Lollipop Data Toggle Non-Root - Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note5

Fixed my issue on Note 5. Posting in general just for discussion and if anyone had questions.
Saw a bunch of people with issues using widgets to toggle mobile data in lollipop as well as any automation apps.
I put a small app that acts as a widget and emulates you clicking to save you the trouble. Under Venture Alpha J&A.
Put together using Autoinput and requires it to run. Made it to fix my issue with Tasker not being able to turn my data off automatically when I'm wifi range. If anyone wants it... its a $1.42 cause Google gets 30%... link
Only tested on the new Samsungs but should work on devices running lollipop.
If you don't want to do the $1.42 you can put it together with Tasker and autoinput and make a profile for it to resume the less clicks for data toggle.
Verizon Wireless Technician using Tapatalk on Note 5

Data MODE toggle
Can you make one of these to toggle 3G/LTE Mode?

Bmillz said:
Can you make one of these to toggle 3G/LTE Mode?
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So far all the apps that I have tried to do that on verizon won't go to the lesser network speeds UNLESS the other is unavailable. Or else I would be in 3g unless downloading for battery life
My app works off the capabilities the phone already had settings for.
Verizon Wireless Technician using Tapatalk on Note 5


2G/3G Toggle?

Any idea how to enable/unhide this feature under wireless networks? Switching to 2G only nearly doubles my battery life on my Nexus
I've just been accessing the band selection menu and selecting gsm bands only. The menu is *#*#2263#*#*. This little "fix" doesn't hold after a reboot, fyi.
I also use the SMODA widget to shut off the data connection whenever I don't need it.
It sucks that mobile data is always on by default, with no stock option to shut it off, and that you can't select to only use 2g right out of the box.
I've seen some widgets that will turn 3G off/on... I wonder if those work on the captivate. I'll give it a try today.
mesasone said:
I've seen some widgets that will turn 3G off/on... I wonder if those work on the captivate. I'll give it a try today.
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I think you should be able to force it by going to *#*#4636*#*# and selecting GSM only, but that's such a hassle
See if this helps do what you want.
Try quick settings from the market and toggle the APN control on and off. Appears to work....
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
MendedEagle said:
Try quick settings from the market and toggle the APN control on and off. Appears to work....
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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I'm not looking to completely disable data - I just want to be able to disable 3G when I don't need it (and revert to EDGE data)
mesasone said:
I've seen some widgets that will turn 3G off/on... I wonder if those work on the captivate. I'll give it a try today.
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The widget I have - which comes with Weather and Toggle Widget - does not work. It just brings up the wireless connections menu, but of course you can't turn it off from there.
I'm using smart bar, and it has a 3g-2g switch, but it isn't working. Since this functionality isn't working on my captivate, but worked on my other phones, I'd say it's been intentionally pushed out. If a hack can fix this, I'd love to learn about it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I am also interested in this. I work in.a area that switches from edge to 3g a lot and when i had a iphone i increased my battery a lot by setting it strictly to edge at work.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
After all the digging and searching around, I found two apps that work perfectly on Samsung Captivate for toggling mobile data (3G)
- Juicedefender (it has a widget you can use to toggle 3G quickly)
- SMODA Widget (It doesnt have too many 5 star ratings but works fine on my samsung captivate).
My phone is rooted but I believe it is not a requirement of either of the above apps. Hope this info is useful for other captivate owners.
Most of the other APN / 3G toggle apps on the market try to put a suffix on the APN names in settings. On the samsung captivate this works only with a restart/reboot. Meaning if you disable 3G using the app it would put a suffix like 'disabled' or something to the APN name. But your phone still has the 3G connection using the original APN settings. Only after you restart the phone does it see the 'disabled' APN name and is not able to use and hence no 3G. Vice versa when you want to enable 3G back - needs restart.
I dont know what process the above 2 apps use but they work instantly on my samsung captivate. No need to restart or click a bunch of other settings. They work perfectly and as simple as it should be.
bravisha said:
After all the digging and searching around, I found two apps that work perfectly on Samsung Captivate for toggling mobile data (3G)
- Juicedefender (it has a widget you can use to toggle 3G quickly)
- SMODA Widget (It doesnt have too many 5 star ratings but works fine on my samsung captivate).
My phone is rooted but I believe it is not a requirement of either of the above apps. Hope this info is useful for other captivate owners.
Most of the other APN / 3G toggle apps on the market try to put a suffix on the APN names in settings. On the samsung captivate this works only with a restart/reboot. Meaning if you disable 3G using the app it would put a suffix like 'disabled' or something to the APN name. But your phone still has the 3G connection using the original APN settings. Only after you restart the phone does it see the 'disabled' APN name and is not able to use and hence no 3G. Vice versa when you want to enable 3G back - needs restart.
I dont know what process the above 2 apps use but they work instantly on my samsung captivate. No need to restart or click a bunch of other settings. They work perfectly and as simple as it should be.
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i heard juice defender works well
Where are you seeing the option to switch from 3G to EDGE? I just installed Juice defender but can't find the option. The mobile data connection widget just shuts off my data entirely.
