Messaging Notification Bug - Moto G 2015 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Just got on Android and my Moto G 3 (2015) earlier this week - I was wondering if anyone was experience the same issue that I was (At least one other person according to a reddit thread was); whenever I am texting with someone and I lock the screen, if that message window was up, and the person responds, I do not get any notifications that I received a new message.
In order for me to get notified of the new messages I have to leave the message window, then lock the phone. I've tested on default messenger / hangouts / and qksms.
Any one else experiencing this or have a fix?

Same here Is it possible to fix it somehow?

I get that on my 1st gen Moto G as well. I use Hangouts for my messaging needs. I think it is just because the app is open, the OS doesn't notify you (it's thinking "oh, the app is open so the owner can see that they got a new message so I don't need to tell them" (now, mind you, I'm just thinking this to justify why I don't get a notification)). I have no idea why it does it, but it's not really bothered me. I live with it and have learned to check it every so often.
Sent from my Moto G XT1034 using Tapatalk

Based on my experience with several Androids the only way I have seen Android devices somewhat manage this is by showing how many unread messages you have from the recipient in your notifications.
I think you should try using "Ambient Display" rather than the Moto Display in "Settings > Moto" since the behavior explained above is usually done correctly with Ambient Display.


[Q] New to the Captivate, text message help

Hey guys,
As the title says, I'm brand new to the Captivate.
When I'm having conversations over text message, is there any way to make the incoming texts appear on my screen in the order in which I receive them? Right now all of my typed messages appear at the bottom of my screen, and if I receive a text I have to scroll all the way to the top to view it.
For example:
Friend: Test
Me: Response
Friend: Test
Me: Response
If messages were typed in this order, it currently appears like this on my phone:
Friend: Test
Friend: Test
Me: Response
Me: Response
Is there any way to change that? I love everything about this phone, but it's getting obnoxious having to scroll up 10 or 15 texts every time I receive a new one from somebody. Thanks in advance.
Honestly, the simplest fix is to use handcent or another third party messaging app.
Edit...I see you are brand new to the heard of the inspire? Might want to give it a thought.
Hmmm... It's certainly not supposed to be like that. My phone always showed the messages in the order I received them, so something is wrong and I couldn't find anything in the settings to change it. You might want to try Handcent from the market, there's a free version and it is EXTREMELY customizable. I mean, it's down right ridiculous how much you can customize every aspect of your SMS and MMS using it. Maybe that'll be a simple fix for your messages not appearing in order. If you decide to go with Handcent, make sure you turn notifications off in the stock messaging app or else you'll get two separate notifications each time you get a text, which gets annoying pretty quickly.
EDIT: I guess I type too slow, newter beat me to the punch
I get the a very similar (or even same) thing running Cog or stock. What I have noticed....this only occurs if your reply has the same time stamp as the received message i.e. if you receive a message at 9:46pm and reply to it within the same minute (in relation to your phone's time), also 9:46pm, your message will show out of order. that I look over my messages...I have a MILD theory...
Messages are organized in chronological order, but the time stamps do not include seconds, only down to the minute. Afterwards, the system has to organize by it goes to Name. My first guess would be if the message is sent from someone with name that comes before "Me" alphabetically, their message (send at the same minute) would appear first, and vice versa if their name is after "Me." Errr.....maybe it is by phone number, not name.......errrr....damn, that doesn't hold up 100% either now that I have looked even harder.....jeez.....only 1 message might jump up?
eh, I've just learned to live with it. Can't be too picky. Every phone has its little quirks. Just depends on which ones you want to deal with
I had the smell issue with either stock or handcent messaging apps. The problem to me was the time in my region being sent by the cell towers was off by about 70 seconds. When I would travel to another region of the country, I didn't have a problem.
I solved it with a program from the market called ClockSync (though I'm sure there are others) which sets the correct time on my phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk

Notifications mess with active app when using Pebble, Troubleshooting advice needed

