Android Marshmallow Officially Released! - Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note5
Please discuss in the existing thread, and search before posting.

Links for MEGA!YEsD3Z5I!u6NwP2t4zzeo7Z4FIl04Qp8ESepXVDoKDM-ndWkN3SM

Been out for a little while via OTA update. Only became available via Smart Switch/Kies in the past 48 hours.

oksagi said:
Links for MEGA!YEsD3Z5I!u6NwP2t4zzeo7Z4FIl04Qp8ESepXVDoKDM-ndWkN3SM
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Whats your MD5 on that file?
Nevermind.. the tar file inside has a built in md5 which gets checked once i load it on to ODIN. Thanks.

21031980 said:
Whats your MD5 on that file?
Nevermind.. the tar file inside has a built in md5 which gets checked once i load it on to ODIN. Thanks.
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[RADIO](added ril)New leaked radio:

GPS seens better than before.
MD5: 516078A6C8385F65EBDF455D24FCC196
PROXUSER uploaded
CRC32: "675A1F6E
MD5: BDD9EAA0BA53F865DDC0D457F2DE4794
SHA-1: 006F4EB793BC6926D22197FB952CFF9EAD01E543
added ril.rar(form leaked 2.3.5'rom)
mabye you can try it .(Extract ril.rar to SDcard ,use RE or ES copy to system\ ,change permission rw-r-r,and then move them to system\lib ,replace.
remember backup before replace..
MD5: 539BB85D6A6F7AE59385EDF5B04E140B
SHA1: 6A0318F2E3D4BB08DC45FFB229BDF247631E1A71
CRC32: CF50038A
h_jaguar said:
and compile as zip file
change name to
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can you please upload system.img file too ?
proxuser said:
can you please upload system.img file too ?
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i only have 50k/s upload rate ...
system.img ,300M ..
DO we have any Md5 check sums for joined leaked Radio? (so that we can at least confirm that we have whole correct file pre flash?)
Great, once someone has tried the radio image can you report back....?
I'm having problems converting the two rar's into a single zip and still getting the correct MD5 sum to match, has anyone managed it?
could they be so kind to upload the completed whole file?
ben_pyett said:
DO we have any Md5 check sums for joined leaked Radio? (so that we can at least confirm that we have whole correct file pre flash?)
Great, once someone has tried the radio image can you report back....?
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i updated without newest ril ,it seems work well.
md5 added.
just flashed. will report back later
crescal said:
just flashed. will report back later
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Assuming that all looks good and you're still smiling .....
I'm was having problems converting the two rar's into a single zip and still getting the correct MD5 sum to match , as you've obviously managed it? could you be so kind to upload the completed whole single file?
ben_pyett said:
Assuming that all looks good and you're still smiling .....
I'm was having problems converting the two rar's into a single zip and still getting the correct MD5 sum to match , as you've obviously managed it? could you be so kind to upload the completed whole single file?
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uploaded.. try it
h_jaguar said:
uploaded.. try it
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Many thanks but, without now sounding like a complete Muppet which one of the buttons should i press translation isn't doing me any favours what colours or position on the screen is the correct one ?
ben_pyett said:
Many thanks but, without now sounding like a complete Muppet which one of the buttons should i press translation isn't doing me any favours what colours or position on the screen is the correct one ?
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just click the left or the right as u like
just click "unicom download" or "telecommuications download"
Installed new radio everything went ok.
Hmm, any improvements with this radio?
nodeffect said:
Hmm, any improvements with this radio?
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to early to say
Downloaded 3 times.
Getting each time 48cdf1e8e7bace9377ac9a65109eb0e3 as MD5 sum and 4907b0b25aea6221daed1bbf67362589e8468554 as SHA1 sum...
Someone can upload it elsewhere ?
Igl0 said:
Downloaded 3 times.
Getting each time 48cdf1e8e7bace9377ac9a65109eb0e3 as MD5 sum and 4907b0b25aea6221daed1bbf67362589e8468554 as SHA1 sum...
Someone can upload it elsewhere ?
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You should see a link within my signature.....that's a the file that I flashed.
Although I couldn't get checksum to match that within post#1 , found alternate post HERE
Downloaded, Upgraded and Seems to be working fine so far - although really too early to tell.
nodeffect said:
Hmm, any improvements with this radio?
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my test:GPS likes better than before..
I can confirm that with this radio I have a stronger GSM signal
Can you show how to flash new radio?
And Is it compatible for all Desire S devices?
paultoan said:
Can you show how to flash new radio?
And Is it compatible for all Desire S devices?
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download the zip file, you will find in last ben_pyett's post
copy it to root of your devices SD card
rename the file to, not, rename it with file explorer
re-start you phone in bootloader hold voliume down and power on restart (hboot not fastboot)
the bootloader will ask you if you want to install radio.img
rename the file again into something else on your SD after first boot
Good luck !!!
sebysebu said:
Good luck !!!
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Thank you so much.
I will check more before flashing. I have found out that my 'cidnum' is not in list
So it's very dangerous

HTC One S MD5 Error

I try to install a Custom ROM on my HTC One S but during the installation i get this error:
Error: No MD5 file...
Disable force MD5 check to avoid this error
Error flashing zip from sd card
Maybe someone have an idea
Please follow the rules and only use English here.
If you need German help go to
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---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 PM ----------
Try to redownload your ROM and try again, sounds like you have a bad download.
You can only disable md5check for backups not for flashable zips.
Send with a homebuttonbug
Ok I am sorry!
i have changed it in english
ostrich12 said:
Ok I am sorry!
i have changed it in english
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Well try to go into settings or advanced in twrp and check if you you can disable md5checksum
Send with a homebuttonbug
Thanks for this fast answer!
I`ve found the setting but after the installation my device reboots again and again.
It will not boot. Then I have tryed to install CM10 but i got this error:
Checking for MD5 file...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found
Can i download this file?
thanks in advance!
ostrich12 said:
Thanks for this fast answer!
I`ve found the setting but after the installation my device reboots again and again.
It will not boot. Then I have tryed to install CM10 but i got this error:
Checking for MD5 file...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found
Can i download this file?
thanks in advance!
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I just check the MD5 using root explorer (there are many free md5 checkers), then flash. I believe TWRP also has an MD5 checker...just compare with the one at
It is much more likely that you are not properly fastboot flashing the boot.img. Please read the OP of the CM threads to learn how to properly install the ROM.
To flash the boot.img via fastboot was successfull.
Where I`ve to put the .MD5 file on the internal storage? Before i have create a .md5 file with the MD5 Checker.
I can`t find any tutorial or threads for my HTC One S.
ostrich12 said:
To flash the boot.img via fastboot was successfull.
Where I`ve to put the .MD5 file on the internal storage? Before i have create a .md5 file with the MD5 Checker.
I can`t find any tutorial or threads for my HTC One S.
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Put it with the ROM zip. You can also just look at the file and compare it to the one listed on

[Repack] Aorth's ClockWorkMod (Odin Format) (All Devices)

