2015 Honda CR-V EX-L and bluetooth - General Questions and Answers

I have posted a similar post in the CRV Owners forum, but I thought this forum would make more sense since it's filled with a bunch of hardware-hacking programmers!
The interface between my car and my phone (LG G2 Lollipop stock) is abysmal. I have seen a number of posts on the web about this issue with modern cars, but no real solutions. The following is a list of what I would like the interface to be between the phone and car. Then at the end of the email I'll flame a little about the "why"s.
GIve me a button to allow me to talk to my phone directly without the HondaLink getting in the way. There was a similar issue with a Volkswagon and a solution using Tasker to intercept the call. That solution doesn't work with my Honda and is a kludge.
Always have the phone interrupt the radio (whether it's a call or audio, e.g. Google maps navigation). For me, the information coming from the phone will always be more important than the music or talk show on the radio.
Mirror the phone screen onto the car screen when I'm driving (so I can see my map when I need to)
When I receive a call, let the phone do the talking (the phone can speak the caller's name to me and can send the caller's name over the bluetooth connection) and let me hit a button to answer it.
Has anyone successfully hacked into the firmware/software in the CV-R to fix these issues? Is it possible? At this point, based on my research, I see no other option. If there is another option that doesn't involve replacing the system or "just dealing with it," I'd love to hear it.
The "why"s:
My phone is custimizable, has all of my contacts, recognizes my voice, has GPS, accurate and up-to-date maps, and does everything that I need a phone and navigation system to do. The Honda solution tries to duplicate all of that functionality and does it very poorly. As one user wrote last year, my $50 bluetooth headset can listen to my phone and pipe in navigation directions and let me know when I get a call. It is a joke that an expensive car can't even get that part right. The fact that I can't put my phone screen on the car screen while I'm driving is idiotic. Now I've got to find some way to hold my phone up for navigation. I don't want this post to degenerate into a series of posts and counter-posts on whether drivers can handle the increased cognitive demand. I've been driving long enough to see that the majority of drivers are not paying any attention at all to the road anyway and no one seems to care.
The hardware in the CR-V seems to be capable of doing the things that I have listed above. So, if the Honda programmers can't get it the way I want it, the only solution is to take the programming away from them and do it ourselves. Has anyone done this yet?
Thank you in advance for your help.


Answering Calls from Handset

With the stock ROM from T-Mo when I had my BT enabled I could answer calls with the headset and the call would be on the headset but if I answered with the phone itself the call would be on the phone. I really like this feature because occasionly my phone would be closer than my headset so I could just hit the Answer soft key and use the phone. Does anyone know of a registry setting or cab file that would allow me to do this with Core 2.0 (or any other WM6 ROM)? My workaround for right now is to answer the call on the phone and then immediately turn off hands free, but the caller hears about a second of dead air and sometimes hangs up thinking the connection was bad... plus it's generally a pain in the a$$
my advice, if you're in that situation just turn off yer bluetooth.... other than that i know of no such registry edit. perhaps someone else would care to chime in?
Thanks for the advice. It usually happens when i have my phone on my hip and my headset in my office while i'm going to get a cup of coffee... almost always i get stopped by someone who needs some sort of tech help along the way and my 45 second trip to get a cup of coffee turns into a 25 minute trouble shooting session with because the user "didn't make any changes to the system, it just stopped working"... i'm sure we've all heard that one... anyway, thanks for the advice, i'll keep looking for a solution and will post back if i find one, just in case anyone else is interested.
you mention that's it is on your hip a thought ame to my mind... map a button to toggle bluetooth. i.e. the camera button this way your bluetooth will turn on/off at a touch of a button.

Kenwood BT-200 Handsfree Kit

I've got a Kenwood BT-200 bluetooth handsfree car kit and have found the following issues with it;
1. Everytime a call is completed, the phone book downloads all over again and takes over 10 minutes, preventing making follow on calls till complete.
2. The received and dialed calls list doesn't work
3. Cannot initiate a call from the head unit unless the phone screen is on (was working perfectly on previous HTC Touch Cruise).
4. Unable to initiate voice dialing on Phone using Microsoft Voice Command whereas with previous HF kits it was as simple as pressing and holding the call button.
Anyone else use the same Touch Pro - BT200 combination? Or experience similar problems with other HF kits?
I have Pioneer BT unit. I can not connect, but I installed Hands-Free Config from JETware Mobile Software and it solved all my problems. There are many setting options which should help you...
Hi Pritman,
I just went through the same thing after upgrading to the Touch Pro from the Dopod 838Pro (Hermes).
There's a firmware update available for the KCA-BT200 which may well fix your issues (certainly did mine).
I created a post about this earlier today (didn't see your post here).
The firmware flash is very easy to do. You will just need a laptop with a bluetooth adaptor.
Kenwood have released another update.
See my other post at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=440494 for details.
Wow, never thought I would fine anyone else with the combination of Kenwood DNX-7100, KCA-BT200 AND the touch pro. I am having similar issues.
DNX-7100 with BT100 worked fine with touch pro.
"upgraded" to BT200, and I have nothing but headaches.
I have tried two different BT200, and both have been flaky.
I have tried BT200 firmware 1.60 and 1.70, and both have been flaky.
My problem is similar to the ones you folks have been experiencing, mainly it is constantly downloading, and the interface is super sluggish when downloading. I can retrieve a name and phone number from the BT200's memory, but when I call out it will say downloading and do nothing. Sometimes it won't "pair" with the phone automatically unless I manually select my phone from the DNX-7100, and sometimes it will just drop the connection. I used the BT100 for about a year, and it was solid 95% of the time. I am running stock Telus rom, btw. I have also played around with the dip switch on the BT-200. From the shipped manual, DNX-7100 belongs in group F, which is off, off, on for dip switch 1, 2, 3. But when I searched online, some of Kenwood's info listed the DNX-7100 under group G, which has dip switch off, on, off, just to add to the confusion. I have also tried removing the "wireless stereo" profile as well as the "serial port" profile, but that fixed nothing. Lastly, just to kick me when I'm down, when it list the numbers, sometimes it list them as first name, then last name, but sometimes it list it as last name then first. This is super irritating as you can't be sure where anyone is listed ..... so far my experience with the BT200 has been nothing but horrible. I am on the verge of flashing my touch pro to a cooked ROM just to see if it is due to the stock Telus rom's bluetooth (I went back to stock as the juggalo rom I used became corrupt after a few weeks).
So, did you guys finally find a solution that worked 100% of the time?
Hi Guys, I'm glad there are more people out there with my combination.
Upgrading the BT 200 to 1.70 has improved things significantly but not as good as it would be with another handset like a Nokia N95. The download delay and sluggishness still exist.
I recall when I paired the TP, a notice came up on the TP that the BT 200 is requesting access to the phonebook or contacts and prompted me to allow or deny. I'm wondering what would happen if I deny? I do know that when I first paired the N95 with the older firmware, it wouldn't syncronise the contacts and I had to manually send the contacts to the BT 200. If this can be done with the TP, it may eliminate the constant downloading, perhaps.
Anyone else willing to try this. I may not be able to do this till later this weekend so if any of you do manage to test this before me, please post the results.
Good luck!
If you don't give it access to the phonebook, I suspect it can't download your phonebook automatically, and you would have to manually push the phonebook over, which defeats the purpose of the BT-200, effectively making it a BT-100. After trying a 2nd BT-200 for 3 days, I have given up and chalked up the BT-200 as extremely flaky, and is easily the worst purchase I have ever made as:
1) Half the time it won't pair with the phone automatically
2) The other half when it does pair, you can't dial out as half time time again when you want to make it call, it decides to do a download from your phone instead (never mind that it already "downloaded" when it paired already. Half x half = quarter.
3) Half the time when it does manage to make it call, it magically drops the bluetooth pairing and drops the call.
If you're keeping track, we are at half x half x half, which is 0.125, or this damn thing only works 12.5% of the time. This is not a time saver, nor a gadget of convenience/safety. It is the ultimate source of anxiety, danger (as you're trying to get the damn thing to work), and a big disappointment. Kenwood, shame on you for putting out such flaky products, and especially for not fixing it (look at the first post, it is from Oct 08).
I am going to return both of my BT-200 to Clutchfield, and am going back to my 99% stable BT-100. BT-100 actually is not as horrible with the TP as TP runs WinMo 6.1, which lets you push multiple phone book contacts at once (not like the older WinMo where you had to push contacts ONE BY ONE!!!). The only caveat with the BT-100 is if you need to delete or modify any contacts, you can't, and you have to delete all the entries for a particular phone and repair and push all contacts again, which takes 1 minute now as oppose to half an hour with pre-WinMo 6.1. When I buy a HU next time, I don't think I will consider Kenwood again due to:
1) Flaky software/interface.
2) Poor documentation.
3) Poor service support. Kenwood Canada actually NEVER REPLIED. I only received the auto-gen email notification indicating they received my email. Clutchfield Canada has been very supportive, and I will pay more to buy from them in the future solely due to their strong customer support.
Hi Johnnysks,
As far as the Touch Pro is concerned, I understand your frustration and totally support your argument.
On the other hand, I have tested the BT-200 with a Nokia 96 & my previous Touch Cruise, works like a dream! I've had good responses from Kenwood UK but whenever I contact HTC, I alway get vague responses, which to me suggests that Kenwood must have been making the effort but keep getting let down by HTC. Ultimately the BT-200 works with majority of the handsets out there.
I will still keep trying for a solution though as I really do like the TP and the BT-200!
I have no doubts the BT-200 works with other phones, and I know my TP works with my BT-100 flawlessly. I also know from prior personal dealings with Kenwood Canada's technical support that:
1) They're rude, have a bad attitude, and unprofessional (as my first inquiry for a different product from a year ago was met with a reply that was condescending, unhelpful, and was not even in proper English). I'll be more than happy to dig up my old email for you if you have any doubts.
2) They're not responsive. It's been over a week, and they never replied to my current inquiry regarding the BT-200 (funny. They used to be rude and unprofessional. Now they're missing in action)
Perhaps Kenwood USA, Kenwood UK, or Kenwood Japan are doing an awesome job. However, I can only go with what I have personally experienced.
Anyone find a fix for this? I have the same problems with my DNX8120. Tried Jetware, no luck, I would try BTRestore, but it won't work with .net 3. My biggest complaint is that even if it is connected via bluetooth, it won't start a call from th eheadset unless the phone is not in standby. Next biggest issue is that it drops the connection after hanging up from a call.
Very f*&%*g annoying!
FYI, worked with 2 different ETEN's

Safe driving app (request)

So, i just watched a show called SourceFed on youtube where they talked about a guy getting arrested for "driving homicide",
basically he texted while driving, he ended up in the wrong lane and fronted another car killing the other driver.
Which brings me to my request:
Could you guys help me by developing a free application which disables the text (sms) function in a phone once the phone reaches a speed of 25km/h (15mph)?
That's "all" the app has to do, just disable the SMS function while driving.
One downside that i would like you to ponder about, is the fact that this would disable the text function for the passenger as well, how can this be worked around without the driver being able to do so as well?
Perhaps a WiFi module somewhere in the car which gives more accurate GPS positioning data which then leads to you being able to tell if the phone is in the driver seat or not?
I'm not doing this for commercial purposes or for profit, i just had a good intention which i would like to see available to everyone and perhaps even standard in the next generation of phones so we don't loose lives due to technical gadgets..
torxed said:
So, i just watched a show called SourceFed on youtube where they talked about a guy getting arrested for "driving homicide",
basically he texted while driving, he ended up in the wrong lane and fronted another car killing the other driver.
Which brings me to my request:
Could you guys help me by developing a free application which disables the text (sms) function in a phone once the phone reaches a speed of 25km/h (15mph)?
That's "all" the app has to do, just disable the SMS function while driving.
One downside that i would like you to ponder about, is the fact that this would disable the text function for the passenger as well, how can this be worked around without the driver being able to do so as well?
Perhaps a WiFi module somewhere in the car which gives more accurate GPS positioning data which then leads to you being able to tell if the phone is in the driver seat or not?
I'm not doing this for commercial purposes or for profit, i just had a good intention which i would like to see available to everyone and perhaps even standard in the next generation of phones so we don't loose lives due to technical gadgets..
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Hate to be the bearer of bad news but gps is not accurate enough to tell if you are in the passenger seat of a car.
The speed limit thing can be done though, and I think has, but it would be easier for drivers to simply use self control.
However you can try apps like call guard, that apparently blocks texts and calls while you are driving.
( http://www.google.com/producer/editions/CAownKXmAQ/bigfatuniverse )
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk 2
or the most dummy-proof way: don't text and drive!
unless you are using your device as an GPS, shouldnt be using a phone while driving anyway.
got a text? read it during red light/traffic jam
need to talk on phone? invest in headset
jt.one said:
or the most dummy-proof way: don't text and drive!
unless you are using your device as an GPS, shouldnt be using a phone while driving anyway.
got a text? read it during red light/traffic jam
need to talk on phone? invest in headset
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I know that you shouldn't, and i don't unless i'm parked.
This is my issue: google: teen-sentenced-to-prison-for-texting-while-driving-death (a few days old)
Over here perhaps 10-15% of drivers admit that they do text while drying more then once a week,
and most of them claim that they don't notice any difference while driving, meaning that they think they operate just as good as they normally do.
The rest knows it's bad but do it anyway.
Thx mistermentality, will check out Call Guard

Annoying issues

Several issues with this phone (LG G4 AT&T H810). Bought it used and I'm about ready to sell it (barely got 1 week of use with it). Previous phone was a google edition (HTC One M8) phone so the nexus experience is what I'm using to compare this phone against. Before I completely give up on this phone, I just wanted to see if others experience the same thing and perhaps have a fix/workaround.
I just setup the phone, so I'm coming from a factory reset. Here are the issues:
1) While driving, with google maps navigation in progress, I make a hands free call via my car's bluetooth system. As my HTC One would do, the entire screen will show the contact who I'm calling. With HTC One, at the end of the call, the phone will automatically return to the map navigation. With LG G4, if the phone conversation is long enough, the screen will time out and lock - therefore NOT going back to the map. Arg... Now I have to find the power button in the back and unlock the phone, and return to maps.
2) Every now and then (pretty frequent), when I make a call, I don't hear the dial tone over the cars bluetooth. When the other side of the call answers, sometimes it switches to the car's bluetooth, other times it stays with the phones internal speaker. This forces me to tap (might need to unlock the phone) the "bluetooth" button on the phone's screen. Once I do this, it immediately connects to the car's speaker.
3) Probably related to number 2 above. Every now and then a phone call comes in and it does not engage the car's bluetooth system. I have to push the bluetooth button on the phone to enable the car's bluetooth. Again, what used to be a hands free scenario now requires a tap (might need to unlock the phone).
thanks in advance for any responses.
Well, items 2 and 3 are due to bluetooth connection not sticking. Lots of people complaining about this.

Question Calls default to phone instead of watch

Does anyone else have this problem? I just got the Galaxy 4 smart watch (bluetooth, not lte version) a few days ago. When I initiate a call from the watch it dial and says "See phone" and the call is now coming through the phone. I can click a button on the phone to send the call back to the watch but obviously this defeats the convenience of not needing to have the phone in arms reach.
My husband figured out that its some kind of interference with other connected bluetooth devices (even though they are off), like my car and handsfree earpiece. If I unpair each of those items, calls work as they should. As soon as I re-pair another bluetooth device the problem resurfaces. I'd rather not have to pick one or the other to work if I can help it. Samsung support hasn't been able to fix it. Any ideas?
I should have clarified, I'm wondering both who does and who doesn't have this issue. Please comment even if yours works perfectly.
Samsung support seemed to suggest it was a software issue thar might be able to be fixed in a future update but I'm not sure if its an issue for anyone other than me.
Maybe you should take a look at this topic https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...hange-default-behavior.4369423/#post-86031957

