Make Your Nokia 3 Faster - Nokia 3 Guides, News, & Discussion

I can't find any custom ROM or legit root ways for this phone. So here is simple thing I did.
- disable any unwanted/unused apps (eg. Google Play Music/Newsstand/Games/Duo)
- install Greenify from Play Store
- tap Kernel till Developer Options coming out, turn it ON
- turn off all animation in Drawing
- turn on Don't keep activities
- No background processes
- Force allow apps on external
- Restart
Hope it helps!

Hopefully we will see some action on this phone.
Many must be getting one just for nostalgic reasons. I was such a Nokia fan in the 90s. OMG dont get me started. First was 2110i. OMG.

Tried these steps, and the one that could pose a problem is the "Don't Keep Activities" bug as a lot of my apps keep asking me to sign in everytime.
Would putting a decent size SD Card in and formatting it as Internal Memory also help, or would that just slow the phone down even more?

Speed Up Your Nokia 3 Without Installing Any Software


Advice please - need more speed!!

Hi, I've started this thread to get some advice from the members who are experienced in modding their phones.
As lots of G1 owners did, I greedily installed app after app until i was running low on space and ended up getting rid of a load. By this time my phone was running slowly anyway.
After recently playing with JF 1.5 then going to the official cupcake release, i have now only installed 24 apps and have 60mb free internal memory - so plenty of space for the browser/maps/youtube caches to grow.
My problem is understanding exactly how the system works though. How can I force each app to continue running in the background until I go back to it?
When first opening an app it takes anything from 0.5sec (dialer) to 17sec (maps) to go from the initial blank screen to actually drawing the app interface on the screen. This is fine when you first use an app, and if you go home then back to the app this is pretty much instant because the app is still running.
My problem however is the small number of apps the system allows to keep running before closing them, it only seems to be about 4 or so, and when you reopen an app you used a little while ago then you have to go through the painfully slow initial waiting while the app interface is drawn on the screen.
My questions really then are:
1. How many apps does the system keep running, and can this be increased? If so, then how & at what price?
2. Is there a way to force the system to always keep certain apps running and not close them (apps I use repeatedly througout the day, such as gmail, chompsms, browser)? I want the instant snappiness all the time for these apps.
3. Can I force the system to close other memory/processor hog apps as soon as I finish using them (maps, youtube, gallery)?
4. Will moving my apps and dalvik cache to a really fast class 8 microsd card help the speed of my phone in any way? Or is this just a way to increase free space on my phone memory?
Thanks in advance for any answers/advice/help!
17 sec for map? Something is wrong. I just opened my map and it took 2 sec to open up the map, another 1 sec to get my rough location. I was inside so I can't comment on getting exact GPS location but, if I had to guess, usually it's about 4-5 sec to lock onto that.
Now onto your question: Android manages it's own memory and there's no way of telling it how to manage it. You can do couple of things:
1) Get an "Open Overclocker" and increase the speed of you CPU to 384/528Mhz from stock 284/384Mhz
2) Get "Task Manager for root users" which will let you shut down programs that you don't use.
3) Reduce the number of widgets you have installed. In my experience, all of the news widgets run in the background even if you don't have them on your screen.
4) Clear you caches regularly (once a day). Very important.
5) Reboot your phone once a day.
Good luck.
borodin1 said:
17 sec for map? Something is wrong. I just opened my map and it took 2 sec to open up the map, another 1 sec to get my rough location. I was inside so I can't comment on getting exact GPS location but, if I had to guess, usually it's about 4-5 sec to lock onto that.
Now onto your question: Android manages it's own memory and there's no way of telling it how to manage it. You can do couple of things:
1) Get an "Open Overclocker" and increase the speed of you CPU to 384/528Mhz from stock 284/384Mhz
2) Get "Task Manager for root users" which will let you shut down programs that you don't use.
3) Reduce the number of widgets you have installed. In my experience, all of the news widgets run in the background even if you don't have them on your screen.
4) Clear you caches regularly (once a day). Very important.
5) Reboot your phone once a day.
Good luck.
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I've just opened my map again after rebooting the phone (and ensuring wifi is switched on, so there's no delay in downloading data for the map) and it took 7sec from hitting the icon until i had a map drawn on my screen. So perhaps the 17 sec was a one off. Even still, it feels painfully slow.
I will look into rooting my phone, and the over clocking and the TaskManager.
The only widgets i have installed are the google search bar, and a playlist.
Any thoughts on moving my apps/dalvik cache to a fast sd card? I think i read somewhere that a class 6 sd card is about the same speed as the internal memory in the G1, so would a class 8 card be even faster than this with regard to loading apps up?
Thanks for your advice so far!
There are multiple discussions about that and at this point it sounds like it does not matter where you caches are in terms of speed. Don't ask me why, I'm not that tech savy. Most people move caches to save space and to avoid clearing them every day. The beauty of this is that you can try it out and go back if you think it's not for you.
Also... look into what apps do you have on your phone, some of them may bog down system significantly. I know for sure that Phonebook from VoxMobile will, there are few others, can't remember which though, look for the thread about it from couple of months ago.
Good luck.
Thanks borodin1!
You do realize, unless the section of the map is cached, it has to be downloaded over your wireless connection right? (and cell networks has a very long latency.)
As to your questions 1-3, all running tasks are managed by the android system and non-active ones are terminated if memory is required by an active program. You cannot control this, but you can kill running apps if you want.
Also due to the slow nature of the terrible dalvik VM, you can't get much performance improvement by moving the dalvik-cache. I suppose you can get some boost by increasing the CPU speed, but the battery life will be much shorter. said:
You do realize, unless the section of the map is cached, it has to be downloaded over your wireless connection right? (and cell networks has a very long latency.)
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Which is why people move caches to the card and don't have that problem
but the map app does not use /cache. the latter is designed for non-transient temporary storage, not for big chunks of junk like the map.

