How to fix "No service" on T699? - Samsung Galaxy S Relay 4G

My T699 started to switch to EDGE, I couldn't make any call. Tried hardreset (wipe all data from recovery menu), it helped for a moment, but after that it got even worse (can't find any mobile network).
Please help. How do I fix this?

Tacis said:
My T699 started to switch to EDGE, I couldn't make any call. Tried hardreset (wipe all data from recovery menu), it helped for a moment, but after that it got even worse (can't find any mobile network).
Please help. How do I fix this?
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You didn't change SIM-card and/or location? Maybe your modem is dying.

Switched to GSM only. Seems to work that way for a month. But I would really like to get 3G back. Any suggestions?

I had a problem like that once after flashing a rom and messed with my access point names and I was able to get 3G/4G after that. I found the info via searching, I believe.
settings -> more settings -> mobile networks -> access point names
I made a new one and it worked for me. I looked up settings online and tried a different one than what was in there. I'm still using but most of my searching told me to use, iirc. It's been a long time but I think making the epc one is what fixed my issue. It's worth a try.

It can be too complicated to search through the network access points. Take T Mobile for example. They have literally hundreds of available networks you may find listed, but they're quite different. Rather than trying to figure all that out, and it really sounds like matters got complicated for you, I would just flash in the original software. The firmware for any Galaxy S Relay I believe should currently be the same as T Mobiles version running Android 4.1.2. The Build number for that is, T699UVBOH1. You can find the firmware here,
Take note that the firmware is listed as Android 6.0.1, which is incorrect. I have no idea why it's listed as such on an official Samsung page and have written to them about the error. Flash it to your device via Odin3. For this device I use Odin3.07 or 3.09.


No Data Connection in the US?

I recently received my Touch Pro, and transferred everything from my other phone over. I also copied the GPRS/EDGE settings (T-Mobile USA) present on the other phone, in an attempt to get internet without the Wi-Fi over. Unfortunately, for some reason, no matter how I set it (I looked up 3 different ways to do it online) it returns an error.
I thought it might be a radio band issue, so I flashed Hard SPL and the Cingular radio stack. Even more unfortunately, after doing so, it was impossible to turn on the Data Connection at all. I backtracked and located the problem as the Hard SPL, since when I flashed the radio stack back to stock, the problem was still present, and when I flashed Stock SPL back, everything went back to working fine.
Since I'm new to the scene, I wasn't really sure what was going on, so I don't really understand what the problem is.
Anyone have anything to say about either of those problems (constructive advice)?
Thanks in advance.
How about the T-Mobile Wireless Configurizationalator?
i've tried that, using several different windows mobile devices listed under the HTC menu, but each different configuration that they offer yields the same results.
I don't know where you're based in, but I just had that problem too here in downtown Chicago. I tried it with my Hermes, and it didn't work either. I called T-Mobile and they said something about a "global disruption" to their data network. Not sure what exactly that meant but it works here in the Gold Coast, about 15 minutes north of downtown.
oh, i see.
well i guess i'll give them a call tomorrow, and see if i can get it to work with their help. thanks for the info, now i'm kind of relieved it's not something broken on my end. haha.
aymonius said:
oh, i see.
well i guess i'll give them a call tomorrow, and see if i can get it to work with their help. thanks for the info, now i'm kind of relieved it's not something broken on my end. haha.
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Depending on what data plan you have ($5.99 T-Zones or $19.99 Total Internet) you may need to change your server and/or proxy settings. By default, the HTC Connection Wizard sets the "T-mobile Data" connection to, so you may need to change that.
Log in to your and check your services to see which one you're using. Then do a search here on XDA for your service (T-Zones or Total Internet) and you'll find the settings you need.
thanks. i looked all that up and it turns out that i was supposed to soft reset it after i set things up, which i did not know about, so i didn't do. i also found a cab file for the t-zone settings, which might have helped too. for some reason weather doesn't update with the edge network though, and i don't know why. any clue?
thanks again.

[Q] MIUI without data?

