[DE-BLOAT] Kindle Fire HD8 6th Gen - Fire HD 8 and HD 10 General

This is a WIP, but I wanted to post all the installed stock apps and their locations to help others with de-bloating their devices. Right now, this JUST has the "visable" apps as shown on the app drawer, and currently does not include any of the "share" or "provider" UI apps (like twitter, facebook, etc..I'll get to it).
Disabling/removing these apps might make the system unstable, un-bootable, and might otherwise require you to restore from backup/re-flash. I assume no responsibility for your bricked device.
Stock Applications Fire HD 6th Generation and their locations [Fire OS]:
Appstore </system/priv-app/com.amazon.venezia/com.amazon.venezia.apk>
Audiobooks </system/priv-app/com.audible.application.kindle/com.audible.application.kindle.apk>
Books </system/priv-app/com.amazon.kindle/com.amazon.kindle.apk>
Calculator </system/priv-app/com.amazon.calculator/com.amazon.calculator.apk>
Calendar </system/priv-app/com.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.apk>
Camera </system/priv-app/camera/camera.apk>
Clock </system/priv-app/com.android.deskclock/com.android.deskclock.apk>
Contacts </system/priv-app/com.amazon.contacts/com.amazon.contacts.apk>
Docs </system/priv-app/com.amazon.zico/com.amazon.zico.apk>
Downloads </system/priv-app/downloadproviderui/downloadproviderui.apk>
Email </system/priv-app/com.android.email/com.android.email.apk>
Freetime </system/priv-app/com.amazon.tahoe/com.amazon.tahoe.apk>
Games </system/priv-app/com.amazon.ags.app/com.amazon.ags.app.apk>
Goodreads </system/priv-app/com.goodreads.kindle/com.goodreads.kindle.apk>
Help </system/priv-app/com.amazon.csapp/com.amazon.csapp.apk>
Kindle Store </system/priv-app/com.amazon.webapp/com.amazon.webapp.apk>
Maps </system/priv-app/com.amazon.geo.client.maps/com.amazon.geo.client.maps.apk>
Music </system/priv-app/com.amazon.mp3/com.amazon.mp3.apk> *amazon
Music </system/app/music/music.apk>
My Videos </system/priv-app/com.amazon.kindle.personal_video/com.amazon.kindle.personal_video.apk>
Newsstand </system/priv-app/com.amazon.kindle/com.amazon.kindle.apk>
Photo Importer </system/priv-app/com.amazon.photos.importer/com.amazon.photos.importer.apk>
Photos </system/priv-app/com.amazon.photos/com.amazon.photos.apk>
Settings </system/priv-app/firetabletsettings/firetabletsettings.apk>
Shop Amazon </system/priv-app/com.amazon.windowshop/com.amazon.windowshop.apk>
Silk Browser </system/priv-app/com.amazon.cloud9/com.amazon.cloud9.apk>
Video </system/priv-app/com.amazon.avod/com.amazon.avod.apk>
Weather </system/priv-app/com.amazon.weather/com.amazon.weather.apk>
* There are probably errors/typos. Please advise.
[newly added..will organize/make pretty later..this is just a temp dump area]
com.amazon.kindle.unifiedSearch google search bar [ thanks @dubz31 ]

I always pm disable the service first before deleting the apk.
According to this thread [Tips, Tricks, and the Root!], there are some pm disable command for reference.
Disabling Amazon Services
Start up Command Prompt.
Type in "adb shell". Then "su".
Then type into command prompt.
pm disable (app name(IE. com.amazon.ags.app))
*To Re-enable, replace disable with enable.
List of Amazon apps that are okay to remove.
Don't have prime? Please continue + more.
com.amazon.mp3 -amazon music player
com.amazon.mw -removes the firefly cam app
com.amazon.mw.sdk -part of the firefly app?
com.amazon.avod -amazon video app, i don't have prime, useless to me..
com.amazon.kindle.personal_video -the amazon/system video app, I replaced this with mx player.
com.amazon.csapp -amazon help app
com.amazon.application.compatibility.enforcer -not sure what this does
com.amazon.android.marketplace -amazon marketplace
com.amazon.camera -stock camera app, install a new one from play store
com.amazon.dynamicupdationservice -not sure what this is or if this is part of amazon updates
com.amazon.platform.fdrw -part of amazon app & services?
com.android.contacts -remove, no reason for contacts, up to you
com.android.calendar -android calender
com.android.deskclock -remove if you don't need alarms/clocks/timers/etc
com.kingsoft.office.amz -not sure what this is yet but im sure its useless
com.nuance.swype.input -yup, unless you like swype
jp.co.omronsoft.iwnnime.mlaz -not sure what this does?
*Don't forget to type in "exit" into command prompt twice when you are done and or before unplugging your usb.
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phpbb88 said:
I always pm disable the service first before deleting the apk.
According to this thread [Tips, Tricks, and the Root!], there are some pm disable command for reference.
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cool beans...that just saved me a couple hours. Thanks!
* I plan on replacing each amazon app (with some exceptions) with an equivalent (er..better) app..doesn't require amazon sign in, etc, etc...that's the plan anyway. I might keep a a couple amazon apps...we'll see.
I got this thing, believe it or not to read books. I haven't read a good book in about 12-13 years--but I just don't want to be tied to amazon and didn't want to spend the $$ on a "proper" tablet. But after all this, one is pretty much turning a $50-80 tablet into a $150-200 tablet. w00h00!
In case anyone was wondering, the last good set of books I read were Steven King's Dark Tower Series (1-7). Yeah, it's been that long.
Going from all that crap to:
ereader app = fbreader
music player = foobar and poweramp
web browser = chrome, opera
camera = htc gallery & htc camera app *if it will work
video player mxplayer
google play
titanium backup
nova launcher
stock calandar
stock clock
weather app nws/noaa unoffical
gallery: probably stock htc
google maps
keeping stock android contacts:

so now that its been a couple days, did disabling those listed programs have any ill effect? i'd rather just skip the disable step and blast those things off my tablet

citrusfizz said:
so now that its been a couple days, did disabling those listed programs have any ill effect? i'd rather just skip the disable step and blast those things off my tablet
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well....disabling is safer because you can usually re-enable it(undo) it. Which is good for testing. If you delete something and something goes wrong, you are back to square #1. right now I'm dealing with an issue where I disable a bunch of stuff then I reboot, and my settings screen doesn't load. If I restore from backup, settings still doesn't work. I disabled something I shouldn't have. So I have to flash anew and start over and find out what I did wrong cuz I disabled too much stuff--don't get too greedy like me, hehe. Take it one little bit at a time. But, for the main apps listed above, yes those appear to be safe as also confirmed by other kindle devices/threads which share the same application apk.
* don't disable/remove/rename DeviceSoftwareOTAContracts (this is different from DeviceSoftwareOTA, which of course should be renamed/disabled>. DeviceSoftwareOTAContracts is tied to main settings menu for the device. I learned the hard way, lol.
So far this is what I have disabled and testing for stability. I'm sure there will be corrections.
If anyone here does the same, please advise if any of these disabled causes issues, crashes, or otherwise possesses your device and starts speaking in tongues and if there are those that I have currently skipped/forgot about/whatever, that seem to further trim the fat, PLEASE let this thread know so we can all benefit (or fall victim from, hahah..isn't it fun!?!)
C:\dump\adt-bundle\sdk\platform-tools>adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ pm list packages -d

Has anybody tried just disabling the HD8-5G list mentioned by @phpbb88 ?
If "yes", how is the stability?
Disabling Amazon Services
Start up Command Prompt.
Type in "adb shell". Then "su".
Then type into command prompt.
pm disable (app name(IE. com.amazon.ags.app))
*To Re-enable, replace disable with enable.
List of Amazon apps that are okay to remove.
Don't have prime? Please continue + more.
com.amazon.mp3 -amazon music player
com.amazon.mw -removes the firefly cam app
com.amazon.mw.sdk -part of the firefly app?
com.amazon.avod -amazon video app, i don't have prime, useless to me..
com.amazon.kindle.personal_video -the amazon/system video app, I replaced this with mx player.
com.amazon.csapp -amazon help app
com.amazon.application.compatibility.enforcer -not sure what this does
com.amazon.android.marketplace -amazon marketplace
com.amazon.camera -stock camera app, install a new one from play store
com.amazon.dynamicupdationservice -not sure what this is or if this is part of amazon updates
com.amazon.platform.fdrw -part of amazon app & services?
com.android.contacts -remove, no reason for contacts, up to you
com.android.calendar -android calender
com.android.deskclock -remove if you don't need alarms/clocks/timers/etc
com.kingsoft.office.amz -not sure what this is yet but im sure its useless
com.nuance.swype.input -yup, unless you like swype
jp.co.omronsoft.iwnnime.mlaz -not sure what this does?