How to lock *phoning* process in memory ?

*please don't read "my phone is slow" but "I want the telephony functions load (very) fast"*
I'm trying to find a way to get dialer, calls log and contact list fast as light.
Exemple: each time you launch the dialer he is keep in memory. If you launch "heavy" application and launch the dialer (Oops: I mean contact list) again it's take up to 5 secs to appear.
*Edit because of unhelping answers elsewhere* It's possible to lock "telephony functions" (dialer, call's log and contact list) in memory ?
As I say in another forum : I know this is a strange idea, but I have this smartphone to call people too !
Edit: I use a rooted HTC Magic 32B w/ Cyanogen mod plus 10mb Hack/JIT...
I'm not sure what you mean by "keeping in memory". I take it that you have recently switched from windows mobile? Can you give an example of a "heavy application" that causes slow down?
I would suggest removing any task manager or memory optimization applications from the phone. These are the ones which cause the most slow downs.
Also, the slow down could be caused by putting more stuff on the phone than it is capable of, as in running too many background applications. Try checking your settings->application->running services to see if you have a bunch and try removing the unnecessary ones.
Also, keep in mind that just because an application is in memory, will not make it faster to switch to. The time that it takes for the CPU to load something from disk is only a small part of the total time that is required to display it. If the CPU is occupied with a bunch of background services then the foreground application will only be able to claim a share of the CPU time and thus, regardless of being on disk or in memory, will still be slower to load.
Maybe you can use a swap device to optimize memory usage?
ady said:
I'm not sure what you mean by "keeping in memory". I take it that you have recently switched from windows mobile? Can you give an example of a "heavy application" that causes slow down?
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In fact, heavy application is not the good explaination, it's more about how Android manage memory. So when I talk about "heavy application" I'm talking about the application who, because of Android memory managment, unload another "thing" from RAM.
Two day ago someone ask me to add him in my contact list and i've to tell him to wait a little until my contact list to load.
The original question, who was not understand by others people elsewere, is :
If I launch the dialer (or contact list) once, it load "slowly" (~2secondes, "very long")... if I immediatly press home and launch it again it load almost instantaneously (fast as light)...
Now, if I load some applications (web browser, gmail and Spotify at same time) memory is freed so, if I launch the dialer again, it will load "slowly" again.
Question : How to get the case 1 for dialer, call's log and contact list in most situation ?
I can understand that slow load time may happend in some case (high cpu load, ...) but why after the first launch, the second one (without doing anything else) is *VERY* fast ?
"Keep Home in memory" in Spare Parts allow fast display of home after using "heavy" applications (maybe because he's already loaded/keeped in RAM or stuff like that), I want the same for the telephony functions.
I'm trying to avoid "garbage" solutions like autokiller&co, just want a real tips (even if it's a little bit more technical than create a swap partition).
PS: I never touch a WM phone, before my phone was old, not multi-task and "telephony functions" was faster than right now
I would like to lock the dialer in memory too. It takes a LONG time on CM5.0.8 (5 seconds!) to launch. Any ideas?
Bump! I have the same problem. Any solutions ?
in CM7 there is an option to keep home in memory which lock the home data in ur memory when ever u press the home button it switch fast to it cuz it was never killed
maybe that affects the loading of other apps since it takes a space of ur memory depending on what u have on your home screen but for some ppl its important to switch fast to home screen ... same for the messaging app
On the other hand there is No option to lock Phone app in the memory although its way more important than keeping ur home screen in memory ,,, i mean its what the phone was made for in first place...
why do i need to wait 2-5 seconds til the phone app loads so i can dial a number ,,, makes u miss the old times really!!
i hope any one knows a way to lock the phone app in memory so it's always awake and loaded when ever its in need and it shouldn't affect the load of other apps since its very light and its way lighter than home app :/
i found a solution here :

