ROM Computerfreek274_Unlocked.49_1.3.7 6/5/2016 Tether, Advanced Calling, Audio Mods - Verizon Motorola Droid Turbo Android Development

Computerfreek274_Unlocked_1.3.7 Based from Stock 5.1 .49​
Disclaimer: Please Read if this ROM or any software kills your phone in any way. I am no way to be held responsible. Please read I Also will not be responsible for any data loss. Backup you data we have twrp now.
All ROM's,Audio Mods, Pon-3, Kernels, ect Downloads can all be found under Download here below.​Download Here
Please Read! The Whole OP and how to install.
Start Here for Update 1.3.7 6/5/2016 .49 based Please READ
Computerfreek274_Unlocked.49_1.3.7 Update
Based from .49 OTA update 5/15/2016
Change Log
.49 OTA Update
06/05/2016 Cleaned up some more verizon junk.
Bloat Free
Hotspot Tether
Audio tweaks and Vol Steps *You can still download from my OP the tweaks or V4A for better sound.
xposed ready just download and flash after you setup the ROM.
Pon-3 and other audio mods flash after your 1st setup.
New Radios
Small Tweaks
HOW TO INSTALL ! 1.3.7 Updated 6/05/2016
1. Download firstEncounter's .49 Bootloader/Radio Pack from here. Big Thanks to firstEncounter for his great work and great img packs.
2 Download
3. Flash firstEncounter's .49 Bootloader/Radio Pack.
4. Flash Computerfreek274_unlocked.49_1.3.7 Verizon or non Verizon build.
3. Wipe Cache and reboot and enjoy.
* if you have already updated your radios and bootloader to .49 then you can just flash 1.3.7 or newer.
If you are doing a full wipe! Wipe data and cache all at the same time. then do steps 1 and 2
Flash radios pack 1st then flash ROM. NOTE: Flashing my IMG pack will upgrade your bootloader so never re-lock your bootloader thinking you can just sunshine YOU CAN'T after you upgrade. Yes you can still re-lock if you need to return the phone
Any Bugs in 1.3.7 ?
No not that I have seen
Slow 1st boot if your upgrading and not doing a full wipe.
Outdated Info and Chang logs.
With Verizon messenger Plus app if you use back camera with flash phone will crash. This is only in the verizon msg app.
work around is to take pic with camera then attache the photo and send.
Change-log Updated 04/04/2016
Verizon Build There is 2 versions your Standard build and battery save. Battery save only for Verizon users this helps with battery drain you get with Verizon network over LTE.
Performance tuning is turned on on the battery save mode. So the phone needs time to settle in a bit before it feels 100% in my testing it looks to save around 5% or more over standard build " I am loving the battery save build myself. remember this is based on what I have running results will vary per user"
Fixed battery faster battery drain from 1.29 in standard build and batter save.
Removed .mp4 demo video to save space.
Removed and updated moto camera to the last build. This gives users an option to uninstall update if they like same with my Verizon and some other apps.
Fixed emoji's and updated to newest android from MM.
Non-Verizon fixed APN settings so it will pick up your APN from your sim / network.
Non-Verizon build Faster 3g 2x data. " Remember it can only go as fast as your network gives you" But I did tweak it a bit.
Non-Verizon Build Removed My Verizon and other Verizon apps that got in from 1.2.9.
Non-Verizon users You will not be getting an battery save build. This is due to GSM networks. Plus way to hard for me to test if it will save battery. I do believe the non-Verizon build is already much better on battery on Verizon build. This is due to that you have non of the Verizon apps running.
This change log maybe missing a few things I have done a lot and tested a lot over the past few weeks to get this ver just right.
1.2.8 Verizon Build Updated to address a few Bugs that have been found in verizon build only.
Fixed xposed bug.
Fixed Reboots with xposed.
Fixed audio mods.
Removed HP Print and Google Print *Download from play Store if you need it. Fixed where when I removed it in the past it did not work from play store HP system drivers are still installed.
Removed Moto care plus one other moto app.
Updated network settings Faster Verizon lte speeds mostly upload.
Faster Switching from 3g to LTE.
Made changes to make Xposed v80 more compatible.
Made Changes for new ver of Viper4Audio audio mod to work with droid turbo if you install it. Pon-3/v4a will also still work.
Few other bug fixes.
Better power saving 1/11/2016.
Put Stock Command center back in. 1/11/2016
Removed Turbo 2 command center download and flash from here 1/11/2016.
Updated My Verizon app to newest apk. 1/11/2016
Added Turbo 2 wallpapers. 1/11/2016
Removed some old moto files that where not needed. 1/11/2016
Audio boosted on app apps and in-call and all codecs. 1/11/2016
Updated Init.d support in kernel 1/11/2016 Please search for init.d tweaks in google for lollipop.
Misc Small fixes and tweaks 1/11/2016
Fixed memory removed lag. 1/11/2016
Fixed up Audio mixed boosted audio mid-range pre-installed 1/11/2016
Fixed My Verizon SSO login 1/11/2016
Removed apps and files.
Amazon apps
Slacker radio
Tweaks updated and fixes
Heap size now 72 was 32.
GPU speed tweaks fixed from 1.2.2.
Updated Wireless tweaks.
More free ram for apps. "Tweak"
Faster app loading "tweak"
zip aligned.
4g LTE Speed and locking/Switching.
Fixed Audio buffers in 1.2.4
Battery save stuff. "Tweak's"
I also cleaned up some other stuff. and more fixes. Smaller download size.
Installing Update
Flash Right over any of my ROMs or Mofo Img's using TWRP.
After flashing rom you can Flash Xposed if you use it V79 Download here.
After install Please wipe cache and reboot. If you did not do a clean full wipe then. Please let the phone settle in a bit. So it can update a bit around 1/2 hours after some updates for it to settle in nice for it to show it's tweaks.
Also Get your updated Xposed here v80
Benchmark Screen shot here with lots of my apps installed.
Download 1.2.3a ROM HERE DeOdexed Non-Verzion users Download 1.2.3a then read Post #2 for adding better support for global services.
You can always find more help and support on my website​
Old Change Logs see above
Computerfreek274_Unlocked_Deodexed_1.2.3a 12/09/2015
Removed Verizon protect
Removed Office
Most Verizon apps other than Hotspot and My verizon can be uninstalled. If you see them in your apps you can now uninstall all but them two.
Boosted media buffers.
GPU speed and ram tweak.
lower background apps running at one time by 5.
Updated apps
Google play
Google play services
Moto camera.
Moto gallery
Chrome updated and put back in.
And a few others I can not remember.
Build tweaks I think this will help with play service crash. I have not got any so far. Only time will tell.​
1.2 - 1.2.2
Faster 1st boot.
Optional Global Ver for none Verizon users. Find it under downloads.
Audio Boost v2 The best In call Audio on the droid turbo. (New)
Deodexed build. There is also your standard odex build. (New)
Native Tether/Hotspot tested and working 100%
Removed more Verizon apps. This is the last of the Verizon apps i can remove that are needed for the system. Please remember if you remove or freeze My Verizon app it will disable your advanced calling.
Verizon Messenger has been removed. This can be re-downloaded from google play
Fixed Build.prop removed old PON-3/V4A Settings.
Fixed host file put it back on the system as we don't need it in data anymore.
Xposed and pon-3 Is optional add on I did this in case you where going to use other audio mods or none at all. This opens up better support for users of my Rom some users do not like pon-3. Just You can download all needed files with the download.
Cleaned up amazon junk in /ect
Much faster over all bit more ram and cache speeds better R/W speeds.
Faster 3g and wifi.
Removed Boot animation. (Replace with your own if you like.)
Audio Boost v2 The best In call Audio on the droid turbo. (New)
Deodexed build. There is also your standard odex build. (New)
All the best tweaks and audio mods from my 1.6 images.
Full root with unlocked bootloader via Sunshine.
Stable! - I don't publish images without exhaustively testing them. If you have any issues to report, reply to this post and either myself or the community will rally to help fix the issue.
Much better battery life! - This image focuses on battery savings without compromising performance. Your phone will last much longer while running this system image.
Multiple versions - From Stock to Global.
Fast! - This image is lean, fast, and enhanced for performance.
No bloat! - All bloat that is available on the Play Store has been removed. Extra files (like help videos and help audio files) have also been removed.
Optional AdAway.
Now with Pon-3 Audio/ V4A - Increase the volume and the quality of audio output from the Droid Turbo by enabling VIPER4Android I optimized the system for any audio mode you use. You can flash PON-3 from my downloads.
Enabled for XPOSED Updated to newest ver. Optional download flash via twrp and install APK. i put the needed ver and files in downloads. Xposed needs to be flashed.
Audio Boost Mods
Download Here
1st one Stock No Audio Boost (Stock)
2nd Mid Range Audio Boost ( Mid Range no gain boost Stock Max Audio 84% Mid range Max 90%)
3rd High_Gain v2 ( Boosted Gain and Max volume At 94%)
How to Install​
How to install
Backup Your Stuff!!! Photos and more !!! Use Twrp to do a full system backup!!! And then Copy it to your PC save it forever!
If you already have done step 1 and 2 go to step 3.
Step 1 Phone bootloader must be unlocked via sunshine root. I will no longer help users unlock please see sunshine If you need an none xposed ver use @firstEncounter v3 listed here. I blocked my no xposed img from downloads. I know it worked for most users but there was a few it did not and hung up on sunshine server blocking there IP. @jcase recommend you use @firstEncounter v3 or update to stock .44 then unlock with sunshine.
Step 2 Install Twrp Recovery Get it here.
Step 3 Enter recovery Copy my rom/zip to your phones storage device.
And any other options your download from here xposed and PON-3 put all zip's on phone storage. And flash/install in recovery computerfreek_Unlocked_1.X 1st then install/flash xposed,Pon-3 zip's
Step 4 In recovery click install select my rom .zip and slide to install
Step 5 Hit home and go to wipe for best results slide bar to do factory reset.
Step 6 Reboot system
Step 7 Your done setup your phone xposed and pon-3 audio if you install it.
Step 8 If you flashed xposed you need to install the APK now.
Please remember this is a hobby for me and my son who is 13 years old. Any donations we get are used for web and file hosting also to help with the cost of the internet. We try and do are best to give you support. We work very hard keeping everything up to date. We do not make money off this we do this to help other like us. Remember if you like to help to keep this going you can send donations to google wallet to [email protected] or paypal [email protected]. Thank you So much for supporting this hobby.​
Credits go to.
@jcase For his great work and the rest of the team. Not just for the great unlocked bootloader, But for everything he has done. Thank you.
Thank You for the Sunshine See there website here.[/CENTER]

