Hi everybody,
is there any way (after MM) to disable signature verification?
Always when I modify my framework-res.apk (or something else system related) I get stuck on a bootloop.
Logcat yelling at me that signature is not correct.
All guides to disable signature verification involve editing the services.jar but this file is completly empty (1KB) and APKTool doesn't decompile it.
So is there any possibility to modify System-Apps without bootlooping?
Does anyone know if there's a way of disabling certificate checking, perhaps just for a single app? My phone's rooted, so at least theoretically it *should* be possible, but it could be difficult, and maybe nobody knows how to do it...
Or maybe there's some other way of achieving what I want to do, which is a mod to Phone.apk. I'm using apktool to decompile and recompile, then resigning with my own signature, but the system objects to that (is this because Phone.apk is set up to use a shared user id?), and fails to launch the Phone application on restart ("No SIM inserted", it tells me... I've seen more accurate error messages).
Don't resign it. Copy signatures and AndroidManifest.xml file from original apk and Android won't notice other files were modified. If you replace system app, Android checks AndroidManifest.xml signature only.
I'm using compiled myself Froyo. Because of some WiFi MAC problems I had to edit GoogleServicesFramework.apk. Unfortunately it don't work - I got message: Signature mismatch for shared user. I resigned it with my key, but still the same message.
Originally it was signed by Google, so how can I edit this and make work?
BTW. What is strange - on other (original ROM) I resign all apk's and they worked...
I was able to get apktool running on my Windows partition. After decompiling SystemUI.apk, I was able to find the strings.xml under res/values. But there's now a new problem, which is the fact that all of the quick settings labels here are in the correct cases whereas on the device they display in allcaps. What could be causing this?
Original post:
Currently I'm using an HDC G900F phone (Galaxy S5 clone) running rooted Android 4.2.2, and trying to change some text in the notifications panel quick settings. In the attached image, you can see that all of the toggle labels are in ALLCAPS and some of them have English spelling mistakes. What I want to do is change the text to correct upper/lower cases and correct the spelling errors (also rearrange them, if possible).
As I understand it, I need to modify some files under res/values in SystemUI.apk but the problem is that when I extract SystemUI.apk and decompress it (with Stuffit or any online APK decompiler), there is no "values" folder under res/ and none of the files from any of the SystemUI.apk modding guides I read seem to exist in my apk. What I want to ask is why these files don't seem to exist and what I can do to achieve the above objectives of correcting the toggle labels?
PS. Installing and using apktools on my Mac is not an option. When I run the installer from the Home Directory, it behaves as if apktools is already installed and takes me directly to the main menu but whenever I select any of the menu options, it says that the relevant command is not found, indicating that apktools is not installed. Clearly something has gone horribly wrong somehow here.
Never mind. I give up.
So far something has gone wrong every step of the way and it's just too much of a hassle. Mac installation failed and won't let me reinstall, Windows installation failed to detect Java, Java reinstallation failed to be recognised by the system, apktool failed to install the framework, apktool failed to decompile the apt, apktool then fails to build the modded apt. Every step I've had to manually fix things and it's simply too much trouble for just changing a few strings of text on my device.
With a track record for having problems absolutely everywhere, I just uninstalled and deleted everything in case the next step blew up my computer or something.
I know the feeling....
Them feels...tho!
Hello I have a Chinese tablet ( Thomson MID1002), I just added/replaced the existing APP (.apk) in system>app folder with the latest one. Then I flashed the StockROM. Installation aborts during verification of package. How can I get rid of this verification or
how to edit/add the StockROMs existing APPs with verification. I just need to replace some APPs and Add some new ones.
Hi !
If you`re trying to modify the stock rom zip by simply adding / removing apk file , is not going to work this way , the rom needs more modifications to give permissions to those apps and some more
I personally can`t suggest any method to modify a rom for that device as I don`t own it.
Install the desired apps as user application , normal install , you don`t need to put them in the system partition
Good luck !
- Edit - Read post 2 first
I Deodexed my framework folder with Super R's kitchen and patched services jar file to enable signature spoofing for MicroG. The flashable zip should wipe your framework folder and replace it with the new one. I can't test it right now, but try it out if you want. If the flashable doesn't work, and you want to use it, just extract the zip and use file manager in recovery to delete your whole framework folder and copy the new one there, (probably a good idea to wipe dalvik/cache).
Note about deodexing - could possibly make certain aspect of the phone slower. Only thing I have noticed so far is longer boot time...
Update - so I tried it, and it doesn't flash properly, (some error in the script), but I also found out that it's much more stable to just replace the services jar with the deodexed one, and leave the rest of the framework as-is. So if you want to use MicroG, just extract the services jar from the zip, and then use file manager in recovery to delete the current one, and also delete the 3 services files, (odex, vdex, and art), from /system/framework/oat/arm64.
Then you can flash MicroG...
Zip attachment in first post is a custom Magisk module that was made with smali patcher. It replaces services jar file with a patched one that is deodexed (see above for instructions)...