Sorta on topic but when I try to install juice defender it is never able to install the aosp helper. Does it work for you guys?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
idkmybffzeeshan said:
I'm using smart bar, and it has a 3g-2g switch, but it isn't working. Since this functionality isn't working on my captivate, but worked on my other phones, I'd say it's been intentionally pushed out. If a hack can fix this, I'd love to learn about it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Yea, I was hoping someone maybe knew which file you had to edit to reenable that option in the network settings page
bravisha said:
After all the digging and searching around, I found two apps that work perfectly on Samsung Captivate for toggling mobile data (3G)
- Juicedefender (it has a widget you can use to toggle 3G quickly)
- SMODA Widget (It doesnt have too many 5 star ratings but works fine on my samsung captivate).
My phone is rooted but I believe it is not a requirement of either of the above apps. Hope this info is useful for other captivate owners.
Most of the other APN / 3G toggle apps on the market try to put a suffix on the APN names in settings. On the samsung captivate this works only with a restart/reboot. Meaning if you disable 3G using the app it would put a suffix like 'disabled' or something to the APN name. But your phone still has the 3G connection using the original APN settings. Only after you restart the phone does it see the 'disabled' APN name and is not able to use and hence no 3G. Vice versa when you want to enable 3G back - needs restart.
I dont know what process the above 2 apps use but they work instantly on my samsung captivate. No need to restart or click a bunch of other settings. They work perfectly and as simple as it should be.
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I already have Juice Defender I know I can disable data completely, but I'm looking for something that can disable 3G while keeping EDGE alive
Main Target said:
Sorta on topic but when I try to install juice defender it is never able to install the aosp helper. Does it work for you guys?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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It says install completed, but in the logs, it says there was an error
It would be nice to disable 3g while at home or something , where the reception is a bit sketchy, but i could at least still use it for voice and texting , and use wifi for the internet and app stuff. Could help conserve battery life as well
I tried smoda and can confirm that it doesn't work for me. It disabled data completely as I cannot access the web.when I activated the widget. It would be nice if we could set this phone to 2g and if data speeds were above a certain threshold for a certain amount of time then we could have it switch to 3g.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Yeah, I'd really just like to force the phone into EDGE mode when I'm not using it - updating weather and fetching e-mails are really not that data intensive and don't need the speed from the 3G connection. I'd like to have a widget that will turn the 3G back on when I'm on breaks or whatever and want to surf the web, watch a video on YouTube, whatever. I believe you can do this in the service menus, so you would think there would be a way to accomplish it with a widget - even if it were Galaxy S specific.
I'd pitch in 5 bucks towards a bounty towards such a widget if somebody could create one.
Juice defender does have the option to run the 3G radio on 15/1 cycles (off for 15 minutes, on for one) but I'm not sure how/if my apps that would use background data would sync up with that.
i9000 vs 1897 band settings?
Now that I've moved to the JH2 firmware I'm back to some of the AT&T crap, like hiding the band selection setting.
I'm thinking that the differences are in the Settings.apk.
Others have said that since it's a system app and signed, you can't just install it. So I'm wondering if it would be possible to pull the Settings.apk from the i9000 rom and stuff it using the method.
May have to do a backup and give it a shot.
Once that setting is available, you can use 2G 3G switcher from Market to bring up the UI and toggle between EDGE and HSDPA.
By keeping it on EDGE, my battery lasts alot longer...
If we could manage to enable it juice defender would switch back and forth automatically based on download speed and/or the screen being on/off, which be ideal.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

[APP][2.1+] Wireless Minder

I recently released Wireless Minder on the Play Store and would like your feedback. The short description is that it automatically powers down unused radios and occasionally powers them up to check for a connection. A radio "up periscope" is an analogy I like to use.
There are refinements that I'm planning and surely more that I haven't thought of. It's stable and functional enough that I wanted to get it out there. Knowing me, the longer it sits around the more likely it'll get forgotten
Thanks in advance for your feedback, good or bad. I'll try to incorporate your suggestions and fix any device compatibility issues.
Play Store link :
Mod edit: Link that included paid apps removed.
Sounds interesting, but I'll pose this question / scenario:
Say I turn my mobile data [3/4g] off, and use minder to mind to mind mobile data, while wifi is off. If wifi is off and it does its check based on a poll count, when it sees wifi is off, is there anything that will cause it to stay connected? or rather, what's making it stay disabled in that scenario.
teh roxxorz said:
Sounds interesting, but I'll pose this question / scenario:
Say I turn my mobile data [3/4g] off, and use minder to mind to mind mobile data, while wifi is off. If wifi is off and it does its check based on a poll count, when it sees wifi is off, is there anything that will cause it to stay connected? or rather, what's making it stay disabled in that scenario.
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The behavior now is that it will try to keep one of the data connections active. If WiFi is connected, and Mobile 3G/4G is selected, it will periodically shut off the Mobile radio. It powers it back up occasionally to check for texts, missed calls, etc.
If there is no WiFi connectivity, it will not shut off the Mobile radio even if the option is selected. Is your preference to periodically shut off the Mobile radio even if there's no WiFi? I could add that option in the Settings. I plan to add a user option to choose how long to keep the Mobile radio active.
Edit: Fixed backwards logic typo
Not to be rude but it looks like a nice app to have but it seems like you need to redesign the UI.
If you know how to code it then ill design it for you and ill send you the PSD or JPEG files so you
can intergrate it into your app. Just let me know. :good:
Neat application.
