Incomplete SystemUI.apk? - General Questions and Answers

I was able to get apktool running on my Windows partition. After decompiling SystemUI.apk, I was able to find the strings.xml under res/values. But there's now a new problem, which is the fact that all of the quick settings labels here are in the correct cases whereas on the device they display in allcaps. What could be causing this?
Original post:
Currently I'm using an HDC G900F phone (Galaxy S5 clone) running rooted Android 4.2.2, and trying to change some text in the notifications panel quick settings. In the attached image, you can see that all of the toggle labels are in ALLCAPS and some of them have English spelling mistakes. What I want to do is change the text to correct upper/lower cases and correct the spelling errors (also rearrange them, if possible).
As I understand it, I need to modify some files under res/values in SystemUI.apk but the problem is that when I extract SystemUI.apk and decompress it (with Stuffit or any online APK decompiler), there is no "values" folder under res/ and none of the files from any of the SystemUI.apk modding guides I read seem to exist in my apk. What I want to ask is why these files don't seem to exist and what I can do to achieve the above objectives of correcting the toggle labels?
PS. Installing and using apktools on my Mac is not an option. When I run the installer from the Home Directory, it behaves as if apktools is already installed and takes me directly to the main menu but whenever I select any of the menu options, it says that the relevant command is not found, indicating that apktools is not installed. Clearly something has gone horribly wrong somehow here.

Never mind. I give up.
So far something has gone wrong every step of the way and it's just too much of a hassle. Mac installation failed and won't let me reinstall, Windows installation failed to detect Java, Java reinstallation failed to be recognised by the system, apktool failed to install the framework, apktool failed to decompile the apt, apktool then fails to build the modded apt. Every step I've had to manually fix things and it's simply too much trouble for just changing a few strings of text on my device.
With a track record for having problems absolutely everywhere, I just uninstalled and deleted everything in case the next step blew up my computer or something.

I know the feeling....

Them feels...tho!


[GUIDE] Newbie's How To: Port Theme's

How To Port Theme's
(Using Apktool, and Theme Porter)
Since there are some people out there willing to learn but not exactly able to with all of the convoluted information on the forums, I decided I'd start putting together a guide similar to other's to aid those trying to learn. Stay tuned as this is under construction!
All credit is due to original creators of the product's used in this process, without them there wouldn't be a reason for this guide . Please be respectful of other's work, sometimes it's best to ask before attempting (if it is an original product) but at very least give credit and a link back.
What is porting?
Porting very basically is taking .png files and XML changes from one theme (typically created for a different model, but using the same resolution) and copying them into deodexed stock rom's such as EC10/EE19 Pick and Pack so that they can be flashed onto our phones and used with our framework and/or updated framework.
Sounds really easy, doesn't it? At first it will be cumbersome and frustrating, but after you've used the processes enough you will be able to snap these out in 30 minutes or less! The problem lies in the way these files are packaged, they are mainly just a .zip file that isn't compressed, however there is another layer to an .apk that you can only see once you've learned how to use tools such as apktool/apkmanager. The other tool we will use to aid us in this painstaking process is an application called Theme Porter, which essentially is a script that has been written that will do all of the legwork for us. Let's get started!
What will I need?
Apktool I currently use an older version of the program, you can download here, this one I know works for sure - last I heard the other has issues.
7zip (Win rar could be used instead)
Notepad++ (Or equivalent code editing software) which will be used to make the xml changes. If you're not familiar with using something such as this, you may want to take time to research before attempting to port.
How to set up;
Begin by getting ThemePorter setup, you just need to unzip the download and that will be "theme porter" It is basically just made up of a few folders, and has a batch script that you will use to initiate the process. I just place mine on the desktop for easy access.
Secondly, get apktool downloaded and unzipped. place the apt folder somewhere where you can easily navigate to it through a command prompt. C: might be a good place if you want to save yourself some keystrokes.
Next just make sure you have notepad++ or another editor installed for use later.
Lastly, get 7zip installed so that you're able to open .apk and .zip files without actually extracting the files.
Where do I get my source files?
You can use any framework from any rom that can be decompiled correctly with apktool. This means when you decompile it, there are no errors and it generates a folder with the same name. Download the rom of your choice and save it (still zipped) somewhere on your desktop, and make an extra copy in case you mess up and overwrite the wrong files. You will ALWAYS use these in the NEW folder within theme porter, but we will get to that.
As for the theme you're trying to port, I usually use fascinate theme's, because it is basically a direct copy of our phone (Note: As of 2.2 they now have a Data on/off icon in their status pull down, where we have Silence, so this will often need to be taken care of separate from this process.) I've also recently started using Vibrant theme's, as these are also very similar - but there are tweaks with these too and I will try to cover them in the guide at some point. You may find others that will work too, at this point this is all I've had time to mess with. Either way, download the .ZIP file and also place it somewhere easy to access.
This is where it get's sort of difficult.
Stock ROM's have some differences to theme's that theme porter cannot handle for you. These are basically MOD's that may exist in the theme ROM and/or XML changes that have been made to alter text color's to accommodate the theme (black to white, white to black, etc.) These changes WILL NOT be ported over using theme porter and unfortunately also cannot be made AFTER using theme porter, so there is a certain process to go about this.
Now enter's apktool. Apktool is a script brut.all very kindly wrote to assist android developers in decompiling/recompiling .apk files without losing structure that normal compression software breaks. Basically there are two reasons you will need to take this step.
Editing Text Color- When choosing a theme to port you will need to pay attention to the screenshots the original poster has posted, as these will clue you in whether or not this needs to happen.
The Pick and Pack rom is essentially still stock, as far as XML goes - so the text on menu's for example, will be Black text on a white background. If the theme you chose has something different, you will need to take this step so that the text is legible in the final theme.
Adding accurate battery MOD- Also when choosing a theme you will need to take a look at the framework-res.apk file to determine if the themer has added the accurate battery mod. Essentially all this means is the XML and image's have been edited to show you each percentage of battery life vs. the stock one that only shows odd increments of 10/15/20.
Open framework-res.apk with 7zip
Navigate to res/drawable-hdpi (this also may be drawable-hdpi-v4 depending on your theme, I haven't quite figured out why this is)
Scroll down until you see the status_battery icons near the bottom - if there are not images for every percentage - then no mod exist's and you can skip using apktool for this step.
For either change you will follow this process to decompile To gain access to the XML/PNG files that contain these text values, we will need to decompile the framework-res.apk file from the rom.
Copy framework-res.apk from the rom and place in the APT folder created earlier.
Rename this to something shorter such as "FW.apk" for easier command lines
Start a command prompt (in windows 7 type "cmd" in the search bar within start menu)
Navigate to the APT folder, For example;
CD c:\Users\brandon\Desktop\apt
apktool d FW.apk
This will decompile the .apk into a folder called FW within the APT folder, allowing you access to the files. I will cover the actual changes in a later post.
At this point you have the files in a folder and they can be edited how you see fit (should you choose to just edit the stock ones vs. actually porting already changed ones).
You'll notice when examining the folder that there are quite a bit more files. Also, you will be introduced to the .9.png file type, which essentially is just a .png file that has some black lines embedded in the file to instruct android how to resize and reuse the image within the framework.
Any edits made to these files must be made carefully, as to not alter the integrity of these black lines. When the file is recompiled, the lines will disappear but will be included (if you tried doing this without decompiling - your photo editor would nix these lines and android wouldn't know how to size them)
If all your edits were complete, you would then recompile the file through apktool. (I will continue with the theme porting guide in the next step, this is just a good reference point for these steps.)
Type this into the command prompt
apktool b FW framework-res.apk
This would then create the framework-res.apk file in the APT folder, however there is an important step here. During this process the META folder is lost, and the AndroidManifest file is corrupted.
Delete the AndroidManifest.xml file from the new framework-res.apk
Copy the META-INF folder and the AndroidManfiest.xml file from the ORIGINAL framework-res.apk (now named FW.apk in this example) and place it in the new framework-res.apk using 7zip (do not extract the file, open the archive with 7zip.)
At this point, your framework could be ready for replacing in your (will be covered later) with the edit's you've made Or if you're learning how to port theme's, continue reading.
Guide Part 2....
Preparing for Theme Porter
Okay now that we have some of the side process out of the way, let's get back to the guide.
Determine if you need to make any XML edit's for battery or text color changes and perform them per the processes detailed below. If you do not need to make them, you may skip this step completely and move on to using theme porter.
Correcting Accurate Battery Mod Animations-
Follow this guide to make the changes to the framework to use the new charging animation images and will allow you to then use theme porter to swap the .png files
Decompile the framework-res.apk from the ROM download (I usually just rename this to EE19.apk or whatever the rom is i'm working with)
Decompile the framework-res.apk (I first rename the framework-res.apk file to NEW.apk (or whatever you wish) Note: It will typcially give you errors (unless it's theme'd correctly) but you're just after some code from a few .xml files so don't worry.
In the NEW folder Navigate to
Copy all of the battery charging .png's and drag them to a folder on your desktop. Then open the EE19 folder within APT (the one you decompiled from the rom you're working from) Drag those images into the /res/drawable-hdpi-v4 directory replacing any existing ones.
open the following file in notepad++
Also open the same file within the EE19 decompiled folder
In the THEME xml file select all and copy
In the EE19 xml file, paste this replacing the text. Then save it overwriting the original.
At this point, the battery mod is done and the new .png files exist so that theme porter can do it's work (And the xml is there to make it works when it get's to your phone). If you don't have any text edits to make, you can recompile the apk (as stated in steps in first post) and move on to steps below (skipping the section on changing text).
Changing text colors-
If you have determined that the text in the theme is different from the rom framework (I.E. Text on notifications, menu's, etc.) then you will follow these steps to locate where these changes need to be made.
If you haven't already, decompile the framework-res.apk from the Rom.
Next, determine what text color edit's you need to make and then use this wonderful reference to determine which actual files those edit's correspond to.
Locate the file you need to edit in the decompiled folder, and open it with 7zip.
Typically removing the "inverse" reference on the color line will change it from black to white, or white to black and is the easiest/best way to alter colors in a ROM. (For a quick note, searching for "menu" in the styles.xml files located in /values/ will give you the items you need to change, watch for _bright references for the dividers, change those to _dark instead.
Once you are done making these edits, recompile the folder as stated in first post. And move on to using theme porter.
Now that you have the appropriate prep-work done, the easy part finally comes. (Hopefully)
Copy and paste the applications & framework-res.apk twframework-res.apk files from the into the appropriate folders within the OLD folder in theme porter.
Now copy and paste the same files that you copied from the, now from the rom (EE19 for example) to the NEW folder in theme porter.
Once all files are in appropriate folders, run the Script.bat file in theme porter. Use a selection of "1" and press enter.
Theme porter will now copy all of the .png files from one .apk to the other (where the folder names are an exact match)
NOTE:At this step, you may have issues where the images aren't brought over (This typically only effects the framework files and just depends on how the file was generated/edited). This can be detrmined by opening the .apk in 7zip and pulling out the res folder, where you can view the files (you will see if it's been changed or not) If it hasn't, you will need to make sure the folder within the Themed .apk's are the exact same as the ROM you're themeing and re-run the theme porter script. (meaning you need to add or remove the -v4 ending depending on where the previous themer placed the themed files)
If you're lucky, everything is done at this point and you can move on to packaging a flashable
Packaging A Flashable Update.Zip
A flashable package is simply a .zip file (stored as "store" in 7zip, no compression) that is made up of META-INF and System folders. The META-INF folder is very important as there is a big difference between using one from a ROM (pick and pick) and a theme (NeonGT) You will need to download a theme and pull the META-INF folder out so that you can use it in your theme ports. This is to ensure you have the correct script (edify or ammend) typically now we're using edify so use one from one of the H57 theme's via baked_tator The system folder should contain two folders "framework" and "app" each of which will hold the respective .apk files you have been working with. (but could also contain a "Media" folder for changing files, basically any files within the folder structure you create (matches the system structure) will be replaced when flashed. So be careful not to include things I haven't listed here unless you know what you're doing. And be sure to test these things before even thinking about a release.