Hey guys. Aorth has released a new CWM build, and so it looks like its time for more repack action...
The original thread / post where the Heimdall versions are posted is HERE.
What Is This?
This is the new version of CWM as built by Aorth. This release differs from Aorth's only in the way it is "packed". Aorth releases raw IMG files which are suitable for use with Heimdall. These files have been repacked to work with Odin. Aorth (justifiably) is against the use of Odin because its a closed-source utility that was never meant for public use. However, some people (like me) have issues making it work correctly and prefer to use Odin to flash. This release lets you do that.
I haven't found a lotta info about what's new in this release, aside from "the latest support for Android 4.1+"
I know that some of the storage and mountpoint stuff has been changing around a bit, so if you're gonna be using CM10+ ROMs, you'll want this recovery.
I changed my packaging slightly from last time. I am now packing the files inside of ZIP files. This allows me to name each released file properly without breaking the MD5 checksum, which should allow you to flash without issues. On my previous release(s) I renamed the file to be flashed, which causes an "invalid MD5" error.
How To Use?
I don't plan on doing a lot of handholding n00b-helpery in this thread. If you're flashing a custom recovery you should generally know WTF you're doing.
-Unzip the recovery for your device. You should get a recovery.tar.md5 file. DO NOT rename this.
-Put your tab into download or Odin mode.
-Hook it up to your computer via USB
-Launch Odin3 Version 1.85 (linked in this thread in case you lost yours )
-If Odin can 'see' your tab you should have a yellow box that says something like 0:[COM16]. If you don't have this, check USB and/or make sure you're really in download mode.
-Click the "PDA" button and then select the recovery.tar.md5 file.
-Click Start.
Standard XDA Disclaimer
I only own a T869 and I didn't build the original CWM or do any development. I have fully documented my involvement and "what I did", and just like with Aorth's direct releases, there's no warranty that comes with this software. If you brick your stuff its not my fault, nor is you losing your mind, job, love life, or faith in our Android savior as a result of using any of these files.
Odin 1.85 - AFH - AFH - MediaFire - AFH - MediaFire - AFH - MediaFire
As with my previous threads, I used an Ubuntu Server 12.10 system to do the "repack". For the interested, you can "convert" a Heimdall img into an Odin md5.tar package with the following terminal commands:
mv t869_clockworkmod_6.0.1.2.img recovery.img
tar -H ustar -c recovery.img > recovery.tar
md5sum -t recovery.tar >> recovery.tar
mv recovery.tar recovery.tar.md5
zip recovery.tar.md5
rm recovery.tar.md5
rm recovery.img
why no mirror for p6200 version?
Giogts said:
why no mirror for p6200 version?
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is it what u lookin for???
Blacklistest said:
is it what u lookin for???
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no, is that in first post
No download link for p6200
DivinityCycle said:
Hey guys. Aorth has released a new CWM build, and so it looks like its time for more repack action...
The original thread / post where the Heimdall versions are posted is HERE.
What Is This?
This is the new version of CWM as built by Aorth. This release differs from Aorth's only in the way it is "packed". Aorth releases raw IMG files which are suitable for use with Heimdall. These files have been repacked to work with Odin. Aorth (justifiably) is against the use of Odin because its a closed-source utility that was never meant for public use. However, some people (like me) have issues making it work correctly and prefer to use Odin to flash. This release lets you do that.
I haven't found a lotta info about what's new in this release, aside from "the latest support for Android 4.1+"
I know that some of the storage and mountpoint stuff has been changing around a bit, so if you're gonna be using CM10+ ROMs, you'll want this recovery.
I changed my packaging slightly from last time. I am now packing the files inside of ZIP files. This allows me to name each released file properly without breaking the MD5 checksum, which should allow you to flash without issues. On my previous release(s) I renamed the file to be flashed, which causes an "invalid MD5" error.
How To Use?
I don't plan on doing a lot of handholding n00b-helpery in this thread. If you're flashing a custom recovery you should generally know WTF you're doing.
-Unzip the recovery for your device. You should get a recovery.tar.md5 file. DO NOT rename this.
-Put your tab into download or Odin mode.
-Hook it up to your computer via USB
-Launch Odin3 Version 1.85 (linked in this thread in case you lost yours )
-If Odin can 'see' your tab you should have a yellow box that says something like 0:[COM16]. If you don't have this, check USB and/or make sure you're really in download mode.
-Click the "PDA" button and then select the recovery.tar.md5 file.
-Click Start.
Standard XDA Disclaimer
I only own a T869 and I didn't build the original CWM or do any development. I have fully documented my involvement and "what I did", and just like with Aorth's direct releases, there's no warranty that comes with this software. If you brick your stuff its not my fault, nor is you losing your mind, job, love life, or faith in our Android savior as a result of using any of these files.
-Odin 1.85
As with my previous threads, I used an Ubuntu Server 12.10 system to do the "repack". For the interested, you can "convert" a Heimdall img into an Odin md5.tar package with the following terminal commands:
mv t869_clockworkmod_6.0.1.2.img recovery.img
tar -H ustar -c recovery.img > recovery.tar
md5sum -t recovery.tar >> recovery.tar
mv recovery.tar recovery.tar.md5
zip recovery.tar.md5
rm recovery.tar.md5
rm recovery.img
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No download link for p6200
pintunoor said:
No download link for p6200
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Ohhh I see. Android File Host is being retarded....
Thankfully I didn't empty the trash on my work machine, so I still have them. Uploading them to MediaFire now...
OK I have updated the OP with MediaFire links as well. Sorry about that!
DivinityCycle said:
Ohhh I see. Android File Host is being retarded....
Thankfully I didn't empty the trash on my work machine, so I still have them. Uploading them to MediaFire now...
OK I have updated the OP with MediaFire links as well. Sorry about that!
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Thanks Sir
Its work.. using mobile odin
Would there be any chances that i would brick my tab if i do this? Im using stock ICS.. rooted.. 5+ CWM.. (i dont really remember)
Thank you very much!
Sent from my GT-P6200 using XDA Premium HD app
Not really, provided you know how to re-stock via Odin.
All this does is over-write the recovery partition on your device, so worst case is you mess up your recovery and can't get into it anymore until you fix it via re-stock. Obviously you'd only want to do this kind of thing withOUT a relatively full battery charge.
DivinityCycle said:
Not really, provided you know how to re-stock via Odin.
All this does is over-write the recovery partition on your device, so worst case is you mess up your recovery and can't get into it anymore until you fix it via re-stock. Obviously you'd only want to do this kind of thing withOUT a relatively full battery charge.
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Why do you want to do this on a battery without a full charge?
FelixCited said:
Why do you want to do this on a battery without a full charge?
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Ironically, I wrote it the other way around first but then thought it was wrong so I edited it. Sometimes coffee fails me
Hello guy...i wanna ask ...why odin said all p6200 cwm invalid md5.
Sent from my GT-I9100
---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------
I try all version of cwm....but fail invalid md5.n then my tab brick already....
Sent from my GT-I9100
shahkbrmn said:
Hello guy...i wanna ask ...why odin said all p6200 cwm invalid md5.
Sent from my GT-I9100
---------- Post added at 08:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------
I try all version of cwm....but fail invalid md5.n then my tab brick already....
Sent from my GT-I9100
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Some other people in this thread seem to have successfully used the p6200 version without issue, which would imply that your download is corrupt. You could re-download, or you could give the Heimdall version a try.
sorry for the ignorance
this cwm works for stock ICS ROM (P6200L)??
thank you!
otonoo said:
sorry for the ignorance
this cwm works for stock ICS ROM (P6200L)??
thank you!
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The "ROM" or OS portion of your tablet is seperate from your "recovery" partition, which is where CWM lives. You can (and probably should) be using this instead of the "stock" recovery, since the stock recovery has been known to cause bricked devices during formatting.
can i flash the cwm by mobile Odin?
and does mobile Odin need root to do that?
rowihel2012 said:
can i flash the cwm by mobile Odin?
and does mobile Odin need root to do that?
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Yes to both
DigitalMD said:
Yes to both
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How do i flash this cwm using mobile odin?
im very sorry for asking too many questions..
but i appreciate that you still take time to answer..
thank you man p6200 recovery work as charm it is great
theejay0625 said:
How do i flash this cwm using mobile odin?
im very sorry for asking too many questions..
but i appreciate that you still take time to answer..
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Rename the cwm file into 'recovery.img'..install recovery
Sent from my GT-P6200 using xda premium

