[TOOL] Smali Reference Swapper - Miscellaneous Android Development

OK, so I'm just gonna throw this one out there as a feeler..
When porting packages from other devices, I've found myself modifying Smali reference IDs for ages. The goal being to get the references in a foreign package to reference the correct resource in e.g. the BASE framework-res.apk.
Finally, I got really fed up, and automated the process. The result is this very alpha SmaliRefSwapper JAR. Instead of spending endless hours of cutting and pasting references until your eyes bleed, this code does most of the process for you in a matter of seconds.
Now I'm trying to figure out if this is something which would be of interest to developers. If not I probably won't put much more work into this. So let me know what you think - yey or nay!
BASE framework = framework-res.apk in the ROM you are trying to port the foreign package to.
BASE package = the APK in the ROM you are trying to port the foreign package code to.
PORT framework = framework-res.apk in the ROM you are trying to port the foreign package from.
PORT package = the APK in the ROM you are trying to port the foreign package from.
You can place the files wherever you want, but for simplicity, I have provided a folder structure and instructions relative to this.
1. Place the Smali files (package.apk/smali/*) from the PORT package into SmaliRefSwapper/smali
2. Place the XML files (package.apk/res/values/*) from the BASE package into SmaliRefSwapper/xml/base/package_values
3. Place the XML files (framework-res.apk/res/values/*) from the BASE framework into SmaliRefSwapper/xml/base/framework-res_values
4. Place the XML files (package.apk/res/values/*) from the PORT package into SmaliRefSwapper/xml/port/package_values
5. Place the XML files (framework-res.apk/res/values/*) from the PORT framework into SmaliRefSwapper/xml/port/framework-res_values
If there is no XML in the BASE or PORT package, place a dummy public.xml file in these folders.
Usage Instructions
Run the JAR (through terminal to obtain some logs) and select the appropriate folders.
The output will be two folders:
smali_new content goes into the PORT package before recompilation. In it, all Smali references have been replaced with the correct reference from the BASE framework/package.
xml_new contains two folders:
framework-res files contain references which should be added to the respective XMLs in the BASE framework before recompilation (e.g. public.xml content should be added to framework-res.apk/res/values/public.xml). In certain cases, for example when drawable references have been added, it is necessary to manually fix the dependencies they may infer (e.g. adding a PNG file from the PORT framework-res/package).
xml_new may also contain a UNHANDLED.xml, which lists references that could not be found in either PORT framework-res or package. In most cases these are hardcoded hexadecimal values, such as colors or numbers.
After recompiling the BASE framework with the new XML, and the PORT package with the new Smali and XML, it should be safe to include the PORT package in the BASE ROM.
SmaliRefSwapper Alpha
Please do not mirror my work!

Reserved in case.


downloading jar files into handset

I can add a jar file into the apk package, however if multiple apps are using the same jar, ideally it should placed under /system.
The jar file is not really activities (so using intents/providers is not applicable here) but may contain some commonly utils by my apps.
This is somewhat similar to OSGI, but more modest.
Any pointers ..

building a JAR with internal JAR dependencies

Hope you guys can give me some much sought advice.
I've been attempting to build a JAR file that packages it's own JARs as internal class dependencies, but without exposing those inner JAR dependencies to the outside world. I'm guessing this needs to happen, otherwise the link process for building an Eclipse Android project would fail if not.
So my problem is such:
If I have an internal dependency on say dom4j-1.6.1.jar, I don't want to prevent someone from being able to add my JAR to an Eclipse Android project and including their own dom4j package dependency (possibly a different version). If the internal JAR dependency is exposed they will experience a duplicate resource conflict when attempting to build their project.
e.g. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/google/gson/DefaultTypeAdapters$ByteTypeAdapter;
Here is what I tried to date:
So I have a regular Android project in Eclipse which adds in my packaged JAR as an dependency.
I refered to the Oracle docs, however there is a footnote about the inclusion of JAR files within JARs.
Note: The Class-Path header points to classes or JAR files on the local network, not JAR files within the JAR file or classes accessible over internet protocols. To load classes in JAR files within a JAR file into the class path, you must write custom code to load those classes. For example, if MyJar.jar contains another JAR file called MyUtils.jar, you cannot use the Class-Path header in MyJar.jar's manifest to load classes in MyUtils.jar into the class path.
So I decided to try the Fat Jar Eclipse Plug-In from SourceForge.
It's an Eclipse Plug-In for deploying a project into one "fat" executable jar file containing all referenced libraries. References are taken from the project settings, so no manual configuration is necessary.
I did manage to execute my build using this method, however did have to manually hack the packaged JAR file to remove the reference to the annotations package which was causing a conflict with my Android test project by being referenced twice.
So now I am left with a project that builds and executes, but exposes those inner JAR dependency packages to my Android project.
I would appreciate any advice you guys can provide. I hope my explanation is clear enough.

