Hitting shapes on the screen - Other Tools & General Discussion

Dear community,
I m planing an app for android (Java) and am learning with a book. I just have one question.
In my app it should be possible to click on different 2D shaped forms (often not as simple as a cycle or sth) and check if I hit this form right (true) or if I didnt hit it with my finger (false). I m looking for a library with fuctions for sth like that or in general which techniques would I use? I will have a vector graphic. with shapes drawn on it till now, can I work with it ?

i also want to learn
please refer me books and online videos
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App Suggestions for my project

Hi everyone, i know there are tonssssss of nice people here on xda forums, and i was just hoping for some suggestions because i have to choose a project to work on.. any java game / application which is not too tough is fine. It doesnt have to be an original application, so i was thinkin maybe some simple apps which u guys love? I'm still not that good at it as i have just started learning bout using netbeans to develops the java apps.. i will have bout a month or two to work on it. please give me some suggestions? thank you everyone Much appreciated.
cloning/image app/program for windows mobile
i do not know how hard it would be but just a thought, but it should be a true image .... something like acronis or seagate etc but for windows mobile
how about using the blu tooth technology to turn the phone into a ps3 key board similar to the g remote for ur windows desktop.
or app that is like winterboard where it manages ur cabs alot more organized so u can switch them off and on isntead of deleting and replacing clocks lock screens etc etc
a craigslist app is a very popular
ebay app
sound boards or voice changers
a cocktail drink guide
as for games
are a list of games that would be cool
teenage mutant ninja turtles arcade version
left for dead the 8 bit version(google it)
plants v.s. zombies
iphone version of resident evil 4
maybe gta china town wars or even gta 1
mortal kombat
fallout 1 or 2
how about;
an app which uses the oem headphones and mike and turns them into a noise-canceling headset
a music editing app like audacity
and (my favourite) a light saber app
Well 1st congradulations on becoming a developer. I too in my spare time develop but I develop games. If this is your 1st time developing a complete project I would suggest a simple game. A game like pong,space invaders, or pacman. I dont know your level but those can be made relatively easy and give you time to add something to make an original twist. Since I program in C language I dont know if any of the commands are similar in java maybe I could help. Goodluck on your project and keep us posted.
This is proly a tough one, but one I would (and many others) love to see on our HD2 phones.
Netflix watch instantly app from our queue.
Why they half assed the Netflix app in the first place is beyond me.
thanks for all the suggestions guys! knew some of you here on xda would be happy to gimme some ideas. First i thought nobody was gonna bother replying. lol. thanks again and I will keep you guys informed when i decide what to do and if I need any help. Thanks a lot everyone.
I just noticed your handle; football-fan. I am assuming you mean soccer?
Perhaps combine your love for the game with your project and develop something relating to the upcoming World Cup.
An app that has the game fixture, match time etc. It could also connect and update scores and match stats as they happen. It could keep track of the heats and results. Keep a tree/chart of who wins and loses, who makes it to the finals etc.
I have no doubt there are plenty of people out there who would love an app like that. Especially considering you could produce something that is ad free. I am assuming that any official app that comes from commercial organisations will be plastered with sponsorship logos and the like.
Franwella said:
I just noticed your handle; football-fan. I am assuming you mean soccer?
Perhaps combine your love for the game with your project and develop something relating to the upcoming World Cup.
An app that has the game fixture, match time etc. It could also connect and update scores and match stats as they happen. It could keep track of the heats and results. Keep a tree/chart of who wins and loses, who makes it to the finals etc.
I have no doubt there are plenty of people out there who would love an app like that. Especially considering you could produce something that is ad free. I am assuming that any official app that comes from commercial organisations will be plastered with sponsorship logos and the like.
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thanks for the idea!
but my lecturer was saying it would be better if the apps that we make would require move.. interaction / input from the user?
football_fan said:
thanks for the idea!
but my lecturer was saying it would be better if the apps that we make would require move.. interaction / input from the user?
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How about a playlist editor for wmp? Something that would allow you to browse folders and select tracks and build a playlist from scratch.
It may seem a pretty plain application, but it would mean coding a decent GUI (that would obvously run purely on user interaction), but it would still have some more "gutsy" stuff, like system access, reading folder and files etc., and you'd also have to make sure you can build a playlist file. (I have no idea what format a playlist is in - it could be a simple list, but is more likely to be xml)

[APP][2.2+]Sudoku Game Solver App

This is the second app that I've ever published to Google Play.
It computes the correct answer to a sudoku grid once given the starting numbers. All you have to do is enter the numbers and press solve.
I'm still getting used to designing user interfaces that support different sized screens, but I think I've done a pretty decent job. The app has been tested on a 7 inch tablet and the interface still looks normal.
I'm only a beginner to android development and would really appreciate any adice or tips from more experienced developers on any improvements that I can make.
Here's a link to the app: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gilbert.sudukosolver

