Heads Up! Possible Malware pre-installed on these devices! - NOOK Tablet 7" Guides, News, & Discussion

According to Linux Journal, these BNTV450 devices have ADUPS Android Malware.
ref: linuxjournal.com/content/adups-android-malware-infects-barnes-noble (sorry account too new to embed link)
EDIT (12 Jan 2017): An OTA update may have removed threat: androidcentral.com/update-50-nook-tablet-removes-factory-malware-you-still-shouldnt-buy-it
But, is still 100% vulnerable to CVE-2015-6616 or the Stagefright exploit...

Allegedly they are releasing, (or maybe have released in this latest update?) a patch to remove ADUPS. Can anyone with the latest OTA confirm?
Source: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/20...d-to-neutralise-adups-fear-says-barnes-noble/

So according to the Android Central article posted by koickxda, it says you still shouldn't buy these. And even though B&N claims that the ADUPS malware has been taken care of, and blah blah blah, I'm still concerned.
Would the malware be completely gone if we flashed a custom ROM? Could we remove ADUPS completely with root access? But, alas, we have neither of those, so that won't lead anywhere. I thought about returning the Nook in the wake of the adapter recall (they accept refunds until the end of February). But I called them, and they confirmed that I would receive a refund in the same way I paid. Which means B&N gift cards. And that isn't helpful if I want to get a Fire Tablet 7" instead.
But besides, there's no LineageOS build for the Fire 7. Nor is there for TWRP. So that might not be a good option either. I don't want FireOS, and I certainly don't want lockscreen ads. (*Ahem,* "Special Offers")
What do you guys think? Is it really a big deal? Is it critical enough that I should I get a refund and (and fork out more money) buy a Samsung Galaxy Nook instead? Like, my info is already on the device, and was probably sent to Chinese servers already, if it was going to. Not that I'm OK with that, but I don't know what to do.

A bit late, but now that we have root access (from this thread) I took a deep look at the software of this device (I was cleaning off all the Nook junk). On my tablet, there was no trace of ADUPS, and there appeared to be a package ("com.emdoor.cleaner") whose job was clearly to remove this. I'll let the disassembled code from it do the talking:
package com.emdoor.cleaner;
import android.app.Service;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.os.IBinder;
public class CleanService extends Service {
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return null;
public void onCreate() {
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
try {
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
pm.deletePackage("com.adups.fota", new PackageDeleteObserver(), 0);
pm.deletePackage("com.adups.fota.sysoper", new PackageDeleteObserver(), 0);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);


Auto Rotate Screen function on G1

As all of you know that G1 have accelerometer but so unfortunate that it doesn't come with Auto Rotate Screen function.
So I modified its source code for a little bit. And at last, I can bring the auto rotate screen function to G1 already. Please take a look.
Although it's not secret but sorry that the how-to instruction is not yet available now. I have to fix something first. I hope that I will finish it in next few days.
Sittiphol Phanvilai
nuuneoi said:
As all of you know that G1 have accelerometer but so pity that it doesn't come with Auto Rotate Screen function.
So I modified its source code for a little bit. And at last, I can bring the auto rotate screen function to G1 already. Please take a look.
Although it's not secret but sorry that the how-to instruction is not yet available now. I have to fix something first. I hope that I will finish it in next few days.
Sittiphol Phanvilai
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Interesting, before we had root, I tried to write an AutoRotate application. But I kept getting an access denied when accessing "SURFACE_FLINGER".
Do u need a modified rc30 or earlier fw to do this?
dwang said:
Do u need a modified rc30 or earlier fw to do this?
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Darn, my g1 has rc30
I bet this will be a setting once they get the virtual keyboard out. If you think about it right now in landscape it requires you to use the keyboard. Until the Virtual Keyboard we still have to open up the screen to type or do anything with inputs (dial)
thats some pretty good progress..i guess then we can have keypad layout for landscape mode too..and other optimizations
dwang said:
Darn, my g1 has rc30
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(too short)
dwang said:
Darn, my g1 has rc30
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To that end, are there any plans (or is it possible) to gain root with an OTA RC30? I am i the same boat as this guy.
vertigo1 said:
To that end, are there any plans (or is it possible) to gain root with an OTA RC30? I am i the same boat as this guy.
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The very moment someone has even the slightest hint of an exploit to regain root in RC30, i'm sure there will be a thread about it on this very forum.
Awesome work! I'm looking forward to a release version. I naturally grab the phone in Landscape mode most of the time, so this will be perfect when I don't want to open the screen, but still want to read an email.
I have a feeling the lack of this functionality out-of-the-box has more to do with patents than anything else.
Good work! Cant wait to get this working on my g1!
Returned my g1 (with orig rc30) and got one with rc19. Just loaded up the new g1 with the hacked rc30. Looking foward to the auto rotate functionality!
if you download the app named Qsearch from the market, it auto rotates !!!!!
Let's see some .diff's
I figured out how to make the screen autorotate this afternoon. I'll create an app that polls the accelerometer to watch for rotations, and publish the code tonight.
The function you guys are interested, the APIs you need is Surface.setOrientation, and also IWindowManager.setRotation. For example:
Surface.setOrientation(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, Surface.ROTATION_270);
mWm.setRotation(Surface.ROTATION_270, true);
I modified the "monkey" application to test my results. You won't have permission to ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER unless the application is a jar contained in /system/framework.
I wonder if there is a way for the rotation hardware to send an event to your application.
Maybe there is a way for your application to register with the accelerometer so that it can receive notifications.
Polling just seems inefficient, especially given how bad the battery life is on the g1.
Well. It works. Sort of. Clicking on items on the screen is messed up. It doesn't seem to know where stuff is positioned. I have another idea though.
** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
package com.android.commands.rotate;
import android.view.IWindowManager;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.os.ServiceManager;
* Application that injects random key events and other actions into the system.
public class Rotate
static void showUsage()
System.out.println("Valid usage:");
System.out.println(" rotate 0");
System.out.println(" rotate 90");
System.out.println(" rotate 180");
System.out.println(" rotate 270");
static void rotate(int rotateVal) throws Exception
Surface.setOrientation(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, rotateVal);
IWindowManager wm = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("window"));
wm.setRotation(rotateVal, true);
public static void main(String[] args)
if (args.length != 1)
if (args[0].equals("0"))
else if (args[0].equals("90"))
else if (args[0].equals("180"))
else if (args[0].equals("270"))
catch (Exception ex)
Koush said:
Well. It works. Sort of. Clicking on items on the screen is messed up. It doesn't seem to know where stuff is positioned. I have another idea though.
** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
package com.android.commands.rotate;
import android.view.IWindowManager;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.os.ServiceManager;
* Application that injects random key events and other actions into the system.
public class Rotate
static void showUsage()
System.out.println("Valid usage:");
System.out.println(" rotate 0");
System.out.println(" rotate 90");
System.out.println(" rotate 180");
System.out.println(" rotate 270");
static void rotate(int rotateVal) throws Exception
Surface.setOrientation(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, rotateVal);
IWindowManager wm = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("window"));
wm.setRotation(rotateVal, true);
public static void main(String[] args)
if (args.length != 1)
if (args[0].equals("0"))
else if (args[0].equals("90"))
else if (args[0].equals("180"))
else if (args[0].equals("270"))
catch (Exception ex)
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Will u be addn this to the market like ur other apps ?

