Help with new wifi networks - General Questions and Answers

I have recently updated my android HTC phone, and since then, each time I try to logon to a new wifi network I can't, and it tells me: "can't save new wi-fi networks, maximum number of saved wi-fi networks reached" ...
Can anyone tell me how to handle this?

Bassem56 said:
I have recently updated my android HTC phone, and since then, each time I try to logon to a new wifi network I can't, and it tells me: "can't save new wi-fi networks, maximum number of saved wi-fi networks reached" ...
Can anyone tell me how to handle this?
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Remove saved networks and try again.

Thanks for your response, but I need those saved networks and I prefer not to remove them (obviously they are over 200 saved networks)

Bassem56 said:
Thanks for your response, but I need those saved networks and I prefer not to remove them (obviously they are over 200 saved networks)
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I think 200 is the maximum limit
Go to /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf file there u can see your saved list with password(phone needs to be rooted I think) and remove any duplicate or unneeded ones or just make a copy of the file and delete some or all from the list and add Wi-Fi networks as u go and if u don't know the password just look up the copied file
U can copy this file with adb pull too(without root I think?)
Or try this app it has a option to backup and restore Wi-Fi list

Thanks a lot for your help... but I was wondering if there is anyway where I could keep those saved networks on the phone just it used to be before the security update (they are was more than 200, and it was fine with the phone)... or even a way to uninstal the latest update, if this will get it back the way it was

Bassem56 said:
Thanks a lot for your help... but I was wondering if there is anyway where I could keep those saved networks on the phone just it used to be before the security update (they are was more than 200, and it was fine with the phone)... or even a way to uninstal the latest update, if this will get it back the way it was
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No, there is a limit, remove some networks. There's no way you're using over 200 networks that you "need". No one needs that many networks, I'm sure you can spare removing a few. Just remove some of them instead of trying to bypass the limitation, you would more than likely just cause issues trying to modify the limit.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

Droidriven said:
No, there is a limit, remove some networks. There's no way you're using over 200 networks that you "need". No one needs that many networks, I'm sure you can spare removing a few. Just remove some of them instead of trying to bypass the limitation, you would more than likely just cause issues trying to modify the limit.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
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You know, I would have believed you and followed the advice hadn't it been working very well with me before I do the security update... Yes.. I had way more than 200 wifi networks, and they were all stored at the same time on the system, until the latest update... So, thank you for the suggestion, but no.. you are not correct... there is a way.... and that's what I'm trying to figure out...

Same problem, with more detailed description, here:


Borked Data/14 toggle <solved. delete plz>

did I check access point names entries, and make sure sure that the correct carrier one was present. Did I also make make sure that the data packets under mobile networks was checked? When u first install toggle, sometimes the data toggle is on but data is off
Don't know how to check access points etc. Packet Data is indeed on. the *#2263*# returns "Unable to process request".
the k9 said:
Don't know how to check access points etc. Packet Data is indeed on. the *#2263*# returns "Unable to process request".
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settings > mobile networks > access point names
make sure u have the right one entered. eg. ltemobile.apn would be rogers, etc
I have siriusapplications.disabled.ltemobile.apn
well look at that. I edited the APN to just read ltemobile.apn, and voila... My data is back.
Any idea what would have caused the APN to edit? Virus? Yes, I download apps from the net. Mostly for trial, if they're good I buy them... sometimes.
It was power control plus that edited the APN. Downloaded it from Mobilism, tried the widget, and uninstalled. Wound up going woth the GO Switch widget instead..
Just a heads up. Also, thx icenight! If you're ever around Barrie, I'll buy you a beer~
ur welcome. don't speak idly now, I live in Brampton but do come up to Barrie every once in awhile
I was so close to flashing a new ROM to see if that would fix it, a beer is more than worth the headache you saved me!
Sent from my SGH-I727R using XDA