¿GotJazz? said:
Has anybody tried just disabling the HD8-5G list mentioned by @phpbb88 ?
If "yes", how is the stability?
Disabling Amazon Services
Start up Command Prompt.
Type in "adb shell". Then "su".
Then type into command prompt.
pm disable (app name(IE. com.amazon.ags.app))
*To Re-enable, replace disable with enable.
List of Amazon apps that are okay to remove.
Don't have prime? Please continue + more.
com.amazon.mp3 -amazon music player
com.amazon.mw -removes the firefly cam app
com.amazon.mw.sdk -part of the firefly app?
com.amazon.avod -amazon video app, i don't have prime, useless to me..
com.amazon.kindle.personal_video -the amazon/system video app, I replaced this with mx player.
com.amazon.csapp -amazon help app
com.amazon.application.compatibility.enforcer -not sure what this does
com.amazon.android.marketplace -amazon marketplace
com.amazon.camera -stock camera app, install a new one from play store
com.amazon.dynamicupdationservice -not sure what this is or if this is part of amazon updates
com.amazon.platform.fdrw -part of amazon app & services?
com.android.contacts -remove, no reason for contacts, up to you
com.android.calendar -android calender
com.android.deskclock -remove if you don't need alarms/clocks/timers/etc
com.kingsoft.office.amz -not sure what this is yet but im sure its useless
com.nuance.swype.input -yup, unless you like swype
jp.co.omronsoft.iwnnime.mlaz -not sure what this does?
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yes, if you compare the lists, I pretty much have them all disabled, except the stock android contacts app. There are also DRM services that amazon runs in the background and lots of other nice things that tell them exactly what you are doing.
For example, did you know that the kindle app, in addition to keeping tabs on what your reading, suggestions, etc..it also keeps track of when you read, how long, and get this..HOW MUCH TIME UNTIL YOU TURN THE PAGE (i.e. how fast you read), what words you look up, all combined and stored in some sql relational database linked up with their ad networks, and god knows what else..no thanks. Nuke it all. (restore what "bricks" it).
* The list @phpbb88 posted would be way to go to start out. That's what I did. I also double checked with other threads/cross-reference those apps and verified they were indeed safe to remove/disable. But there ARE other apps, which seem to be safe to remove. But that's when you start to get into I need that/ No I don't need that, which is different for everyone, and system stability territory.

this is a great thread @smokejumper76

smokejumper76 said:
For example, did you know that the kindle app, in addition to keeping tabs on what your reading, suggestions, etc..it also keeps track of when you read, how long, and get this..HOW MUCH TIME UNTIL YOU TURN THE PAGE (i.e. how fast you read), what words you look up, all combined and stored in some sql relational database linked up with their ad networks, and god knows what else..no thanks. Nuke it all. (restore what "bricks" it).
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Yes, I knew about that - and from what I understand, it's there for a good reason. There is a somewhat new service offered by Amazon called Kindle Unlimited that helps out lesser-known authors. The authors "publish" their novels into the service, and they get paid based on the number of pages that get read by the subscribers.
Of course, if you are disabling the Kindle app entirely, you won't be penalizing those authors, since you won't be able to read their books.

Another one you can add to the list is
This guy affects the Google search bar at the top of Nova Launcher. I couldn't figure out what services was overlaying it so I went to developer options and enabled "show CPU usage" which also lists the background processes. As soon as I tapped on the search bar this guy ran, disable it and everything is great. This can be helpful if you want to figure out what pesky services might be causing problems.
Also, someone mentioned Nova widgets not working. I used a system/app mover available from F-droid to make Nova a system app and widgets work just fine now.

¿GotJazz? said:
Yes, I knew about that - and from what I understand, it's there for a good reason. There is a somewhat new service offered by Amazon called Kindle Unlimited that helps out lesser-known authors. The authors "publish" their novels into the service, and they get paid based on the number of pages that get read by the subscribers.
Of course, if you are disabling the Kindle app entirely, you won't be penalizing those authors, since you won't be able to read their books.
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Yeah, to each their own. I dunno man. I really just don't trust that stuff. With how social media and other technologies being ingrained the way it is. I just refuse to have any kind of social media presence (yes, I have friends, lol) for that very reason. But I am getting old, and the world is a changin'. I mean, employers now expect for you to have a S.M. presence?--give me a break--I value my privacy, lol--they don't need to know I read 50 Shades of Grey (which I wouldn't even if you paid me). But not just S.M.. Even just some regular websites (esp news and commerce), they can literally track your mouse cursor/browsing habits, page scrolling, etc, I won't even talk about the advertising..lol.I just can't accept that for me--so yes I will go to great/not so great lengths to try to stay away from all that crap--but I have issues--so please pardon my paranoia/insanity, hahah. I'm actually not a paranoid person, but when it comes to online/S.M. stuff, different story = 1984.

dubz31 said:
Another one you can add to the list is
This guy affects the Google search bar at the top of Nova Launcher. I couldn't figure out what services was overlaying it so I went to developer options and enabled "show CPU usage" which also lists the background processes. As soon as I tapped on the search bar this guy ran, disable it and everything is great. This can be helpful if you want to figure out what pesky services might be causing problems.
Also, someone mentioned Nova widgets not working. I used a system/app mover available from F-droid to make Nova a system app and widgets work just fine now.
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That search bar is evil. So even after disabling the silk browser. If you keep that search bar and try typing something in to search, wham, some type of evil mini amazon browser loads up..wtf?!?..lol. evil. evil. I thought it was just a widget type thing that works with whatever browser..no..it is its own browser, mwhahaha. very evil indeed.

Well. This sucks. Literally.
I have been monitoring my battery drain on the HD8 after I rooted and debloated it. My current draw is almost 10x higher now.
My old current draw while sleeping was -25 mA to -35 mA. After root / debloat, my current draw is about -208 mA!
I thought debloating would make my battery life better, not worse. I am trying to figure out what may be causing the higher drainage, but most battery apps aren't successful when reading the Amazon devices.

¿GotJazz? said:
Well. This sucks. Literally.
I have been monitoring my battery drain on the HD8 after I rooted and debloated it. My current draw is almost 10x higher now.
My old current draw while sleeping was -25 mA to -35 mA. After root / debloat, my current draw is about -208 mA!
I thought debloating would make my battery life better, not worse. I am trying to figure out what may be causing the higher drainage, but most battery apps aren't successful when reading the Amazon devices.
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wow. I would check your processes and see what might be drawing cpu cycles. You might need to check the disabled apps, one by one to determine what it is that's causing the drain. I admit, I haven't tested it very much and kept it plugged in most of the time. But, that's why forums like this are so great so we can learn and adjust accordingly. Thanks for the heads up. I might unplug mine and watch the drain. I don't like using automatic brightness and tend to have the brightness closer to 1/3 - 1/4 of the slider bar--not sure if that would do anything.
* Also, if not already set, I would match the disabled apps that @phpbb88 posted and no more for now, that would be safer for testing. I just took a plunge a little further and I'm waiting for the repercussions/consequences , lol.

Yes, I only disabled the apps that @phpbb88 listed. I figured that was the safest route until I was sure that the tablet was still running fine.
I think I will re-enable all of them again, and see if my current draw improves.

well....after 1 week. seems the OTA has remained dead so I turned off opendns. I feel like a kid running around the house naked. Hopefully, no updates tonight.

chemie99 said:
well....after 1 week. seems the OTA has remained dead so I turned off opendns. I feel like a kid running around the house naked. Hopefully, no updates tonight.
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are you xposing (Xposed framework) yourself?heheheh. Right on man!

¿GotJazz? said:
Yes, I only disabled the apps that @phpbb88 listed. I figured that was the safest route until I was sure that the tablet was still running fine.
I think I will re-enable all of them again, and see if my current draw improves.
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Cool. Please keep us posted. I am very curious.
* With battery @ 100% I set display to stay on for 30 min and unplugged the USB
It's been about 45 min, and I'm still @ 100%. Granted, the tablet is just sitting there with the screen on not doing anything. Maybe I'll play a movie and let it go and see how much drain then. I'll keep it sitting, re-turning on the screen now and then to see how much it does down. I have some battary app. monitor running too, so we'll see what it says. I'll just put little updates on this exact post here with little *'s of the updated times and my battery percentage if I'm still awake/remember to do it.
*70 min 99-100%
* been about 2 hours @ 98% battery. battery app says 96%.

dubz31 said:
Another one you can add to the list is
This guy affects the Google search bar at the top of Nova Launcher. I couldn't figure out what services was overlaying it so I went to developer options and enabled "show CPU usage" which also lists the background processes. As soon as I tapped on the search bar this guy ran, disable it and everything is great. This can be helpful if you want to figure out what pesky services might be causing problems.
Also, someone mentioned Nova widgets not working. I used a system/app mover available from F-droid to make Nova a system app and widgets work just fine now.
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disabling the kindle.unifiedSeach makes my search bar don't work?
when I tap on it, nothing happened.
@chemie99 you might want to check it for the widget part. I used Link2SD to convert nova as a system app and now the widgets work!

I re-enabled all the "safe" apps again, except for firelauncher. While my current drain has improved a little bit, it is still WAY too much. My drain now ranges from -100 mA to -168 mA (WiFi disabled). Where my tablet used to need charging once every two to three weeks, now I will need to charge it every two to three days. This will result in much faster battery wear.
A little nervous that this is a v5.3.1.1 vs. v5.3.1.0 thing. I don't know if I can go back to v5.3.1.0.