Android Reverse Toolkit

I want to share my Tool I made yesterday in a couple of hours. I was just sad about all the steps which have to be done until you have a proper codebase of an android app (apk) so I automated some processes.
You might think "this guy have only 1 post I can't trust him !!!" I would probably think the same but I'm here on xda actually pretty long but just read as anonymous user without an account and now I just wanted to give something back so I created an account.
My Tool includes following thirdparty software:
jad (decompile .class files)
dex2Jar (converts apk files into .class files)
apktool Decompile (is used for extracting resources and Smali code)
apktool build (is used to build the smali code into an apk again)
testsign.jar (is used to sign the build apk file)
Decompile assets
Decompile resources
Decompile smali files
Decompile java files
Build apk from smali source
Sign build apk
Nice gui with drag and drop
The application is written in java so it should probably work on all operating system (not sure because jad isnt written in java so I have to use os specific files)
Download: ul.to/5hy2wf9x
Awesome tool! Tested it and works perfectly! Thank you!

[Q] Problem Modding APK

Hello guys,
I am modding an apk to bypass an update check.
I have this outdated APK that functions fine since the URL and query and site address remains same but whenever it checks for and update it crashes. The thing is the developer made it topnotch but since then left and his site was recently taken down so check update query crashes it totally. What I need to do is update just the one function where it brings up the GUI after start. Otherwise it keeps saying download update or crashes randomly at time of starting up.
Now I have been browsing for a day or two for all the tutorials and right now I`m hell lot of confused. I have downloaded many tools and dependencies but I dont know how to proceed. I will tell you guys what I have and what I need.
I have de-compiled the APK using "dex2jar", I had a .JAR file which I decomplied using JD-GUI-Windows now after saving source I have .ZIP file in which I made the necessary editing. Next I downlaoded APKTool.JAR and extracted resource files and XML files that can be read in text editor. Along with some .SMALI files.
Now I am not familier with SMALI language at all and editing in it seems rather complicated and on the other side I have the .JAR file that decomlied all the classes just fine.
How do I recompile the files I have ? I have the main coding extraced using dex2jar so in java format and JD-Gui to in .ZIP files, and resources/XML files also decoded using APKTools. What do I do next to recompile the APK ?
In short I have plain text based java source code and plain text XML and other resource file. How do I recompile it ?

Help - deodexing Oreo manufacturer specific APK and framework

I'm trying to deodex and decompile some manufacturer specific apps from a Android car head unit (PX5 RockChip).
I've "pulled" the apps as I have ADB root to the device, and there is an APK (for each app), but that only contains the xml files.
With the apk, there is an oat folder, and inside that is arm64, which contains both odex and vdex files.
(I'm not sure why it has both odex and vdex. The vdex files seem to be about 4 times the size of the odex)
Anyway ... ApkEasyTool (which uses Baksmali) has errors when trying to decode the odex files, as it reports invalid opcodes
I've done a search on the various deodexers, but nothing seems that up to date, and most threads seem to end with people asking whether the deodexer supports Marshmallow or Lollipop, without any response from the tool developer.
Can anyone recommend any other tools, (apart from ApkEasyTool) which may be able to deodex a Oreo APK.
Or should I be using a tool to deodex the vdex files instead ?