SystemErrorOne said:
Not to be rude but it looks like a nice app to have but it seems like you need to redesign the UI.
If you know how to code it then ill design it for you and ill send you the PSD or JPEG files so you
can intergrate it into your app. Just let me know. :good:
Neat application.
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No offense taken. I have no shame over my lack of graphics arts skills I welcome artwork contributions or any other contributions.
chefp said:
The behavior now is that it will try to keep one of the data connections active. If WiFi is connected, and Mobile 3G/4G is selected, it will periodically shut off the Mobile radio. It powers it back up occasionally to check for texts, missed calls, etc.
If there is WiFi connectivity, it will not shut off the Mobile radio even if the option is selected. Is your preference to periodically shut off the Mobile radio even if there's no WiFi? I could add that option in the Settings. I plan to add a user option to choose how long to keep the Mobile radio active.
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That would be preferable, because there are times when I have neither wifi or 3g connected. You can still get calls / text without mobile data, unless you're using a voip app, like google voice, etc.
Good app. Thanks for sharing. If you plan to release a donation version, take my advice and keep these basic features free to cater to your initial user base.
You should add features like: SSID exception lists (guest, public etc.), configurable minding intervals per module and time of day schedules when minder should scan (no need to scan for car bluetooth while sleeping).
EDIT: And automatic start at boot option.
Maybe also make some of these features part of the donate / pro version.
teh roxxorz said:
That would be preferable, because there are times when I have neither wifi or 3g connected. You can still get calls / text without mobile data, unless you're using a voip app, like google voice, etc.
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What you're referring to is disabling Mobile Data which still allows calls/texts to go through. That doesn't save much power since the cellular radio remains on. Wireless Minder completely turns off the cellular radio by using a modified version of Airplane Mode. It's the only switch Android provides to disable the Mobile radio. The side effect of this is of course that calls/texts will not operate when the Mobile radio is turned off.
Would you like an option to periodically check Mobile Data and disable it if there's no cellular service? Searching for service can chew through battery but I'm not sure if disabling Mobile Data will improve that. I'd need to figure out a way to offer both features without confusing people.
cheatman said:
Good app. Thanks for sharing. If you plan to release a donation version, take my advice and keep these basic features free to cater to your initial user base.
You should add features like: SSID exception lists (guest, public etc.), configurable minding intervals per module and time of day schedules when minder should scan (no need to scan for car bluetooth while sleeping).
EDIT: And automatic start at boot option.
Maybe also make some of these features part of the donate / pro version.
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I intend to keep the base version free. I've considered releasing a paid Pro version, it depends on how much work I end up having to put into advanced features. I like your idea of having independent timers for each radio as well as a scheduler. I'll put those on the list and add them as soon as I can.
Wireless Minder does auto-start at bootup. Are you asking for a switch to disable that?
As requested, I've added separate check interval settings for WiFi, Bluetooth and Mobile. Just uploaded version 1.04 to the Play Store and it may take a few hours for the listing to be updated. Sorry this took so long. The custom picker control was a PITB.
Next on the list is a user-selectable schedule for Wireless Minder to be active.
Version 1.05 adds scheduling: choose when Wireless Minder should manage the radios. I've accounted for the corner cases that I could think of such as the start time being later than the stop time (e.g. night owls). I only have so much time to test all the different scenarios so please let me know if you see a problem.
Keep the requests coming!
Edit: I've seen odd behavior that may be related to scheduling with Mobile 3G/4G enabled on Android 4.2+ devices. On those devices, superuser is required to modify airplane mode. What seems to happen is that superuser blocks for a long time then when it releases, a bunch of queued up checking events fire rapidly in succession. It's been a tough one to nail down so if anyone sees this please report your settings and when it happens (for example, right after the schedule start time passes).
Posted 1.06 today.
version 1.06 adds option to mind mobile data: automatically disable mobile data when WiFi is connected (and automatically enable mobile data when WiFi disconnects).
Add setting option to open hidden Radio Info menu. This allows changes to the mobile radio speed 2G/3G/4G (aka EVDO/GSM, WCDMA, LTE).
Temporarily disable mobile radio control on Android 4.2+ devices due to SU blocking.
i like your idea, but i'm not willing to cut the cord and turn off the cellular radio. I usually leave wifi off anyway, i guess i could just use it for bluetooth...
beddess said:
i like your idea, but i'm not willing to cut the cord and turn off the cellular radio. I usually leave wifi off anyway, i guess i could just use it for bluetooth...
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Yes control of the cellular radio is optional and off by default. Everyone's situation is different, just note that WiFi uses alot less power than the cellular radio. Some phones get twice as much battery runtime when on WiFi compared to only the cellular radio.
Personally I've found the Bluetooth functionality to be handy. When I hop in the car, I don't have to worry about manually turning on Bluetooth (or turning it off when I get out of the car). When a call is made or received, Bluetooth automatically turns on and it connects quickly enough to take the call.
Released version 1.07
Fix WiFi detection for mobile data control
I've seen instances where the WiFi drops but mobile data isn't automatically re-enabled. Let me know if this happens and with what type of WiFi connection (home, public, etc).
On cm10.2 nightly your app is unable to detect that my phone is rooted. But otherwise neat idea, i like this app.
Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 4 met Tapatalk 4
jelle2503 said:
On cm10.2 nightly your app is unable to detect that my phone is rooted. But otherwise neat idea, i like this app.
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I disabled mobile radio control in version 1.06 because su was blocking with scheduling enabled. When this happens, the alarms get queued up and when su decides to unblock, they fire rapidly in succession. It's a very poor user experience. I've tried to pin down the problem but haven't found a solution yet. It's either RootTools or su itself not behaving as expected.
i didn't know the app come from here ^_^;
Btw i left a message on playstore..
I would like to turn off gsm radio totally and keep wifi...
the app instead turn off all putting in aero mode.
Is there a way to reactivate Wifi after aero mode on? or just to power off gsm mobile radio and keeping wifi?
Ninja_Gundam said:
i didn't know the app come from here ^_^;
Btw i left a message on playstore..
I would like to turn off gsm radio totally and keep wifi...
the app instead turn off all putting in aero mode.
Is there a way to reactivate Wifi after aero mode on? or just to power off gsm mobile radio and keeping wifi?
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I just saw your message, sorry for the late response. Oddly your comment didn't show on the Play Store. Regarding the mobile radio (e.g. GSM), Google doesn't provide a standard way to control it just by itself. The only common method is through Airplane Mode. To address your concern, I've configured Airplane Mode to allow WiFi and Bluetooth to continue working. The recently released version has revamped mobile/cellular behavior. It defaults to controlling Mobile Data (leaving the radio on). If you'd like it to control the Mobile Radio, there's an option under Settings.
Hope that's explanation makes sense. If you have any more questions please feel free to post here or PM me.
Are there any more updates planned for it or not?

Tasker on Nexus 5

I am new to using Tasker and am using it on my Nexus 5. For those Nexus 5 users who are using Tasker, are you having any problems? Do you know if Tasker has been updated to fully work with 4.4? I have checked Tasker's wiki and the last update for 4.0+ is/was 6/17/2013.
Basically what I am getting at, as I am building profiles/tasks, I am trying to determine if/when my profile/task does not work, it is me or is it Tasker not being updated?
I have searched the Nexus 5 Themes and Apps forum here and did not see much mention regarding Tasker. I am posting here rather that Q&A as Tasker is an app.
I appreciate your help.
I use it. No problem for me
Envoyé de mon Nexus 5 en utilisant Tapatalk
Only issue I've run into so far is with the Secure Settings plug in not toggling gps on one of my profiles. Other than that all my other profiles work without issue.
AndrasLOHF said:
Only issue I've run into so far is with the Secure Settings plug in not toggling gps on one of my profiles. Other than that all my other profiles work without issue.
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I also have issues with Secure Settings, but that's because Secure Settings hasn't been properly updated I believe.
All my profiles work with Tasker. I had to change some of the complicated ones to reference different directory paths but otherwise fine. Secure Settings profile is working too, but thats to turn off pattern lock....
rootSU said:
All my profiles work with Tasker. I had to change some of the complicated ones to reference different directory paths but otherwise fine. Secure Settings profile is working too, but thats to turn off pattern lock....
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Turning off pattern lock (I assume is the same as lock screen) is the problem I am having trying to get it to work.
19android said:
Turning off pattern lock (I assume is the same as lock screen) is the problem I am having trying to get it to work.
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I use Widgetlocker as my main lock screen. When I am not at home, I want the Android stock pattern lock behind it. When I am at home (triggered by WiFi connection) I want it off.
Pattern lock and lock screen are not the same. Pattern lock has it's own specific setting within Secure Settings.
If you want to disable the basic lock screen go to Display/Keyguard and set it to off.
AndrasLOHF said:
If you want to disable the basic lock screen go to Display/Keyguard and set it to off.
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Yes...I want to disable the basic lock screen. I did go to Display/Keyguard and set it to off for the task. I also set the exit task to on. I will try it out again when I get home.
Still trying to find a way for tasker to toggle LTE... secure settings lte toggle plugin only works on cm based roms..
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Keylock off works fine for me.
Tasker works perfect for me so far. Also, no issues on Secure Settings. At least for the functions I use it for.
My last Tasker creation was using my old Nexus 4 as a motion camera/IP camera. Whenever I connect to my wifi it disables the camera, Once I leave it turns it on.
Gets pretty creepy when you get false positives and it takes pictures of nothing though
I am having significant problems with Tasker on the N5. I am not able to set profiles by using the cell near state. Whenever I scan for towers when I'm on LTE it returns no results. If I put my phone on 3G, then it finds towers.
This was never a problem on my EVO LTE. I think it has to do with Sprint upgrading towers to Network Vision and this being a triband phone.
Sent from my Nexus 5
I have Tasker set to turn on my wifi when I get in range of my house. Since the N5 has LTE, tasker can't seem to get the cell location thing figured out. It must be different than 3g/edge. I had to set it up to remember cell towers instead.
kgeissler said:
I have Tasker set to turn on my wifi when I get in range of my house. Since the N5 has LTE, tasker can't seem to get the cell location thing figured out. It must be different than 3g/edge. I had to set it up to remember cell towers instead.
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How did you get it to remember cell towers if it doesn't work on LTE?
Sent from my Nexus 5
Cannot get tasker/secure settings to toggle the GPS.
Else, my profiles seem to be working as expected.
Use the secure settings alternative helper to toggle GPS/location settings.
darcmage said:
Use the secure settings alternative helper to toggle GPS/location settings.
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^^^^^THIS^^^^^ I made this mistake earlier. It is not enough to just have the Helper installed. You also must have the Alternative Helper checked. All is good now. No gps unless Maps is loaded =) =) =).
boomer8403 said:
How did you get it to remember cell towers if it doesn't work on LTE?
Sent from my Nexus 5
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I think tasker has a problem with the triangulation on the LTE network. Anyway...I created a new state, hit phone, then "cell near". Hit the "scan" button and walk around your house so it can pick up the 2 or 3 towers. I then just used the newly created "state" to determine when I was close to my house.
kgeissler said:
I think tasker has a problem with the triangulation on the LTE network. Anyway...I created a new state, hit phone, then "cell near". Hit the "scan" button and walk around your house so it can pick up the 2 or 3 towers. I then just used the newly created "state" to determine when I was close to my house.
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If you read my initial comment, you would have seen that this is exactly what I'm having trouble with. It works on 3G but DOESN'T work on LTE.
Sent from my Nexus 5
boomer8403 said:
If you read my initial comment, you would have seen that this is exactly what I'm having trouble with. It works on 3G but DOESN'T work on LTE.
Sent from my Nexus 5
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That is what worked for me and it find several towers by my house on LTE. I am on T-Mobile, so that may make a difference.

Nougat Non-Root Guide Tips/Tricks...That Root Functionality Without the Root

The Non-Root Nougat Guide for the Sprint S7​
You need stock Nougat on your device. There are several ways to achieve this:
1. OTA Update​2. Install the firmware via ODIN from Sammobile; Updato​
Why Most People Root​
1. Ad Blocker
2. Hotspot Hack
3. Youtube Ad Free
4. Remove Bloatware
5. Xposed (not right now)
6. Other tips/tricks
7. Credits
Here my tips and tricks for getting this Root feel, but keeping the stability of stock.
1. Ad Blocker
This are local hosts, meaning that your info doesn't go to a random server and then come back to you. It stays on your device for your eyes only!
1. DNS66 This one uses a hosts file, just like adaway for those of you who used it while rooting. Since everything is done via a local DNS, you the battery life it is the same as adaway, non-existent! Given that it only blocks entire host names, it cannot block as detailed as some other ad blockers. However, I haven't seen any ads in apps or browsers and no battery hit either! Just make sure the hosts files have a red dot next to them and you have to refresh before activating. Will still block ads on device even when tethering! Great support too!
2. Ad Guard. Good ad blocker. Runs everything through a VPN though, which comes at a battery hit. This one also comes with a price tag! Offers Youtube Ad Blocking, but you must enable their DNS, which puts your information to their servers and then back to you...this blocks ads about 50% of the time. Good support too!
3. Adhell Uses Samsung Knox to block ads and trackers. Blocks most things on webpages and apps (no youtube), but saves a ton a battery since it doesn't require VPN. Not as good as blocking as the first two, but does work a little. Just my opinion though. Also, it is FREE!
4. Disconnect Pro Similar to Adhell, but a paid app,but can be found for free during sales. Search the Galaxy App Store to buy it. Uses Samsung Knox too.
5. AdClear. Some have had success with this, I've had mixed results.
6. BlockThis! Works well, but caused issues on some webpages.
As with all of the above, you will need to whitelist some apps for them to work properly. Like, AdHell and Disconnect have the Google Play Music bug. If you find an app is using a ton of battery, it may need to be whitelisted...usually, google apps have this problem.
2. Hotspot Hack
1. Enable developer mode:
a. Go to settings
b. Scroll down to about phone
c. Repeatedly tap "Build number" until developer access is granted
2. Get ADB installed w/ drivers
3. Enable USB Debugging
a. Go to settings
b. Go down to developer options
c. Scroll down to USB Debugging and turn it on
d. Connect phone with USB to PC
4. Get into ADB shell
a. Open a command prompt (windows key + R , type "cmd" in the box and press enter is my favorite way)
b. Run:
adb shell
5. Enable the bypass
a. Disable the DUN requirement
settings put global tether_dun_required 0
b. Overwrite the DUN APN
settings put global tether_dun_apn "APNDUN,n.ispsn,,,,,,,,,310,120,,default,mms,dun"
6. Turn off Mobile Data
7. Turn on HotSpot
8. Turn on Mobile Data
Every time that you want to use the hotspot you have to turn data off; turn hotspot on; turn data back on. When you disconnect your hotspot you need to do the following:
1. Turn Hotspot Off
2. Turn Mobile Data Off
3. Turn Mobile Data On
People will complain, but after you run the code the first time, turning hotspot on and off literally takes just seconds.
3. Youtube Ad Free
1. Youtube in the background, downloading, and so far ad free Youtube can be achieved with OG Youtube. Read the OP and also install this apk found in post 5592 It doesn't say, but in combination with DNS66, I haven't seen any ads after installing this and disabling the old Youtube. It will occasionally ask you to update and just hit Later.
