[Completed] BubbleUPnP Server - XDA Assist

In the process of replacing an older streaming device from my PC to my AVR and the good folks on AVS Forum helped me get this far and suggested that I try here for a solution to my problem.
I'm attempting to stream/cast FLAC audio files from foobar2000 on my PC to my AVReceiver for playback through our home stereo speakers. The AVR has Chromecast Audio connected to it via optical cable. I have installed BubbleUPnP on our two android tablets and have successfully streamed FLAC music files from them onto the AVR for successful playback.
My problem is streaming from my PC to the AVR using the BubbleUPnP Server. Whenever I open the server I receive the following:
HTTP: ERROR: Cannot connect. Check that the public host name is valid and that port 58050 is opened on your router
HTTPS: ERROR: Cannot connect. Check that the public host name is valid and that port 58051 is opened on your router
I'm using an ASUS TM-AC1900 router but I know nothing about checking for a valid public host name or that ports 58050/1 are open or not. In other words I know little or nothing about programming a router.
What forum would I best be posting this on to search for a solution?
Thank you.

Thanks for using XDA assist.
It would be best to post in this thread:
[APP][4.0+][v2.7.1] BubbleUPnP - UPnP/DLNA/Chromecast Control Point and Renderer
An expert may be able to help you out.
Good Luck! - gsstudios


Android app DNLA Client???

Hello. I fount, that I can serve the media content from android phone through Twonky server to my PC. But I want retrograde app - the android DNLA media CLIENT - to play the streamed video or audio on my Android phone - from my PC media library.
Any idea?
I don't know much about Android...
...but I'm interested in getting an android phone, probably the HTC Desire.
Can't you just link your phone into your home network, like I've done with my WM6.5 phone? That way, you can just browse to the relevant media folder on your network from your phone and play the file via the relevant app on your phone. I do that for video and music on my WM phone.
Or does Android not allow you to link into a PC network?
Linking to a PC network over SMB/CIFS is not straightforward AFAIK:
You can browse and copy files with applications such as ES File Explorer, but that is not integrated into the file system for all applications. And You can use xyflash to stream from the network using certain protocols such as http and ftp, but not in a very user friendly way.
I'd love to see something being able to browse and stream using DNLA/UPNP or mount a SMB path in the android file system, but I haven't seen it yet. Though the latter may be possible if you device is rooted, I haven't checked that out...
Are you looking for something like AndroMote, or to go the other way around?
benmyers2941 said:
Are you looking for something like AndroMote, or to go the other way around?
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Just saw this post; I've been using this for a while (originally just to test it) it works well with my Buffalo Linkstation's Media server.
As I can see, there is no news about video dnla app client - only audio is possible now :/
rooomish said:
As I can see, there is no news about video dnla app client - only audio is possible now :/
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Not necessarily.... If you have a UPnP server on your PC (TVersity, Playon, etc...) you can use PlugPlayer (plugplayer . com) as your client...
I've spent some time recently to look for a UPnP stack solution for android, so perhaps my exploration can be of use.
I found out that EyeconTroller is a nice media renderer. I only tested audio but EyeconTroller is supposed to handle videos as well.
I've tested it with two android devices: the first one runs iMediashare (media server), the second one runs EML UPnP-AV Controlpoint to act as a remote controller, and EyeconTroller runs on both devices. Using EML I was able to stream from iMediashare to EyeconTroller on both devices.
Next step is to stream from my linux box, but i don't expect any issue here (granted it is on the same subnet, which it is not for now), considering that EML discovered the iMediashare and all EyeconTroller instances without problem.
Note that for now EyeconTroller is free but might not always be (see eyecontec site).
I have a lcd tv samsung C550, they have dlna with name 'allshare', they can display music, photos and messages, but I think this only work with galaxy S, would be nice if any android phone can send text message to tv.
skifta is a great dlna client
i search for a audio only dlna client, they are all audio and video and i just want a small case to plug to my audio mixer.. without any drive i wan't to stream music directly from my phone as i can do on my tv with any NAS and skifta.

Streaming video

Hi I just wanted to contribute an edited tutorial to those who are interested in video streaming to their phone from a home server. I didn't see a proper one listed on any of the droid development forums so as an epic user I just wanted to help.
I have pieced together a tutorial to get hi-quality Video Streaming to your Android phone over Wi-Fi or 3G. For those of you using Orb Mycast for years, like I have, have noticed that the quality is unbearable and down right atrocious until I rediscovered Tversity again.
Here are some items you will need:
1: Tversity installed on PC where media is stored
2: rockplayer app installed on Android phone from market
Its the only player for Android that picks up on most video files without having to download the file all the way.
Optional: Setup your PC for Static IP and Port Fowarding if you want to stream via 3G if away from home. Go to PortForward.com - Port Forwarding Guides Listed by Manufacturer and Model for detailed tutorials on how to set this up.
Setting Up Tversity For Streaming
I will not go into detail about setting Tversity on your PC such as configuring the libraries and such but I will go over settings that need to be in place for this to work.
Under Settings in the Transcoder section, make sure under "When To Transcode" make sure its set to never. The reason behind this is I havent figured a way for Android to pickup on the stream without waiting for it to fully transcode.
Next under General Settings, under Home Network, make sure you plug in your PC's IP address so that way your phone has access to your video files.
For this part, you would have had to setup your PC for a static IP instead of being a random IP that is given when your PC gets turned on each time. If you got to PortForward.com - Port Forwarding Guides Listed by Manufacturer and Model for detail tutorials on setting up a static IP.
Optional:Under General Settings in the Home Network Section, there is an option for "the media server should accept requests......" which will let you access your media over 3G on your phone. To set this up, after you check mark that you want access, go ahead and setup a username and password to let you login from outside your network.
As before, you need your PC setup as a static IP but also you have setup your home router to Port Forward requests from Port 41952 to your PC's Static IP. Go to PortForward.com - Port Forwarding Guides Listed by Manufacturer and Model for instructions on how to setup port forwarding.
Install A Android Media Player That Will Pickup On Progressive MP4
So far the only media player that works for this so far is the "rockPlayer" that you can download for free off the market.
If anybody has found a better player that works for this solution, please let me know so I can test it out.
Last But Not Least, Lets Stream A Video To Our Phone!!
For Home Wi-Fi Streaming Only
Open your web browser in your Android Phone, input your PC's Static IP such as "192.168.1.XXX:41952/lib"(Replaced the XXX's with Your IP address that you previously setup), from here, you will be navigated to Tversity's mobile WAP GUI. Navigate from here where you setup your video files in your library to appear. After that, select your video file and if all is setup correctly, then either you will get a popup saying with default player would you like to use or it will go straight to rockPlayer and start playing the movie.
For Streaming Over 3G or Another High-Speed Wi-Fi Connection
The only difference here that we are going to do is navigate our Android Browser to your home's IP Address which can be found easily if you go to What's My IP Address? Networking Tools & More from your home PC. For example it will look like this, to access Tversity away from home.
WARNING: Streaming from outside your network will take a long time for your movies to buffer to RockPlayer. It has taken well over 2 minutes for the movie to play sometimes over 3G. Thats why we try to get the movie as small as possible to stream faster over 3G.
All and all, thats about it. This should get you up and running on streaming to Hi-Quality video files to your Android phone wherever you are at. I will update this tutorial with any helpful updates I get from the community on what works better or my own discoveries as time goes on.
You can also use something like http://www.dyndns.com/ to associate your home IP with something like myawesomecomp.dyndns.org
It's handy for VNC, and other things as well, and can update when your IP changes.
Ah thank you that seems like a very considerable option especially since it helps with your Private IP changing which can be a bit of a hassle at times lol.
Thanks I love to hear from others and help with giving the users more options in this particular video streaming solution.
I use the CIFS module posted on here by someone along with CIFSManager to just mount windows shares on my phone when I am at home, and I can stream 720p mkv files flawlessly using the stock media player or any media player I want. Works with any video or audio or anything else you want to mess around with.
muyoso said:
I use the CIFS module posted on here by someone along with CIFSManager to just mount windows shares on my phone when I am at home, and I can stream 720p mkv files flawlessly using the stock media player or any media player I want. Works with any video or audio or anything else you want to mess around with.
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Is the CIFS module accessible from a network away from home such as your 3g/4g network?
treyxazn said:
Is the CIFS module accessible from a network away from home such as your 3g/4g network?
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cd's or tapes?
Thank you
Well for cds or tapes tversity allows you to access whatever folders you set in your directoy in the program.
For audio though I highly reccomend audiogalaxy, its easy to set up and I have access to all 50gb of my music at all times.
Let's put our data plans to the maximum use right?
Thanks for the post. I hope transcoding is supported at some point by one of the players so I can stream mkv files to devices that don't support it like my Xoom.
Hmmmm! Nice....
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Yeah unfortunately tversity does not support transcoding .mkv files yet, I would also like this feature as a lot of anime I have is in this format.
I do however know of a lot of users who use "GOTsent" to convert to mp4 format, I use other software though however and its not as timely as it would seem.
A good solution until such transcoding is supported.
With tversity you can go into settings to allow access from internet not just the lan. Which I don't think requires the need to find ip address and enter it into the browser. You set up a password and or the devices mac address. I have used tversity for years it is high quality and very easy to use.

[Q] Stream PC music through Poweramp over wifi/3g?

Hi there,
I'm looking for an application whereby I can assess music on my pc wirelessly and browse/play them within Poweramp. I have seen applications that can sync the music within their own interface, or download the tracks but I wish to stream them over wifi/3g.
I can see that ES File Explorer may allow to browse my pc via ftp, I haven't tried this as of yet, but essentially I want to be able to see my pc music folder on my phone within poweramp (my preferred music player) and stream them as opposed to sync/download.
Any suggestions?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Currently to remotely access (in 3g as well WiFi) to my server to see my personal media (pics, music, video...but streaming video depends on your bandwidth) I use several apps but all of them use it's own media player so no way to pass music to PowerAmp..
They are:
Qloud Media
You can try to access your Pc trough Samba share (\\servername\musicfolder) but not a really a wise idea if you care about the security of your pc...
Never tried by myself but should work:
Prerequisite (without this you will not be able to use this method)
Your kernel MUST support cifs (modules called cifs.ko).If you are on stock Rom/kernel... No way, if you are on a custom one it depend on the dev that have developed the kernel, try to find it out ( XDA is a good way )
Share your music folder(restrict acces to only one user avoid EVERYONE)
On your router redirect Samba(also known as cifs, smb or windows share) tcip port to your server intranet Ip (local ip of your server usually 192.168.xxx.xxx)
Install from the market an app to mount cifs share on your android phone (I use CIFS Manager, remember to configure it, it does not work out of the box)
Add your music share to CIFS Manager (you must know your Public Ip and, if it is not static, every time you have to know the new Ip your ISP assigned to you)
Using any File browser go to /mnt/cifs/ and you'll find the share you have just created
Browse it and you should be able to access to your music library, as well all the file of your Pc.
Not using this method or PowerAmp not sure if you'll be able to stream music or only to download it.
To be honest I wold not expose my Pc to Internet in this way.... Windows security is not so strong... Anyway It's up to you.
Hope this will work, as I never tested it,and hope will help you.
Thank you for the detailed response there, I'll look into it!
You're wellcome
I'm using " AUDIOGALAXY " it's free !!!!!
Interface sux, but wotdayagonnado !
ermeda said:
Add your music share to CIFS Manager (you must know your Public Ip and, if it is not static, every time you have to know the new Ip your ISP assigned to you)
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or apply and setup a dyndns or no-ip account
Hi pratetorious,
I do also use Dyndns services, quite all new router have built in the client to do it, but not sure that CIFS manager support HOSTNAME rather than simple IP, never tested it.
It could work anyway, but not sure about it

[Q] IPTV from network provider on Android

I asked in a few forums now and got no answer for this:
I wonder if it is possible to get IPTV which i have in bundle of my network provider, to my Android phone.
The story so far:
I got a Fritzbox 3370 and changed the Box the way that it is possible to watch my IPTV without that stupid TV-Box that you can get from your provider. For this i use VLC-Player on my Pc and got a .m3u Playlist to switch to all available channels. Inside that m3u there are all rtp adresses for all different channels: ie. rtp://@
Now i searched for an app that can handle those Adresses or even better handle that m3u. But i found nothing! I tried many different apps (ie. VPlayer, VLC Player (alpha), MXPlayer, MoboPlayer,VLC S&C....) but non of them worked. All of them got an error when i tried to open a link or m3u. Another Problem with that m3u is that they are deleted instantly on any Android phone which is a known issue (But WHY??) So i tried to open them on my Fritzbox NAS.Didnt work.
What i don't understand is, where the problem is hiding? If i can stream the channels on my PC why i can't on my Galaxy S2? Is that a hardware problem or a network protocol issue or has just noone ever thought about it?
I just want to get free (because i already pay for it when using it on PC) and fast and reliable IPTV on my Smartphone over Wlan and not that crappy IPTV that can be viewed over internet.
So my question now:
Is it possible to get that working? I know that there are many capable people in this good forum who have the knowledge to perhaps program a new app for this or just know in which way it can be done (I can't program otherwise i would have done that instantly because i think many people want to have that app).
Many thanks for your help in advance
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There is a great program IPTV. You can find it on Android Market.
Thats not what i asked for...
I know all iptv apps
I'm the author of IPTV app mentioned by Molodoj, here is the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.iptvremote.android.iptv
You wasn't able to find it on Google Play before because it's currently available not for all countries, just Russia, exUSSR, and few European countries. I want to add more icons for local channels before sharing it for other countries. Just tell me were you are and I'll add icons and share it for your country.
Many Android devices doesn't support multicast, so I'm suggesting to use UDP proxy in your LAN to workaround this. From what I know, Samsung Galaxy S2 does support multicast, so this should work without proxy. You can use Daroon Player to play rtp streams, or try to fix the link to udp://@ and open it with MX Video Player or VPlayer (but I'm not 100% sure that this will work). You will be able to watch it with many other streaming players with use of proxy.
About deleting m3u playlist from sd-card. This happens because Android scans sd-card, reads m3u playlists and fixes them by deleting the links to files which could not be found on your sd-card. Since you have URLs instead of files in your playlist, Android thinks that playlist is empty and deletes it. To avoid this just create some folder, place there empty ".nomedia" file and your m3u playlist. After that Android will exclude that folder from scanning and won't touch the playlist.
Hey many thanks you are my hero!
I downloaded your program IPTV (which was available indeed but i hadnt found it I'm in Germany btw) and used Daroon Player (which isnt available here via GooglePlay but i got it from internet). And it WORKS!
I only have one problem. If i use your proxy (which is hard to configure because of all the bad letters which arent supported by my german windows ) i get get only colored screen and no sound when starting a channel.
But if i use no proxy i get mostly good pictures and sound!. But the picture keeps hanging a little with overlapping pictures for 1sec ie. its ok but i think its because of the WLAN IPTV issue? But i wonder why udp proxy gives me no result ? Or wouldnt that bring me any advantage because my S2 can handle rtp directly anyway?
UDP-to-HTTP proxy is not developed by me, this is a third party software. Possibly it has only Russian localization, I'm not sure. From what I know, it was tested a lot, including rtp streams, and you are the first who reports the issue with sound.
I can guess that this happens because it was developed to support plain udp streams. Since rtp is extension over udp, in most cases the proxy works fine with rtp streams also. However there could be some variations of rtp which are not properly supported by the proxy.
There could be some data loss with udp multicast over Wi-Fi, so some hangs are possible, proxy should help to avoid this, but it doesn't work for you
You can also try to install udpxy on your WLAN router, it has better rtp support. But installing this might be not trivial and may require flashing your router.
Also, I'm interesting if it is possible to watch rtp streams with MX Video Player. From what I know, it won't play rtp://@... URLs, but would play udp://@... Could you please try to open this URL udp://@ by manually input URL in MX Video Player?
Yes i think i don't want to install upd on my router. I already changed my firmware to get this IPTV working.
But i tried MX Player and with the change to udp://@ it works!
Hope that helps you, too
yalders said:
I'm the author of IPTV app mentioned by Molodoj, here is the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.iptvremote.android.iptv
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Great software! I've tried it on Samsung Galaxy S. Works good with m3u playlists.
I know I'm reopening an old thread but it's the one that seems to fit most my problem.
I'm trying to play a multicast rtp stream on my openhour chameleon (rk3288 device)device. the stream is like this rtp://
I have tried installing IPTV pro app, Dragoon player, MX, VLC, all other players I could try, it does not work.
I also tried to change to rtp://@ or udp://@ and enter it manually in MX or VLC, no chance.
I don't want to install the proxy on my router as it is my ISP router.
The strange thing is that this rtp:// works on all my other android devices, Sony android TV, Minix, Openhour Gecko
I have asked Openhour but they have no idea, should I ask Rockchip the builder of the motherboard.
I really would love to get access to my local iptv.
Hope someone can help me

BubbleuPNP for Synology NAS for access with Android

Hi people,
I installed the newly uploaded bubbleupnp spk on my synology NAS. Opened the port 58050 on my router. Installed java etc - all mentioned on the bubbleupnp webpage.
but when I try to open the server configuration page (it goes to server DDNS>:58050) - I get asked a login/passwd. it does not seem to take any of my login/passwds on the NAS. It says "the site says - User"
I previously installed Serviio - no issues. I was able to access the server after opening the ports. Can someone please help?
Vmukund said:
Hi people,
I installed the newly uploaded bubbleupnp spk on my synology NAS. Opened the port 58050 on my router. Installed java etc - all mentioned on the bubbleupnp webpage.
but when I try to open the server configuration page (it goes to server DDNS>:58050) - I get asked a login/passwd. it does not seem to take any of my login/passwds on the NAS. It says "the site says - User"
I previously installed Serviio - no issues. I was able to access the server after opening the ports. Can someone please help?
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Connect to it using your LAN ip: http://<lan ip>:58050.
bubbleguuum said:
Connect to it using your LAN ip:58050.
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Thanks. Ok cool. I will have to try this. If I use the LAN - it wont ask for a passwd I guess and then I can configure it in the security tab.
Hi bubbleguum
It worked like a charm. Now I am able to stream movies from nas on 4g. Thanks. I will ofcourse purchase the license...it's wonderful.
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