Create the following folder that can be re-used with any new theme port, it's the easiest way to keep things organized and not lose track of files.
Create a new folder on your desktop called New Theme
Within that folder paste in the META-INF folder from another EE19 theme.
Create a new folder called "system"
Open system and create two new folders "app" and "framework" (and "media" if you are including the from the theme (which typically will work on our phone)
Place approprate files from the NEW folder within theme porter into these folders, respectively
Back up so that you see the META-INF folder and System folder, select those two, right-click and select "add to archive" in the 7zip menu.
Name the file "EE19 ThemeName" and select "Store" for the method
Drag this to your desktop and this will be what you will place on your SD card for flashing.
Test the theme thoroughly to make sure everything ported over and everything still works (make sure to test USB, even color XML edits can cause odd issues) and get help from others to make sure the bugs are out.
If you run into issues, check the next post for possible resolutions.
BE SURE TO CREDIT THE PROPER CREATORS!!! I can't express this enough, I have a format for the way I do release posts, feel free to copy it if you'd like but either way make sure you make it known that it's not your work!
FAQ / Common Issues / Other Resources
Common Issues:
Images do not transfer to new framework.apk files.
(typically the applications all have the same folder names, so no problems occur here.)
As stated in the guide, all folders within each res folder within each .apk file used in theme porter must have exact matching folders/files for the .png to actually transfer. If it's been edited with apktool, it typically has the -v4 extension.
Troubleshoot your issue by opening the resulting .apk file in 7zip and comparing to the downloaded theme file in 7zip. You may have to pull the res folders out and look that way to actually see which images didn't transfer.
First thing to check is the folder names within the res folder, if the rom folder's names are "drawable-hdpi" and "drawable-land-hdpi" and the theme has "drawable-hdp-v4" then you need to remove the -v4 from those folders and run theme porter again.
NOTE: I've also run into situations where both folder's existed in the .apk file, meaning both drawable-hdpi and drawable-hdpi-v4 folders were there, but only one actually had the themed .pngs. In this case it was the drawable-hdpi folder that had the themed ones, but I needed it to be -v4, so I deleted the existing -v4 folders and renamed the others to -v4 - this also slimmed the rom because you really don't need the extra folders/files (nor wan't them!)
Some times icons don't exist on other phones, or they are completely different icons. I.E. with 2.2 fascinate theme's the Silence icon does not exist and therefore would need to be pulled from another theme or created to be fixed. This can be done with 7zip, no need to decompile the file if you're just swapping .png files (in the final framework-res.apk .
[*]Problems after testing theme.
This has happened to me on all sorts of levels;
Problems Restoring - Sometimes after testing theme's you'll go to restore and things will not be right when you boot, FC's and whatnot. Best case scenario you can restore to a vanilla restore (meaning your rom + any app's you wanted, but no theme's) or just flash your rom to fix.
Problems with icon's not being correct on a restore or a flash.
Same as above, sometimes things just go awry when you're flashing theme on top of theme, so i'ts best to start from the rom. Make a restore point with your rom + all your apps, then you can always go back to it and flash your day to day theme - this will give you the least trouble.
Phone stuck in airplane mode, setting is disabled.
