Featured required are zram and swap along with multi boot
Plus if anyone can port siya kernel for i9300 s3 galaxy to note 3 it would be great!!
Also s3 was also exynoss i9300 so it shouldn't be much of a problem... That Kernel had true dualboot abilities... That means it used to ask on boot to press a button to install different roms...
Sent from my SM-A9100 using Tapatalk
you can use Dual Boot Patcher for MultiBoot
Not working on exynoss
Sent from my SM-A9100 using Tapatalk
Hi everyone. I want to know how i can overclock my rooted Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (GT-P3100). I can't find overclocking kernel for this version, only for GT-P3113.
As i know their is a kernel called metallikernek which allow you to overclock if in cm9 rom so you flash the cm9 then metallikernel also their is a modified kernel from metalllikernel for cm10 so you flash the cm10 rom then the modified kernel search for them in tab2 7 development and tab2 10 development
Sent from my GT-P5100 using xda app-developers app
Mohamedselim said:
As i know their is a kernel called metallikernek which allow you to overclock if in cm9 rom so you flash the cm9 then metallikernel also their is a modified kernel from metalllikernel for cm10 so you flash the cm10 rom then the modified kernel search for them in tab2 7 development and tab2 10 development
Sent from my GT-P5100 using xda app-developers app
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I have read about a kernel from a person named Metallice. I think it's the same ur talking about but it says it's for GT-P3113. Will it work with my GT-P3100 with cm9?(i tried to install it without cm9 and got my tab bricked)
If it's not the kernel u r talking about, then can u post the link?
Edit: Tnx I just searched "kernels for samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0" on Google and found the metallikernel
ssqw1 said:
I have read about a kernel from a person named Metallice. I think it's the same ur talking about but it says it's for GT-P3113. Will it work with my GT-P3100 with cm9?(i tried to install it without cm9 and got my tab bricked)
If it's not the kernel u r talking about, then can u post the link?
Edit: Tnx I just searched "kernels for samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0" on Google and found the metallikernel
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It will work fine.
scottx . said:
It will work fine.
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How did you overclock your p3113 with cm10?
Can anyone link a list of custom kernel for the Tab? I'm coming Form SGS2 and there are man kernel! Thanks!
Gesendet von meinem GT-P3100 mit Tapatalk 2
Wrong section!
Please search for the correct kernel. There are many available for all roms.
As i know their are two custom kernels one by Metallice for cm9 and one by Johnsel for cm10 (no for stock roms)
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
If anyone knows how to build a kernel, I have source on Github for one for CM10 that you're free to use/fork/whatever. Not sure how it compares to what's out there now, but it works for what I need
there are no custom kernel for stock ROM with OC?
SunamY said:
there are no custom kernel for stock ROM with OC?
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Till now no
Only for cm9 and cm10 and Aokp
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Can u help me, i want slimbean rom
with custom kernel which supports
loop device for my 'GT P3100'...
Kernal for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 GT-P3100
DEVICE USED:Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 GT-P3100
Hi guys.......i'm searching for a kernel for my device which is "Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 GT-P3100"
I tried to flash Dhollmen Kernel but my device got into "RECOVERY LOOP"
NOTE: A recovery loop is a loop where your device keeps booting to recovery mode.
I removed the custom recovery(TWRP) from my device by flashing a zip file.The device turned off
when i tried to turn it on it refused to turn on.......it showed the SAMSUNG LOGO and turned of.....
I flashed TWRP recovery mode again this time using odin.........
I had a back up which i took previously using TWRP.....i restored the backup.....
my device booted to system and works now.....kinda lags now than before but its fine.....
So i guess i need another kernel
the reason i need the kernal is because i want to expand my ram using ram expander but my current kernel doesnt support ram expansion........
somebody pls help me with info about any kernal for my device which supports ram expansion
Thanks in advance
tittle said everything.
so, there is 2 kernel for cm 10.1, the AGNi thingy and kernel made by Ketut.Kumajaya
wich one is better???
There a three kernel for cm, you forgot the dhollmen kernel. I prefer ketuts kernel.
Send from invader Zim's spaceship.
Dexxmor said:
There a three kernel for cm, you forgot the dhollmen kernel. I prefer ketuts kernel.
Send from invader Zim's spaceship.
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Same here.
Sent from my GT-P3110 using xda app-developers app
bluecarbon said:
Same here.
Sent from my GT-P3110 using xda app-developers app
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Yea, the first 3.0.31 Galaxy Tab 2 7.0/10.1 unofficial kernel, long before CM adapting 3.0.31. The first Galaxy Tab 2 kernel that use PowerVR 3D driver build [email protected] from omapzoom.org. The first Galaxy Tab 2 3.0.31 kernel with CPU and GPU overclock capability. The first Galaxy Tab 2 3.0.31 kernel with voltage control capability Although in the future it is not the best, it's still the first :laugh:
Still the best kernel out there :thumbup:
Send from invader Zim's spaceship.
thanks guys......i will give a try to ketut's kernel
512Mhz GPU OC seeems nice..
As we know,SC.03E is a new 9305 version.And it use 1.6GHZ Samsung Exynos 4 Quard 4,so it can not use normal 9305 kernel.How to comlipe or Port kernel.Please help me
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
There is options in .c file where freq table located
I tried using these apps:
One Power Guard Pro
DU Battery Saver
Juice Defender Ultimate
I change the settings to underclock my core, and it does not work or no effect.
I found out that the galaxy core does not support rom/kernel ~ overclocking/underclocking.
Is this true?
I can't manage my phone, my battery drains fast, I'm using greenify.
Is there a way to underclock/overclock my phone? Do I need to install a custom rom coz I still want to use my stock rom.
BTW my phone is rooted.
Any help would be appreciated. :fingers-crossed:
Stock kernel does not support overclocking, sorry. We need to wait until someone makes a custom kernel with overclocking support.
Sent from my GT-I8260 using xda app-developers app
Is it possible to overclock my phone Samsung Galaxy Core GT- i8260?
bartus2003 said:
Is it possible to overclock my phone Samsung Galaxy Core GT- i8260?
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No it's not.