NEXUS 5 CAMERA FIX "Cannot Connect to Camera" (Requires Root)

Hi All,
This is the first time I have posted but have used this site to diagnose issues all the time so I thought I would give back to the community on what I have found to fix the dreaded Nexus 5 "Cannot connect to Camera" issue.
The day I brought this phone I thought it was one of the best devices around for money and the hardware was nothing to joke about, but over time the smaller cracks started to show which became quite a hassle such as Camera and Battery.
Camera Issues:
Cannot connect to Camera
Grey Screen with the image logo on it
After an hour or so the Camera cannot connect
Typical Fixes:
Clear Camera Cache (Temporary or no effect)
Reboot Phone (Temporary)
Uninstall software (Possible fix but at what cost)
Run in Safe Mode (Not of much use apart from diagnosing)
I have found most of these to be quite useless if not unproductive.
So a brief history on what I have found with the Nexus 5 Camera, it appears that when Google partnered up with LG to design this phone they skimped on a few things and unfortunately the Camera was one of them, its unclear whether this is a hardware or software issue but I have been able to solve it. I had googled dozens of pages read through hundreds if not thousands of comments and none have seemed to have fixed it permanently until now.
Common things that you will find when trying to find fixes for the Nexus 5 Camera.
So I have the following steps which should help you fix the camera issue and possibly battery life in one go!
1. First thing to do is to confirm its not a hardware/software (can it be fixed or do you need to return it for replacement) is to put it into Safe mode, to do this push and hold the power button till the "Power Off" menu come up and hold the soft button till you get the "Reboot to Safe Mode" (make sure you Camera cannot connect before doing this or you will be wasting your time).
2. Once in safe mode open up the camera app and see if it starts up, if it doesn't then its most likely a hardware issue and will need to be RMA'd and take a pic or two then just exit out by pressing the back button. next is to let it sit for an hour or so then try again (this will also check if its a bug in the ROM/Hardware). Chances are if you could get the camera working fine in safe mode it will continue to do so. If it fails check the rom or RMA.
3. If the Camera continues to work fine Reboot the phone into normal mode by just shutting it down and starting it back up. From here we can pretty much say its a software issue, now reading all these forums and comments it seems that it can be almost a dozen different apps that cause the camera to drop off and not reconnect, the resolution? App Ops (Unfortunately I cannot post the link but its not hard to find, search name exactly) this handy program lets you control the permissions for each individual application on your phone and the time they last accessed it, do note this does require ROOT access.
4. Next step is to run App Opps and go to the media tab, just note or take a screen shot of everything running, now go to the camera and take a picture and exit it via the back button and go do something for an hour or 2 or when you suspect the Camera to fail (best to not use your phone/camera during this time for more accurate diagnostics). After your break, test the camera, if it still works just take a break till it fails.
5. Now that the camera has failed go back to App Ops and check the media tab, you will see a list of programs that last tried to access you media hardware/software with a time and what they tried to access, in this instance mine was Viber, which tried to access the Camera in the last 10 minutes of it failing.
6. From here you want to go into the app in App Ops, scroll down to the setting that uses the camera and disable it (set it to off) this will prevent the application from using your camera without a manual input.
It doesn't prevent me from using the Camera in Viber but it does prevent Viber from automatically opening the Camera and then leaving it in an unusable state. I have had this going for about 2 days now and have been able to open my Camera up every single time and it also seems a lot more responsive.
It might take you a while to find out exactly which app it is but it will be well worth it to get the camera going like a normal smart phone should.
If you found this guide helpful please let others know and give some stars to App Ops for such a great program.
Tested on Stock Lollipop 5.0 but I do not see why it would not work for Kit Kat or Custom Rom's.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Battery Save?
Another thing I forgot to add in this is that App Ops also controls start up and keep awake applications, just like the Camera function you can disable the Keep awake and Auto start up applications to prevent unnecessary battery drain, I have managed to get it from 1.5% to 0.8% battery drain per hour while in sleep mode, of course this will only be effective if you have multiple programs which keep your phone awake (please note it may also stop notifications coming through so choose wisely what you disable).

