[GAME][2.3+] Rotary Pipes - Android Apps and Games

Rotary Pipes
I recently wrote a simple game that is about a twisted structure of pipes. These seek to get back in shape by rotating them accordingly, such they they form a connected network again.
My main reason for posting this in here is the crossplatform development background. This being said, I converted the Android app to a desktop application for Windows within an hour as described below.
As already mentioned, the crossplatform development background is my main reason for posting this here. The app for Android has been developed in a way, that makes it easy to convert it to other platforms. The graphical user interface has for this reason been developed with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and can therefore simply be rendered in any common webview. Regarding the core mechanics, basic C / C++ has been used in combination with some preprocessor quirks in order to easily compile it for arbitrary targets. The remaining parts like persistent preference containers have eventually been implemented by utilizing a custom domain specific language in Xtext, which again makes crossplatform development feasible by utilizing code generation.
I highly appreciate any feedback, so please do not hesitate with any advices or suggestions.


[Q] I need to help get Code "Bubble Bobble"

I need Sample Code "Bubble Bobble" to help my homework
... what?
Even if somebody has the code to Bubble Bobble lying around, I don't expect they'd post it here. Besides, there isn't evena true WP7 version of it (there are clones, but none with that name) so why are you asking on the WP7 forum?
If you need sample code for a WP7 application, there are lots of open-source apps you could look at (check on sites like Codeplex or Sourceforge, but remember that the apps are still copyrighted and you need to follow the license requirements). There are also app samples in both the development tools and tutorials (both free online).
How to write it ?
How to write it ?
XNA Code : ???
Dude, if you want to discuss app development, the app developer forum is http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=607 and the apps&games forum is http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=851. If you want us to do your coding assignments for you, I think you've misunderstood the purpose of this forum.
I suggest you read some basic tutorials on XNA and look at some of the samples. The coding style is pretty simple; it's your basic interact/update loop (the engine renders the current step and accepts input from the user, then updates the game model for the next "step"). Coding is typically done in C#. For a 2D game you don't need to mess with models, just textures which is programmer-ese for "pictures on the screen" (which can overlap, resize, move, rotate, and show or hide - for example, you could display colored balls using a single texture that you put different colors on, or multiple textures if you wanted them to have different patterns too).
Code is available online, look for it... its called internet.
And if you are just going to cheat on this assignment, how the hell do you expect to learn anything ?

[Q] Hello World!

Thats where I'm at...
I'm going to learn java then transition to android with the end-result being an app developed for android. I don't think it will be a difficult app to develop. A database with a front end GUI for data entry and retrieval with export and backup options. Nothing flashy or fancy, but nothing that currently exists fits what I want it for the way I want it. I would like to have it done by the end of the year working around real life.
I am completely new to Programming. More of a power user, but that is where it ends... I am a complete user.
I bought a book called Java 7 for absolute beginners by Jay Bryant (ISBN 1430236868)... Can't link to it because of anti-spam rules. Don't know if it will help.
What are some other books (I can't learn with e-books... I do better with a textbook) that the experts here would recommend?
Java is good, but you also have to learn all about the Android system.
This includes activities, providers, cursors, listviews and any number of things that are not in your Java book.
The usual mother lode for Android documentation is the, um, Android documentation!
Short advice on how to write your app (pretty much standard advice for anything at all DB related).
Write a provider for your information that is backed by an SQLite database.
Write an activity that queries this and uses Cursor and CursorAdapter to fill a ListView.
Renate NST said:
Java is good, but you also have to learn all about the Android system.
This includes activities, providers, cursors, listviews and any number of things that are not in your Java book.
The usual mother lode for Android documentation is the, um, Android documentation!
Short advice on how to write your app (pretty much standard advice for anything at all DB related).
Write a provider for your information that is backed by an SQLite database.
Write an activity that queries this and uses Cursor and CursorAdapter to fill a ListView.
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I wanted to learn the programming language basics before throwing android into it.

[Q] Which Tool Is Right for Me?