2. If you want to use the original Youtube app, this doesn't block ads, but it does silent and auto skip them. Cygery
3. Use an VPN to route your data somewhere and back. It isn't 100%, but AdGuard offers this type of service. I believe Block This and AdClear may too.
4. Remove Bloatware
This is probably the biggest difference between root and non-root. They are all installed with the same apps. With root, you can delete the system apk or, with root and non-root, you can use a package disabler, you can disable unwanted apps. The problem is that occasionally you will disable or delete something that will cause a chain reaction leading to boot loops or excessive battery drain.
I find it best to go to the application manager and manually disable or uninstall through it. This way, the system will know what's there and what isn' surprises. You can uninstall the Sprint crap like TV, Tech Support, Fun and Games, Family Locator...basically every Sprint app except for voicemail. Not disable, but uninstall them completely!
You can disable the following (probably more, but I must be using them): Amazon; Kindle; Facebook; Instagram; Lookout; Messenger; Prime Stuff; S Health; S Voice; Samsung Gear; Youtube (remember the tip above); some of the Google Play apps like Movies and TV; probably more too, but I must actually use those apps.
I'm sure there are some that I'm missing too....I remember uninstalling some weather app too.
The point is that Nougat seems friendlier in terms of uninstalling or disabling software compared to Marshmallow.
5. Xposed (not right now)
Not available for Nougat at the moment. But this update is really customizable!
6. Other tips/tricks
1. Skip Tracks With Volume Keys
1. Frinky Music Controller Allows you to skip tracks with screen off.
2. Noyze Not sure if still being developed, but works. Let's you skip tracks by long pressing with screen off.
Doze Related
Remember to whitelist apps you want running in the Pandora, Google Music, etc. I would leave them off at first and if it cuts off when the screen is off, you need to white list it.
I haven't used these apps in Nougat as the new doze seems fine, but to each his own:
1. ForceDoze puts your phone into doze mode without the motion detectors and 30 minute wait. Great app! Does require you to install adb (adb installer) since you have to run a command to get it to run properly. Check Disable motion sensing and turn off while charging
2. Greenify The auto hibernation works great if we had root, but we don't. It works, but can be extremely annoying at times and can drain battery because it may continuously try to force stop/close an app you greenify. Plus, it will take a few seconds to re-unlock your phone immediately after you turn off the screen. However, I use it with force doze for the aggressive doze. I saw a difference in battery life by using them both. Still need to adb a command
Other Tips
Besides the obvious of gmail/facebook/whatspp/twitter/snapchat syncing
1. Turn off wi-fi scanning
2. Back up my data for Samsung and Google under back up and reset
3. Turn off some features under advanced features in settings...for example, palm swipe to capture if you never use it
4. Location History under Location
5. Change locating method...I leave mine on GPS, wi-fi, mobile, but some people want more battery life and turn it off.
6. Turn on developer options and change animations to 0.5
7. Turn off Always on Display under settings > display. I like it, so I leave it on...but takes about 2% an hour
7. Credits
These people did all of the hard work:
@YMNDLZ -- Download link
@julian_klode -- DNS66
@ paul2112 -- Hotspot Fix
@ cygery -- AdSkip
@ OGMods -- OG Youtube
@resident77 -- OG Youtube Fix
@ ssrij -- ForceDoze
@ SEVEN_AdClear -- AdClear
@daria -- AdGuard
@ Snoop05 -- ADB Fast Installer
And anyone I missed, let me if you want to be added and thanks for your work!
thanks Hotspot works great i just turn it on toggle data off then on and wallaa
also i can just shut off hot spot and everything works no toggling for shut off.
I was on the OG PB5 firmware because of the apns being editable but now ive made the leap
Gotta have that hotspot
Robalboa said:
thanks Hotspot works great i just turn it on toggle data off then on and wallaa
also i can just shut off hot spot and everything work no toggling for shut off.
I was on the OG PB5 firmware because of the apns being editable but now ive made the leap
Gotta have that hotspot
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Awesome. And you should be able to use phone data with this method while tethering too. @paul2112 did most of the legwork for this fix.
Please credit @paul2112 for the Hotspot fix in the OP. He pioneered this effort.
Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
lvpre said:
Awesome. And you should be able to use phone data with this method while tethering too. @paul2112 did most of the legwork for this fix.
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yes you can use phone while hotspot is activated no problem. plus when u shut it off no toggling.
thanks @paul2112
daddymikey1975 said:
Please credit @paul2112 for the Hotspot fix in the OP. He pioneered this effort.
Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
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Read the credits... he's been there since the post. I slightly modified his code because this was the only way I could get tether data and phone data to work simultaneously. I couldn't get both on his last suggestion.
Robalboa said:
yes you can use phone while hotspot is activated no problem. plus when u shut it off no toggling.
thanks @paul2112
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Sent from my SM-G930P using XDA-Developers Legacy app
lvpre said:
Read the credits... he's been there since the post. I slightly modified his code because this was the only way I could get tether data and phone data to work simultaneously. I couldn't get both on his last suggestion.
Sent from my SM-G930P using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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My apologies if I missed it.
Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
daddymikey1975 said:
My apologies if I missed it.
Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
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No problem. But this fix was the only way I was able to get phone and tether data working together. Not sure if you had success with what he posted, but I always would get one or the other.
how can I hide the carrier text?