S8+ Intense Lag/Glitches after May Update (last update)

Hi there,
The S8+ (Exynos) was the smoothest phone I've ever had. It ran perfectly, with no lag/stutter whatsoever, it was butter smooth. That until the last update...(The May update with Bluetooth and SD card stability ; Android May security patch).
Now, the phone lags/stutters/drops frames in everything - it affects the UI animations, the scrolling in almost every app (even in settings), any game (even the least demanding game), browsing, the phone also has keyboard input lag. It also scores very low scores in benchmark apps (about half of what it should score). The phone also heats up for no reason, especially during charging (it was never heating up before the update).
What I've tried (with no effect):
- Disabling all features from Settings, down to the smallest details. Disabling all bloatware apps from settings (Samsung apps, Word, etc.).
- Cleaning Cache/RAM/Junk files with Device Maintenance, Clean Master and SD Maid (and uninstalling those apps afterwards)
- Manually cleaning cache from all apps (all 300+ of them, including system apps)
- Manually force stopping all apps (all 300+ of them)
- Uninstalling all User-installed apps
- Wipe Cache from Recovery Mode
- Manually stopping all running Services from Developer options
- Setting no backround services option in Developer options
- Disabling all safe-to-disable apps (including system ones) using BK disabler
- Several Restarts
- Complete factory reset (from Recovery Mode) and instaliing all apps from scratch. Then, doing all the things above.
PS: Animations are not only lagging/stuttering, but they are also glitching in some way (hard to describe, but little artifacts appear when minimizing/maximizing apps).
The screen also developed slight burn in (visible on gray image) in the notification and navigation bar area, although I use it with less than 50% brightness and with AOD disabled
Nothing worked. The phone has very brief moments when the animation lag dissapears, but then it starts back. The phone is now working worse than it did with the Battery Saving Option activated before the update.
I am aware that probably most of you don't have this issue. If you know anything that could help, please tell me.
-Should I take it to warranty ? ( I'm afraid that they will open it up and it will loose its water resistance)
- Any way of rolling back the update?
DO you have root? Custom rom?
No, I don't have ROOT or Custom ROM. Just Stock.
Do you have any accessibility service enabled?
No, everything is disabled.
M. Tomescu said:
No, everything is disabled.
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There are certain ways to check your dropped frames. A quick Google gave me this:
Go to or and download previous software and flash back to that. You can downgrade as long as the bootloader number is the same which it is. BL number is always 5th from the last number, its currently 1.
Quickvic30 said:
Go to or and download previous software and flash back to that. You can downgrade as long as the bootloader number is the same which it is. BL number is always 5th from the last number, its currently 1.
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or try reinstalling the latest from here once again! May have been a dodgy installation process.
Will this void warranty or affect flash counter?
M. Tomescu said:
Hi there,
The S8+ (Exynos) was the smoothest phone I've ever had. It ran perfectly, with no lag/stutter whatsoever, it was butter smooth. That until the last update...(The May update with Bluetooth and SD card stability ; Android May security patch).
Now, the phone lags/stutters/drops frames in everything - it affects the UI animations, the scrolling in almost every app (even in settings), any game (even the least demanding game), browsing, the phone also has keyboard input lag. It also scores very low scores in benchmark apps (about half of what it should score). The phone also heats up for no reason, especially during charging (it was never heating up before the update).
What I've tried (with no effect):
- Disabling all features from Settings, down to the smallest details. Disabling all bloatware apps from settings (Samsung apps, Word, etc.).
- Cleaning Cache/RAM/Junk files with Device Maintenance, Clean Master and SD Maid (and uninstalling those apps afterwards)
- Manually cleaning cache from all apps (all 300+ of them, including system apps)
- Manually force stopping all apps (all 300+ of them)
- Uninstalling all User-installed apps
- Wipe Cache from Recovery Mode
- Manually stopping all running Services from Developer options
- Setting no backround services option in Developer options
- Disabling all safe-to-disable apps (including system ones) using BK disabler
- Several Restarts
- Complete factory reset (from Recovery Mode) and instaliing all apps from scratch. Then, doing all the things above.
PS: Animations are not only lagging/stuttering, but they are also glitching in some way (hard to describe, but little artifacts appear when minimizing/maximizing apps).
The screen also developed slight burn in (visible on gray image) in the notification and navigation bar area, although I use it with less than 50% brightness and with AOD disabled
Nothing worked. The phone has very brief moments when the animation lag dissapears, but then it starts back. The phone is now working worse than it did with the Battery Saving Option activated before the update.
I am aware that probably most of you don't have this issue. If you know anything that could help, please tell me.
-Should I take it to warranty ? ( I'm afraid that they will open it up and it will loose its water resistance)
- Any way of rolling back the update?
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Seems like you need a factory reset.
Update: After a second factory reset, I have disabled all the apps in the ,,Bloatware" Section of BK Disabler (50+ non-user-installed apps) and the animation glitches/artifacts + overheating dissapeared. The scroll lag also seems mostly gone. Basically the problems dissapeared completely (so happy).
I'm currently waiting to see if the situation remains the same. I believe that the problems were caused by some sort of interaction between one of the apps and the new security patch.
Advice: DON'T disable any System apps (from BK Disabler). I've noticed that even by disabling one(any) of them, the phone overheats and a lot of errors occur in the background (checked the system recovery logs), because a lot of apps rely on each other.
Good to know... keep us posted.
Lol are a great reader )...he already tried this)) Anyway I can't confirm this(my animation are disabled from dev option), but.... a small feeling that the phone is a more laggy is on my mind too...Something has changed.
M. Tomescu said:
Update: After a second factory reset, I have disabled all the apps in the ,,Bloatware" Section of BK Disabler (50+ non-user-installed apps) and the animation glitches/artifacts + overheating dissapeared. The scroll lag also seems mostly gone. Basically the problems dissapeared completely (so happy).
I'm currently waiting to see if the situation remains the same. I believe that the problems were caused by some sort of interaction between one of the apps and the new security patch.
Advice: DON'T disable any System apps (from BK Disabler). I've noticed that even by disabling one(any) of them, the phone overheats and a lot of errors occur in the background (checked the system recovery logs), because a lot of apps rely on each other.
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Hey friend , do u have a list of apps that u disabled ? Im having this problem too its crazy i love this phone but lags when i press home buttoj from facebook to go to home page ? Have to wait 1.5 secs to go to settings , which in that case it should just go immediately in my opinion , i press the power button to wake up the screen and a big lag while the screen is oppening , idk i tried reset and everything nothing helps..maybe u can give me a list of apps i should disable please
pemell said:
Do you have any accessibility service enabled?
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Does enabling apps accessibility service slow the phone down?
so does anyone else experience this "press power button to unlock phone but only red light comes on for the iris scanner and screen remains black"? even after a few clicks until eventually screen goes on?(fingerprint doesn't even bring screen on)
magicoolje said:
Lol are a great reader )...he already tried this)) Anyway I can't confirm this(my animation are disabled from dev option), but.... a small feeling that the phone is a more laggy is on my mind too...Something has changed.
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Haha it was a long post .