Wanting to develop for WM haivng some problems

Hi I want to make an application using location, I found this tutorial
which looks very helpful but because I am new to visual studio I am having some problems.
1) is the article it says "This article includes complete sample code." but I cant find a download for all the code.
2) he only mentions referencing Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Samples.Location.dll which I have done but the class LatLong is still unknown
3) I made a sample program without the LatLong class just to experiment I get the following error on my device
"Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Samples.Location, Version=1.0.3448.25673, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, or one of its dependencies, was not found
any idea what this means?
4) Could all my problems be because I am using visual studio 2005 and not 2008? I found a code project that looked really helpful but when trying to open it it says that it cant because it is from a newer version of the software, anything that can be done?
5) I find MSDN confusing for finding out what to reference to add a class for example this is the page for the LatLong class http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc514548.aspx
with the java online info the first thing you always see is where the class is found but it seems to be missing for this class. Other basig classes appear similar to java.
below is my sample code its basically taken from the article but I have commented out the references to LatLong and put in checks instead
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Samples.Location;
namespace DeviceApplication3
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Gps gps;
int count = 0;
public Form1()
gps = new Gps();
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox1.Text = (getGpsString());
private string getGpsString()
GpsPosition position = gps.GetPosition();
/*LatLong location = new LatLong();
if (position.LatitudeValid)
location.Latitude = position.Latitude;
if (position.LongitudeValid)
location.Longitude = position.Longitude;
if (position.HeadingValid)
location.Heading = position.Heading;*/
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("Latitude = ");
if (position.LatitudeValid)
sb.Append(position.Latitude.ToString() + "\n");
sb.Append("Not found yet\n");
sb.Append("Longitude = ");
if (position.LongitudeValid)
sb.Append(position.Longitude.ToString() + "\n");
sb.Append("Not found yet\n");
sb.Append("Heading = ");
if (position.HeadingValid)
sb.Append(position.Heading.ToString() + "\n");
sb.Append("Not found yet\n");
return sb.ToString();
is this file located in bin\debug and or \bin\release
and does it only give runtime errors or also compile time ?
no it compiles fine, can you see anything wrong with my code? The weird thing is the form comes up using the emulator but not on the device. Could it be because I have a custom rom that seems to have compact framework 3.5? I would assume it would be back compatible?
How have you deployed it to the device? Have you copied the .exe and the Location.dll?
one thing you could also test was if you could disable the stuff in the gps
and just run a program without it to verify that it's not missing net3.5's fault
heliosdev said:
How have you deployed it to the device? Have you copied the .exe and the Location.dll?
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Hi thanks for this I didnt copy over the dll I'm very silly.
So what do you guys think about loading projects ment for vs 2008 in 2005 is this impossible ? or can i convert them somehow?
sure it's only the project and solution files which differ
add the cs files manualy and it should work fine
Use the same name to create the new project in vs2005 to have the same namespace.
You'll have to do some manual changes if the code uses c#3.0 .net 3.5 features.
Thanks guys your awesome,
very random and off topic but since your programming kings ill ask anyway,
I think I want to eventually work in the gaming industry, I'm close(3months) to finishing my MSc CompSci conversion course and I am looking for jobs, its quite aparent that most games companys don't want unexperienced people so do you guys have any ideas of places to apply for that will give the the necessary experience? btw I have no taught experience with C++ which I think is my biggest dissadvantage, I do know C and java quite well though and as you can tell just starting to play with C#.
your help is always appreciated.
well, continue with general programming (object oriented programming, ui development, database, network,...). There are so many different fields in software development!
For example take a look at the chapters of the books in the game programming gems series to see what (not only) gaming companies are working on. In general for beginning there is a lot of information online where you'll find tons of tutorials.
Try to get a profound base in programming.
Starting with your gps application, develop a gui, save/load the positions (database), visualize the points...
heliosdev said:
well, continue with general programming (object oriented programming, ui development, database, network,...). There are so many different fields in software development!
For example take a look at the chapters of the books in the game programming gems series to see what (not only) gaming companies are working on. In general for beginning there is a lot of information online where you'll find tons of tutorials.
Try to get a profound base in programming.
Starting with your gps application, develop a gui, save/load the positions (database), visualize the points...
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Hi sorry for the late reply I upgraded to windows 7 last night to try and improve my rubbish laptop, seems to be a bit better btw,
anyway just want to say thanks for the advice. also my app will use google maps yahoo zonetag and windows live earth (or bing maps if thats what there calling it now) I think for some of thoes services I will need to pay to realease my app to the public even if its free but what about testers would I be able to give it to say 10 people?

[Q] Default Email app using Hotmail + Exchange + Push, loading html emails

Hello XDA, this is my 1st post, and I'm quite confused about where is should go, so please move it and tell me where if its not in the right forums.
Basically, I'd like to get the default email app in android to load my html emails from hotmail, using exchange and push, because it doesn't do it currently. According to this thread, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=813920&page=2, it seems to be all about how the email app handles syncing when it sees the EAS version of the hotmail server, since iphone can do it.
I don't feel like using another app, and the stock one being open source, I'd like to try to work it out. Sadly, my object oriented skills died as soon as the teacher started to talk about heritage and polymorphism, and I ended up failing that java class. I therefore need some help with this endeavor.
this is the source code of the email app
and the specific parts of this problem of the java file we're looking at are in the exchange folder
// For EAS 12, we use HTML, so we want a larger size than in EAS 2.5
public static final String EAS12_TRUNCATION_SIZE = "200000";
// For EAS 2.5, truncation is a code; the largest is "7", which is 100k
public static final String EAS2_5_TRUNCATION_SIZE = "7";
if (mProtocolVersionDouble >= Eas.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_EX2007_DOUBLE) {
// HTML for email; plain text for everything else
.data(Tags.BASE_TYPE, (className.equals("Email") ? Eas.BODY_PREFERENCE_HTML
} else {
So, umm, we could either do something like
// For EAS 2.5, truncation is a code; the largest is "7", which is 100k
public static final String EAS2_5_TRUNCATION_SIZE = "2000000"
or change the boolean condition of the eas version
if (mProtocolVersionDouble >= Eas.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_EX2007_DOUBLE || mProtocolVersionDouble <= Eas.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_EX2007_DOUBLE) {
// HTML for email; plain text for everything else
.data(Tags.BASE_TYPE, (className.equals("Email") ? Eas.BODY_PREFERENCE_HTML
} else {
or any other combination
I'd like to know if this is the right way to proceed or if I'm a completely lost noob. I don't know have any clue about EAS other than what was said on the other thread. And apparently the API of EAS2.5 is impossible to get.
thanks in advance