I'm wondering, based on experience witch of these people would recommend for mobile app development. (Please mention which of these you actually have experience using.)
I'm an "old school" developer and am proficient in PHP/PERL, HTML, CSS and Javascript. I don't have time to learn a new language like C# and I refuse to use Microsoft's tolls (like .NET, Visual Studio, etc.) but I would spend the time maybe to pickup up RUBY (or maybe Java) if enough benefit was there in the associated mobile app development tool.
I want as close to native as possible with 90%+ cross-platform solution, meaning, 5-10% of the source code may differ due to differences in platform. I will only be developing for Android and IOS (sorry Windows) but may develop for Windows Down the road. Some apps I may develop may be enterprise class that need to get remote data from SQL Server, etc. I have done research and narrowed down my selection and am looking for further insight from those that have actually used these tools. Things that are also important to me include:
- Low cost (I can't afford to pay $100+ a month in fees)
- Good/Large Developer Community
- Good Support from Maker (good roadmap with improvements, bug fixes frequent, etc.)
PhoneGap - This seems like the most popular but it sounds like the "quickest" route for most web developers that are familiar with HTML and Javascript/CSS but to me it sounds like I might want something that is closer to native being that my primary core knowledge has always been as a coder first, and a web developer/designer second.
Appcellerator Titanium - This seems like the other most popular tool that claims to compile so the app uses the devices native controls (via Titanium API) instead of essentially an HTML page masquarading as an app (like PhoneGap) My gut says this one suits my situation better than Phonegap. Why do people use PhoneGap instead of this, because it's easier for non-programmers?
RhoMobile Rhodes - I am wondering how this compares to the two above assuming I learn RUBY on Rails.
Telerik Icenium (now called AppBuilder) - This one I have found the least discussion about.
I just ran across Codename One too which sounded intriguing as would require me to learn Java.
It seems most everyone (that isn't doing native) is using PhoneGap or Titanium and the second two are lesser known so I'm having a hard time finding people that has at least some brief experience using all four or five of these.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
jazee said:
I'm wondering, based on experience witch of these people would recommend for mobile app development. (Please mention which of these you actually have experience using.)
I'm an "old school" developer and am proficient in PHP/PERL, HTML, CSS and Javascript. I don't have time to learn a new language like C# and I refuse to use Microsoft's tolls (like .NET, Visual Studio, etc.) but I would spend the time maybe to pickup up RUBY (or maybe Java) if enough benefit was there in the associated mobile app development tool.
I want as close to native as possible with 90%+ cross-platform solution, meaning, 5-10% of the source code may differ due to differences in platform. I will only be developing for Android and IOS (sorry Windows) but may develop for Windows Down the road. Some apps I may develop may be enterprise class that need to get remote data from SQL Server, etc. I have done research and narrowed down my selection and am looking for further insight from those that have actually used these tools. Things that are also important to me include:
- Low cost (I can't afford to pay $100+ a month in fees)
- Good/Large Developer Community
- Good Support from Maker (good roadmap with improvements, bug fixes frequent, etc.)
PhoneGap - This seems like the most popular but it sounds like the "quickest" route for most web developers that are familiar with HTML and Javascript/CSS but to me it sounds like I might want something that is closer to native being that my primary core knowledge has always been as a coder first, and a web developer/designer second.
Appcellerator Titanium - This seems like the other most popular tool that claims to compile so the app uses the devices native controls (via Titanium API) instead of essentially an HTML page masquarading as an app (like PhoneGap) My gut says this one suits my situation better than Phonegap. Why do people use PhoneGap instead of this, because it's easier for non-programmers?
RhoMobile Rhodes - I am wondering how this compares to the two above assuming I learn RUBY on Rails.
Telerik Icenium (now called AppBuilder) - This one I have found the least discussion about.
I just ran across Codename One too which sounded intriguing as would require me to learn Java.
It seems most everyone (that isn't doing native) is using Cordova/PhoneGap or Titanium and the second two are lesser known so I'm having a hard time finding people that has at least some brief experience using all four or five of these.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
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Both Phonegap and Appcelerator compile into a native package containing a mix of native and javascript and with both you develop your code using Javascript. As you've pointed out, one of the key differences is that Appcelerator will use the native device OS widgets rather than web widgets. In simple terms the layout is abstracted into an XML format which is then rendered into native equivalents during compilation for each of the platforms.
Depending on your application, native widgets may be important, or not. For example if you're developing a game then it could actually be advantages not to use the native widgets and have an essentially identical look and feel across all device platforms and screen aspect ratios.
The other difference is that Phonegap is free, (though their optional build service is not). Appcelerator is priced on a monthly subscription, but you also get some cloud features included in that.
Other popular cross platform tools to check out: Xamarin (native widgets, C# development, non-Free), ReactJS (native widgets, Javascript development, free-open source)
You can also try using Ionic and Cordova frameworks, They support cross-platform development and in my opinion have good documentation support

