Has you SD card died? RMA it! - Galaxy S 5 Accessories

So my SD card died recently. What happened was I was filming in 4K and didn't notice how I had completely filled up the card. Once I noticed (camera app crashed) I tried to delete some files to free up some space. The files seemed to delete fine but once I reopened the file browser they were all still there.
The card had gone into locked mode, which is a safety measure built in to the card to avoid losing any data when something goes wrong.
Now this is all great, but it left me with an unusable sd card. The thing about locked mode is that it's premanent. You can't undo it.
So, I decided to contact Kingston and try to RMA it (get a replacement) and this is how it went down.
I'm sharing it with you incase you have a similar problem and have doubts about how to go about contacting customer service.
Today I received my replacement card.
Kudos to Kingston for having such helpful customer service. I'm going to stay with them because of this.
The card in question is Kingston MicroSDXC 64 GB Memory Card with MicroSDXC to SD Adapter - UHS-1.
So, first, I called Kingston and told them my problem there. They told me they'd email me with some questions. Then I filled out the RMA form on their website (I didn't need to but I did it anyway).
And here is all the email correspondence for you to read. Mind you, I've blanked out personal information.
Thank you for contacting Kingston Technology.
In order to investigate your case further, we would require the following information:
- Part Number of your Kingston product: CF/xx, SD../xxx, SDC.../xxx
- Revision number of you Flash card – BOM - (ends in "LF" and can be found on the back of the card)
- Please provide a couple of clear pictures of the Flash card from both sides:
- Make and model of the camera/mobile device/computer on which the card has been used:
- Has the card ever worked? If yes, for how long?
-Please describe the problem and any troubleshooting you have tried:
- Your full address and telephone number. We need this information in case we have to replace your product and create a service request to resolve your query.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Kingston Customer Service
Kingston Technology Europe, Co LLP.
Hello, and thank you for your email.
Here are the details you asked for!
Part #: sdcx10/64g
Revision #: XXXX-XXXX
Pictures: see attached files
Device used: Samsung Galaxy S5
Has the card worked: Yes it has worked very well for the last year.
Problem and troubleshooting: The card has locked itself. Any deleted files reappear after a reboot. New files can't be added.
Formatting seems to work (when formatting on PC via PC card reader) but after reinserting the card into any device all the files show up again.
Contact information: This email address (MYADDRESS).
Address of residence:
Post code/Zip code: MYADDRESS
Best regards,
Thank you for submitting your service request with Kingston Technology. Your request is being reviewed by our warranty department.
Please note: Do not return the defective product until you receive the RMA number and shipping instructions.
Summary of your request
Customer Contact: [XDAUSER]
Request Date: xx/xx/xxx 00:00:00
Product Name/Number: SDCX10/64GB
Product Category: Other
Quantity: 1
Your Comment: "The card has been locked. No files can be deleted or added. After formatting or deleting files and reinserting the card into the device all the files are still there. I have tested it on several different devices to be sure."
If you have any questions or need immediate assistance, you may Email .... [at]kingston.eu or call +.......
Thank you for contacting the Returns Department of Kingston Technology.
In order to expedite the replacement of this defective product quickly and efficiently, please follow the chain of sale and contact your point of purchase directly with whom the parts were originally purchased. They should be willing to deal directly with you for a replacement.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Kind Regards,
RMA Department
Kingston Technology Europe Co LLP.
From: Kingston Customer Service
Re: Kingston Technology
Thank you again for your email and all the information.
Based on the information provided, it seems that the card has developed a fault and that it needs to be replaced.
For the replacement we would kindly ask you to refer to you point of purchase directly. You should be able to replace the faulty part with your point of purchase directly, within the first year from purchase.
In case you have any issues with the replacement, do not hesitate to contact us back.
Kind regards,
Kingston Customer Service
Subject: RE: RE: Kingston Technology
Unfortunately that's not fine.
In our telephone conversation I told you that I could not go to the retailer as I live too far away from where I bought the SD card.
You told me that you would ask me a couple of questions via email and then you would send a replacement.
Please help me, I really need this SD card to work.
Best regards,
Thank you again for your email.
As in the email there was no information regarding the impossibility to return the item to your point of purchase, we asked you to contact your point of purchase as per warranty terms.
We receive various request via phone per day, so unfortunately it is not possible for us to remember every conversation.
As you are not able to return the item to your point of purchase, of course we will assist your further.
I have transferred your case to your RMA department who will send you as soon as possible the replacement.
Your reference number is: XXXXXXXX
Should you have any further queries, do not hesitate to contact us again.
Kind regards,
Kingston Customer Service
We are happy to confirm that your warranty claim for 1 x SDCX10/64GB has been reviewed and approved.
Your replacement product 1 x SDC10G2/64GB will be released for shipping as soon as possible (stock availability permitting) .
Please be aware that we do not require the defective part back and therefore we kindly ask you to discard it once you have received the replacement.
In order to safely dispose of electronic equipment, please obtain advice from your local recycling site.
Please do not hesitate to contact us again, by stating your reference number XXXXXXXX.
Kind Regards,
RMA Department
Kingston Technology Europe Co LLP.
www . kingston . com

