Creating a diary app - feasible for a novice or should I hire someone? - Android General

Hi all,
I want to create a "happiness diary" app that people can use each day to record something that's made them happy that day, as part of a therapy process. There are already apps which do this, but there are a few reasons I want to reinvent the wheel: many of the existing ones are ad-driven, or associated with fad diets. And in general, I want something that my fiancée can be confident using with her clients, hence the desire to have "ownership".
I'm wondering whether it's feasible to code this myself to avoid the cost of hiring a developer. I've done some coding in Basic at school so I'm not a total novice, but apps are totally new to me. It's a question of how many hours I'd need to invest in learning app programming to create it myself, or whether I should just pay someone else.
I know there's a plethora of software packages for developing your own apps but don't know where to start. If there are any that would be particularly suitable for creating a diary-type app then I'd be very grateful for some recommendations.
Or should I invest in a "Coding Apps for Dummies" textbook and do it from scratch?
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

Would you be offering it for free? Would you be uploading To the play store or via 3rd party(aptoide, or apk sharing) would you charge a 1 time fee? Or free? Or another method of funding? 50 diary entries free, unlimited $0.99?


Looking for good WM programmer

I have some great idea for WindowsMobile software. Similar software is there for iPhone and it's market is worth millions of USDs, while on WM, there is no such thing!
I am looking for a revenue share partnership: I am finishing server side part and need some to make Windows Mobile Client. Technology is not very important for me. Please, PM me for details if interested(let me know your IM too if possible).
My 5 cents on this issue:
1) If you have a buissness idea worth millions of US$, you should NOT discuss it with anyone, without a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
2) If the idea has already been implemented by Apple for the iPhone, then chances are, that there are patents on the technology or parts of it.
3) If you are still sure about this buissness, then you should HIRE WM programmers, instead of offering them partnership against their work.
4) If you don't have money to pay them, you should set up a propper business plan, protect your idea by submitting a patent request and/or registering the algorithm/software/brand, and get risk capital involved.
5) You should have enough cashflow to build a propper client/server application and infrastructure: if you are not infringing on Apple's copyrights, then probably any other could copy the same idea, too. This means that the first offering a propper service, will have best chances to stay on business when competition starts.
If you do it with no or little money, then chances are that you:
1) Will not setup a propper product and will lose the little money you invested
2) Will setup a working product, which is under-dimensionated, allowing for competition to make a better product in no-time.
Please take this as a friendly remark...
Thank you very much for your suggestions!
Well, it is not a million dollar project for sure. The market is worth a lot, but I'd rather thought of few k usd a month, nothing very big.
There are no technologies in that idea that can be protected, so no problem.
I just do not really want to hire programmer the normal way. I do not need a worker, I need someone who loves programming(well, I am a programmer myself, just Windows and server side) and creates art instead of binary code Investing is not a problem for me, I have capital, but as I said, I need one, good programmer who will be developing the app longterm for a cut of revenue.
What kind of specific programming skills are you looking for ?
The application needs to look well, even very well. That's the main objective. Need stuff like nice graphics, kinetic scrolling etc. implementation of accelerometer and HTC Leo's multitouch if possible. Language and technology is not very important for me.
It will need to take some data from user, send it to my server and present the response from my server in possibly nice and intuitive way.
Hire Programmer ASAP
For a sure deal, why not check out My professor mentioned this site, and apparently, they provide their clients with the kinds of programmer their clients need. If you are in dire need of a programmer, then trying their services poses more gains than losses.

