Sprint loses 135,000 subs - Touch Pro2 CDMA

No wonder my TP2 on Sprint is so fast. No one else is using the bandwidth!
I just hope they can keep the system running well with reduced revenue.
zdnet - Sprint loses money, more subscribers in third quarter

I just don't get it. I guess in other areas sprint isn't that good. Everybody I know here in Columbus has them or verizon. they have a loyal customer in me. they have been doing me right for quite some time.

I used to have Sprint when I lived in Boulder, and the service was OK, not great, but that was 8 years ago. I moved to a location in the mountains that only had AT&T, and I switched to them cause that was all I could get. They were crap. Their system had more dropped calls than Sprint, and the data speeds on AT&T were getting slower and slower, I think due to all the iPhone users.
I live in a new area now, and can have my choice of providers. As soon as I could I gave AT&T the boot.
I just switched back to Sprint about 1 month ago as their price for the TP2 and the all included data plan was way better than AT&T. My data speeds are at least double those from AT&T on my TP1, and often 4-5 times faster.
I have also been traveling a bunch and have found the Sprint coverage to be quite good. There is one location in the mountains that I have not gone yet that I need coverage, and their coverage map states it is available, but you never know for sure until you try it your self.
So far, consider me a happy Sprint customer!

Went from Alltel/VZW to Sprint.
So far so good, but I haven't had much chance to test it out. Live in Lincoln, NE right now. Far I have had flawless coverage within, and same with the drive to Omaha. So far no drops in Omaha. I also played pandora all the way from Lincoln to Kansas City with only dips in coverage when I got into the really hilly areas between St Joe and KC. Friends had the same issues, so it was terrain related.
Anyway, I am glad I switched to sprint, I just hope they last! Customer Service in store and over the phone is 100x better than anything I dealt with for Alltel and VZW. Lets hope my next trip to the mountains is as good as all my other trips have been.
Edit: Colorado_al does sprint cover Copper Mountain? I hope so, going there over Thanksgiving.

I'm not happy with Sprint (and HTC) about how they handled my TP1 situation. I just took their phone survey too. I went through 4 TP1's in a 7 month period and they refused to send me another refurb. The store ordered parts and took my TP1 apart in the store and attempted to repair it. They handed me the phone and said it was fixed. Before walking away I tested things and the radio would not power on. I wanted to scream.
I got the TP2 from asurion after they were going to send my 4th refurb and I refused to accept that (told them I wanted a NIB TP1). I'm guessing that such a critter does not exist. My wife and step daughter have another year on the contract so...we may be looking elsewhere soon. Sprint needs to wake up and realize that bad customer support is killing them IMHO. I like the TP2 alright. It has a more RAM/ROM, a bigger screen and dual radios but still has the same processor the TP1 did.
Oh well, its just a phone after all

Sprint doesn't even have service up here, beyond roaming on US Cellular that is, and Nextel phones are just dead paperweights, so I've never even really considered them. That said, how long can they keep bleeding like this and stay alive? OUCH!

MrNybble said:
I'm not happy with Sprint (and HTC) about how they handled my TP1 situation. I just took their phone survey too. I went through 4 TP1's in a 7 month period and they refused to send me another refurb. The store ordered parts and took my TP1 apart in the store and attempted to repair it. They handed me the phone and said it was fixed. Before walking away I tested things and the radio would not power on. I wanted to scream.
I got the TP2 from asurion after they were going to send my 4th refurb and I refused to accept that (told them I wanted a NIB TP1). I'm guessing that such a critter does not exist. My wife and step daughter have another year on the contract so...we may be looking elsewhere soon. Sprint needs to wake up and realize that bad customer support is killing them IMHO. I like the TP2 alright. It has a more RAM/ROM, a bigger screen and dual radios but still has the same processor the TP1 did.
Oh well, its just a phone after all
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ive had 3 TP1s and all brand new in box from aurion... i havent had any problem with sprint besides fighting billing (all more my gain) in 14 years... i have tmobile as well and find there service shotty but am required to use it for work.. tryed att for a while that just made me start sharpening my knives so i left that back to tmobile.. soo ya havent had a bad problem considering every phone i have had since the old school 6600 has been brand new in box (expect one of the 6600's but that worked a lot longer then the other)

I've had AT&T since '95 in two different states, but just dropped them for Sprint because their coverage in my area is not getting better. So far I've no big complaints with Sprint, their coverage is better for me, no dropped calls in the area and I like the TP2.
I was not excited about going CDMA as I really like being able to switch my sim card between a couple phones as needed, but so far I've not needed to do that with the new phone.
My wife and daughter both use the Pre and love it. The Pre is a nice little phone is you don't need the keyboard much.
Sprint has got me as a customer for a while now. Hopefully they stay around


Don't Knock Sprint & CDMA

There's been a whole lot of knocking the Touch Pro 2 on the CDMA network and Sprint (one person referred to shoving a cactus up his a**), so I just want to write and defend it. True, CDMA is kind of backwards and not internationally common, but the phone does include GSM support for foreign travel. I just bought a TP2 on Sprint, and my experience was awesome. I purchased online, and I declined to bring my number with me. Upon receiving my phone I changed my mind, so customer support told me to take my new phone to a Sprint store to get help. Service was quick, friendly, and knowledgable. They even told me it would be at least 3 hourse before I got service with my old number, if not a day, but I had it by the time I left the store. Sure, the phone is $450 upfront, but there is a $100 rebate, plus more if you list a friend on Sprint as a referrer. Plus, I sold my old Tilt for $95, and if you use 'save50' as a coupon code, you get $25 off service for the first two months. Really, not too bad at all. I actually get coverage on Sprint inside buildings where AT&T always dropped. Finally, Sprint's Simply Everything plans are better than any other network's data plans, and on them you can now call any mobile phone in America for free. I know some people trash Sprint like there's no tomorrow, but my experience thus far has been great. I grew to hate AT&T by the time I left, and I don't think I could ever go back to them. Their data prices are ridiculous, store staff are snobs, and although I would never buy an iPhone, their whole handling of that situation has been ridiculous. To sum this ramble up, don't be afraid to make the plunge and jump on Sprint. Just my two bits.
PS This was all written on my TP2; this phone rocks! If you've been debating, stop, just buy it.
I will have to agree with trogdor1138
I was a AT&T customer for 4 years, and hated the last year and a half of service! You might ask why only the last year and the half. It all stated when I leased a new office building and got 1 to 0 bars of Edge service, my brother who was on Verizon had 5 bars of 3G. Which made for a really crap experience during the whole office phone transition. I don't even want to get into AT&T's customer service because its no existent. I got my Touch Pro2 from Sprint on the 8th and all I have to say is WOW! At my office I get 5 bars of service and I have yet to find a place in my everyday travels where Sprint doesn't have great coverage. And the best part is my cell phone bill when from 129.99 a month on at&t to 99 bucks. So yeah I paid a bit more for my phone but those poor guys on at&t will pay out their nose for the service!
I need to jump on this band wagon. My experience with AT&T and Sprint is exactly like the first two posts. I could not use my AT&T phone in my house or office or more than a mile away from the interstates (out side of metro areas). Sprint covers the whole state, (WI) has better customer service and is about 20% cheaper than what I was paying AT&T. And to top it all off, my TP2 is rock solid. I've never had a phone that was this easy to use and at the same time this versatile.
I am glad to see some support for Sprint! I have had Sprint for 8 years and my service has only got better over time. I always have signal and when I don't I roam on Verizon. Sprint has a credibility problem that was self imposed-no getting around it. But Sprint has been making the right moves for a couple years now and I hope it continues.
This reply was also typed on my Touch Pro 2.
I just switch from t-mobile to sprint. I was with t-mobile for 5 years. Thought about getting tp2 with them but there always behind everybody else and i did like all the changes they made to the tp2. What were they thinking. Anyway besides that they didn't have any of the extras internet services like internet TV,music and radio like all the other carriers do. With sprint i get all that in it's only costing me about $5 dollars more a month. So i ported my number and it only took 1 day to get the phone and have it activated with my ported number. No regrets at all.
This is soo nice after posting charts of of data throughputs of carriers proving sprints better- posting data charges from carriers where sprint wins every time - and Now 4G (yes WiMAX in my area as of sept1) it does me happy to see the light in others - sad that no matter what you say no matter what proof you provide others continue to defend spending more for getting less
AT&T was and still is horrible in my area. I canceled within the trial period. Sprint has much better service, and in my opinion better customer service.
I was with T Mobile for 8 years
I switched to Sprint from T Mobile at the begining of this year. I just couldn't wait for 3g any longer here in Salt Lake City. I am very happy with Sprint. I like both Sprint and T Mobile but I have to say that I don't feel I miss T Mobile at all.
Before I got Sprint I asked a few people about it and they told me that some times their bills were bigger than others, I am thinking this might be because I have found my phone goes into roaming but it doesn't affect me since I'm on the Everything Plan.
I think Sprint is a great company and I'm happy with them.
Battery life vs data transfer
For the US:
If you don't travel heavily, don't need broadband and live in an area with good GSM coverage then GSM is a no brainer. The battery life is better and you don't have to fiddle with phonebook transfer programs and the like.
If you need coverage and broadband then CDMA is the way to go.
My gripe with CDMA is that it takes forever to get good phones. You wait and wait for someone to make a CDMA phone that has year old GSM features.
If CDMA could fix the talk time and get manufacturers to make phones for it I would say that CDMA wins, period. As it stands though, if you live outside of the US, or live in the US and don't travel or just use your phone for talking, SMS and the occasional MMS then GSM is for you.
Basically I just want a world standard. If that means CDMA has to switch over and I lose some bandwidth, so be it. It look like Europe is flirting with (W)CDMA, so maybe GSM will be phased out. I guess it's market share vs technology at this point.
I agree, I love my TP2 on the Sprint Network. This phone is too hot. Finally a real size screen, best keyboard I have ever used, just a sturdy build for such a device that moves many ways. Money well spent.
I agree! I was a long-time AT&T customer and was quite unsatisfied with the service I was getting. I made the jump to Sprint last week with the TP2. Ordered online Thursday night, and the phone was on my desk early Monday morning. The phone and network has exceeded my expectations--great service everywhere (EVDO service is awesome in WI)--not a single dropped call. As for the phone, battery life is pushing 2 days, which is including the constant data connection for email and occasional music streaming.
Saving $20/month from AT&T to Sprint and gaining features? Yes, please!
Another solid vote for Sprint...
Switched from Suncom (T-Mobile now). I've also had Nextel, Alltel, and AT&T.
As far as I am concerned Sprint is a no brainer.
I haven't found any company that can come close to their prices and they have definitely stepped up their hardware. (TP2 FTW!)
My current plan on Verizon and matching services was around 80 bucks more expensive. When asked why they were so much more than Sprint their answer was "We have the best customer service". Well putting opinion aside for the moment my response was "For 80 bucks a month you had best be at the foot of my bed every morning at 6am, waking me up, and handing me a cup of coffee"
They did not respond.
I also have Sprint and love it. Never a dropped call, or any problems here in s. calif. Was with Verizon for years, but coverage was bad at home and work. The two places I used my phone the most. Tried AT&T for one day. Just terrible. Been with Sprint for a year now...its all good.
trogdor1138 said:
There's been a whole lot of knocking the Touch Pro 2 on the CDMA network and Sprint (one person referred to shoving a cactus up his a**), so I just want to write and defend it. True, CDMA is kind of backwards and not internationally common, but the phone does include GSM support for foreign travel. I just bought a TP2 on Sprint, and my experience was awesome. I purchased online, and I declined to bring my number with me. Upon receiving my phone I changed my mind, so customer support told me to take my new phone to a Sprint store to get help. Service was quick, friendly, and knowledgable. They even told me it would be at least 3 hourse before I got service with my old number, if not a day, but I had it by the time I left the store. Sure, the phone is $450 upfront, but there is a $100 rebate, plus more if you list a friend on Sprint as a referrer. Plus, I sold my old Tilt for $95, and if you use 'save50' as a coupon code, you get $25 off service for the first two months. Really, not too bad at all. I actually get coverage on Sprint inside buildings where AT&T always dropped. Finally, Sprint's Simply Everything plans are better than any other network's data plans, and on them you can now call any mobile phone in America for free. I know some people trash Sprint like there's no tomorrow, but my experience thus far has been great. I grew to hate AT&T by the time I left, and I don't think I could ever go back to them. Their data prices are ridiculous, store staff are snobs, and although I would never buy an iPhone, their whole handling of that situation has been ridiculous. To sum this ramble up, don't be afraid to make the plunge and jump on Sprint. Just my two bits.
PS This was all written on my TP2; this phone rocks! If you've been debating, stop, just buy it.
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Ide have to say my switch from VZW to Sprint was as good. I had a c ouple issues with getting rebates in the begging but Sprint took care of that. Customer service in the stores is normally pretty decent. At VZW.... well... Service was good once you got somone one.
Overall I am very happy I switched. I switched for the Diamond though, not TP2. I did however just purcahse a TP2 and I am loving it!
I too just got my TP2 from Sprint and love it.
Verizon, here in LA, is pretty terrible. I could be at my internship and not get a signal at all - open space with lots of tall buildings around. Additionally, my old apartment in the Valley got almost no reception. Tons of dropped calls.
One complaint though:
My number from Sprint was a recycled phone number. I'm getting four robocalls a day from various political organizations (many of which are in Spanish) and different schools reminding me that my mythical children are about to start school in the next few days.
I've put myself on the Do Not Call registry, both the federal one and the political one, but the calls keep rolling in. Most of the time, if I press 0, it claims my number is erased from their registry, but I doubt that. And if you try to call the number back, they are mysterious ghost numbers that don't connect to anything.
Sprint says there's nothing they can do about it. Luck of the draw, and they've offered to give me a new number (which I'm a little loathe to do, since I've already updated so many people with my new number.) I just wish there were something (maybe even a piece of software for the phone?) that would let me block individual numbers. A lot of the calls I get are repeat offenders.
I have worked for 2 different wireless carriers. The honest answer to the cell phone debate in the US is use what works for you. The ratings you see are typically an average of experiences across the whole US. Most carriers have stronger regions and weaker regions. I have seen poor numbers out west for Verizon Wireless and strong numbers out east and the complete opposite for AT&T.
Network limitations (mainly in-building penetration) may skew your experience from one carrier to the other at the places you use the phone most like your residence and workplace. We are dealing with radio signals that have a very short effective distance, and if you only get one bar of signal, you are going to have a rougher experience with everything than if you had 2 bars or more.
Customer service experiences vary greatly. It depends on who you get when you call. Outsourcing calls makes it a crapshoot. I have heard the horrid Sprint stories, but those were mostly calls that got outsourced and when you reached an actual Sprint rep they were good experiences. At least with wireless carriers they all are trying to provide as good a service as possible due to competition. I wish cable and landline services back in the day had that type of competition. 3 major nationwide carriers minimum in a market and various regional carriers help keeps the competition going, and it is a very competitive market considering the ammount of investment needed to put up a nationwide network in the United States. (Europeans can't quite understand the size of our country and how much empty space there is between major cities). It isn't really quite cost effective to put up a $200,000 tower for 500 customers in a small town, but we expect to have coverage everywhere we go.
Sprint has the good price plans, no denying that. I would put Verizon's network up against Sprint any day though when comparing them nationally. Both EvDO networks are superior to AT&T and T-Mobiles at this point for overall consistancy of service nationwide. But you might live in one of those lucky areas where AT&T or T-Mobile will have their 7Mbps services running well and not overloaded, and they could be the best option. It really comes down to what works best where you use your device and that is going to be different from person to person.
Sprint phone roaming on Verizon?
I am considering a Sprint TP2. I have read differing statements regarding roaming on Verizon. I have several questions:
Basically: does Verizon allow Sprint customers to roam onto their network?
If yes, then: (If... then... an old BASIC programmer, haha)
Can TP2 be "forced" to roam if for example Verizon has a stronger signal a certain area?
When roaming onto Verizon, will you get only the slower speeds and no 3G?
Thanks very much!
I don't really get the knocking of CDMA since it is faster than gsm. If you have a faster network that equals better right? GSM really only has the sim card which i have seen to be a problem actually drop your phone and the sim seems to get creamed fairly often. I have used both CDMA works better and faster. And with programs like My Phone the address book is really a non issue.
my friend been complaing HSPA chew thru battery faster on his phone than my CDMA phone
gliscameria said:
For the US:
If you don't travel heavily, don't need broadband and live in an area with good GSM coverage then GSM is a no brainer. The battery life is better and you don't have to fiddle with phonebook transfer programs and the like.
If you need coverage and broadband then CDMA is the way to go.
My gripe with CDMA is that it takes forever to get good phones. You wait and wait for someone to make a CDMA phone that has year old GSM features.
If CDMA could fix the talk time and get manufacturers to make phones for it I would say that CDMA wins, period. As it stands though, if you live outside of the US, or live in the US and don't travel or just use your phone for talking, SMS and the occasional MMS then GSM is for you.
Basically I just want a world standard. If that means CDMA has to switch over and I lose some bandwidth, so be it. It look like Europe is flirting with (W)CDMA, so maybe GSM will be phased out. I guess it's market share vs technology at this point.
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Default option is only Sprint only and "automatic"
maybe someone can tweak it to roam only
however, if you roam too much, sprint will drop you as a customer

Tegra II Gtab users...who is getting a Motorla Atrix?

I love my gtab but i can see how it might get semi-replaced right off the bat with this Motorla Atrix. Similiar specs and the ports that include laptop key board style usability combined with one for Media outputs will be readily available and easy to find....
My Iphone 3gs contract is up and i am seriously considering this device.
I know there is probably a seperate forum for this phone already but i wanted to see what GTAB users thought about it.
Here is a link fort those in the dark.
It has the Tegra processor, a laptop style doc, a multimedia style doc, and a car doc. Android 2.2.
I wont be getting any locked devices. If Motorola locks the bootloader then I'll wait for something else
I will be getting the Atrix and the docks, this is going to be one bad-azz phone. I am tired of my Iphone after using the Gtab, I have seen the light...
Then again, after reading around about Motorola philosophy of lock down "buy elsewhere" attitude...i may get the Samsung Infuse instead.
Honestly....if i wanted the locked down "buy elsewhere" attitude, why the frack wouldnt i just get the iphone 4 or iphone 5...that attitude kinda DEFEATS the WHOLE purpose of andorid..
No thanks. I'll pass for these reasons:
1. It's a phone, and I have one of those already. I also like to cost of the data plan I'm tied to at the moment.
2. Screen size - I got the G-tablet because I wanted the 10" screen for book/web/whatever reading.
3. If it's going to be locked down like Motorola says it will be, no thanks.
4. AT&T. Plain and simple - I've had way too many bad experiences with them to make me EVER go back.
It's an interesting concept, and if an open alternative which follows that model (specialized docks, etc.) is developed in the future, I may consider moving when I am ready to boot my phone. But at this moment, I'm not seeing anything that's giving me that "I have to have it" wow factor.
BigJohn89 said:
No thanks. I'll pass for these reasons:
1. It's a phone, and I have one of those already. I also like to cost of the data plan I'm tied to at the moment.
2. Screen size - I got the G-tablet because I wanted the 10" screen for book/web/whatever reading.
3. If it's going to be locked down like Motorola says it will be, no thanks.
4. AT&T. Plain and simple - I've had way too many bad experiences with them to make me EVER go back.
It's an interesting concept, and if an open alternative which follows that model (specialized docks, etc.) is developed in the future, I may consider moving when I am ready to boot my phone. But at this moment, I'm not seeing anything that's giving me that "I have to have it" wow factor.
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Like large?
Try this!
To each his own. My experiences with Verizon will make me NEVER go back...EVER.
Years ago i bought a phone with a shared line family plan for me and my wife with verizon...each month the second phone was billed outside of the plan, each month Verizon admitted their mistake, said they would correct the issue and apologized, then the next month..SAME THING ALL OVER AGAIN. After 8 months of that i told them to f*k off and have NEVER been back since.
AT&T on the other hand..i go over my minutes, i call them ask for a new plan...they up the plan and then TAKE OFF THE EXTRA CHARGES...EVERY TIME. Want to drop a line a few months early? No problem...done..no early cancellation fee. They shipped me a bad phone once..no problem..new one sent and old one mailed back, no charge. Battery died a little early once..no problem, service girl in store gave me a free one swapped out of a demo unit..NO CHARGE...the list goes on forever like this. Seriously, their customer service is Five star...its good enough that i am willing to accept the dead zones on I20 in a 4 mile area between augusta and atlanta and one in mid columbia thats about 2 miles long...
Just saying..for every "i hate AT&T" story....i have ones about how Verizon has the WORST customer service in the HISTORY of cell phones when it comes to needing something done. (and not come back the VERY next month..until you LOSE IT and go PSYCHO after 2/3rds of a year...)
OH and coverage? We have all seen the commercials right..the maps? I have traveled with my AT&T to cincinatti, NYC, Richmond, Charlotte, Winston Salem, Columbia, Greensboro, Atlanta, Valdosta, Northen LA, Asheville, Pigeon Forge, Gatlinberg, Savanna, Chaleston, Myrtle beach, Hilton Head, DC, Va Beach, North Kentucky, etc...
Zero problems..
My sister and mothers house in Pleasant Graden NC...NO VERIZON coverage...AT&T phone works fine there..no problems.
Maybe i just have bizzaro luck..or maybe the commercials about Verizons coverage are over-hyped??
I dont know...personal experience versus commercials..im going to go with my actual experience
Nuff said.
The G-tab has a 10" screen. These are two completely different products. There's no way I would consider going smaller unless it is as a complimentary device, not a replacement.
1. AT&T Fail
2. Not 10" screen
3. Not a tablet
4. Better products will be out soon enough
I won't be buying it.
At&t 3G coverage as terrible unless in larger city areas. Not as bad as Tmo, but neither are in the same league for 3G as VZW.
Bionic seems interesting, but no buy if the bootloader is locked. I may be keeping my Inc a LOT longer than planned
It works great with gTablet for tethering, so okay with me
BTW, 4.3" seems big (for a phone it is), but try a 4.3" display for about 15 minutes and then try the gTablet. The 4.3" is functionally no better than than a 3.7" in comparison.
I believe a phone that docks into everything is that future, but the atrix isn't quite there yet.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
sanvara said:
The G-tab has a 10" screen. These are two completely different products. There's no way I would consider going smaller unless it is as a complimentary device, not a replacement.
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Well regarding the Atrix it has a VERY small screen...but the orginal post was referring to the ability to use a keyboard 15inch screen laptop as a PORT!
Complimentary device maybe...but with the right phone i might use the gtab...less than i do now.
The iphone is DEFINATELY going...
What new phone style products are coming that might be better options?
rushless said:
BTW, 4.3" seems big (for a phone it is), but try a 4.3" display for about 15 minutes and then try the gTablet. The 4.3" is functionally no better than than a 3.7" in comparison.
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The infuse has a 4.5 inch screen..that thing almost seems like a small tablet compared the years i have spent surfing o my 3GS.
Regarding AT&Ts service..you might be on to somehting there. 99% of my travel is to LARGE cities. For the last 4 years namely its been NYC and Atlanta. When i go home though..in the TINY city of lexington SC from my home....3G service works great. At my girl friends home in Augusta GA, 3G service works great. Usually when i am in a small town though, i am at someones house who has wi-fi hooked up (including mine).
To each his own but Verizons customer serivce is so horrible..i wouldnt care if they had 10G service i would not use them. I might feel different if my luck with always having a 3G or wi-fi signal wasnt so good all the time though.
My gtab mainly does duty as a light alternative to my lap top for when im in the bed surfing the net or want to watch a movie on something in bed or on an airplane etc. I use it as a newsreader from a book stand on my desk at work also through out the day and it makes a great orginizer from same position. I have COMPLETELY stopped using it to type on or try to create any content though...couldnt handle the touch screen keyboard, its worse than using both the lap top and the iphone. It also works great to watch movies on long car trips and for quick "let me check on that" type of internet tasks from home when i am too inpatient to wait for the lap top to boot up.
Truthfully all these devices have their role but i initially posted about the Atrix as it seemed possibly capable of crossing into multiple roles.
One more thing to consider regarding carriers and then i will drop it.
This is a HUGE one.
AT&T has grandfathered all of its users who had smart phones prior to June of 2010 in so that they will continue to get UNLIMITED data for $29.00 a month regardless of how many times they renew or change phones.
Verizon may offer that for one time only introductory rate only, but everyone else (and when your contract is up) you will be locked into only getting 2G per month at a rate only $5.00 cheaper a month.
Now in 2013 rolls around ill be able to get 5G or more in data a month using the SAME technology verizon has, for probably HALF the cost (verizon charges I think $20 extra per G over the 2G) while retaining superior customer service.
5G from Verizon=$25+$20+$20=$65.00
5G from AT&T grandfathered customers=$29.00
This will be the reality by the time i get around to my next cell phone contract (after the one im about to start) as AT&T will have its LTE network up by then in the larger cities..
So there is that...
Allenfx said:
Like large?
Try this!
To each his own. My experiences with Verizon will make me NEVER go back...EVER.
(Excess text of AT&T vs Verizon rant removed by BJ89)
My sister and mothers house in Pleasant Graden NC...NO VERIZON coverage...AT&T phone works fine there..no problems.
Maybe i just have bizzaro luck..or maybe the commercials about Verizons coverage are over-hyped??
I dont know...personal experience versus commercials..im going to go with my actual experience
Nuff said.
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Actually, I find it quite funny about how you totally ignored the meaning of my post and turned the whole thing into an evangelism for AT&T - all while assuming I use Verizon.
The purpose of my post was to state that I bought the G-tab because I wanted a large-screened tablet for reading/web surfing/similar tasks. I already have a phone with a data plan, and I do not want another. I also didn't go with an iPad or a Galaxy tab for the same reason - to get one at a price point similar to the G-tab, I would have to go with one that is subsidized by a carrier. Which means another data plan to pay for.
BTW, comparing the Atrix and the G-Tab is a waste of time as most people will treat them as two separate products with different purposes.
The Samsung phone you linked to was nice, but you glossed over the fact that I said that I didn't want another phone at this time - or in the near future.
Regarding the whole AT&T vs Verizon thing - I have had bad experiences with AT&T for quite a long time; even going as far back to before AT&T took over Cingular. It wasn't a one-time incident, and eventually I gave up dealing with them. It's my choice not to deal with them as much as it's your choice to use them.
I know there are plenty of people that have had bad customer service issues with my carrier of choice as well - which, by the way, is Sprint and not Verizon.
Various blogs have reported that Motorola is leaving the bootloader unlocked.
I read the reviews and it seams the laptop dock is pretty much just a gimmick and not all that useful. Sweet phone though. If I was going to spend a ton of cash on a phone and or a new plan anyways I might consider it. Happy with my gTab and HD2 for now though.
I'm def. not.
599/499 for a phone and a dock with a screen? I think not. It's essentially still just a phone. Some people change their phones every year or 2. So you're either locking yourself into an expensive short term investment or willing to hold on to older tech for longer, in which case maybe it would be worth it. You're also locked into a data contract for 2 years - inflating the cost of the package drastically.
Option 2 is a tablet for 379/399, a $40 wireless mouse/kb bundle from logitech or ms and a $50 hdmi dock, then hook it up to your LCD TV or monitor and voila, similar effect albeit not as mobile as the atrix lapdock, but if you're willing to carry that around in a bag, why not just buy a more powerful netbook or laptop for $300 upfront and let that be that? It just doesn't make much sense at the current price point.
It's a gimmick, imho.
If the entire dock were maybe $100-150 then it might pass as worthwhile. That would essentially give you a phone and 'netbook' transformer for $350 which is around the cost of a netbook/laptop/tablet. At 299/399 with/without a rebate for the dock alone and that's not including the cost of being locked into a contract for 2 years....whereas the VS is 399 off the bat, no catch, it's not really for me. To each his own though. I'm sure there are reasons to get it.

No more ATT for me

ATT is losing 3 lines of service due to their horrible customer service!!! Wasted 2 hours dealing with 8 different people and 4 different departments over ATT failing to provide me with the service promised. I live in a moderate coverage area things were alright up to June of this year, I can hardly place a call, keep a call connected or download a pic via mms. One solution was the 3G micro cell but they wanted me to give them 199$. I told them no I'm paying extra to improve my service and stated it was their part to provide service. horrible customer service and even worse cellular service forces me to Verizon!!!
T-MOBILE bro. Verizon is to expensive. IMO. Or sprint for that matter.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
Right, but they got the prime!!! Sprint doesn't have data in my area, I live in the sticks lol. I'll check into T-Mobile though. Thanks Guy.
Meh. Think about it. Its not the nexus prime your after. Its the ICS...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
I called them yesterday about my signal I get inside of my house and they wanted me to pay the same price for the micro cell. It's a bunch of bullsh*t. I'm stuck because I uversre tv, Internet, home and cell phone with them.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997
Lol exactly why I haven't signed another 2yr contract with them.
Sent from my SGH-I997
I too want to jump ship to Verizon. I know it's a little expesive but in the long run. I know Verizon's service is way better then at&t. I was going to get the Skyrocket but I have read in the forums it has a lot of issues. I just want good service and plus I do want ICS.
Go with Verizon, I use to have Tmobile but service at my place was horible.
You're right Prime it is the ICS that I'm after!!! My friend has Verizon and has excellent service where I have no service lol. I'm afraid of Tmobile due to the fact ATT is trying to over take them. What kills me is they know I'm in a poor reception area, it's on their map but refuse to give me a micro cell for free because other associates have handed them to anyone who called complaining. WTF to do looking at like 675 to cancel all 3 lines
The att and tmobile deal fell through. They aren't buying tmobile.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997
ryanwatson said:
You're right Prime it is the ICS that I'm after!!! My friend has Verizon and has excellent service where I have no service lol. I'm afraid of Tmobile due to the fact ATT is trying to over take them. What kills me is they know I'm in a poor reception area, it's on their map but refuse to give me a micro cell for free because other associates have handed them to anyone who called complaining. WTF to do looking at like 675 to cancel all 3 lines
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If you have the money, pay 675. I'm thinking of canceling my 3 lines too. and I don't care how much it will cost me. I will pay for it. No more AT&T for me.
AT&T is under no obligation to provide indoor coverage - buildings can vary greatly in terms of construction materials, and some are very effective RF shields, making them impossible to cover without slapping a cell tower right outside just to cover that one building.
For example, if you go more than 100 feet into my local Wal-Mart, signal drops from 5 bars to one, sometimes none in parts of the store. AT&T's fault? No - there's nothing AT&T can do to penetrate that kind of building construction without the building owner's cooperation.
If you are getting decent signal outside your home, then AT&T is perfectly within their rights to tell you to spend money to compensate for your home being made out of RF shielding materials.
Either go for the microcell, or go for a Wilson amplifier system (which avoids the funky bugs many microcells seem to have).
There are a lot of things that suck about AT&T, but this isn't one of them.
Entropy512 said:
AT&T is under no obligation to provide indoor coverage - buildings can vary greatly in terms of construction materials, and some are very effective RF shields, making them impossible to cover without slapping a cell tower right outside just to cover that one building.
For example, if you go more than 100 feet into my local Wal-Mart, signal drops from 5 bars to one, sometimes none in parts of the store. AT&T's fault? No - there's nothing AT&T can do to penetrate that kind of building construction without the building owner's cooperation.
If you are getting decent signal outside your home, then AT&T is perfectly within their rights to tell you to spend money to compensate for your home being made out of RF shielding materials.
Either go for the microcell, or go for a Wilson amplifier system (which avoids the funky bugs many microcells seem to have).
There are a lot of things that suck about AT&T, but this isn't one of them.
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Well said. I notice that a lot inside Walmart. Even in my work place it used to suck a lot. My cube used to get 1-2 bars, wherein another cube like 10 feet away had more bars.
Looks like someone complained, and AT&T actually listened, now I get like 4-5 bars in my cube too.
Ah, entropy is always here to save the day. Good point.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using Tapatalk
Entropy512 said:
AT&T is under no obligation to provide indoor coverage - buildings can vary greatly in terms of construction materials, and some are very effective RF shields, making them impossible to cover without slapping a cell tower right outside just to cover that one building.
For example, if you go more than 100 feet into my local Wal-Mart, signal drops from 5 bars to one, sometimes none in parts of the store. AT&T's fault? No - there's nothing AT&T can do to penetrate that kind of building construction without the building owner's cooperation.
If you are getting decent signal outside your home, then AT&T is perfectly within their rights to tell you to spend money to compensate for your home being made out of RF shielding materials.
Either go for the microcell, or go for a Wilson amplifier system (which avoids the funky bugs many microcells seem to have).
There are a lot of things that suck about AT&T, but this isn't one of them.
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truth !!!!
ehhh tomāto tomato. they are all the same. T-Mobile may have great pricing and customer service but they have little coverage and are going out of business. Verizon has close to identical billing to att but the insurance is 3+ times the price and from what my friends say the can kill you with taxes and fees.
both companies have good coverage. Verizon doesn't have magical towers that don't have dead spots. believe me. there is one area my phone doesn't work locally. just one. Verizon works there. 1/4mile up the road I have 4bars hspa+ pulling 12mbps and Verizon has no service. that's just the nature of cell phones.
att customer service varies. mine is great. no complaints. they suck updating Samsung devices and exert too much control over what's on there network like the whole automatic data plans on smart phones unless you have a number clear of ever having a smart phone. I'm not even sure how that's legal if you aren't under contract for a smartphone at that time but its their policy. just have to plan around it I guess. so to each there own. ill take my GSM network that can use off contract international phones and can talk and surf simultaneously on any data network, not just 3g or 4g and has 3g that is several times faster while I wait for widespread lte deployment. then ill see who is better once that happens.
I have always been on AT&T for years now. My wife got a Verizon work phone for a couple years. From our experience, we noticed that Verizon has more dead spots than AT&T, even while driving on freeways between states.
I did a speed test on android phones at my work place - on all four carriers - att, tmo, sprint and Verizon. Even in that my phone had the fastest speeds.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA App
i went through the whole indoor coverage(or not) with att i had to pay for microcell but they in turn credited my phone bill for that amount(no loss) it does suck having to call and threaten to cancel but it usually works.. i kind of like the challenge lol.. but i usually get what i want from them ..i soooo want the galaxy but i will wait for att version or gs3 or something... i have 4 lines with att (car payment) lol .. if you think about it its like $3000. a year for 3 smartphones and 1 dumbphone.. i think that with all carriers you will still run into these situations and will all pretty much give you the same hassle.
okay... if you really want to get their attention file a BBB complaint.
Someone from ATT's office of presidents will call or email you within 3-5 days and will more than likely offer you a free one. Just make sure to tell them your service outside the home actually sucks not just inside.
And yes the BBB complaints work
wade7919 said:
okay... if you really want to get their attention file a BBB complaint.
Someone from ATT's office of presidents will call or email you within 3-5 days and will more than likely offer you a free one. Just make sure to tell them your service outside the home actually sucks not just inside.
And yes the BBB complaints work
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For whiney little girls...service doesn't work in your home? Get a different service provider. If you insist on staying with a company who's service does not work in you're home pay for the m-cell device. END OF STORY/ MODS CLOSE THIS THREAD IT SUCKS
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
Biggest issues you'll run into between AT&T and Verizon are "hidden costs". They are both the same company wise and support wise from my experience with them, however I'm in Wyoming and small markets have that issue.
Hidden cost wise, unlimited texting with AT&T gives you unlimited mobile to any mobile, meaning any carriers mobile. Unlimited mobile on Verizon is unlimited to other Verizon mobile only, both with text and calls. So find out what the people you text and call the most are on before you make the jump, and how much that teenage daughter texts to her friends that are probably not on the same carrier Since unlimited texting with verizon is only to other verizon people, texting outside of them there is a limit of "free" texts available rest is a cost.

New Contract, Same Old S3 Issues? Or a Coincidence?