@cbalt Has made this very global friendly flashable zip for my ROMS This will give you better support for GSM in the USA and overseas. It will also remove all the Verizon junk for you as you do not need it if your not on Verizon. . @computerfreek274 and @cbalt will offer support for this the best we can. It is hard to give full support if we have no way to test the service provider you have. For best support have your APN's for your service and check that they are in your phone already. Please read below for more info and setup. As always backup your data. And remember we are not responsible for any data loss or if this software somehow kills your phone.
THIS IS NOT FOR VERIZON USERS. This has been tested on 1.2.3a
This is an update to my Removal Script. A few things have changed. First off since this is only for Global users to begin with, I have updated it to also update your Build.Prop, gps.conf, and apns-conf.xml. There are also 4 Different Versions now.
The files without Verizon in their name remove, Notice TTS aka Text To Speech and Velvet in there which is the Google APP aka Google Now. It removes everything I personally do not use. The files with Verizon in their name will be better suited for you if you don't want it slimmed down. In the next day or three I will create the .zips required to reinstall all the stuff removed in both along with a file to only update Build.Prop, gps.conf, and apns-conf.xml.
The Files With Verizon in their name remove
Global GSM IS for full GSM MODE.
Global is NOT for full GSM Mode.
Download :
DO NOT ASK FOR ETAS, It will only make me work slower.

how to

What does the BL unlock let us do that MOFO hasnt?

Michaelmansour1997 said:
What does the BL unlock let us do that MOFO hasnt?
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Full root! Full read write, access to kernel, android pay may work. As an user you will have full root so you can change your own fonts, host, emojis and so much more. Plus this is going to also let users that where stuck on stock 5.1 high and dry unlock and have root also. Think about this if you need to replace your phone it is shipped with 5.1 now this will allow you to unlock it and get back to root.

computerfreek274 said:
Full root! Full read write, access to kernel, android pay may work. As an user you will have full root so you can change your own fonts, host, emojis and so much more. Plus this is going to also let users that where stuck on stock 5.1 high and dry unlock and have root also. Think about this if you need to replace your phone it is shipped with 5.1 now this will allow you to unlock it and get back to root.
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Sweet, will we be able to get CM13 on it?

Michaelmansour1997 said:
Sweet, will we be able to get CM13 on it?
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Yeah working builds now. So when we get an unlock I will just need to test.

computerfreek274 said:
Yeah working builds now. So when we get an unlock I will just need to test.
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will it work on turbo 2 ?

mike_augie said:
will it work on turbo 2 ?
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the BL unlock - nopes

I was getting my phone ready for the Sunshine release and downloaded it onto my phone. I'm currently running 1.6b pon with xposed baked into the system. When I tried Sunshine it said I must uninstall xposed. Is there a way to do that without wiping data and flashing an older system?

djbling said:
I was GE ting my phone ready for the Sunshine release and downloaded it onto my phone. I'm currently running 1.6b pon with xposed baked into the system. When I tried Sunshine it said I must uninstall xposed. Is there a way to do that without wiping data and flashing an older system?
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Yes go to my site and download the none xposed img I made for this.
Or direct link here to download
@djbling I updated OP and my website for more info. When sunshine is released for are phones we will have more info. We may have to flash are bootloader via flashboot when the time comes I will update the OP.

Thanks! Computerfreak. Glad to see your on top of it! That was a real fast reply!

djbling said:
Thanks! Computerfreak. Glad to see your on top of it! That was a real fast reply!
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Yeah and the good news is most users are on the .44 kernel so all you have to do is flash the no xposed ver of my img via mofo. Then unlocked via sunshine. Reboot and now you will have full rw root and still be on my img. Re-install xposed framework and your done.
You can then install twrp and do a full system backup via twrp recovery and save a copy of it on your PC too. Then sometime after that I will have all kinds of flashable roms from stock to cm and aosp.
Cm and aosp and nexus will need testing so I can get voice mail working and advanced calling on nexus and aosp roms. As for cm it may need a bit more time and testing.

Sunshine 3.2 beta for droid turbo is out!
---------- Post added at 04:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 AM ----------

Now that those of us that were stuck on locked 5.1 have unlocked bootloaders, how do we acquire permanent root? I'm new to the while unlocked bootloader thing.
Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Once your bootloader is unlocked, flash the twrp recovery and a rooted image. See the OP

This is exciting stuff! Thanks so much to CF for this thread. I was scrolling through 44 pages of the bootloader unlock thread looking for specifics, but as per usual CF has laid it all out for us here in an efficient and easy to understand post. We are lucky to have him in this community.
Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

The "Download Computerfreek274_Unlocked_1.0" link doesn't work - getting not allowed/access denied

mad3963 said:
Now that those of us that were stuck on locked 5.1 have unlocked bootloaders, how do we acquire permanent root? I'm new to the while unlocked bootloader thing.
Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
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For now you can go and download any one of my 1..6 img under downloads at unzip enter fastboot mode and fastboot flash system imgnamehere.img let it go when done enter recovery wipe cache and data. Reboot and not you have all the perks of my img and full root.
I am working on flashable img's. but I am going to have to call it for tonight 1:30 am here. I will test more when I get up.


[ROM] SupererSonic v2.0 - Updated 6/16 - Apps2SD!

Note: Please look at changelog at bottom of post. I also posted a known bug list for this version at the bottom. Please read this.
Name: SupererSonic
Well my first Evo rom is done. It’s nothing special but it has some things none of the other roms out right now have. Basically the idea is that this is a completely working rom with no issues that I have seen (please comment if this is not the case) with some added features. One thing to also note is that I also created update zip files for the removed apps so if I removed something that you want you can easily just download the update and flash it.
Installation Instructions:
Download at the bottom of these instructions and copy it to the root of your sd card
Boot into recovery. Currently this is only possible by using the evo-recovery scripts created by Toast. If you don’t know what I’m talking about check out my rooting post
Perform a nandroid backup of your device
Perform a full wipe of your device (absolutely necessary. Issues will arise if this is not done)
Select flash zip and flash and reboot when it’s finished.
- Rebased off of new deodexed .6 OTA update
- Changed maps back from Brut 4.2 to default 4.2
- Added symlinks for BusyBox so tools are available without needing to type in busybox first
- Added SpareParts
- Added Rom Manager
- Removed boot sound
- Added init.d scripts
- Lowmemkiller settings changed to aggressive
- Deadline scheduler changed to default
- Zipalign apks on boot
- Added DarkTremor's Apps2SD script
- Modified /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko to enable 802.11n (Need testers because I don't have a wireless n router)
- Updated WiFi Tether to be version 2.0.5 Pre2
- Updated Market app to newest version
- Added Astro File Manager
- Added hosts file to block ads
- Added wireless tether
- Added Busybox
- Added Newest SU and Superuser APK
- Updated Facebook to v1.2
- Updated Google Maps to Brut Modified Google Maps v4.2 (Adds features such as caching map tiles to sd card)
- Replace Qik with new Qik on Market
- Deodexed all apks in rom
- Renamed otacerts,zip to prevent OTA updates
- Removed:
Amazon MP3
Customization Setup and Settings Providers (Saves memory)
HTC Field Test and Field Trial apks
GSD (Not sure what it does but it wastes memory and battery and doesn’t hurt to remove)
HTC Mobile Guide
HTC Setup Wizard (Keeps running even after first setup. Just set up your accounts after the rom is running.)
PDF Viewer
HTC Stocks, Stock widget and all stock related apks
HTC Footprints and widget
HTC NaviPanel
HTC Ringtone Trimmer
HTML Viewer (Not necessary for anything)
All Sprint apps except Visual Voicemail including Sprint Navigation (Google Maps Nav is better), Sprint TV and widget, Sprint NFL, Sprint Nascar and the Sprint Zone app.
Sprint Hotspot App
Apps2SD seems to be working fine however the apps I included (Rom Manager, Wifi tether, etc) don't seem to be showing after a flash. I assume this has something to do with apps2sd but am not sure. I am working on this.
Apps2SD Note:
To use apps2sd you must have an ext partition on your sd card. If you don't already just back up all your data (it will be erased), boot into recovery, go to the partition option and partition your card there. This method is from DarkTremor ( so it also supports swap if you have a swap partition. After you partition your sd card apps2sd will work automatically.
Full blog post and download links:
I like the sound of this, good set of modifications.. downloading now.
Can't wait to get my EVO tomorrow, I've been reading all of the ROM posts, and I think I'll go with this one.
Downloading now, will post shortly with an update - thank ya very much
so far so good.. Will update with any issues...
Re: [ROM] SupererSonic
Damn I wish I could access recovery from work I so want to load got rid of all the apps I don't need..
Well done I will load this soon.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
only problems I found so far is.. NO widgets loaded up on first boot.. and when I load the HTC home clock it doesn't get weather.. I tried even loading it manually but no go. next is GPS seems to be on by default, i had to manually disable it..and location services are disabled for "Use Network" Kinda back-words from what stock does
and some apps aren't showing up in the market.. i.e fandango..
tyrnight said:
only problems I found so far is.. NO widgets loaded up on first boot.. and when I load the HTC home clock it doesn't get weather.. I tried even loading it manually but no go. next is GPS seems to be on by default, i had to manually disable it..and location services are disabled for "Use Network" Kinda back-words from what stock does
and some apps aren't showing up in the market.. i.e fandango..
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Im assuming you wiped everything prior to flashing correct?
tyrnight said:
only problems I found so far is.. NO widgets loaded up on first boot.. and when I load the HTC home clock it doesn't get weather.. I tried even loading it manually but no go. next is GPS seems to be on by default, i had to manually disable it..and location services are disabled for "Use Network" Kinda back-words from what stock does
and some apps aren't showing up in the market.. i.e fandango..
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The widgets not loading by default was intentional. I always end up deleting everything on the homescreens anyway so I made a clean slate for whatever ya'll want.
The GPS thing is kind of wierd. I'll see about changing that. The clock is also on 24 hour time by default. Forgot to mention that issue.
EDIT: Also for the market, try wiping your dalvik cache. That should fix it.
Looks like everything I wanted to do eventually.
Thanks for this! Downloading now
Is this ROM based off of the stock (1.32.651.1) ROM or the OTA updated (1.32.651.6) ROM?
Cayniarb said:
Is this ROM based off of the stock (1.32.651.1) ROM or the OTA updated (1.32.651.6) ROM?
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Stock. I have to look to see what the differences are between the roms. Once I do I will merge them.
chuckhriczko said:
Stock. I have to look to see what the differences are between the roms. Once I do I will merge them.
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I think the .6 added in the OTA update from sprint.
It is, but we dont exactly know what .6 did for the people who updated.
MrDSL said:
Damn I wish I could access recovery from work I so want to load this...
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ohh geez i know what you mean.. i wish there was some sort of program that could boot us straight into recovery so that i dont need my laptop to do it.. i can download the roms from work but dont have a way to install them..
any change of getting Friend ship stream put back in or a flashable update i use it instead of the facebook app
Re: [ROM] SupererSonic
Sporkman said:
any change of getting Friend ship stream put back in or a flashable update i use it instead of the facebook app
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Why not use the touch Facebook? It's much better than any app...also there is bloo I know there is a 1.5 version floating around that even has working chat.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
MrDSL said:
Why not use the touch Facebook? It's much better than any app...also there is bloo I know there is a 1.5 version floating around that even has working chat.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
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i prefer FS touch is nice so is bloo but i like the Friendship stream
Can you post any benchmarks or something so we can see if there is a speed difference between this and the latest OTA?
TheBiles said:
Can you post any benchmarks or something so we can see if there is a speed difference between this and the latest OTA?
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Good call. If someone does a benchmark of the OTA I will do a bench of this. If not I will try to flash the OTA and then flash back to this. Best benchmark app anyone?