I had this happen to me randomly once, no idea why but if you do run into this the only thing that fixed it for me was an odin back to a full build. No restore or flash would fix it. Typically your problem should be solved with a fresh flash of your rom, but sometimes going to a full build with odin is the only way.
Post them and we'll get them answered and edited in here. So far I've tried to cover everything I knew of in the guide .
Other Resourcs:
Great guide by nitsuj17 on how to theme
Hex Colors
Free Photoshop Alternative
XML Color Edit Guide - in case you missed it above - credits to KBanause
wow, you rock bde. thanks for your time and help with this, I will be following it to help you guys out with stuff more.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
sageDieu said:
wow, you rock bde. thanks for your time and help with this, I will be following it to help you guys out with stuff more.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
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Great, and thanks, I'm glad to share what I've learned with the community
Great write up,ive read through it several times. Just wish I hadn't traded my desktop for tattoo work this weekend. ..
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
man you write some good tutorials...
Very thorough and still easy to understand, Great work!!
Very nice! Just fixed the white on white text in my super light port. Big Thanks!
Great write up!
So, I tried using apktool to decompile the framwork-res.apk and it worked fine, recompiled it and everything was good, are these the same steps I would use for other APK's such as in the apps folder (i.e. Settings.apk) because I cannot get them to work I keep getting brut.androlib errors
bwot75 said:
So, I tried using apktool to decompile the framwork-res.apk and it worked fine, recompiled it and everything was good, are these the same steps I would use for other APK's such as in the apps folder (i.e. Settings.apk) because I cannot get them to work I keep getting brut.androlib errors
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Usually if you get errors in compiling there have been things added or removed after compiling, this is sometimes caused by using theme porter for example.
Apktool works on any apk, but i'ts fussy about what's there before it recompiles. Try decompiling and recompiling with no changes, if it doesn't work then it won't work on that .apk (to my knowledge). You basically will always need to start with one of the deodexed apks from phidelt's pick and pack, then add changes while i'ts decompiled, then run theme porter after it's recompiled if needed.
And glad you all appreciate it
I vote sticky on this how-to...very good write up and it makes my life easier!!!
Definitely sticky
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Thanks for the good reading bde. great tutorial.
Hey thanks, glad to share the wealth
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
I followed this guide and made XML editing for Framework-res.apk to change font colour in the Menu using Notepad++, but after xml edit, cant build the framework.apk, it says sources have changed and does not build the apk. Am using apktool for this. Any suggestions how to go about it. Or somebody can guide, how can I change the menu background so that Menu texts are visible?
trip007in said:
I followed this guide and made XML editing for Framework-res.apk to change font colour in the Menu using Notepad++, but after xml edit, cant build the framework.apk, it says sources have changed and does not build the apk. Am using apktool for this. Any suggestions how to go about it. Or somebody can guide, how can I change the menu background so that Menu texts are visible?
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As stated in an above post, try decompiling the framework-res.apk you are working with - without any edits and see if it will recompile with no error. If it doesn't then re-read my guide
Ok thanks will check it.
Never mind, I figured it out.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I did some major fixin' on the OP, hope it's more clear!

[Q] Guide Request-- How to Implement Krylon's CIQ Removal

Hello. I would like to know if anyone has an actual beginner's guide to CIQ removal. For a minute, there was a guide that didn't quite have all the bugs worked out of it, but it was removed. I've been trying to follow Krylon's thread on rootzwiki, but it seems to stop short of telling people how to actually recompile everything and push it back to the phone. It would be helpful and informative to be walked through this process once the CIQ files have been deleted from the decompressed classes.dex files and .xml manifest.
