21.01.18 Update changelog - Samsung Galaxy S7 Questions and Answers

Does anybody who got that update knows what has actually changed, the update weighed 460MB and the only thing I noticed was the weather widget that has changed the look to more "S8 looking" (I haven't installed any S8 ported apps except the new touchwiz home)
The Security Patch is From December 1st 2017

Yes... I didn't find any noticeable performance improvements either.... may be some stability improvements... lets Hope will get Oreo Soon...


CM6.1 Barebones "Gingerbones" RLS 5.25 + 4.55 Re release! 01/20/2011

I am releasing my Barebones CM6.1 froyo release! It was based off scooters CM6.1 I took it and stripped it as much as I could while retaining most of the functions in the phone. It has ADW for the launcher and on my phone overclocked to 572 mhz with JIT enabled I get a nice 3.943 Mflop/s on it. I can easilly say it is the fastest build for the kaiser ever as of this posting
Features are : Camera, Contacts, Market, Messaging, Phone, Settings, Super user app, Callibrate and spare parts. If you guys want me to I can make an even more stripped version but I feel this one is stripped pretty far.
(Note: Linpack score was obtained with my own copy of the 4.55 build which has linpack odex'd, attached is a rar with screenshots of proof of score and overclock)
NOTE: RLS 5 needs the account and sync settings apk to sync with google. It is attached on the bottom as an android update.
Download here - Current builds
RLS 5.25 - If all issues are fixed then this is my final build until CM 7 arrives for us. It fixes FC issues with a few apps. Also has Xbin fix and market update from Daedric. Also below is an update to bring your 5.1 install to 5.25. Due to the low adoption rate of the Deodex build I am neglecting to include it since the 5.25 update will work on the 5.1 deodex build.
5.1 to 5.25 Update
RLS 4.55 Odex - Built with Scoot RLS 4c fixed calender sync issues? (Someone tell me if I fixed them or not) and also changed boot animation to fat free froyo as the old one got boring. Same as Build 4 minus the boot loop bug caused by certain configurations. Added auto odex script and updated modules.
RLS 4.55 DeOdex - Same only de-odex'd without the odex script.
Optional -
Google apps android update - Contains calander,email,browser and google voice
Put in andboot folder on SD and in boot menu choose to run the update rather than install android.
Note: This is by now an out-dated update, install and update google apps before using.
HTC IME- Added per request
Same instructions as above just unrar the tar file first.
Archived Builds
5.1 fixes a storage bug in 5.0.
RLS 5.1 Odex - Based on nightly CM 6.1 source a couple days before 6.1 stable. Changed theme to have gingerbread animations, languages cut down, re-added CM wallpapers. Changed some files to smaller sizes. Re added VPN support. Added auto odex script to downloads. Made with fewer languages but includes the vast majority of the ones that were voted on. More features, smaller sizes was the aim of this build.
RLS 5.1 De-Odex
RLS 4 - Removed due to bugs, waiting for Scoot RLS 5 to come out for RLS 4 instead. RLS 4 was a very minor incremental update. Not worth implementing the fix for the crash that was happening for something so minor, use RLS 3 instead. It is stable with all the speed.
RLS 3 Deodex'd - Added many languages,changed vendor.apk and changed a few font files to slightly smaller versions and added sounds from clemsyns release. Also added calibrate and spare parts back in due to their small size and importance to some users. Removed openvpn,busybox and RLSSI as these functions are rarely used.
RLS 3 Odex'd - Same as above only odex'd which is smaller and faster but not as customizable with themes
RLS 2.1 - Added provision.apk back in to resolve some screen and call received bugs. Will remove again when issue is fixed with CM6.1
RLS 2 -Removed due to serious bug
Feel free to let me know of any bugs or requests you guys have!
Thanks go out to DZO,Scooter,L1quid,Thoughtless Kyle and all the other android devs who make our kaiser live longer
Note: This build does not enable camera on the polaris.
anyone try this?
To see more about the build head to the kaiser forums. I originally had it just there but decided to post it to all the compatible devices.
I have a dummy question :what is the difference between odex and de-odex? let me know what is better for my pola100 and I'll try
look in the faq: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=756659
well...odex version is continuosly freezing and restarts from logo. maybe is a radio problem? unusable for me. I'll take a look at deodex
The odex'ing shouldnt be an issue. What kernel are you using?
latest l1qid as you can see from my sign I also tried with polaris modules but.. nothing. what can I say... nice ginger lock screen
switch to 1.58.xx.xx radio
I tried this Release... No freezes so far (cross fingers). Runs very smoothly. Latest Kernel, Radio
Thanks, If you want an even faster build I will be re-releasing my 4.5 build later today with updated modules and the auto odex script introduced with 5.0
Sounds good. I will wait for it
Serpens Alatus said:
I tried this Release... No freezes so far (cross fingers). Runs very smoothly. Latest Kernel, Radio
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where did you find that radio? maybe you mean 38.14?
tried all three radio 1.58.xx version... same old problem, and more no gsm network!! never mind I give up
Sorry I can't help much either lol. I have only tested on a tilt/kaiser. I know it's supposed to work on all 3 builds. It sounds like the polaris is really picky about what radio it has. Which it doesn't seem as bad for you guys because you have much fewer radios.
aceoyame said:
Sorry I can't help much either lol. I have only tested on a tilt/kaiser. I know it's supposed to work on all 3 builds. It sounds like the polaris is really picky about what radio it has. Which it doesn't seem as bad for you guys because you have much fewer radios.
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never mind I also tried latest cyano few days ago and got same result : unusable
Added 4.5 rerelease. Contains auto odex script and updated modules. Also added web browser in since skyfire needs it. Use this for maximum speed. Turns out rls 5 is a wee bit slower then 4.5 due to the new features.
Also added 5.1 . This brings 5.0 up to speeds almost as fast as 4.5.5 but retaining all of 5's features.

[Rom]Sky-JellyBean-4.1.2) Update 11.4 ((Base T11-(11/10/12)) GS3-Touchwiz--Vs--CM 10

Sky-Jelly Bean
took cm10
gutted it
flash installed by default
4.1.2 base
with 4.2 gapps to include
4.2 gapps
street view
Nexus 4 walpapers
and a few others
super SU
Bravia engine
Crypted's agps
Samsung smart View
Better photos
working 1080p shooting
and playback
working hardware lights
Htk'd launcher
samsung news
accuweather gs3 jb widget (may be broken after T11)
Low memory killer script
More efficient media decoding
Finger cranked!!!!
added touchwiz back to it
added some overall touchwiz elements (ongoing wip)
added a few init scripts
and some build.prop tweaks
added instigator x latest beta 1 kernel by default
(w correct modules)
added nexus 7 bootanimation
added touchwiz sgs3 jelly bean launcher
added jellyscream v6 patches
and core.jar
as well
and a jelly bean wallpaper gallery
added accuweather widget
roger(bluetooth fix)
sk8ter (Cm10 compiling and sourcing and building his repo)
rpr69 (flashy gapps)
hasun (flashy gapps)
LPMATT (maxlayer suggest)
Dsixda (kitchen is so cool when your lazy)
InstigatorX (kernels are amazing)
samcripp (all his wonderful toys and tools(
topprospect (cm10)
Crypted (gps)
Wanam (Tweaks and smali and apk manager and like everything
easy about romming )
kenneth(bad ass dev and mod)
mindmajick (always helping where its needed)
DG (inspirations and his code is beautiful)
vincom (for the loverly bloat addons)
gmillz (cm10 and all his cool mods he helped with in the past)
mohan(amazing dev gave me loads of kernel help
and jellybean help and also allowed me to use some of his mods
before (none now just crediting him for the inspiration)
mod1441 (help)
Appdroid (help)
zepellinrox (scripts)
allaboutnandroids (videos and help tools and review vids of my roms )
teamchopsticks (cm10)
armeveterangunner (cool dude )
R4ins (aokp and Cm10 and his help for getting this cm10 thing started as well)
Cyanogen (duh)
and all the peeps that helped
bring jb to the SR[/center]
Sky Jelly Bean T-11
no issues at this time
except for screen on delay
which can be solved by going to
and turning on lockscreen delay
set amount time to none...
google camera 4.2 update breaks the ability to shoot video
but adds photosphere and an amazing ui
Aosp 4.1 camera works perfect
i suggest
flashing one camera one day
then flash one the next i play with both
depending if i feel like videoing that day
(recommended for T11 base only)
Update T11.4 -------- 4.1 Camera
Update T11.4 ------------ 4.2 Camera
merged latest kernel
and libs
fixed google now on all search buttons
that it should be
finally found the best Jellybean base in town
been rocking and experimenting for a while
and this was the best combo of everything
if your on t11 nothing changed im just making it Release Candidate
T11 includes
4.2 gapps included a huge list i was leaving out
street view
Nexus 4 walpapers
and a few others
and usual samsung touchwiz additions
fixed weird panorama edits that would occasionally break it
google now added back
removed some more bs to tighten up the build
all attempts at picasa sync have failed
basically you need to flash the latest gapps
and use another camera . not the built in one
fixed two lines i forgot to remove
for faster damn youtube videos
and streaming ..
added gmail2
and chimaira moved to data
i may not jump on the note till dec
bc my upgrade apprently is then (i thought oct)
and 299.99 im going to need it
merged the latest code from 10-25/26
i cherry picked from changes so its a greatest hits
of the latest cm10 greatness
also combined all the latest changes ive made as well
removing many things through trial and error
really boosting performance on this bad boy
i found what works and what didnt work
so this is the compilation of all of that over the last month
i also included a few cool things here and there
-removed bamf msg fix bc messaging can be customized to do the same
just in mms settings
and included the gtalk over 4g 3g lte app
and Chimaira official app
thanks chance
the latest 4.1.2 merge from
cm plus a few pain in the ass tweaks as usual
services jar
prepatched w oom grouping
and supercharged by default
and low mins set at Super low
framework-res transparent menus included for new base
and sec launcher animations sped up
lots of problems solved thanks to team chopsticks as usual i used his kernel
instead of the one i compiled just incase he added any extra goodies in the nightly train
super super super smooth the damn smootheset rom ive ever used on a phone period
most issues are solved
i will attend to any issues that arise and ones within reason
im sorry i cant tailor this to each and everyones specific needs
im trying though guys
thanks and enjoy
i leave samsung bloat in bc i use it and i enjoy seeing it in my rom
.. it gives it more of a samsung feel and detracts from the fact that its an aosp rom :)
you have to clean caches do it 5X
just bc i said so and after boot
let screen timeout before unlocking (YOU "HAVE BEEN WARNED)
(if it reboots or blows up or shuts off and never comes back you should have waited :)) not really but you know
merged latest nightly 10/06 code
and apps i felt that needed enhacements
new egl libs
and enc and dec libs
Fb Gpumode changed to 1
added back qualcomm statusbar lines
brought back data monitor
brought back team bamf messaging max app
may soft boot once
after first boot before unlock
this is normal if your IMPATIENT ;p
Fixed hardware lights issue
fixed 1080p camera playback
and recording Finally
(for my own sake)
fixed bluetooth final
Fixed unmerged wifi
fixed audio and harware vibrate from mixing modules
fixed lcd issue