[Q] [android][development]how to record a call in android

Hi, this is my first thread, I want to record a call in my app.
Can anyone help me with this task?
I have some code, but the file created by de recorder is empty.
some help
can anyone help me?, please!
first of all what's the phone you have and what's android version you use? i know that call record possible only from 2.3.3 and not on all kernels
I'd like to know this too
I use the one of the bigest russian sites 4PDA, and see that you need custom kernel with recording option: that you can to use aftermarket app. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=488475
well, the thing is I need to make a recording app, but the code get stack in the record state, like a loop, and the activity don't refresh
it's a dev problem. if anyone have some code of info, post it please!
thanks a lot!
need a brainstorm or a good teacher
last chance to this thread...
some android dev to help me?
Although it might be a problem with your code at the moment, it ultimatively is a problem with the kernel.
The android api natively allows you to use i.e. a MediaRecorder and just select the call as source.
BUT on most kernels it doesn't work because it is intentionally crippled by the manufactor to avoid legal problems.
That being said, how can anyone help you with your code, if you don't show it.
I use a good aplication to record all the calls in my android phone. The aplication is CallRecorder 1.0.43 alpha. It's perfect for me in my hd2 with a TBD 3.5 room. In a other sites i see another version 1.1.5 trial, but i don't wannna change the things working good.
Dark3n said:
Although it might be a problem with your code at the moment, it ultimatively is a problem with the kernel.
The android api natively allows you to use i.e. a MediaRecorder and just select the call as source.
BUT on most kernels it doesn't work because it is intentionally crippled by the manufactor to avoid legal problems.
That being said, how can anyone help you with your code, if you don't show it.
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U r right Dark3n...here is...
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
this._fileTrace = new FileTraceListener();
try {
File myNewFolder = new File(REPOSITORY + "/logs/");
if (!myNewFolder.exists())
this._logFileName = "/calldate" + sdf.format(c1.getTime()) + ".log";
this._fileTrace.open(myNewFolder.toString() + _logFileName);
} catch (Exception exc) {
this._fileTrace = null;
protected void onResume() {
try {
_CurrTelephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
} catch (Exception exc) {
phoneListener = new PhoneStateListener() {
public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) {
switch (state) {
case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE:
if (call) { //call is a boolean
case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK:
call = true; recorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_CALL); recorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.RAW_AMR); recorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB);
recorder.setOutputFile(REPOSITORY + "/calls/audio.3gp");
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING:
if (call) {
Well yeah... No...
Post here, post link
Dark3n said:
Well yeah... No...
Post here, post link
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great web...
thankz again!
Took a quick glance.
Looks okay, most likely what i already mentioned.
Your kernel has the VOICE_CALL crippled. You will need an uncrippled one for your device.
Dark3n said:
Took a quick glance.
Looks okay, most likely what i already mentioned.
Your kernel has the VOICE_CALL crippled. You will need an uncrippled one for your device.
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this is the problem?
the statement recorder.play() stock becuase the kernel has the VOICE_CALL crippled, I try it in the AVD from Android SDK, you know if I can chance something to probe my code?
At the moment I try to change VOICE_CALL to MIC and post again whit the result
Thanks again men!
Well, I probe with MIC and DEFAULT, but the application still block in the recorder.start()
I'm going INSANE!!! LOL!
well, even if I made a simply record app, the statement recorder.start() still block my app.
some tips to this crazy bug?

Where should my thread go?

So, this is basically a question about where i should best find my solution in this forum, im making an app (just for learning purposes) and wanted to know where i should post about that question as well. This app should only open a website in WebView, and i got that far, now i want to announce something on the website that is excluded with some CSS maybe display: none; for example.
How do i do that? I have been looking for a way to modify the CSS (This announcement is all about the app) contained in a div with a class and an id to make it easier to make that connection. (I own the website and got full control over the files on the server side.)
Bare with me, this is the first time developing anything for android ^^ Thanks!
EDIT: Just because i wrote here i found something interesting in this subject, unfortunatly it's getting late here so ill have to come back tomorrow morning an fill you in. ^^ any suggestions are still appreciated.
So i found this:
public class MyWebClient extends WebViewClient {
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
return true;
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
view.loadUrl("document.getElementsByClassName('someClass').style.display = 'none'");
final MyWebClient myWebViewClient = new MyWebClient();
to probably do what i asked for. any suggestions?