Hey everyone
i'm pretty new to the whole nexus s scene, as i've had this device for about a week now. I've rooted my phone successfully and i'm running MIUI's latest ROM..1.8.5 i believe. Now for the problem..
For some odd reason I'm unable to connect to my 3G network at all (yes, data is enabled in the settings, and set to 3g prefered/2g/only 3g..still nothing). Usually there'd be that green "3G" on top bar of my screen, but it doesn't show up. Now i rely on wifi to go online, which isnt a problem...but it feels like my money's being cheated if i dont use my data in occasional situations. I've tried flashing it again and again, but no results. I've flashed my phone to the Oxygen ROM, and the little 3G icon appeared, indicating that data is enabled (i forgot to actually check if it worked LOL). I haven't found anyone else experiencing this problem with MIUI, but i've found threads on them having some sort of difficulty with their data. If anyone could help me out, or direct me to a thread that has a possible solution, i would really appreciate it ~ thank you in advance.
Also, I'm on Fido.....if that helps.
I'm on the latest miui and I don't have that issue try toggling the airline mode to see if it will kick it in. If not really download the Tom and do a clean install see if that works.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
hey, i've tried toggling the airline and it doesn't help. also, what do you mean by "the Tom"?
What happens when you try to connect with just 3G (what type of error do you receive)? Miui's stock 3G icon is white
Also, I think the other gentleman meant to spell ROM
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
RawrBell said:
hey, i've tried toggling the airline and it doesn't help. also, what do you mean by "the Tom"?
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He meant rom, auto correct changes the word rom, I think you need to wipe and reflash the rom.
hey, i've just tried reflashing the rom...and still no 3g ): !
also, when i enable data, and set it to 3g..there's no error. there's simply no "3g" icon on the top, and i can't connect.
Did u try manually inputting your apn? Sometimes providers don't push the settings to you
what exactly would i put in for my apn? sorry, total noob here :/
Go to menu>settings>system>mobile network setting>access point names. Do u have an entry there? You should. If not, you need to check with your network provider for the settings.
i've just tried putting in the APN settings (copied the stuff from the APN settings when 3g works on the oxygen ROM). is there anything else i havent filled in and should? still doesnt work
Not really. Create it, fill it, save it, choose it and restart. Should work, it always did for me
How's the battery life on that rom
Seems ok to me. 3g uses alot of juice since the service is crappy in my country. Otherwise, best rom I tried
dang :/ still nothing... i've noticed something though. when im on my oxygen rom and search for networks..the option "Fido" pops up. when im on MIUI, the option "Rogers Wierless" pops up in the place of "Fido" .___." that may have something to do with it...
Same problem here on desire s.
When I try to change the apn setting I get a force close.
Cheers, Cor

Can't restore forgotten wifi network

I selected "forget" on one of my home wifi networks and there's nothing I can do to restore it back.
My phone: Atrix 2 ATT running stock 2.3.6
Thanks for any help
Manually re-entering the info is the only way. Once it "forgets" it forgets.
Sent from my Atari Falcon030
Apex_Strider said:
Manually re-entering the info is the only way. Once it "forgets" it forgets.
Sent from my Atari Falcon030
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Tried that, it did not help. I can see a new network with that name but there is no signal
From other devices I can see and use the network.
elic3 said:
Tried that, it did not help. I can see a new network with that name but there is no signal
From other devices I can see and use the network.
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Try a factory reset. I know it is a PIA, but most of the time, that fixes a lot of these oddities.
(1) Try *#*#4636#*#* then go to Wifi API, choose enableNetwork and enter SSID manually.
(2) Change some parameter of the wifi network (since this is your home network I assume it is under your control), last option being the SSID itself, but the pain is, you may have to update all your other devices.
kousik said:
(1) Try *#*#4636#*#* then go to Wifi API, choose enableNetwork and enter SSID manually.
(2) Change some parameter of the wifi network (since this is your home network I assume it is under your control), last option being the SSID itself, but the pain is, you may have to update all your other devices.
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WOW, that might be a painful way to go... try the factory reset before you go to all that trouble. I know it will be painful if I had to make a change to my SSID or anything that major on my netowrk, I would have to change my firewalls as well (2 checkpoint firewall one servers on 2 Sun ultra 10 servers). I know that is not typical, but even anyone who has more than 3-5 devices might regret having to go to each device and changing thier settings just to get thier phone back to seeing the wifi. when and factory reset should fix it.
jimbridgman said:
WOW, that might be a painful way to go... try the factory reset before you go to all that trouble. I know it will be painful if I had to make a change to my SSID or anything that major on my netowrk, I would have to change my firewalls as well (2 checkpoint firewall one servers on 2 Sun ultra 10 servers). I know that is not typical, but even anyone who has more than 3-5 devices might regret having to go to each device and changing thier settings just to get thier phone back to seeing the wifi. when and factory reset should fix it.
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Thank you all guys. My senses tell me that factory reset should do the job but since the ICS update is so close, I will save the trouble and wait for it, assuming it should work as well.
Just wanted to update everyone. I went on vacation and have connected to many different networks. When I can back, my lost network popped again on my device. My guess is it was hidden inside an internal queue, and once that queue overflowed it popped again.
Perhaps you can try this:
This works on my I337 NI1 Unlocked Rooted. I uses ES Explorer with Root Explorer enabled.
I went to the "system " folder in the device, scrolled down until I found "build prop" then edited using ES Explorer Note Editor.
Greatly appreciated and high credit to dajumper's work !!
yhendra said:
Perhaps you can try this:
This works on my I337 NI1 Unlocked Rooted. I uses ES Explorer with Root Explorer enabled.
I went to the "system " folder in the device, scrolled down until I found "build prop" then edited using ES Explorer Note Editor.
Greatly appreciated and high credit to dajumper's work !!
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If you look at the post directly above yours you'll see that this was fixed over two years ago. Also, the link you posted is either dead or incorrect as it just goes to "404: page not found". That's not even to mention that this is the forum for the Motorola Atrix 2 so your post is in the wrong forum anyway. If you're just trying to get passed your 10 post requirement then please try to do so in a more constructive way. Thanks. :thumbup:

WiFi-Calling Menu (Unlocked)

finally got my gold device yesterday. Upon installation, some messages about wifi-calling popped up, asking about how do I want to use this service. If I remember correctly, I had 3 options: (a) Wifi-calling as a default, (b) prioritize mobile service (T-mobile, in my case), and if i have no service then try wifi-calling, or (c) don't use wifi-calling at all. I chose the second option.
But, now I cant seem to find the settings menu for adjusting the settings. Was chatting with HTC online but they didnt seem to know and only suggested that i'll reset the device because these options appear only in the beginning (if this is true, this is really stupid way of handling stuff). Moreover, tried to do airplane mode (with wifi on) to see if wifi-calling would work and it didnt.
Anyone has a lead on how to get to the menu? I have the unlocked version and on T-mobile network.
Instead of a full factory reset, have you tried just doing the network settings reset?
Kardon403 said:
Instead of a full factory reset, have you tried just doing the network settings reset?
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I just did, and I've found it! I dont know if I've found it because of the network settings reset,but for everyone else who's interested - you can find this menu under mobile network settings.
Specifically if anyone else was wondering. It's under "Settings--> Mobile Data". I spent a good 20 minutes going through every menu in settings trying to find it. Why they put it here, is beyond me.
I have the Sprint version and it's not there.
BOO5TED said:
I have the Sprint version and it's not there.
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Sprint has always done Wi-Fi calling so it's possibly only a matter if time here honestly for it to be added.

Trouble with data connection when mobile

Hi all,
Starting to get frustrated with my 3a and looking for avenues to address difficulty in maintaining a data connection when on the move. In all other ways this phone has been great.
When I am on the move - on the train, or in a car - my phone seems to lose data connectivity after a period of minutes. It seems to be an issue with maintaining a data connection when switching from tower to tower (at a guess). The phone does maintain mobile reception and I can be on a call without dropouts, but if for example watching a video, the video will stop, and eventually I will get the little cross in the reception icon to indicate no data connection.
No issues when not moving about, but am currently doing a lot of work on the fly, so hotspotting or conference calls are near impossible. This didn't always seem to be a problem, but due to Covid (and not moving around for a while), not sure exactly when it started. Have done some googling and tried a new sim card + changing private DNS settings with no luck. On the latest available update.
Is this a known issue with this phone? Any way I can diagnose or fix? Or am I looking at a new phone at this point?
Have rooted and switched ROMs on many previous phones, so quite happy to go down that path if need be.
I understand you say this only happens when you are moving but I would recommend checking with whatever carrier anyway maybe look on your carrier help site and write your same post here there and see if anyone else experiences the same. I would also save everything to USB or PC and flash factory image via fastboot and let it wipe not removing the fastboot -w in the./ You could use an app like LTE discovery and set it to where you know exactly what it's doing and when it does it because you can set a small beep sound or wherever. What carrier do you use? Maybe update roaming , prl and profile, if you use a CDMA carrier. Also what type of case are you using? Just a few things that I thought of after reading your post here. You've probably already done all this but if not that's definitely what I would do. And last but certainly not least, are you using a custom rom or stock? Maybe check your/apns-conf.xml/ aka your apns and make sure they're correct and all for your carrier. I don't think you have to worry about apns unless you are using a custom rom in which case I would definitely check it out because sometimes they can be not right. I use Metro by T-Mobile and I'm located in the USA.
If you are on a custom rom you could try the old apn fix and just see if it's apn related... Wouldn't hurt anything.. Just save your current /apns-conf.xml/ and delete the apns-conf.xml file in your /system/etc/ and in /system/product/etc/ and replace the one in /system/product/etc/ with the one i link here and set permissions on it to 0644, then go to settings on your phone /networks and internet/ mobile networks/ scroll to bottom there and select access point names. Should be a lil three dot thing in top right and when you hit that select "reset to default" or "reset to default apn" and wait another 60 seconds or so then reboot. That will replace your apn configuration file. My file is recently copied from my last custom rom where everything worked fine and I had no issues. If this somehow is related to an apn outa wack then this will fix it. I learned this back years ago on another device forum from spaceminer here on xda. I've used this many times since and it's always worked. Again you don't need to do this on stock , only if you are using a custom rom. I believe stock is good.
my apns-conf.xml:

