Verizon LG G5 (VS987) dropping data connection - Verizon LG G5 Questions & Answers

Hey guys,
I recently got an LG G5 last month. The phone was running pretty darn well until about a week and a half ago. Before I go into detail about my problem, I would like to point out that this is the 3rd 4G phone I've ever had through Verizon, but this is the FIRST time I've encountered this issue.
Anyway, on to the issue. My data signal is dropping TREMENDOUSLY. In areas where I used to have a moderately weak 4G signal I'm now dropping all the way to 1X or no signal whatsoever. The troubleshooting I've performed consists of the following:
1) Rebooting the phone
2) Toggling mobile data off and back on
3) Toggling airplane mode on and back off
4) Experimenting with different network types (Global and CDMA/LTE)
5) Booting into safe mode to see if any 3rd party apps are causing the problem
6) Taking the SIM card out and putting it back in
7) Replacing the SIM card altogether
The only one of these techniques that showed promise was replacing the SIM card. The phone seemed to work well for a few hours, but later in the evening it went back to it's old problems.
I've searched online for this issue, and I've seen several other cases of this with no real solution. Here is a list of links to other people's complaints:
(The first 2 links are for the Verizon variant, the last 2 links are regarding G5's from other carriers)
Anyway, Verizon tech support is pretty much useless. When standard troubleshooting doesn't work, they typically have two final "troubleshooting" techniques: 1) Factory data reset 2) Warranty replacement
I refuse to do a factory data reset because out of all the phones I've ever owned, a factory data reset has never served as a permanent solution, EVER. Occasionally, it might fix the problem for a short period of time, but it inevitably goes back to it's old problems. Not to mention, it's such a pain to get my phone set back up the way I like it after the reset.
The warranty replacement seems like a waste of time too because of other people having the same issue. It sounds more like a problem with phone design rather than my specific device.
Anyway, do you guys have any troubleshooting suggestions? Have any of you experienced the same thing? If you have experienced it, PLEASE call Verizon tech support at least once a day and report the issue. It's currently not categorized as a "known issue" because it's not received enough "hits". However, once enough people report the same issue enough times, Verizon deems it as a "known issue", and they get off their butts to find a solution to the problem. We need a ton of people to complain about this.

I have what sounds like a connected issue.
Mine started off by going into global mode then would loose data connectivity. So figuring there was something wrong with the phone but also figuring there was an easy walk around (even though it was a pain in the butt that shouldn't happen) I made a shortcut to take me straight into System Select so I could change it back to CDMA/LTE. This worked for a while. Then the phone started doing the same thing; no network connectivity at all, even while being on CDMA/LTE. So what I ended up having to do there was go to into System Select change to Global wait for a couple of seconds then change it back to CDMA/LTE. This would fix it for a couple of days. I think at that point the phone decided it was being too easy on me because next, it started doing this to me every day. Frustration level went way up! But, the phone wasn't quite finished with me yet. Now that it was doing it once a day it started loosing signal bad enough that it started to miss SMS and Phone calls as well. This was pretty much the last straw. I waded through Verizon's level 1 tech support and was then forwarded to level 2. Surprisingly enough, level 1 did more than level 2. At the end of level 2, I was referred to LG's tech support. LG's guys were a joke. They had me do a Factory Restore, that was it. He had me do that and said if it didn't work go back to Verizon. So back to Verizon I went. They sent me a new (read factory refurbished phone) to replace my phone that I had purchased brand new. The "new" phone worked great for a few days then it started doing the switching to global thing again. So far it's stayed there for about a month now.
Long story short on my experience: Everywhere I went they said, "I've searched all over the net and I can't see anybody else having this issue." You need to contact Verizon and wade through their inept tech support. If you don't they'll never know the phone has an issue. I tried a bunch of stuff myself, including switching the SIM card. The only thing I haven't done is drop a new battery into the phone, which I'm still considering doing. But if they think it's just me they aren't going to care. They need to know there are more than one of their customers with this issue!


[Q] Random rebooting, not shutdowns.