included latest nightly kernel
no more oc for right now as i test stability in latest nightly
and so much more
replaced camera
with latest cm source apks
fixed mmc_test module and broken sysUI
which would wrongly report a blank sd card
in startup tests
also fixed errant maxlayer number back to 0
replaced lcd module for the newer one was giving
weird black screen issues when testing with other layer
and composition options
Finally moving to Stable Releases
need to fix a few small quirks now and itll be flawless
and yes battery mods are coming
Since it will get to be too much and too confusing
if your on the rom and dont want to start over
go to my goo or ninja and flash 4.6 wiping caches
from any base,or any update prior to Base T5
this will fix bluetooth and add the latest gapps
but if your going to start over .. may as well make it easy
T5 & 5.0
merged the latest bluetooth from cm10
and paranoid to be accurate..
fixing bluetooth calling and routing
thank you roger for discovering the fix
added the latest gapps
removed faulty routing lines to be accurate
updated omx and stagefright
phone and contacts
also replaced media provider and downloader
for good measure
added a a bunch of good sounds ringtones and notifications
removed a few bloat apps that everyone removes anyways
also fixed status bar cache
and dirty dalvik build up
so now there should never be an issue with
buttons not sticking
if they still arent
re wipe your phone 5X each
and then fix permissions after you install the rom
and after the update as well
wiping caches every time.. if your having problems that is
So in efforts to fix one thing another breaks
go figure
Please remember ... i dont force you to flash this rom or anyupdates
especially ones not on this page :)
i leave them all open and up
so you can find the perfect combination for you....
staying latest and greatest has its perks but also its downs
sorry for the necessary reflash within an hour is what im getting at
just couldnt solve this damn sticky buttons issue
so if you flashed early this morning and are having sticky buttons issues
just start over going to this update instead of the last 2 (4.0 and 4.1)
i explained before
but the settings and sysui do not like to be reflashed no matter what you
do which results in the dirty flash ..
so therefore its breaking settings and system ui
even with fresh copies they dont like to be copied over eachother
so that for now is removed .. only a few minor tweaks you can live without
just start again
and this time the update wont kill sticky settings.. im done for the night anyways..
fixed all system ui not sticking issues
and settings not staying
removed journalism
umts dirty vold
and cut down all the Vm sysctl.conf tweaks
please clear caches after this one
i know you just did but this will ensure nothing is left behind
and update it beautifully
T4 &4.0
all new code from CM has been merged in the latest
finally fixed in call volume but completely rid this rom
of beats
you want it .. flash it on your own.. sorry
fixed wifi not working for some
permanent in call volume adjustment (LOUD AS F***)
-cleaned up the base removing everything broken
or breaking this rom so now its finally clean
of all the bs (samsung apps are still there they are necessary for TW)
but i mean broken wallpapers
broken included apps
broken init.scripts
just removed the first time through
fixed dalvik and Vm and Removed Cron
so no more remnants of buttons that wont stick
4.0- included a tweaked
faster animations
newly tweaked Tw launcher
and settings.apks
clear caches with this one
and let phone sit for 30 seconds after boot before unlocking it
added a2dp output Dannyb513 mentioned
fixed buttons not sticking and settings and widgets
added 50 steps to call volume
added volume+ app to boost speaker output ..super loud..be careful
you have to open the app and choose increase speaker volume your self
i set mine at the level 10 max for most phones
removed the bamf app and set mms to allow 500 segment size
the same hack that app was doing
pasted from the newest build 9/26's bt audio files in as well just to have the current
3.4 fixed in call volume steps
make sure to use dsp manager to boost in call
volume as well
removed a media line causing conflict
and brought in the old school etc bluetooth
edits that had it working great for some
T3.2 Update
Fixed wrong blutooth sound file
changed Bt timeout
made it discoverable by all
fixed video recording
used paranoid audio.conf from 9/13 (last known working BT)
also fixed a wrong sysctl bool
and other crap
3.1T Update
For now its my modded and sped up animations
and transparent windows
from my framework-
and settings
and changed a few build prop lines to include
supercharged audio
cant be flashed with the base creates problems
so boot to android as usual after flashing the base
and the flash the update
not only did i merge everything since the updates began
i removed assert prop line so tmob and att can flash the same rom
made some serious attempts at BT
included rezound beats
thanks to
and Zeroinfinity
Other things changed
cleaned and organized build.prop to remove
all the damn duplicate lines it was impossible to read before
removed bmp cache clearing (purging of assets)
was making phone too laggy when clearing
also completely shifted from dyn to gpu compositioning
dithering is definitely off by default now
blue tooth edits
app etc and lib files replaced with said working versions
changed a few dalvik entries
and switched dexopt flags
for faster opening of apps
framework animations cant get any lower :)
also launcher decompiled and recompiled with the correct settings
faster animations drop shadows