[Mod] [CM11] ••The Ultimate Project™•• Collection

∆Thread navigator:
•What is ultimate project
••Why cm11
•••What is inside the package
••••How to install
••••••developers talk
its a collection of mods and apps that will make your life with CM11 better than ever
••WHY CM11?
cyanogen mod is a free community and all most every one are using cm11 or 12 and i just though that it would be great to share my experience with you
1.Quick boot mod (this will make your cm11 shut down and boot up faster)
2.quick boot.apk (this is for the unofficial cm11s if the quick boot mod didn't work you can use this app)
3.modded Google camera (better image and video quality)
4.greenify(battery and ram saver by hibernating the background apps)
5.Gapps xxsmall edition( with Google now support and gmail)
6.universal blunder ( a script to delete all unnecessary files and junks on all mobile brands)
7.adrenaline engine boost( a script to give you a better performance and gaming)
8.Emoji (all android 4.4 emoji)
9.lollipop sounds (the new android 5.0 sounds)
10.project mod treble swap ( this will gave you more ram which means more speed and performance )
11.project mod boost script special edition ( this will gonna make your android performs like an alien device )
12.lollipop launcher( the new android 5.0 launcher)
download the package from here
1.go to recovery and flash the package activate quick boot mod go to developer options use an app just go to app drawer and open it activate adrenaline engine go to terminal and enter the code
5.some greenify features need xposed framework
6.project mods are automatically activated
2 @Abhinandan Trilokia for the universal blunder
2 @ImbaWind for adrenaline engine
3 @madkita for Google apps
4 @madkita for lollipop sounds
5 @k1ks for project mods
6.Cyanogen for cm11
7.speed software for root explorer
8.mobiant for lollipop launcher
9.dropbox for the cloud server 10 @blade44 for the quick boot mod
11.if your app or mod is here and i didn't mention your name on credit please pm me so i can add you
if you you know an app or script or mod that will help just write it and I will add it on the next release
if you like my work and want to do me a favour just click the thanks button and no thing else
Now try it and give me your feedback
Please keep the threat clean
Hi there, I don't think your file is correct because nothing happens after flash. I am sure I've d/l the full file correctly.
i have flashed the file over cm11 armv6 and its working did you wipe?
madkita said:
i have flashed the file over cm11 armv6 and its working did you wipe?
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Yes, I do wipe and make a clean flash from scratch. My phone is HTC one X with CM11 ROM.
but i say no need for wipe
open your app drawer if you found the mentioned apps that means installed successfuly
madkita said:
open your app drawer if you found the mentioned apps that means installed successfuly
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Sorry, maybe I didn't make it clear. what I was doing is fully wipe and flash CM11 ROM for HTC one X from scratch, and afte rall my google apps abd data is download back to normal from server, and then I flash your mod WITHOUT WIPE. But I don't see any app or other mod inside the system after reboot. I check it with root explorer. So I think I do follow your step, right ? Do you ever try to clean-wipe flash from scratch and then flash your mod ?
i checked it again and it works without aby problems on a clean install
chihliouma said:
Sorry, maybe I didn't make it clear. what I was doing is fully wipe and flash CM11 ROM for HTC one X from scratch, and afte rall my google apps abd data is download back to normal from server, and then I flash your mod WITHOUT WIPE. But I don't see any app or other mod inside the system after reboot. I check it with root explorer. So I think I do follow your step, right ? Do you ever try to clean-wipe flash from scratch and then flash your mod ?
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Check if you had system partition mounted when you were installing the package, if there weren't any files installed thetn this might be the problem.
@shiftyHungary did it work for you
Good Luck !!
can any one confirm that it works
Wowza...just beathed alot of extra life into my ZTE Awe. Lolipop launcher and quickboot dont work on my device, but i can live without them. Well done
Quick boot mod only works on official cm11 builds and some other builds like armv6 build but the quick but apk works on any android device
The app just force closes whenever I try to open it. We at the Awe forums on androidforums are running an unofficial build, so it makes sense to me the mod wouldnt work but the app is not as well. Again, I can do without. Everything else, minus the launcher, appears to be working.
Though I can't find any difference when running the "boost" command. What is it supposed to do exactly?
its apically for games
Well again I didn't notice much of a difference with or without running it. Real Racing 3, GTA San Andreas and Modern Combat 4/5 run significantly better than before the mod. I was able to even record some decent game plays on each with Rec Screen Recorder with only about a 10fps drop and minor lag, something I struggled to do initially. All in all, I'll confirm this works and have already spread the word to my fellow Awe users.
Many thanks for your hard work