I'm having a rather specific and odd problem with my captivate(s), three of them to be exact. First I bought the phone, upgrading from an Iphone 3g, and the first day it was great, the second day, in the evening, I noticed that it started this strange rebooting loop. The phone doesn't seem to power off because I don't see the Galaxy S symbol it just merely goes black then comes back and searches for the network, finds it, then a few minutes later goes black again, returns, search for the network, and so on. It keeps doing that over and over again. So I tried a factory reset the next morning just to make sure it wasn't a problem with any apps installed. The same rebooting loop happened. So I called a rep and dropped by the ATT store and they said it might be the sim card, which was very very old (still said cingular) so we swapped it. Same problem the next day. Okay so I went and I replaced the whole phone. The second day with Captivate #2, this rebooting loop occurred again. The reps told me that I might have gotten two bad ones and to exchange it again, so I did. And yet again I have the same problem. So here are some quick facts about the problem that I have learned. Total time span has been about 3 weeks.
-The most important thing to know about this issue is that the only thing that prevents the phone from going into this rebooting loop is if I enable flight mode, no network connectivity. I believe wi-fi is okay but whenever I disconnect from ATT's network it stops rebooting.
-Occurs more frequently at night/evening (only happened once in the morning)
-Is not affected by signal strength, full bars, low bars.
-Is not affected by installed apps (Had done factory resets and with my third captivate all I did was put the sim card in and put it in my pocket)
-Is not affected by battery status, low or full
-Doesn't seem to matter if I have a lot of things running or nothing running, the loop starts when I'm browsing, texting, in a call, or just locked in my pocket.
-Does not seem to be affected by charging source (wall, car, laptop, ps3/xbox)
Another thing to note is that I had an Iphone 3G with an unlimited data plan before this. The Captivate upgrade was done on another line on my family plan then given to me with a 2gb data plan. After talking to multiple reps over the phone, they said they had the wrong IMEI number (I have no idea what that means) but that leads me to wonder what else is wrong and is it a problem with the Captivates or ATT itself?
I really need some feedback because I'm about to just give up on this phone, which is heartbreaking because I fell in love it. My 30 days is approaching and if I am indeed returning it, it'll have to be very soon. What do you guys think?

Galaxy Nexus LTE Won't Hold LTE Signal

I'm posting here on behalf of a friend because I've tried everything I think I can do to help, but to no avail. I'll try to make this quick.
My friend bought a Galaxy Nexus LTE in December and it worked great for a few weeks, until the vibrator in the phone broke - he took it to a VZW store and they replaced it for him.
Upon receiving the replacement phone, he was having trouble with LTE staying connected. It would continuously drop and instead of falling back to 3G, it says he has no signal - signal indicator in settings displays a red bar (i.e. no coverage).
He took it back to VZW and they tried his SIM card in an employees phone - same issue happened to that phone. They then tried his SIM in a new phone off the shelf, same thing happened again.
Verizon is saying it's an issue with something at the account level, but I've encouraged him to go in and complain until they give him another replacement, just in case. However, it's very odd that his SIM card in three different GNex devices produces the same issue, even though his first one worked great. They have said that a future software update would fix this.
The other day I installed the leaked 4.0.4 update on his phone to see if the new radios would work, but the same issue kept happening. So I reverted him back to 4.0.2 so he could take his phone back to Verizon and beg for another replacement. Unfortunately I forgot to re-lock his phone so I still have to do that before he takes it in.
Has anyone ever heard of this before? It seems so odd that his SIM card would do this, but I still think that Verizon owes him another replacement device since he has a phone that isn't working like it should. He's getting a big discount on his family plan but he'd prefer to have LTE on his new phone.
I would love your thoughts - this just doesn't make sense to us. Any suggestions other than replacing the phone again? It sounds like VZW doesn't want to do that for him so it might be easier to fix it another way.
Can't speak for Verizon itself, but I have been through several SIM cards now on Telstra. Same issue, all of a sudden they are unable to pick up signal at all. Seems the pre-paid cards are more susceptible.
I'd ask for a replacement SIM, as opposed to a replacement phone as it's been proved the issue exists on multiple handsets already. If a new SIM doesn't alleviate the issue, the VZW rep may be right in that it is at the account level.
Good luck!

