[APP] [4.4+] Bubblr - An app launcher based on FABs, and made entirely with Kotlin - Android Apps and Games

Hi folks!
I just made an app to give Kotlin language a go, and I published it on Google Play. It's the first app I publish by myself in Google Play!
Bubblr wants to be a very lightweight app launcher based on FABs (Floating Action Buttons). Bubblr is intended to be really simple to use and very lightweight (approximately 8 MB).
The launcher adapts to the screen drawing an Arc of buttons that you can add, remove (swiping) and even sort by doing drag & drop with the buttons.
Buttons are customizable, having the ability of being bubbles or icons within colored FABs (colors also customizable).
The free edition has an Ad Banner at the bottom, safe and not intrusive.
The app is in english and spanish, I can do french/portuguese a bit, and galician in later versions.
I'm very excited to know what you people think about it, so let me know your thoughts in the comments or leave me a review, they will be very welcome!


Android App Reviews by codesplice

Hello, all.
I've got a confession to make: I like apps. A lot. To an unhealthy degree. I've got a huge stash of apps on my phone, and an even larger collection of .apk backups waiting to be reloaded whenever I feel like it. I love finding new apps to try out, and deciding which ones are worthy to be added to my collection. A lot of the apps that I find and want to try out are paid apps; without finding many thorough reviews on them, I don't know whether they are worth my money - but I can't stand the thought of missing out on the Next Big Thing. And so I buy them, download them, install them, and test them out anyway. If it's an awesome app and well-worth the money, I tell my friends. If it is money that could be better spent on another app that I've tried before, I tell my friends that, too.
Unfortunately, not all of my friends are interested in my opinion on apps. They only listen to me because of my rugged good looks (my theory). This makes me sad, because I spend a lot of time (and money, in some cases) trying apps out - someone else needs to benefit from that time (and money) as well. Until someone decides to pay/reimburse me for all the apps that I evaluate, the next-best thing I can do is offer up reviews to the community of any apps that I have found particularly useful. This is the driving force behind my desire to make this thread.
I will be running down my list of currently-installed useful applications and entertaining games. I will include screen shots, AppBrain links, and as much detail as I can muster up. My hope is that the rest of the community may find some benefit from these reviews - and who knows, maybe you'll find a kick-ass app you'd never heard of.
I'm open to questions, ideas, requests, suggestions, and pretty much any other type of communication or input that could be provided. I only ask that you be respectful - both of me, and of the app developers. And if this list helps you find a neat paid app to try out, please do support the developer(s). Piracy is bad, mmmmkay?
Credit where credit is due: All screenshots are made using the free ShootMe app.
NOTE: Now that the Android Market has a shnazzy new web interface, I'm going to change the primary links for apps to reflect this. I will add the AppBrain links as a secondary, and hope to add direct market links at some point once I find a site to reliably provide this information. Stay tuned!
Minimalistic Text (Widget)
Clutch Pad(Multitasking App) UPDATED 2/24/11
CircleLauncher (Widget)
Swipe Pad (Multitasking App)
Keyboard Manager (App) UPDATED 2/23/11
Shift Puzzle Game (Game)
ElecroDroid (App)
Hella Umbrella (Game)
Digital Wall (LWP)
Shortyz Crosswords (App)
Elixir (System Info App)
Google Authenticator (App)
Zeam (Launcher)
Lookout / WaveSecure (Mobile Security App double-feature)
If you don't want to subscribe to this thread, you can follow me on that twitting thing, as I will post updates about new reviews there.
Minimalistic Text (widget)
App Name: Minimalistic Text (v.2.1.3, @AppBrain)
Developer: Devmil
Price: FREE
There is quite a handful of text-based widgets available on the Market, and a lot of them are very nice. There are widgets for displaying the time as text, the weather as text, the battery level as text.... but this is one widget that does it all. Just about every aspect of the widget is configurable, from the text alignment and rotation to the font size and colors to even the format for different types of data. You've got several options for the display type, whether you want to use digits or words or even a bar (for days of the week or percentage of battery charge). There is also an optional "blur" text effect which works wonderfully for making accented text appear to be illuminated. To top things off, this widget also functions as a plugin for Locale or Tasker and can be used to display variables from either of those applications. For instance, if you want a small text-widget to display what Locale/Tasker profiles are currently active, this is your answer for a very configurable solution.
For each widget you are also able to define an action to perform when tapped - whether it is launching another activity (my clock widget launches my alarm clock), opening the widget preferences page, or even reading out the text currently displayed on the widget. You are also able to save and restore your widget settings, so don't be afraid to experiment.
Given the sheer amount of customizations available to you with this widget app, the configuration menu may be a little bit overwhelming and complex when you first get into it. Play around for a few minutes, and you're bound to get the hang of it.
This is a fabulous widget, and one that I highly recommend to anyone who will take the time to tinker with it.
Verdict: A highly-configurable text-based widget to display pretty much anything you want, especially with Tasker integration.
1) Widget(s) in action. I should note there are three separate widgets displayed: Time / weather up top, day / date on the bottom, and a battery level bar on the right-hand side.
2) Preferences Manager for all widgets
3) Text Style menu
4-5) Custom Layout configurator
(tested on NexusOne / Kang-o-rama 1.2 T1 (CM7.n13 / GRH78C / Android 2.3.2))
Clutch Pad[APP]
App Name: Clutch Pad (v.1.3v.1.4.2, @AppBrain)
Developer: stevealbright
Price: $0.99 $1.99
Clutch is an application that seeks to optimize and streamline the way you multitask on Android. It is currently in beta status, but is very functional in its current state. It is a powerful supplement to the built-in Recent Apps feature.
Clutch manifests itself as a small semi-transparent "trigger" area, which functions similar to "hot corners" on a Mac (I think. I'm a Linux/PC guy). This small region rides at the very top layer of the Android interface (in a user-configurable position) and is accessible no matter what application you may be working in. You can tap this region to instantly bring up a small grid displaying your recently-accessed applications. You can customize how many apps you want to be visible, configure the application to ignore your Home (Launcher) app in its list, and to visually distinguish currently-running applications from terminated apps. This makes it very easy to quickly determine if that app you just exited is still running or if it has been shut down as it should, as well as providing a quick (and lightweight) task switcher.
Nice, but nothing terribly fantastic. Yet. Clutch also has configurable swipe gestures - the most useful (to me) of which is a Last Task functionality. For instance, if I Swipe Up from the Clutch region, I instantly switch to whatever my previous app was. If I swipe again, I am moved back to the app I just switched from. This functions similarly to just pressing ALT+TAB quickly, and is very useful for quickly jumping between two apps.
This little utility is quick and lightweight, and I have found it to be extremely useful. It is still in development, and has many more features planned (and a price increase to accompany them - so get it quickly!) including support for additional gestures (open/close notifications, for example), on-click task control (press-and-hold to kill, for example), and configurable transition animations.
If you've got a dollar to spend, you would do well to add this application to your device in its current state, and I can only imagine the app's versatility and usefulness will increase with the further planned updates.
Update (2/24/11): Clutch Pad has recently been updated to version 1.4. With this update, the application has dropped the "Beta" tag, gained an additional "Pad" in its name, and has added additional features and configurable options. At the same time, the price has also been increased to $1.99. New features include additional swipe gestures, configurable transition animations (that are quite pretty), the option to toggle the trigger button via a press-and-hold on the Search hardware key, and a Favorites option to quickly launch your favorite apps. Options have also been added for additional visual tweaks and adjustments of both the trigger icon and the popup lists, and all known bugs have been fixed. With each incremental update, this app gets more and more useful and I find myself relying upon it more all the time. Even at the increased price, this is still one of my must-have applications.
Verdict: An innovative way to access recent apps, and the Last App gesture functionality is every bit as useful as Alt-Tabbing between apps on your desktop.
