Moving from TMO to ??? (AT&T or Sprint?) - General Questions and Answers

We switched from Big Red about a year and a half ago to TMO. it was a very painful transfer and they never got our accounts quite right. For example, my caller ID shows my wife's name.
We have been contemplating moving away from TMO but aren't quite sure if it's worth it and where to move to. I currently have a M8 and she has a iPhone 6. We still owe on our phones, we are doing that plan where we will own our phones after paying them off. I'd like to upgrade to the S7 Edge and she will probably stay with her phone for the time being.
We were originally thinking about going to Sprint, but I was recently talking to a friend and he says that he's always having dropped calls with them. But AT&T doesn't have very good promos right now. Sprint has that 50% off deal going on and at Costco, they said we would get a $200 (or was it $225?) gift card per line activated on top of the half off deal and paying our termination costs!
Sprint definitely seems like the best deal going right now, however, we don't want dropped calls.
I've searched and can't quite find a carrier comparison site out there, at least anything updated in the recent months. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thanks!
Oh, also, we're still confused what would happen with TMO and our phones if we do cancel. Do we have to turn them in? But we have been paying on them, so that doesn't quite seem right??? I don't know...


Sprint loses 135,000 subs

No wonder my TP2 on Sprint is so fast. No one else is using the bandwidth!
I just hope they can keep the system running well with reduced revenue.
zdnet - Sprint loses money, more subscribers in third quarter
I just don't get it. I guess in other areas sprint isn't that good. Everybody I know here in Columbus has them or verizon. they have a loyal customer in me. they have been doing me right for quite some time.
I used to have Sprint when I lived in Boulder, and the service was OK, not great, but that was 8 years ago. I moved to a location in the mountains that only had AT&T, and I switched to them cause that was all I could get. They were crap. Their system had more dropped calls than Sprint, and the data speeds on AT&T were getting slower and slower, I think due to all the iPhone users.
I live in a new area now, and can have my choice of providers. As soon as I could I gave AT&T the boot.
I just switched back to Sprint about 1 month ago as their price for the TP2 and the all included data plan was way better than AT&T. My data speeds are at least double those from AT&T on my TP1, and often 4-5 times faster.
I have also been traveling a bunch and have found the Sprint coverage to be quite good. There is one location in the mountains that I have not gone yet that I need coverage, and their coverage map states it is available, but you never know for sure until you try it your self.
So far, consider me a happy Sprint customer!
Went from Alltel/VZW to Sprint.
So far so good, but I haven't had much chance to test it out. Live in Lincoln, NE right now. Far I have had flawless coverage within, and same with the drive to Omaha. So far no drops in Omaha. I also played pandora all the way from Lincoln to Kansas City with only dips in coverage when I got into the really hilly areas between St Joe and KC. Friends had the same issues, so it was terrain related.
Anyway, I am glad I switched to sprint, I just hope they last! Customer Service in store and over the phone is 100x better than anything I dealt with for Alltel and VZW. Lets hope my next trip to the mountains is as good as all my other trips have been.
Edit: Colorado_al does sprint cover Copper Mountain? I hope so, going there over Thanksgiving.
I'm not happy with Sprint (and HTC) about how they handled my TP1 situation. I just took their phone survey too. I went through 4 TP1's in a 7 month period and they refused to send me another refurb. The store ordered parts and took my TP1 apart in the store and attempted to repair it. They handed me the phone and said it was fixed. Before walking away I tested things and the radio would not power on. I wanted to scream.
I got the TP2 from asurion after they were going to send my 4th refurb and I refused to accept that (told them I wanted a NIB TP1). I'm guessing that such a critter does not exist. My wife and step daughter have another year on the contract so...we may be looking elsewhere soon. Sprint needs to wake up and realize that bad customer support is killing them IMHO. I like the TP2 alright. It has a more RAM/ROM, a bigger screen and dual radios but still has the same processor the TP1 did.
