Samsung repair centre have only gone and lost my S9+ - Samsung Galaxy S9+ Guides, News, & Discussion

So, on Fri 23 March I dropped my 6 day old S9+ and smashed the screen.
I immediately call Samsung customer care who say to go to my local Experience Store where they can repair my device on the same day.
I call my local (39 miles away) experience store who state that they can carry out the repair tomorrow morning if I get there first thing.
I then ring the store back to ask how much it would cost me and they state it will be £270.00 to completely repair my device and I also asked again if they are able to repair the following day to which they say that they can.
The following day I travelled to my "local" store and arrive before they open. When looking through the shutter, I see a member of staff, so I ask them if I am at the right place just in case there was another store I had to go to. The staff member asked what I was getting repaired as he might be able to book it in early and when I told him it was my S9+ screen to be replaced he quickly ran to the back to talk to the engineers and came back and apologised that I had been misinformed and that they are unable to do any S9/S9+ repairs at present and they are just swapping the devices over for a new single sim version which I did not want as mine was a Hybrid version. He then suggested I come back when the manager is in in about an hrs time.
I returned back to the store to be told by the same staff member that the current situation is that no stores are able to repair the S9/S9+ devices at present as no had been trained on the process, plus the machines they use to separate the devices have not been calibrated for the new S9/S9+ devices and it may be a month or so before they are ready to accept repairs.
I was then advised to contact customer care tech support who said I need to speak to online sales as my device was a hybrid version who then said they couldn't help and passed me back to tech support where I spoke with a decent agent who actually listened to the situation and immediately booked my device to be picked up by UPS and taken to their repair centre in Norwich. After researching, I found this to be a company called A Novo which has so many bad reviews spanning years, which did not feel me with joy.
On Mon 26 my device was picked up my UPS and tracking showed it was received the following day at A Novo at 06:59am.
Later on Tues 27 I check my online Samsung repair tracking which status has updated to "Device received and booked in and is awaiting repair" which I thought great, progress!!.....well that is what I thought!!
I allow for the Easter weekend to disappear and on Tues 3 April I ring Samsung for an update as the online system had not changed since the previous week. The Customer care adviser contacts A Novo and comes back to me 15mins later apologising for keeping me on hold for so long but there appears to be an issue as A Novo (repair centre) are stating they have not received my device to which both the Samsung adviser an myself found strange as all tracking shows it has arrived at A Novo as my online status shows that and this can only be achieved by scanning the barcode inside the packaging. I was then told to allow for 48hrs so A Novo can locate my device.
I rang Samsung back yesterday (6 Apr) for an update and was still told that my device had 'apparently' not been received. Again both the adviser and myself found that funny so she went to speak with a Manager and came back saying that they are raising a 'Lost in Transit' claim and not to worry as all tracking shows it arrived at the repair centre.
I now have to wait 3-5 working days for the claim to process and I should have a new device just after.
So i'm guessing some toe-rag has pinched my device at the repair centre as it most probably be one of the first S9+'s to come in at their centre.

I'd be livid and extremely upset had that happened to me, I really hope you get this resolved.

Did they ever find your phone?
Sent from my Galaxy S8 using XDA-Developers Legacy app