Can't restore forgotten wifi network

I selected "forget" on one of my home wifi networks and there's nothing I can do to restore it back.
My phone: Atrix 2 ATT running stock 2.3.6
Thanks for any help
Manually re-entering the info is the only way. Once it "forgets" it forgets.
Sent from my Atari Falcon030
Apex_Strider said:
Manually re-entering the info is the only way. Once it "forgets" it forgets.
Sent from my Atari Falcon030
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Tried that, it did not help. I can see a new network with that name but there is no signal
From other devices I can see and use the network.
elic3 said:
Tried that, it did not help. I can see a new network with that name but there is no signal
From other devices I can see and use the network.
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Try a factory reset. I know it is a PIA, but most of the time, that fixes a lot of these oddities.
(1) Try *#*#4636#*#* then go to Wifi API, choose enableNetwork and enter SSID manually.
(2) Change some parameter of the wifi network (since this is your home network I assume it is under your control), last option being the SSID itself, but the pain is, you may have to update all your other devices.
kousik said:
(1) Try *#*#4636#*#* then go to Wifi API, choose enableNetwork and enter SSID manually.
(2) Change some parameter of the wifi network (since this is your home network I assume it is under your control), last option being the SSID itself, but the pain is, you may have to update all your other devices.
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WOW, that might be a painful way to go... try the factory reset before you go to all that trouble. I know it will be painful if I had to make a change to my SSID or anything that major on my netowrk, I would have to change my firewalls as well (2 checkpoint firewall one servers on 2 Sun ultra 10 servers). I know that is not typical, but even anyone who has more than 3-5 devices might regret having to go to each device and changing thier settings just to get thier phone back to seeing the wifi. when and factory reset should fix it.
jimbridgman said:
WOW, that might be a painful way to go... try the factory reset before you go to all that trouble. I know it will be painful if I had to make a change to my SSID or anything that major on my netowrk, I would have to change my firewalls as well (2 checkpoint firewall one servers on 2 Sun ultra 10 servers). I know that is not typical, but even anyone who has more than 3-5 devices might regret having to go to each device and changing thier settings just to get thier phone back to seeing the wifi. when and factory reset should fix it.
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Thank you all guys. My senses tell me that factory reset should do the job but since the ICS update is so close, I will save the trouble and wait for it, assuming it should work as well.
Just wanted to update everyone. I went on vacation and have connected to many different networks. When I can back, my lost network popped again on my device. My guess is it was hidden inside an internal queue, and once that queue overflowed it popped again.
Perhaps you can try this:
This works on my I337 NI1 Unlocked Rooted. I uses ES Explorer with Root Explorer enabled.
I went to the "system " folder in the device, scrolled down until I found "build prop" then edited using ES Explorer Note Editor.
Greatly appreciated and high credit to dajumper's work !!
yhendra said:
Perhaps you can try this:
This works on my I337 NI1 Unlocked Rooted. I uses ES Explorer with Root Explorer enabled.
I went to the "system " folder in the device, scrolled down until I found "build prop" then edited using ES Explorer Note Editor.
Greatly appreciated and high credit to dajumper's work !!
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If you look at the post directly above yours you'll see that this was fixed over two years ago. Also, the link you posted is either dead or incorrect as it just goes to "404: page not found". That's not even to mention that this is the forum for the Motorola Atrix 2 so your post is in the wrong forum anyway. If you're just trying to get passed your 10 post requirement then please try to do so in a more constructive way. Thanks. :thumbup:

Tethering broken (Sprint)

Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Good to see you over here. Are you rooted yet? Cuz i think Sprint is blocking tethering unless you pay for it
sent from my HAMMERHEAD neXus
phishfi said:
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Silly question, but if you're not rooted are you paying for the hotspot ability from Sprint?
Their really cracking down
sent from my HAMMERHEAD neXus
My tethering works although I had to hack it
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
toreyjh said:
Silly question, but if you're not rooted are you paying for the hotspot ability from Sprint?
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I am rooted, so if there's some trick to try please do share. I believe I'm paying for the hotspot feature, although going through the change plan process doesn't seem to show that option anywhere (I just tried to find it to see whether or not it was already enabled but I can't find it anywhere on the Sprint site...).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
phishfi said:
I am rooted, so if there's some trick to try please do share. I believe I'm paying for the hotspot feature, although going through the change plan process doesn't seem to show that option anywhere (I just tried to find it to see whether or not it was already enabled but I can't find it anywhere on the Sprint site...).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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I had tethering working on Sprint via this mod:
add a new entry to the "global" table called "tether_dun_required" with a value of 0 in the /data/data/ file. ​
Just updated to 4.4.2; re-rooted (via WugFresh toolkit) tried tethering and its not working anymore. Not sure if its related to the 4.4.2 or not.
Anyone have a fix?
phishfi said:
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get my n5 to tether and it just gives me an error as soon as I start the WiFi hotspot (stock). Any idea what could be causing this or now I could fix it?
Using 4.4.2, by the way...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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ralphkaz said:
I had tethering working on Sprint via this mod:
add a new entry to the "global" table called "tether_dun_required" with a value of 0 in the /data/data/ file. ​
Just updated to 4.4.2; re-rooted (via WugFresh toolkit) tried tethering and its not working anymore. Not sure if its related to the 4.4.2 or not.
Anyone have a fix?
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Had a similar situation. See my post here. Maybe it will help.
AGiLiT said:
Had a similar situation. See my post here. Maybe it will help.
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Thanks, appreciate the help. My issue is different however - the phone seems to start the tethering and I can connect to it through my tablet - but no data seems to flow... can't even run a speedtest on the tablet or load any webpage...
On the T-Mo side, I was afraid that we would lose the tethering with the latest 4.2.2 OTA - and initially, it looked that way. Speedtest would work on download side but "communications issues" on the upload side & unable to finish and show results .... Arrrrrgghhhh.
With two Nexus 5 on hand, it was easy to compare pre- and post- edits, hotspot & speed data, etc. along with comparing the entries in the above mentioned settings.db fields. First, save a coopy of the *.db just in case it is needed - then, added the tether_dun_required and value to 0 as a new entry/line, saved & exit. Reboot device for good measures, and sure enough, it connected by got re-directed to T-Mo's home page ... APN was set to IPv6
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
Letitride said:
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
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While on Sprint I don't see a way to even get into the IPv4 vs. 6 settings - no APN settings available in the mobile network settings menu...
ralphkaz said:
While on Sprint I don't see a way to even get into the IPv4 vs. 6 settings - no APN settings available in the mobile network settings menu...
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Use PDA-Net and Foxfi to tether to your computer or sprint.
Letitride said:
On the T-Mo side, I was afraid that we would lose the tethering with the latest 4.2.2 OTA - and initially, it looked that way. Speedtest would work on download side but "communications issues" on the upload side & unable to finish and show results .... Arrrrrgghhhh.
With two Nexus 5 on hand, it was easy to compare pre- and post- edits, hotspot & speed data, etc. along with comparing the entries in the above mentioned settings.db fields. First, save a coopy of the *.db just in case it is needed - then, added the tether_dun_required and value to 0 as a new entry/line, saved & exit. Reboot device for good measures, and sure enough, it connected by got re-directed to T-Mo's home page ... APN was set to IPv6
Change it to IPv4 and exit, restarted WiFi hotspot and it is good - fast speed and websites loading quickly, etc.
This may, or may not, help out those on Sprint's network - but, worth looking into ...
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Thanks. The APN settings options are not there on a Sprint phone; drove me crazy trying to duplicate the the posts of the T-Mobile trailblazers until I saw a screenshot and figured that out. :laugh:
adio01 said:
Use PDA-Net and Foxfi to tether to your computer or sprint.
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yep, i'm aware of those but would prefer to use the built in android tethering. anyone else able to get hotspot working on Sprint on 4.4.2 ?
ralphkaz said:
yep, i'm aware of those but would prefer to use the built in android tethering. anyone else able to get hotspot working on Sprint on 4.4.2 ?
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Yes; see my post here .
4.4.2 here, Sprint tethering still works for me after update.... Just tested it
Stock rooted, no custom ROM, no custom kernel just plain old stock with root and the settings.db edit
orthonovum said:
4.4.2 here, Sprint tethering still works for me after update.... Just tested it
Stock rooted, no custom ROM, no custom kernel just plain old stock with root and the settings.db edit
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Hmm, wonder what happened with my config then. I'm in the same boat - stock rooted only. maybe i will try removing the new line in settings.db are re-adding... Right now I can launch hotspot and connect to it from tablet/laptop but no data flows thru the pipe....
I lost my tether after the 4.4.2 update as well. I have a Sprint Nexus 5. My laptop and tablet were able to connect to the hotspot, but no data was coming across.
I looked at the settings.db file and could still see the "tether_dun_required" entry was definitely there. So I decided to replace the settings.db file with a copy I had from before the 4.4.2 update. Rebooted the phone, and magically, tether started working again.
I was curious though to see if I put the post-4.4.2 update settings.db file back, then would I lose my tether? So, once again, I replaced the settings.db file with the post-4.4.2 version, rebooted the phone, and magically, tether still was working! WTF!
The only thing interesting that I noticed during all of this is that every time I replaced the settings.db file on the phone, the corresponding settings.db-journal file would disappear. I don't know much about SQLite, but I wonder if the journal file had some transaction state with the "tether_dun_required" hack removed or not committed.
Anyway, hope this helps.

Force Google to forget Wifi networks?