Please tell me you didn't discard it? I may be able to help fix it. Did you use Disk part? This might be irrelevant by now but
Disk part
list disk
select disk x
create par pri
format fs=ntfs quick

leotakacs said:
Please tell me you didn't discard it? I may be able to help fix it. Did you use Disk part? This might be irrelevant by now but
Disk part
list disk
select disk x
create par pri
format fs=ntfs quick
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's why I said it's gone into locked mode and why I contacted Kingston for a free replacement.
Because I've already tried everything that was in my hands first.
Thanks for the advice none the less :good:
[B]DISKPART> create par pri[/B]
No usable free extent could be found. It may be that there is insufficient
free space to create a partition at the specified size and offset. Specify
different size and offset values or don't specify either to create the
maximum sized partition. It may be that the disk is partitioned using the MBR disk
partitioning format and the disk contains either 4 primary partitions, (no
more partitions may be created), or 3 primary partitions and one extended
partition, (only logical drives may be created).


Tornado /Faraday joystick issues - examples please, please post details.

many people have had issues with the joystick of their c600 /sp5 /sp5m etc not responding to push left / right etc, usually once the handset is outside the original manufacturers warranty. I have identified the issue causing this and have spoken to HTC. I now need as many examples as I can get to prove that there is an issue.
This topic is NOT for discussion of causes / remedies of this problem,it is purely a data gathering excercise. If you wish to discuss this please start a new thread as I will ask all discussion comments to be deleted by a mod. For multiple handsets please create a seperate entry. Currently this covers only the tornado / faraday platforms PURCHASED WITHIN THE UK.
Info I would need:
Seriel: (please pm to me)
Date of purchase (approx ok):
Date of issue arising (approx ok):
Date of repair (approx ok):
Method of repair ( eg warranty, insurance, DIY, chargeable fix, still faulty):
Details of repair (eg cost, warranty case number, orange care policy):
Your details ( should you like your case looking into further - please pm to me):
Thanks in advance. Ideally to be of use I need all the info as requested but if you do not wish to share certain details the please feel free to omit them.
The phone seriels and contact info will only be shared with HTC.
I am posting this request on multiple forums, please only enter your phone details once as duplicates on different threads will cause issues. Once I have any further info I will edit the first post in the thread.
karhoe said:
Post removed due to unrelevancy
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please, as stated,info only, topic is not meant for discussion,if you wish to, start another.
You can delete this post too
but why don't you let us know WHY the problem is happening in your original post?
There's no need to be secret about it, especially if you expect us to give us our personal information. Otherwise, I have no interest in giving you my information...

Hard-SPL Unlocker: How do I PAY, AGAIN, so I am NEVER BLOCKED in future after PAYING?

I thank the programmers for their work on the Hard-SPL Unlocker and they deserve to be compensated for it.
But, these are the issues I have with the unlocker and the programmers themselves:
#1. I already PAID for license for my PERSONAL use for ONLY my PERSONAL TP2.
#2. I'm still being blocked from running the unlocker
#3. My service "ticket" with PROOF OF MY PAYMENT filed on the programmer’s ticket system, private messages, and e-mails are all being completely ignored since 3/29/2010
What are ALL the details on the process that I have to undertake to PAY them AGAIN to get a version of the unlocker that will allow me to unlock my PERSONAL TP2 for my PERSONAL use that can NEVER be blocked again ???
Thank you for any help that can be provided.
Here is a copy of the license information they post on their site.
I have highlighted/underlined every issue that is NOT being honored:
Licensing information:
it's like with previous Hard-SPL unlockers - every user gets one free use of the Hard-SPL,
further use is subject to paying 3GBP per each device.
however, if you are a private user, you can have other uses free on request if needed, such as using it on a replacement device.
the license is valid forever and all this works as transparently as possible, so for normal users nothing is noticeable; while businesses who need to unlock more devices than that, can use the link inside the program to send payment or contact cmonex or Olipro if you want to discuss bulk unlocking.
contact info is: via support link
Again, I thank the programmers for their work and they deserve to be compensated for it.
You guys have done great work.
You've earned my money.
But, my money deserves service and a response.
Please get me working and provide a solution so this doesn't happen again.
Thank you.
I'd like to make a public request to change the system currently in place.
In exchange for our payments, can we get a downloadable program that works without future issues ????
This way, we don't have to rely on the programmers to maintain their website and communication.
They are many reports that the programmners are not maintaining either, and that's fine......
as long as those that paid can get access now to a downloadable solution that will work independtly without web access with no future issues.
I bought the SIM unlocker last year when it was released. I had it on my laptop and some how I managed to screw up my hard drive. I put in a ticket because I wanted to re down load the program in case I ever need to relock my phone to have it serviced. I received 1 reply asking for my IMIE, that was like back in dec/jan. I'm glad that my phone has not bit the dust but I'm still up set at the unloker team's under handed business practices.
i wait two weeks for them answer in my ticked --silence.
pay yes --support no.
it sounds like you guys have to re-submit your problems, olipro said the system was down and they had to start over http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=6571077&postcount=153.
I think olipro will get it worked out. I also tried to redownload the unlocker but unfortunately once you download for the first time you can no longer download yours again. I suggest that maybe olipro keep that link active for max 3 downloads. He has done great work though.

