[Q] Problem Modding APK - General Questions and Answers

Hello guys,
I am modding an apk to bypass an update check.
I have this outdated APK that functions fine since the URL and query and site address remains same but whenever it checks for and update it crashes. The thing is the developer made it topnotch but since then left and his site was recently taken down so check update query crashes it totally. What I need to do is update just the one function where it brings up the GUI after start. Otherwise it keeps saying download update or crashes randomly at time of starting up.
Now I have been browsing for a day or two for all the tutorials and right now I`m hell lot of confused. I have downloaded many tools and dependencies but I dont know how to proceed. I will tell you guys what I have and what I need.
I have de-compiled the APK using "dex2jar", I had a .JAR file which I decomplied using JD-GUI-Windows now after saving source I have .ZIP file in which I made the necessary editing. Next I downlaoded APKTool.JAR and extracted resource files and XML files that can be read in text editor. Along with some .SMALI files.
Now I am not familier with SMALI language at all and editing in it seems rather complicated and on the other side I have the .JAR file that decomlied all the classes just fine.
How do I recompile the files I have ? I have the main coding extraced using dex2jar so in java format and JD-Gui to in .ZIP files, and resources/XML files also decoded using APKTools. What do I do next to recompile the APK ?
In short I have plain text based java source code and plain text XML and other resource file. How do I recompile it ?


Help me out! editing XML file..

I just recently checked out LauncherPro beta, and i really like it, my only problem is that the shortcut icons arent really what I like.
All I want to do it edit the default_workspace.xml so that the target APKs for the shortcuts will be Phone, Messages, Gallery, and Browser. I've already edited the icons to reflect that.
I already decoded the binary XML, I just need to know how to re-compile it to a binary XML after editing.
Sorry guys, I'm a complete noob when it comes to any kind of coding... and thanks in advance
edit: I already read Stericson's sticky, but I either just didnt get it, or didnt see anywhere to re-compile a decompiled binary XML.
If you have used AXMLPrinter to decode XML, then no, you can't compile it back. It's for looking into XML files only, not for editing them as text.
AFAIK my apktool is only one tool, which gives you possibility to edit XML files easily:
AXML is what I used, but re-editing it is no problem. I tried using apktool, but it gives me a "java" is not recognized as an internal blah blah message.. I've googled it, and made sure the environment variables were correct also, just updated Java a couple hours ago as well.
edit: and oh, thanks for the reply.. it's the only one I've gotten so far between here and droidforums so far.
I don't really know, why you don't have java command set in your PATH - I think Java installer does it automatically :-/ You could find java.exe file on your disk and:
Add it to PATH - there are many arts about this in the internet.
Edit apktool.bat file to call java command using full path, i.e. replace "java" with something like: ' "C:\Program Files\Java\java.exe" '.
Don't use apktool.bat, call Java directly: ' "C:\Program Files\Java\java.exe" -jar %WINDIR%\apktool.jar d somefile.apk outdir '

Editing XML, extreme noob

Hey guys, i've spent a few hours searching while figuring out these new tools I've downloaded in hopes to modify some basic apk's. After successfully modifying the background image for the pandora widget, my intention's are to now expand the widgets width. To do so I understand I would need to modify the xml file associated to the widget, and this is where my trouble's lie.
From what I've gathered I've been able to decompile the binary xml file to regular xml using AXMLPrinter, after editing it there seems to be no hope in recompiling it to an android freindly xml file.
After a bit of searching i've learned most suggest using apktool to decompile the apk, edit the necessary xml files, and then recompile. From what I understand this is the most appropriate method for what I desire.\
The problem i'm having is that once I decompile the apk, all I find is "smali" type files, and not one single xml file. This is where i'm lost..
Thanks for any help in advance, and sorry for this stupid question, it seems that everywhere I search this is the part that is directly skipped over.
you will find the xml files in the /res folder

Can't Load res/raw Files After Modding

Hello xda-developers!
I'm new to Android hacking, but I have a general background in programming...
I've been modding an application recently, unpacked the .apk file, done my changes and repacked it, signed it and everything works well...But when I run the program, and the program wants to play an mp3 file, which was located in res/raw before packing the .apk file, it gives an error: "Can't load audio file."...What is the possible cause of this problem and how to solve it? Are the IDs of the raw resource files changed everytime I unpack and repack the .apk file or what?
Thanks in advance...
Edit: Issue fixed by unpacking and repacking using Apktool instead of WinZip.

Android Reverse Toolkit

I want to share my Tool I made yesterday in a couple of hours. I was just sad about all the steps which have to be done until you have a proper codebase of an android app (apk) so I automated some processes.
You might think "this guy have only 1 post I can't trust him !!!" I would probably think the same but I'm here on xda actually pretty long but just read as anonymous user without an account and now I just wanted to give something back so I created an account.
My Tool includes following thirdparty software:
jad (decompile .class files)
dex2Jar (converts apk files into .class files)
apktool Decompile (is used for extracting resources and Smali code)
apktool build (is used to build the smali code into an apk again)
testsign.jar (is used to sign the build apk file)
Decompile assets
Decompile resources
Decompile smali files
Decompile java files
Build apk from smali source
Sign build apk
Nice gui with drag and drop
The application is written in java so it should probably work on all operating system (not sure because jad isnt written in java so I have to use os specific files)
Download: ul.to/5hy2wf9x
Awesome tool! Tested it and works perfectly! Thank you!

[TIPS] How To Fix Compiling Problem After Modifiying 9.png

I make this thread just for beginner like me
If you facing a problem compile some .apk after modifying one or more of *.9.png and get so many error log in apktool, so you can't build it properly.
This is based on my own experience, this is usually caused because you edit *.9.png using an image processing program such as Photoshop and you renamed that *.png to *.9.png [ like I did ] and it is a mistake.
Change the image named *.9.png to become *.png only, then apktool will build your .apk without any error logs.
BUT, for notice... only file with extension *.9.png that can work properly
This is a free tool that might can help you make *.9.png in easy way for time saving :good:
Just drag n drop your edited *.png from photoshop into this window's tool.
After finished editing, save it. And build your .apk with no error log :victory:
NOTE : Before installing this tool, you need Java installed on your windows
Thanks to the creator of this tool :highfive:

