Disable Charging LED - HTC One A9

I've searched quite a bit into this and haven't found a workable solution outside of Xposed. Has anyone accomplished this outside of xposed ? I'm thinking it can probably be done with root explorer but I don't know what to look for. The other thing I don't know is if it's built into the kernel. If so any editing with root explorer would probably be restored to default upon boot.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated


What is required to Root an Android phone?

I have been rooting/jailbreaking phones for years now. For me it is something I cannot live without anymore.
I know there are tons of people that are constantly working on finding new exploits and I'm very appreciative of their time.
In all of my time doing this I have never fully understood what is required to root a phone. It seems like now the devs are so good they'll make a one click root, or 3 click root/nand unlock GUI for us. Which is nice, and saves me time. But I would really like to understand it better and maybe start contributing a little more. I've searched in a couple forums for just a good explanation on what needs to be done and havent found anything. I'd like to know where would someone even start to look for an exploit, what they would do with that exploit, why some exploit would/would not work, etc. Also once that exploit is found, what needs to be changed to allow file modifications, etc.
Does someone mind explaining, or linking me somewhere to read more about what the full process is?? I realize every phone is different. But for the most part it is the same thing that has to happen on every phone.
The root exploits I have looked at all show finagling with root permissions.
That is, you need to launch a process that you can access that has root permissions.
So if telnetd gets launched and there's no check on authentication for logging in....
or if the binary for su gets changed so that it permits you to call it from non-root accounts....
Anyway, I'd welcome a clear explanation too.

[Q] Request: app to monitor file modifications

I understand that there is a class in Android called FileObserver which allows you to monitor changes to any particular file. Yet I havent seen an app that implements this function. Does anyone know of any? or better still could anyone make such an app? Im trying to troubleshoot a kernel problem I have and figure out when (and why) a system file is being overwritten.
I dont have any app making experience so I dont know how to go about it, but I wouldve thought that its not too difficult to achieve since the app only needs to call one class.
Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

[Q] Help editing Android Kernel to remove backlight restrictions

I've managed to successfully compile the kernel and flash it on to my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (GT-N8010) and am now in the process of editing the kernel to remove the limitations on the backlight.
Short story: I would like to be able to drag the brightness fader all the way down and have the screen go to zero backlight.
Longer story:
No, I do not want to use an app to get this functionality, I would like to implement it in the kernel. I have a vague idea of what I'm doing, but I'm getting confused because there are SO many different files that could be applicable and I can't seem to find the right one. Here's what I've done so far:
- Looked in drivers/video/backlight and tried to find a limitation there (most of them are generic/for limiting the top value).
- Looked in drivers/video/samsung and found the driver for the specific LCD in my device (lcd_type: SEC_LTL101AL01-002/003 - driver file: s3cfb_s6c1372.c) but I don't think that is for the backlight as well...
- Rooted around in many other folders, but think drivers/video/[SOMETHING] is going to be where I change this.
I'm not looking for someone to give me a solution, just a tip in the right direction because this is my first time working at the kernel level and it's a lot of information to take in at once.
Thanks in advance and please ask for clarifications if you are confused, I'm happy to provide them!

edit build.prop to enable multi-user in Android

Hello all... first post! Suffice to say, not usually the phone hacking type...
I have purchased the Samsung Galaxy S8+ from TELUS Mobility here in Canada. I require access to the multi-user function in Android, which Samsung seems to have disabled by default on this phone.
I've looked around and found reference to a bit of text I can enter into a file named build.prop that, apparently, works on the S7 versions of this device. I have found the build.prop file on the S8+ and have tried to access it with a couple of different apps, including the BuildProp editor on the Play Store.
Regardless of what app I use to make the edits, I cannot save the file. I realize that this is a permissions thing and I may need root to make this change, but I am lost when it comes to actually getting root - I don't *think* I want to flash a new ROM or anything like that. I just want to be able to edit and save this single file. Seems simple! Maybe it isn't!
Do you have experience doing what I'm trying to do here? How can I get root without necessarily changing anything else? Is there another option to allow me to edit build.prop without necessarily affecting anything else?
I appreciate any advice or guidance anyone on this forum can offer. Thank you!
You cannot root Snapdragon versions of the phone. You are out of luck as build.prop requires root. If an exploit is found root may be possible, but it is unlikely. Your best bet is to sell the Telus phone and buy an international version with Exynos chip as that has already been rooted. Note that rooting a Samsung device burns the KNOX bit and therefore your device is without warranty of any kind (Samsung checks KNOX bit before honoring warranty).

Wondering if the XZ Premium is able to use CIFS and NFS Kernel Modules

I have an Xperia Z3v. I manged to install the cifs.ko and the other (forgot it's name) module fairly easily.
Having the functionality to mount my server shares directly has made my life extremely convenient not to mention highly automated. Also, apps can access the files directly instead of through an app. Anyways, I'm looking at putting down the big bucks for an upgrade and buying this phone. This might be a "make or break" kinda deal here.
I'm assuming that SE Enforcing can be turned off/on.
I'm also assuming that SuperSU can be installed (cifs relies heavily on "su --mount-master") If anyone knows if --mount-master (or something akin) is supported with Magisk that'd be even better!
So what do you peeps think? Are there already kernels out for the XZ Premium that support this feature? If not, do you think it's possible that I could install them myself? Do you see any possibility that Android 8.1 somehow mucked things up? (I'm stuck on 5.1.1)
Any speculation or insight is greatly appreciated. I do think this is the phone for me.