Oh well, its just a phone after all
Sprint doesn't even have service up here, beyond roaming on US Cellular that is, and Nextel phones are just dead paperweights, so I've never even really considered them. That said, how long can they keep bleeding like this and stay alive? OUCH!
MrNybble said:
I'm not happy with Sprint (and HTC) about how they handled my TP1 situation. I just took their phone survey too. I went through 4 TP1's in a 7 month period and they refused to send me another refurb. The store ordered parts and took my TP1 apart in the store and attempted to repair it. They handed me the phone and said it was fixed. Before walking away I tested things and the radio would not power on. I wanted to scream.
I got the TP2 from asurion after they were going to send my 4th refurb and I refused to accept that (told them I wanted a NIB TP1). I'm guessing that such a critter does not exist. My wife and step daughter have another year on the contract so...we may be looking elsewhere soon. Sprint needs to wake up and realize that bad customer support is killing them IMHO. I like the TP2 alright. It has a more RAM/ROM, a bigger screen and dual radios but still has the same processor the TP1 did.
Oh well, its just a phone after all
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ive had 3 TP1s and all brand new in box from aurion... i havent had any problem with sprint besides fighting billing (all more my gain) in 14 years... i have tmobile as well and find there service shotty but am required to use it for work.. tryed att for a while that just made me start sharpening my knives so i left that back to tmobile.. soo ya havent had a bad problem considering every phone i have had since the old school 6600 has been brand new in box (expect one of the 6600's but that worked a lot longer then the other)
I've had AT&T since '95 in two different states, but just dropped them for Sprint because their coverage in my area is not getting better. So far I've no big complaints with Sprint, their coverage is better for me, no dropped calls in the area and I like the TP2.
I was not excited about going CDMA as I really like being able to switch my sim card between a couple phones as needed, but so far I've not needed to do that with the new phone.
My wife and daughter both use the Pre and love it. The Pre is a nice little phone is you don't need the keyboard much.
Sprint has got me as a customer for a while now. Hopefully they stay around

Thunderbolt Value

Hey all,
I'm mostly a lurker around here, but I have had countless issues with my thunderbolt (I'm on replacement number 5, and I need to get a 6th). I have been working with Verizon to be swapped into a different phone. However, leaving the great Thunderbolt community, I want to go into a phone with a very strong following, hopefully the GN. However, I have two options from Verizon.
I could have tech support swap me into another phone. I have been offered the Rezound and the Razr. What they mean by swap, I don't know, but I am hoping not an M2 (early upgrade), but just they send me the new phone for free.
The rep I spoke to last night suggested that she could do an M2 to get me the Nexus, but I would have to pay for it. She said that I could then sell my Thunderbolt to recoup most of the cost.
So this leaves me with the following situation. I am really not in a place that I can justify paying any significant amount of money for a phone (I already shelled out a couple hundred bucks on this phone, and then the contract is expensive too). So I guess I need advice. How much is a Thunderbolt worth these days? The one I have I received damaged from Verizon (Scratch in the screen, little nick on the side, but hard to notice).
You might want to check ebay for the going rate. I believe it's a little over $100. I'm also in a position to upgrade and pay the difference, but I don't think I can justify it yet.

[Q] Exchange One-S for galaxy S 3?

I specifically asked the salesman at TMobile about the GS3 because if it was to come out soon, I would wait for it. he said it would not be until fall or winter. I believed him and opted to not wait and got the One-S for my upgrade/2 yr renewal. That was 2 weeks ago. I had an issue with the phone (lock screen would not unlock, Maps was all pixelated, random apps not working..) and got a replacement. I am still not completely satisfied with the phone (maybe I was just used to my previous phone, GalaxyS, but some apps I use on a regular basis do not work the same on the One-S) and now I hear that the GS3 is hitting TMobile in a few weeks. Is there any chance I can call and complain about the issues with my One-S and get the GS3 to replace it when it comes out? I loved my Galaxy S and opted for the One-S instead of the GS2 due to it having ICS, but really want to go o the GS3 if it will be available in a few weeks. Is TMobile going to tell me to screw myself?
the S3 is in stores everywhere from tomorrow here in Italy and Austria. (29.05.12).
