i don't get inactive time alerts notification - Samsung Gear Sport

I went into samsung health on the gear and the feature is turned on to notify me when I have been inactive for a period. I have never received a notification for inactivity or to stand up. On my phone in the samsung health app the inactive notification is turned off and grey out i cannot select


Notification didn't work on 2.2.15111841_2.2.03.15111841

After I updated my Gear S2 the Notification didn't work.
I try to factory reset on my Gear S2 2-3 times but it still didn't show notification when it alert on my phone.
Thanks for your help.
Take a look at settings, the default is to not alert on the watch while phone is in use. You need to uncheck that if you want notification on both. Good idea if like me you set phone to be unlocked when near the watch.

No whatsapp notifications!

Yesterday i realized that my gear s2 classic is not showing me notifications from whatsapp.... I had an update to the watch few days ago but im not sure if it's related.
I checked the notifications settings on the gear app and the whatsapp is checked.
Any one?
What phone do you have? sometimes, depending on the phone model, notifications can take a while to show up..
Or maybe you don't check notifications permiss of samsung gear app..

No yellow indicator in always on mode?

I received my Geaar S3 Frontier yesterday, switching from an Android wear watch.
After playing around with the watch for several hours and testing many different watch faces I can't figur out how to display the yellow indicator for new notifications in ambient mode (AOD activated).
Do I really have to enter "active mode" to see if I have unread notifications?
Yes, you have.
In aod only static information, apart from the hour/date, can be shown. Battery cannot be showed also!
Xavi (S7 SM-G930F)
Same experience but reviving this topic just in case there is any new setting/workaround? Love to keep my phone with AOD on, Wake Up Gesture off (so that when i'm out dancing or just moving my hands around it doesn't turn on for no reason), but would love to just turn my wrist and see if there is a notification (ie. screen remains dim).
There's a difference between knowing that there is a notification and being able to read it's contents.
My watch settings:
Wake up gesture- off
Notification indicator- show on watch face
Sound and vibrate- on (wine cork sound is relatively unobtrusive)
My Gear Manager app settings:
Turn screen on- off (if this is on, notifications will automatically be readable on the screen)
Notification indicator- on
Auto show- off, I know there's a notification because it beeps but it doesn't activate screen so I can't read it.
Auto show- on, tapping on the screen will show message.
There's a lot of flexibility. A notification can be silent, trigger a sound, trigger a vibration, or trigger an indicator. The contents of the notification can be automatically displayed, displayed by a wrist gesture, displayed by a simple tap, or not displayed at all.

system ui tuner

Hi guys.
Just updated my galaxy s7 to android 7.0 nougat.
For some reason the alarm icon is constantly displayed in the notification bar.
How do I get rid of it?
I have heard about system ui tuner.
It should allow me to remove the icon. But I can't enable ui tuner.
I have hold down on the settings icon for 10 seconds. It still doesn't show up.
Please help. Thanks.
Deleted all alarms even if they are not active?
No I haven't deleted them. I need them. I just don't need to be reminded that I have alarms active.
Before I updated android the icon would first appear some time before the alarm went off.
Can't remember exactly how long before, let's say an hour.
Yea I noticed the icon stays there as long as you have alarms set, even if none are due
i use this program and get rid of the nfc icon too it works great
Had a play about with the alarms today, and as long as they are switched off (They can still remain set) then the icon disappears
Only when they are turned on, even if the time and date has passed, the icon will show

Notifications all pop full screen

Sorry if this is a noob question, and yes I did a bit of searching before posting.
New Gear S3 user (first day).
One thing I can't seem to turn off - whenever I get a notification, when I look at the watch, it displays the notification from whichever app as full-screen, instead of just the little "peek" at the top and the yellow dot.
I've tried toggling the setting on the Gear app on my phone in Notifications -> "Auto show details" (I have it turned off, assume that's what it should be?) and also turned all the notifications off and back on, this doesn't seem to help.
I don't see any settings for this on the watch itself in the watch settings app.
Am I missing something?

