photoshop android scripts question - Other Tools & General Discussion

What is a good photoshop for make your android icons plugins or scripts i just bait new to photoshop and looking for some good plugins to make icons bait easy?


Extracting theme from SPB Mobile Shell

I wish I could get one of the SPB Mobile Shell's color theme stand alone : in fact I'm using SPB Mobile Shell only because of the dark grey/black color theme available under the "Theme" tab.
How should I do?
Thank you!
normal today themes are called tsk files and very very limited in functionality compated to special program themes
they are alot more then a collection of normal themes they offer new gui features and look and feel
they are required to be installed to run the themes made for them
if all you need is just a grey black theme without fancy stuff there are TONS! of tsk themes with those colouring heck you can even make one yourself
I had already discovered by myself that themes were named with the "tsk" extension. I searched such files on my device but none were found.
Thanks for the link, I'm having a look, but the SPB theme perfectly suits my needs. Is there a way to export/dump it?
tsk themes only support
colours and bars and menus and text
and a background image
it dont support fancy skinning and big clocks and such that fancy eye candy theme programs support
and so programs like SPB theme dont use tsk themes they have their own format
doubt you can export it as tsk themes only supprt the before mentioned
You are not giving us enough information.
Anyway, my psychic power tell me what you wanted to background. Do a bit of research, and you will find that the background is saved as t-something-something.png/bmp/jpg in the \Windows directory upon used. Get that and make your own theme.
The theme I'm talking about is only made of colours and background. A simple .tsk like theme I'm nearly sure. I'm at work right now, I'll try to make a screenshot of my today screen later.
Here's the screenshot :
Here is what I would like to have without SPB Mobile Shell installed !
why not just use spb shell.
Isn't it using RAM ? At least it uses ROM on my phone for many purposes I don't use.
Thank you for the link! I found SPB Black 47 which is different from the SPB Mobile Shell theme only through the wallpaper. I'll try to fix that myself. Do you know how to extract the wallpaper ?
Thank you.
SPB wallpapers are two files named
located in the windows folder. It changes when you change the theme colour..

program to create your own themes?

is there any program that can create your own themes for hd2?
search for hdwall, but this gives you theme only for sense not the clasic windows theme.
HDWall is great, but I'd rather make my own theme only replacing the background images, and the best you can do is gathering 800x480 images wherever you want.............

HELP: Making Animated Wallpaper

Im looking to make animated wallpaper for the HD2 but trying to figure out were do I start. I know there has been a few people here making them but the stuff I've seen isn't what im looking to do.
I'm looking for something in the Nexus One range, but without it being LIVE, just animated. While browsing the HD2 animated walls, there is only 3 and they are .png. Animated .pngs. When I load a .png as a animated wallpaper, it doesnt animate, just stays on the first frame. So my question is, what else is the HD2 doing to make the walls animate?
I started having a look at this too..
The pngs aren't animated. They act as the background for the animation wallpaper... the actual animations are run by a scripted manila file (don't ask me which one, I did find a thread with the details of this script but you'll have to search for it) and a bunch of manila files for the pngs.
The scripted file tells the manila pngs how to "animate" i.e which directions they go, sizes, speed etc. You can edit the script to change the "animations" and also change the manila pngs for pngs of your choice.
You'll need to get the scripted file and the relevant manila files from your windows folder on your device. If you do a search for animated wallpapers on the forum there's a few threads telling you which files are needed and how to edit them. CFC editor/M9 Editor etc
hope that helps and best of luck
edit: have a look at this thread... or do a search for animated wallpapers in the forum

[REQ] Buuf theme for Sense UI

I've checked out the Buuf theme for iPhone lately and I find it very catchy. I'm sorry because I'm not an iPhone fan and I've only come to know of such theme lately. Can anyone here try to make a complete skin out of Buuf icons and buttons? As if overhauling the Sense UI and replacing all the buttons (ie Sense audio buttons, video buttons, camera etc), sliders (main slider, audio slider, messaging slider etc), clock even miscellaneous tabs (ie settings and everthing within). So... what do you think? *sorry... for being kinda nervous. This is my first request post in Themes and Apps for HD2*
I haven´t seen the Buuf theme for WinMo, but for Android...
However, did you check this great theme here? Not that it is the same, but it somehow seems to have that kind of "design"...
tictac0566 said:
I haven´t seen the Buuf theme for WinMo, but for Android...
However, did you check this great theme here? Not that it is the same, but it somehow seems to have that kind of "design"...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah... I've checked it out. I love these cartoon-ish themes like Buuf and Fallout by StarView. I wish there are more like Super Mario, Zelda and stuff like that. Can anyone tell me which software you need to create a theme for Sense UI? Because I really want to learn to create a theme and pack it into a CAB and share it with everyone.
leewenxu said:
Yeah... I've checked it out. I love these cartoon-ish themes like Buuf and Fallout by StarView. I wish there are more like Super Mario, Zelda and stuff like that. Can anyone tell me which software you need to create a theme for Sense UI? Because I really want to learn to create a theme and pack it into a CAB and share it with everyone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can actually make your theme with any graphics software which can save in png format (mainly because of the transparency capability).
Once you´ve done your creative work, you can convert your pictures with m9editor, or CFC GUI, and then use cab maker software to create the installer (there are some free apps).
To make things easier for a start, to learn about manila file namings, resolutions etc., I suggest you take any cab of any theme you like, unpack it (with a program like MSCEInf - CAB Analyzer) and see through all the files with CFC GUI - with all this data, you can jump quickly into theme making.
PPC Geeks have the icons
Popdog54 posted all of Paul Davey's art on PPC Geeks (see link).
All of icons are there. I downloaded them and put them on my HTC HD2 storage card and then used an icon changer to change most of the icons.
the Buuf theme is indeed very catchy and would look really good on HD2.
ajt320 has already posted the link to the icons.
I also found Buuf-esque slider icons, made by 12aon. Check the post 5.
The slider icons were made for TF3D, so they should be modified to use in Sense 2.5
and there is also Way Out There Transparent Slider here
the style is quite similar to Buuf's

minimalist text

Can anyone post/updoad links to download minimalist text icons that I can use? I dont like all the colors of icons when Im trying to really simplify and make it look clean.
I have a few from an old EVO theme I had (but theres only 133). Or if there are higher res icons?
Simple icon creator in market will do the job for you. Very easy to use.
Sent from samsung vibrant