My T-Mobile Nightmare

On 15 November 2014 I went to the T-Mobile store at 4130 S New Braunfels Ave, Suite 101San Antonio, TX and ordered myself a Note Edge and my wife a iPhone 6 Gold 64 GB. I have been going to that store since the initial debacle I had when I joined T-Mobile a year ago over the phone. They had always been very courteous and professional towards me. During ordering, this is what I was told:
1. I would not be charged anything until I received a tracking number that the phone(s) had shipped.
2. The phones would ship independently once either one became available.
3. That I should receive both phones NLT 22nd of November, but could take up to 10 days.
The following Monday comes and I see a pending charge of $169.75 to my checking account for 'T-Mobile' upgrade. So I called T-Mobile and they told me that I should have received a tracking number and if not, I should receive it by COB that day. I was also told that my wife’s iPhone was on back order, which didn't make me happy, but did not surprise me as well. The next day I did not receive a tracking number so I stopped by the store that I had ordered them from and spoke with an assistant manager. She apologized profusely and told me that both my phones were on back order, that neither had shipped to me, and that I shouldn't a have been charged anything, pending or not. She could not give me an estimate of when my phones would ship and that I shouldn't have been charged anything. I was not happy when I left.
I waited 2 days and called T-Mobile again. This lady told me that the charge was not 'really' a charge as it was a 'pending' charge that T-Mobile does to ensure they have access to the funds, and that meant that my phone was in shipping, although she couldn't tell me which one it was. I told her that pending or not, the money was out of my account, so I didn't care what she called it. She promised me my phone was in shipping and I should receive a tracking number at any moment.
2 more days go by and I have heard nothing. I looked at my T-Mobile bill and notice that it had gone up $32.00 I immediately call them again, spoke with a customer loyalty person, and was told that $24 of that was for insurance on the phones that I DO NOT HAVE and the other $8 was for misc. charges. I promptly had her remove the insurance, as I did not request it, and although should couldn't exactly tell me what the $8 was for, she removed that as well. Now this representative told me that they didn't know when my phones would ship and couldn't explain why I had the money taken out of my account.
On the 21st I went back to the store to ask them why all of this had occurred and I had been lied to. There was a 30ish male assistant manager there and I had noticed him 'roughly' dealing with other customers in the past. I explained to him all that had happened and he told me that it couldn’t have happened at his store. Ok, I will admit at this point I was about to go nuclear. That's when this 'man' gets close to me and raises his hands saying, 'what do you want me to do for you? What do you want?' I told him that I wanted to know when my phones would ship, why they charged my account with no tracking number, and who authorized them to place charges on my account without my knowledge or approval. He then started to raise his voice, and knowing myself, this was only going to end with me getting escorted out of the store by local security. At this point, everyone was watching us, and I told him that this was not the last they were going to hear from me. And I very slowly walked out.
I will admit, I was beyond irrate. I sat in my car for a while, then called T-Mobile. I was immediately patched thru to 'customer loyalty' manager named ¬¬¬¬¬Monique. After I had told her everything that had happened, names, placed, dates and all of the lies, the profusely apologized and told me she would file a 'case' against the store. The also said they would start an investigation on who charged my account. When the conversation was over, she said that my note edge was in shipping and I would receive a tracking number in 24 hours. That she guaranteed it was in shipping and I would officially hear back from T-Mobile on the outcome of the investigations. This was about a 1 hour phone call.
48 hours later, no tracking number, no phone call, no nothing. I did receive a email stating that my wifes iPhone would ship between the 28 of November and the 13th of December. So why didn't I cancel everything by now? Believe me I wanted to...but if i canceled one of the phones, the both would be dropped, and I wanted very much for my wife to have her phone for Christmas. That is why.
On the way to work I decided to call them. Big mistake as it put me in a foul mood all day. This person told me that neither of my phones had shipped, couldn’t tell me when they would and again, couldn’t explain to me why the $169 had been taken from my account. I am sure there was a visible mushroom cloud coming from the cab of my truck at that point. I will not even bother with explaining the words that flowed from my mouth.
After work that day, I called ‘customer loyalty’ and this woman was very curt and to the point. There was no way for her to tell me when my phones would ship, she had never heard of Monique and there was no way for her to find out who she is because T-Mobile was just too large with to many call centers. She told me no investigations had been launched and none probably would not be. She said that if I had the money put back into my account, it would cancel both phones, and that they would only ship both when they were available together. I insisted that I be given the distract T-Mobiles email address and she refused to do so, instead she gave me this address:
Customer Relations
PO Box 37380
Albuquerque NM 87176-7380
This had to be done by snail mail and there is no other way. She stated continuously that there was nothing else she could do for me and ended the conversation.
I HAVE NEVER been treated this poorly, lied to this many times by any company in my 51 years of breathing oxygen. If it wasn’t for my wife’s Christmas Present I would have had them shove the phones and their service where even worms will not go. I just wanted to share my experience as I hope it helps others. After I pay the phones off, we will be going back to ATT. I initially left ATT because T-Mobile saved me $1200.00 a year and gave us many for features then ATT did. Now, I regret it. The frustration, the lies, and the aggravation is not worth it. How a company can legally work this way I will never know. If anyone could send me the email address of the distract manager of San Antonio for T-Mobile, I would greatly appreciate it. I had it once, but cannot find it now. Thank you.

What UK phone retailers give the best customer service?

Firstly, I'm in the UK so I'm only interested in UK retailers. I've purchased mobiles and tablets from various high street stores and online shops and they all have varied levels of customer service when a phone develops what I believe is a warranty issue during the warranty period. Some of the retailers make me feel like I'm on trial and have to prove that there is an issue, while others send out a new phone to arrive the day after I report the issue and request that I ship the faulty phone back within 30 days. My most recent phone (a Nexus 5) was purchased from Expedite Electronics and my phone has been with them for almost 4 weeks now.
My personal experience so far is:
Amazon - best customer service. As mentioned earlier, when I reported a phone fault, they sent out a new phone that I received the very next day and gave me 30 days to send them back the faulty phone. I had the working replacement phone within 18 hours of reporting the issue.
Google Play store - similar to Amazon, they send out a new phone first and request the old phone is sent back in due course. Obviously, like Amazon, they would charge your credit card if they didn't receive the faulty phone.
Tesco Direct - they collect the faulty device when they deliver the new device. No fuss at all when reporting an issue, I think delivery for new device is normally arranged for next day or may be in 2 working days.
PC World - take one to two weeks to investigate and repair any issues. Can sometimes make you feel like you're on trial and have to prove there is an issue. Still takes a week or so even if they come back with "no fault found".
Argos - similar to PC World
Expedite Electronics - not technically a UK retailer but they say they can take up to 28 days to resolve warranty issues. I thought this would be a very upper limit and in most cases it'd be done sooner but may be not. 28 days is a long time to be without a phone.
My question is, what other UK retailers are in the same league as Amazon/Google Play/Tesco when it comes to after sales customer service? Ones that do not make you feel like you're on trial when there is a warranty issue and ones where ideally they allow the new device to be sent out before receiving the faulty device, or at the very least, a very quick turn around time.

Sony Customer Support is definitely lacking

My D6603 was one of the models that succumbed to the Sudden Death malfunction. I had a 32gb model that one morning, simply powered off and never powered on again. The device was almost a year old and in perfect shape.
I contacted Sony, went through their troubleshoot process, and mailed my device, RMA.
2 weeks later, on Friday, I received a 16gb refurbished model back. I contacted Sony immediately, and they said, "we'll escalate and get back to you if we decide to compensate for the difference in models."
That evening, I removed the screen film to put my screen protectors. The rear glass was cracked on delivery. I called but support was already closed for the evening.
I called this Monday, first thing, to report it. Apparently, there's no previous escalation file, and the customer service guy told me I should be happy I got a replacement at all. I asked to have it escalated again based on the fact that they mailed me what I deem to be a defective model out of the box, plus they must find some form of suitable replacement or compensation for the difference in value on products --- for something that is without argument a known defect in their manufacturing.
I was told I would hear back in 1-2 business days. I phoned this AM to follow up and they again don't have any history of escalation from Friday or Monday.
Is there a logical next step --- other than phoning Xperia Customer Support and lodging a complaint a 3rd time --- that I can take here?

