to activate it was with the Native method, however i believe the native hotspot embedded with the phone sends packets to tmobile.
I was wondering also if a custom rom can help me in this situation. It seems as though the native hotspot does not allow third party apps like "wifi tether router" to activate the hotspot. Can anyone recommend a good stable custom rom that can help me accomplish this?
jontav said:
My apologies to everyone, i guess my post was a little premature. I just got the text message today saying i've used 80% of my mobile hotspot. RussianBear, i am interested in your settings.db hack. What is the purpose of that hack, and also what vpn do you use?
The TTL was a game changer for me with my S5. The problem i am running into with the LG V10 is that in the wifi tether router app, the hostapd method would not work anymore. I "enable wifi router" and i can't see my hotspot.
Russianbear, how far along have you gotten with this. Maybe we can help each other. Can you see your hotspot via wifi tether router? What are your wifi tether router settings? The only way i was able to activate it was with the Native method, however i believe the native hotspot embedded with the phone sends packets to tmobile.
I was wondering also if a custom rom can help me in this situation. It seems as though the native hotspot does not allow third party apps like "wifi tether router" to activate the hotspot. Can anyone recommend a good stable custom rom that can help me accomplish this?
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I'm using private internet access vpn. Not currently using any play store apps, just my native usb/wi-fi tether, but it looks like they upped their game this month, as I've already ran out of hotspot data lol
The settings db "hack" was forcing zero flag inside a settings database. In MM it was moved to this location:
On V10 it's under global.xml - search for tether_dun and make sure that's 0.
You can also try using adb or terminal emulator and execute commands found here:
I'm using the same settings but my usage keeps going up
Sent from my LG-H901 using XDA-Developers mobile app
I have to find a way to get wifi tether router working on this phone. Wifi tether plus DefaultTTL will fix this. If anybody tries wifi tether and gets it to work with LG V10 please let me know. Maybe its my phone. I did use the .tot file in this thread
I'm thinking maybe that might have corrupted something and is not letting me activate my hotspot via wifi tether router.
Looks like adjusting ttl has worked for now.
RussianBear said:
Looks like adjusting ttl has worked for now.
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Can you please explain where and how you did this?
I'll try this, but dont think it will work. I've used Wifi Tether Router alot before, but that was before Tmo started cracking down on heavy tether users not too long ago. Now if I try to use it, they always notice quickly. I also did the no provisioning trick but same results. I created a new APN with a guide I found, same thing. I didnt change any values on my other devices' end. I've heard it helps if you use a different DNS server but dont know for sure. It may also help if you use a different user agent.
I do believe the days of unlimited tethering with Tmo are over, I've tried lots of tricks but didnt get far.
luckydog98 said:
Can you please explain where and how you did this?
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use the video from the op above.
AnonVendetta said:
I'll try this, but dont think it will work. I've used Wifi Tether Router alot before, but that was before Tmo started cracking down on heavy tether users not too long ago. Now if I try to use it, they always notice quickly. I also did the no provisioning trick but same results. I created a new APN with a guide I found, same thing. I didnt change any values on my other devices' end. I've heard it helps if you use a different DNS server but dont know for sure. It may also help if you use a different user agent.
I do believe the days of unlimited tethering with Tmo are over, I've tried lots of tricks but didnt get far.
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Invest into a good vpn service.
@RussianBear: I actually use a VPN on my phone most of the time. However, by default, Android wont direct tethering to a VPN. I found a guide awhile back that shows how to use terminal commands to forcibly route through a VPN, it worked for quite awhile, but Tmo caught on eventually. I made sure the VPN and my script were already running before activating tethering. A VPN is supposed to be encrypted, so how they detected ne is beyond me. I guess they saw the sheer amount of data I was using and suspected tethering (over 500GB in one month, at the highest point).
AnonVendetta said:
@RussianBear: I actually use a VPN on my phone most of the time. However, by default, Android wont direct tethering to a VPN. I found a guide awhile back that shows how to use terminal commands to forcibly route through a VPN, it worked for quite awhile, but Tmo caught on eventually. I made sure the VPN and my script were already running before activating tethering. A VPN is supposed to be encrypted, so how they detected ne is beyond me. I guess they saw the sheer amount of data I was using and suspected tethering (over 500GB in one month, at the highest point).
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Can you not enable vpn on the clients instead? I have my asus router set up with my vpn settings, so anything connecting to it automatically gets passed thru the vpn ip instead. Lower your ttl on desktop/laptop, do the build.prop entry, set ipv to 4 in settings, and set tether dun to 0 in settings.xml (I made a script for that). You should be to go with your vpn then.
Honestly I see almost no point in having unlimited tethering since your data is slowed down around 26gbs. I'm fine with the 7gb I have rn. If I were to make use of unlimited tethering, I'd need truly unlimited since I do very heavy usage on any of my computer's. Usually 700-900 GB a month(and that's only download. Upload is around 200gb a month). Used to have an at&t business hotspot that I paid $125/month and used 300 or so GB a month for three months with no slow downs on it.
xBØYxTØYx said:
Honestly I see almost no point in having unlimited tethering since your data is slowed down around 26gbs. I'm fine with the 7gb I have rn. If I were to make use of unlimited tethering, I'd need truly unlimited since I do very heavy usage on any of my computer's. Usually 700-900 GB a month(and that's only download. Upload is around 200gb a month). Used to have an at&t business hotspot that I paid $125/month and used 300 or so GB a month for three months with no slow downs on it.
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Gotta pay to play. They "prioritize" your after 26, so it's not like it'll be slow 24/7. Annoying, sure. However, I haven't had home internet going on two years now. Worth it to me, based on my usage. With this tmo one stuff, they offer unlimited tethering, but of course, your primary usage has to be from your phone...
The victory was only half-way declared... They somehow know when device(s) that connect to my router are tethered. Router is setup with an openvpn configuration and connects to the vpn server automatically. All IPs check out, as well as ttl values, but they're still able to tell. One thing that was strange was if I did not enable vpn thru the router, but instead thru the client, the speeds remained constant - undetected. This is fine and dandy, but I'd lose my chromecast functionality this way... If things get rough and I can't finger this one out, I might hop onto to their unlimited everything for $95/month instead of the simple choice one I got now.
RussianBear said:
use the video from the op above..
Invest into a good vpn service.
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If you have good home internet with VPN supported router, you can run VPN through your home
mingkee said:
If you have good home internet with VPN supported router, you can run VPN through your home
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Yes, but somehow they can tell...even with a vpn setup thru a router.
RussianBear said:
Yes, but somehow they can tell...even with a vpn setup thru a router.
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They can tell tho the t mobile app the one the shows your data you have to delete it and delete this the one that has the red # by it, that how they track you and can see everything on your phone and know it you have root or not and anything you do on your phone .

Get NATIVE Hotspot Working with Unlimited Data (No Root) on S8

Video instructions are linked below.**
Hey, everyone! I just wanted to share something that I figured out when I was trying to enable my WiFi hotspot on my S8. First of all, I have an AT&T Galaxy S8 (G950U) with Unlimited Data, and my hotspot doesn't typically work at all. When I try to enable it normally, it has to "verify," then it tells me I need to subscribe. However, while playing around with Package Disabler Pro and the hotspot, I figured out how to get the hotspot turned on (running off of unlimited data) without root or any sort of complex workaround. The only things you'll need are a $2 app, ANY WiFi source (even locked), and a supported carrier on your S8 (AT&T, Verizon, and others). Here the steps to get it up and running:
1) Download Package Disabler Pro (by policedeveloper), get it up and running, and search for "tether" in the seach box
2) Three options should pop up ("TetheringProvision", "TetheringAutomation", and "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice"). Disable all three packages.
3) Go to your Mobile Hotspot settings and make sure WiFi Sharing is turned ON. Very important.
4) Go to your WiFi Settings and connect to any WiFi network near you, but PURPOSELY put in the wrong WiFi password. It will try to connect for a short time, so you need to be quick on the next step.
5) Quickly enable your mobile hotspot while the phone is still trying to connect to the network with the wrong password. After the hotspot turns on, quickly turn off your WiFi. The hotspot will stay on and continue to run off of your unlimited data!
I actually tested this last year on the Galaxy S7 edge on AT&T, so it works on there as well! I've uploaded the following videos to YouTube as well for the S7 and S8 respectively, so if this helped you, be sure to go click on some ads on my YouTube videos! It helps me out lol.
**S7 edge video:
**S8 video:
It's worth noting that I'm actually not sure how many carriers this works on. I know it doesn't work on Sprint, but lately it actually started working on Verizon too. I've had some people tell me that it works on other smaller carriers as well, but if it works for you in a different carrier leave a comment below so I can see how many it works on please!
Not seemingly working for sprint. No matter how fast I swap to disable the wifi, if the wifi is disconnected, hotspot it turned off.
druep said:
Not seemingly working for sprint. No matter how fast I swap to disable the wifi, if the wifi is disconnected, hotspot it turned off.
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Yeah, unfortunately it won't work on Sprint. Turns out they have a different way of checking to see if you're subscribed to tethering. I did find this thread several months ago dealing with getting the hotspot turned on with Sprint though. Check it out and let me know if it still works if you don't mind:
ldog3211 said:
Yeah, unfortunately it won't work on Sprint. Turns out they have a different way of checking to see if you're subscribed to tethering. I did find this thread several months ago dealing with getting the hotspot turned on with Sprint though. Check it out and let me know if it still works if you don't mind:
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Actually, you could also try downloading the Galaxy Tools app, check "enable hotspot", and then reboot your phone. Basically works the same way I think but it's automatic:
ldog3211 said:
Yeah, unfortunately it won't work on Sprint. Turns out they have a different way of checking to see if you're subscribed to tethering. I did find this thread several months ago dealing with getting the hotspot turned on with Sprint though. Check it out and let me know if it still works if you don't mind:
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In an OTA update last Friday, Sprint locked down the ##DATA# method and settings are now grayed out for me. The previous Shortcut method I'd used to edit APN settings wasn't working either. I did come a different Shortcut Master search string which allowed me to get in and edit the APN, however. I don't know why from one view it works, but from the other it did not. If memory serves it was looking for LTEfunctionality.