Verizon S7E Root Issues Thread (with fixes)

Thread for INITIAL ROOT ISSUES on the Verizon S7E
Let's get a compilation of issues and fixes all in one nice area. Please add your replies below and I will try to include them here when I can.
Most issues can be resolved with the zip file at the bottom of this post
1. WiFi credentials not saving or connecting after reboots:
Perm fix: Download a build prop editor app and edit this field --- to
2. Searching for service:
Temp fix: Start a phone call to anybody and it will kickstart your service
Perm fix: Some users have reported that wiping and reinstalling PE1 and re-rooting works, sometimes.
3. MMS not sending/receiving:
Temp fix: turn off WiFi and it will work temporarily
Perm fix: See ZIP file below!
Notes: Also check that you haven't accidentally disabled or frozen IMS Service or IMS Settings or MmsService
4. Weird RCS Service or VoLTE Service icons that appear on the device after rooting:
Perm fix: See x3demond3x fix here
5. Laggy performance:
Perm fix: Download and install a CPU governor app such as No Frills CPU Control and set the governor to OnDemand or Interactive. Experiment with this at your own risk, some settings will work better than others.
6. Xposed not installing:
Fix: Use this custom Xposed from this post
Link to download if post gets deleted
7. Issues with ADB:
Fix: Make sure you have ADB properly installed. This guide will help you install ADB and drivers easily.
8. Bricked your phone or want to return to stock:
Fix: I recommend installing the latest Verizon firmware via Odin, courtesy of MisterXTC.
9. Phone getting hot:
Temp fix: Just let the phone sit for a while and do it's thing. Off the charger. My phone eventually calmed down and cooled off, and never heated up again.
Perm fix: return to stock. (try rooting again if you wish)
10. Unauthorized modifications have been made to your device.
Fix: Download Titanium Backup or Package Disabler Pro and disable/freeze SecurityLogAgent
11. DO NOT UPDATE SUPERSU OR THE BINARIES. All root guides and instructions say specifically not to do this.
Fix: Not doing it
Thanks to jrkruse below, here is a zip that can be flashed with flashfire, it fixes: (MD5 hash F15CD9BDC35382A8F48FFBEDBB1BCDF0) (any Samsung Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge) (MD5 hash 5F7CC8C95D316332B581F982D4ECAAF9) (Verizon Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge on *PE1 firmware)
Searching For Service
Fixes MMS
Gets Rid Of Volte Icon in status bar
Fixes Hotspot tethering
Fixes Wifi paswwords not saving
Adds call recording
Adds call Message blocking
Enable Scheduled Message plus alot more
Removes Knox
Removes Verizon Apps
Removes Amazon Apps
Removes Google Apps that can be downloaded without loss of function
More to come.
Thanks for this! It seems we had to poke around each carrier's S7 threads to find tips from them all
Here is a zip that can be flashed with flashfire
It fixes
Searching For Service
Gets Rid Of Volte Icon in status bar
Fixes Hotspot tethering
Fixes Wifi paswwords not saving
Adds call recording
Adds call Message blocking
Enable Scheduled Message plus alot more
Removes Knox
Removes Verizon Apps
Removes Amazon Apps
Removes Google Apps that can be downloaded without loss of function
jrkruse said:
Here is a zip that can be flashed with flashfire
It fixes
Searching For Service
Gets Rid Of Volte Icon in status bar
Fixes Hotspot tethering
Fixes Wifi paswwords not saving
Adds call recording
Adds call Message blocking
Enable Scheduled Message plus alot more
Removes Knox
Removes Verizon Apps
Removes Amazon Apps
Removes Google Apps that can be downloaded without loss of function
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Click to collapse
Hot damn! Very nice. Now if we can get a MMS fix then mostly all issues can be resolved.
Syn Ack said:
Hot damn! Very nice. Now if we can get a MMS fix then mostly all issues can be resolved.
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MMS works after you flash the zip
Dang @jrkruse thx! Now that's a loaded potato!
jrkruse said:
MMS works after you flash the zip
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It's good to see you here and thanks.
waiting on jrkuse rom hopefully
I'll be making one also. As s7e is my main phone. Nice work @jrkruse!!!
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Does this work for $7e sprint
Sent from my SM-G935P using XDA-Developers mobile app
stang5litre said:
I'll be making one also. As s7e is my main phone. Nice work @jrkruse!!!
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
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Me too but I've had a bad case of the bootloops the last two days trying lol. And another Odin back to stock........ At least we have some mods and fixes now.
a stock slim rom would be nice either 3 of you make one and i will be happy thanks!
Anyone have the problem where gmail force closes when you try to open an email?
After using kernel toolkit I have zero issues that includes running xposed modules. . I'm still running pe1
Anyone how to flash that zip with FlashFire sorry noob here never messed with FlashFire before.
For what it's worth, I flashed the phone with the SM-935U firmware I found in one of the AT&T threads, and the only issues I had were the Wi-Fi not saving and the lte iconsl (which don't really bother me all that much), along with the Security log thing and the lag (which are probably going to happen regardless) Phone is super snappy and better than ever once fixing that stuff!
xscarydrummerx said:
For what it's worth, I flashed the phone with the SM-935U firmware I found in one of the AT&T threads, and the only issues I had were the Wi-Fi not saving and the lte iconsl (which don't really bother me all that much), along with the Security log thing and the lag (which are probably going to happen regardless) Phone is super snappy and better than ever once fixing that stuff!
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You rooted after flashing the U firmware?
Is it noticeably snappier than rooting with the Verizon firmware? I'm currently running the U firmware without root, and the Verizon firmware with root was unbearably slow.
thekojac said:
You rooted after flashing the U firmware?
Is it noticeably snappier than rooting with the Verizon firmware? I'm currently running the U firmware without root, and the Verizon firmware with root was unbearably slow.
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Yes, I'm running the U firmware rooted. It works well but I still had to do the build prop edit for WiFi and edit the csc for HD calling.
The zip file seems to work for everything except the hotspot. Mine still asks for a subscription.
Can anyone confirm if their hotspot is working?
jrkruse said:
Here is a zip that can be flashed with flashfire
It fixes
Searching For Service
Gets Rid Of Volte Icon in status bar
Fixes Hotspot tethering
Fixes Wifi paswwords not saving
Adds call recording
Adds call Message blocking
Enable Scheduled Message plus alot more
Removes Knox
Removes Verizon Apps
Removes Amazon Apps
Removes Google Apps that can be downloaded without loss of function
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Click to collapse
Thank you. kind sir. Trying it now!

[All ROMs] [Debloat] [Optimization] Android Acceleration Strip - Performance

What does this do?
This flashable ZIP file attempts to speed up Android OS by implementing tweaks and removing programs that the average Android user may not utilize. It also adds build.prop tweaks, init.d tweaks and a hosts file all aimed at one goal, to reach Android's maximum performance.
Before doing anything, be sure to backup with recovery since things might go wrong.
How to install/update:
1. Download ZIP and transfer it onto your phone's downloads folder (much easier if you download it through phone)
2. Boot into recovery mode and make a BACKUP first before flashing!
3. Flash the downloaded ZIP file.
4. After the process, wipe dalvik-cache and cache partitions (you do not need to format data)
5. Done! Now boot into the system and wait for the boot process to take you to lock screen (should take longer than usual, maybe about 1-10min. Don't be scared if your phone is taking longer than usual)
6. Open Settings > Apps > ::: (3 dots on the top right corner) > Reset app preferences (If you do not have this step, you can skip)
7. Done! After flashing, I recommend calibrating battery (you do not need to do this every update!)
NOTE: For a while, it may seem that Android's performance is worse and the battery is slower. Give it some time to adapt to the new changes
For updates, just download the updated ZIP and follow the installation steps again! Easy peasy.
Common Issues:
Boot Loops
Black Screen on Startup
Phone won't boot
Settings do not respond when opened
Certain apps lost functionality
Spam messages saying: "Unfortunately has stopped working"
Notifications not working
Any issue that comes up, restore it from backup. Usually, uninstalled system apps are what cause these issues. To prevent them, you will need to remove some lines in the updater-script in my ZIP and reflash it. Be sure to report any bugs you find so they can be fixed right away!
This ZIP file should be compatible with all ROMs (stock-based, AOSP-based and even stock), mods, devices and Android versions, but it was specifically tested and built around an S7 Edge (G935W8) running stock-based ROM (Superman ROM v3.0.1).
Tested on:
- LineageOS 16.0 ROM Android P
- Superman ROM v3.0.1
- The Galaxy Project
- Added more programs to debloat list
- More ads blocked in the hosts file
- Added more build.prop tweaks
- Tested and working
- Programs in updater-script are now sorted in alphabetical order for easier finding
1.5beta3 *UNTESTED*
- Added a LOT more BuildProp tweaks (115+ lines!)
- Added mxt224_ts_input.idc (makes touch screen better and responsive)
- System apps are now included in Doze
- Added sysctl.conf (extra protection)
- Added a LOT more init.d tweaks
- Added local.prop (values for performance)
- For older versions, visit -
1.5beta2 *UNTESTED*
- Fixed the HOSTS file
. - Remove invalid rows
. - Added 13,000 new lines (now containing over 61,000 lines!)
. - Removed useless lines
. - Sorted alphabetically
. - Removed empty lines
1.5beta *UNTESTED*
- Added a LOT more Init.d tweaks (increases performance by managing cpu and ram better and many more)
- Added a LOT more BuildProp tweaks (increase performance)
- Added a hosts file (contains over 48,000 lines!) that blocks malware and ads, thus increasing speed
- Tested and fixed some issues. Includes all changes below.
- Ignore the error, "failed to mount /cache". It will function regardless
1.4beta3 *UNTESTED*
- This version has not yet been tested so it might not work and will probably give an error 7 in TWRP (if it does not give an error, please let me know)
- Included v1.3.3 changes
1.4beta2 *UNTESTED*
- This version has not yet been tested so it might not work and will probably give an error 7 in TWRP (if it does not give an error, please let me know)
- Added buildprop tweaks
- Does not include v1.3.3 changes
1.4beta *UNTESTED*
- This version has not yet been tested so it might not work and will probably give an error 7 in TWRP (if it does not give an error, please let me know)
- Added init.d tweaks
- Does not include v1.3.3 changes
- Added ADAPT SOUND and PRINTERS to debloat list
- Added a build prop tweak to utilize hyperthreading
- Added more apps to debloat list. Expect more apps to be added in the future
- Added more to debloat list
- Added buildprop tweaks
- This should fix error 7 in TWRP
- COMING SOON: Init.d tweaks
- I'll add build.prop and init.d tweaks when I can
- More apps to added to debloat. BACKUP
- After flashing be sure to wipe cache and dalvik
- Added init.d tweaks
- Added BuildProp tweaks
- Added more to debloat list
-Added more to debloat list, be sure to backup just in case anything goes wrong!
- Init
- Feel free to take anything from the zip file, however, you must credit me as creator.
- If you are reuploading this on another website, add a link to this xda thread.
123keelos said:
1. Download ZIP (much easier if you download it through phone)
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It is better if a mirror link also available...
HemanthJabalpuri said:
It is better if a mirror link also available...
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I'll try to get a mirror up. Also, how does a mirror link being available make it better?
123keelos said:
I'll try to get a mirror up. Also, how does a mirror link being available make it better?
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Since I cant able to download the attachment.. it shows error..
HemanthJabalpuri said:
Since I cant able to download the attachment.. it shows error..
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I see. Check the description, I uploaded a mirror link
Hi it's really efficient for battery and performance or not? I've a custom kernel and custom stock rom. I use ex Kernel manager for tweaking my kernel with naptime and servicely too, thx in advance. In deepsleep my phone loose only 4% in 8 hours.
narco14 said:
Hi it's really efficient for battery and performance or not? I've a custom kernel and custom stock rom. I use ex Kernel manager for tweaking my kernel with naptime and servicely too, thx in advance. In deepsleep my phone loose only 4% in 8 hours.
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- Battery Life: Will be a bit better since it removes aps that would run in the background. It also adds performance settings that would drain the battery a little bit, but overall, it would be better
- Performance: It will improve since not as many apps are running in the background as opposed to stock
I, too, use a custom ROM and kernel.
Can I flash by Magisk Manager? or TWRP only?
My device arch is x86. can I use?
Hi! I have a problem, I can't access system or any data from TWRP, so I can't flash your zip even through sideload.
Can you make a Magisk version? It would be great!
dhampire said:
Can I flash by Magisk Manager? or TWRP only?
My device arch is x86. can I use?
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I dont know about flashing with Magisk so I think it's best that TWRP is used.
No devices (are known) are incompatible with this zip file so you can flash it on any Android
evilarthas said:
Hi! I have a problem, I can't access system or any data from TWRP, so I can't flash your zip even through sideload.
Can you make a Magisk version? It would be great!
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I dont have any experience with making a Magisk version.
Go to TWRP, click on Mount and check System then press BACK (dont click mount system). This probably would fix your issue.
Hi, first of all thank you for your effort.
I can't get your mod working on my phone. I removed some essential lines from update script, then I even formatted data in order to have access to my system and data and then flashed. It says that it can't get access to /cache. However, as I can observe, the patch is applied. I boot up my phone and have another welcome application, I proceed and then it is stuck on "Android is starting". Very disappointed, wanted this mod to work and to get the bloat out of my phone.
My phone is sm-935s. TWRP is installed, as well as Magisk.
Stock oreo 8.0.0
evilarthas said:
Hi, first of all thank you for your effort.
I can't get your mod working on my phone. I removed some essential lines from update script, then I even formatted data in order to have access to my system and data and then flashed. It says that it can't get access to /cache. However, as I can observe, the patch is applied. I boot up my phone and have another welcome application, I proceed and then it is stuck on "Android is starting". Very disappointed, wanted this mod to work and to get the bloat out of my phone.
My phone is sm-935s. TWRP is installed, as well as Magisk.
Stock oreo 8.0.0
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For me, it says that cache cant be accessed after I flash it. It still works for me even though. This error can be ignored
As for the Android starting stuck, it means that the updater-script is removing some applications that are necessary for a functioning phone. You will have to do some experimenting and remove lines until you find the issue.
Hi, 1.5.1 working without issues and without deleted some lines in updater script ?
It works on S7 Edge ?
dawidk750i said:
It works on S7 Edge ?
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man, did you read OP???
This ZIP file should be compatible with all ROMs (even stock), mods, devices and Android versions, but it was specifically tested and built around an S7 Edge running stock-based ROM (Superman ROM v3.0.1).
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I tried v1.5.1 on my Moto X4 (Android 9) and have error 7 in TWRP..
My phone just become worse
In the first message, there are so many errors written that unfortunately the human is hesitant to install.
For this reason, many people may think again when they want to install it.
Error in flashing on GT-N7000
Failed to mount '/cache (No such file or directory)'