S7 Edge screen issue - Exynos version

I am sharing this concern for my Galaxy S7 Edge which is having screen issues in just over using it for a month or so. I had a very bad experience using Galaxy S4 in the past post which I decided not to buy any Samsung Phones.
After reading about very good battery back up and excellent camera capability of S7 Edge I thought things must have improved and hopefully I would not be disappointed going for a premium Samsung Flagship device. I was proved wrong.
Please check this link for the issue I am facing -
I had kept my phone on ultra power saving mode at night to test battery back up stats this week, on switching back to the normal mode. Phone started to heat rapidly and battery draining super fast, the moment it fell below 66% screen started flickering and this purple static flashing frequently. I did a complete reset and the problem still continues.
I am going on a family holiday next week and was hoping to use the phone camera to capture some pleasant memories of the trip, all this hope came crashing down with the issue now I am facing with my phone, luckily I did not sell my old Asus Zenfone 2 which I have to now use as back up phone else I would have being left without a mobile device while going for my holidays.
This instance has seriously dented image of Samsung as a brand and I would surely not recommend this phone to anyone I know considering how pathetic their quality check procedure is for a phone which goes faulty within few days of usage. My case could be one off incident but my bad experience with Samsung brand stays as is.
I am visiting the service center now personally as they are taking their own sweet time to send the engineer to pick up the phone from my residence.
I realize you are dissappointed but how do you expect quality control to detect something that has yet to be broken? They can't see into the future. **** happens. It all depends on how you deal with it. A very select few people will always have these issues. Some are unfortunate enough for it to happen more than once. I'm on the lucky side of things.
Good luck though =)
I gave up on Samsung after the GS3 but took a plunge with the S7 edge.
Could not be happier and would highly recommend this phone.
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA Free mobile app
I also got response from Samsung executive team, so at least I know some one to whom I can reach out to
Service center called to inform they would replace my phone screen and check if it is working properly.
so they have ordered it and it would arrive on Monday and later they would again see if the issue is with the screen or something else.
I have given up hopes of my issue getting resolved on Monday and maybe I would have to leave my phone with service center while I am away on my holiday trip
Never buying another Samsung product at launch, guess I paid the price of being an early adopter
Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using XDA-Developers mobile app
Ok so here's the status of my ordeal with Samsung's customer care & apologies for sharing timeline of the events in detail -
Phone collected by service center technician from residence on 7th May → Service Center Places order for replacement screen on the same day → I was leaving for a family vacation trip on 10th May so on 9th May I was informed that replacement screen had not arrived → I Did not call for knowing status until 12th May
Service center staff informs me on 12th that replacement screen delivery was delayed as 'Phone is new in the market and parts are not easily available' so I should get my phone latest by 13th or max 14th May → on 14th May in afternoon I get a call from some outbound center in Noida/Gaziabad this guy tells me 'Replacement Screen has arrived at Pune 'Branch' but not at the 'Service Center' as it takes time to ship from Delhi or Noida... hmmm I agree it's longer than distance between Earth and Mars
Again he goes on to tell me phone would be repaired by 15th, I asked him to confirm again because service center is closed on Sunday, no callback or follow up from here on.
16th May - I call up customer care helpline to check again what is the status of my service request, they ramble their call centre script and apologize and request forwarded for callback.
16th May on Facebook - Someone spotted my post and a concerned soul asked my number or service request again promising callback
16th May at around 6 PM in the evening, OMG Moment - The sweet service center lady calls and informs me that the Replacement screen is finally going to arrive from another dimension or parallel universe so I should be getting my phone repaired by 17th or 18th May.
I am very excited to get my phone back hopefully this week or maybe if not then I can always act as a sage.
Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using XDA-Developers mobile app

Please help to defend my rights! (Samsung Galaxy Note 7 refund problem)

Dear geeks,
I'm Zaza Asatiani a long time XDA member from Georgia (Country). Let me kindly ask you for help to defend my consumer rights.
On September 29 I have purchased Samsung Galaxy Note 7 (SM-N930R4) on Ebay from the private seller. The phone had clean ESN, Box and all accessories. The seller indicated in product description that he purchased phone from US Cellular. once it was recalled and then returned to the owner with an upgraded battery. That’s why I decided it was safe to buy.
When I turned it on for the first time it was almost brand new Galaxy Note 7 with fully functional Knox and Samsung account. (I have had every Galaxy Note from the launch of first one and I have an ambition not to be fooled by Chinese fakers). After several days I got a notification regarding software update. I have updated the phone software and from then on I'm getting annoying notification pop up warning - to return the phone. It was popping up every time I connected phone to the charger. Couple of months ago I got another software update which limited phone charge to 60%. I seriously doubt that fake phone shouldn't be able to get such an updates from Samsung's server.
Right now the phone is in the country of Georgia. I have contacted US Cellular and Samsung US support team several times to help me find a way to refund the phone but it seems they have no guidelines what to do and asked me to contact Samsung’s local office. Even Samsung Local Georgian office refused to refund the phone. They say the IMEI in “About the phone” and on the back panel aren’t the same and it’s a fake.
I doubt that during the battery replacement Samsung replaced the battery together with back panel and this is the cause of this problem.
Do you have any idea what do do?
Best Regards,
maybe a good time to name the ebay seller?

