Crazy Scrolling, Screen Too Sensitive? - Samsung Galaxy S8+ Questions & Answers

Is anyone else experiencing jumpy scrolling? When scrolling slowly through anything on the screen (not fast free scrolling), when I lift my finger up, the screen just jumps quickly either up or down. Maybe the screen is too sensitive and incorrectly registers my finger disengaging the screen as a gesture to do a fast scroll? Could this be just a software issue?

I am also experiencing this scrolling issues but only when I am in the Samsung gallery app.The scrolling skips when I lift my finger.It seems that it is too fast or too sensitive to the touch.

yeah get this as well doesn't seem to matter what rom im on notice it the most when going through recent apps. Cant seem to actually press the app it'l just fly past it.

KtuluGod said:
I am also experiencing this scrolling issues but only when I am in the Samsung gallery app.The scrolling skips when I lift my finger.It seems that it is too fast or too sensitive to the touch.
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Agree with this^^
I haven't had any issues anywhere else but the stock gallery app

These usually happens when the processor/memory can't catch up with the scrolling. The phone needs to read the pictures, create thumbnails, then show it. But you scroll faster than it can process that.
Some gallery apps will create a thumbnail database after that initial use. You'll notice that viewing gallery will be smoother next time. That is if the gallery app created the thumbnail database.
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BratPAQ said:
These usually happens when the processor/memory can't catch up with the scrolling. The phone needs to read the pictures, create thumbnails, then show it. But you scroll faster than it can process that.
Some gallery apps will create a thumbnail database after that initial use. You'll notice that viewing gallery will be smoother next time. That is if the gallery app created the thumbnail database.
Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
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I'm hoping this means that, eventually, it'll catch up and this won't continue to happen? It's been quite a few times now for me in the gallery and it can definitely get kind of annoying

Anyone else encountering this? Not really noticeable at first, but you'll see it soon.

Do you have any accessibility stuff turned on like triple tap to zoom etc? Apparently any of these settings cause the phone to do this.

yes.. i had the same, but today i recieved the new update. The one with the color calibration in it.
Or, some setting did reset, or something in the driver changed. But its perfect now.
Smooth scrolling and no stuttering like you explained

Is there a good and reliable app to adjust the sensitivity of the screen?

galaxy s8
if any of you installed a bixby remap app, probably thats the issue that you are encounting, i had one app and as soon i uninstalled it the problem disappeared.

This was exactly my problem. Thank you for this post. Wish samsung would just let us remap that stupid button already

xaxs69 said:
if any of you installed a bixby remap app, probably thats the issue that you are encounting, i had one app and as soon i uninstalled it the problem disappeared.
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This was the solution to my screen scrolling up and down very quickly in gallery. I uninstalled Bixby Button Remapper and all was resolved instantly.

xaxs69 said:
if any of you installed a bixby remap app, probably thats the issue that you are encounting, i had one app and as soon i uninstalled it the problem disappeared.
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This was my problem...screen would wobble when I tried to scroll slowly in gallery app. Thanks.

Same here, problem in gallery solved after uninstalling bixby remap

This is still a really annoying issue on the Recent Apps screen, the second I lift my finger, the app tiles bounce down one, so when I go to quickly tap an app while scrolling makes me open the wrong app.. it's like they snap to a grid instead of scrolling naturally. Really annoying.

Exactamente éste es el inconveniente, cuando desinstalé la apk bixby remap, desapareció el tembloroso problema

Thank you! I was also able uninstall the Bixby Remapper map and the problem goes away.

Removing the bixby button remapping app resolved my screen flickering issue in the gallery. Thanks for saving me hours of troubleshooting time.


[Q] Flickering navigation buttons

I'm seeing frequent vertical flickering in the navigation bar and doubling or ghosting of the buttons - but only in certain apps. The rest of the UI on screen is always fine. The effect doesn't show up in screenshots or I'd post one.
It's difficult to pin it down to a cause, but I see it consistently in Google apps like Chrome, Hangouts, Gmail, Drive, People, etc., especially if I open a settings page, but never with apps like Flipoard, ES File Explorer or any of the Google Play apps.
Bit strange, but it's driving me potty. Anyone else seen this?
I've actually managed a camera shot of the nav bar in Chrome that gives a pretty good idea of the effect - looks like the camera was shaking, but it wasn't, the onscreen buttons were. As you can see, the text on the actual page just above the buttons is fine.
So I'm guessing nobody else has seen anything like this? Hmm, strange. It looks like a problem with the hardware overlays, but doesn't seem worth an RMA just for that, but it's REALLY distracting in regular use ... should I return it, do you think?