[Q] Help Needed: App Development for Field Data Collection (MS Access)

Guys, I am in need of inputs from you regarding a query that I have.
I work for a corporate group in India and am looking for some technological solution to replace the pen and paper survey questionnaires for field executives. The device I have shortlisted is Samsung Galaxy Note.
Basically I want an application which
- is compatible with Microsoft Access (I have asked our IT guys to develop a survey form)
- is easy to use for field executives for data entry in the form
- is able to send/sync the filled in data to the server wirelessly (3G/EDGE/Wifi)
- is able to connect the device to a pc and reproduce the data on a pc
- is user friendly and bug free
Please let me know if there is already solution available for my requirements (which I may have overlooked) and if custom developed, how much this application is going to cost me.
@ Mods, I searched the forum but could not find any relevant post, hence starting this thread. Feel free to move it to correct section if necessary.
Thanks and looking forward for your replies.
BUMP... No reply!
Is there no one who could offer some help and direction for me here?
don't know if you already soved your issue but I have a suggestion: Memento
I have the same problem you do and have been searching forever. The best I could get was memento (from the market). It has a one time cost of 9,9 USD and it lets you create your own data forms. Everything is stored locally on the device and it can be synchronized (to google docs in my case).
I've been operating 7 devices with this solution for the past 6 months and it works prety well. It cannot do everything I need, but it was the best I could find.
Other than this there are other solutions but the costs involved are a lot higher (something like 10 to 20 USD per month per user)
Hope it helps

Advice on Dual-SIM/Android for work or persona phone

Trying to search for an answer I went back to threads from 2010 but without luck.
Currently I use a Nexus 5x with OmniRom 6.0.1., XPosed and microG with a Focus on privacy and security.
Until now I successfully refused to use WhatsApp but with new job/people/place it seems I'd need to hop on the bandwagon.
I had to get myself a new phone number (sim card) in this country and would like to use my old number too for my old contacts. A dual-sim phone makes sense there.
Now my question; how/is it possible to run two android systems on one phone at the same time, both with dedicated access to only whitelisted (XPrivacy eg.) data?
For the one sim card my usual privacy focused take, the other sim for WhatsApp/Google/Facebook - all those so called "social apps".
I don't want my data getting mixed up/tracked down/profiled with my other sim card and keep ist usage to a minimum. Mostly just reading group messages or posts
by other people.
From what I read, Google "Android at work" needs its own Business Server running for it. Won't work for me. I also remember Blackberry had a take on a private and work space once.
Or do I have to trust in/depend on the original phones software to manage the sim cards access?
What kind of software/hardware solution would you suggest to me? Regarding phone specs I'd prefer a good camera, ~ or <5" display (not >5") and a price as low as possible, ~ € 250.
Thank you!
Moderator Information,
Thread closed at OP's request.

I can't get tested Loyalty Card in Google Pay. Help!

I have a question about Loyalty Card in Google Pay.
We implemented a sign-up form with sending data of a new user to Google Pay for creating a new Loyalty Card.
However, a long correspondence with the Testing service did not help us, and we can’t understand why the Loyalty Card is not placed on Google Pay.
We are being sent by the Testing service for all questions on implementation details to the same documentation page -https://developers.google.com/pay/passes/guides/enrollment-signin/#faq.
But the Testing service doesn't respond to technical specific questions.
Last correspondence with Testing service
ended with the same link, but they didn’t even go in
to the authorization page for testing it.
The main problem we are stuck on is here.
Google Pay's request comes to our server. We don't see it and can't catch it.
As we understood, before Google Pay went to our site, Google Pay had sent a request POST userProfile.
We should be catch it and placed the request fields in our form on the site so that the Testing service could see the correct exchange.
Then the Testing Service clicked the button at the bottom of the form with your data from the request and were redirected to create a Loyalty Card.
If the process didn't happen, please, explain what it should be? Did post request text or encrypted come?
If the support service is responding without going into too much details, to whom can I write to get an answer?

