Looking for android developer to partner on a new app? - Android General

I have an idea for what I think is pretty rare, a new a unique android app. My problem is creating it is way beyond my skill set. Was looking for someone with the skills to write the app. Even though it is not a game the most likely path would be a multi-player dev platform like AppWarp.
What I'm hopping find is someone with the skills to do the job in exchange for equity but I don't expect you to commit to a full blown project unless you me and more importantly kickstarter thinks it's a good idea.
So to start I would want to create a mock-up android app to demo the concept. Then I would need some input on costs and timelines put together a business plan and kickstarter campaign, then it's up to the crowd to decide if the idea is good or not..
Thanks for reading pm me if you are interested..
PS: I would need an electronic non-nondisclosure (eSign PDF) before sending out details..

Can u pm whats its the goal of an app or write a little bit more ...


Looking for good WM programmer

I have some great idea for WindowsMobile software. Similar software is there for iPhone and it's market is worth millions of USDs, while on WM, there is no such thing!
I am looking for a revenue share partnership: I am finishing server side part and need some to make Windows Mobile Client. Technology is not very important for me. Please, PM me for details if interested(let me know your IM too if possible).
My 5 cents on this issue:
1) If you have a buissness idea worth millions of US$, you should NOT discuss it with anyone, without a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
2) If the idea has already been implemented by Apple for the iPhone, then chances are, that there are patents on the technology or parts of it.
3) If you are still sure about this buissness, then you should HIRE WM programmers, instead of offering them partnership against their work.
4) If you don't have money to pay them, you should set up a propper business plan, protect your idea by submitting a patent request and/or registering the algorithm/software/brand, and get risk capital involved.
5) You should have enough cashflow to build a propper client/server application and infrastructure: if you are not infringing on Apple's copyrights, then probably any other could copy the same idea, too. This means that the first offering a propper service, will have best chances to stay on business when competition starts.
If you do it with no or little money, then chances are that you:
1) Will not setup a propper product and will lose the little money you invested
2) Will setup a working product, which is under-dimensionated, allowing for competition to make a better product in no-time.
Please take this as a friendly remark...
Thank you very much for your suggestions!
Well, it is not a million dollar project for sure. The market is worth a lot, but I'd rather thought of few k usd a month, nothing very big.
There are no technologies in that idea that can be protected, so no problem.
I just do not really want to hire programmer the normal way. I do not need a worker, I need someone who loves programming(well, I am a programmer myself, just Windows and server side) and creates art instead of binary code Investing is not a problem for me, I have capital, but as I said, I need one, good programmer who will be developing the app longterm for a cut of revenue.
What kind of specific programming skills are you looking for ?
The application needs to look well, even very well. That's the main objective. Need stuff like nice graphics, kinetic scrolling etc. implementation of accelerometer and HTC Leo's multitouch if possible. Language and technology is not very important for me.
It will need to take some data from user, send it to my server and present the response from my server in possibly nice and intuitive way.
Hire Programmer ASAP
For a sure deal, why not check out http://www.hire-programmer.com/. My professor mentioned this site, and apparently, they provide their clients with the kinds of programmer their clients need. If you are in dire need of a programmer, then trying their services poses more gains than losses.

I need an app developer!

I have an app idea that I think is going to be HUGE!! I mean, the potential of this thing is way beyond any small time fart app or app to sync contacts. I'm talking growth.
I've started reading and soaking up the Android language, but by the time I could learn something on my own and do everything needed to market it, someone else may come along with the idea.
I want to assemble a team of a few developers, artists, and web builders to form a team. I have a narrative of the app, a general idea of marketing it, and a well planned out idea map. I just need to assemble the team.
I want people I can trust though. To me, the potential of this is likened to a winning lottery ticket - so I'm not going to just start blurting things out. I want to get interested people, talk, get to know each other and then I'll drop this killer idea.
If you're interested, please contact me! [email protected]