Note: So far, I have figured out that autosmali can be used to smali the files back into a classes.dex file, which can be reincorporated into the associated .jar files using 7zip. Seems simple enough. However, the process of getting framework-res updated seems to be more complicated, and requires answering some questions about. Specifically: 1. Option 11 asks (a) Is this a system apk? (b) Aside from the signature, would you like to copy over any additional files that you didn't modify from the original apk in order to ensure least # of errors? I have answered "yes" to 1.(a) and "yes" to 1.(b), which told me to delete the .xml and the resources.arcs file from a temp directory before completing the compile. This whole process has left me with three modified files (framework.jar, android.policy.jar, and framework-res.apk (unsigned)). Now what do I do with them?
Note 2: Looks like I can sign the framework-res.apk file using option 12.
Once you are done modifying the files you need to either put them in an and flash or push them with adb to their respective folders.
As for someone giving a step by step I doubt that will happen. It seems like the ones that do know how to do alot of the modifications to roms, are pretty vague when they post how to's. Most of the time it seems like they just don't want to share the information. Why I don't know, but that is just my opinion. I am sure I will probably get flamed for saying this but again this is just my opinion.
You can search the forums and find most of the information here and there. Then you need to put it all together and hope it works.
My thought's would be to have a seperate area in the forum to post just Tips, Techniques and How To's. Then alot of the people that want to learn how to theme and build roms would have an better source to find their answers than having to search all the forums. Again just my .02 cents worth...
Hope no one is offended by this as that is not my intention.... XDA is a great source for information...
quick steps..
Decompile Framework.jar, delete the entire carrieriq dir and all it's contents, recompile.
delete /system/xbin/iqbridger
Makes the rest dead code.
tablador said:
Hello. I would like to know if anyone has an actual beginner's guide to CIQ removal. For a minute, there was a guide that didn't quite have all the bugs worked out of it, but it was removed. I've been trying to follow Krylon's thread on rootzwiki, but it seems to stop short of telling people how to actually recompile everything and push it back to the phone. It would be helpful and informative to be walked through this process once the CIQ files have been deleted from the decompressed classes.dex files and .xml manifest.
Note: So far, I have figured out that autosmali can be used to smali the files back into a classes.dex file, which can be reincorporated into the associated .jar files using 7zip. Seems simple enough. However, the process of getting framework-res updated seems to be more complicated, and requires answering some questions about. Specifically: 1. Option 11 asks (a) Is this a system apk? (b) Aside from the signature, would you like to copy over any additional files that you didn't modify from the original apk in order to ensure least # of errors? I have answered "yes" to 1.(a) and "yes" to 1.(b), which told me to delete the .xml and the resources.arcs file from a temp directory before completing the compile. This whole process has left me with three modified files (framework.jar, android.policy.jar, and framework-res.apk (unsigned)). Now what do I do with them?
Note 2: Looks like I can sign the framework-res.apk file using option 12.
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Don't use option 12.
krylon360 said:
Don't use option 12.
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Thanks krylon for the quick fix.
If, for completeness, I wanted to put all of these modified files on my phone (unsigned), how would I do it? Last time I tried, I used a root file explorer and my phone started bootlooping immediately after placing framework-res.apk on the phone. Adb was not available, so I had to reflash in order to put the file back the way it was. I was thinking maybe to adp push the file instead of copying it with the explorer.
adb push then reboot.
but, it's best to do it as a fresh install.
Thanks, I will give that a try.
Followed these directions 3x, but when I boot up my phone with these changes, the Android System process stops responding every time i boot my phone. I can bypass the error message fine, though.
edit: Well, after reflashing it 2 more times with the exact same rom, it doesn't happen anymore. MEH, who knows?
One of Raver's ROMs did that too. I think it is a dependency to something you removed. It was fine on the ROM. One FC when you boot ROM and that was it.

[Q] Modding SystemUI.apk, Stock Buttons

Ok well I don't like the default Asus buttons so I decided to get this
That was on the stock rom. I just flashed the Revolver rom however and noticed the icons were back to normal so I went through the process in the link like before however this time my wallpaper disappeared along with the navbar. I looked in Root Explorer and SystemUI was only a couple of kbs in size so obviously it got corrupted. I kept trying this method with the same result.