[GUIDE] Disabling Stock/System Apps

Hi iv seen loads of people trying to remove stock apps. Due to the eMMC protection the DesireHD/DesireZ/G2 has we are unable to do this at this point. But what we can do is to stop them from running and showing in the app list.
I will use Amazon MP3 as an example :-
1) Find the process name of the APP yor want to disable. You can do this by looking in /system/app for the file name. Or i find this method a lil quicker
From Terminal App or ADB shell type
pm list packages
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and find the process in the list i.e com.amazon.mp3
2) In Terminal App or ADB shell type "pm disable ProcessName" i.e.
pm disable com.amazon.mp3
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Click to collapse
3) Reboot phone or just the launcher
4) The app wont/cant run (the icon may stay tho.)
All credit goes to others around the web
[UPDATED 27/10/2010] Icon may not be removed
It just reappears in the list when I do this.
RD1945 said:
It just reappears in the list when I do this.
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Same here too.
Well, I've used 'pm disable *twitter*' - That should work shouldn't it?
Rebooting now
Could you stop Sense from running this way and just use Launcher Pro?
Stock apps
I would be sooo greatfull to get no sence DHD... Im opened to any sugestions and ideas....
you must remember first to type 'su' to get super user permissions, you will know that you have su permissions when the $ turns to a #.
Hope this helps you all.
Credit to others and not me, I'm just regurgitating info that I have sought out.
Yer the icon wont go when in scense but the app cant run anyway so it cant hog RAM/CPU ect.
More comprehensive guide/explanation here from the G2 thread:
Can i disable Sense and the whole sense applications?
I cant find sense in the list.
Is com.htc.launcher the sense launcher?
I have disabled com.htc.launcher but sense is still there.
For those who hate bloatware HTC like me, I created this list:
pm disable com.amazon.mp3/com.amazon.mp3.client.activity.LauncherActivity
pm disable com.amazon.mp3
pm disable com.htc.android.Stock
pm disable com.htc.android.htcsetupwizard
pm disable com.htc.friendstream
pm disable com.htc.ereader
pm disable com.htc.laputa
pm disable com.htc.laputa.HtcLaputaInstaller
pm disable com.htc.connectedMedia
pm disable com.htc.Weather
pm disable com.htc.googlereader
pm disable com.htc.htctwitter
pm disable com.htc.android.mail
pm disable com.futuredial
pm disable com.htc.wdm
pm disable com.htc.recommend
Warning! The list is for those who REALLY hate the Sense and HTC applications: it disables apps like Weather, Ebook reader, RSS Feed reader, Locations, etc.
I have not tested the phone thoroughly after disabling these applications, I hope not to have disabled something vital .
If you know any other application that can be disabled safely, let me know and I will add to the list.
What we could really do with is a list of what each of these actually does.
Even better, can no-one make an app, like the SGS had, which you tap on the app name and it removes it (disables) rather than having to go into console?
Might be a dumb question but does this method require rooting?
Mojo Fones said:
Might be a dumb question but does this method require rooting?
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Read the following thread, its easy to follow....and to answer your question....yes you need temp root.
This is also the only way to get rid of the stock version Soundhound and Quickoffice? I have purchased these 2 apps and if I install these two I will get 2 icons for Soundhound and 2 for Quickoffice. I have tried Launcherpro - because you can disable apps.. but if I disable the standard Soundhound then It will also disable the commercial version. This is also for Quickoffice!
Anyone got some tips for this 'problem'?
kaosnews said:
This is also the only way to get rid of the stock version Soundhound and Quickoffice? I have purchased these 2 apps and if I install these two I will get 2 icons for Soundhound and 2 for Quickoffice. I have tried Launcherpro - because you can disable apps.. but if I disable the standard Soundhound then It will also disable the commercial version. This is also for Quickoffice!
Anyone got some tips for this 'problem'?
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Have the same question ! I'm trying to use VISIONary to get temp root but doesn't work ! I'm getting rooting device , please wait message for over 10 minutes now nothing else
Check if debugging mode is checked in setup/applications.
Yes it is checked otherwise you can't even run the app
the last version of titanium backup is able to totally remove system and/or preinstalled apps, like amazonmp3 etc. tried it and it worked for me, after two reboots the app is completely gone!
all of the above "hacks" didn't work for me (although i am temp rooted with visionary and used the "su" command), but titanium backup did the trick!
click and hold on the app, choose "force remove app (by recovery exploit)"

Speed improvements

Hey! tl;dr? Click here to go directly to the fast improvements post and disable some unwanted services.
Still want more fun disabling services? Read the second post.
Hi all,
I improved the speed of my G2 recently and felt that the community might appreciate this as well. It's probably not the "best guide" for everybody, but this is what I've done and it's worked nicely for me so far.
I recently got irritated at my phone being occasionally sluggish. So, when it was sluggish one time, I went to Manage applications->Running Applications, and saw that Facebook decided it wanted to start itself up in the background.
Now, I'm as big a fan as the next guy for having multi-tasking, but randomly starting an app in the background without my consent is not what I consider to be useful or resource-friendly. I decided to "freeze" the app using SD Maid (you can do this with Titanium Backup as well). Facebook is now in a frozen state so it will not launch itself at all. Ha!
What do I do about having no Facebook now? Well, there happens to be a great app on the Market called Fast for Facebook. This is quite an improvement over the sluggish and buggy Facebook app. I installed that and am having a blast with it so far.
I wanted to check for other apps that were dawdling in the background. So I looked again in Running Applications and found that Maps decided it wants to be running too. I went to the settings for the Maps application, and turned off Location reporting. Why would I want an app sucking my resources dry to alert the world where I am? I'm not that much of a socialite or stalker prey. I also turned off Automatic check-ins.
Previously, I'd gone through a few other apps and turned off automatic sync. Things like DropSync (to sync Dropbox), Tumblr, Google+, and Twitter are not necessary for me to have reviving themselves in the background. I should be the authoritarian ruler of all of the apps over my phone- no freedom here to run around as you please.
I set up a couple apps to run at odd hours of the night. I only need to have photos and documents synced probably once a day, so I set up Tasker to do it automatically while the phone is charging and connected to Wifi at around 4am. I've set up Titanium Backup to do backups something like every Tuesday night, Friday night, and Sunday night, each at like 4am as well; and upload those backups to Box. I want to use my phone fast when I use it during the day, and at night time it can take its time with these lesser-priority tasks while I'm asleep.
Email/Gmail and Messages still have notifications and syncing, as well as the occasional Pulse RSS feed notification. All else seems to be shutting up though, which is good. What I would really like to do is have Market update its apps automatically at like 4am, so it won't spend resources checking for updates in the background. I can't find how to do that though.
One app that really gets under my skin is Amazon Appstore. This guy runs in the background too- I've turned off its notifications but I'm pretty sure it'll still sit there sapping my resources. This one's a toughie because I want to uninstall or freeze it, but I want to still be able to get good free apps from it once a day. There have been some really good apps and some really bad ones, but the good ones are worth it to me.
I might add in more things to disable. It's been faster so far, so I'll see how it goes over a couple days. One last thing I did was install SetCPU. I use that now instead of CyanogenMod 7's built-in CPU stuff. I don't know if it's a placebo or not, but I seemed to notice a boost in performance from it (not instantly, but in general I see less lag).
Hope this helps someone, best of luck with all of your phones.
use watchdog to spy on what apps are actually running and using cpu in the background, lots of apps can be open in the background and not using anything cpuwise
demkantor said:
use watchdog to spy on what apps are actually running and using cpu in the background, lots of apps can be open in the background and not using anything cpuwise
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Watchdog is a great idea too, I forgot to mention that.
If anyone else has recommendations they are all welcome!
Proxin said:
Watchdog is a great idea too, I forgot to mention that.
If anyone else has recommendations they are all welcome!
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For speed improvements, i usually use titanum backup to remove alot of useless apps i dont use (which frees up alot of ram). then i supercharge my phone and set it to agressive. And i also change up the build prop.
I need to post my additions.
I realized that by disabling Facebook, I lost my contacts that I had from there. That's no good. So I re-enabled it.
Now, Facebook has a few select services it likes to let run in the background. One specific one is MediaUploadService. This runs even when you are Not uploading anything, which is ridiculous because it hogs your resources.
However, if you disable this service completely, you won't be able to upload any photos to Facebook from your phone.
SO, I set up a script to disable all of Facebook's services like this at once, and I use the app called Llama to execute this script every time Facebook exits. I set it up to call my enable script once Facebook is started, then 5 minutes after Facebook closes it disables all of the Facebook services.
Here is what I used...
Enable Facebook services:
su -c 'pm enable com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.service.MediaUploadService; pm enable com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.service.FacebookService; pm enable com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.service.BackgroundDetectionService; pm enable com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.orca.push.mqtt.MqttPushService; '
Disable Facebook services:
su -c 'pm disable com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.service.MediaUploadService; pm disable com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.service.FacebookService; pm disable com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.service.BackgroundDetectionService; pm disable com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.orca.push.mqtt.MqttPushService; '
With this new ability to disable services, I took a look at Amazon AppStore's annoying service, and disabled it using this script with Llama like I did with Facebook:
Amazon Service Disable script
su -c 'pm disable com.amazon.venezia/com.amazon.venezia.service.UpdateService'
Proxin- note: old code said:
Next, I noticed SwypeConnect was keeping itself active, so I disabled it too (Swype never gets updates anyway, so I didn't see anything bad with doing this):
pm disable com.swype.android.inputmethod/com.swype.android.connect.ConnectClient
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There's an app on the Market called StartupManager, I used that to kill off extra startup services that were not necessary. Things like Youtube, MyTracks and Maps were starting up. My view is, why do these things start when I don't start them myself? I stopped the services and have seen some pretty good responsiveness so far.
Go to the market and search for an app called gemini manager. It needs root but you can disable autostart for all apps with it.
Also get LBE privacy guard- it will block apps from using gps/data which can also increase battery life
redspeed said:
Go to the market and search for an app called gemini manager. It needs root but you can disable autostart for all apps with it.
Also get LBE privacy guard- it will block apps from using gps/data which can also increase battery life
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Great, I'll look into those too- thanks
Amazing post! how do you find the path for each of those components inside a package?
I use the same method with Tasker (instead of llama). Perform a task (run shell command) on the exit of a App profile
Also, the .Mqtt. should be all lowercase (figured out after that service would not disable), like this:
file2mail said:
Amazing post! how do you find the path for each of those components inside a package?
I use the same method with Tasker (instead of llama). Perform a task (run shell command) on the exit of a App profile
Also, the .Mqtt. should be all lowercase (figured out after that service would not disable), like this:
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Thank you, hope it has helped! I found them by looking up their Running service name on Google, and seeing people's logcat errors on there elaborated them for me. So I'd try a search for "com.facebook.katana*MqttPushService" and Google would direct me to the proper one.
You're spot-on with the Mqtt needing to be lowercase, I found the same issue on mine and got pissed off when I saw that the Mqtt service was still running forgot to change the post to reflect it though. Thanks for the notice
Seems like the best method for using your phone properly is to do like we're doing, otherwise applications with poor choice in how they handle resources, will clutter up the phone.
Btw, I tried Gemini App Manager and it works well for disabling autostart in apps. LBE Privacy Guard is intense in how much it locks down your phone, but that's locked down it's even a bit too much for me haha. It's a great app and will work for many people though.
I've noticed maps running in the background many times. I didnt know you're able to switch this off, thanks for the info!
Killer1desireZ said:
I've noticed maps running in the background many times. I didnt know you're able to switch this off, thanks for the info!
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No problem, I don't recommend killing off the Maps service though as it's probably needed for some location service (in my case I need the cell tower location service for some Llama profiles)
That's just my case though. Before you disable the service, maybe see if you can turn off automatic location reporting in Latitude? Go into Latitude settings->Location Settings and change Location reporting and Automatic check-ins to be Off.
Hope this helps. It shouldn't disable the entire Maps service but maybe it will reduce the amount of check-ins that Maps does without your consent.
Perhaps one of the biggest performance hits in an Mid Spec Android phone is how many App's it's carrying.
It is generally a good idea to keep the App count low. A general rule of thumb is to have no more than 40~ user apps on your Device. Since you have less apps installed (some of which could be idling or actively operating in the backround), you'll have more free RAM/space in the internal storage which in turn will mean more speed/battery efficiency.
Hope this can be of help
crestofawave said:
Perhaps one of the biggest performance hits in an Mid Spec Android phone is how many App's it's carrying.
It is generally a good idea to keep the App count low. A general rule of thumb is to have no more than 40~ user apps on your Device. Since you have less apps installed (some of which could be idling or actively operating in the backround), you'll have more free RAM/space in the internal storage which in turn will mean more speed/battery efficiency.
Hope this can be of help
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I've heard this said too, but I've never seen evidence that the more apps you have installed = the more apps are actively running. It's definitely a good idea to have less installed, but I don't think they'll run in the background unless they have autostarting capabilities like you can monitor with Gemini App Manager.
This is just me without even a Bachelor's degree speculating and relaying my experience though, so don't take my word for it
I notice a definite lag once I go above a certain amount of apps. I uninstall 10 or so and its a rocket! But then again I have waaaay more then 40 probably like 100 or something
Maps doesn't have that option for me. Anyways uninstalled 20 apps
New fun things to try...
I enjoy GO Launcher Ex just as much as the next guy who uses it as the default Home application, but I don't enjoy it making multiple services of itself that do, literally nothing. What I noticed specifically was a service called GOMusic, taking up about 4MB of RAM which could be used for other, more useful things.
What I did to fix it was:
pm disable com.gau.go.launcherex/com.jiubang.ggheart.apps.desks.appfunc.mediamanagement.musicplay.MusicPlaybackService
My Google Music widget still works fine, so apparently the GOMusic thing was just a waste of RAM (unless someone can explain a good reason to leave it be?)
One more addition I did was that, I keep seeing SwypeConnect as a service and I don't like it. It shouldn't need to constantly connect, for me to simply use Swype whenever I do.
I tried two things, pretty sure the second fixed this:
pm disable com.nuance.swype.input/com.nuance.swype.input.SwypeConnect
pm disable com.naunce.swype.input/com.nuance.swype.connect.ConnectClient
And next, I saw that Google Voice had a Widget service that liked to hang out and sap my resources. This would be useful but I don't have a widget set, so I disabled it:
pm disable com.google.android.apps.googlevoice/.widget.WidgetService
That worked for me. I can still send and receive messages with Google Voice, so I still have the same functionality I need without having an extra service in my list.
Note that, as usual, these are easily reversible by using using "enable" instead of disable in that code block.
Hopefully this will help someone else as well.
New experimental service disabled; I had noticed multiple Maps services running whenever they pleased. I can do with a NetworkLocation service from Maps, because I use Llama for location profiles and all, but not a Prefetcher service for it.
Here is what I used to disable the Prefetcher service...
pm disable com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.googlenav.prefetch.android.PrefetcherService
I haven't seen any negative effects from this so far, but I will update this if I do.
Hi there,
I'm realy like your entries here, but i cant get through with the scripts killing facebook services. Can you be more specifc pls how to set those scripts you mentioned in Llama?
i've just tried to do things you say with facebook background services and for maps' prefetcher, but it says Segmentation Fault, as far as i know , segfaults are not normal linux program response, right? without super user privileges it just says 'Killed' [i tried both because 'pm set-install-location' worked for me only without super user]
ok, i'm noob, i just had to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH, now pm doesn't segfault for me as superuser
hi can any ody guide me how to use those su commands with llama?? thanks

Disabling preinstalled apps

There's two real reasons to do so
To remove the icon from the drawer (in which case it is easy)
Because they run as a background service which uses the internet or something else (perhaps you notice an impact on your battery life)
Because you started and can't stop now
I think I'm at three. Right now, I'm just curious what all these pre-installed apps do. I've made a list of all applications, including whether you can disable them - see the attachment or
docs.google.com [slash]
Please do provide information for the list. There are some gaps from before I started the list (including what some disabled apps do in terms of battery life, internet usage and other things).
In particular I cannot identify what apps are responsible for the running process "Motorola Services", nor what this does.
Finally, I would just like to collect information on what other things such as "com.qualcomm.atfwd" do (just out of curiosity).
A few remarks:
- Google uses Google Play Services to bring the latest API features (like Google Maps V2, the new Geolocation API, Google Cloud Messaging etc.) to the end users without the need of a complete OS upgrade. If you disable it, you will lose features (and even functionality) in a bunch of third party apps. Also it does not have an icon in the app drawer.
- Google Search is not just the search bar on the home screen, it is the entire Google Now feature. I guess it is not a problem if you disable it, but you will lose Google Now as well.
- Google One Time Init is the wizard you are presented at first startup and after every factory reset. You can disable it but it does not have much effect on the phone. I guess the other similar app (One Time Init) is its Motorola-branded counterpart.
- Launcher is the default home screen of the device, you can disable it if you have any third party launchers installed. Don't disable it otherwise, or you will have a serious problem.
- Tags is the AOSP NFC app, since we don't have built-in NFC chip it is safe to disable.
Thanks Debaj, I've updated the google document.
When you say the launcher is the home screen, does that include the dock and app drawer?
DarkDarth said:
When you say the launcher is the home screen, does that include the dock and app drawer?
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Yep, exactly.
You're still updating the list? I could help you a little
emanu526 said:
You're still updating the list? I could help you a little
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Yes, I still want to work on the list. Any help that you can give is appreciated. Bear in mind that you can add comments to the google docs spreadsheet, so my delay in replying won't prevent you from updating the sheet.
I plan to update to 4.4.2 soon as well, then I'll be able to do some tests on what affect these changes have on the battery life.