[Q] complete signal loss

Iv had the AT&T One X since the 4th and so far I love it! I haven't had any wifi issues or bootloops or anything, the only problem I'm having is the phone will randomly lose signal completely (0 bars, little x next to the signal) and wont get it back unless I put it into airplane mode and turn it back off, or reboot the phone. In the 6 days Iv had it it's lost signal 3 times, once on the road where I normally get at least 3-4 bars, and the other 2 happened at some point over night while I was asleep. Has anyone else been having this problem? Also do you think it's a software/radio problem that can be fixed in a update, or would it be hardware in which case I should take it to the store and exchange for a new one.
I've had this problem myself. Had the phone for 19 days now and I think it's happened to me 3 or 4 times.
I can guarantee it's fixable with a software update, even if the problem is hardware-related. At the very least, the software could detect the lack of signal and automatically cycle in and out of airplane mode to fix the problem without user interaction. But I'm sure whatever fix we get will be much more reliable than that.
WHEN we get the fix is another question...
Thanks for the reply. I figured it might be a software issue since you can cycle airplane mode and get it back and I don't really want to take it down to the AT&T store for an exchange in fear I wined up not able to set up gvoice or start getting wifi issues and the like lol. so far the signal drops are far and few in between making it an annoying issue rather than a critical one, and I read we've got root now so even if HTC/AT&T twiddle their thumbs and pretend nothings wrong I'm sure the community can save the day lol
I would swap it out Azure. My first HOX did exactly this, and I saw it reported elsewhere on a number of other devices. To me that says it's most likely a bad radio flash on some handsets. I suppose you could try and flash the RUU that was posted, as it most likely includes the radio as well.
I got tired of all my calls going directly to VM without ringing. And not being able to send out texts. My replacement works much better (or rather, how it should've from the beginning).
agentdr8 said:
I got tired of all my calls going directly to VM without ringing. And not being able to send out texts.
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Was this problem intermittent?
My phone has been doing this randomly, except it never went to voicemails, just hung up after like 30 seconds.
Wondering if I should switch it out also.
Had this problem for a day. Took my phone to the at&t store and they changed out the sim card and I haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
usfslacker said:
Had this problem for a day. Took my phone to the at&t store and they changed out the sim card and I haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
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I never thought about the sim card being a possible problem...might run up to the store when I get the chance and swap my sim out and see if that fixes it, if not I'll just swap the device out and hope all's well
The CSR actually swapped a new micro sim first, since the one provided via online sales was an older one (most likely from the iphone 4/4s batch). It didn't seem to fix the problem though.
And yeah, the problem was very intermittent. One second it would be working fine, and the next it would show the "x". Sometimes the bars would come back immediately, other times it wouldn't until I rebooted or cycled airplane mode. Luckily it happened while I was at the store; it's much easier to convince a sales rep to swap a phone when they can witness the issue(s).
Yeah it's only happened to me twice since I got it on the 4th... it'll be very hard for me to convince them that there's an issue haha... maybe I'll head down there if it happens at a time when I'm not in class or something. I'm sure if I mention returning it/their policy I'll get a swap.
agentdr8 said:
The CSR actually swapped a new micro sim first, since the one provided via online sales was an older one (most likely from the iphone 4/4s batch). It didn't seem to fix the problem though.