Hello everyone,
My phone (HTC One M7 Verizon) refuses to forget wifi networks. I have a 2.4 network at my apartment that I don't like to use because there is so much interference from other apartments. I have a 5Ghz network that I want my phone to connect to, which it does about half the time. The other half it goes to the 2.4GHz network.
I have tried to go to the wifi settings and forgetting the network, but after toggling wifi it comes back. I believe this is because Google remembers wifi passwords so they can be restored if you reset your device. Is there any way I can remove these stored passwords?
I have also tried editing the wpa_supplicant file and after a wifi toggle the network is restored.
Thanks in advance!
The setting for Google saving your wifi passwords is in "Backup and reset", but this also includes your app data and contacts, so you might not want to toggle it off.
Forgetting the network should work. I've done it on my phones, and it always works, even if I have the backup setting toggled on.
The obvious solution is to simply rename your network.
Planterz said:
The setting for Google saving your wifi passwords is in "Backup and reset", but this also includes your app data and contacts, so you might not want to toggle it off.
Forgetting the network should work. I've done it on my phones, and it always works, even if I have the backup setting toggled on.
The obvious solution is to simply rename your network.
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I did think to rename my network, but would rather avoid that only because I really shouldn't have to rename my network because my phone refuses to forget a network.
I believe this is because of Google because I have recently wiped my phone and installed a new ROM so I doubt any saved network info would have survived that.
jhall1990 said:
I did think to rename my network, but would rather avoid that only because I really shouldn't have to rename my network because my phone refuses to forget a network.
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It's still a solution though, and a simple one. There's no gain to be had in being stubborn about it.
I believe this is because of Google because I have recently wiped my phone and installed a new ROM so I doubt any saved network info would have survived that.
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When you first set up your phone newly installed ROM, it gives you the option to restore data and accounts and passwords. If you allow it, it doesn't matter what device or ROM or whatever it came from, the saved info will be restored. I don't know why toggling wifi un-forgets the network though. That's just weird.
Planterz said:
The setting for Google saving your wifi passwords is in "Backup and reset", but this also includes your app data and contacts, so you might not want to toggle it off.
Forgetting the network should work. I've done it on my phones, and it always works, even if I have the backup setting toggled on.
The obvious solution is to simply rename your network.
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Planterz said:
It's still a solution though, and a simple one. There's no gain to be had in being stubborn about it.
When you first set up your phone newly installed ROM, it gives you the option to restore data and accounts and passwords. If you allow it, it doesn't matter what device or ROM or whatever it came from, the saved info will be restored. I don't know why toggling wifi un-forgets the network though. That's just weird.
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I don't mean to sound stubborn, I just want to avoid reconnecting all my devices that use that network if I can. If that's the only solution that is fine, but I would like to see if I can stop this from happening before doing that.
I don't remember seeing an option but I can not include passwords when I the restore during the install?
jhall1990 said:
I don't remember seeing an option but I can not include passwords when I the restore during the install?
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I think it's all or nothing.
Rename network.....riiggght. Although correct that will work that's a temporary solution .
I can't keep renaming my home and work networks. If google includes the option to forget a network and it doesn't...that's a bug plain and simple.
Of course its great to have google restore my it. But if I choose to forget a of the should sync that setting.
Heck...we are not even talking about a restore...if I forget one of my 3 home networks right tomorrow night my phone will have it saved again and I have to forget it again. Need a good ole days option to state what takes or device or something.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
Rename the network name works for me

How to delete saved wifi connection?

On my S5, all saved wifi connections were visible in the wifi settings page. On the S7, it seems that only the connections within range are visible. If you go into the data usage / restrict networks, every saved wifi connection is displayed, but there is no way to delete them from there. It seems that there is no way to delete a saved wifi connection once it goes out of range. Anyone know how to do this?
bimmerdriver said:
...On the S7, it seems that only the connections within range are visible. I...
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Exactly the same issue here. Anyone got any workarounds (non-root)? Third party apps don't seem to work. Pretty ridiculous that you can't forget a saved network and causes a serious issue for me: I have to change my password at work and can't forget the WiFi AP before getting to the office so I'm locked out of my work account...
It is a bit annoying but I can't see how it's a problem?
How are you locked out of your work account?
You can change password when you are in range.
What's the other issue?
jarayn said:
It is a bit annoying but I can't see how it's a problem?
How are you locked out of your work account?
You can change password when you are in range.
What's the other issue?
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The problematic are Hotel / Airport / etc. Hotspots...
When i received my S7 i "load" an backup from my old android phone... I few days earlier i returned from a long holiday trip and so the "restore-backup" created a lot of hotspots an my S7 i never never need and i'm not able to delete ....
(OK - i can start for a second trip, visit all places and delete hotspot when connected... ) <-- ironic
jarayn said:
It is a bit annoying but I can't see how it's a problem?
How are you locked out of your work account?...
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We use exchange authentication for WiFi at work. The phone automatically tries to connect using the old password as soon as i'm near the office. Does this three times and locks my ability to use the WiFi. This is before i have chance to see it and forget it in the WiFi settings. Such a simple omission in the UX makes this even an more annoying issue.
Yeah OK the work thing sounds a bit troublesome. I would turn off wifi before I go then turn it on when I'm ready and forget the network before it connects.
The holiday wifi hotspot thing i don't get still.
Why is that a problem? You can't see the networks anyway. Is it just an ocd thing?
well you have a drastic option, if nothing else works
go settings>backup and reset>reset network settings
this will erase all your wifi, as well as all bluetooth and data connections saved
Sent from my SM-G930F using XDA-Developers mobile app
---------- Post added at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 PM ----------
wegiwegi said:
well you have a drastic option, if nothing else works
go settings>backup and reset>reset network settings
this will erase all your wifi, as well as all bluetooth and data connections saved
Sent from my SM-G930F using XDA-Developers mobile app
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just done that myself, all my connections disappeared, it works fine, you should try that
Sent from my SM-G930F using XDA-Developers mobile app
The problem with the holiday Hotspots is at least not a real problem... But I don't like this.
I would prefer a function to delete Hotspots even when I'm not connected to them...
(maybe it is small security issue, because a common SSID can be used to connect with my phone...)
Wifi Manager - choose Known network, then remove.
I reported this to Samsung support. That's the only way to get them to fix it. The more people report it, the more likely they are to fix it sooner.
As for whether it's a "problem", I suppose it's not immediately a show stopper. However, after only a couple of weeks, I accumulated a lot of hotspots that clutter up the restrict networks page. Who knows, if too many build up it could cause an problem. There is no reason for Samsung to have implemented it in this way. I've never seen a device (mobile or pc) that did this.
lost_ said:
Wifi Manager - choose Known network, then remove.
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Thanks, but Android 6 only allows you to forget those networks that you've connected to using the same app. So you can only forget those that you connected to with WiFi Manager, not the in-built settings.
do7slash said:
Thanks, but Android 6 only allows you to forget those networks that you've connected to using the same app. So you can only forget those that you connected to with WiFi Manager, not the in-built settings.
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Edit: you're correct. I think root and find where file or db that stores the SSID would be the next option.
Edit 2: Get a root editor, backup /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf, then edit it to either remove the entire SSID entry, or set autojoin to 0. There may be root apps that does this.
The plain text passwords are also stored in that supplicant file.
I don't think there is any non-root solution until Samsung changes the Wifi settings to show out-of-range SSIDs. I agree that it is silly for it to not do have this feature at all.
2 solutions so far (?)
if you have a non rooted S7 there is no build in possibility to delete the saved wifi connections if you are out of range. Samsung has to fix this in my opinion.
With Marshmallow you can only delete wifi networks with the same app you created them, so third party apps like wifi manager do not work. So far there might be two solutions which work, both are far away from being perfect.
- First solution is to delete ALL network connections...and start from the beginning (1. Go to settings -> 2. Bakup and reset -> 3. Reset network settings -> 4. Follow on screen instructions)...including bluetooth etc.
- Second solution is not fine either. Take a third party app like wifi manager from Kostya on play store and list all known networks. Then set up a (fake) wifi access point with the SSID you want to delete. Once they are in range, you can delete the saved wifi connection. You have to repeat this for every SSID you want to delete.
Best regards,
jarayn said:
Yeah OK the work thing sounds a bit troublesome. I would turn off wifi before I go then turn it on when I'm ready and forget the network before it connects.
The holiday wifi hotspot thing i don't get still.
Why is that a problem? You can't see the networks anyway. Is it just an ocd thing?
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Ummm..... maybe cuz stored WiFi networks spew out a wealth of valuable information!!
lost_ said:
Wifi Manager - choose Known network, then remove.
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can not remove!
I updated my S7 today (with Sprint) to Android 7, and they fixed this. Out-of-range WiFi networks are listed under the "Manage Networks" options and can be removed from there.

