$ for SDK Integration - Frameworks

Sorry if this is not the right place to put this. Mods can feel free to adjust if necessary, but I have an opportunity to share:
Seeds, my company is offering $100 to developers who integrate our SDK and push it live in the iOS or Android store.
Seeds incentivizes non-paying users to make purchases by routing a portion of the in-app purchases to small businesses in developing countries via microloans. We have found social good is really powerful in converting paying customers as well as engagement and retention.
Let me know if you're interested and we can get you set up in the pay-to-integrate program! Or let me know if you have any questions and I can help with that as well.


Looking for good WM programmer

I have some great idea for WindowsMobile software. Similar software is there for iPhone and it's market is worth millions of USDs, while on WM, there is no such thing!
I am looking for a revenue share partnership: I am finishing server side part and need some to make Windows Mobile Client. Technology is not very important for me. Please, PM me for details if interested(let me know your IM too if possible).
My 5 cents on this issue:
1) If you have a buissness idea worth millions of US$, you should NOT discuss it with anyone, without a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
2) If the idea has already been implemented by Apple for the iPhone, then chances are, that there are patents on the technology or parts of it.
3) If you are still sure about this buissness, then you should HIRE WM programmers, instead of offering them partnership against their work.
4) If you don't have money to pay them, you should set up a propper business plan, protect your idea by submitting a patent request and/or registering the algorithm/software/brand, and get risk capital involved.
5) You should have enough cashflow to build a propper client/server application and infrastructure: if you are not infringing on Apple's copyrights, then probably any other could copy the same idea, too. This means that the first offering a propper service, will have best chances to stay on business when competition starts.
If you do it with no or little money, then chances are that you:
1) Will not setup a propper product and will lose the little money you invested
2) Will setup a working product, which is under-dimensionated, allowing for competition to make a better product in no-time.
Please take this as a friendly remark...
Thank you very much for your suggestions!
Well, it is not a million dollar project for sure. The market is worth a lot, but I'd rather thought of few k usd a month, nothing very big.
There are no technologies in that idea that can be protected, so no problem.
I just do not really want to hire programmer the normal way. I do not need a worker, I need someone who loves programming(well, I am a programmer myself, just Windows and server side) and creates art instead of binary code Investing is not a problem for me, I have capital, but as I said, I need one, good programmer who will be developing the app longterm for a cut of revenue.
What kind of specific programming skills are you looking for ?
The application needs to look well, even very well. That's the main objective. Need stuff like nice graphics, kinetic scrolling etc. implementation of accelerometer and HTC Leo's multitouch if possible. Language and technology is not very important for me.
It will need to take some data from user, send it to my server and present the response from my server in possibly nice and intuitive way.
Hire Programmer ASAP
For a sure deal, why not check out http://www.hire-programmer.com/. My professor mentioned this site, and apparently, they provide their clients with the kinds of programmer their clients need. If you are in dire need of a programmer, then trying their services poses more gains than losses.

Ingenious Apps Retail Store for Users, Entrepreneurs, and Developers: AppsBidder.com

For people who are interested in downloading mobile apps, potentially owning mobile apps, or connecting with programmers to create a mobile app, visit AppsBidder.com.This site features apps that fit all kinds of necessities from bringing people the news to allowing users to play the guitar on their touch screens. Users can also bid on the exclusive ownership rights for apps as aspiring entrepreneurs.
Most people will realize that there are a few components of this service they haven’t analyzed. Below you will begin to comprehend how AppsBidder delivers more than just a platform for downloading free or paid apps.
AppsBidder is a multi-tiered service that creates opportunities for users who have different interest in regards to apps. Any user, app developer, or entrepreneur can use AppsBidder.com to communicate and negotiate deals for creating apps or bidding for app ownership. You will be able to perform several tasks with apps on AppsBidder.com, but in the simplest of terms you are going to be able to bid on the ownership rights for apps designed either for personal or business use on mobile devices.
AppsBidder.com can be understood as a two sided service. Any user can download free or paid apps for their personal use for their mobile advice. AppsBidder requires no sign up fees and apps can be uploaded straight to AppsBidder.com and only when developers make a sale are they charged a 17% commission rate (compared to Google and Apple’s 30% commission rate). Another advantage for developers uploading apps to AppsBidder.com is that they can receive immediate payment from sales with a minimum threshold of only $10.00 compared to Handango’s monthly payment schedule and minimum payout rule of $250.00 per month. Companies or app development teams that are interested in bidding, selling, or developing apps can use AppsBidder.com as their platform. While AppsBidder takes care of certain legal and financial paperwork, users and developers are able to further communicate to negotiate terms on AppsBidder.com.
What this actually means for anyone using this program will be that this is a great way to either download, trade, and/or develop mobile apps. You can either download apps for yourself, or buy the ownership license for certain apps to re-sell to other individuals. Either way, you have several options to choose from on AppsBidder.com.
This is a very brief analysis of what makes this service so unique and why you might care to visit the AppsBidder website. If you were at all curious about some of the finer points of Appsbidder, hopefully you have found some of the answers you were searching for.

A mobile app to change how restaurants work for better

We have just launched a campaign on Indiegogo website. About our new project which we really think is going to change the world. It’s a mobile app for restaurants,
a kind of social network but not limited to that! You may learn more about it here: igg.me/at/kindchef/x/4836930
Honestly, there are two reasons why I am talking about it here:
1) we have introduced some perks(gifts), that you mau find very useful and profitable.
2) the second reason is to spread the word about the campaign because we won’t be able to change the world if people are not supporting the idea… so if you even
just share it you have helped us a lot.
I hope this post is not looking like a shameless self-promotion. I never do that it’s just that the idea is so big and revolutionary that I think it does sound
righteous to talk about it and may sound very interesting.
Please visit the link above and find more information about it for yourself.
The most important way that you can help us, is by sharing the campaign link with your friends.
Please feel free to ask any questions,
MyFlashlab team.
Necessity of restaurant mobile apps.
There are number of benefits of developing a restaurant mobile apps for business owners. From a couple of years, holistic mobility solutions including restaurant mobility solutions really a make sense for online business.
In modern technology world of restaurant mobile apps, there are number of features are available that get benefit to both the end. Business owners as well as customers.
Kindchef- Innovative
kindchef app is a very innovative idea. it will allow restaurants to run flash sales for very specific times, make use of QR codes to automate checkouts, and has said it will help restauranteers even run their businesses better. Very best wishes on your app and if its a success it will surely thrust the restaurant sector into the 21st century with a bang.

[Q] How do free mobile applications make money?

I would like to understand how free social mobile applications make money?
Take for exemple Tinder: it is worth millions of dollars, the designer of the app has made millions, but how since the app is free? I do not see any ad when using the app.
It doesn't.
Investors can be quite patient. They want a business model to grow first and find a revenue stream later.
Google for "how does Tinder make money" and you'll see a few articles on this.
Mr.Koala is right - for the most part they don't. Even some extremely popular tools valued at millions (or billions) have never made a dime. Ideally, someone will be able to retroactively monetize the property, which is what the valuation is based on - potential monetization. However, the cynics among us will point out that certain historic economic bubbles have been burst based on the misplaced hope of future monetization.
Google itself originally was free service. Once you have user base you can always add paid functions.
when they collect big user base it is possible to sell ads and other users information for 3'th parties
And then you have mobile ads on top of that... But like said before, it's usually the investors that pay all the money.

Decentralized Application Marketplace - Your Thoughts?

Hello everyone,
We're trying to create a new open-source app distribution platform named Spheris, using blockchain technology. We are really interested in your thoughts – both devs and users. We're also open for possible collabs for those who are interested.
We’re utilizing Ethereum’s blockchain technology to build Spheris as a decentralized platform. This makes a lot of cool things possible:
No registration and transaction fees, as opposed to traditional app marketplaces who charge up to $100 for registration and 30% per each transaction. No technical restrictions or censorship. Optional anonymity. Forget about the need for credit card companies or banks – you will be able to buy and sell apps using our digital currency (Spheris tokens), with the option to exchange for other digital currencies (such as Ethereum or Bitcoin).
Customers will be able to purchase apps without going through registration and without credit cards. We’re also trying to accommodate devs whose apps have been removed from Google Play for questionable reasons.
Your Feedback = Extremely Important
We are in the early process of gathering valuable feedback from devs, and see if this is a platform that devs would like to be on. For users – do you guys see this as a platform you would buy apps from? Would love to start a discussion! For devs - have you had bad experiences with app stores (de-listing, ranking issues, not being accepted etc)? Does the concept of decentralization sound like something you might want to be a part of?
If you need more info, have a look at spheris.io or just ask me here.
Your questions and feedback are much appreciated,
PS - apologies if this isn't the right forum for this topic!

