Have any of you tried installing Xposed framework on your SHV-E300L device?
Please help me installing on either KitKat or Lollipop. Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
Wrong forum - this is the forum for the Galaxy S 4G, which is a first-generation Galaxy S device. The forum you're looking for is located at http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s4/
xc-racer99 said:
Wrong forum - this is the forum for the Galaxy S 4G, which is a first-generation Galaxy S device. The forum you're looking for is located at http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s4/
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Thank you
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
since there are three different sections for the Samsung Galaxy S3, I don't know, in which section I have to go.
I'm from Germany and have a S3 from T-Mobile / debitel. - GT-i9300.
Yes, stupid question I know, sorry ..
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Addressed and Answered, Thank You & Closed
hi guys i have just purchased a brand new galaxy s4 exynos version.
i just want to root and have some roms in it . can anyone guide me
previously i used note 2 motorola defy htc hd2 phones
kindly help as i need to download some good roms for it by the awesome developers here
thanks and regards
Here, this will answer everything you want.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
FAQ: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2419762
Please use the search function and explore the forum. You will find all the answers that you seek.
Thread Closed.
Forum Moderator
Can anyone Port This Rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2722989 to S4 i9505.
He has Port S5 Rom to Note 3
i approve this!
Please read the rules and post in the correct section. This should be in be in Q&A.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Hello XDA Team,
I need a Kitkat ROM for my Samsung Device GT I9300. Is there any XDA approved & working version of Kitkat ROM for S3 deivce.. If it pls send me a link to download.. Many thanks in advance...
Thanks for writing to us at XDA Assist. You can find your specific device forum here (bookmark/subscribe this):
Samsung Galaxy S III I9300, I9305
Within that section you will find a couple of development sections, this is where you'll find all ROMs for your device:
Galaxy S III Android Development
Galaxy S III Original Android Development
Good luck!
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Chandrakumar Sekar said:
Hello XDA Team,
I need a Kitkat ROM for my Samsung Device GT I9300. Is there any XDA approved & working version of Kitkat ROM for S3 deivce.. If it pls send me a link to download.. Many thanks in advance...
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Hello XDA,
from the below link I ave downloaded V9 ROM version,
Couple of users reported that they are facing SMS issue (cannot send SMS to service number), Some pixel issues refer the below link for reported pixel issue - (http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3200809)
Can you please advise me are these still open issues/bugs in the V9 version? Am i good to go with this version of ROM installation?
Please note that XDA Assist isn't a general helpdesk area, our purpose is to point people who don't know where to post in the right direction. The best place to ask about the ROM is in its q&a thread here:
[Q&A] [I9300] [Touchwiz Android 4.4.4] back-to-n00t; Bring the LTE fun back to 3G
Now that you know where your device section is please make good use of it and the sub-forums within it. Good luck with your phone!
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for some time my galaxy s2 gt i19100 got stuck at bootloop...i did all i could by doing factory reset but still no vail..so i took it to a software engineer and he did it but it seems he flashed in galaxy s2 gt i9100p rom. so my question is is there anyway i can flash back to my original galaxy gt i9100 back without any problem?? if possible please let me know how.. thanks
Sent from my GT-I9100P using XDA Free mobile app
and am new here please
Sent from my GT-I9100P using XDA Free mobile app
Can u access download mode?
sorry for the late reply, i have no problem with the download mode, all i want to know is if the device will brick when flashing gt 9100 on gt 9100P..thanks
Sent from my GT-I9100P using XDA Free mobile app
Hi there,
YES, you will brick your device if you flash firmware from different device even if that device is ALMOST the same as yours. You'd be best served asking for help from the experts who own your device here:
[Q&A][SGS2][Newbies][Experienced Users][RCs] New members friendly Q&A thread
Also please see this threads and don't open multiple threads on different forums:
[GUIDE] Fix an unflashable or soft bricked GSII (I9100G/M/P/T VERSION INCLUDED)
[INDEX of GUIDES/TUTORIALS] SGS2 GT-I9100 [Updated: 29/07/2013]
Good luck
thanks for the advice, but someone said it works just that the nfc feauture wount be included.. am confused
Sent from my GT-I9100P using XDA Free mobile app
Sorry, seems that works. See that threads i gave you links above and ask there for more relevant answers.
Good luck
Thread closed