[Q] Camera closing when launched from lockscreen

I've had my S6 for a little over a week now and love it. I have enabled the fingerprint unlock and now occasionally when I launch the camera app from the lockscreen by double tapping the home button the camera app opens and about 30 seconds later closes and returns to the lockscreen.
I wasn't sure what was happening at first but later I noticed that I had an active notification on the lockscreen and it seemed like it was stealing "focus" from the camera. I haven't had a chance to really test this out to know for sure if that is the cause, but I can tell you that it's frustrating when it happens.
Has anyone else noticed this?
I observed the same issue. At first I thought it only happens if I take photos while recording, so I even created a dedicated thread, but with no response:
Then after some time I noticed it can also happen if I take photos without video recording. The camera app is simply closed and the lock screen appears. I happens so seldom that it is hard to say what are the conditions making it to happen. I thought it might be HW-related to auto-focus, so I got a replacement device one week ago. Unfortunately the same issue is visible. It happens very rarely, only if I run the camera app from the lockscreen by double tapping the home button. I don't know if it is related to fingerprint unlock, but I also make use of it. So it seems like a software issue and basically it kills the nice functionality of running the camera app by double tapping the home button. Once I started running the camera app after unlocking the device everything works just fine.

Google chrome + no screen tap response

Sometimes when I'm in chrome or a chrome derived browser on this s8+ in the Google news search results, I will lose tap functioning. I can still scroll though and this seems to be isolated to the middle third of the screen or so. If I scroll the same link to the to of the screen, then I can tap it and it will load. This area is the screen works perfectly fine in all other applications, so I know it's not a digitizer or display problem. Anyone else?
gammaxgoblin said:
Sometimes when I'm in chrome or a chrome derived browser on this s8+ in the Google news search results, I will lose tap functioning. I can still scroll though and this seems to be isolated to the middle third of the screen or so. If I scroll the same link to the to of the screen, then I can tap it and it will load. This area is the screen works perfectly fine in all other applications, so I know it's not a digitizer or display problem. Anyone else?
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it s websites problem
i got same issue sometimes
it s better to check if the websites have mobile version and click to load that
It sometimes takes a long time for Chrome to sync with servers.
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Edges are being cut/shorten on Instagram

Hello guys,
I am fairly new with Huawei phones and phones with a notch.
Especially when using Instagram (browisng stories), the sides of the app are being cut, like the image is just smaller than on a normal/different phone. So if there is a text just on the edge, it would be cut and you would not be able to read it.
I was wondering if there is anyway to fix it.
I heared there is something like "fullscreen mode" for apps, but when I go to Settings and click it, Instagram is not on the list. Could I disable it (cause maybe it is enabled), just for this specific app?
No root etc.
Kind regards!
Larlen said:
Hello guys,
I am fairly new with Huawei phones and phones with a notch.
Especially when using Instagram (browisng stories), the sides of the app are being cut, like the image is just smaller than on a normal/different phone. So if there is a text just on the edge, it would be cut and you would not be able to read it.
I was wondering if there is anyway to fix it.
I heared there is something like "fullscreen mode" for apps, but when I go to Settings and click it, Instagram is not on the list. Could I disable it (cause maybe it is enabled), just for this specific app?
No root etc.
Kind regards!
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Im experiencing the exact same issue. What you can do is hiding the noth in system settings. Then you`ll get Insta (including stories) in fullscreen. BUT: Then the buttons for Text, Pen, image dont react to your touches. Its a complete mess. Can you confirm the problems with touch in hide notch mode?
I will check my IG app in a sec, but I think fullscreen mode is only available for apps that don't support the display.
I think apps like IG that natively 'support' these displays just don't display in the fullscreen mode settings.
_richyg_ said:
Im experiencing the exact same issue. What you can do is hiding the noth in system settings. Then you`ll get Insta (including stories) in fullscreen. BUT: Then the buttons for Text, Pen, image dont react to your touches. Its a complete mess. Can you confirm the problems with touch in hide notch mode?
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The problem still occurs with hide notch mode ON, it is a bit better, but still edges on the sides are being cropped.
@Ephixi4 yeah I reinstalled the app, but fullscreen is not an option for IG. So it seems like it is either problem with a ROM or IG problem with not displaying their content properly for different res/notches.
Larlen said:
The problem still occurs with hide notch mode ON, it is a bit better, but still edges on the sides are being cropped.
@Ephixi4 yeah I reinstalled the app, but fullscreen is not an option for IG. So it seems like it is either problem with a ROM or IG problem with not displaying their content properly for different res/notches.
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Yes, I checked that, too. It doesnt show the entire screen. Did you check if the buttons work properly, when hiding notch is enabled?
_richyg_ said:
Yes, I checked that, too. It doesnt show the entire screen. Did you check if the buttons work properly, when hiding notch is enabled?
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I use the finger print scanner instead of navigation bar, that seems to work just fine.
I really wonder if it's OS issue for cropping app like that or IG.
Hoping for workaround soon.
@Larlen so I have notch visible but I have my soft keys hidden and I use the fingerprint scanner as navigation button.
Had no issues with IG app, maybe because of that?
But it seems more that the app is not very well designed to fit these screens and notch. When you want to edit a picture the brightness toggle is cropped because of the notch.
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It doesn't seem to be an issue with the notch, rather an issue with the screen ratio, with the notch not hidden it's 18.7/9, and with it hidden its 18/9, and it looks like alot of the apps are not optimized for 2/1 screen ratios yet
Larlen said:
I use the finger print scanner instead of navigation bar, that seems to work just fine.
I really wonder if it's OS issue for cropping app like that or IG.
Hoping for workaround soon.
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Well, I wasnt talking about the system navigation. I use the fingerprint sensor, too. I was talking about the Instagram Buttons in Story Mode, when hiding the notch. The Buttons for editing a story pic, before you actually post it.
These Buttons (for inserting a text, or a gif etc) dont really work...
Can yoo confirm? or dont you guys just dont use instagram storys?
_richyg_ said:
Well, I wasnt talking about the system navigation. I use the fingerprint sensor, too. I was talking about the Instagram Buttons in Story Mode, when hiding the notch. The Buttons for editing a story pic, before you actually post it.
These Buttons (for inserting a text, or a gif etc) dont really work...
Can yoo confirm? or dont you guys just dont use instagram storys?
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I can confirm this. The story buttons are not responsive. I can get them to work sometimes after tapping on them continuously but it's super annoying. However, I found out that swiping up opens the sticker menu so that's a workaround at least.
gtsim9 said:
I can confirm this. The story buttons are not responsive. I can get them to work sometimes after tapping on them continuously but it's super annoying. However, I found out that swiping up opens the sticker menu so that's a workaround at least.
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Well, yes, but when I swipe up and see the emojis, they dont react neither...
Have the same issue. The buttons are not responsive because they are in the notch area. I've found they do work when you tap below the buttons as if they were below the notch area. The phone thinks the are still in the same spot as usually but it shows them in the top corner.
My insta stories also cuts of edges from pictures I made vertically. It's because of the screen ratio. I can't get them right even if I cut it the right ratio with an other app.
Why instagram still did not updated the app. The problem annoys too much. Anyone knows a workaround?
I use the fingerprint sensor to navigate and not the classic Android bottom bar.
I just tried right now on a story: if I use instead the classic bottom bar, I can see the whole story. If I hide the bottom bar, then the story takes the full screen and it crops the edges, right and left...
As someone said, it has to do with developers and not the phone I guess.
I hope IG will fix it soon
hey guys i am using the nova3i and have the same problem. What sux more that my friend told me that even my stories are being cropped once seen by them on their devices .

Horizontal swipe sensitivity issues

I am having some issues with sideways swipes - for example on the homescreen (lawnchair v2) or gallery apps, when swiping from one page (or photo) to another, the swipe does not fully register and the page/photo just bounces back to the one you were already on.
It does not seem to have issues if you swipe more forcefully or further across the screen but I have not needed to this with previous phones.
Anyone having similar issues/any way to adjust this?
I believe we are all facing these issues with swiping and scrolling. It almost feels like there is too much "friction" in the software setting and we can't just flick up and down or horizontal anymore.
To me, using Lawnchair has helped somewhat, but hopefully the rest will be fixed with future updates..
keenan316 said:
I believe we are all facing these issues with swiping and scrolling. It almost feels like there is too much "friction" in the software setting and we can't just flick up and down or horizontal anymore.
To me, using Lawnchair has helped somewhat, but hopefully the rest will be fixed with future updates..
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Yep that's exactly what it feels like. Can't see it being a hardware issue as there's no problems panning around a zoomed in image or in the web browser, hopefully we see a fix soon!
Yes i have this too
Same here.
I've used about 8 xiaomi phones and all of them had this issue.