1) Trigger icon
2) Recent apps list
3-5) Settings pages
(tested on NexusOne / Kang-o-rama 1.2 T1 (CM7.n13 / GRH78C / Android 2.3.2))
CircleLauncher (widget)
App Name: CircleLauncher (v.1.5.2, @AppBrain)
Developer: db-ware
Price: ~$1.37 (free, limited version here or @AppBrain)
As mentioned previously, I have a lot of apps. One of the problem with having a lot of apps is running out of room on your homescreens for app shortcuts. There are various widgets out there that propose a variety of solutions to this problem, but they often leave you with tiny, almost unusable icons. This would have been fine in the days where the trackball reigned supreme, but this is the oh-tens. It has to be finger-friendly.
One true solution that I stumbled across the other day is called CircleLauncher. What it does is really very simple, but it does it very well. It allows you to create a single widget to group similar applications together (I've used location-themed apps and clock-based apps in my example). Tape the 1x1 widget, and a lightweight menu appears to launch your apps. Pretty standard, but this menu is laid out (by default - you can change this in the settings) in a ring around the icon. As you slide your finger or thumb around the ring, the currently selected application icon grows to make selection a bit easier.
Note that CircleLauncher includes other layout types (configurable from the widget's config menu, which you access by selecting the widget and then press-and-holding the center) including horizontal and vertical lines. I was also very pleased with the way that the widget's application menu adapts to its position on the screen - stick it in a corner, and your full selection of apps will be displayed within a 90-degree pie slice.
Obviously, a menu such as this is a bit limited to a relatively low number of apps (more than 9 or 10 and the ring will be just too cluttered to be functional), but if you need to have quick access to just a few more apps from your homescreen, this should do the trick. Since there is a free version available, why not give it a shot and see if this widget can help you to organize your home screen a bit?
Verdict: An easy way to combine several app shortcuts into one.
1) Plain widgets (labeled GPS and Time) - you can dress them up a bit more if you are artistically inclined.
2) One widget opened showing the full selection ring.
3) The corner widget open showing the adaptation to the position.
4) One icon expanded while my finger hovers over it.
5) Settings menu
(tested on NexusOne / Kang-o-rama 1.2 T1 (CM7.n13 / GRH78C / Android 2.3.2))
Keep going mate
gruzman said:
Keep going mate
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I surely intend to! Just have to figure out which app to post next
Thanks for the encouragement though. It is appreciated to know at least someone is reading over all this mess!
SwipePad Beta [APP]
App Name: SwipePad Beta (v.0.7.5, @AppBrain)
Developer: Conduction.mobi
Price: FREE
Keeping on the theme of "apps to help you access your apps", we come to SwipePad Beta. Similar in some regard to Clutch, this app also gives you "hot corner" functionality. Use the settings menu to establish what corners (or regions) you want to be active, and then slide your finger from a specified region to the center of the screen. Hold it for just a moment, and a 3x4 grid of application shortcuts magically appears. You can, of course, fully customize what applications should appear on this grid by simply pressing your finger on an empty square or by holding your finger over an existing icon until it is highlighted. The hot corners/region and swipe gesture should work pretty much any time that the screen is unlocked, and is a great way of quickly launching a new app without returning to your home screen.
The application offers to integrate task managing application by the same developer (which is a paid app) that I haven't tried out yet. Personally, I've got plenty of other ways of killing apps at this point - particularly once the function gets built into Clutch.
SwipePad is very nicely polished and quite responsive. It does what it does quite well. My only issue with it is that I just don't use it very frequently. I almost forget that it is there; I must be thoroughly conditioned to launching apps from the home screen. It's free, though, so give it a whirl and see if it can further help to optimize the way you launch apps from within other apps
Verdict: Clever use of hot-corners to gain quick access to up to 12 user-defined apps; non-intrusive to the point that you might forget to use it.
1) SwipePad in action. Note that putting a link to SwipePad on your SwipePad gives you a quick way to access the settings screens.
2) SwipePad settings, with the hot corners highlighted in red at the bottom.
(tested on NexusOne / Kang-o-rama 1.2 T1 (CM7.n13 / GRH78C / Android 2.3.2))
is there a video demonstrating the use of Clutch? I want to watch it before paying for it.
Deff fav'ing this. Am looking forward to all reviews
(*is thinking about getting clutch)
Epic is as Epic does
Nice! Thanks bro!
waichung said:
is there a video demonstrating the use of Clutch? I want to watch it before paying for it.
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I imagine there should be a video somewhere on the youtubes. Let me know if you find one and I will add it to the post. I'm about to go into work so it will be another 12 hours before I have access to the full internet, but I will look then if you haven't found anything.
Very good! Thanks
Keyboard Manager [APP]
App Name: Keyboard Manager (v.1.1) Keyboard Manager (v.1.4)
Developer: ne0fhyk
Price: FREE $1.99
NOTE: This app requires root!!
It took me quite a while, but I finally weened myself away from requiring a physical keyboard on a mobile device when I got my NexusOne. With the multitude and variety of available software keyboards available for Android, I haven't really missed the physical keys. The only annoyance at this point is that I find keyboards that work great for one-handed operation in portrait orientation, like Swype or 8pen (if you're in the mood for adventure and don't really care how long it takes to get a message completed ), but are next-to-worthless for dual-thumb landscape input. With a physical keyboard, you'd just slide that bad boy out and away you go. For those of us with only a touchscreen and maybe a few additional buttons, it can be a bit of a chore to manually change the selected input method each time we rotate the device. If only there was a way for the device to read my mind and select the appropriate keyboard.....
As luck would have it, XDA member ne0fhyk has provided us with a solution to this difficulty, in the form of his Keyboard Manager application. Simply select what keyboard you want to use in each orientation (I use Swype for portrait and SwiftKey for landscape), and the app will handle the tedious business of choosing the appropriate input method. It's that easy, and it works.
Mostly. The app is a bit of a hacked solution, and requires root permissions to be able to get around the Android security feature which prevents applications from changing the input method. Installation is not always straight-forward (instructions are available in the first post of the application thread, and it may cause a few software keyboards to force-close if you change orientation while the keyboard is displayed. The current version (1.1) has come a long way from the previous releases in terms of usability, stability, and reliability, and I haven't had any major issues with it. I highly recommend that you give this application a shot and see if it will help you out with your input needs.
Update (2/23/11): Keyboard Manager is no longer available for free, but is now installable from the Android Market. The now-current 1.4 version has fixed most of the install issues and should be a very easy set-up for you. If you run into any issues with the purchased version, please contact the developer - he helped me solve issues specific to my device, and the application works like a charm now.
Verdict: A functional hack to auto-select the appropriate software keyboard based on device orientation.
1) The optional persistent notification icon. Activating the notification will give you quick access to the Keyboard Manager settings page, and I recommend you leave it enabled until you get things set up the way you want. After that, disable the persistent notification at your own risk (the persistent notification keeps the process in the foreground and prevents Android from terminating it).
2) Settings screen
3) Selecting which keyboard to use
4) Demonstrating that the app has automatically selected Swype for portrait...
5) .... and SwiftKey for landscape.
(tested on NexusOne / Kang-o-rama 1.2 T1 (CM7.n13 / GRH78C / Android 2.3.2))
Shift Puzzle Game [GAME]
App Name: Shift Puzzle Game (v.1.2, @AppBrain)
Developer: Handmark
Price: $1.99 (Free ad-supported version here or @AppBrain let's you try out 15 levels; full version features 40 additional levels and no ads)
The Shift Puzzle Game is a tasty Android port of the ever-popular SHIFT game by Armor Games, which you can play free in your Flash-enabled browser at the Armor Games website. If you're not familiar with the original (as I wasn't until I found this app just an hour ago), then let me fill you in on the skinny.
Shift is a new take on the classic adventure-puzzle platformer game. Your mission is to get from point A to point B, dodging whatever nasty traps and obstacles may be in your path. The twist is the ability for you to literally shift the game universe upside down. White becomes black, up becomes down, and you find yourself walking on the flip side of the surface you were just standing on. You can (and will) use this clever maneuver repeatedly in order to successfully navigate each challenging level. Not quite tracking? It can be rather tough to explain... Hopefully the screenshots below will help clear it up (or go play the flash version for free here).
This implementation for a touchscreen device is phenomenal. The controls are large and appear on either side of the landscape display - and you don't even need multitouch. Just tap the left arrow to move left, the left-up diagonal to jump left, and the SHIFT button at the top to do that groovy shift thing. The gameplay is engaging, and the levels can be quite challenging (and quite addictive). The game is worth trying out (the free version) solely for experiencing the joy that is puzzle-solving by twisting the fabric of the universe, and you might just get hooked enough to purchase the full version. It would be two bucks well spent.
Verdict: Quickly becoming my latest Android gaming addiction.
1) Main menu
2) First level
3) First level - SHIFTED!
4) It gets twisted!
(tested on NexusOne / Kang-o-rama 1.2 T1 (CM7.n13 / GRH78C / Android 2.3.2))
This is a little off topic but is anyone attempting a Tor app?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
jinsfch said:
This is a little off topic but is anyone attempting a Tor app?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Just slightly off topic, but no worries.
A quick search on AppBrain found Orbot: Tor On Android. Impressive, since Android still doesn't have proper proxy support on its own...
Can't find clutch video on youtube...
Btw,i think swipepad is better than it as swyping from the bottom is easier than from the right
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
waichung said:
Can't find clutch video on youtube...
Btw,i think swipepad is better than it as swyping from the bottom is easier than from the right
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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I looked for Clutch videos as well and was disappointed to see that there aren't any. I may try to shoot a video once I get home from the desert in a few weeks (hopefully).
You can change the position of the Clutch region to really any spot on the screen. And I don't really see the two as competing anyway as they have entirely different purposes: Clutch gives you quick access to your recently-executed apps, while SwipePad offers a fixed menu of apps for you to launch.
codesplice said:
I looked for Clutch videos as well and was disappointed to see that there aren't any. I may try to shoot a video once I get home from the desert in a few weeks (hopefully).
You can change the position of the Clutch region to really any spot on the screen. And I don't really see the two as competing anyway as they have entirely different purposes: Clutch gives you quick access to your recently-executed apps, while SwipePad offers a fixed menu of apps for you to launch.
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The likely alt-tab function of clutch is really fantastic but does it show the recently-executed apps or the running apps? I use swipepad together with the virtual task switcher which allows switching among the running tasks. These 2 apps are completely free and no need to paid $1 for the "swipepad: tasks". But I prefer quick accessing recent tasks to showing those apps running at the background.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
waichung said:
The likely alt-tab function of clutch is really fantastic but does it show the recently-executed apps or the running apps? I use swipepad together with the virtual task switcher which allows switching among the running tasks. These 2 apps are completely free and no need to paid $1 for the "swipepad: tasks". But I prefer quick accessing recent tasks to showing those apps running at the background.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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The set {recently-executed} apps includes the subset {running apps}. The default behavior of Android is to show all recently-executed apps under the Recent Apps functionality, regardless of whether those apps are still running or have been terminated. I thought that Visual Task Switcher behaved the same way, but based on the application page it does appear to only display currently-running apps. Personally, I prefer to see recent apps (with a visual distinction between those that are still running and those that have been terminated), as I often end up re-launching the same app over and over; of course, you could also just pin a shortcut to those frequent apps to SwipePad. We all operate our devices in different ways, so either option is of course valid.
Visual Task Switcher (at least the last time that I used it) tended to make my phone lag significantly for whatever reason; I did use it for quite some time though, and was pleased with its functionality as a complete Recent Apps replacement (after configuring the long-press home trigger to launch it via CyanogenMod settings). Also note that the free version includes ads (which may contribute to the lag I was experiencing?) while the full version will set you back $1.99.

Claystone 1.0 Release (no more beta) New Android home screen replacement and launcher

** Claystone Launcher- A quick update and we just launched our first theme pack **
- A lot has been happened over the last month with Claystone Launcher
- We have now had over 14,000 downloads combined from the following App Stores:
Android Market
Android Freeware Market
Handango / Appia
** Themes **
- We just launched our first theme called BlueBerry and added skinning to the features
- We designed and launched a solid business user theme with a clear, crisp interface and colour scheme
- Our goal is to release many themes over the next few months (catching up wit the other launchers)
- Search Android Market fore the keyword "claystone" to install and see all the latest.
** New Features ***
- Besides themes we added sharing functionality and more customization and preferences (a big request from our users)
- Performance and memory management was tweaked and enhanced over a challenging 5 week period of intensive testing, retesting, and responding to user feedback and suggestions
- Launching a new home screen replacement has really been challenging because there are so many solid options already available
- Claystone works on more devices and adjust performance settings to match the hardware capabilities
- Performance can also be adjusted through Preferences if you want to tinker with speed and performance
** We Debuted Claystone on XDA Forums and your feedback is welcomed **
- We welcome your comments, feedback, suggestions and requests for additional Claystone themes.
- Inside the App you can conveniently "Share Claystone" item on the options menu to share Claystone with your friends.
- You can also conveniently rate Claystone and send the Claystone Team a feedback email from Claystone preferences
*** Thanks ***
- I thought I would take some time to reconnect with the XDA forum community and say thank you for all your support and feedback over the last two months.
- I have uploaded some of the latest screen shots and the current APK if you would like to see all the latest changes.
### Minimum Requirements
- Android smart phone or tablet
- Android 2.1 and higher
- OpenGL 1.1 and higher
- Normal screen size or higher
- Medium screen density (160 mdpi) or higher
Claystone Is Now Available in the following App Stores:
- Android Market
- Amazon Android App Store (soon)
- Android Freeware Market
- SlideMe App Store
- Handango App Store (Appia)
- GetJAR App Store
- Search for the keyword "Claystone" to install Claystone from Android Market
- To get the latest version use Android Market updates
Sound amazing and would live to help you test it, but where's the link?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Sounds sweet
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
Initial impression is that its very confussing and difficult to use... it took me a while to work out what I was looking at. Don't get the widget folder as it negates what a widget is. I do like the potential concept, but this really needs a lot more thought into user experience.
To start with look at changing the folder controls to make them easier to select.
This is a very original approach and I'll going to watch this one with interest...
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
Often only shows black screen on HTC legend.
The dock icons are too big and there is hardly any customization possible.
But it is a really interesting idea and different from other launcher. I'll stay tuned.
Sent from my HTC Legend
Widget Question
pantera70 said:
Initial impression is that its very confussing and difficult to use... it took me a while to work out what I was looking at. Don't get the widget folder as it negates what a widget is. I do like the potential concept, but this really needs a lot more thought into user experience.
To start with look at changing the folder controls to make them easier to select.
This is a very original approach and I'll going to watch this one with interest...
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
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We would really appreciate any more detail you can provide about Widgets. We are tweaking the UI throughout the beta program and any additional ideas or recommendations would be really helpful.
Can someone post screen shots?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
claystoneinc said:
We would really appreciate any more detail you can provide about Widgets. We are tweaking the UI throughout the beta program and any additional ideas or recommendations would be really helpful.
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Unless I'm missing something the only place to add widgets is in the folder at the top of the screen. This limited the use of widgets... for example if I add a 2x2 clock thats all I can see and use unless I expand the folder. This is compounded by the difficulty in using the folder controls. Widgets are supposed to provide quick and easy access and viewing of apps and info you use most, currently this is lost in Claystone... If you could make widget use a little more traditional it would go a long way...