Wiko Lenny 3 + Marshmallow + Root + Xposed + Autostart bug

This is not meant to be a detailed tutorial, but rather an overview of the struggle I had to root and modify a Wiko Lenny 3 (with links for convenience), so others can benefit.
About a week ago I purchased a Wiko Lenny 3, a device with minimal RAM specs (1GB) for Marshmallow. This creates problems with app-notifications due to the Phone Assist (/system/vendor/operator/app/ApePhoneAssist) and Protected Apps (/system/app/CustomWhitelist) software that is pre-installed by Wiko to compensate for the low RAM.
First, I freshstarted the phone and put in the basic configuration. I immediately updated the system to OTA version V54.
Then I flashed TWRP 3.0.3-0 with SPFlashtool from this site: .
There is also TWRP 3.0.2 available but that DID NOT WORK on my phone:
After that I rooted the thing via TWRP with, and installed Xposed via TWRP. I debloated the phone by removing most Google trash.
I use Syncthing to sync the contents of my external SD card to other devices. But Syncthing needs write permission on the SD card and Marshmallow mounts the SD card read only, and can only give write permission to the ./Android folder on the SD card. I fixed this with XInternalSD. The other option, Marshmallow SD Fix 2.0, DID NOT WORK.
So far, so good. However, after a while I noticed that FaceSlim (lightweight FB client) did not send push notifications. FaceSlim works perfectly on my old KitKat phone and also on a Lollipop tablet. So I checked running processes with OSMonitor and it turned out that FaceSlim was not being autostarted at boot. Some other services were not autostarted at boot as well:
EZ Wifi Notification
WiFi Automatic
I have K-9 Mail installed as well but that app actually DID send notifications, for a while at least, later on it would not work anymore.
DataStats would not stay on screen if I forced closed it after starting it manually.
AFWall+ would only start if I added the widget on the home screen.
I tried every recommendation, like disabling doze mode for all apps and whitelisting the apps in Wiko's "Phone Assist" app, an overly aggressive resource manager that is shipped on Wiko phones, probably to make up for the low RAM. Nothing would autostart the apps.
So, I decided to flash the phone to its original state, using the official vanilla ROM from Wiko (V54), just to see if rooting screwed up the phone:
After flashing the phone, I tried to get notifications from FaceSlim, but that still wouldn't work, so i guess the problem was not in my rooting the phone.
I also tried to flash TWRP again but this DID NOT WORK WITH THE DOWNLOADED ROM FROM WIKO (as opposed to the OTA update). TWRP got installed, but the phone would hang at startup at the Lenny logo, not booting to the UI.
Fortunately I had a TWRP backup of the old system and I flashed it, I could again boot into the UI now.
I found that other users experienced similar behaviour: (German)
As said earlier the Wiko has two pre-installed apps that manage autostart behaviour and power management.
1 - The "Phone Assist" software has a "Boot Optimize" screen. This feature does work for some apps, but not at boot level. When I deny autostart for AFwall+, it comes up after a reboot and is killed shortly thereafter. If I disable everything in Boot Optimize, the switch for Applock and Wetteronline returns to enabled after a reboot. Moreover, it cannot prevent Instagram from starting, one power hungry app.
2 - Phone Assist also has a "Power Management > Power saving" mode presumably to restrict network acces for apps in screen-off mode. This could be the same as the 3rd party Doze apps on Google Play that use a local VPN to restrict per-app network acces in standby mode. It is debatable if this saves much power, and there could be a security risk.
3 - Phone Assist also has in "Power Management > Advanced > Gear icon > Whitelist" (free translation, my language is Dutch) a screen to "whitelist background apps". If you whitelist an app here, it is simultaneously enabled in the previous menu ("Power Management > Power saving"), so I suspect this menu is redundant.
After playing around with the various settings in "Phone Assist", NOT A SINGLE APP WOULD START AT BOOT ANYMORE, even if I whitelisted all.
4 - The "Protected Apps" feature, found in the Android Settings, will allow you to whitelist apps for autostart. If you put this app in default mode, it will select some apps to start at boot by itself. If you whitelist apps, they indeed do start at boot. But "Protected Apps" has a limit of four apps that are allowed to autostart. This makes use of the phone for social networking/email very limited. Some Huawei phones have this feature too, and also with a limit of four apps. This is clearly an attempt to make up for the low RAM in this device, preventing users from running too many background apps. "Protected Apps" overrides all "Phone Assist > Boot Optimize" settings, making the latter effectively useless.
5 - On top of that there is the native Marshmallow Doze mode, which requires that you whitelist apps from Doze power management.