PIT File

Can you tell me, what is the function of PIT file? sorry i'm noob
freshtanto said:
Can you tell me, what is the function of PIT file? sorry i'm noob
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These 2 XDA threads offer information on PIT files:
Basically, I'd only ever use a PIT file if Odin threw up an error relating to it, 99% of the time these are not needed when using Odin unless you've screwed up your devices partitions.
It's handy to have this file saved as a backup though just in case that ever happened
okey i got it now, thanks it's really hepful :good::good::good:
invalid pit for t310
This file is also necessary to build packages for Heimdall. FYI
This file is also necessary to build packages for Heimdall. FYI
Your pit-file kill my tablet..............
MNKF said:
Your pit-file kill my tablet..............
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How, a little more information would be nice?
What model did you use it on; T310, T311 or T315?
What options did you tick in ODIN?
I compared the same PIT file to one extracted with heimdall on my T310, all entries/contents were the same, it came from a T311 firmware package but T310 firmware packages also have the same file. T315 uses a different named PIT file hence why I was uncertain.
Just now I've even compared it to another PIT file off the SamMobile forums that a Moderator posted for the T310, everything is the same, ODIN will reject it if it isn't signed as well.
I didn't force you to use the file, nor was this a guide in anyway, your device must have been in a bad way for you to consider using it.
In any case I've now removed the file.

D850 Lollipop OTA dlpkgfile

I have uploaded the dlpkgfile and fota_script for the D850 Lollipop OTA. I have attempted to extract the contents several ways and have been unsuccessful. I am uploading these with the hopes that someone either a) knows how to extract the contents or b) can figure out how to extract the contents. So, keeping things short and simple, here is the zip file containing the two aforementioned files.
Mega - Android File Host
TekGadgt said:
I have uploaded the dlpkgfile and fota_script for the D850 Lollipop OTA. I have attempted to extract the contents several ways and have been unsuccessful. I am uploading these with the hopes that someone either a) knows how to extract the contents or b) can figure out how to extract the contents. So, keeping things short and simple, here is the zip file containing the two aforementioned files.
Mega - Android File Host
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From what I heard they can do nothing with those files they need the full firmware files to be able to work on but thanks for your efforts.
The discussion on this has been ongoing in the lounge. Found in this general section:good:
TonyStark said:
The discussion on this has been ongoing in the lounge. Found in this general section:good:
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Sorry about that. Should have checked prior to posting. My bad!
TekGadgt said:
Sorry about that. Should have checked prior to posting. My bad!
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No worries, it was just an FYI.