Wow... tl;dr
If like phone, keep phone.
If not like phone, don't.
Same here I would love to know this.
Return in the first 14 days, and can't remember if that charges a restocking fee. 30 days for exchange and whatnots. Gs3 coming on June 20 and the day you bought the phone counts as day 1.
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
When you exchange for a different phone its 50 bucks restocking fee
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
I have not seen anything that proves the SG3 will come to the U.S. before the fall. There are only rumors that it will come in the next few weeks. It still has yet to be approved by the feds... so I'll say the Aug/Sept time frame is reasonable.
As the other members have stated you do have a 14 day return policy (if purchased at a corp T-Mobile location) with a $50 restocking fee. It is highly unlikely that if you are out of your return period that they will replace it with a SG3. I would sell the One if you really want the SG3 after I get an unlock code for it, and pay full retail for the SG3, or I'd add a line and get the SG3 at a discount, toss the line to a family member make a lil profit off of it, or simply pay the 200 etf and say 199.99 off the cost of full retail for the device.
Just my 2 cents.
Noone's mentioned this yet, but I'd be wondering why anyone with a One S would be wanting to switch to the behemoth that is the SGS3.
One of the greatest selling points of this phone besides its speed is its size. It's 4.3 inches, and is PERFECT at this smaller size. OP -- if you get an SGS3, remember that youre getting yourself into a device that has a 4.8 inch screen, and STILL has capacitive buttons. It'll be an absolute giant. One-handed operation will not be possible for most.
Just food for thought....
After having this phoen for a while there is no other phone I would trade this for I had the gs2 and the 4.65 in screen was to big for me and I have big hands. And development for this phone is really starting to boom
sent from a guy living in a van down by the river
I had the same concern and asked but like mentioned above they will charge you for the restocking fee if your over the standard trial period, new customers is 14 days and customers over 5 years get 20 day which is cheap if you ask me if you've been there over that you should get 30 at least.
I'm torn myself and long story short a friend got the One S and now he's looking at ATT for the Note the only way this was going to work was buying in with the Buy-1-Get-1 free deal and selling one to get the money to get the SGS3 when it gets here.
I also put a few (the wife has no clue) bucks aside just in case because that's going to be one hell of a rainy day in the US when it does arrive.
jriv said:
After having this phoen for a while there is no other phone I would trade this for I had the gs2 and the 4.65 in screen was to big for me and I have big hands. And development for this phone is really starting to boom
sent from a guy living in a van down by the river
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Im pushing for the S3... I love the One S but........
With my provider, Vodafone UK, I cannot get a strong signal in any HTC phone, I had this exact issue with my last phone, The Sensation, I sent it for repair but they couldnt find a fault, I kicked up a fuss and they offered to give me the One S free of charge.
However i have the same issue with this phone, Ive sent that for repair too, Its due back tomorrow so i will see what they say in the notes.
If they find no fault im left with this device that has weak signal, some places it has 0 signal... I refuse to keep it for the next 13.5 months so im gonna push for an S3, Ive never had signal issues with any other phone other than HTC, I know its not HTC at fault either as this is a common issue with Vodafone & HTC devices, I dont know how this is possible but it is..
So it looks like the only other phone, Thats equal / better than the One S is the S3.. So lets see how things go.
azzledazzle said:
Im pushing for the S3... I love the One S but........
With my provider, Vodafone UK, I cannot get a strong signal in any HTC phone, I had this exact issue with my last phone, The Sensation, I sent it for repair but they couldnt find a fault, I kicked up a fuss and they offered to give me the One S free of charge.
However i have the same issue with this phone, Ive sent that for repair too, Its due back tomorrow so i will see what they say in the notes.
If they find no fault im left with this device that has weak signal, some places it has 0 signal... I refuse to keep it for the next 13.5 months so im gonna push for an S3, Ive never had signal issues with any other phone other than HTC, I know its not HTC at fault either as this is a common issue with Vodafone & HTC devices, I dont know how this is possible but it is..
So it looks like the only other phone, Thats equal / better than the One S is the S3.. So lets see how things go.
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Totally hear you. I had this issue on my Galaxy S 2. I actually barely got a discount on my One S because the 3 months I owned the GS2 it simply could not get a decent signal, even compared to my Vibrant. I almost paid the $200 fee and switched carries as it was simply unbareable. Of course my wife's GS2 not as bad as my GS2 but wasn't close to the One S but it just sucks when a phone has awesome specs but fails to do the most important thing well.
If the GS3 build design is anything like the cheap feeling GS2 and GS1 for that matter... count me out.
Yes ! Samsung's biggest failure is Build quality other than that i cannot complain, Except TW, but that would be gone in a flash (pun intended!)
Saying that, Every phone ive had has always had a case on, to add that extra protection, even on the HTC's ive had cases, even tho they are not needed. So i guess a case would hide the cheap plasticky feel...... If it has it of course !

[Q] Need Help with Service Provider Switch

I have been a loyal Sprint customer for ten years now (please don't judge). At one point, I was even on SERO and my wife convinced me to switch to a family plan (once again, please don't judge). Anyway, here I am today out of contract with 2 smartphones (Evo and Epic 4G), 1500 anytime minutes, an Airave (since Sprint doesn't work in my home), terrible 4G service (in Central Florida) and a $155/month bill all after a 22% discount. I'm ready to make a drastic change.
After looking at Sprint's website, combined my wife and I use a monthly average of 1200 minutes (about 1000 of them are mobile-2-mobile), 3000 text messages, and about 1.9GB data. We are pretty equal on data on texts, but I use about 300-400 minutes and she uses the rest (her phone doubles as a work phone).
I have been going back and forth with either renewing Sprint, signing my life away to Verizon, or going prepaid. The benefit of going with Verizon is that I also get a 17% discount (work) off their service. However, that only covers the data plan (stupid). So, I could fork over about $138+tax and move to unlimited everything with 4GB of shared data. My wife likes this idea because we don't have to worry about roaming and Verizon has decent service in Central Florida (as well as other places that we travel). Plus, she can get an iPhone 5 (but she may change her mind if navigation doesn't improve). Since we have a newborn though she is constantly taking pictures with her phone and sending them to family so I thought an iPhone 5 would be decent for that.
I like the idea of buying a couple of Galaxy Nexus's and going with two Straight Talk lines. We have been on Android devices for so long I hate to give them up especially after seeing Jelly Bean in action. Plus to me an iPhone is just like my iPad just pocket sized...why do I need two? However, if we travel to an area where there is no service the phone doesn't Roam, it just stops working. She is in sales and unfortunately has to work at times such as Christmas where we will be in an area where T-Mobile and/or AT&T don't work but Verizon does.
I thought about even putting her on Straight Talk and me on TMo $30 using the VOIP (since I work from home I don't see myself going over 100 cellular minutes a month if I'm careful).
Now, I've been reading about Solavei ($50/mnth) which allows roaming but I'm not to keen on MLMs. (I've seen MLMs break a few friends). However, since you don't have to participate in them this could be an option.
So, the question is, what would you do? Is the Galaxy Nexus worth the $350 on a prepaid vs. buying an iPhone 5 and getting locked for another 2 years? The money isn't really the issue (since we are already budgeted for the $155 per month but it would be nice to save some $$). How often do you find yourself Roaming on Straight Talk or TMo? How is the VOIP? What about Solavei (I read a forum about it and it sounds enticing, but once again MLMs bug the hell out of me).
