What is this clear screen with a close "X" - General Questions and Answers

What is this transparent screen with a close "X" in the right corner? It locks up my screen until I close it.

Its an ad from an app mostly which hasn't been properly made


Full screen mode for all Applications

Is there any way to make all applications work in full screen?
The top taskbar and the bottom bar may disappear automatically in full screen and they may return when we shake the phone or tap the screen 3 times?

Status Bar on bottom

I am thinking that it would be good for both landscape and portrait mode to have the status bar at the bottom of the screen, so you don't have to always have your hand near the top of the tablet to go to your home screen or back a page. The way viewonic made the soft touch buttons on the top right corner when in landscape mode is annoying, also when your in portrait they are at the top of the tablet instead of at the bottom. Has anyone attempted this already? If it hasn't, I think one of the devs should move it to the bottom of the screen on their rom.

[Q] Screen centering and or smaller edge screen

Notice how on home screen everything is kinda of center to the left because of the efge panel when its open , will there be a mod or something to get the screen center or maybe adjust as the edge panel opens and closes. Like right now on this page the edge panel is black with my custom text and its smaller than when on the home screen.
teknomanelvis said:
Notice how on home screen everything is kinda of center to the left because of the efge panel when its open , will there be a mod or something to get the screen center or maybe adjust as the edge panel opens and closes. Like right now on this page the edge panel is black with my custom text and its smaller than when on the home screen.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
See the difference , the touchwiz launcher always has edge panel open and any other launcher has it closed. The one on left appears to be open a little but its really not, its just how the screenshot is taken.
Im not really understanding you.
When on the home screen yes everything is push to the left because the edge panel cant close on the default launcher.
Now while in an app the edge panel closes and becomes small with the text.
The screen is center.
So i dont know if your is off or what.
Sorry for the confusion. What i mean is closing the edge panel on touchwiz launcher
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Is there any mod to have the edge panel closed on the home screen like when it closes when in the app drawer?

[Q] how to disable float top bar on the xda site?

I'm new here, and silly question perhaps, but how to disable the float (stay on top of screen when scrolling down) behaviour of the top navigation/settings bar on this site? It's eating up screen surface. Great to have it at top of page, but not always floating at top of screen. My android screen is already small enough.
I tried rummaging around in the settings section.

General Split screen issue

Split screen from full screen issue
Hi, if anyone's using split screen 2 finger gesture or One Hand Operation + gestures for split screen, did you notice that since OneUi 5.0 it mostly opens split screen apps in the top screen when going from a full screen. For example when I'm watching YouTube in full screen with a gesture it opens it on the bottom side mostly even tho it's inconvenient and not handy, it sometimes opens it in the top part of the screen if I rotate phone in another side. For example it opens it in the top side of the screen if the phone is in full screen - front camera is on the left side, but it opens it on the bottom if the front camera is on the right side. I don't see the logic.