I just came from Sprint after 14 years.
I couldn't make a phone call with my S3 for the past 2 months without fading and dropping issues.
Had 3 replacements with the same issues occurring.
I Ported over to Verizon on Oct.1, and will be paying Sprint's $350 ETF, after 2 months into a 2 year contract renewal
I was hoping for a smooth transition.
I currently have an S3 32GB on Verizon, and on Oct. 3rd I couldn't make an:
- Outgoing call (Dialing..... but wouldn't connect)
Couldn't receive an:.
- Incoming call (Callers would go to Voicemail after 4 rings, but my S3 wouldn't ring)
for 2 hours. I called Verizon Tech Support.
Verizon Tech support troubleshot for a half hour.
Issues not resolved.
The Tech determined it was an S3 issue, and to have it checked out at a store.
(One hour after troubleshooting, the S3 started to connect to the network again)
I was like, here we go again....
I called Best Buy Mobile, and they ordered a replacement for me.
I'm still within my 14 day trial period with Verizon, and 30 day replacement device option with Best Buy.
I also have Verizon TEC (with Asurion)
I hope that the replacement S3 doesn't have the same issues.
I also hope the replacement S3 doesn't have new issues.
I don't want to have issues unresolved, which extends past the 14 day trial period, and then I find myself in a new contract again, like what happened with Sprint.
I don't have $350 ETF payments readily available.
I'm hoping that my new S3 resolves issues, but I'm reading that some of these issues are Samsung related, Radios, motherboards, etc.
(had a SE4GT which worked without any issues.)
The issues I had with the S3 and Sprint were different than the issues I had with the S3 and Verizon.
At this point, I'm unclear what's going on, but in the case of my S3 and Verizon, it appears to be an intermittent connectivity issue. Whether it's the network or the device, I'm not sure.
I also see that there are Many customers with S3's on Verizon without any issues.
Either Samsung, Verizon or both should just come out and say what's going on.
Btw, my power button is flush with the bezel, so maybe the replacement will resolve this issue.
I have had some text receiving issues in the week and a half I've owned mine but a restart seems to fix it. Not sure if it is in some way related but who knows. I mean, if you're having problems with the same phone (not the EXACT same, I know) on two different networks, that does seem to point toward it being a hardware issue.
I'm interested to see how you make out with the new phone.
100th post and it only took me just under 2 years, lol
The issue with the S3 on Verizon hasn't appeared again, but I'll still be getting the replacement..
The issues with the S3 on the Sprint network was constant, with 3 different S3's, from day one on each one of the 3. Fading calls.
I get a feeling the issues with Sprint were more of a network issue, and connectivity with the S3, and from what I've read, other LTE devices.
Considering the issues on both networks weren't similar, as far as I can tell.. Calls Never faded with the S3 on Verizon, and I was always able to dial out on sprint but hardly ever able to complete a call on their network.
My S3 is supposed to arrive next Tues.
If Best Buy Corporate was shipping the S3 last Wed or Thurs., Tuesday sounds about right.. At least BBM gives me 30 days to exchange, but I still have the 14 day trial contract limit with Verizon.
That being said, After Over TWO Months of not being able to complete a vast majority of my calls on the Sprint Network, it is a Pleasure to be able to Complete All Calls Without issues on Verizon
Except for 2 or so hours on October 3rd
Will keep updated.....
It was probably just a fluke! Verizon's network is soooooo much better than Sprint's. You will definitely be happier with Verizon, no question about that.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Of that, I have no doubt
Received the replacement S3s a few days ago, and have had Zero issues with the S3 or Verizon.
It's a pleasure to pay hard earned money to a Cellular company, Verizon, for Services I actually receive as in Voice & Data, unlike my experience with Sprint for the First and Last 2 months of my recently renewed contract with Sprint.
Almost 14 years with Sprint without too many issues, but 2 months without being able to complete a majority of my calls is just absurd, aggravating, a waste of time trouble shooting the issues with Sprint customer non support and account non services, and the Main reason to Port to Verizon. In addition, 2 months of Calling issues was a long enough time to put up with Sprint's growing pains regarding the revamping of their Network. Personal calls and business calls, which sometimes took 3-4 calls to complete, and maybe if ever necessary, that Emergency call which may have had a significant chance of not getting through, was just Unacceptable.
If I was fed up with Sprint and their data shenanigans prior to renewing, I wouldn't have renewed, but I did renew. But I hardly ever had any calling issues, and that was most important.
But in the end, sprint failed, technically and customer supportwise, and actually opened my eyes to the bs I was putting up with Sprint for so many years. I realized that I don't need to or care for being a Pioneer in the Sprint Journey of the Building its New Network Vision Services. For what?
To save what amounts to be approximately $14 a month, as that's how much more Verizon is costing me. Granted, I'm only getting 2GB of data for my monthly charges of approx. $127, but I believe that Sprint will eventually do away with Unlimited Data for the $10 Surcharge, when and IF LTE is available to the Masses.
Who knows, maybe one day if Sprint gets their Network crap straightened out, and is still offering their Unlimited Data for only $10, maybe I'll port again. Nothing is etched in stone, and right now there are only 4 Major Cellular Monopolies in the USA to choose from, and I can see the choices diminishing.
Hey, I may experience Unacceptable calling issues with Verizon one day, and I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. But with Sprint, I had no calling issues for almost 14 years, and hopefully I'll have just as long a time with Verizon. But as mentioned, the Cellular World is continually in Flux, and Only time will tell what's to be,

Moving from TMO to ??? (AT&T or Sprint?)

We switched from Big Red about a year and a half ago to TMO. it was a very painful transfer and they never got our accounts quite right. For example, my caller ID shows my wife's name.
We have been contemplating moving away from TMO but aren't quite sure if it's worth it and where to move to. I currently have a M8 and she has a iPhone 6. We still owe on our phones, we are doing that plan where we will own our phones after paying them off. I'd like to upgrade to the S7 Edge and she will probably stay with her phone for the time being.
We were originally thinking about going to Sprint, but I was recently talking to a friend and he says that he's always having dropped calls with them. But AT&T doesn't have very good promos right now. Sprint has that 50% off deal going on and at Costco, they said we would get a $200 (or was it $225?) gift card per line activated on top of the half off deal and paying our termination costs!
Sprint definitely seems like the best deal going right now, however, we don't want dropped calls.
I've searched and can't quite find a carrier comparison site out there, at least anything updated in the recent months. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thanks!
Oh, also, we're still confused what would happen with TMO and our phones if we do cancel. Do we have to turn them in? But we have been paying on them, so that doesn't quite seem right??? I don't know...