I guess I'm not looking for some straight answers, but maybe someone to help me straighten out my thoughts. I really appreciate any feedback.
Thanks for reading.

shattered my S4 screen

basically as the title says... I dropped my phone and shattered the screen at the top and bottom corners... it's still operable at the moment but it'll get worse over time. I have an upgrade available on my account that I can use or I could enter the Verizon edge program... I really don't know what i should do. it's obvious the edge program is only useful if I upgrade every ~12 months and I have a tendency to switch phones quite often but with a newborn son I may lose interest in upgrading/getting new phones so much... I'm mostly looking at the HTC M8 only because ive had the galaxy for a while and im ready for something other than touchwiz. use upgrade, pay 250 and sign another 2 year contract or enter Verizon edge program and pay nothing now and be able to upgrade again in a year... opinions?
Edge is regarded by most as a waste of money. you're always going to pay at least half of full retail, which is always more than the 2 yr contract price.
but more importantly, think about this: Maybe Edge is exactly what you want. Maybe you'll do it for the next 5 years and go thru 5 awesome phones. and then maybe then you'll want to save money and switch to another carrier. Hey, you're not on contract. go ahead. but if you get a high end device that's $700 full, and it's been 1 year, you've paid $350 so far, and you're still gonna owe $350 to cut loose, where as if you went the 2 year contract, you maybe for the phone paid $99 (instead of $350 over 12 months), and the ETF with Verizon will only be $230 so basically, you save, after the ETF, around $370. So Edge is great... for people who plan to keep doing edge/jump/whatever every year until they die, never changing carriers. Oh, and if a carrier (Tmobile) offers to buy out your contract and pay your ETF, guess what? an installment plan is not a termination fee. you're on your own, buddy. I'm not trying to sound overly dramatic, but that's the math, man.
finally, Edge is NOT "pay nothing up front". you pay tax on the full price, and you pay the first month's payment up front as well. since you're always billed one month in advance with Verizon, if you didn't pay the first month in store, you next bill would be 2 months worth of payments. Carriers take the first month up front to prevent bill-shock
so that's my feelings towards edge (I used to work in the Cell industry. quit late last year.). As for the M8, this phone rules. why? there's 1000 reviews already out there, so I'm not gonna bother with the why.
Well said .. covers everything.
TidusWulf said:
Edge is regarded by most as a waste of money. you're always going to pay at least half of full retail, which is always more than the 2 yr contract price.
but more importantly, think about this: Maybe Edge is exactly what you want. Maybe you'll do it for the next 5 years and go thru 5 awesome phones. and then maybe then you'll want to save money and switch to another carrier. Hey, you're not on contract. go ahead. but if you get a high end device that's $700 full, and it's been 1 year, you've paid $350 so far, and you're still gonna owe $350 to cut loose, where as if you went the 2 year contract, you maybe for the phone paid $99 (instead of $350 over 12 months), and the ETF with Verizon will only be $230 so basically, you save, after the ETF, around $370. So Edge is great... for people who plan to keep doing edge/jump/whatever every year until they die, never changing carriers. Oh, and if a carrier (Tmobile) offers to buy out your contract and pay your ETF, guess what? an installment plan is not a termination fee. you're on your own, buddy. I'm not trying to sound overly dramatic, but that's the math, man.
finally, Edge is NOT "pay nothing up front". you pay tax on the full price, and you pay the first month's payment up front as well. since you're always billed one month in advance with Verizon, if you didn't pay the first month in store, you next bill would be 2 months worth of payments. Carriers take the first month up front to prevent bill-shock
so that's my feelings towards edge (I used to work in the Cell industry. quit late last year.). As for the M8, this phone rules. why? there's 1000 reviews already out there, so I'm not gonna bother with the why.
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soooooo..... get the m8 but use my available upgrade? lol...