Like I said previously though the whole user experience would be vastly improved if you added larger controls to the folders making it quick and easy to expand/close etc.
Like ms_green says the dock is a little large and it makes the screen feel a little cramped.
A very short review, sorry for being blunt:
* On my Droid Incredible: great, now applications are even smaller/hard to read. UI is not very responsive. Toolbar buttons are too small but making them any bigger would mean even less real estate.
* Tablet: Ooooh now you're talking! The layout makes much more sense, especially in landscape mode. This is actually getting closer to WebOs' take on multitasked UI.
I think this app has a great future on tablets.
Ima dl right now
Sent from my SPH-D700-EPIC-using Tapatalk
Can someone post screenshots? Thanks
This is great!!! VERY GOOD!!! the concept is amazing
things u might want to improve:
The loading speed of panels are slow. Even opening the appdrawer takes no less than 3 seconds, not to mention browser etc
When u scroll vertically but a bit sideways on a panel it just pops u into another panel, very excruciating
Panels. seriously, all u can have is a home panel and a widget panel? i want to make my own (not just folders) for example media, games etc
"items" u can add. to be honest all there is is file explorer, browser and youtube (not to mention the youtube one really sucks). U need more of these "items", but i understand this is a beta
lol no offense
I could see this possibly having potential on a bigger screen, like a tablet maybe. But as it stands things feel too cramped on my 3.7 inch screen. Also things are a bit slow atm.
It's an interesting concept, but implemented in a moderately confusing fashion. The widget box resizes widgets oddly, making things look bulky, etc.
Great idea, though.
Opening the inbuilt contacts force closes the app for me.
But apart from that, a brilliant concept! I can't wait for new additions! Great job
Misleadingg said:
This is great!!! VERY GOOD!!! the concept is amazing
things u might want to improve:
The loading speed of panels are slow. Even opening the appdrawer takes no less than 3 seconds, not to mention browser etc
When u scroll vertically but a bit sideways on a panel it just pops u into another panel, very excruciating
Panels. seriously, all u can have is a home panel and a widget panel? i want to make my own (not just folders) for example media, games etc
"items" u can add. to be honest all there is is file explorer, browser and youtube (not to mention the youtube one really sucks). U need more of these "items", but i understand this is a beta
lol no offense
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Thanks for the great feedback!
You can create more panels ("folders") as well, you can copy and paste any item in any panel. In our next drop we are going to make it simple by adding applications to the "create" menu.
Meltus said:
Opening the inbuilt contacts force closes the app for me.
But apart from that, a brilliant concept! I can't wait for new additions! Great job
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Do you mind telling us what phone/version you are using? We'll look into it. Thanks.
downloaded and will try it out on my Viewsonic G Tablet when I get home tonight
I'm a visual person. Anyone got screenshots?
Nothing to see here...

[App][2.2+]Vire Launcher

Hi friends...
A amazing launcher launched on play store...
pls note that i m not the developer of vire launcher
For more information, visit http://www.virelabs.com
Feel free to contact in case of launcher problem or feedback: [email protected]
Vire Launcher quickly improves your smartphone experiences.
***** Most beautiful launcher in the store!
***** Awesome !!
***** Great launcher
***** We have a newcomer!
Try it now for free! This fast, fluid and power friendly custom home screen makes low-end Android phones feel like high-end and adds realistic 3D effects into all devices. Vire Launcher previews some cool features, such as real-time lighting, 3D transitions and automatic theming of all UI elements, including widgets and icons.
Vire Launcher supports features such as dynamic grid, widget resize, screen manager and folder support – even with older Android versions. You can test out the multi-functional Vire Clock by swiping it down from the clock area and adding application shortcuts and widgets to the revealed panel area.
This is a beginning of how our technology changes the barriers of icon-based thinking. We can combine any 3D object and UI element together and freely place them using innovations such as Vire physics/FX/layout engines, software MRT and Virtual Window Manager. Our UI engine is designed from ground up for multi-core support and load-balancing. As it includes tomorrows atomic object architecture and design, it is fully packed to be future-proof.
Stay tuned for eye-opening launchers!
New features in following releases:
- High-performance widget mode
- Landscape and tablet support
- And much more...
Re: [App][2.2+]Vire Launcher Beta[14feb]
Nice 3d effects, a good preview version. Waiting the final with more functions:thumbup:
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Re: [App][2.2+]Vire Launcher Beta[14feb]
Hoping it doesn't consume RAM
Sent from my Moms STOCK Mini 2 (
Launcher is Good But One Problem
I Like this Launcher ...its Good with 3D & Transparency effect but one problem is it uses around 55mb to 60mb ram :silly: ... so for who using 512mb or less ram phone this launcher is not affordable for them... so plz fix this huge ram usage problem and plz also add the App Drawer Own Order app sorting option :good:
anyone have the apk for this launcher? something is wrong with my androidmarket
pharandeamit said:
I Like this Launcher ...its Good with 3D & Transparency effect but one problem is it uses around 55mb to 60mb ram :silly: ... so for who using 512mb or less ram phone this launcher is not affordable for them... so plz fix this huge ram usage problem and plz also add the App Drawer Own Order app sorting option :good:
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Hi all, I'm the CTO of Vire Labs Ltd.
First, thanks to all of you for all the good feedback, it's very valuable to us! Keep them coming.
We are actively working on reducing the memory consumption of the launcher, and will keep updating the beta launcher at Google Play. That being said, 55 to 60mb seems a bit high and we usually see less than that. It would help if you could give more details about your phone, such as how many applications you have installed, and the resolution of the display. Bot these factor into how much texture memory we are going to need at peak memory usage.
The "own order" feature is a good suggestion and we'll put it to our work queue! While the application window of Vire Launcher doesn't yet allow user to freely order the applications, one can stow away icons in the panel area of the included Vire Clock. Just swipe down from the metal clock and it reveals a panel area you can place your icons and widgets to. The application window currently support sorting alphabetically (A-Z, Z-A), as well as having four categories for apps (All, User installed, Most frequently used, and Recently used).
/Jani Huhtanen
AW: [App][2.2+]Vire Launcher Beta[14feb]
Really nice Launcher, the idea with the clock is great. I'm looking forward to this Project :thumbup:
Sent from my XT910
tcc1 said:
anyone have the apk for this launcher? something is wrong with my androidmarket
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I've attached the latest Vire Launcher APK v1.
winograd said:
Hi all, I'm the CTO of Vire Labs Ltd.
First, thanks to all of you for all the good feedback, it's very valuable to us! Keep them coming.
We are actively working on reducing the memory consumption of the launcher, and will keep updating the beta launcher at Google Play. That being said, 55 to 60mb seems a bit high and we usually see less than that. It would help if you could give more details about your phone, such as how many applications you have installed, and the resolution of the display. Bot these factor into how much texture memory we are going to need at peak memory usage.
The "own order" feature is a good suggestion and we'll put it to our work queue! While the application window of Vire Launcher doesn't yet allow user to freely order the applications, one can stow away icons in the panel area of the included Vire Clock. Just swipe down from the metal clock and it reveals a panel area you can place your icons and widgets to. The application window currently support sorting alphabetically (A-Z, Z-A), as well as having four categories for apps (All, User installed, Most frequently used, and Recently used).
/Jani Huhtanen
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Hi Jani,
Thank you for sharing this with the community. I have to say that I am quite impressed by this launcher. Overall fluidity and speed are very nice indeed. I can confirm the high RAM consumption of the launcher (I just checked on both my Xperia T and my EVO 3D, and they both clocked about 66 MB being used). While I do know that this is a beta version, I did spot a few things:
* Transition animations of Fade and Cube (both in and out) are almost identical. You guys should consider either taking a set out.
* Under Settings > UI Settings under both entries for theme and style, it reads "switch theme" and "switch style" respectively. It would be more useful to say what you currently have active and simply relabel the main line as "Change Launcher Themes" and "Change Home Transition Style".
* Ability to create folders is gone. Now, I personally don't use this but it is always nice to have such an option.
* There is a small lag/delay when opening apps (maybe a quarter of a second or so). I am trying this in my Xperia T and the stock launcher has 0 lag. This is not that big of an issue but it is a bit noticeable.
I read your site back and forth as well as the market page. You mentioned Stereoscopic 3D. Does this mean that it will utilize the autostereoscopic screen of the EVO 3D and the Optimus 3D?
Also, unless I missed it somehow, the only multitouch support enabled is within the Cube Free transition, which allows you to manipulate the cube...
I also see that a bunch of features and widgets are still "in the works", so I guess I will have to wait a tad for those
Great job and keep an eye on the Portal
Re: [App][2.2+]Vire Launcher Beta[14feb]
What new applets do you have planned for the launcher?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
egzthunder1 said:
* Transition animations of Fade and Cube (both in and out) are almost identical. You guys should consider either taking a set out.
* Under Settings > UI Settings under both entries for theme and style, it reads "switch theme" and "switch style" respectively. It would be more useful to say what you currently have active and simply relabel the main line as "Change Launcher Themes" and "Change Home Transition Style".
* Ability to create folders is gone. Now, I personally don't use this but it is always nice to have such an option.
* There is a small lag/delay when opening apps (maybe a quarter of a second or so). I am trying this in my Xperia T and the stock launcher has 0 lag. This is not that big of an issue but it is a bit noticeable.
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Thanks for the good feedback!
Having folder support is certainly something we will be adding, as well as the ability to resize widgets.
By lag when opening apps, do you refer to opening the application window, or launching an application? We're aware of lag when the application window is first opened, and we have a fix for this in the pipeline. If you refer to launching an application, there's a small delay applied due to animations involved when starting an app. We might add an option to disable the animations or the delay, though.
egzthunder1 said:
I read your site back and forth as well as the market page. You mentioned Stereoscopic 3D. Does this mean that it will utilize the autostereoscopic screen of the EVO 3D and the Optimus 3D?
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It means the engine behind the launcher can be used to render stereoscopic content, but currently we have not utilized it in the launcher itself.
Re: [App][2.2+]Vire Launcher Beta[14feb]
Love it! Needs swipe up and down controlls for shortcuts and I'll use it everyday
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Re: [App][2.2+]Vire Launcher Beta[14feb]
Nice launcher but I think battery life will be drastically reduced. The accelerometer is in constant use for that nice clock effect. That will drain a lot of battery.
Re: [App][2.2+]Vire Launcher Beta[14feb]
Tried it for a short time and noticed two things immediately. The stock launcher and the one I use (Nova) usually take about 30 - 40 Mb of RAM on my device. This launcher used more than 50 Mb. It also felt like everything was just a little bit slower, device felt like if was lagging in general. This was on a Motorola Razr M. I do like the outline icons.
Sent from my XT907 using xda premium
This launcher is working great on my GS3 and looks amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing what gets added in the future. Are there plans for resizing widgets and changing the amount of rows and columns in the screens?
Just installed it. Will give you a detailed feed back later on. So far there is no lag observed.
One feature request: Widget Import from other Launchers
Device: Saga
ROM: AOKP unofficial Saga builds by djpbx http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2115573
The Cube transition effects (all 3) seemed a bit sluggish, rest trasition effects are smooth. Okay I know, Desire S is prehistoric when compared to current devices. But still, its not that bad .
Everything else working fine, as already requested - would love to see resizing of Widgets. Rebooted a few times, no problem (BTW I have uninstalled the default launcher).
it looks great on my htc desire z
Just saw this thread, seams to be a nice piece of work. Installing, coming back with feedback.
and2nckiko's channel
it is really an amazing launcher..but its eating a lot of ram on my gsmini
love the looks and ui of this launcher...i know its still in beta, just add a few more features such as swipe up and down gestures, create folder of apps in home screen and docks and perhaps a customize transparent for status bar :fingers-crossed: this will be my daily launcher. you gotta love the crystal transition and the clock applets :good:

[Ultimate List]150+ Great Apps/Games You Didn't Know About[UPDATE! 23rd April!]

Hello, everyone. I have decided to make this thread so that I can share some of my favorite apps with everyone in this community.
But there is one condition. NO SUPER POPULAR APPS.
I haven't posted apps like PowerAMP and Flipboard and Swiftkey. EVERYONE knows about these apps.
The purpose of this thread is to make everyone aware of new apps which are largely unheard of. Apps which are not so popular. I was too tired of seeing numerous lists full of apps I already knew about.
So, here's my list (You probably would've heard of some of these, but I guarantee, not all of them ) -
1) Atom Launcher- A great launcher with many options for customization while maintaining a minimalistic look. I personally recommend Typo Black Theme to go along with it.
Typo Black Theme- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dlto.atom.theme.NamuSModernTypoBlack
2) WordWeb - In my opinion, THE best dictionary out there. Why? Because its offline. Doesn't require an internet connection!
3) Wallbase - I've tried 'em all and nothing has helped me find better wallpapers than this app. And most of them are full HD.
4) LyricsPlayer - This app shows a notification on the status bar when you're playing music, clicking on it automatically searches for the lyrics and displays them.
5) Holo Compass - The most minimalistic and cool looking compass around.
Here's another - Field Compass Holo
6) Circle Alarm - A holo themed and minimalistic alarm app.
Here's another - AlarmQuick https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cz.kinst.jakub.alarmquick
7) Node- Just a super cool live wallpaper
8) Pimp My Music - This is great for fixing up the ID3 tags in your songs and for finding all the right cover art.
9) T.E.A.M. Battery Bar - This displays a coloured bar on top of the status bar showing the battery level (remember MIUI?). A must have for me.
10) Active Lockscreen - I think this is one of the best lockscreens out there.
11) ConvertIt - Another holo themed and minimalistic app, this one is a unit converter.
12) Phone Addict - This great little app counts how many times I check my phone. Over a period of time, shows the day I checked my phone the most times, the least times, and how often I check on average.
13) Llama - For me this app is a MUST HAVE. I'll explain how it works. Basically, when you're at home or at work, your phone is getting signal from multiple cellphone towers nearby. What this app does is remember these towers and triggers certain profiles when they are in the vicinity. So, when I reach home, my phone automatically turns silent and when none of these towers are in range i.e. when I'm outside, it automatically increases the ring volume. You'll have to let it scan once, of course.
14) Godville - This is a super simple game. You are God and you create your hero and lead him on quests etc. Superb time-killer.
15) Plasma Sound HD - This is a super cool app which lets you create music which is visually stunning too. Try it out yourself.
16) Sensor Music Player - A music player which lets you use various sensors to change track, pause etc. For example, if I'm using my headphones and my phone is in my pocket, I can just tap my pocket to change the track. Pretty cool. eh?
17) Clockr - A text based clock similar to minimalistic text, but just simpler.
18) TasteKid - This is a very handy app. All you have to do is type the names of certain movies, music artists, books you like and it analyzes your taste and suggests similar movies, music, books etc. https://play.google.com/store/apps/...1bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS50YXN0ZWtpZC5UYXN0ZUtpZCJd
19) My Device Storage Analyser - This app has a very nice UI and is a simple way of finding out which files are eating up your space.
Another Alternative is Disk Usage - https://play.google.com/store/apps/...sImNvbS5nb29nbGUuYW5kcm9pZC5kaXNrdXNhZ2UiXQ..
