I've been experiencing a very frustrating issues where the mic is not working during phone call. I can hear the the other person but they cannot hear me, and if they can it's very very low, so low that they can't make out what I'm saying.
However, the microphone does work again if I go to speaker-phone mode. So i know the Mic itself is working (sound recorder works also).
I think somehow the phone thinks a headset is plugged in and disable the mic unless I'm on speaker-phone mode.
I don't think it is a ROM issues as I have tried a large number of different ROMS, including flashing stock OPO image. None worked.
If anyone know a solution to this issue please help me out. It's very frustrating that I can't make phone calls and have to turn on speaker-phone or use a headset.
Try a different Kernel, had the problem with my 3 different Headsets, i tryed the same ROM with some different Kernels and with the AK Kernel everything worked fine...not with the Furnace! Also try to flash UKM over a Custom Kernel. Check out the AK Kernel there you can find everything you need. If you have done everything right as in the "manual" open up Synapse...there is a point called "Sound", there you can find the point "Microphone", volume it up and try again. if its still not working make a full wipe that your device loses all data and reinstall the original CyanogenMod 11s with this tool here or any tool you want!
If its still not working delete again everything with the tool, install the CM11s with this tool again, install the CWM Recovery, flash the crDroid Rom (best ROM and everything works for me!), flash GAPPS, flash AK Kernel and last flash UKM!
This is my current setup and everything is working
ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/development/rom-crdroid-v1-t2827599
Kernel: http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/orig-development/kernel-ak-t2832168
Recovery: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2780894
UKM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2913442&d=1409088319
Let me know if it worked
EasyGoingXD said:
Try a different Kernel, had the problem with my 3 different Headsets, i tryed the same ROM with some different Kernels and with the AK Kernel everything worked fine...not with the Furnace! Also try to flash UKM over a Custom Kernel. Check out the AK Kernel there you can find everything you need. If you have done everything right as in the "manual" open up Synapse...there is a point called "Sound", there you can find the point "Microphone", volume it up and try again. if its still not working make a full wipe that your device loses all data and reinstall the original CyanogenMod 11s with this tool here or any tool you want!
If its still not working delete again everything with the tool, install the CM11s with this tool again, install the CWM Recovery, flash the crDroid Rom (best ROM and everything works for me!), flash GAPPS, flash AK Kernel and last flash UKM!
This is my current setup and everything is working
ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/development/rom-crdroid-v1-t2827599
Kernel: http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/orig-development/kernel-ak-t2832168
Recovery: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2780894
UKM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2913442&d=1409088319
Let me know if it worked
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No luck here. : /
I've tried everything from flashing different ROMs to flashing different kernel. I even went back to factory reset, lock/unlock bootloader to wipe device. None of that work. Very frustrating. I'm starting to think it's a hardware issues, since trying out that many ROMs didn't help at all.
Did you informed oneplus already?
EasyGoingXD said:
Did you informed oneplus already?
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Yep, filed a support/warranty request. But god knows how long it'll take for them to get back to me. There's no phone number support or anything. : /
neyurt said:
I've been experiencing a very frustrating issues where the mic is not working during phone call. I can hear the the other person but they cannot hear me, and if they can it's very very low, so low that they can't make out what I'm saying.
However, the microphone does work again if I go to speaker-phone mode. So i know the Mic itself is working (sound recorder works also).
I think somehow the phone thinks a headset is plugged in and disable the mic unless I'm on speaker-phone mode.
I don't think it is a ROM issues as I have tried a large number of different ROMS, including flashing stock OPO image. None worked.
If anyone know a solution to this issue please help me out. It's very frustrating that I can't make phone calls and have to turn on speaker-phone or use a headset.
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unfortunately I have the same problem. I've tried to fix it even modifying the system/etc/mixer_paths.xml but nothing works (http://forum.xda-developers.com/one...icrophone-ok-google-low-t2805568/post53914918). I noticed when that changing the values of hph-mic and anc-mic to 0, then handsfree mode doesn't work neither. Therefore we have clues to think the main mic is which has the problem.
Curiosly, I do not have had this issue out of the box, I think it began after 30O update. However I've downgraded to 25R and the issue remains.
I hope you the best luck
neyurt said:
I've been experiencing a very frustrating issues where the mic is not working during phone call. I can hear the the other person but they cannot hear me, and if they can it's very very low, so low that they can't make out what I'm saying.
However, the microphone does work again if I go to speaker-phone mode. So i know the Mic itself is working (sound recorder works also).
I think somehow the phone thinks a headset is plugged in and disable the mic unless I'm on speaker-phone mode.
I don't think it is a ROM issues as I have tried a large number of different ROMS, including flashing stock OPO image. None worked.
If anyone know a solution to this issue please help me out. It's very frustrating that I can't make phone calls and have to turn on speaker-phone or use a headset.
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Cynogen 11s team is working to add support for CTIA headphones soon. See my post in similar thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=55186894&postcount=25)
OK figured it out I uninstalled the latest hangouts update and made and received several calls all seems to be ok now
Is there any update regarding this issue? I still have this mic problem during calls and no clue on how to fix it.
OPO microphone problem is a hardware problem
Same problem here.
One morning main microphone in my OPO died - no one can hear me during call.
Recording sound with main mic gives some barely audible sounds.
tried reboot/factory defaults /root with fixing mixer paths - to no avail
The only solution is to call with speakerphone or bluetooth headset or normal headset.
Looks like hardware problem. Sadly OPO support sucks.
Jojo_1 said:
Same problem here.
One morning main microphone in my OPO died - no one can hear me during call.
Recording sound with main mic gives some barely audible sounds.
tried reboot/factory defaults /root with fixing mixer paths - to no avail
The only solution is to call with speakerphone or bluetooth headset or normal headset.
Looks like hardware problem. Sadly OPO support sucks.
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I have a similar problem. Did you find a fix? I did everything. Restarted, ROM changed and everything!
As I wrote - no fix - IMHO it is a hardware fault. Still waiting for response from OPO support in hope for receiving RMA.
I am also thinking to return the phone because of this issue.
Just adding that I also have this problem - phone was working fine until yesterday.
Now mic is extremely quiet in call, unless I switch to speakerphone then it works fine (Video recording sound is fine also, but Google speech to text etc is not working)
I installed Swiftkey last night but I think its unrelated
Has anyone found any solutions for this problem yet?
Yes, I sold the phone!
L1ndon said:
Has anyone found any solutions for this problem yet?
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I´ve opened a ticket. I advice to do the same.
- They will send you a link, with the ZIP-file in this link you have to reflash the rom. But probably it won´t work.
- Then tell them that it doesn´t work (of course only if it doesn´t work).
- Apply a RMA request
- Send them your ONE
- Receive an new one.
I´m waiting for the TNT courier, at the moment.
same problem here. No response from support. now recently even the emails to [email protected] are bouncing back with error, cannot deliver your email to the address.
So.. I'm having the same problem now..
I can't even submit a RMA, as I bought the phone from a person without the invite - so I have the receipt and everything, but when trying to submit the RMA, I have to select the order - Which I have none of, isn't that just wonderfull?
Did any of you find a solution?
I've had Samsung GS3 and GS4 with almost the same issues now and it is killing me, my will to keep living with these problems are close to none...
So i had the L preview on my Nexus 5 previously, no root or anything. Then on friday I flashed the factory lollipop using Nexus Root Toolkit. Everything has been fine except making calls.
When i get a phone call it rings i answer but cannot hear anything - unless i press the loudspeaker button then i can hear the other person and they can hear me. and the same when i make a call too - i cannot even hear the dialing tone normally.
I flashed again today to try and fix this and then reset to factory defaults. Didn't get any errors on flash. still no sound or mic on calls unless i turn on loudspeaker.
Does anyone know what could be causing this and if theres a fix for it?
Thanks for any help you can give.
Is there a way of verifying if it's a hardware issue?
aagha said:
Is there a way of verifying if it's a hardware issue?
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i guess i could flash kitkat again? but the thing is that switching it to speaker allows my mic to work also. so its a software thing i think. Not sure how to test the earpiece speaker however.
i solved this problem, it was a stupid thing i had in my headphone jack called pressy.
People can no longer hear me when I talk on my nexus 5.
Anything I can do to trouble shoot and fix the mike?
Was the phone dropped? Is it possible that something is blocking the opening for the mic?
Phone was not dropped. Where is the mike location?
I am facing the same issue after the latest update. The microphone itself works when you switch to loud speaker mode. I am on stock currently but thinking to switch to a custom rom.
It's not the update. Seems to be an old problem.
Hope someone has a fix.
Which android version are you on?
I was on 6.0.1 when it occured after I installed the latest security update. Switched to a custom rom but it did not fix it.
i have this Problem when im in a Phone Call, the other cant understand me very vell. It is like i am far away from my Phone und if i had a stottering problem. When i turn on the speakers, there is the problem that the other hear's himself (echo). When i use bluetooth headset or cable headset, there arent communication problems. So my first thought was incorrect working hardware (microfone). When i send audiomessages via Whatsapp, or record Audio, quality is pritty normal.
I guess this is a software problem? Anyone know how to solve it. I am living with that for a while now but no update is fixing this.
My System
Osprey, CM13, Cm version: 13.0-20161028 nightly
Exactly the same problem here with XT1541 2GB EU model running 6.0.1 stock. Just got it back from repair under warranty that was supposed to fix this issues but same problem persists. It is really annoying and have to use loudspeaker all the time or bluetooth device.
Anybody has a hint???
I recently flashed LOS 16 (coming from LOS 14) in order to hopefully get rid of my crackling recording problem.
The problem unfortunately is still there. I don't know if it's a hardware or software problem.
Phone calls are completely fine, however, the microphone makes a really annoying crackling sound whenever I record voice messages or use any kind of voice recorder on my S7.
Perhaps someone has an idea about what I could do. I already did some research but nothing helped.
Is there a way to disable the onboard microphone and just use a headset whenever I want to record voice msgs or make calls?
I'd appreciate any input.
Ever tried updating your baseband?
Mohamedkam000 said:
Ever tried updating your baseband?
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Yesterday I flashed the newest Samsung firmware. Voice seemed to work in the stock rom. I then flashed LOS again and the "crackling" in voice recording is back again.
I'm not sure what updating my baseband entails (and I don't know how to do it, actually).