I couldn't be happier with my m8.. I had the s4 previously the only down side is cropping photos with this camera it can be pixely. If you do get the m8 I recommend that you really look at where the speaker grill on top and bottom meet the screen. make sure it's flush this may be just me being picky but I have seen a few that were slightly raised above the screen and it kind of sticks out. Play some music and make sure the sound isn't distorted at a higher volume. I had a couple friends that noticed some static but had to make the trip back for an exchange. There are a number of threads about build quality you can read. sorry to hear your screen shattered on your s4.
Don't know where you get $250 from (unless you're not up for a new device), the M8 is $99 with 2 year contract.
TidusWulf said:
Edge is regarded by most as a waste of money. you're always going to pay at least half of full retail, which is always more than the 2 yr contract price.
but more importantly, think about this: Maybe Edge is exactly what you want. Maybe you'll do it for the next 5 years and go thru 5 awesome phones. and then maybe then you'll want to save money and switch to another carrier. Hey, you're not on contract. go ahead. but if you get a high end device that's $700 full, and it's been 1 year, you've paid $350 so far, and you're still gonna owe $350 to cut loose, where as if you went the 2 year contract, you maybe for the phone paid $99 (instead of $350 over 12 months), and the ETF with Verizon will only be $230 so basically, you save, after the ETF, around $370. So Edge is great... for people who plan to keep doing edge/jump/whatever every year until they die, never changing carriers. Oh, and if a carrier (Tmobile) offers to buy out your contract and pay your ETF, guess what? an installment plan is not a termination fee. you're on your own, buddy. I'm not trying to sound overly dramatic, but that's the math, man.
finally, Edge is NOT "pay nothing up front". you pay tax on the full price, and you pay the first month's payment up front as well. since you're always billed one month in advance with Verizon, if you didn't pay the first month in store, you next bill would be 2 months worth of payments. Carriers take the first month up front to prevent bill-shock
so that's my feelings towards edge (I used to work in the Cell industry. quit late last year.). As for the M8, this phone rules. why? there's 1000 reviews already out there, so I'm not gonna bother with the why.
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I don't know where you get that he is going to pay $350 for the phone on edge the first year.
I just got on the early edge upgrade and they offer a $10/month discount off of the $25/month price.(That is for the 3 gig plan. Discount is steeper on higher data plans) So I am paying $15/month for my M8. I will have paid $180 for the first year. And then I can get a new phone.
BB has them for $199 on 2 year contract.
I know some think I am wasting my money with edge, but I will be able to get a new phone in a year.
Tell me how you can do that cheaper by buying?
85gallon said:
I don't know where you get that he is going to pay $350 for the phone on edge the first year.
I just got on the early edge upgrade and they offer a $10/month discount off of the $25/month price.(That is for the 3 gig plan. Discount is steeper on higher data plans) So I am paying $15/month for my M8. I will have paid $180 for the first year. And then I can get a new phone.
BB has them for $199 on 2 year contract.
I know some think I am wasting my money with edge, but I will be able to get a new phone in a year.
Tell me how you can do that cheaper by buying?
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I'm not disagreeing with you, as EDGE is fine for people who upgrade a lot, and really isn't really that much of a waste of money as some make it seem, but I wouldn't say you are paying $15/mo for the M8. It's more like you're paying $25/mo for it, but you get $10 off per month from the bill itself.
Just taking in to account that they discount your bill by ~$10 (depending on data, again) even on More Everything plans, they're just trying to compensate for the fact that you are not in a contract, and thus, no subsidy.
I'm sure some reps are just saying, "and you get $10 off the monthly payment for being on EDGE" to entice people to sign up. If you were really paying $15/mo, it would take longer for you to pay off the phone... of course, I could be completely wrong, as I don't see the bill in front of me to see the break down, but that's just what I assume the breakdown is.