[Q] App Dev -Do I have the skills?

I'm a self-taught web enthusiast at the level of integrating and editing JS and PHP scripts on responsive websites using a text-editor and my own server. I've set up and displayed some MySql tables, understand the structure of CMS. I learned some JavaScript, and see the idea behind event-driven behaviors and the step by step executions necessary in terms of general programming, broadly at least in terms of graphic interface.
Based on these skills, I have two goals:
I have an idea for a relatively simple, mobile app. At first glance, frameworks like AppInventor or App Maker seem simplistic. Does this drag and drop-based development allow for manipulating code, and making it do exactly what I want?
Could I be steps away from getting into app development or getting a programming job? Or would I need to know more about version-control, complex IDEs, and a language other than JavaScript and CSS, at least in terms of getting a real job.
Thanks a lot.

Native vs Cross Platform

Hi everyone. I know that it's not a new subject, but I think it's a good subject to discuss about. It's the first question for any developer who wants to start a new project as everyday we can see new frameworks and languages comming up for development. After years of development now when I want to start a new project think about it again. It will be great if any one who has any experience can share it here. Because it's the experiences and times that show us if a decision was a good one or not. We can write about different parameters we considered to start a project, challenges and the results. Please feel free to add any other item you think is important to consider.
I start by myself:
Subject: A Network Communication App
Long/Short term consideration: Long term
Target platforms considered at start: android, windows
Target platforms implemented: after 2 years, android, windows, linux, (ios just newly started)
Framework: Qt5 (a cross platform framework)
Challenges: We used a crossplatform framework but as you know any OS has it's considerations and styles for development. Also different frameworks have different capacities for handling these features. In this project one of the challenges we had was the way android handles services and activities. We had to separate our UI from the logic controllers completely and implement a way to communicate between these separated processes. Also we had to implement the OS based features separately for each OS like notifications and alarms. Fortunately Qt let you use native codes for these specific features. For example you can use native java codes for showing a notification or playing system native sounds and alarms.
Pros: We implemented our UI just once and used it for all platforms. Also we implemented network and controller threads once and used them for all platforms. In this way if we need any change in our protocols or UI, we just develop them once. So we have one development team for all of them.
Result: Cross Platform with Qt was a good decision at that time for that project. Specially for a small team like what we had, because after you implement the base of a project like this you have to support it for a long time and add features to it. If we were using native codes, now we had to have separated teams for developing new features and supporting it.
It's great to read about other people stories. So Please let us know about them.
Native vs. Cross-Platform
Native apps are developed only for a specific platform. These apps are formed in a language cooperative with the platform. Apple, for instance, prefers Objective C and Swift for iOS while Google supports Java for Android. Using these satisfactory languages, developers can create safer use of the inherent features of these platforms. A native app developed for Android will not function on iOS and vice versa.
Cross-platform apps are cooperative with various platforms. Due to the market share of Android and iOS, most cross-platform apps are confined to these two operating systems. These apps are produced in HTML and CSS since these official web technologies are platform-independent. Several cross-platform application development tools enable developers to create these apps with little trouble.