John.C01 said:
how can I hide the carrier text?
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Have to root for that one. Mine only shows on the lockscreen though. Is yours showing constantly?
Sent from my SM-G930P using XDA-Developers Legacy app
lvpre said:
Have to root for that one. Mine only shows on the lockscreen though. Is yours showing constantly?
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I don't know if it's because my country... But my CHN-UNICOM is always showing.
John.C01 said:
I don't know if it's because my country... But my CHN-UNICOM is always showing.
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Even with icons in the notification bar?
Sent from my SM-G930P using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Im confused on what the "hotspot" hack is. When I turn on Hotspot on my stock S7e, it turns off WIFI and only uses LTE. Are you saying this hack will allow us to use hotspot with WIFI?
ryan2202 said:
Im confused on what the "hotspot" hack is. When I turn on Hotspot on my stock S7e, it turns off WIFI and only uses LTE. Are you saying this hack will allow us to use hotspot with WIFI?
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No. It will allow you to make your phone a router and use your phone data for internet.
Sent from my SM-G930P using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Ok, I'm lazy. Is there a single button method for the toggling for hotspot? I'm using my phone as a hotspot for a tablet thats installed in my car and so being quick is important. I'm trying to build something using "Automate" app but does anyone have something already configured?
fyi, actually just turning on hotspot or off now does the trick. No need to toggle mobile network on/off. I'm on Sprint.
I can confirm Hotspot last through new android update/dated 3/29 heres a screen shot
new update 5/31/17 hotspot non root method sticks and works fine. id like to offer a new method and give thanks to the guy that found it maybe you can incorporate this into your guide so easy a caveman can do it lol
Success! (Stock SM-G930P & SM-G935P)
Thank you so much for this guide! It's been the only successful method to get unlimited hotspot working on my S7 & a friend's S7 Edge! (both stock & most recent firmware) :good:
When using this method, I achieve hotspot as mentioned....but loose ipv6 by doing so!? Any ideas on why or how to fix so when I toggle data/hotspot I can keep ipv6 connectivity, thanks

Get NATIVE Hotspot Working with Unlimited Data (No Root) on S8

Video instructions are linked below.**
Hey, everyone! I just wanted to share something that I figured out when I was trying to enable my WiFi hotspot on my S8. First of all, I have an AT&T Galaxy S8 (G950U) with Unlimited Data, and my hotspot doesn't typically work at all. When I try to enable it normally, it has to "verify," then it tells me I need to subscribe. However, while playing around with Package Disabler Pro and the hotspot, I figured out how to get the hotspot turned on (running off of unlimited data) without root or any sort of complex workaround. The only things you'll need are a $2 app, ANY WiFi source (even locked), and a supported carrier on your S8 (AT&T, Verizon, and others). Here the steps to get it up and running:
1) Download Package Disabler Pro (by policedeveloper), get it up and running, and search for "tether" in the seach box
2) Three options should pop up ("TetheringProvision", "TetheringAutomation", and "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice"). Disable all three packages.
3) Go to your Mobile Hotspot settings and make sure WiFi Sharing is turned ON. Very important.
4) Go to your WiFi Settings and connect to any WiFi network near you, but PURPOSELY put in the wrong WiFi password. It will try to connect for a short time, so you need to be quick on the next step.
5) Quickly enable your mobile hotspot while the phone is still trying to connect to the network with the wrong password. After the hotspot turns on, quickly turn off your WiFi. The hotspot will stay on and continue to run off of your unlimited data!
I actually tested this last year on the Galaxy S7 edge on AT&T, so it works on there as well! I've uploaded the following videos to YouTube as well for the S7 and S8 respectively, so if this helped you, be sure to go click on some ads on my YouTube videos! It helps me out lol.
**S7 edge video:
**S8 video:
It's worth noting that I'm actually not sure how many carriers this works on. I know it doesn't work on Sprint, but lately it actually started working on Verizon too. I've had some people tell me that it works on other smaller carriers as well, but if it works for you in a different carrier leave a comment below so I can see how many it works on please!
Not seemingly working for sprint. No matter how fast I swap to disable the wifi, if the wifi is disconnected, hotspot it turned off.
druep said:
Not seemingly working for sprint. No matter how fast I swap to disable the wifi, if the wifi is disconnected, hotspot it turned off.
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Yeah, unfortunately it won't work on Sprint. Turns out they have a different way of checking to see if you're subscribed to tethering. I did find this thread several months ago dealing with getting the hotspot turned on with Sprint though. Check it out and let me know if it still works if you don't mind:
ldog3211 said:
Yeah, unfortunately it won't work on Sprint. Turns out they have a different way of checking to see if you're subscribed to tethering. I did find this thread several months ago dealing with getting the hotspot turned on with Sprint though. Check it out and let me know if it still works if you don't mind:
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Actually, you could also try downloading the Galaxy Tools app, check "enable hotspot", and then reboot your phone. Basically works the same way I think but it's automatic:
ldog3211 said:
Yeah, unfortunately it won't work on Sprint. Turns out they have a different way of checking to see if you're subscribed to tethering. I did find this thread several months ago dealing with getting the hotspot turned on with Sprint though. Check it out and let me know if it still works if you don't mind:
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In an OTA update last Friday, Sprint locked down the ##DATA# method and settings are now grayed out for me. The previous Shortcut method I'd used to edit APN settings wasn't working either. I did come a different Shortcut Master search string which allowed me to get in and edit the APN, however. I don't know why from one view it works, but from the other it did not. If memory serves it was looking for LTEfunctionality.
These carriers need a swift kick in the ass for disabling features on these phones.
druep said:
In an OTA update last Friday, Sprint locked down the ##DATA# method and settings are now grayed out for me. The previous Shortcut method I'd used to edit APN settings wasn't working either. I did come a different Shortcut Master search string which allowed me to get in and edit the APN, however. I don't know why from one view it works, but from the other it did not. If memory serves it was looking for LTEfunctionality.
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Oh, I see. That sucks! I don't have a Sprint Galaxy phone, so I can't test anything out, but I wonder if it's still possible through that different search string. I don't really know how any of that works though. What I really wish would happen is for Samsung to actually stand up to these carriers and not keep taking their BS. However, even Apple, as great as they are at this, blocks the hotspot on certain iPhones depending on the carrier and plan...
peachpuff said:
These carriers need a swift kick in the ass for disabling features on these phones.
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Yes tf they do. Samsung needs to learn from Apple and stop taking the carriers' BS. That right there would solve a problem a lot of people have with Samsung, but of course they're not going to stop.
druep said:
In an OTA update last Friday, Sprint locked down the ##DATA# method and settings are now grayed out for me. The previous Shortcut method I'd used to edit APN settings wasn't working either. I did come a different Shortcut Master search string which allowed me to get in and edit the APN, however. I don't know why from one view it works, but from the other it did not. If memory serves it was looking for LTEfunctionality.
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U r correct, the ltefunctionality is the place for editing the apns. Search the sprint thread as this method has been posted several times using quickshortcut maker app and searching test to find the directory. Click try then look for lteapn settings and add dun to the default,mms. It should look like the following.... deault,mms,dun
Any prl or profile updates along with android os updates will undo this. So each time any of those update redo the above steps. I'm on 10gb hotspot and have used it for 3 weeks last month with Bill showing no hotspot data used. I'm on sprint
You should've bought an unlocked S8. I have unlimited data on AT&T with an unlocked S8 and the hotspot works just fine.
peachpuff said:
These carriers need a swift kick in the ass for disabling features on these phones.
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I never run out of reasons to ensure any phone I buy has root.
Does this method show as you using hot spot and they charge you for using it? I have the unlimited data plan but I am not paying the extra for the hotspot feature because I think it is dumb and should be free anyways as a feature of the phone so I refuse to pay for that service. I have ATT.
chase10784 said:
Does this method show as you using hot spot and they charge you for using it? I have the unlimited data plan but I am not paying the extra for the hotspot feature because I think it is dumb and should be free anyways as a feature of the phone so I refuse to pay for that service. I have ATT.
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Nope! I've been doing this for over a year now, and I've never gotten any notice, warning, or anything from AT&T. I use AT LEAST 100GB of data every month, and several months I've used over 200GB. They haven't charged me a dime even though I'm not supposed to have the hotspot with my unlimited data plan! And I don't use a VPN or anything...
ldog3211 said:
Nope! I've been doing this for over a year now, and I've never gotten any notice, warning, or anything from AT&T. I use AT LEAST 100GB of data every month, and several months I've used over 200GB. They haven't charged me a dime even though I'm not supposed to have the hotspot with my unlimited data plan! And I don't use a VPN or anything...
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Well cool. I got it to work. I haven't had much time to test it but it seems great.
On Verizon s8 anyone figure out how to get this working. Can't find app "TetheringProvision" or anything similar to disable on my VZ s8 phone.
I found "TetheringAutomation", and "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice" and disabled. It still checks subscription and fails.
Solution: Switch to Tmobile
Yianaki said:
On Verizon s8 anyone figure out how to get this working. Can't find app "TetheringProvision" or anything similar to disable on my VZ s8 phone.
I found "TetheringAutomation", and "com.qualcomm.qti.tetherservice" and disabled. It still checks subscription and fails.
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You can get your hotspot working by popping sim tray, unlock phone, open up stopwatch, insert sim tray and start stopwatch at the same time, when the stopwatch hits 8 seconds turn on hotspot from the pull down menu.
I know it takes some work but works every time for me. I will try to post a video for anyone who wants. Working on my verizon s8+. Thanks!
jtracker said:
You can get your hotspot working by popping sim tray, unlock phone, open up stopwatch, insert sim tray and start stopwatch at the same time, when the stopwatch hits 8 seconds turn on hotspot from the pull down menu.
I know it takes some work but works every time for me. I will try to post a video for anyone who wants. Working on my verizon s8+. Thanks!
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I thought for sure that this was going to be a joke to see how long I would sit there popping my sim and launching apps and such, but WOW.
It actually worked on my third attempt ( VZ S8+)
Thanks again for posting this!:good:
Too easy I just went to Settings > Apps clicked the
overflow menu to show system apps and forced stop tetheringprovision and tetheringautomation. I also disabled tethering provision's access to change system settings.
My hotspot worked right away I'm on ATT UDP
has this stopped working after the lastest ATT update

