Can anyone Port This Rom to S4 i9505.
He has Port S5 Rom to Note 3
i approve this!
Please read the rules and post in the correct section. This should be in be in Q&A.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Hi all,
I hope XDA gives a place for this phone (Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus GT-S7580) too, so those who have it or decide to buy it, can have a place to discuss about it.
******For those of you who already have this phone, please add your requests for a forum section here so the moderators can see.******
Thanks in advance.
Sorry this was supposed to be in General discussion... hope the moderator removes it.
@malybru please do the favour
Sent from my GT-I8262 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Mod Edit
Requests do go in Q&A
You can also posts any forum requests HERE
Forum Moderator
Yeah , me too i 'm waithing for a section for this phones ,
GALAXy TREND PLUS S7580 MAKE Room for Custom ROMs
Hello , please to any developper . I ask you to give time for this device ! I couldn't find any CM ROM for it , which GALAXY TREND PLUS owners want so bad !
Today I wrote a petition to Broadcom in to give us the chipset source code. This is necesary to develop CyanogenMod for our phone. Please, sign it and share:
Enviado desde mi GT-S7580 usando Tapatalk 2
This is ridiculous...creating a whole new useless thread...that too in development section.
Sent from my beloved Galaxy Note 3
Why again????
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
Because the information is shared multiplies :good:
Thread already created in general section no need for more
Duplicate of:
Thread closed
I'm Wating for Galaxy S6 rom for Note 3 [N9005] will be there a project recording that ? Please Developers remember us :crying: !!!!
I'm pretty sure that g00h will not forget us! And I hope so
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
1-it's Professional developers forum and is's not good place for asking you Question............
2-S6 official rom not released and it's NOT easy to port s6 rom for n3......
3-g00h prem banned from this forum
Anoudroid said:
I'm Wating for Galaxy S6 rom for Note 3 [N9005] will be there a project recording that ? Please Developers remember us :crying: !!!!
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Thread closed as this is not for the Development section or really any section. And read the Forum Rules on posting.
Hi. I hope the moderator reads this. As the title implies. Please please open up a subforum for Samsung Galaxy A3. I know there is a new devince request thread but nobody seems to read or take action after I requested there.
There are no cwm or custom Rom for this device please.
Samsung Galaxy A3 and the other Samsung Galaxy A series need love too.
Sorry for spamming.
Read this:
Sent from my SM-A300FU using XDA-Developers mobile app
Have any of you tried installing Xposed framework on your SHV-E300L device?
Please help me installing on either KitKat or Lollipop. Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
Wrong forum - this is the forum for the Galaxy S 4G, which is a first-generation Galaxy S device. The forum you're looking for is located at
xc-racer99 said:
Wrong forum - this is the forum for the Galaxy S 4G, which is a first-generation Galaxy S device. The forum you're looking for is located at
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Thank you
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk