Can't reply back to a text or email - Samsung Gear S2

Everytime I go to reply back to a text I received it says unable to send message. Sometimes out of the blue I can, but i can't almost all of the time. Or it will say call not aloud. Just didn't know if I was doing something wrong?????

Please help any suggestions

What phone are you using? Samsung?

i got it. just need to turn off and back on


IM questions and maybe a little help?

The IM app seems to be working great. However, is there a way to get an audible signal/tone when I receive a message and the phone has gone to what I guess is standby?
i.e. I'm chatting on AIM. I set the phone down to do something, and come back a few minutes later. I open the phone to find a message stating "A message has been received would you like to open the conversation?" But I never received an audible tone.
Is there a way to make it chime even when the screen is black?

[Q] SMS Issue Try Again

HTC-HD2​I live in Houston Texas. I have a incredibly annoying issue with my phone. I am not sure if it is a issue with the ROM's that I get and install or if there is something wrong with the service from T-Mobile in Houston.
I will type up a SMS message to send a friend. I press the send button and I get a pop-up message saying that Message not sent Try Again.
Either I have to click the red text 5-20 times if not more to try resending my text again or sometimes I do not get the convent resend option and I have to go back into the text and highlight what I wanted to send and click Menu and Forward it to the person several times till it finally goes through.
Wanted to see if anyone else anywhere has the same problem or if it is a known issue is there a FIX for it.
Thank you,

[Q] TXT Receive with lightup

So, for some reason I can figure out how to get my phone to light up the screen when I receive a text and I can't remember if it has ever done it before. Can some one please sure me how to change the settings for that?

[Q] Strange happenings on standard text messages

i have a problem that seems to have developed over last few weeks, when i recieve a message and reply it buts the reply above the incoming message in the history, anyone know ehat i have done ??
eg msg comes in
Tom: hi
my reply : great
however on phone it would read
my reply : great
Tom: hi
it only happens to that reply so the whole thread can be full of back to front replys
I've noticed that to.
It seems to my that it happens when you reply to the message in the same minute that your received it.
The phone just keeps the hour and minute, so if you reply in the same minute it gives priority to you message, and then it shows your before the message from the other contact.
I think...

[Q] Hangouts not always giving notification of recieved message

I have posted here but recieved no answer. I figured my question belongs here anyway, so I won't bump the other thread.
I am trying to use Hangouts as my default SMS app (It is also currently the only SMS app installed on my device) because I do like it. However I noticed that sometimes I don't get any notification when I recieve a text message, no vibration, nor sound nor notification in the status bar. As a result, I miss quite a lot of texts. Notice that I do recieve those texts, if I check the app they are there, text bold to indicate they are not yet read. I just don't get the notification. Also, most of the time I do get the notifications without a problem. So to be clear, this is about some SMS's, not about all.
As far as I know this happens when I recieve the message very shortly after I put down my phone (my routine: send text, press 'backbutton' once to get in the hangouts overview, and then I press power to shut of the screen and put the phone down.) If I get a message let's say within half a minute of me turning of the screen I won't have a clue I recieved the message until I go look in hangouts to check. This happens often when someone is quick to respond to my own message, but could maybe be happening with other messages I recieve in that time. I don't think this happens to messages I recieve when the screen has been off for a time, but I can't say that with certainty.
I have a HTC One S currently running CM11, but I had this problem on stock ROM too. However never with the HTC stock messaging app.
I have found similar problems here on the forums, but no satifying answers. I hope someone has a solution?
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