Experienced Developer Needed

Unfortunately, I'm unable to post in the development forum due to the fact that I don't have 10 previous posts.
I recently founded a company with the goal of creating a mobile game, at the very least an Android version and hopefully for iOS somewhere down the line. As I don't have any relevant coding experience, I need to hire a developer. The amount of funding at my disposal should be more than adequate for what I need done.
The idea involves a 2D physics game with a social element. The physics can be nice and simple, but a sensor input is needed for gameplay, as well as the ability to save games and package save files for easy sharing. The game is NOT multiplayer, but does involve some sharing of saved games.
I'm looking for a developer who can make development of the game a priority - not someone working in their down-time. I'm open to the idea of hiring a single person or a group. I would like to work with someone based in the U.S. for the purpose of easy communication and contract enforceability, and I would like to see at least one example of your previous work.
Any interested parties can reply or PM me to start a dialogue. I look forward to hearing from you!

Developer needed on share profit basis - Unique one of a kind project

I'm looking a freelance Android developer to help me out with a project.
I am an author of World War One and also have past published books.
But now with latest technology, I am now seeking a silent (Partner) on a profit share of return, to make an App for the WWI & WWII Memorials.
It is much like an existing concept now on App, like Camper Contacts, which gives you an actual location of a memorial, GPS of the site and a small outline.
Google Play Store have shown high interest in my initial concept, but making this (App) is way beyond my skills.
If you can make? or want to quote me a price to make, or want to form a profit share for the development, then please make contact.
ONLY Genuine interested need apply, I am 1nuine and require the same for others.
Thank you
My email or post comments below.
[email protected]

How to become a good android developer?

Developing a good android application is not an easy task (neither impossible ) especially if you have small or no team. It requires many skills and talents, such as coding, designing sense, music sense, marketing skills and list goes on. You have to keep an eye on everywhere since lack of any aspect can result in poor response form users (which is the last thing an android developer want).
Recently I have developed an android game (Fruiteria) in my spare time and launched it recently on Google play store (see link at the end of this post). It took me about 74 days to build it from scratch. It was a challenging task but I learned a lot from my experience. I would like to share my experience with you today!
Let's discuss what are the things one should never avoid while developing application :
1. Concept and implementation of application
As I said above, there are many aspects to application development. But no matter what you do, You will not be successful by selling poor quality application. So, first thing everyone should think about is a good concept. Your concept can depend on your goals such as business advertising, social work, marketing or simply making money! Also, having a good concept on paper is one thing but it's implementation need patience and constant efforts. If you have a nice concept and willingness to put efforts into it, then consider you are already at the half way!
2. Grow your concept with time
Second point I would like to mention is try not to be stubborn!! If you think that you have the best concept in the world, but the world thinks the other way, then you are in big trouble. After all you are building the application for people. Take suggestions from users and your friends to change and grow application concept. Believe me, it works like magic!
3. Research
Before building your application, try to do some research on what is the market for your application, who are the competitors in market and why they are successful (or unsuccessful), who are your target audience and what do they exactly want. Working on such things will give you a better idea on what needs to be done exactly.
4. Marketing
This one is tricky! If you are an individual, or a small company with almost no capital, then it is hard to put much money in marketing. Especially when there are already giant companies present as your competitors. But that is not the end! Think about creative ways to make your application popular. For example Give it to your friends to use, and tell them to spread it. If you are in college, then sponsor a small event in exchange of application publicity which will not require much money. Make discount coupons and distribute them. In essence, do every little bit of thing that you can. You might not see the effect on first sight, but over time it will accumulate on large scale.
5. Keep in touch
Last thing I want to share is don't leave your application after launching! Keep updating it regularly by adding exciting new features and fixing bugs if any. Respond to user comments and reviews. It gives personal touch and they will start thinking that you care about them. It will definitely increase the user retention and hence the growth of your application..!
I personally have been implementing these principles in my application since the idea came to my mind. Finally I succeeded in development of a good android game (or at least I think so!). But as I said earlier, my success depends on how you respond to it! I am sharing the link for game in case if you are interested in checking out my game. Please let me know how you find it by reviewing it on Google play store!
All the best for your android endeavours. My best wishes are with you!!
Fruiteria link : (I am unable to post outside link on this thread) Please go to google play store and type 'Fruiteria'