These carriers need a swift kick in the ass for disabling features on these phones.
druep said:
In an OTA update last Friday, Sprint locked down the ##DATA# method and settings are now grayed out for me. The previous Shortcut method I'd used to edit APN settings wasn't working either. I did come a different Shortcut Master search string which allowed me to get in and edit the APN, however. I don't know why from one view it works, but from the other it did not. If memory serves it was looking for LTEfunctionality.
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Oh, I see. That sucks! I don't have a Sprint Galaxy phone, so I can't test anything out, but I wonder if it's still possible through that different search string. I don't really know how any of that works though. What I really wish would happen is for Samsung to actually stand up to these carriers and not keep taking their BS. However, even Apple, as great as they are at this, blocks the hotspot on certain iPhones depending on the carrier and plan...
peachpuff said:
These carriers need a swift kick in the ass for disabling features on these phones.
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Yes tf they do. Samsung needs to learn from Apple and stop taking the carriers' BS. That right there would solve a problem a lot of people have with Samsung, but of course they're not going to stop.
druep said:
In an OTA update last Friday, Sprint locked down the ##DATA# method and settings are now grayed out for me. The previous Shortcut method I'd used to edit APN settings wasn't working either. I did come a different Shortcut Master search string which allowed me to get in and edit the APN, however. I don't know why from one view it works, but from the other it did not. If memory serves it was looking for LTEfunctionality.
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U r correct, the ltefunctionality is the place for editing the apns. Search the sprint thread as this method has been posted several times using quickshortcut maker app and searching test to find the directory. Click try then look for lteapn settings and add dun to the default,mms. It should look like the following.... deault,mms,dun
Any prl or profile updates along with android os updates will undo this. So each time any of those update redo the above steps. I'm on 10gb hotspot and have used it for 3 weeks last month with Bill showing no hotspot data used. I'm on sprint
You should've bought an unlocked S8. I have unlimited data on AT&T with an unlocked S8 and the hotspot works just fine.
peachpuff said:
These carriers need a swift kick in the ass for disabling features on these phones.
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I never run out of reasons to ensure any phone I buy has root.
Does this method show as you using hot spot and they charge you for using it? I have the unlimited data plan but I am not paying the extra for the hotspot feature because I think it is dumb and should be free anyways as a feature of the phone so I refuse to pay for that service. I have ATT.
chase10784 said:
Does this method show as you using hot spot and they charge you for using it? I have the unlimited data plan but I am not paying the extra for the hotspot feature because I think it is dumb and should be free anyways as a feature of the phone so I refuse to pay for that service. I have ATT.
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Nope! I've been doing this for over a year now, and I've never gotten any notice, warning, or anything from AT&T. I use AT LEAST 100GB of data every month, and several months I've used over 200GB. They haven't charged me a dime even though I'm not supposed to have the hotspot with my unlimited data plan! And I don't use a VPN or anything...
ldog3211 said:
Nope! I've been doing this for over a year now, and I've never gotten any notice, warning, or anything from AT&T. I use AT LEAST 100GB of data every month, and several months I've used over 200GB. They haven't charged me a dime even though I'm not supposed to have the hotspot with my unlimited data plan! And I don't use a VPN or anything...
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Well cool. I got it to work. I haven't had much time to test it but it seems great.
On Verizon s8 anyone figure out how to get this working. Can't find app "TetheringProvision" or anything similar to disable on my VZ s8 phone.
I found "TetheringAutomation", and "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice" and disabled. It still checks subscription and fails.
Solution: Switch to Tmobile
Yianaki said:
On Verizon s8 anyone figure out how to get this working. Can't find app "TetheringProvision" or anything similar to disable on my VZ s8 phone.
I found "TetheringAutomation", and "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice" and disabled. It still checks subscription and fails.
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You can get your hotspot working by popping sim tray, unlock phone, open up stopwatch, insert sim tray and start stopwatch at the same time, when the stopwatch hits 8 seconds turn on hotspot from the pull down menu.
I know it takes some work but works every time for me. I will try to post a video for anyone who wants. Working on my verizon s8+. Thanks!
jtracker said:
You can get your hotspot working by popping sim tray, unlock phone, open up stopwatch, insert sim tray and start stopwatch at the same time, when the stopwatch hits 8 seconds turn on hotspot from the pull down menu.
I know it takes some work but works every time for me. I will try to post a video for anyone who wants. Working on my verizon s8+. Thanks!
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I thought for sure that this was going to be a joke to see how long I would sit there popping my sim and launching apps and such, but WOW.
It actually worked on my third attempt ( VZ S8+)
Thanks again for posting this!:good:
Too easy I just went to Settings > Apps clicked the
overflow menu to show system apps and forced stop tetheringprovision and tetheringautomation. I also disabled tethering provision's access to change system settings.
My hotspot worked right away I'm on ATT UDP
has this stopped working after the lastest ATT update