20) Pew Pew - It is a retro style arcade game which is one of my all time favourite mobile games. Must try.
21) Wifi Key Recovery - Ever forgotten your wifi password and cursed yourself about it? Not to worry! This app generates a list of all the wifi networks you’ve ever used WITH passwords. How’s that, huh? Of course, you need root.
22) Playboard - This is an amazing app which has helped me find many other useful apps. This app basically fulfills the purpose of this thread.
Here is another - Best Android Apps https://play.google.com/store/apps/...vbS5hbmRyb2lkdGFwcC5iZXN0LmFuZHJvaWQuYXBwcyJd
23) NexMusic - A very nice holo themed, simple and minimalistic music player.
Shuttle Music Player - A beautiful, minimalistic and Google now themed music player.
24) AppGratis - This is an amazing app which tells you which paid apps are are currently free for the day. Take full advantage of it!
25) Flib - I have already shared a unit converter here, but this one is so awesome, I just HAD to share it. Very nice UI and surprisingly small in size.
This one is my new favourite - ConvertBee
26) Run in Crowd - A great multiplayer running game.
27) ShrtnR - Hate those dreadfully long URLs? This holo themed app is the solution!
28) Daydream Launcher - Love daydream and wanna use it without a dock or while charging? Here is your solution.
29) Ultimate Stopwatch & Timer - A beautiful stopwatch and timer.
30) HoloCalc - A simple and beautifully themed calculator.
31) Next Browser - A new browser by the famous GO Dev team.
32) Glovebox Launcher - This is an Ubuntu inspired app which takes multitasking to another level. Swipe from the left or right of your screen and it displays a set of configurable Apps/shortcuts etc.
A similar app for more advanced users is - SwipePad https://play.google.com/store/apps/...vYmkuY29uZHVjdGlvbi5zd2lwZXBhZC5hbmRyb2lkIl0.
32) Software Data Cable - This lets you wirelessly sync folders between your computer and phone with a high transfer speed.
IMO, this on is the best - Fast File Transfer https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.floriandraschbacher.fastfiletransfer&hl=en
33) RoundR - Hate the sharp edges of your screen? This app gives a rounded look to your screen! It makes my S4 look great, especially in the dark.
34) Copy - This is a new cloud storage service which gives 15 GB of free storage!!
35) Jumpr - A simpler and holo themed version of doodle jump.
36) NowSMS - A minimalistic messaging app which is inspired by the Google Now cards ui. No MMS support, though. But I love anything holo.
37) Clock Now - A beautiful Google Now-themed clock.
38) Flava - A great looking note-taking app with a timeline.
39) Climatip - A weather app with a difference. It shows you what you should wear before going out rather than boring temperatures. Great UI too.
40) MyRealFont - An awesome app which let's you create your own fonts using your own handwriting! How cool is that?
41) Colours - Ever wanted to set a solid color as your wallpaper? This app is the solution!
42) Keymonk - A refreshingly new keyboard which has gesture typing with 2 fingers! It takes some time getting used to, but significantly increases speed.
43) SuperBeam - This app is the fastest way to transfer data from one android phone to another using WiFi direct or NFC. The fastest. Period.
44) InstaWifi - Ever wanted to share your WiFi network with someone, but you just can't remember the password? This app is the solution. It let's the other person either scan a QR code from your phone or you could send the WiFi details using NFC.
45) Timetable - Just can't remember you class timings in school/college? This beautiful app is the solution!
Here's another alternative - Studious
46) Maluuba - Maluuba is a great voice assistant with an awesome UI. Almost always understand what I wanna say.
Another great vice assistant - utter!
47) GoogleNowWallpaper HD - Love Google now's background? This let's you set it as your wallpaper. There are even options of auto-changing the wallpaper according to the time of the day.
48) Persist(Volume Control) - Ever feel irritated when you accidentally switch off silent mode by pressing the volume button? No more! This app locks the volume button.
49) Tagy Widgets- This is a very cool app which let's you make widgets that look like tags.
50) Blindscape - This is an awesome game which is one of the best I've played in a long time. This game relies purely on sound and touch. Great concept and engrossing storyline. Must try.
51)Chartix - A Google Now themed app to keep track of all the latest music charts.
52) The Silent Age - A great game set in the 1970's. Very interesting storyline.
53) Miseria - A very intriguing puzzle game with great visuals and nice soundtrack too.
54) Hydro - A beautiful app which reminds you how often to drink water and remain hydrated.
55) Paths - Just a beautifully simple game.
56) Cut My Puzzle - This cool app let's you make jigsaw puzzles using your own photos!
57) Voxel Rush 3D - A very cool accelerometer controlled game with great graphics.
58) Chob - Help Chob eat all the chocolates! This is a great game.
59) Jumper Online - Great game in which you control a cube across different levels of obstacles. Has some old school music too.
60) DataSync - This awesome app let's you sync application data between different devices! Requires root though.
61) Music Fall - A beautiful app to download music and to discover new music as well.
Here's another great alternative - LazySong
62) Sporos - A beautifully simple yet challenging puzzle game.
63) Lightopus - This is a stunning game with full HD support. Must try.
64) Countdown Widget - Wanna know how many days left till an important date? This app is the solution.
65) Hotspot Shield VPN - This nifty little app removes the "this item is not available in your country" limitation from certain apps on the PlayStore. Here are the instructions -
w1040 said:
first of all dowload hotspot shield vpn. And click on 'protect my connection!' And click yes, then wait for the icon from red turn to green.
Then go to settings>apps and find play store. Click on force close and clear cache. Dont clear data!
Then open play store walaa, your playstore changed to US play store.
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Here is another alternative, which also increases internet speed - Hola
66) Control Centre - Love the new iOS control centre? This app is the solution.
67) User Dictionary Plus - Tired of adding all your personally used words in the keyboard dictionary? This app learns all your words from your social networks.
68) BarLauncher - Using this app, you can permanently fix your favourite and most frequently used apps to the notification bar for super easy access.
69) Mega - This new cloud storage app gives 50 GB of free space!
70) Hex - In this simple game two players race to connect their sides of the board. Great UI too.
71) Boot Box - THE best app to discover new boot animations.
72) PowerLine - This is an awesome app which displays bars on the edges of your screen indicating battery, internal memory etc. Must try!!
73) Fast Search - If you're not on a nexus device, do you find it annoying to have to go to your app drawer to use Search? No more! This app lets you have an transparent overlay clicking on which takes you directly to Google Now.
74) Default App Manager - This app is for people like me are too lazy to manage app defaults by individually going to the app's settings.
75) Robot Unicorn Attack 2 - The second installment to the hit running game, this one is a great time killer.
76) Balls - A super simple game in which you connect as many balls of the same value as possible. Simple yet Addictive.
77) Tapp Down - This app counts how many times you can tap the screen in a limited amount of time. Its fun to compare your scores with the rest of the world.
78) Fenix Box & Boxel - Both these games are pretty similar. Basically, you manuver a square over and around obstacles. Worth a try.
79) Arc Ball - Remember Pong? Or Breakout? This game is just like that. There is 2 player mode also. Great fun.
80) Color Flood - This is the simplest and the most beautiful version of the classic game- Flood it!
81) Holo Ring LWP - A futuristic and super cool wallpaper.
82) Twisty Launcher - This app takes the Moto X shake gestures to another like. Like the Moto X, you can flick your phone twice and it'll open the camera. Many other customisable gestures await you.
83) Beautiful Stripes Live - Another beautiful and modern live wallpaper. Must try.
84) 3D Tiles Parallax - This really cool live wallpaper gives a depth to your screen, much like the parallax effect of the iOS 7 wallpaper.
85) Disable Service - This great app let's you disable individual services running in the background without disabling the actual app. Frees up quite some RAM. Root required.