Compiled list of safe to Uninstall/Freeze Apps for Galaxy S8

UPDATE: Attached an importable XML file to the OP, which can be used to disable the below services/apps in bulk, within BK Disabler.
Coming from a long list of Nexus and Pixel phones running pure Android, The Galaxy S8 is my first phone with TouchWiz. While I love the phone and Samsung's take on the UI, I've been on a mission to get the Galaxy S8 to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible in order to avoid unnecessary battery drain and RAM usage. I've spent a good amount of time going down the list of preloaded processes on the S8 and researching to see which ones are safe to uninstall/disable without hindering any day-to-day functionality of the phone.
To start, since I have the T-Mobile variant, I uninstalled/disabled every T-Mobile related app/process on my phone. Then, after reading up on all of the below processes to ensure they were not necessary and safe to freeze, I used BK Package Disabler to freeze these:
com.samsung.aasaservice (AASAservice)
com.sec.android.AutoPreconfig (AutoPreconfig)
com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub *don't freeze if you use Samsung Gear*
com.samsung.android.email.provider *don't freeze if you use the default Samsung Email app*
com.sec.edgtestapp (EpdgTestApp)
com.sec.android.widgetapp.samsungapps (Galaxy Essentials Widget)
com.samsung.android.app.vrsetupwizardstub (Gear VR SetupWizardStub) *don't freeze if you use Samsung Gear*
com.sec.android.service.health (Health Service) *don't freeze if you use Samsung Health*
com.lookout (Lookout) *As explorer-10 pointed out, make sure to disable Lookout as a Device Administrator under "Settings > Lock screen and security > Other security settings > Device Administrators"*
com.android.printspooler (Print Spooler)
com.samsung.android.beaconmanager (Samsung Connect)
com.sec.android.app.sns3 (Samsung Galaxy)
com.samsung.android.app.mirrorlink (Samsung MirrorLink 1.1) * don't freeze if you connect your phone to your car via USB for Android Auto*
com.sec.spp.push (Samsung Push Service)
com.sec.android.app.SecSetupWizard (Samsung setup wizard)
com.samsung.SMT (Samsung text-to-speach engine)
com.samsung.oh (Samsung+)
additional T-Mobile related processes that I froze:
com.tmobile.pr.mytmobile (T-Mobile)
com.tmobile.vvm.application ( T-Mobile Visual Voicemail)
Lastly, to make my phone feel a bit snappier, I enabled developer settings (Settings > About Phone > tap "Build number" 7 times) and turned Window animation scale and Transition animation scale both to "0". The end result of all this is a Galaxy S8 that feels just as fast/snappy as my Google Pixel did.
I imagine I missed a few processes that are safe to freeze since my main focus was just on ones that were constantly running and draining battery/RAM usage. So please feel free to comment with any additional processes you've found and I'll update the list.
Thanks for the list
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
style99 said:
Thanks for the list
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No problem.
you could add these if you want to:
M3ph15t said:
you could add these if you want to:
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Wow! That's a huge list. You can confirm that every one of those are safe to uninstall/freeze without hindering any core functionality of the phone?
Some things are obviously without functiuon, but nothing elemental like the search engine (I found a list where this was deactivated)
IE: The default Mail app or Google Quick Search are disabled, some menu point within the assistance menu are not working anymore, maximum powersaving isn't working anymore (because the minimalistic launcher which is used by it is also deactivated)
Atm I'm looking for the Speech engine (the Mic icon left of the Space bar), because it seems like I deactivated this and I use it quite often so it's a little anoying
The AOD is one point I disabled because I prefer not to use it, but that is something which could be usefull to someone else
You the real MVP
Will freezing this one actually get rid of the forced bookmarks in the samsung browser. i hate that.
I can't tell you that, because i prefer Firefox on all my devices (Bookmark Sync is essential for me)
Regarding the Voice dictation problem: I found the app I deactivated which was responsible for it: the Google App. So if you use this app OR the voice dictation feature, you should let it enabled.
Another problem I ran into: Contacts an Calendar sync (to Google) don't work properly anymore with the Samsung Calendar and Contacts app.
Temporary workaround: use the Google Contacts App (you'll find it on APK Mirror) and Google Calendar, these sync fine
I'll try to find a solution for it, but for now I don't have the time for it and will reset my device to get it working properly again.
I'll keep you and the original Post of mine updated with the new infos
bckrupps said:
Will freezing this one actually get rid of the forced bookmarks in the samsung browser. i hate that.
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Yes. It also gets rid of the forced bookmarks in Chrome.
Its probably the most useful list I have found so far but for anyone to know whether they want to disable each service or not, they all need some sort of brief explanation of what they do. I disabled what i thought were obvious ones on mine (anything with bixby or gear in the name for a start) but there were lots that i left alone as i couldnt find anything on what exactly they did.
henrybravo said:
Yes. It also gets rid of the forced bookmarks in Chrome.
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i tried it. unfortunately it doesn't delete the stock bookmarks in the samsung browser on att anyway. i was hoping it would. thanks for the help though
ewokuk said:
Its probably the most useful list I have found so far but for anyone to know whether they want to disable each service or not, they all need some sort of brief explanation of what they do. I disabled what i thought were obvious ones on mine (anything with bixby or gear in the name for a start) but there were lots that i left alone as i couldnt find anything on what exactly they did.
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Agreed 100%
A brief explanation would be highly beneficial.
Would be useful if you could make the first post into an importable xml file.
sn0warmy said:
Coming from a long list of Nexus and Pixel phones running pure Android, The Galaxy S8 is my first phone with TouchWiz. While I love the phone and Samsung's take on the UI, I've been on a mission to get the Galaxy S8 to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible in order to avoid unnecessary battery drain and RAM usage. I've spent a good amount of time going down the list of preloaded processes on the S8 and researching to see which ones are safe to uninstall/disable without hindering any day-to-day functionality of the phone.
To start, since I have the T-Mobile variant, I uninstalled/disabled every T-Mobile related app/process on my phone. Then, after reading up on all of the below processes to ensure they were not necessary and safe to freeze, I used BK Package Disabler to freeze these:
com.samsung.aasaservice (AASAservice)
com.sec.android.AutoPreconfig (AutoPreconfig)
com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub *don't freeze if you use Samsung Gear*
com.samsung.android.email.provider *don't freeze if you use the default Samsung Email app*
com.sec.edgtestapp (EpdgTestApp)
com.sec.android.widgetapp.samsungapps (Galaxy Essentials Widget)
com.samsung.android.app.vrsetupwizardstub (Gear VR SetupWizardStub) *don't freeze if you use Samsung Gear*
com.sec.android.service.health (Health Service) *don't freeze if you use Samsung Health*
com.lookout (Lookout)
com.android.printspooler (Print Spooler)
com.samsung.android.beaconmanager (Samsung Connect)
com.sec.android.app.sns3 (Samsung Galaxy)
com.samsung.android.app.mirrorlink (Samsung MirrorLink 1.1) * don't freeze if you connect your phone to your car via USB for Android Auto*
com.sec.spp.push (Samsung Push Service)
com.sec.android.app.SecSetupWizard (Samsung setup wizard)
com.samsung.SMT (Samsung text-to-speach engine)
com.samsung.oh (Samsung+)
additional T-Mobile related processes that I froze:
com.tmobile.pr.mytmobile (T-Mobile)
com.tmobile.vvm.application ( T-Mobile Visual Voicemail)
Lastly, to make my phone feel a bit snappier, I enabled developer settings (Settings > About Phone > tap "Build number" 7 times) and turned Window animation scale and Transition animation scale both to "0". The end result of all this is a Galaxy S8 that feels just as fast/snappy as my Google Pixel did.
I imagine I missed a few processes that are safe to freeze since my main focus was just on ones that were constantly running and draining battery/RAM usage. So please feel free to comment with any additional processes you've found and I'll update the list.
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How'd you get Lookout to disable via BK? I got a fall message asking to re-enable disabled apps and restart the app. Did that to no avail.
ewokuk said:
Its probably the most useful list I have found so far but for anyone to know whether they want to disable each service or not, they all need some sort of brief explanation of what they do. I disabled what i thought were obvious ones on mine (anything with bixby or gear in the name for a start) but there were lots that i left alone as i couldnt find anything on what exactly they did.
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Are you referring to the list I put in the OP? If so, I already put a brief description in parentheses next to each service, wherever possible. Not really sure what else you'd like added to each line.
explorer-10 said:
Would be useful if you could make the first post into an importable xml file.
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Great point. I exported my current Disabled Services XML file from BK Disabler and uploaded it to Google Drive. The OP is updated with this XML file.
explorer-10 said:
How'd you get Lookout to disable via BK? I got a fall message asking to re-enable disabled apps and restart the app. Did that to no avail.
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It didn't cause any issues for me. I simply installed BK Disabler, ran down the list of apps/services I wanted to disable (including Lookout) and it disabled them all, no problem. I just double checked and can confirm that Lookout is still disabled even after multiple OS updates from T-Mobile.
Maybe try uploading the XML file I just put in the OP to see if that method works.
sn0warmy said:
Are you referring to the list I put in the OP? If so, I already put a brief description in parentheses next to each service, wherever possible. Not really sure what else you'd like added to each line.
Great point. I exported my current Disabled Services XML file from BK Disabler and uploaded it to Google Drive. The OP is updated with this XML file.
It didn't cause any issues for me. I simply installed BK Disabler, ran down the list of apps/services I wanted to disable (including Lookout) and it disabled them all, no problem. I just double checked and can confirm that Lookout is still disabled even after multiple OS updates from T-Mobile.
Maybe try uploading the XML file I just put in the OP to see if that method works.
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Nevermind, I got it to freeze/remove. It was still enabled under device administrator.
explorer-10 said:
Nevermind, I got it to freeze/remove. It was still enabled under device administrator.
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Weird, Lookout is not an option under Device Administration on my phone. I can't remember if I disabled within Device Administrator prior to disabling it with BK Installer. Nonetheless, I updated the OP with this bullet point for disabling Lookout in case anyone else runs into the same issue.
sn0warmy said:
UPDATE: Attached an importable XML file to the OP, which can be used to disable the below services/apps in bulk, within BK Disabler.
Coming from a long list of Nexus and Pixel phones running pure Android, The Galaxy S8 is my first phone with TouchWiz. While I love the phone and Samsung's take on the UI, I've been on a mission to get the Galaxy S8 to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible in order to avoid unnecessary battery drain and RAM usage. I've spent a good amount of time going down the list of preloaded processes on the S8 and researching to see which ones are safe to uninstall/disable without hindering any day-to-day functionality of the phone.
To start, since I have the T-Mobile variant, I uninstalled/disabled every T-Mobile related app/process on my phone. Then, after reading up on all of the below processes to ensure they were not necessary and safe to freeze, I used BK Package Disabler to freeze these:
com.samsung.aasaservice (AASAservice)
com.sec.android.AutoPreconfig (AutoPreconfig)
com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub *don't freeze if you use Samsung Gear*
com.samsung.android.email.provider *don't freeze if you use the default Samsung Email app*
com.sec.edgtestapp (EpdgTestApp)
com.sec.android.widgetapp.samsungapps (Galaxy Essentials Widget)
com.samsung.android.app.vrsetupwizardstub (Gear VR SetupWizardStub) *don't freeze if you use Samsung Gear*
com.sec.android.service.health (Health Service) *don't freeze if you use Samsung Health*
com.lookout (Lookout) *As explorer-10 pointed out, make sure to disable Lookout as a Device Administrator under "Settings > Lock screen and security > Other security settings > Device Administrators"*
com.android.printspooler (Print Spooler)
com.samsung.android.beaconmanager (Samsung Connect)
com.sec.android.app.sns3 (Samsung Galaxy)
com.samsung.android.app.mirrorlink (Samsung MirrorLink 1.1) * don't freeze if you connect your phone to your car via USB for Android Auto*
com.sec.spp.push (Samsung Push Service)
com.sec.android.app.SecSetupWizard (Samsung setup wizard)
com.samsung.SMT (Samsung text-to-speach engine)
com.samsung.oh (Samsung+)
additional T-Mobile related processes that I froze:
com.tmobile.pr.mytmobile (T-Mobile)
com.tmobile.vvm.application ( T-Mobile Visual Voicemail)
Lastly, to make my phone feel a bit snappier, I enabled developer settings (Settings > About Phone > tap "Build number" 7 times) and turned Window animation scale and Transition animation scale both to "0". The end result of all this is a Galaxy S8 that feels just as fast/snappy as my Google Pixel did.
I imagine I missed a few processes that are safe to freeze since my main focus was just on ones that were constantly running and draining battery/RAM usage. So please feel free to comment with any additional processes you've found and I'll update the list.
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I appreciate this however I'm curious how much difference in battery life does this really make or is it more of a nuisance thing than anything else?
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I just installed BK Disabler and it fails to activate with an unknown error, there are some troubleshooting steps in broken English which don't work, what a joke...
Did anyone run into a similar problem?

List of System apps Android 10 v11.0.4

I tought Android One is Pure. Look at all these things. 212 app, one device.
2 Button Navigation Bar com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.twobutton
3 Button Navigation Bar com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threebutton
Android Accessibility Suite com.google.android.marvin.talkback
Android Auto com.google.android.projection.gearhead
Android Q Easter Egg com.android.egg
Android Services Library com.google.android.ext.services
Android Setup com.google.android.setupwizard
Android Setup com.google.android.apps.restore
Android Shared Library com.google.android.ext.shared
Android System android
Android System WebView com.google.android.webview
ANT HAL Service com.dsi.ant.server
Assemble test com.mi.AutoTest
Basic Daydreams com.android.dreams.basic
Black com.android.theme.color.black
Blocked Numbers Storage com.android.providers.blockednumber
Bluetooth com.android.bluetooth
Bluetooth MIDI Service com.android.bluetoothmidiservice
Bookmark Provider com.android.bookmarkprovider
CACertApp vendor.qti.hardware.cacert.server
Calculator com.google.android.calculator
Calendar com.google.android.calendar
Calendar Storage com.android.providers.calendar
Call Log Backup/Restore com.android.calllogbackup
Call Management com.android.server.telecom
CallEnhancement com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement
CallFeatureSetting com.qualcomm.qti.callfeaturessetting
Camera com.android.camera
CaptivePortalLogin com.android.captiveportallogin
Carrier Services com.google.android.ims
CarrierDefaultApp com.android.carrierdefaultapp
Certificate Installer com.android.certinstaller
Chrome com.android.chrome
Cinnamon com.android.theme.color.cinnamon
Circular com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.themepicker
Circular com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.settings
Circular com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.systemui
Circular com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.launcher
Circular com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.android
Clock com.google.android.deskclock
CneApp com.qualcomm.qti.cne
com.android.apppredictionservice com.android.apppredictionservice
com.android.backupconfirm com.android.backupconfirm
com.android.carrierconfig com.android.carrierconfig
com.android.cts.ctsshim com.android.cts.ctsshim
com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim
com.android.localtransport com.android.localtransport
com.android.ons com.android.ons
com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks
com.android.server.NetworkPermissionConfig com.android.networkstack.permissionconfig
com.android.sharedstoragebackup com.android.sharedstoragebackup
com.android.smspush com.android.smspush
com.android.wallpaperbackup com.android.wallpaperbackup
com.android.wallpapercropper com.android.wallpapercropper
com.android.wallpaperpicker com.android.wallpaperpicker
com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig
com.google.android.overlay.gmsgsaconfig com.google.android.overlay.gmsgsaconfig
com.google.android.overlay.modules.ext.services com.google.android.overlay.modules.ext.services
com.google.android.overlay.modules.modulemetadata com.google.android.overlay.modules.modulemetadata
com.google.android.overlay.modules.permissioncontroller com.google.android.overlay.modules.permissioncontroller
com.google.android.overlay.modules.permissioncontroller.forframework com.google.android.overlay.modules.permissioncontroller.forframework
com.google.android.overlay.searchlauncherconfig com.google.android.overlay.searchlauncherconfig
com.qti.dpmserviceapp com.qti.dpmserviceapp
com.qti.qualcomm.datastatusnotification com.qti.qualcomm.datastatusnotification
com.qti.service.colorservice com.qti.service.colorservice
com.qualcomm.atfwd com.qualcomm.atfwd
com.qualcomm.embms com.qualcomm.embms
com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel
com.qualcomm.qti.dynamicddsservice com.qualcomm.qti.dynamicddsservice
com.qualcomm.qti.ims com.qualcomm.qti.ims
com.qualcomm.qti.lpa com.qualcomm.qti.lpa
com.qualcomm.qti.networksetting com.qualcomm.qti.networksetting
com.qualcomm.qti.optinoverlay com.qualcomm.qti.optinoverlay
com.qualcomm.qti.qms.service.connectionsecurity com.qualcomm.qti.qms.service.connectionsecurity
com.qualcomm.qti.qms.service.trustzoneaccess com.qualcomm.qti.qms.service.trustzoneaccess
com.qualcomm.qti.qtisystemservice com.qualcomm.qti.qtisystemservice
com.qualcomm.qti.remoteSimlockAuth com.qualcomm.qti.remoteSimlockAuth
com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice
com.qualcomm.qti.uim com.qualcomm.qti.uim
com.qualcomm.qti.workloadclassifier com.qualcomm.qti.workloadclassifier
com.qualcomm.timeservice com.qualcomm.timeservice
com.qualcomm.uimremoteclient com.qualcomm.uimremoteclient
com.qualcomm.uimremoteserver com.qualcomm.uimremoteserver
Companion Device Manager com.android.companiondevicemanager
ConfDialer com.qualcomm.qti.confdialer
Conference URI Dialer com.qti.confuridialer
ConfigUpdater com.google.android.configupdater
Contacts com.google.android.contacts
Contacts Storage com.android.providers.contacts
Corner cutout com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.corner
Default Print Service com.android.bips
Device Health Services com.google.android.apps.turbo
Device Info com.qti.qualcomm.deviceinfo
Device setup com.google.android.apps.work.oobconfig
diaglogger com.huaqin.diaglogger
Digital Wellbeing com.google.android.apps.wellbeing
Dirac Control Service se.dirac.acs
Double cutout com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.double
Download Manager com.android.providers.downloads
Downloads com.android.providers.downloads.ui
Dynamic System Updates com.android.dynsystem
Emergency alerts com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
Emergency information com.android.emergency
External Storage com.android.externalstorage
FactoryKit Test com.huaqin.factory
Feedback com.miui.bugreport
Files com.android.documentsui
Files com.google.android.apps.nbu.files
Filled com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.settings
Filled com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.systemui
Filled com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.android
Filled com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.launcher
Filled com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.themepicker
Fingerpirnt test com.goodix.gftest
FingerprintExtensionService com.fingerprints.extension.service
FM Radio com.caf.fmradio
Fused Location com.android.location.fused
Gboard com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
Gestural Navigation Bar com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_wide_back
Gestural Navigation Bar com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_extra_wide_back
Gestural Navigation Bar com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural
Gestural Navigation Bar com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_narrow_back
GFManager com.goodix.fingerprint
Gmail com.google.android.gm
Google com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
Google Contacts Sync com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts
Google Location History com.google.android.gms.location.history
Google One Time Init com.google.android.onetimeinitializer
Google Partner Setup com.google.android.partnersetup
Google Play services com.google.android.gms
Google Play Store com.android.vending
Google Sample Home Screen com.google.android.gmsintegration
Google Services Framework com.google.android.gsf
Google Text-to-speech Engine com.google.android.tts
Green com.android.theme.color.green
Home screen tips com.android.protips
HTML Viewer com.android.htmlviewer
Input Devices com.android.inputdevices
Intent Filter Verification Service com.android.statementservice
Key Chain com.android.keychain
Lens com.google.ar.lens
Live Wallpaper Picker com.android.wallpaper.livepicker
LocationServices com.qualcomm.location
Main components com.google.android.modulemetadata
Maps com.google.android.apps.maps
Market Feedback Agent com.google.android.feedback
Media Storage com.android.providers.media
Messages com.google.android.apps.messaging
MmsService com.android.mms.service
MTP Host com.android.mtp
NetworkStack com.android.networkstack.inprocess
Nfc Service com.android.nfc
Noto Serif / Source Sans Pro com.android.theme.font.notoserifsource
Ocean com.android.theme.color.ocean
Orchid com.android.theme.color.orchid
org.codeaurora.bluetooth org.codeaurora.bluetooth
org.codeaurora.ims org.codeaurora.ims
OsuLogin com.android.hotspot2
Package installer com.google.android.packageinstaller
PacProcessor com.android.pacprocessor
PAI android.autoinstalls.config.Xiaomi.daisy
Permission controller com.google.android.permissioncontroller
Phone com.google.android.dialer
Phone and Messaging Storage com.android.providers.telephony
Phone Services com.android.phone
Photo Screensavers com.android.dreams.phototable
Photos com.google.android.apps.photos
PowerOffAlarm com.qualcomm.qti.poweroffalarm
Print Service Recommendation Service com.google.android.printservice.recommendation
Print Spooler com.android.printspooler
ProxyHandler com.android.proxyhandler
Purple com.android.theme.color.purple
QDMA com.qualcomm.qti.qdma
QMMI com.qualcomm.qti.qmmi
QTR com.qualcomm.qti.smq
Qualcomm IZat com.qualcomm.location.XT
Qualcomm Mobile Security com.qualcomm.qti.qms.service.telemetry
Quickstep com.android.launcher3
Rounded com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.systemui
Rounded com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.android
Rounded com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.launcher
Rounded com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.settings
Rounded Rectangle com.android.theme.icon.roundedrect
SecCamService com.qualcomm.qti.seccamservice
Secure UI Service com.qualcomm.qti.services.secureui
SecureElementApplication com.android.se
Sensor Test Tool com.fingerprints.sensortesttool
Settings com.android.settings
Settings Storage com.android.providers.settings
Settings Suggestions com.android.settings.intelligence
SetTransmitPower com.huaqin.sar
Shell com.android.shell
