Enabling Multiuser Support ? - Lenovo Phab 2 Pro Questions & Answers

Is it possible to add new users to the Phab ? I can only find the possibility to add additional accounts to one user.

Usually, this can be enabled by changing the build.prop file. But this is only possible by either rooting the device or getting write access for the file via other tricks.
Are there any of these tricks available for the Phab2 Pro so far ?
#Multi Users


[Q] How much device dependent can a CUSTOM ROM be??

I have a customer , say Foo. Foo has a requirement that the Android device should only have the Calling application,SMS application, Address book ,camera application and Foo's application. No other application should be allowed to install but an update of Foo's application should be allowed.
One solution i see is running shell scripts from Foo's application
- The shell script will rename or disable all the unwanted applications
- I am not very convinced y this solution because
1. Once u rename the apps. Its not very clean.. When u click on the app icons it will give u not very pleasant errors
2. Once renamed. Even after a wipeout the applications will still remain renamed. so they still remain useless unless enabled again
3. The shell commands are executed by private APIs. These can lead to future breaks
4. AFAI see.. the custom ROM may take same amount of time.
5. Not sure but even after rename. the user can download the app and use
Another solution i see is build on the 2.2 source and modify the PackageInstaller application to only allow installation of Foo's application.
But Foo would want the device dependency to be as less a possible. Foo wants that this custom ROM should be able to be flashed on all devices that came with stock 2.2
I request for suggestions and advices to implement this security policy.
Many Thanks,
Biju Chandran
Hi Guys,
Please help!
Biju Chandran

[APP] Init.d for normal users

Some users don't root their devices or, even if rooted, some stock kernels don't includes support for init.d scripts folder.
With this simple app you can define a folder (at sdcard) containing all your initialization scripts and execute it after the boot sequence.
Note that some scripts (like the scripts needed to set min/max CPU speed) needs root permissions.
Operation is very simple, and you only need to select the scripts folder and activate the "run on boot" checkbox.
Note that you can provide superuser permissions to the scripts if you will.
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ryosoftware.initd
First x) Awesome app mate!
Keep up the good work, and this is definitely a great tool.
Sent from my Nexus 5
any chance for a download link that isnt google play? (i run gapp-less on my att s3 i747)
thanks for good work regardless.
err on the side of kindness
Can I integrate this in my rom?
Can't run from /system/etc/init.d ?
Please help, and thanks for the great work.
How can we make sure the init.d start soon enough ? Sooner than debuggerd ?
Would it start soon enough to remount important folders elsewhere before they are called ?
Same question
When does the script added to init.d actually run ?
Has the OS fully booted and are all services started/ready ?
Is this documented somewhere ? How can I tell ?
Thank you

[Q] Enable encryption

The encryption option seems to be missing on the H6-L12. Is there any way to enable this option?
Encryption missing on H60-L04 (EU version) too
I've look for the encryption option under the security menu without success.
I think this option is not present on H60-L04 (EU version).
If s/o knows how to enable it...
Maybe we should wirte a general request for adding this feature to new firmware versions? And send such request to the support center?

Themes / Apps / Mods Everything Camera

I have been trying to find mods/tweak the camera. Unfortunately don't know how to hex edit so and bin files so until someone helps, full raw isn't capable unless you use a modified opencamera with camxoverridesettingsOfUltra.txt edit.
echo exposeFullSizeForQCFA=TRUE >> /vendor/etc/camera/camxoverridesettingsOfUltra.txt
Otherwise here are some prop files I have found specific to the 12s ultra. I know these make some good tweaks and don't add multiple at once and write down the ones you do. Lanthanum toolbox or any good prop editor makes it easy.
It took me hours to do this, and I did not write down all the specific things that they do, as some of them didn't have much info. I will try to update the info per prop when I have time, or you guys can post what it does, thanks.
There will be more to come mod wise and tweaks. I wish there was more people attempting to bring out the full capabilities of this camera.
Is there a tutorial on how to use the modified opencamera on the 12S U or where I can find them?
It seems OP found a way to set full raw output using this thread here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/camera2-api.4011239/post-87440051
I haven't yet followed the steps but I think the discussion should continue / steps should be documented in this thread to continue building upon this work for our device.

Add flagship features to any ROOTED OneUI phone!

In this tutorial I will show you how to add more features to any ROOTED OneUI phone!
Note: I assume you know how to edit system files via a root explorer and know the permissions for files and folders.
So let's get started!
1- DailyBoard:
This is a feature exclusive on Galaxy Tab series that we are going to get on our device, what is does it shows some info when the phone is charging:
First put the permission file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8t57c...issions-com.samsung.android.homemode.xml/file to /system/etc/permissions
and then put latest apk https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/samsung-electronics-co-ltd/samsung-daily-board/ to /system/app/DailyBoard (a folder you should create in /system/app) and finally add line <SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_CONFIG_DAILYBOARD>TA</SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_CONFIG_DAILYBOARD> to /system/etc/floating_feature.xml.
2- Japan "Galaxy" boot animation:
This is a Exclusive Samsung boot animation that is very clean... it shows only the word Galaxy with a nice animation:
To do it simply install https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tuvG2CQ4a6TwQm8Va3tPb8QMI9DnJCPy/view?usp=drivesdk unpack then copy the three files to /system/media.
3- AirCommad:
The SPen feature we all know about, note: you will need launch it first from a root app also called AirCommand found on your app drawer and wait for the magic to happen:
Simply download https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n3QWteEWMOG_YgT3w444cIUW8Oe7LnWE/view?usp=drivesdk and unpack each folder to its location from the folder given (priv-app to priv-app and etc/permissions to etc/permissions).
Update: To fix SPen settings crash add this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nt2EZti2HSuoOHnQPD2zvG9UxD-qA6uX/view?usp=share_link to /system/etc/permissions.
4- Wifi Security Detection:
What it does is that it detects the security of the connected wifi network:
Download this apk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CCmjfrwYEIuzLW0-ss2RUgg91Xmt7fZV/view?usp=drivesdk then paste it to /system/priv-app/TencentWifiSecurity (a folder you should create in /system/priv-app).
5- S22 ringtones and wallpapers (video wallpapers included)
If you have pre-2022 Samsung phone you can try out the new ringtones, also you can enjoy S22 wallpapers
Just replace the apk file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o6IpSmyWoZa9VMAT-0x3zd6rtM7-ZsEx/view?usp=drivesdk found in /system/priv-app/wallpaper-res/wallpaper-res.apk and for the ringtone replace /system/media/audio/ringtones/SoundThemes/Galaxy/Over_the_Horizon.ogg with the new one https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-7FTSV91syHS8NydXbLtgt3joOruk5Bd/view?usp=drivesdk
6- Unlock all single take modes:
Single take mode has many features that Samsung hides from us A series users:
open /system/cameradata/camera-feature.xml and file the lines under <!-- Single take lite features-->
and change any that has false value to true for example change <local name="SUPPORT_SINGLE_TAKE_REWIND_VIDEOS" value="false" /> to <local name="SUPPORT_SINGLE_TAKE_REWIND_VIDEOS" value="true" />.
7- Bixby Touch
A weird Bixby App I found, I don't know if it even works 100%, but if you want to give it try go ahead:
First add download the latest apk from https://www.apkmirror.com/uploads/?appcategory=bixby-touch and add it to /system/priv-app/BixbyTouch (a folder you should create) then add https://drive.google.com/file/d/17q9FwpVpb_IQOl0yyubeSkoJmtJPnjs2/view?usp=drivesdk to /system/etc/permissions, also add this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jJGbN2P2ySK2W_VKYarGZZrqzAj3i2kh/view to /system/etc/sysconfig after that add this line <SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_BIXBY_TOUCH>TRUE</SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_BIXBY_TOUCH> to /system/etc/floating_features.xml.
8- Samsung Dex on phone screen
If you have ROM with Dex support you can use Dex on your device screen locally without need of external screen just like in Galaxy Tab S series:
Add "standalone" to the line in /system/etc/floating_features.xml <SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_CONFIG_DEX_MODE>dual,wireless,dexforpc</SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_CONFIG_DEX_MODE> so it becomes <SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_CONFIG_DEX_MODE>dual,wireless,dexforpc,standalone</SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_COMMON_CONFIG_DEX_MODE> and then after applying change go to dex you will see extra option in three dot menu click it and toggle Dex and BOOM! Samsung Dex powering on in your phone's screen.
9- Taskbar (from tablets and foldables)
You can get the Taskbar feature from fold and tablet devices on your regular phone running OneUI 5 beta by adding this: <SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_LAUNCHER_SUPPORT_TASKBAR>TRUE</SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_LAUNCHER_SUPPORT_TASKBAR> your floating_features.xml.
10- Object Eraser Features
You can get Object Eraser with its features on your phone by adding https://drive.google.com/file/d/100CzKPLja-2p-aCYTcMGmSA6O1_dUWyX/view?usp=drivesdk to /system/app/GalleryShadowEraser, https://drive.google.com/file/d/101ZqyRnD5zbV1e5ce6nOwurjRTxgNu7L/view?usp=drivesdk to /system/app/GalleryReflectionEraser and https://drive.google.com/file/d/10-FNFkYnWiJz29Gy7hR72LfztBaWJc0e/view?usp=drivesdk to /system/app/GalleryObjectEraser, then replace your /system/priv-app/PhotoEdtor_Mid/PhotoEdtor_Mid.apk with this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10H-LNBgpjrwgg8UyYlr62WthWlRe_A-G/view?usp=drivesdk, and then you will get Object Eraser in your photo editor as you would get on a flagship.
11- Open Secure Folder from side key (power button)
This unlocks more features for secure folder that I will look into that need more apk files, but for now it adds option by double pressing the power button in side key settings under advanced features, to enable just add these lines to your cscfeatures.xml:
12- China Smart Manager
It is an exclusive version of Samsung's device care for Chinese Samsung phones, it has more features and nicer UI to do it,
First delete original device care (smart manager) folder: /system/priv-app/SmartManager_v5 and then download china device care apk https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/samsu...china/smart-manager-china-14-0-01-13-release/ and create a new folder called SmartManagerCN in /system/priv-app and add the apk in it and also rename it SmartManagerCN, after that is a very important step to make it work: open your floating_feature.xml file and find the line with SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_SMARTMANAGER_CONFIG_PACKAGE_NAME add replace com.samsung.android.lool with com.samsung.android.sm_cn so that the line looks like this: <SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_SMARTMANAGER_CONFIG_PACKAGE_NAME>com.samsung.android.sm_cn</SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_SMARTMANAGER_CONFIG_PACKAGE_NAME> now the new smart manager should work!
13- Expert RAW
[This may not work on all devices due to missing hardware capability] It is a Samsung app for flagship samsung devices that extends the capabilities of the Samsung Camera app, it is only available to flagship Samsung devices if you want to enable it:
First spoof your device as a flagship device that is supported by expert raw using a Magisk module (there are many magisk modules that do that such as this one: https://t.me/OneUi_Mods/9945) and then in your floating_feature.xml file add this line: <SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_CAMERA_CONFIG_GALAXYRAW_PLATFORM_VERSION>13.02.01</SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_CAMERA_CONFIG_GALAXYRAW_PLATFORM_VERSION> and after applying these modifications install the expert raw app and see if it works.
This is not it... I will add more features to this guide when I have the time and discover new features so keep and eye on this thread, I keep it updated.
I hope you find this guide useful and enjoy these features and mods!
If anyone is having any problem adding these features please let me know, also if anyone knows more features let me know so that I can add them and give you credits.
Good work Keep going
Air command app crashes when start it from App drawer
Droid365 said:
If anyone is having any problem adding these features please let me know, also if anyone knows more features let me know so that I can add them and give you credits.
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Click to collapse
This issue is probably related to me being stupid or my device being annoying but I'm getting this when I try to copy the wallpaper-res.apk file to where I'm supposed to copy it. I'm using NcX and SixTeen kernel both latest versions. I deleted the original apk but for some reason ZArchiver cant delete or copy files to anywhere in /system eventho its got root permissions and I remounted the filesystem. But it works on termux but when I use the command it tell me this. Also ive got 60 gigs of space.
gk98s said:
This issue is probably related to me being stupid or my device being annoying but I'm getting this when I try to copy the wallpaper-res.apk file to where I'm supposed to copy it. I'm using NcX and SixTeen kernel both latest versions. I deleted the original apk but for some reason ZArchiver cant delete or copy files to anywhere in /system eventho its got root permissions and I remounted the filesystem. But it works on termux but when I use the command it tell me this. Also ive got 60 gigs of space.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
system partition seems to be full
Droid365 said:
system partition seems to be full
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yeah I noticed that and I couldnt find a way to resize the partition but I just got rid of some unnecessary files on it such as AR stickers. However I had a backup of the stock wallpaper-res.apk which was around 60 mbs but copying that to /system/priv-app/wallpaper-res and then restarting caused the wallpapers to be gone and the "Featured" tab was empty(which probably meant that the app isn't working). Also after I got rid of the unnecessary files I tried copying the apk that you provided and copying was successful but I also got the same results. Here's a screenshot of what happens after I copy the apk and restart. Also for anyone else having the same issue, if you're using NcX or a OneUI based from just reflash it and you'll get the stock wallpapers back.
gk98s said:
yeah I noticed that and I couldnt find a way to resize the partition but I just got rid of some unnecessary files on it such as AR stickers. However I had a backup of the stock wallpaper-res.apk which was around 60 mbs but copying that to /system/priv-app/wallpaper-res and then restarting caused the wallpapers to be gone and the "Featured" tab was empty(which probably meant that the app isn't working). Also after I got rid of the unnecessary files I tried copying the apk that you provided and copying was successful but I also got the same results. Here's a screenshot of what happens after I copy the apk and restart. Also for anyone else having the same issue, if you're using NcX or a OneUI based from just reflash it and you'll get the stock wallpapers back.
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Click to collapse
you can make a magisk module for it and install it without touching the system directly
Droid365 said:
you can make a magisk module for it and install it without touching the system directly
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Alright I'll try that and update you if it fails
Update 1/17/2023:
Added steps to add Chinese Device care
Droid365 said:
Update 1/17/2023:
Added steps to add Chinese Device care
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
air command crashes
Process: com.samsung.android.service.aircommand, PID: 28295
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: No static field SEM_ACTION_ENTER_KNOX_DESKTOP_MODE of type Ljava/lang/String; in class Landroid/app/UiModeManager; or its superclasses (declaration of 'android.app.UiModeManager' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar)
at com.samsung.android.service.aircommand.settings.SPenSettingsMenuFragment.registerContentObserver(Unknown Source:111)
at com.samsung.android.service.aircommand.settings.SPenSettingsMenuFragment.onCreate(Unknown Source:140)
at androidx.fragment.app.n.performCreate(Unknown Source:16)
at androidx.fragment.app.Y.c(Unknown Source:49)
at androidx.fragment.app.Q.a(Unknown Source:225)
at androidx.fragment.app.la.a(Unknown Source:196)
at androidx.fragment.app.la.a(Unknown Source:18)
at androidx.fragment.app.la.a(Unknown Source:47)
at androidx.fragment.app.Q.b(Unknown Source:117)
at androidx.fragment.app.Q.c(Unknown Source:84)
at androidx.fragment.app.Q.c(Unknown Source:21)
at androidx.fragment.app.Q.e(Unknown Source:14)
at androidx.fragment.app.Q.d(Unknown Source:6)
at androidx.fragment.app.z.a(Unknown Source:4)
at androidx.fragment.app.p.onStart(Unknown Source:15)
at androidx.appcompat.app.y.onStart(Unknown Source:0)
at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnStart(Instrumentation.java:1455)
at android.app.Activity.performStart(Activity.java:8315)
at android.app.ActivityThread.handleStartActivity(ActivityThread.java:4136)
at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.performLifecycleSequence(TransactionExecutor.java:221)
at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.cycleToPath(TransactionExecutor.java:201)
at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeLifecycleState(TransactionExecutor.java:173)
at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:97)
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2443)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:226)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:313)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8751)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:571)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1135)
Update 4/14/2023:
Added a way to install Expert RAW on all (rooted) Samsung devices
Droid365 said:
Update 4/14/2023:
Added a way to install Expert RAW on all (rooted) Samsung devices
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
May i ask where is the expert raw app to download?
kubura2999 said:
May i ask where is the expert raw app to download?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Update 4/18/2023
Updated guide for Bixby Touch
AR Zone and AR Emojis tutorial here
[ROOT] AR Zone & AR Emojis for unsupported devices
Heyy there im sure one day u saw an AR Emoji and u wanted to download it but ur phone didn't have them or didn't supported them well today i'll tell u how to install them ! Whats working ????????? AR Zone AR Emoji Studio --> Dances --> Custom...
Smart manager crashing for me...it also changes my navbar sequence and UI with some other glitches
Running android 12
Life Companion said:
Smart manager crashing for me...it also changes my navbar sequence and UI with some other glitches
Running android 12
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Click to collapse
Did you do this?
Droid365 said:
a very important step to make it work: open your floating_feature.xml file and find the line with SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_SMARTMANAGER_CONFIG_PACKAGE_NAME add replace com.samsung.android.lool with com.samsung.android.sm_cn so that the line looks like this: <SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_SMARTMANAGER_CONFIG_PACKAGE_NAME>com.samsung.android.sm_cn</SEC_FLOATING_FEATURE_SMARTMANAGER_CONFIG_PACKAGE_NAME> now the new smart manager should work!
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Click to collapse
also I don't think the smart manager is related to the navbar...
Droid365 said:
Did you do this?
also I don't think the smart manager is related to the navbar...
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Click to collapse
Yes I did this..it glitches with UI. AOD not displaying..Data not working etc
Also the japanese boot and shutdown doesn't work it doesn't display anything and reboots SystemUI instead of rebooting normally
Droid365 said:
you can make a magisk module for it and install it without touching the system directly
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Click to collapse
Hi, i'm noob and i want to know about how do it ?