[CLOSED] Clean OS 4 [ROM] (Stock based ROM) (Exynos,Snap4g,Snap5g)

Clean OS by Ayan
This rom is based on stock OneUI for Galaxy S20 FE. It is based on November patch but I assuring monthly updates whenever next month's security patch is released.
Visually its no different from the stock rom as I have not changed any thing drastic to maintain stability. Purpose for building this is that it is TWRP Flashable and it can be used to flash stock rom over a GSI without needing to flash everything from ODIN.
Please Note
* Your warranty is now void ( anyway it got void when you unlocked your bootloader )
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or your getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* Some Bugs might happen because of stock firmware so don't blame me for them. Report them to me I will see if it is possible to fix them from my side
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. Do it at your own Risk
Unlocked Bootloader
Custom Recovery
Stock Firmware
DEBLOATED around 70-80 apps making system lighter
Build Prop Tweaks
Call End Delay Fixed
No Performance Drop in Battery Saver ( 60 hz display though)
FPS Cap Remover ( MIn 60 fps and Max 120 fps set)
Faster Booting Enabled
Vulkan Enabled
RIL wakelock optimization
Audio Improvements
Improve Ram Management
Improve Audio and Video
Faster Streaming Videos
Disables Built In Error Reporting
Boot & Shutdown Animation FPS Boost
Better Signal
Better Call Voice Quality
Disables Error Checking
Increase jpg quality to 100%
Camera Tweaks Supports Google Camera (Not sure if it works for everyone)(But gcam opens up with less lag)
Dalvik Virtual Machine Tweaks
FPS Stabilizer
Better Internet Speed
Auto DImming Fix
Better scrolling
Multi User Added
Removed Boot Warning ( ONLY FOR EXYNOS)
*CSC Features Added
Volte, Screenshot and many icons in Quick Settings
Mobile Data Toggle in Power Off Menu
Voice Recording Activated ( It doesnt work in Wifi Calls and that is set by Samsung)
4g icon in status bar replaced with LTE
Knox gaurd disabled
Real Time Network speed in status bar
Camera Shutter Sound Button
LTE only network mode
WIFI calling active
Many more csc features
Google Photos Mod( Works Maybe)
*Google Feed Intregration
*Super Fast Charging Toggle Added
*Samsung Marketing Disabled
*Gaming optimization
*Prime Kernel Included(Only Exynos right now)
*Magisk Pre installed
1. Enable screen shot on secure app
2.Enable quick reply on secure lockscreen
3.Adaptive brightness boost
4.Official Status in Settings
5.Patch Secure folder Knox
Jan Update V1.4
(PLEASE PLEASE update the oneui base first to Jan)(Dirty updating might work for you but dont ask me questions if your patch is still December)
1.Based on Jan Firmware for respective devices(Full Update only avaliable)
2.Magisk V24 install automatically
3.Prime Kernel for all devices
4.Removed Software Updates section
5.Some under the hood optimizarions
Feb Update !! V1.5( Snap Devices) V1.5.5( Exynos)
1. Synced with latest Feb firmware for the respective devices
2. Some build tweaks
3. Vendor Tweaks
1.restore the standard implied limit of usual RAM consumption
2.AOSP standard value (just better for multitasking)
3.prevent instant "close all apps" mechanism every time the camera app opens
(these tweaks are personally tested by me for a long time and they dont hinder any performance and experience)
4.Magisk updated to v24.1
5.MODS BY @vladwin
1. Dual Recording added in camera
2. Option for Autofocus Tracking in 1080p 60 fps video
3.Legacy Fonts fix
March Update !! V2(Snap Devices) V1.75(Exynos)
1. Snapdragon Users both 4g and 5g builds are based on latest oneui4.1 firmware
2. Removed Prime Kernel have been restored as per user's choice
Have provided with stock boot img in the folder but please remember to patch them with magisk first
3.In sync with Feb update
4. Exynos builds are based DVC2( March Patch) Oneui4. Thanks to Samsung!!
5. Fixed Camera Issues in Exynos
small update !!
Exynos V2 based on oneui4.1 is also avaliable but oneui update is required for it to be installed
CleanOS4.1 V2.1 update
1. Based On March Update oneui4.1
2. In sync with V2
3.Updated Magisk to V24.3
4. System Debloated even more by removing unnecessary 25 apps more
5. Some new System Build prop tweaks
6. Added Clean Build ID in about phone section
7. Removed Factory Reset Protection
8. Increased Frame Buffer Rate(Exy Only)
9.Fixed GameHome labs not showing
10. Disabled liboemcrypto-so to allow DRM-protected content to play (e.g. Netflix, My5, etc.). ( still hd wont work)
11. Some Vendor tweaks
12.Updated Multidisabler to a12 one
13. SHealth Fix
14. Updated Restore apps with latest one in installer
15.Removed Boot.img as it was causing bootloop for many people
Clean OS4.1 V2.5 Update Final
1. April Patch
2. In sync with V2.1
3.Bluetooth Fix (galaxy watch pairing issue)
4.Restored Stock kernel which is patched but still unrooted
5.Removed Encryption from the system
Patch fstab in partition,ramdisk,delete stock recovery restore, removed know kernel protection etc
will get fixed in snap device in their next builds
You tell me
Whatever oneui4 has it will have that
Might Bootloop please either use either the latest prime kernel builds or the respective stock unpatched img(might have to patch it in magisk to retain root) in gdrive
Clean OS Debloater
Its not just a debloater but it does two more things. You can make your animations smoother as well as try out hidden screen mode through it (just follow the instructions carefully.
Clean OS debloater
Instruction to Flash
1. Format Data is a must for best performance
2. Flashing it over clean install is advised though not recommended
3.Install Zip through custom recovery like twrp
4. Flash Magisk
Both incremental and Full update zips avaliable)
People already using CleanOS 4 can you use incremental zip to update
( G-drive Links) ( For versions 1.5 and above)
Exynos ( G780F)
Snap 4G ( G780G)
Snap 5G (G781B)
(ANDROID FILE HOST LINKS) ( For versions 1.5 below)
Snap 5G
Snap 4G
@ricci206 (He is the MVP here providing me his mods)
@Rick_BR ( Method to remove bootloader warning)
@el0xren ( guides to have various features)
@ Testers in Telegram group
@BlassGO (Very Nice and helpful guy with great knowledge, literally guided me to build)
Various xda thread of S20 and S20 FE for debloating guides
(For his help in various things and being very active here in thread helping others out)
Is this ROM (Snap 5G) based on G781BXXU4DUL9?
