Ingenious Apps Retail Store for Users, Entrepreneurs, and Developers: - Android Apps and Games

For people who are interested in downloading mobile apps, potentially owning mobile apps, or connecting with programmers to create a mobile app, visit site features apps that fit all kinds of necessities from bringing people the news to allowing users to play the guitar on their touch screens. Users can also bid on the exclusive ownership rights for apps as aspiring entrepreneurs.
Most people will realize that there are a few components of this service they haven’t analyzed. Below you will begin to comprehend how AppsBidder delivers more than just a platform for downloading free or paid apps.
AppsBidder is a multi-tiered service that creates opportunities for users who have different interest in regards to apps. Any user, app developer, or entrepreneur can use to communicate and negotiate deals for creating apps or bidding for app ownership. You will be able to perform several tasks with apps on, but in the simplest of terms you are going to be able to bid on the ownership rights for apps designed either for personal or business use on mobile devices. can be understood as a two sided service. Any user can download free or paid apps for their personal use for their mobile advice. AppsBidder requires no sign up fees and apps can be uploaded straight to and only when developers make a sale are they charged a 17% commission rate (compared to Google and Apple’s 30% commission rate). Another advantage for developers uploading apps to is that they can receive immediate payment from sales with a minimum threshold of only $10.00 compared to Handango’s monthly payment schedule and minimum payout rule of $250.00 per month. Companies or app development teams that are interested in bidding, selling, or developing apps can use as their platform. While AppsBidder takes care of certain legal and financial paperwork, users and developers are able to further communicate to negotiate terms on
What this actually means for anyone using this program will be that this is a great way to either download, trade, and/or develop mobile apps. You can either download apps for yourself, or buy the ownership license for certain apps to re-sell to other individuals. Either way, you have several options to choose from on
This is a very brief analysis of what makes this service so unique and why you might care to visit the AppsBidder website. If you were at all curious about some of the finer points of Appsbidder, hopefully you have found some of the answers you were searching for.

Related Launches for Android Developers & Users! has just launched for all Android App Developers and Android Users.
We are offering Featured placement on the home page for the next 3 months (first 250 apps uploaded) by Android Developers on The first 1,000 apps uploaded will also get FREE advertisement banners for the next 4 months on
It's FREE to create a user account and very simple to upload. There is no approval process! No subscription or hidden fees! High payouts for every app sale you make. is one of the six other major Android App websites out there and is expected to quickly surpass most of those website within the next 10 months, due to four simple reasons.
First and foremost, it's entirely FREE to create a user account, upload paid or free Android Apps, sell and monitor your sales reports on our website. Second, we are the first mobile website to offer Credits with great discounts on all app purchases for our customers (ensuring a higher sales number for our developers) and no other Android App website offers such flexibility as we do. When a user makes a purchase with our Credits, the Developer doesn't loose any money for the sale, as iPlayTones, LLC will be taking the loss. The third and probably most important reason to use, is that we do not have any monthly or yearly subscription fees like most of the other Android App websites. Last, but not least, you will make high payouts for all your paid apps. Each user account has an up-to-the-minute sales monitoring system that is easy to view and make a payout request.
With our easy to use-interface and our sales monitoring system, there is no need to wait until the next day to see your sales revenue. You are sure to enjoy the website!
Visit us today:

Learn to Code! Free CodeSchool from New Relic [Sponsored]

New Relic is currently incentivizing new customers with three free months of Code School classes. But really, the bribe shouldn’t be necessary. We know, this sounds like the type of hyped-up pitch you might hear on a bad infomercial, but here at XDA, New Relic APM has completely revolutionized our ability to debug application processes, allowing us to speed up the site while reducing server costs. When they wanted to sponsor the site this month, we were thrilled to promote a product that we both know and use (we are very happy paying customers and have been for years). We’ve explored all options for monitoring site performance, but nothing comes close to the insight we gain from New Relic. Every web developer and mobile app developer should at least consider using New Relic. The company offers free trials and lite versions that are free-for-life on both its web app and mobile products, so there’s no reason not to.
XDA has a complex, layered infrastructure with html front-end caching, data store caching via Memcache and APC, and of course, a large database. When the site occasionally slowed down, it was impossible to determine why. On our local and staging development environments, we were able to trace application processes to determine hangups, but when working at scale, serving live pages to millions of users, we couldn’t get the same insight. After installing New Relic’s PHP plugin (they have plugins for just about every application server type), we instantly gained the ability to dig deeper into the application server processes to see where bottlenecks were occurring. The New Relic plugin software allows us to trace all the way back through the application to explore specific functions and database queries and see exactly how long they are taking to execute. We have even been able to use New Relic to assist third-party application developers to optimize their apps to work better on our servers.
Over the past few years as customers, we’ve watched New Relic launch an entire suite of products related to code-level monitoring of application performance. Specifically for mobile app developers, New Relic Mobile provides similar code-level diagnostics as the web app product. You can identify poor code paths; track CPU, memory, and database usage metrics; monitor interactions with external services and APIs; and get insight as to whether performance is being impacted disproportionately in specific geographies or on specific carriers. For a monitoring product that is used by many of the largest apps in the world, the “pro” level pricing is very reasonable ($29 per app per month), and even the free “lite” version still provides significant value.
Developers often come to us needing help debugging slow processes, and we almost always recommend installing New Relic to trace hard-to-find bottlenecks in both web and mobile applications. And today, we’re publicly making that same recommendation to you. Try it out for free. Deploy and get three free months of Code School.

[Q] Mobile Application For Business perspective...! Worth or not?

Now a days, mobiles are really helpful devices in any industry. People use mobile phones to surf the internet or shop from online store. It is useful to grow your business via using different applications. Is it good to develop mobile application for business or not? There are too many companies available who develop mobile applications. How to choose best mobile application development company from all of them?
Thank You,
Calvin Hewitt
It is ofcourse possible to develop an app for a business and it is generally not very expensive unless you want the app to do a lot. Not knowing what business you are in, if I were in your position I would do the following:
1 - Figure out what you want the app to do (provide a service or provide information)
2 - Have similar functionality on your corporate website with maybe a mobile version (ability to place orders, or track them, or view information)
3 - Search for app developers online in your country/city so that you can personally meet them for the next step
4 - Contact some developers with what you have in mind and ask for a quote for developing and maintaining the app, at the same time you will figure out what they can and can't do + see examples of apps they have done in the past to judge their capability
5 - If you feel confident you can try and search for and contact app developers in other parts of the world like China, India, etc who may do the job cheaper and as good
Good luck Calvin!
I think android development has huge potential of being a viable business but there is a lot of competition. From making my own app as a hobby and releasing it getting the download isn't guaranteed. I putting all eggs in one basket hoping an app will be a great busies is a risk one of the main reasons it is a sideline project/hobby for me, and maybe there is a slim chance of something i make gives the security to make it my own job.

[Q] How do free mobile applications make money?

I would like to understand how free social mobile applications make money?
Take for exemple Tinder: it is worth millions of dollars, the designer of the app has made millions, but how since the app is free? I do not see any ad when using the app.
It doesn't.
Investors can be quite patient. They want a business model to grow first and find a revenue stream later.
Google for "how does Tinder make money" and you'll see a few articles on this.
Mr.Koala is right - for the most part they don't. Even some extremely popular tools valued at millions (or billions) have never made a dime. Ideally, someone will be able to retroactively monetize the property, which is what the valuation is based on - potential monetization. However, the cynics among us will point out that certain historic economic bubbles have been burst based on the misplaced hope of future monetization.
Google itself originally was free service. Once you have user base you can always add paid functions.
when they collect big user base it is possible to sell ads and other users information for 3'th parties
And then you have mobile ads on top of that... But like said before, it's usually the investors that pay all the money.

Decentralized Application Marketplace - Your Thoughts?

Hello everyone,
We're trying to create a new open-source app distribution platform named Spheris, using blockchain technology. We are really interested in your thoughts – both devs and users. We're also open for possible collabs for those who are interested.
We’re utilizing Ethereum’s blockchain technology to build Spheris as a decentralized platform. This makes a lot of cool things possible:
No registration and transaction fees, as opposed to traditional app marketplaces who charge up to $100 for registration and 30% per each transaction. No technical restrictions or censorship. Optional anonymity. Forget about the need for credit card companies or banks – you will be able to buy and sell apps using our digital currency (Spheris tokens), with the option to exchange for other digital currencies (such as Ethereum or Bitcoin).
Customers will be able to purchase apps without going through registration and without credit cards. We’re also trying to accommodate devs whose apps have been removed from Google Play for questionable reasons.
Your Feedback = Extremely Important
We are in the early process of gathering valuable feedback from devs, and see if this is a platform that devs would like to be on. For users – do you guys see this as a platform you would buy apps from? Would love to start a discussion! For devs - have you had bad experiences with app stores (de-listing, ranking issues, not being accepted etc)? Does the concept of decentralization sound like something you might want to be a part of?
If you need more info, have a look at or just ask me here.
Your questions and feedback are much appreciated,
PS - apologies if this isn't the right forum for this topic!