and transistions ..
large heap and configured as large screen so widgets meant for gs3
now scale
Added Teambamfs Sms too large apk removal tool
(easy to do ....not easy to flash
its in settings.db and the value is currently 100 this changes it to 500)
Added Team Battery bar (the white line in your status bar)
Added File explorer
video player
theme manager as wel to finalize the function
of theme chooser :)
added 3 new uninstallable samsung apps
updated Accuweather
Decompiled Framework-res
made all windows transparent (ill make a revert but man its sooo much cooler now)
Sped up all animations to a ridiculous level
(lowered minimum and maximum- overall animation times in integers.xml)..
so now normal speed is fast
and fast animations is suuuper fast
set actualy bool to 180 for wifiscan timeout
decompiled tw launcher
also sped up animations
removed annoying text form blank windows
and configured for large heap
changed dalvik handling and vm start and max cache size
removed flicker by disabling dithering (make sure its off )
and setting maxlayer to 0
also fixed 3g issues
and wifi dns problems with downloading from browsers
samsung calculator
fixed a module preventing back lights
took a stab at bluetooth
and so much more im just forgetting
okay wow that was a productive day of feedback
-was able to from the looks of it
completely remove flickering
with three peoples suggestions
and some removal of the cpu
to handle graphics and gpu substitutions that i made
seems solved
s suggest
Dsp manager is back
added flipboard
added samsung smartview
-fixed some build.prop issues that were causing boot lag
-changed sleep mode to 2
-faster status bar rendering now (removed wait lag)
-some qualcomm specific speed edits
to also fix flickering and smooth out the overall experience of the rom
-added theme fix (thanks to vincom and forrest89sei )
dropped mdmlayer to 1
made some google dns changes
set in call volume steps more accurate (15)
forced hw3d
prevented the launcher from being killed in tandem with
zeppelin rox HTK'd launcher
set composition as c2d
blanked out some slow loading scripts on boot
changed out two gapps files for newer ones
included vvm (thanks mindmajick)
and about 20 more things ive just been
messing with all day
-added hdmi fix
-added non screen flicker gapps
(way better may still do it some but meh youll live)
disable Hw overlays still
-removed fps limitations
-nexus bootanimation now
-fixed three incorrect scripts
-added new build.prop egl tweaks
and hw overlays on top of the new gapps
in attempt at smoothing out the graphics layer
still trying to get this damn pdroid
to patch (W.I.P) i keep reading i need
to use 1.31 not 2.11
fugu tweaks (system server patch)
and updated fugu sqlite 3
and other crap
Awesome I Can't Wait!! I'm Nandroid and Ready to go
20 mins
damn, i abandoned the dev forum for a while after you left. loved sky ics too much.
stoked on this, glad to see you back. are you headed to the note 2 next month for sure? i'd love to be able to follow you into phablet land.
---------- Post added at 02:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 AM ----------
also--i noticed you updated sky ics.. i was just about to go ahead and clean wipe/flash 3.0, but then i noticed this. will this be notably better than sky ics?
haven't paid much attention to the CM10/JB trend, there were enough bugs floating around that made me happy enough with the sky ics build i was running. if it's worth the switch as far as battery and functionality, i'm in
Phone is ready to go
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
well as far as bugs i can really work too much magic
the standard bugs are there
i just tried bringing it down a bit so it could
have less issues
seems to be working good
ive been off and on with jellybean
if anything it just adds another rom perspective to the whole cm thing
kinda feels touchwizzy
but i chose instgator kernel to avoid the standard kernel compile issues
so i just built his boot then included it
as far as note 2 if its quad core in the U.S im in
dont forget to remove the - from the zip name
atleast my version of twrp hates it
Waited for jelly bean other than cm10 and finally...Will try tonight...
What are the icons like??The Gs3 ones or the stock skyrocket one's?
seanzscreams said:
as far as note 2 if its quad core in the U.S im in
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That's what I'm hoping myself that we get the quad core! :good:
Going to download this now and see how she goes! Thanx Sean:laugh:
Thanks A lot
ahh damnit
ill upload a root fix
but im just reuploading the base so i cant get it right the first time
forgot the binary
everything except that grrrrr
Installed 2.1 update. Google calendar is missing.
Bajanman said:
That's what I'm hoping myself that we get the quad core! :good:
Going to download this now and see how she goes! Thanx Sean:laugh:
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Not to go off-topic but, this is what i'm waiting to see too. :good:
Link? Really stoked to try this thanks for your hard work!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
re uploading
had to fix
for the redo
seanzscreams said:
re uploading
had to fix
for the redo
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Okay. Thanks bro!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
totally wasnt even moving
killed it
now were cooking with gas 17 minutes ish
I wasn't expecting this surprise this morning! This is a way to start your day. Flashing some the the WIZ Jelly. Awesome... Thanks a million for this. Looks as if Monday is going to be a great day. Thanks a million Seanz!!!!