[App][4.0+] Complex Numbers Calculator

Hello XDADevs,
I have built an Android App that should work as a calculator for complex numbers. It can do simple tasks such as add two numbers but can also factorize a polynomial or solve one for its roots. I have created different layouts for Smartphones and Tablets and would like feedback from user here. Of course, anyone is welcome, but I'd especially like someone with a mathmatical background to try and make my calculations break. Results can be easily shared in text format.
The app can be downloaded via Google Play here and is available in english and german:
@WeissenbornC I have a further maths exam in a few months which includes lots of this sort of stuff, and although I wasn't looking for an app like this, I saw the name had "numbers" in and was interested it looks like it would definitely be useful for checking if I've correctly found roots of polynomials like you say and things like that; I'll do some revision over the weekend and see if your app gets the right answers! (Hopefully I will too :silly: )
WeissenbornC said:
Hello XDADevs,
I have built an Android App that should work as a calculator for complex numbers. It can do simple tasks such as add two numbers but can also factorize a polynomial or solve one for its roots. I have created different layouts for Smartphones and Tablets and would like feedback from user here. Of course, anyone is welcome, but I'd especially like someone with a mathmatical background to try and make my calculations break. Results can be easily shared in text format.
The app can be downloaded via Google Play here and is available in english and german:
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Looks great!
good job :good:
As another mathematician from Bonn - I like this app
Sounds useful
I'm looking forward to return home and test this with my tablet, specially the matriz part...
great work
:good:super great ...
HTCDreamOn said:
I'll do some revision over the weekend and see if your app gets the right answers! (Hopefully I will too :silly: )
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Thanks, I hope the app will help. The limitation is that results are found as decimal values, e.g. the square root of 2 will be 1.41... The exact result depends on the number format, which you can set yourself in the settings.
surf_dan said:
As another mathematician from Bonn - I like this app
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Hello there. :highfive:
beemerTPPC said:
specially the matriz part...
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I hope I didn't disappoint too much: The matrix part leads to my other app on the playstore, which is free for real (meaning java double) numbers, but does cost money for complex numbers. The amount of money should be less than your average chocolate bar however.
Thanks all for the feedback, it's very much appreciated.
I wanted to thank you guys for bringing my app to the front page. I was surprised and it still gets me smiling to this day that the best resource I know out there on mobile development noticed my little dot on the screen of the app world.
I also changed the name of the app to "Complex Numbers Calculator", because, after all, to be seen takes more than making a great app today.