Sim App Dialog com.android.simappdialog
SIM Toolkit com.android.stk
SimContacts com.qualcomm.qti.simcontacts
Smart-Divert com.qti.xdivert
Space com.android.theme.color.space
Spock com.miui.spock
Square com.android.theme.icon.square
Squircle com.android.theme.icon.squircle
Storage Manager com.android.storagemanager
System Tracing com.android.traceur
System UI com.android.systemui
Tags com.google.android.tag
Tall cutout com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.tall
Teardrop com.android.theme.icon.teardrop
uceShimService com.qualcomm.qti.uceShimService
User Dictionary com.android.providers.userdictionary
vendor.qti.iwlan vendor.qti.iwlan
VpnDialogs com.android.vpndialogs
Wfd Service com.qualcomm.wfd.service
Work Setup com.android.managedprovisioning
perfect_ said:
I tought Android One is Pure. Look at all these things. 212 app, one device.
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Pure android means non-oem customization (aka. skins like samsung and miui and htc and so on) and non-oem applications (like gallery, music, etc) and you have to use GAPPS the full suite.
Most of those services you posted are quite useful for the device since they control proprietary hardware, which Google cannot account for. The only custom-nongoogle apps you have on your device is the Qualcomm feedback module and the Xiaomi feedback module, the rest of the OS is full stock AOSP with the specific proprietary drivers/controllers and services. Ohh and camera... miui camera instead of google camera, that's it.
You posted a full list of system apps, why didn't you filter out the apps that are bugging you if you want the real details behind your topic?
TeoXSD said:
Pure android means non-oem customization (aka. skins like samsung and miui and htc and so on) and non-oem applications (like gallery, music, etc) and you have to use GAPPS the full suite.
Most of those services you posted are quite useful for the device since they control proprietary hardware, which Google cannot account for. The only custom-nongoogle apps you have on your device is the Qualcomm feedback module and the Xiaomi feedback module, the rest of the OS is full stock AOSP with the specific proprietary drivers/controllers and services. Ohh and camera... miui camera instead of google camera, that's it.
You posted a full list of system apps, why didn't you filter out the apps that are bugging you if you want the real details behind your topic?
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Less customization should must be less bloatware. If i can use my phone without all these Xiaomi bloatware on Custom roms that means all of them useless for me.
Xiaomi just didnt take that 'less' is better path. They choose 'more' is better as always.
This act of the Xiaomi has purpose. That purpose trying to lead us to newer phone.
It whispers us to this:
"Look! Your phone isnt capable anymore to work fast. Spend more! This is the only way to have faster phone."
perfect_ said:
Less customization should must be less bloatware. If i can use my phone without all these Xiaomi bloatware on Custom roms that means all of them useless for me.
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Like I said in all the other threads, I undestand the frustration, and indeed I am also frustrated over how this device ended up being, but it's a difference between having real reason for that and having baseless reasons like yours.
Bloatware is something 3rd party put in their device as something to bloat the os over the base functionality, those Qualcomm services are not bloatware, those are apk's improving the run of specific hardware. To make this easy to understand it's like generic windows drivers that make the hardware work over specific oem drivers that make the hardware work fully at it's peak capacity, or to make this example even more compelling try running a good/expensive video card with generic Microsoft drivers over the vendor specific drivers. And guess what, when windows is going to install the drivers it's not going to show into the list of apps installed, but when you install the vendor specific it's going to show. Same goes for android, use generic controllers already embedded into OS source, your list of System apps is smaller, you can't embed it into the code because Android One needs to be AOSP, you get a bigger system apps.
Look at all the custom roms, all of them, benchmark them and you'll see you will never get the same results as vendor stock, you'll always get lower results. Why? Because even when the phone can run without them, it won't run as optimized. Also, they are all there as APK's because that way it's way easy to update now with the systemless updates.
You don't believe me? Firstly look at all the threads that complain about loss in power in custom roms, then just search for every package you find there and check it's purpose, all those answers are one click away from your favorite search engine. You don't have to take my word for it, and you can do your own research.
Conclusion: The "This act of the Xiaomi has purpose. That purpose trying to lead us to newer phone." is indeed founded, and I'm kinda getting sick of keeping a crippled device by my side daily and use workaround to get even basic functionality out of it, but the reason is not in any way related with your OP. Your OP only shows how little you understand about the workings on operating systems and computer systems. The real reason is how they treat the customers, not the way they display driver controller services.
Also, you want more proof? Good, I can give you that as well. Opening your OP as single post, pressing ctrl+F and first word we search for is com.android: 121 results, the second com.google: 53 results. Your list is composed out of 212 results. 121 android system related services + 53 google related services = 174 total AOSP system services and we're left with 34 "bloatware". From that 34 "bloatware" apk's 33 are qualcomm's proprietary closed source services, and only one stray apk, only one! Where is all the bloatware you're talking about? Like I said, if you don't believe me, use the same tactic, and also search what every system apk is doing, because from what I'm getting you're deeply misinformed.
P.S. Forgot to tell you this. Also you are lacking basic debugging knowledge. I never experienced even one slowdown or problems with the OS as smoothness since I have the device ~2 years. When I had, I always checked the apps I have installed, pin pointed the culprit and removed it... And guess what, always, and I mean always it was a 3rd party app with a broken update or the app broken by itself. I never experienced any slowdowns now in .02 neither in .04, and I don't even need to reboot the device, everything is snappy and does what it's supposed to do, except the mentioned bugs and missing features. This phone is extremely capable still, and it never let me down, and when it managed to let me down, it was because of apps I installed from the market, so before you throw blame, debug, check, double check, and see if the problem isn't from you directly before pointing fingers. After you managed to do all that, and you're still getting problems, and you ruled out any user problems, then and only then it's OS problem, and it should be marked as such. Don't forget, this is Android and not Apple, the store is still providing malware and badly written apps because no one gives a damn.
TeoXSD said:
Like I said in all the other threads, I undestand the frustration, and indeed I am also frustrated over how this device ended up being, but it's a difference between having real reason for that and having baseless reasons like yours.
Bloatware is something 3rd party put in their device as something to bloat the os over the base functionality, those Qualcomm services are not bloatware, those are apk's improving the run of specific hardware. To make this easy to understand it's like generic windows drivers that make the hardware work over specific oem drivers that make the hardware work fully at it's peak capacity, or to make this example even more compelling try running a good/expensive video card with generic Microsoft drivers over the vendor specific drivers. And guess what, when windows is going to install the drivers it's not going to show into the list of apps installed, but when you install the vendor specific it's going to show. Same goes for android, use generic controllers already embedded into OS source, your list of System apps is smaller, you can't embed it into the code because Android One needs to be AOSP, you get a bigger system apps.
Look at all the custom roms, all of them, benchmark them and you'll see you will never get the same results as vendor stock, you'll always get lower results. Why? Because even when the phone can run without them, it won't run as optimized. Also, they are all there as APK's because that way it's way easy to update now with the systemless updates.
You don't believe me? Firstly look at all the threads that complain about loss in power in custom roms, then just search for every package you find there and check it's purpose, all those answers are one click away from your favorite search engine. You don't have to take my word for it, and you can do your own research.
Conclusion: The "This act of the Xiaomi has purpose. That purpose trying to lead us to newer phone." is indeed founded, and I'm kinda getting sick of keeping a crippled device by my side daily and use workaround to get even basic functionality out of it, but the reason is not in any way related with your OP. Your OP only shows how little you understand about the workings on operating systems and computer systems. The real reason is how they treat the customers, not the way they display driver controller services.
Also, you want more proof? Good, I can give you that as well. Opening your OP as single post, pressing ctrl+F and first word we search for is com.android: 121 results, the second com.google: 53 results. Your list is composed out of 212 results. 121 android system related services + 53 google related services = 174 total AOSP system services and we're left with 34 "bloatware". From that 34 "bloatware" apk's 33 are qualcomm's proprietary closed source services, and only one stray apk, only one! Where is all the bloatware you're talking about? Like I said, if you don't believe me, use the same tactic, and also search what every system apk is doing, because from what I'm getting you're deeply misinformed.