86) Helium App Sync and Backup - This is THE best backup solution out there. Of course, it shares the top spot with Titanium Backup. Must have for me.
87) My Tracks- This is the best app to track your progress while you're running, biking etc. It's displays your speed, distance traveled, elevation etc.
88) Million Moments - This app is a beautiful way of organising all your photos.
89) Audio Glow Music Visualizer - This is an awesome music visualizer with a glow effect. Super cool!
90) Nexus 4 Dot Live Wallpaper - As the name suggests, this is a wallpaper which is like the beautiful back of the nexus 4. Customizable too.
91) Ditalix Live Wallpaper Suit - This is one of my favorite live wallpapers. Its has a themes section where you can download separate themes too. Extremely customizable.
92) Pou - This is a super simple game. Pou is like owning a virtual alien pet. Great fun!
93) Phone 2 Google Chrome - Everyone those about Chrome to Phone; but what about the other way round? This app is the solution!
94) Embiggen - This app provides a cool way of communicating with your friends when you're together at places where you can't talk, like the library or a movie theater.
95) Beautiful Stripes - This is an absolutely gorgeous Live Wallpaper. Must try!
96) Timely Alarm Clock - This app is abso-friggin-lutely one of the best looking alarms on the Play Store. Love it!
And this one is just as good, if not better - TimeSwipe
97) Holo Wikipedia - As the name suggests, this is just a simple but nice-looking Wikipedia client.
98) Circular Timer - A very interesting and beautiful timer.
99) Drawnetic : Kinetic Drawing - Use this app to draw beautiful designs and abstract art. Very interesting.
100) Habit Browser - An amazing new browser. Must try!
If you found this list useful, please press the thanks button and rate this thread 5 stars.
Also, please inform me about broken links or any other errors and I will fix it immediately.
I r o n M a n said:
To no one in particular - Please don't use this thread as a means of promotion for an app developed by you. Sharing an app not made by you is fine. But if you want an app made by you to be included on this list, please PM me first. This is because we all are human and hence biased towards our own apps. I will review it and will definitely put it in the list, should I find it good enough.
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Please leave a comment for suggestions that you have and any advice on how I can make the thread better, I really appreciate it!
Honourable Mentions -
1) Twilight - Ever have trouble falling asleep after using your phone/tablet late at night? This is the app for you! It actually works great. Must-have for me.
2) Zyan Drench - A beautiful Flood It! alternative.
3) Readmill - A beautiful and useful ebook reader.
4) Awoken - This is a must have for any lucid dreamers out there. Great app.
5) Gravity Badgers - Just a super cool game.
6) Voxle - A great location based social network.
7) Cover Lock Screen - A great and innovative new lockscreen with profiles for home, work etc.
8) CPU Spy Reborn - As the name implies, this app is a better looking version of our favourite CPU Spy
9) Habit Flow - This a great app to track your habits and get rid of bad ones . The UI is minimal and beautiful.
10) The Talker App - This is an extremely innovative app which provides a new way to interact with your phone. It triggers certain actions when a condition is triggered. Must try!
11) Inbox - A great messenger app which even lets you undo sent messages! Is great for privacy too.
12) Q4 Keyboard - A very innovative keyboard which sorts letters into 4 keys. Prediction isn't always perfect, but a great idea nontheless.
13) FotoRus - A great app for editing photos and making collages. Does have some annoying ads though.
14) Shape Shuffle - A simple and clean puzzle game suitable for all ages. Nicely done.
15) Crow in Hell - A pretty cool game which seems inspired by Badlands.
16) C Launcher - This is a very clean launcher with simple animations and nice UI.
17) trakAk MovieExpress - A functional video editer and video mixer.
18) Hopeless: The Dark Cave - A super cool game, specially for kids.
19) Redirect File Organiser - This is one of my favourite apps. This helps in sorting all your photos, videos and music to a folder of your choice. Must try!
20) Dolphin Zero - Hands down the best incognito browser out there!
21) Brainsquare - A beautiful puzzle game.
22) Soundrop - A great way to discover new music. This app is like a social network for music.
23) SwatchMatic - An awesome app which lets you detect colours in any picture your choose and also suggests matching colours. Must try!
24) AirCalc - Ever wanted to calculate something while reading something else on your phone? AirCalc is the answer! This is a simple floating calculator.
25) MyDroid System Info - This super useful app gives you real time information about your phone like storage, ram, system resources etc. And it does so by a beautiful UI. Must try!
26) BlackPlayer - Just a simple music player with the usual functions like equaliser, lockscreen, widgets etc.
27) Solo Battery Saver - Hands down the most good looking battery saver out there. Must try!
28) Hash Private Messenger - This is a great private messenger which automatically deletes messages after a certain period of time.
29) 500 Firepaper - This innovative app made by our very own Chainfire displays a beautiful new wallpaper every day. Must try!
30)DroidPapers - Love stock wallpapers from a Samsung phone, or from an HTC or any other? This is the app for you! This contains a database of the stock wallpapers from many phones. Great app,
Added on 23th April 2014-
31) Pixelation - This awesome old-school inspired LWP will completely change the look of your phone!
32) Wiizm Music Player - An advanced music player with an awesome UI!
33) Groove Racer - This is one of the most beautiful racing games I've ever played. Must try.
34) Mime-O - This app will revolutionize how you use the traditional copy-paste on your phone. A must have!
35) Strava Running and Cycling GPS - In my opinion, this is THE best app you can get for running and cycling with GPS applications. It has a beautiful UI and is very well designed.
36) Muzei LWP - This app is constantly updating your homescreen with famous works of art which have been slightly blurred for added effect. Very beautiful.
37) Tidy - THE best and most beautiful app to organize your photographs. A must have!
38) Calcu : The Ultimate Calculator - With an appropriate name, this is indeed the ultimate calculator. My favourite calculator on the market.
39) Snapseed - One of my favourite applications for editing my pictures.
40) Instant - A beautiful alarm clock and calendar with holo UI.
Paid Apps Section (WIP) -
1) Klok - This is a great and minimalistic UCCW clock.
2) Pulsate - This is a visually stunning music synthesizer. You'll either love it or hate it.
3) NodeBeat - A very interesting game which lets you create soothing music.
4) Stark - Simple and minimal icon pack.
5) Audio Glow LWP - A futuristic, neon type equalizer for a wallpaper. Super cool
6) Device Info Ex LWP - Ultra modern live wallpaper which gives you live information about your device.
7) Minimal UI - A beautiful and minimal icon pack.
8) 99M Pro - An awesome music player with an interesting UI.
9) Smart IR Remote - If you have a phone with an IR Blaster (like the S4 or the HTC One), this is THE app for you. It supported every single electronic I throw at it!
10) Unicon - This amazing app lets you apply apex/nova/go icon packs to the stock launcher! Root required.
11) Flatro - A beautiful and flat icon pack consisting of circle shaped icons.
12) Zombies, Run! - Zombies, Run! is an ultra-immersive running game and audio adventure. It gives reality a twist. Must try!
13) Music Player (Remix) - A powerful and customizable music player
14) Ice Rage - An awesome and addictive ice hockey game.
15) Snack Pack - Another beautiful icon pack.
16) Tiny Thief - One of my favourite games. Its cute and addictive. Must try.
17) Electric Sheep LWP - An infinitely updating, never repeating ultra modern live wallpaper.
18) Goolors Icons - A great icon pack.
19) The Nautilus - A super cool interactive live wallpaper inspired by Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea. Must try.
20) Hexacon - A beautiful icon pack of hexagon shaped icons.
21) Nexus Triangles LWP - A simple and beautiful live wallpaper.
22) Blood Run - An awesome and addictive ninja-type game.
23) Motif - A minimalistic and beautiful icon pack.
24) Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery - This is an exploratory action adventure with an emphasis on audiovisual style. Awesome game!
15) LockIt - The simplest and best looking tool to put a lock on your applications.
26) Click UI - Another beautiful icon pack with circular shaped icons.
27) The Walking Dead: Assault - A nice game with great visuals.
28) Multi Cpoy Paste! - How many times do you find yourself wanting to copy more than 1 thing in you clipboard? All the time? This is the app for you!
29) Zyan Drench - A beautiful Flood It! alternative.
30) Minuum Keyboard - One of the most innovative keyboards around. Makes typing super simple.
31) MMII Flat Theme - A flat themed icon pack. The wallpapers are awesome!
32) Call PopOut - Ever get irritated if you get a call during the middle of doing some work or playing a game on your phone? No more! This app displays a non-intrusive little popup from which you can pick up, reject or silence the call without stopping what you're doing.
33) Moves - Simple the most beautiful fitness tracker out there. Must try!
34) Eternel - Another absolutely beautiful icon pack
35) SimpleRockets - A great physics based, rocket-building game.
36) Holo Text Clock - A holo themed text based clock with a great UI.
37) dialapp - The dialer which "Magically knows who you want to call". Worth a try
38) flatshade - A flat and shaded icon pack.
39) Apple Frog - An interactive and cute live wallpaper.
40) Pivvot - Pivvot is a thrilling game of strategic avoidance that will consistently test and challenge your ability to make quick, impulsive decisions.
41) Serkel - One of my favourite flat and circle shaped icon packs.
42) Runtastic Heart Rate Pro - This best heart rate monitor on the play store.
43) Dokuro - An absolutely gorgeous game with a nice storyline and decent graphics,
44) Fight Fight Zombanite! - This is an ultra awesome zombie blasting game. Must try!
45) ExZeus 2 - A 3D shooting game, with nice graphics.
46) BlurIt - This is a must have app for you if you love blurred wallpapers. It turns any wallpaper you want into a blurred version.
47) Bladeslinger - An awesome game with great graphics.
Added on 23rd April 2014-
48) Minimal Ringtones - If you are like me and hate the over-complicated and noisy default ringtones this is the app for you! It has a big collection of simple and minimal ringtones.
49) Out There - This is one of the best games I've played in a long time, with a great storyline and well worth the money they are asking for it.
50) Tondo Premium - One of the best circular icon packs on the market besides Click UI.
51) Behang - This a great collection of some absolutely beautiful wallpapers by a very talented artist.
52) DropSpot - This innovative app lets you access your phone's files on your computer using any browser.
53) Syberia - An amazing game with an intriguing storyline and impressive graphics.
54) VidStitch Pro - This beautiful app lets you make super cool collages using pictures as well as videos!
If you found this list useful, please press the thanks button and rate this thread 5 stars.[/SIZE][/FONT]
Looking good. I already installed more than 10 apps/games.
Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9300 met Tapatalk
nice list. most of the apps i used earlier. ill try the other new apps
add habit browser to the list.
before adding to list i recommend you to try it
4 good oder it started here:
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium HD app
wesjeex3 said:
Looking good. I already installed more than 10 apps/games.
Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9300 met Tapatalk
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Great. Be sure to try Pew Pew
Sent from my octa-core, badboy S4 using the new Tapatalk 4 Beta
reversegear said:
nice list. most of the apps i used earlier. ill try the other new apps
add habit browser to the list.
before adding to list i recommend you to try it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Looking it up right now.
Sent from my octa-core, badboy S4 using the new Tapatalk 4 Beta
Great list and great idea for a list!! I have tried most of the apps but i found many more new and useful ones in your list. The pew pew by the way is addictive!!
I hope you gonna add apps to the list in time
Great idea ! Thanks !
Envoyé depuis mon GT-I9300 avec Tapatalk
Awesome list! Thanks
Note ii running JDevil
Try Adrealine browser!
If you love meme use memedroid, very good app !
Envoyé depuis mon GT-I9300 avec Tapatalk
Very nice list, i was searching a lyrics app like this!
Envoyé depuis mon Nexus 4 avec Tapatalk
Thanks, guys.
I will keep this list updated regularly.
Looking into all the suggestions also.
Sent from my octa-core, badboy S4 using the new Tapatalk 4 Beta
This is a fantastic thread. Already installed like 15 of the apps! Can't wait to see what else is added.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Installed jumpr, but I wish it had background music like minecraft. Sent dev an email
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda app-developers app
PenguinxEnjoi said:
Installed jumpr, but I wish it had background music like minecraft. Sent dev an email
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda app-developers app
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I agree, buy what I like is that it plays different notes every time you jump onto a new platform.
Sent from my octa-core, badboy S4 using the new Tapatalk 4 Beta
Thank mannnn
Sent from my GT-S5300 using xda app-developers app

[APP][4.4+] Konvertr - An ad-free, permission-free unit conversion app

A small and simple unit conversion app, made to be as easy to use as possible without compromising on the design. It contains over 350 different units to convert between, spread over 25 different categories, with more units and categories being constantly added. Along with all of this, the app requires zero permissions to function.
- Ad-free and zero permissions required.
- 350 units to convert between, spread over 25 categories.
- Multilingual. Supported languages include English, German, Spanish, French and Hindi. (Still working
on the accuracy of the translations. Please email me if you find any issues. Thanks!)
- Minimal and modern design that is also easy to use.
- Search bar to search conversion categories either by category name or by unit.
- Smooth Material design animations used throughout the app.
- Intuitive copy to clipboard feature.
Pro Features
- Calculator: A built in basic calculator that keeps track of your calculation history.
- Multi-view: View all units at the same time to see conversions for all of them in real time.
- Favorites: Get easy access to your most used unit conversions by saving them to your favorites.
- Themes: Choose between 8 pre-defined colors to change the look of the entire app along with a dark and light
mode toggle.
- Settings: Change decimal points and precision of your conversions and choose between opening up to calculator
or conversion categories for quick access to either.
Konvertr - Play Store Link
Konvertr Pro - Play Store Link
Great ad-free unit converter app
Sexy is an understatement. Clean UI, loads of features in the free version and its ad-free. Bought the pro version to support the dev, multiple unit conversions in one go is helpful feature. A+
redstealth said:
Sexy is an understatement. Clean UI, loads of features in the free version and its ad-free. Bought the pro version to support the dev, multiple unit conversions in one go is helpful feature. A+
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Thanks man. Glad you like the app and I appreciate the support!
New update released for both free version and paid.
Konvertr changelog:
- Changed app icon.
- Added about app menu.
- Added option to upgrade to pro.
- Added tap to copy in conversion screen.
- Fixed padding and design issues.
- Bug fixes.
Konvertr Pro changelog:
- Changed app icon.
- Added tap to copy in single conversion screen.
- Added new forest green color to theme choices.
- Fixed padding and design issues.
- Bug fixes.
A very nicely designed app. Great job. No ads and permissions. Finding the best apps it seems when I hop on XDA. Too many apps out there with crap ads and excessive permissions.
cpnfantstk said:
A very nicely designed app. Great job. No ads and permissions. Finding the best apps it seems when I hop on XDA. Too many apps out there with crap ads and excessive permissions.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hey thanks! Ads are something I've always hated too. That's why I prefer to differentiate free and pro by features instead. There's only two types of people, those who hate ads and those who tolerate them.
Awesome app, helpful.
? Like it
New release for Konvertr Pro
- Added 4 new languages: Dutch, Polish, Portuguese and Russian.
- Updated libraries
- Bug fixes
Same changes will be included in the free version when Google decides to accept the update.
Update for both versions.
- Updated libraries
- Bug fixes
Updates for both versions. Bump.
Bump. Updated both apps.