Personal assistant

So a while ago, I decided I would get into java, for the purpose of building a personal assistant/concierge type of app, but after a few days of learning, Siri was released - an app for the iPhone which does everything I was thinking of doing, and they stated that they had the goal of releasing for other OSs (Android, BB, WM) so I quickly abandoned that idea, my decision based on the fact that I, an amateur and a real novice, could not create an app that was nearly as robust, and that it would never be able to compete with theirs.
Well as some may have read recently, Siri was bought by Apple
And here is their page, which can probably explain what they do better than I can
This has got me thinking about it again, and was wondering what people would think about this sort of app, whether it would be worth my while trying again?
Would there be any call for this, and would there be any other devs willing to lend a hand to a noob?
My knowledge of Java is limited, but I am certainly willing to learn (preferably as I go).
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
There is a small company called google which kinda does the same thing.
Please enlighten me, in what way does Google provide a service which allows people to, in plain (spoken/colloquial) english find cinema times and book them, book restaurants, order taxis, find out about events happening in the local area and generally manage your life, all from one application, rather than sifting through lists of search results yourself? Sure anyone could go to the separate websites of all the aforementioned, but might it be easier to do it from one app?
I may be wrong, and if I am then I apologise, but I have not heard of a service like this from Google.
If you have used google voice search then you would already see that it does most part of it.
Also check google IO 2010 2nd day video.

Developing an app with information from external websites

Dear xda community,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself ...
My name is Tibor, (almost) 22 years old and I study media computer science in third Semester, so I'm not a novice programmer, which is also due to the fact that I am programming often and lovingly.
Now to my problem. I downloaded the Android SDK with all the trimmings because I have already been working with Android for a year. Since I am studying at the Technical University of Dresden and this system uses an enrollment which calls itself "jExam" and there's no app for it until today to go get one's test results, or to register or unregister for exercises, etc., I decided to tackle this probably unlikely serious matter.
The website looks like that you need to login first and foremost, and then comes in an overview.
I would like to implement this overview, and the respective content into the app. But since I am an absolute beginner in the App Development scene (someone with basic knowledge of Java!), I rely on help from the community.
Now I would like to know how it is possible first of all to transfer the data of my "login form" to the server and then later retrieve everything?
I would appreciate active participation on your part
Best regards, Tibor
(sorry for my bad english, I actually am from Germany)

How much does making and developing an application cost?

Hello world,
I am currently in the process of designing/compiling my own Twitter application for Android. I understand that it would be a HUGE project, but i'm devoting the time just because I enjoy the process. I've heard that applications in development take thousands of dollars to make, but a lot of the answers i've searched for had a development team in mind. An individual to create the GUI, another individual to code/program, etc etc. If I were to do this myself, would it be essentially cost nothing to develop the app? Another concern I have is about the fact that i'm creating a Twitter app. Are there certain licensing fees? Maybe that isn't the right phrase.
TLDR; I'd like to know the cost of creating a Twitter application myself. Would it cost money to develop the app if I don't use a development team? Are there licensing fees involved with creating an app for Twitter?
THanks for your time

your recommendations please crm type app

Hi all,
Have been looking for a crm, stock & invoicing type app to run on my samsung tablet for a little while and am not really finding anything that covers all of the bases. Most just seem to be front ends for large corporate systems and the others very limited in what they can do, so I thought I'd seek guidance.
What I'm looking for, well I'm self employed and travel to a customers premises where I primarily sell a product but also carry out ongoing servicing. Regular service's also include additional products. Some of my products are stock items but many are ordered from a small number of suppliers specifically on behalf of the customer.
The app will need to; maintain a customer database, be able to schedule appointments with them, maintain an account balance, generate an invoice that is emailable direct from the app, maintain a stock list, raise orders to replace stock or to fulfill customer demand, generate various reports for total receipts, total spend, customer spend etc. Ideally this should all be able to sync back to google docs for record keeping, analysis etc.
So what do you think people any ideas?
I have so far spent 3 days trawling through the app market with no luck, nothing I've found does all of it and juggling 2 or 3 apps is defeating the purpose of using an android tablet I may as well just buy a notepad & pencil.
Not sure if this is the correct forum for this so, please move if you feel somewhere else is more appropriate.
Many thanks
Edit sorry realised it's in the wrong place, have reposted but can't see how to delete this post, admin can you delete please.