Hi everyone,
Nexus 5 on different recent CM11 nightlies, and Pebble V3R1 on firmwares from 2.4 to 2.6, fwiw.
So I'm using a "Notification Center" app to get notifications to my Pebble smartwatch. The app uses NotificationListener, then filters through custom settings (like "no notifications for app xyz"), then sends the message to the Pebble (or not).
Now whenever I'm having the phone on and an app running, taking WhatsApp with the keyboard up as an example now, and I get a new notification that wasn't previously there (like the first Hangouts message since I last dismissed Hangouts notifications), and the message is not filtered out but actually forwarded to the watch, WhatsApp will behave like when you hit the home button and open it again right away, which means the keyboard will minimize in that case, which is annoying, to say the least. It also happens when I dismiss the notification on the phone from the watch.
I also found out over time that this issue exists for four different apps (had to buy every single one :victory: ) from independent developers. I contacted two of them personally and none of them has a clue what to do or is able to reproduce the issue. Also no one else seems to have reported this one.
There are options to work around the problem like disabling notifications being sent to the watch while the phone screen is on, but that's not convenient, because I enjoy having those notifications on the watch while using a fullscreen app, for example. But I'm really out of ideas as to where to look or who to talk to to get a step further with this weird issue.
Also I can not reproduce it using other NotificationListener apps, like tasker + relevant plugin to execute some stuff.
If anyone had really any input, like how would I go about finding out "who" actually messes with the active app, or anything really, I'd be grateful.
Thanks, Silkey
Edit: And just minutes after posting I find another one: whenever opening or closing the main menu on the pebble the exact same thing happens. I guess I'll have to take this one over to the pebble developers. I'll leave this here though if I may, maybe someday someone will experience this too and stumble upon this thread.
Edit2: With the first edit and some help on IRC we were now able to be 100% sure it's an pebble issue. Sorry for this one, I guess.

Message Alert (HELP PLEASE)

Hey all,
One of my friend knows this technique of sending a message type of notification. The message comes, displayed on my home screen . It doesn't say who it came from or anything. My friend is not telling me how he's doing this. I don't know if its an app or what. I will post a pic (a screenshot i took) of how it exactly looks. It works with iPhone and even android, He's using a iPhone though .
he is changing the message to priority 0 which makes pop up no matter what and you have to dismiss them, the apps that do this arent easy to come by especially since most providers block it. Google playstore use to have one but they removed it
You are referring to Flash SMS or Class 0 messages as stricker49 pointed out. One app that does this -

Stock Messaging app notifications dismissed automatically

Anyone else have this issue? When receiving an SMS message, I will get the pop up notification and sound, but then the notification will disappear as if it has been dismissed. The message will still be unread in the Messaging app, but there will be no notification either on the phone or on my Android Wear device. Strange.
Same here. Anybody find a fix? Driving me crazy
There's an option in settings to check notification access.. probably you can review the applications there or check the notification settings for messages app.. Maybe an alternate messages app is overriding it
Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
I haven't found anything amiss in the notification settings.
My hangouts won't notify me like it used to (on Silent, but with LED), and I've been missing text messages/gmail as well. When I turn on the lockscreen voila! all the crap you've missed. I've flipped every setting known to man. Cleared my cache from recovery. In my frustration, it seems like the only thing left is to drop this brick out the window and get something that isn't messed up by the carrier every other firmware.
Nougat sucks for me. I had to download a samsung theme, to replace the crap they did with it. I am honestly surprised that there are so few people complaining.
Strange. I never have issues with Hangouts. It's only the Samsung Messages app that self-dismisses notifications. I've tried just using Google's Android Messages or whatever they are calling it these days and I actually like it better. Unfortunately, I frequently utilize WiFi Calling/SMS and Digits for a second line and the stock Samsung app is the only text messaging I've found app that does both. This T-Mobile integration is the same reason I switched back to Samsung from my Xperia XZ and why my next phone will probably be Samsung again unless theses features ever become usable on an unlocked phone.
Okay, slightly different problem, but weird and perplexing. Running U firmware on an AT&T A. Stock Email app on mobile data only will show a badge notification for new mail, but no notification sound or light flashing. On WIFI everything works as it should. On AT&T firmware it works fine as well either way. Hmm...

App Launches when the phone is picked up shortly after a new notification

I do not know if I have a unique problem or I changed something in my settings but I have spent hours online and on my phone trying to figure this out. If I get a notification and pick up my phone within a short period of time (less than a minute or so), whatever app that notification came from launches and displays the item that sent the notification. For example, if I get a text message or email and pick up my phone with the intention of launching my web browser, the text message or email will pop up on my screen before I can do anything. This is great if I want to read that text or email but often I do not want to do that until later and it irritates the crap out of me to have to close that app and go where I intended. I think I may have changed a setting and cannot find my way back to the setting to turn it off but not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am posting this in case anyone else runs into this problem. I finally figured out it was not an S8 setting, it was a Gear watch setting. I turned on Smart Relay in the Gear settings and caused this.