As you can see this is a complete mess. To enable/disable an app from autostart or power saving modes you have to visit two to five configuration screens. Tinno is the company that programmed this disaster ( Actually Wiko phones seem to be rebranded Tinno phones.
"Phone Assist" also has a junk cleaner (powered by Purify) that notified me once in a while asking me to delete SEVERAL GIGABYTES of junk. I had absolutely no desire to try that one ...
You can find so-called fixes on youtube for background apps that don't start, which involves installing QuickShortcutMaker, and enabling Low RAM via One Clean. That does not work on this phone.
There is a way to circumvent these autostart/powersave restrictions without removing the Wiko apps. With Link2SD or LuckyPatcher you can convert a user app to a system app. That way the app will start at boot and will send you notifications as well.
However, I wanted to get rid of this badly programmed mess altogether, and keep my apps running as user apps, so I have removed Phone Assist, its separate uninstaller, One Clean, and Protected Apps.
After deinstalling Phone Assist with SDmaid I manually removed "/system/vendor/operator/app/ApePhoneAssist" and "/data/dalvik-cache/arm/[email protected]@[email protected]@@[email protected]@classes.dex"
In /system/build.prop I edited the line "ro.tinno.whitelist.set=true" to "ro.tinno.whitelist.set=false". I don't know what that line does exactly, but it's just to be on the safe side. I think this setting is overwritten if you reinstall Phone Assist or Protected Apps.
I whitelisted some Social Media and Mail apps in Marshmallow native Doze mode.
After a few reboots some of my autostart apps started to reappear at boot, but not all. Only after I started the missing apps manually from the launcher they would appear after a reboot, and persist.
Later, I made a TWRP backup, and after that I wiped the cache and dalvik/art-cache with TWRP. Evertyhing went well.
Wiping the dalvik-cache can be a risky thing, it once left me with Android trying to optimize nine apps at every boot. I turned out that those were apps that I converted from user app to system app, and back. I removed those apps and reinstalled them and the optimization at boot went away.
So now every app starts at boot as it should, but it would be nice if this "Protected Apps" feature would not have a limit of four apps to boot, because then we would have a nice integrated boot manager. If anyone can find out if it is possible to modify this limit I would be much obliged
EDIT: So, three years later and I still have this phone. I have recently installed update v59 and encountered the same problems. After deleting PhoneAssist and ProtectedApps only a few of my apps worked right, and that was only after multiple reboots. Other apps would still not show notifications. However after I edited /system/build.prop and changed this line to "ro.tinno.low_memory=false" all apps suddenly worked correctly. Maybe this would even work with PhoneAssist and ProtectedApps still installed, but I don't care to find out at this point.
Didn't work for me, but...
If someone has the same problem and stumbles on this post...
Setting ro.tinno.whitelist.set=false didn't work for me, probably because I aggressively modified the stock ROM to remove most of the vendor apps (including this PhoneAssist and Bootclean crap).
What actually worked for me was to set ro.tinno.low_memory=false. After that, all apps supposed to start at boot, actually did.
Once I'll finish my tests and use the phone for a couple of weeks, I intend to post a complete guide explaining how to uncrappify this phone (it's wonderful what you can do once you manage to successfully flash TWRP).
Wiko Lenny 3 2 gb RAM and 16 gb ROM
Hi guys, I have a clone of Wiko Lenny 3 commercialized in Tunisia under the name of EVERTEK EVERSTAR PRO 2. The device that I now has 2gb Ram and 16 gb of Internal storage, but the original version of the Wiko Lenny 3 has only 1 gb Ram. I confirm that is exactly the same device same processor same camera and screen. So I was wondering if I can flash my phone with the official Wiko Rom ? Does android indentifie Ram and Internal storage from the Phone ? Pleaaase Help me .. and sorry for my English
MoonSweep78 said:
If someone has the same problem and stumbles on this post...
Setting ro.tinno.whitelist.set=false didn't work for me, probably because I aggressively modified the stock ROM to remove most of the vendor apps (including this PhoneAssist and Bootclean crap).
What actually worked for me was to set ro.tinno.low_memory=false. After that, all apps supposed to start at boot, actually did.
Once I'll finish my tests and use the phone for a couple of weeks, I intend to post a complete guide explaining how to uncrappify this phone (it's wonderful what you can do once you manage to successfully flash TWRP).
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Yes, I installed update v59 and "ro.tinno.low_memory=false" works for me too, thanks!