Not completely Russian is in the settings, although I was fine in Malaysian
Don't boot for me S20 Fe exynos
rost-doc said:
Not completely Russian is in the settings, although I was fine in Malaysian
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Fixed by reinstalling the firmware
thechester said:
Don't boot for me S20 Fe exynos
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Should have installed oneui4 first then only it can boot
New Update
Google Feed Added
Super fast charging toggle
Samsung Marketing Disabled
Incremental Zip there in the link wont need to download full rom zip if you are in clean os 4 already
Mobile banking apps are working?
I'm currently on v2.5.5 with my Snap 5G.
I don't wanna lose any data or format data when I upgrade to CleanOS 4.
In Odin, do I have to flash BL, AP, CP and CSC?
If I flash all this, do I lose TWRP?
I guess I also have to flahs HOME_CSC instead of CSC?
In Odin, do I have to put something in USERDATA?
ibizje said:
Mobile banking apps are working?
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Yeah, they work with Magisk Canary+Zygisk
Ubimo said:
I'm currently on v2.5.5 with my Snap 5G.
I don't wanna lose any data or format data when I upgrade to CleanOS 4.
In Odin, do I have to flash BL, AP, CP and CSC?
If I flash all this, do I lose TWRP?
I guess I also have to flahs HOME_CSC instead of CSC?
In Odin, do I have to put something in USERDATA?
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To install CleanOS 4, you need to be in Stock Android 12. Maybe tou can try to flash stock OneUi 4 with home_csc directly from CleanOS 2.5.5 and then install TWRP again and install CleanOS 4. I don't recommend, probably bugs will appear or even don't boot.
Rick_BR said:
To install CleanOS 4, you need to be in Stock Android 12. Maybe tou can try to flash stock OneUi 4 with home_csc directly from CleanOS 2.5.5 and then install TWRP again and install CleanOS 4. I don't recommend, probably bugs will appear or even don't boot.
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TWRP would be replaced and encryption would come back. flashing TWRP and vbmeta would mean a wipe and flashing multidisabler would mean a format.
3mel said:
TWRP would be replaced and encryption would come back. flashing TWRP and vbmeta would mean a wipe and flashing multidisabler would mean a format.
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In Android 11 I managed to do this steps and not format data, but as I said, a fresh instalation is preferred
camera app got an improvement? for example: telephoto in pro mode, the ability to switch cameras in fhd60fps (telephoto can record video in fhd60fps). Will there be eSIM support. Also, I personally wanted to have the ath11k driver in the kernel instead of qcacld-3.0, but ath11k needs a 5.10 kernel, can you think of something? I will be very grateful if at least one feature is added
Savox326 said:
camera app got an improvement? for example: telephoto in pro mode, the ability to switch cameras in fhd60fps (telephoto can record video in fhd60fps). Will there be eSIM support. Also, I personally wanted to have the ath11k driver in the kernel instead of qcacld-3.0, but ath11k needs a 5.10 kernel, can you think of something? I will be very grateful if at least one feature is added
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the guy who builds kernels for the FE said there's no chance of getting that new of a kernel as it's way too much work to port it over.
no idea on the rest of your list.
3mel said:
the guy who builds kernels for the FE said there's no chance of getting that new of a kernel as it's way too much work to port it over.
no idea on the rest of your list.
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Hm, Have S20 FE hardware esim support? In S20 models esim works on SN110 SoC
Savox326 said:
Hm, Have S20 FE hardware esim support? In S20 models esim works on SN110 SoC
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as far as I know Samsung never said it was coming to the FE
Hi, thanks for the ROM, I still dislike oneui to my very core, but, it feels a lot better now
Rick_BR said:
Yeah, they work with Magisk Canary+Zygisk
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Could you elaborate? Maybe a link to zygisk or forum thread about this, cause all the tutorials I found by googling seem suspicious at best
Also, there was recently a law passed in Russia that forced manufacturers to install a bunch of useless Russian apps (and a few useful ones). I was able to simply uninstall them in cleanos4 (which I could not do in stock, since they kept getting reinstalled). But maybe there is way to bypass this entirely?
ramilmsh said:
Hi, thanks for the ROM, I still dislike oneui to my very core, but, it feels a lot better now
Could you elaborate? Maybe a link to zygisk or forum thread about this, cause all the tutorials I found by googling seem suspicious at best
Also, there was recently a law passed in Russia that forced manufacturers to install a bunch of useless Russian apps (and a few useful ones). I was able to simply uninstall them in cleanos4 (which I could not do in stock, since they kept getting reinstalled). But maybe there is way to bypass this entirely?
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Zygisk is a function present in Magisk Canary, it's like the "new" Magisk hide. As you install Magisk Canary, go to settings and enable it, simple and straightfoward. I recommend you install the Universal Safetynet fix module too, the latest version is compatible with Zygisk.
What is the apps? The Yandex ones? I've deleted all of them directly from the folders in system. They never come back.
Rick_BR said:
Zygisk is a function present in Magisk Canary, it's like the "new" Magisk hide. As you install Magisk Canary, go to settings and enable it, simple and straightfoward. I recommend you install the Universal Safetynet fix module too, the latest version is compatible with Zygisk.
What is the apps? The Yandex ones? I've deleted all of them directly from the folders in system. They never come back.
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The Yandex apps stayed for sure (they are installed with Andoid setup). But also (from memory, there are 17 in total):
- Marusya - (voice assistant)
- ICQ new - (text chat)
- (mail client)
- Gosuslugi
- Apps (app recommendations for more russian bloatware)
- Kaspersky internet security and VPN
- some others, i forget