And yeah, the problem was very intermittent. One second it would be working fine, and the next it would show the "x". Sometimes the bars would come back immediately, other times it wouldn't until I rebooted or cycled airplane mode. Luckily it happened while I was at the store; it's much easier to convince a sales rep to swap a phone when they can witness the issue(s).
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next time my phone drops signal I'll take it into the store and see about a sim swap in hopes that'll fix the issue if not then I'll reluctantly swap the unit out (I've grown rather attached to this one xD)
strange...woke up today and my phone completely lost signal again, normally there's a few days between each event but this is the first time it's happened twice in a row =\
So it happened again, I'm going to go get it switched... but it says on the Mobile network section of settings, "Disconnected because service is unavailable."
There is clearly almost full signal strength, and I have never been without service where I live.
I was expereincing constant network drops all of yesterday due to an outage. However, it's back to normal for me today. So it may be possible there's an outage near you as well.
I think it is more AT&T than your phone. I was in down town buffalo at a swim meet with 5 bars of hspa+ on my blackberry bold that has a great radio. I had data but it was slow dial up slow. There were maybe 100-200 people at the meet and it was at a community college. The only other time I had this was when I was in a car that was driving by the buffalo bills stadium. Voice worked but I had no data. I guess too many people using their cell phones.
Definitely not AT&T, my SE Xperia x10 worked perfectly fine, never had any trouble with signals.
I also encounter the intermittent signal drops on my 4 days old AT&T one x.
It seems to me that the One x doesn't hold signal as good as the iphone, my 4 and 4s usually get around 2 bars in some really remote locations of the building I work. But the One X just drops signal completely. I'll see if I can do a sim swap like some others suggested.
I'm starting to think it could be an issue with lte phones because the same thing was happening to me on my galaxy note with 2 different sim cards and 2 different devices and now it's happening on my hox
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
it has happened to me 3 times in 5 days. All 3 times I was either:
1. in a poor reception area and it came back on its own, i did not have to use airplane mode.
2. was using BT streaming in car and using car charger, once car charger was unplugged, signal came back.
One X has issues
Definitively problems with the phone.
I have three.
They just drop signal completely. One will work, the other will not. Only way the signal will come back is if you turn the phone on and off again. I love everything about this phone....except it isn't a very good phone.
Also, typically when I turn the phone back on, that is when I get my text messages. Nice.
Yeah I figured out it happens when I lose signal (a couple buildings on my schools campus don't get reception), and then the signal won't come back until I reboot or airplane mode.. this is after a sim swap.
Oh and do I need the box my phone came in to swap it?
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
I have had this issue as well being on the Rogers (Canada) network. I started a thread as well and my theory is there may be a hardware issue reading the SIM cards.
Every now and then I get a "preparing SIM" message pop up on my screen. Also, I lost signal once and in frustration I slapped the phone into my palm VOILA! signal came back full.
This is the second One-X I've gotten from Rogers so there may be a design flaw somewhere. The problem is this behavior only pops up intermittently and cannot be recreated at will. This makes troubleshooting very difficult and practically unprovable in the eyes of providers.
Hopefully there are more reports of this problem and the carriers push back on HTC to resolve the problem.

