[REQ] Port S5 Rom - Galaxy S 4 Themes and Apps

Can anyone Port This Rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2722989 to S4 i9505.
He has Port S5 Rom to Note 3

i approve this!

Please read the rules and post in the correct section. This should be in be in Q&A.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


[Request] Lets have a place for Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus GT-S7580

Hi all,
I hope XDA gives a place for this phone (Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus GT-S7580) too, so those who have it or decide to buy it, can have a place to discuss about it.
******For those of you who already have this phone, please add your requests for a forum section here so the moderators can see.******
Thanks in advance.
Sorry this was supposed to be in General discussion... hope the moderator removes it.
@malybru please do the favour
Sent from my GT-I8262 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Mod Edit
Requests do go in Q&A
You can also posts any forum requests HERE
Forum Moderator
Yeah , me too i 'm waithing for a section for this phones ,
GALAXy TREND PLUS S7580 MAKE Room for Custom ROMs
Hello , please to any developper . I ask you to give time for this device ! I couldn't find any CM ROM for it , which GALAXY TREND PLUS owners want so bad !
Today I wrote a petition to Broadcom in change.org to give us the chipset source code. This is necesary to develop CyanogenMod for our phone. Please, sign it and share:
Enviado desde mi GT-S7580 usando Tapatalk 2

NEW SM N900 5.0 Lolipop download

This is ridiculous...creating a whole new useless thread...that too in development section.
Sent from my beloved Galaxy Note 3
Why again????
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
Because the information is shared multiplies :good:
Thread already created in general section no need for more
Duplicate of: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-3/general/lollipop-ota-note-3-n900-started-t2973773
Thread closed

[Q] galaxy s6 rom for Note 3 [N9005]

I'm Wating for Galaxy S6 rom for Note 3 [N9005] will be there a project recording that ? Please Developers remember us :crying: !!!!
I'm pretty sure that g00h will not forget us! And I hope so
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
1-it's Professional developers forum and is's not good place for asking you Question............
2-S6 official rom not released and it's NOT easy to port s6 rom for n3......
3-g00h prem banned from this forum
Anoudroid said:
I'm Wating for Galaxy S6 rom for Note 3 [N9005] will be there a project recording that ? Please Developers remember us :crying: !!!!
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Thread closed as this is not for the Development section or really any section. And read the Forum Rules on posting.

Please open up new forum thread for Samsung Galaxy A3

Hi. I hope the moderator reads this. As the title implies. Please please open up a subforum for Samsung Galaxy A3. I know there is a new devince request thread but nobody seems to read or take action after I requested there.
There are no cwm or custom Rom for this device please.
Samsung Galaxy A3 and the other Samsung Galaxy A series need love too.
Sorry for spamming.
Read this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/samsung-a-series/general/everything-samsung-a3-t3299600
Sent from my SM-A300FU using XDA-Developers mobile app

Xposed framework for S4 SHV-E300L

Have any of you tried installing Xposed framework on your SHV-E300L device?
Please help me installing on either KitKat or Lollipop. Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
Wrong forum - this is the forum for the Galaxy S 4G, which is a first-generation Galaxy S device. The forum you're looking for is located at http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s4/
xc-racer99 said:
Wrong forum - this is the forum for the Galaxy S 4G, which is a first-generation Galaxy S device. The forum you're looking for is located at http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s4/
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Thank you
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