As a non-tester are Oreo ROM's worth the bugs?

After trying the LineageOS latest alpha 15 I found that the new features are not really worth the hassle of making things work. I just tried the new action launcher on LineageOS 14.1 and basically the only thing I can see that is missing is the very limited picture in picture.
What do you think?
You see one thing...Oreo is not a big update....only u can say it is an improved version of nougat...remember the marshmallow one...it is not a huge update from lollipop---just doze mode improved ,some visual changes happened bla bla bla....same thing happens with Oreo...settings menu visually changed,u can now officially use substratum theme engine,battery settings is new,doze is improved,autofill api added etc..you see these are not big changes,but it enriches the user experience for sure...that's all...maybe u get a much improved battery life,maybe your notification reading experience changes a little bit..that's the fact...
So my advice is as u are not a tester just stick with nougat(aex has given a fantastic nougat support throughout its journey)...once Oreo stable is released try it..
RijuSarkar13 said:
You see one thing...Oreo is not a big update....only u can say it is an improved version of nougat...remember the marshmallow one...it is not a huge update from lollipop---just doze mode improved ,some visual changes happened bla bla bla....same thing happens with Oreo...settings menu visually changed,u can now officially use substratum theme engine,battery settings is new,doze is improved,autofill api added etc..you see these are not big changes,but it enriches the user experience for sure...that's all...maybe u get a much improved battery life,maybe your notification reading experience changes a little bit..that's the fact...
So my advice is as u are not a tester just stick with nougat(aex has given a fantastic nougat support throughout its journey)...once Oreo stable is released try it..
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Couldn't say it better!

How to get Marshmallow GUI on Oreo?

I have an S7 which originally had Android Marshmallow on. The GUI was very good. I upgraded to Nougat then Oreo in hopes of better performance, features etc however the
GUI is terrible. Letters on icons especially on the dropdown menu from the top are so small. Using it just appears not as smooth flowing like Marshmallow was and Jerky somewhat.
Is there any possible mod or solution such as :
1. Custom Firmware which has all the latest features of Oreo, but an older Gui such as of Marshmallow or previous
2. Last resort is how to downgrade back to Marshmallow.
I really liked the GUI that S4/S5 had, big icons, good contracting and easy to use. S7 Marshmallow more modern but still great. Any later is terrible.
Any advice appreciated as I'm new to this.
kidcash said:
I have an S7 which originally had Android Marshmallow on. The GUI was very good. I upgraded to Nougat then Oreo in hopes of better performance, features etc however the
GUI is terrible. Letters on icons especially on the dropdown menu from the top are so small. Using it just appears not as smooth flowing like Marshmallow was and Jerky somewhat.
Is there any possible mod or solution such as :
1. Custom Firmware which has all the latest features of Oreo, but an older Gui such as of Marshmallow or previous
2. Last resort is how to downgrade back to Marshmallow.
I really liked the GUI that S4/S5 had, big icons, good contracting and easy to use. S7 Marshmallow more modern but still great. Any later is terrible.
Any advice appreciated as I'm new to this.
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AFAIK Samsung changed something in the bootloader in some of its firmware updates what prevents from (easy) downgrading.
If it's just the small font, you can increase the font size in system settings.
Or change the resolution of the display.
If it's also the performance, you can check for a custom ROM with hopefully better performance.
You can check here:
Samsung Galaxy S7 (Exynos) ROMs, Kernels, Recoveri
Galaxy S7 ROMs, how to root, kernels, apps, downloads, and mods. (Exynos)
Many users like LineageOS (LOS).

General AT&T G996USQU5EWAI with One UI 5.1 and February 1st 2023 Android Security Patch Level is out

This release includes One UI 5.1 enhancements - The Good Lock "Camera Assistant" plugin works with this version,