Signal Issues with Stock S3 (No 4G, bad handoff, etc.)

Forgive my ignorance, but I seem to be having the problems of not having consistent 4G. And slow 4G/3G transitions, as well as poor battery as a result.
I have also gotten the No mobile network, no sim, and roaming network notifications.
It seems like many are having these problems, yet people who report them seem to say it occured after flashing some ROM/Kernel (idk).
My phone is stock. Im wondering if its happening to other users who have not done any funny business.
Ironically I was holding off on rooting and rom'ing to avoid these little initial bugs
verizontb said:
Forgive my ignorance, but I seem to be having the problems of not having consistent 4G. And slow 4G/3G transitions, as well as poor battery as a result.
I have also gotten the No mobile network, no sim, and roaming network notifications.
It seems like many are having these problems, yet people who report them seem to say it occured after flashing some ROM/Kernel (idk).
My phone is stock. Im wondering if its happening to other users who have not done any funny business.
Ironically I was holding off on rooting and rom'ing to avoid these little initial bugs
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I was in same boat as you. I was holding off rooting and flashing roms to make sure my device was functioning correctly in stock form. Unfortunately it was not, and I was experiencing all of the issues you are facing on my SECOND gs3. I had replaced the first one for a loose home button, and ended up receiving a new device with more issues than the previous one.
I called up tech support last night, and listed all of the issues you just listed and the tech said those are all hardware issues so I'll have to send you another. I obviously haven't received the third phone yet, but I can tell you I was not experiencing these issues on my first one.
Kreeker said:
I was in same boat as you. I was holding off rooting and flashing roms to make sure my device was functioning correctly in stock form. Unfortunately it was not, and I was experiencing all of the issues you are facing on my SECOND gs3. I had replaced the first one for a loose home button, and ended up receiving a new device with more issues than the previous one.
I called up tech support last night, and listed all of the issues you just listed and the tech said those are all hardware issues so I'll have to send you another. I obviously haven't received the third phone yet, but I can tell you I was not experiencing these issues on my first one.
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I should probably further elaborate and say that I was in Florida for the first week I had my device and the reception there was very good, and I never lost 4G, and was getting almost 35hours of battery when I am lucky to get 10 here. No major app battery draw, just signal...
So that leads me to believe that it is the network, which is a little weaker where I am now, is causing the phone to jump unecessarily in and out of 4G and drawing too much battery.
It's either that, or my phone stopped working properly after a week, which seems less likely.
I don't think it's less likely as a few have reported after a couple of weeks of fantastic service, the phone's data connection has plummeted.
I'm on my second device. Both devices had the same problem. 3g dropped to 1x dropped to no signal. Finding the signal when in a known good signal area took foreverrrr. I haven't seen 4g yet with this phone so I cannot comment there.
I've struggled with VZW to replace my phone. They're now looking at the network for errors, or something. I've taken matters into my own hands- rooted and rom'd the phone with Synergy and it has helped immensely.
Waiting for VZW or Samsung to fix it, I don't think, is a great idea. If you wanted a device that worked correctly out of the box, your chances may be higher with a phone from a different manufacturer. I don't recommend Motorola because of their stance on locked bootloaders but the radio in those things is fantastic.
So you think my phone is defective?
I have my doubts... I see lots of people complaining about so many things and there first reaction is to exchange the phone... they then end up with other problems because they meticulously scrutinize every little detail.
I also don't want to return my phone because I got a bodyguardz carbon fiber kit and screen protector and its applied perfectly! =) No bubbles or haze!
I understand... Gotta weigh it out for yourself.
I personally don't think there's anything wrong with scrutinizing a device you paid any amount of money for. It's yours. If its flawed, get another.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
My phone is in stock and right now I'm not trying to root the phone because I know lte is not perfect right now so I don't wanna do anything that will mess up the phone.
Sent from my sprint galaxy s 3, finally have lte
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

S6 active loses network??

I am currently on my 3rd Samsung s6 active in less then 2 months. My problem is the phones work fine for about 2-3 weeks then just out of the blue it drops the network. The only way I know to get the network back is to restart the phone. The problem occurs nearly every 12 hours and progresses an hour later each day. I don't have hardly any apps installed and I didn't do anything prior to the problem happening. I did notice this last time it happened the signal strength on the sim card under Sim Status was reading -51dbm when it's usually reading around -100dbm or so. My carrier is AT&T and they had me replace the sim card once with the first phone. We've been with AT&T for nearly 20 years with no problems. I have 4 other phones on my plan with 2 of them being smart phones & both Samsungs but different models and they have no problems. The way it's acting makes me think it's more of a software issue then a hardware problem. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Is there any type of "event log" I can look at to see if something changed when this began?
Thank you in advance for any help.
Received my 4th PHONE yesterday and tonight it has already dropped the network!! AT&T says they can only replace the problem phone with the same model so according to the last guy I talked to a different model is out of the question. I call BS on that, I am totally fed up with this crappy phone and after nearly 20years of being at&t's customer I am getting fed up with this runaround as well. Perhaps it's time to switch carriers. For all of you that actually read my post, thank you for at least looking at it. Since no one had any suggestions I'm done. Considered this post closed, thanks.
@MikeChannon OP considers this thread closed.