How else could I go about getting those buttons? Do I have to mod the SystemUI file manually and put them in, if so, how?
EDIT: Solved it. For anyone else experiencing issues with Metamorph, check out ZipThemer.
I manually add them from the linux command line. You have to use the update command to add them to the zip/apk. Don't sign the new apk after adding them.
unzip -l SystemUI.apk - look in the res folders
zip -ur SystemUI.apk res/blah/blah
for that last line, I just have a res/ directory with all the files that I want to replace in the proper subdirectories.
Good luck! use zip --help or unzip --help if you get stuck.

[Q] Help me understand

first of all sorry if my questions are too noobish and if my english is not very clear
I have read various threads on modding, theming and compiling/decompiling
I have a tablet running Android 4.0.4. It is rooted.
I am trying to customize the system (combined, if you prefer) bar, initially removing the Clock. More icons will follow.
I followed the steps:
a. pull /system/app/SystemUI.apk
b. install framework
c. decompile
d. edit
e. recompile
f. open original and edited apk's and copy the changed files to the original
g. signed and aligned
h. pushed SystemUI.apk back to /system/app
Initially I removed the Clock reference from status_bar.xml. Once I reinstalled and rebooted the notification bar remained the same. I pulled SystemUI.apk again to verify it was the one I installed and indeed it was.
Afterwards, I 'greped' Clock for all references of Clock and commented them all out. Same thing, no changes
So, my question is what am I doing wrong?
Even better, are there any links docs that describe the architecture/process of generating the UI?
I've found guides saying to edit .smali files or this.xml & that.xml but I am really in the dark, how all this comes together.
Also, what's the role of framework-res.apk?
Sorry for the length, looking forward for your feedback

[Q] Pushing modified framework-res.apk?

Hi, I'm trying to modify /system/framework/framework-res.apk (on the stock Samsung Oreo ROM), more exactly config_locationProviderPackageNames in res/values/arrays.xml so that I can add org.microg.nlp as location provider. I've used the latest apktool (2.3.4) to unpack and repack the apk. I'm replacing it from TWRP and I checked that it has the same owner and rights. And after rebooting the device never finishes booting up (stuck at Samsung logo and blue led).
If I boot back to recovery and put back the original framework-res.apk the system boots fine.
What else do I need to do to make it accept the modified framework?
Are you ONLY modifying the apk?
I would say there is a lot of things to check. It could be that the apk is being rejected by your handling of it. Compare both versions by 7zip lz4 without extracting. Try and use the best tools during the process.
Also more than likely you're conflicting with a service or permission that a perfect apk can't fix.
Have you tried a search in your ROM to see if any files might be associated with the result you want?
Stuff like...
Try doing all the work from your phone without any windows apps. FX explorer and symlink the apk.
Now that everything I said was probably wrong, someone else can tell you how. I'd try fx and symlink, though. It may just align the planets for you
I'm only modifying one XML resource file, but I don't know what else apktool is doing to the apk.
I'm replacing the original framework-res.apk from TWRP, by cat-ing the modified apk over the original, and I've double checked that the ownership and permissions are unchanged.
I guess I can try using another unpack/repack tool and see if it turns out any better, but I've been told that apktool is as good as it gets.
Perhaps it's because the ROM expects the apk to be signed with a certain key? I don't suppose that the key used by Samsung is available somewhere inside the ROM is it?
wirespot said:
I'm only modifying one XML resource file, but I don't know what else apktool is doing to the apk.
I'm replacing the original framework-res.apk from TWRP, by cat-ing the modified apk over the original, and I've double checked that the ownership and permissions are unchanged.
I guess I can try using another unpack/repack tool and see if it turns out any better, but I've been told that apktool is as good as it gets.
Perhaps it's because the ROM expects the apk to be signed with a certain key? I don't suppose that the key used by Samsung is available somewhere inside the ROM is it?
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@wirespot - Did you ever solve the problem you described in this thread?