I feel like with EDGE it's almost a wash when comparing it with a 2-Year contract, though you can come out slightly ahead with a contract. If you upgrade a lot, and assuming a single line, then you can get a "cheap" phone for the first year, the sell it for ~ $250-300 (or more, depending on device of course), then the next flagship you pick up second hand from someone (saving tax at least). If you keep reselling in $300 range, it's almost the same thing as EDGE (paying off half to "edge up"). With EDGE, however, you save yourself the hassle of re-selling/shipping/etc.
brandogg said:
Don't know where you get $250 from (unless you're not up for a new device), the M8 is $99 with 2 year contract.
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Just saw this on the Verizon site. The store I went to last night while working had a 250 price tag.
I'm still not sure what to do lol... I feel like if I really like a phone and I'm not ready to get rid of it after 12 months and keep it then I'm throwing money away...
The Verizon variant is completely unlockable right? Is there any ota upgrade I should avoid out of the box if I decide to get it?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Free mobile app
I wasn't aware of the $10 EDGE plan discount. I left before that started, I guess.
As for where to buy the phone, Amazon or Costco are generally the best prices, but sometimes bestbuy has a good sale going on. ($100 blue M7 the day it was released), I would never buy a phone from Verizon's corporate store or website.
The Verizon phone is unlocked by default. there is nothing the user needs to do. it's Verizon policy (yay!). As for the OTA upgrade, I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter, from what I've read, but I would just root the phone and flash the rooted update, anyway, to be safe.
TidusWulf said:
I wasn't aware of the $10 EDGE plan discount. I left before that started, I guess.
As for where to buy the phone, Amazon or Costco are generally the best prices, but sometimes bestbuy has a good sale going on. ($100 blue M7 the day it was released), I would never buy a phone from Verizon's corporate store or website.
The Verizon phone is unlocked by default. there is nothing the user needs to do. it's Verizon policy (yay!). As for the OTA upgrade, I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter, from what I've read, but I would just root the phone and flash the rooted update, anyway, to be safe.
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Since when does Verizon release a phone unlocked from factory?! That's shocking. ??
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Free mobile app
Powell730 said:
Just saw this on the Verizon site. The store I went to last night while working had a 250 price tag.
I'm still not sure what to do lol... I feel like if I really like a phone and I'm not ready to get rid of it after 12 months and keep it then I'm throwing money away...
The Verizon variant is completely unlockable right? Is there any ota upgrade I should avoid out of the box if I decide to get it?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Free mobile app
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I think the M8 should be good for a long time, as most devices are, we just tend to want to upgrade/switch devices when the new one comes out =\
If you don't want to use up the upgrade, have you tried looking on Swappa for a used device?
** Factory unlock meaning for the SIM, you will still need to root and S-OFF on your own. Just to clarify haha
Powell730 said:
Since when does Verizon release a phone unlocked from factory?! That's shocking. ??
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Free mobile app
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All Verizon LTE phones are factory unlocked when you buy them. Been this way for a couple of years.
about 2 years, now. I think Verizon had to hit a certain population coverage percentage for LTE and it became mandatory by some FCC rule when they purchased the spectrum. sad that other carriers aren't also tied to this.
raichur0xx0rz said:
I think the M8 should be good for a long time, as most devices are, we just tend to want to upgrade/switch devices when the new one comes out =\
If you don't want to use up the upgrade, have you tried looking on Swappa for a used device?
** Factory unlock meaning for the SIM, you will still need to root and S-OFF on your own. Just to clarify haha
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Ohh. Yeah I was referring to the bootloader not sim lol. I actually looked at swappA last night. Good deals but I'd rather use the upgrade as opposed to that site. I really just need to decide if I want to keep the phone for two years or buy it with the intent to upgrade again in ~1 year.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Free mobile app
i believe amazon has it for 99 with 2 year, and OTA is safe, i temprooted -> soff'd; took OTA then xposed/customized.
as for swappa, site is completely legit, have bought and sold on there. just read descriptions/pics and know what you are getting.