[Game][4.0+]Robioactive, some questions about your Apps

Hello everybody,
I just wanted to present my new app "Robioactive", I have programmed in the last month. First I go to the story and following the app itself, then I'll talk about the development.
At the end, I present you a few general questions about your apps, applying your development and feedback
First the link to the app:
If you want, you can skip the story:
- The small and sweet robot named "Robi", was sentenced to arrange objects from a conveyor belt properly completely alone and without any help in the factory Robioactive.
- Unfortunately, the small Robi is not very fast, as it has so short and tiny ants-legs.
- Our robot is totally overworked, stressed and need your help.
- Can you help the sweet Robi to assign the Robioactive products off the conveyor belt to the product boxes?
<- End: App-History-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
App, Robioactive:
In this app you must prevent that the objects on the conveyor belt achieve the left end of the tape. This can you do by pressing the product boxes, which are arranged on the top and bottom. For each product correctly assigned a point is awarded. There is at the beginning a small intro with 4 images which explain the game. After that we go directly to the game. There are in total 4 levels. Only the first level is unlocked in the beginning. To unlock the next level you have to reach a certain number of points in the active level. Alternatively you can buy levels with coins, which you get in the game when you're playing, or get Coins in the "MAKE COINS"-part by clicking on the advertisement (I'll tell you more about that later in the chapter app development / advertising). So far I have built "only" 4 Level, however next there will be more available.
App Development:
I am a computer science student at TUM and can do programming (C, C++, Java, Haskell), but I have never dealt me ??with the app development. My goal was that I program an app with some flow to come in Android Studio, Admob, PlayStore etc. within 4 days. The background of this method is that I have noticed from some other app developers that they need 2-3 months for a mature app and then after further 3 months in which the app is to find in the App Store, the Play Store, only 100 Downloads will be reached. This raises the question, it is still worth at all to program Apps, or we, "small" programmer, are powerless against the great app development companies? There are a few more questions in the latter part. The idea for this app is not fallen from the sky, I wanted to build a game that is easy to program, but maximises fun factor at play. However, everyone must decide for themselves.
I had difficulties to design this app. Unfortunately I have two left hands, regards drawing. However, the app had to be appealing. I didn't want to pay a designer because I didn't know anyway, if there will be a product or not. Therefore, I have worked a little with my Photoshop and made some ugly sketches, but with these I have created a framework with colors and forms. Further problem, I did not know how to fill the backbone. The solution was Creative Commons. I was searching for a relatively long time. Yet I could find a few "nice" images and icons, which were freely available. Given question below for you. Netvertheless I had to paint a few strokes and bars. The same problem arrived with the product video, which I generated with Adobe Animate.
I would pleased if you can give me feedback on the design.
I really do not like advertisment in apps, but I would somehow be rewarded for my work, even if it reaches the end on a Club-Mate or dinner. So I had to make a compromise. I give the user the possibility to click my ads to make them disappear throughout the app for a week. After that, the app is probably uninstalled. But a click per user would be the optimum for me. So I am quite satisfied with less. On top of that you you can generate 200 coins in the "MAKE COINS"-part, to unlock levels. I think that's fair. What do you think about the idea to make the user an app gift by clicking ads?
I wrote the entire app in Java, XML is used only for the splash screen. Overall, about 2200 lines of code. I have built the app on the basis of a jump and run game in which was shown on Youtube. However, I had to stop after the chapter 3 of the video series, because I had to develop in a different direction. As a base I used a thread which calls the draw method of Game Panel (Surface View) every x milliseconds, thus changing the surface. The update method will change the position of the objects. So I achieve liquid movements. That works reasonably well. The entire app has only one Activity + one activity for the splash screen. In my Main Activity, Bitmap Images will be visible or not. This works fairly smoothly. One problem is that there are many events that can occur, which I have found after testing the app for one week. Is that too long? If you have any questions about my way of programming, then write me an email to the address below.
I had scheduled 4 days for the app, without preprocessing. At the end, it takes 2 weeks + 1 week for testing . On one hand, I had to write my final paper, on the other hand I underestimated some parts of the app development. The designing part has own cost 3 days, seek out the Creative Commons was really tiring. The programming itself has drawn 6 days, adding 1 week for testing and repair. The promo video has cost 1 day, I had to "learn" Adobe Animate (I can recommend the Youtube-Channel "Draw with Jazza"). It was 5-6 years ago that I have looked at Flash, however it has been changed "a little bit". The inclusion of Admob was quite rubbish. This has again engulfed two days. In short, it is a surfaceview and no pure Activity layout so adding an advertisment was not easy and at the end it worked for a reason I do not understand to this day. But that important thing is, it works. Optimizing code lasts 2 days. I had to do that, because it was sometimes a bit too slow. I did not want to program Multithreading, because that would have certainly tooks again one week. So scheduling-conclusion : from 4 days planned to 21 days in the end, anyway I'm happy with the result. I present you below a question about scheduling.
Questions about the app:
- Have you any guesses to improve the app?
- What do you think about the design of the app?
- What do you think about the app idea?
Questions about your app development:
- How long does it for you to develop an app? (Give an approximate number of lines of code, then I can better classify my project using Cocomo)
- Do you have designers in your team?
- Or rather, do you have a team? (I have my brother, who takes care about website and the legal stuff. I do programming and design)
- do you spend money for your app development? (Design, development, advertising)
- Do you do any advertisment for you app?
- Why do you programm any apps? (Fun, Money, ...)
- Do you use Creative Commons? If so, to what extent?
I am happy about every opinion that is written down here. Any rewiev would be pleasent. You can write me personally, I will reply to each of the emails you send me and dedicate every question that you have, because the community is very important to me. A feedback from you is 1000 times more informative than a rating in the Play Store. I'd appreciate a download, or share the app with your friends.
I write the same text in several forums, in order to obtain a wide range of possible feedback.
My motto: The design brings the user to download the app, programming to utilize the app.
Homepage: brandy-games.com
Again the link to the App-Download: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.brandy_games.robioactive
I thank you in advance. Thank you for your feedback.
P.S. the forums entry has also cost me a day, so 21 + 1 = 22 days
Best, Daniel

Help in game architecture

Hello everyone, first time in developers forum here ^_^
Creating a clicking game for android, inspired a lot by the web game clicker heroes.
I'm facing a few methodical dilemmas and would like to know your opinions about those.
The application is going to be statical, a shop in third of the screen, while the other 2/3 will consist of a monster that can be clicked and some buttons that will pop-up a menu.
1. Fragments- i read a lot about these, not sure if i need one for the shop part, and if so how do i make it have tabs?
2. Saving data- the app is offline and i dont mind saving in local without it being encrypted, should i use SharedPrefrences or some other thing?
3. Calculate time from closing up to opening it or between pauses
4. If not fragments, how to replace widgets with one another?
5. Should i do everything in 1 activity? The app itself isnt requiring more
6. Each monster has unique picture and death animation, how to arrange and use it correctly in the resource file and java file?
7. Should i envelop everything in classes and keep the mainactivity java file clean?
Andddd finally im sorry im such a newbie, i just have a lot of passion and after hours of searching i havent found any guide that EXPALINS and not just shows how to use specific thing
Thanks in advance,