Not really. My last attempt was to use Runtime Resource Overlays (RROs) to override certain framework values in order to allow org.microg.nlp to run side by side with Google's service.
I will provide them below but it ultimately didn't work. The RRO apk was installed correctly, I could access the NLP settings in the system settings but the main app still could not detect or connect to the service and none of the apps that use location would work.
If anybody else wants to build or use the RRO apk I'm attaching the relevant files as well as the apk. Please note that the built apk only has "org.microg.nlp" as service in arrays.xml (but I provide an arrays.xml with all three services).
apktool.yml is provided as txt file because it wouldn't let me upload it otherwise, remove the .txt. It's used if you build the package with apktool. Remember that you'll also have to generate your own certificate and sign the package in order to install it.
Also some links that may help:
wirespot said:
I guess I can try using another unpack/repack tool and see if it turns out any better, but I've been told that apktool is as good as it gets.
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For decompiling and building Android Oreo, I prefer version 2.3.1 of APKTool to other versions of APKTools.
wirespot said:
I'm only modifying one XML resource file, but I don't know what else apktool is doing to the apk.
Perhaps it's because the ROM expects the apk to be signed with a certain key? I don't suppose that the key used by Samsung is available somewhere inside the ROM is it?
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wirespot said:
Hi, I'm trying to modify /system/framework/framework-res.apk (on the stock Samsung Oreo ROM), more exactly config_locationProviderPackageNames in res/values/arrays.xml so that I can add org.microg.nlp as location provider.
What else do I need to do to make it accept the modified framework?
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I have not tried modifying framework-res.apk of a Samsung Android Oreo nor have I particularly tried the location services mod you are attempting (though I might get around to trying it someday) and do not know if it is valid to to accomplish what you want with it, but believe that the process should be similar to modding the file on LG Android Oreo. I shall try to guide you to how to prepare a framework-res.apk that is proper.
To answer your question about expecting a certain key. The answer to that is that that is usually the case. The signing scheme checks on system apps; however is usually not as thorough as non-system apps. framework-res.apk is also special in that it is not a running app and is instead used as a cache of system resources and system meta information. In the past, before Android Oreo, a rebuilt framework-res.apk may be made to work simply by including original signature files (META-INF) and corresponding AndroidManfest.xml file from the original framework-res.apk into the rebuilt fraemwork-res.apk file. The system would evaluate these files, and pass a check for valid platform signature. With Android Oreo, it appears that there is an additional check that was not present in the past; my best guess is that the system is checking for the V2 signing scheme signing block within the V2 Signing Scheme APK file structure. The check does not, however, thoroughly validate the signing block information.
Your mod seems rather simple and, given your previous posts, would only involve a modification to framework-res.apk "resources.arsc" member file (which contains the compiled "res/values/arrays.xml" file). If the rebuilt "resources.arsc" can be used to update ("Update" is an actual ZIP archive operation) the original framework-res.apk's member file, the updated framework-res.apk should work (and remained zip-aligned if originally zip-aligned), so long as the packed file size of the updated member file is less than or equal to the packed size of the original member file, plus up to 4 bytes depending on proximity to the next member file data if original framework-res.apk is zip-aligned as expected. If the packed modified member file(s) are larger, the original APK file structure would likely not be preserved, and a different method might have to be used. Also note that 7-Zip is not reasonable software to use for this, despite it being included with many tools on XDA to modify APK files; the software has had a history of rearranging unnecessarily zip file table entries when a change is made to an archive. Use a different tool that does not do this, such as WinRAR (I have tested version 5.61).
For normal apps, one may not copy over "resources.arsc" or resources from two different app builds and have things work correctly when the app runs; one would also need to make corresponding changes in the *.dex APK member files. framework-res.apk, not being an app the runs, has no corresponding *.dex files, and one need not worry about corrupting the relationship between the *.dex files and the resource files because none exists to corrupt.