P.S. Forgot to tell you this. Also you are lacking basic debugging knowledge. I never experienced even one slowdown or problems with the OS as smoothness since I have the device ~2 years. When I had, I always checked the apps I have installed, pin pointed the culprit and removed it... And guess what, always, and I mean always it was a 3rd party app with a broken update or the app broken by itself. I never experienced any slowdowns now in .02 neither in .04, and I don't even need to reboot the device, everything is snappy and does what it's supposed to do, except the mentioned bugs and missing features. This phone is extremely capable still, and it never let me down, and when it managed to let me down, it was because of apps I installed from the market, so before you throw blame, debug, check, double check, and see if the problem isn't from you directly before pointing fingers. After you managed to do all that, and you're still getting problems, and you ruled out any user problems, then and only then it's OS problem, and it should be marked as such. Don't forget, this is Android and not Apple, the store is still providing malware and badly written apps because no one gives a damn.
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I'll make a full list of the bloatwares when i have a free time. Maybe you cant but i am seeing the useless system apps. I'll be very happy with Pico Gapps instead of full.
I am not using some functionalities. Like Managed-Provision app its for Enterprise users not for me! It will break corporation's functions but as i said i am not an enterprise user of this phone. I can give you more example like this. These apps are bloatware for me. Do you understand what i mean. Yes it breaks some functionalities but these functionalities are useless. Useless apps will cause the consumption of the System resources. This consumption creates UI lags, Fps drops, hiccups,.. etc. As you can see my reasons is not baseless.
What you dont understand is: Not all of them is required.
Thats why we're -people like me- keep creating bloatware lists for every single Android device. Thats the fact.
Android's has one main purpose: Increasing the hardware requirements so oems can sell more when they release every new OS. Theyre keep selling this argument for years and they succeded.
Bloatware removing or tweaking os or custom roms trying to break that chain. You know what: it helps to improve performance. Thats another fact you cant argue.
I can do almost everything on Windows with 3 or 4 gb ram. But on Android LMK kills the Firefox -without user interaction- for another app. Even when i lock Firefox to the Ram LMK still kills it. This proves the Android's main purpose. Eat whatever you can like no tomorrow. User's needed apps killing by AndroidOS the reason is 3/4gb ram is not enought for that apps. Dont u see the stupidity of that. Oh i see.
This system helps to their economy and other intel related things. Because you cant feed an Android. Even when u try ur best it will request more.
Conclusion is this: I cant increase the hardware, but i can lower the hardware requirements. Thats another fact/base whatever you call.
Good, you made some interesting points, but also, some bad points as well... And I'll give you this one, you are right on the part that android devices are sold with the lie that it's a reliable OS that's going to run well and dandy, but after 2 years they silently kill the device by increasing hardware improvements and decreasing overall experience... Wew, where did I see that before, isn't Google's slave companies actually buying the biggest mistake from Apple? At least Apple went back on it's feet and it's not doing it anymore.
"I'll be very happy with Pico Gapps instead of full."
Uhh, many of us are... I really hate most of the apps in the Google suite that comes preinstalled on this device... until now OEM solutions were always much better than the full suite, but guess what, that's the price for Android Stock... you know, full android experience isn't complete without those... and you should know that, it's the price that you pay for Pure. That's what Pure means, at least in official Google terms.
"I am not using some functionalities. Like Managed-Provision app its for Enterprise users not for me!"
Except it's a little weird, you were actually complimenting the device in your other thread over it being part not only from Android One, but also their Enterprise program. I guess now, that's a new price we have to pay...
"Bloatware removing or tweaking os or custom roms trying to break that chain. You know what: it helps to improve performance."
This argument has a lot of sense, but... here is were you go wrong unfortunately. Indeed, removing stuff that's targeted to a separate audience, and slimming down the OS indeed has an impact on performance, as long as you're doing it on a vendor OS. That indeed, I won't argue, because I'd be a total jackass to do so, but on custom ROMS that's a totally different story. While Android OS is open source and it's developer friendly, custom drivers/controllers/services are never open source... I develop a lot for Mediatek devices and trust me, those are a god damn pain, I can't imagine Qualcomm being any different... you know, being so desperate for feedback and all that and having even proprietary services running the device... and that's why... as much as anyone tries get the full vendor experience out of a custom ROM, you win some, you lose some, as for the vendor case (well not our case at the moment) the device always works as intended.
"What you dont understand is: Not all of them is required."
And what you don't understand is that this device is not a device made for you specifically. They included everything for everyone. That's what most people problem is, you think that when you buy something, that something is build/made specifically for you... unfortunately that's not the case, not in Android's universe. You are stuck with whatever the OEM is giving you as "system". And this is another fact that leads me to my conclusion... Android tried to copy Apple too much, and is still not waking up... Apple now even lets you uninstall preinstalled Apple apps, Google doesn't, you can barely disable them in setting, that only if the OEM vendor allows you to do so (because I found apps that aren't allowed to be disabled). Which of course sucks hard... But that's what we get, a crippled Apple copy, butchered by OEMS and we pay money not for what we need, but for what they give us.
Android LMK or by it's official name (lmkd) is developer programmable. Look it up, you get how to use it, and it's dependent on how Xiaomi or Qualcomm program it, what does have to do with the list of apps you posted? That again proves my point, bad, extremely bad programming on the side of the developer... and possibly memory leaks from system apps.
"Conclusion is this: I cant increase the hardware, but i can lower the hardware requirements. Thats another fact/base whatever you call. "
Good conclusion, but this conclusion has nothing to do with what you wrote in OP. Ok, look here, like I said, you are in fact right about what you say, but... out of those 212 apps you posted, how many are actually running in memory, on auto-mode? How many are user related? How many are just there as "file and forget"? From all these questions you need only the first one answered, because the rest don't concern performance on the device. To affect the performance, one application must first be in use of system resources to actually count as a performance decrease. In .04 build, Android System, or Android OS or however it's called has a memory leak, a memory leak that's probably triggering lmkd a lot faster than normal. The second memory leak may be in my personal case Android System View... And that explains a lot about how the developers optimized the OS... sloppy, without any care, just another update on the list, absolutely no testing... just throw the update out and see what sticks, let the people write problems for us. Also the lmkd trigger could just be badly optimized... Didn't look into it that far, I don't actually want to touch the OS on this device, I have my "device toys" and this is not one of them.
So, as your conclusion was actually good, but it didn't stick to OP. For an app to be bloatware it has to be 3rd party useless, and it must also consume system resources... What you need is slimming down the OS. In this case the problem is the Android One program first... those apps are supposed to be in the Android One whether you like it or not... I also didn't know it until I looked into it, unfortunately... Or else I would've gone for MIUI without any doubts. Also, many of those apps, actually a lot of them are actually dormant, they're simply there for maybe future implementations, the fact is that they don't run at all... This is just another bad update... a bad update that's here for almost 2 months now. All we can do is hope that they will actually get this right in the next 1 year and leave our device alone. I really, really like the hardware (sorry for your OV sensor) but the software and support is horrendous.
The only custom-nongoogle apps you have on your device is the Qualcomm feedback module and the Xiaomi feedback module, the rest of the OS is full stock AOSP with the specific proprietary drivers/controllers and services. Ohh and camera... miui camera instead of google camera, that's it.
Sorry, but what are the feedback forms for?
Take some time and restrict all of these apps in background via battery manager I have restricted like all apps and battery is hell lot better and so is the ram management
perfect_ said:
I tought Android One is Pure. Look at all these things. 212 app, one device.
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Dear my fiend , wwhat apps Can I remove?

